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Author's Notes

"This publication ushers in a new series. At the moment I can't tell you how many chapters there will be because I haven't finished writing it. In this story you will meet Danny Collins, a young man in high school who develops a relationship with an older married woman. She will teach him everything he needs to know to become a superior lover. The story will continue while he meets and seduces others. I hope you enjoy my story. My thanks to ChrisM for editing."

Here we are, dear reader, at the beginning of another tale. I am still determining how long it will be. I know it's a story I need to tell, and I hope you'll enjoy it.

Let me set the scene. This story begins in 1966. It means that most of it won't make sense if you are under fifty years old. In that year, there were no cell phones and, thus, no texting. There were no personal computers, so there was no email. If you wanted to talk with someone, you had to call them from a telephone that was probably mounted on the wall in your family's kitchen. People wrote letters to friends and family. A postage stamp cost 5¢. Pants were coming into fashion for women, young and old. They most commonly wore skirts and dresses.

This story is about Danny Collins, a young man whose sixteenth birthday was in May of 1966. In the Fall, he would be in his second year of high school. He didn't drive yet. His parents would only allow him to take the driving test once he had passed Driver's Ed at school. Danny was a good student and played on the school tennis team. He had yet to have a date with a girl. There had been a couple of girlfriends, but Danny was 'sweet sixteen and had never been kissed.' His knowledge of women was just slightly above zero.

His life was simple and uncomplicated. He was happy and looking forward to another school year.

When Danny made it to the family kitchen a little past 10:00 on the first day of summer, he found his mother wearing an apron and preparing to make a pie.

"Good morning, Danny," she said in greeting, but he knew the look on her face. He knew she was about to make a pronouncement.

"Morning, Mom. Whacha makin'?"

"I'm making an apple pie. It's your father's favorite, and you should not eat any of it without permission."

"I know the apple pie rule, Mom. I'm just going to have some Cheerios for breakfast."

Mrs. Collins waited until her son was seated at the kitchen table before beginning her lecture. "You are sixteen now, Danny, and you won't be lying around the house and sleeping until noon. I know that you have some requirements from school for the summer. Besides the reading assignments, you must also do some public service. What do you have in mind?"

"Oh, I don't know, Mom," he answered, stirring his cereal. "I thought maybe I'd volunteer at the library or something like that."

His mother actually smiled because her son had given it some thought. "That's not a bad idea, but I have a suggestion for you. Do you know the DeAngelo's, a few houses down the street?"

I've seen Mr. DeAngelo but haven't met him.

"Mr. DeAngelo is in the Army, and I understand he is on his way to Vietnam."

"That's not good," Danny said as he sat up straight, looking at his mother.

"He's been in the Army for a few years, and I feel he'll be fine. The point is Mrs. DeAngelo will be taking care of everything on her own. It would be a fine gesture for you to cut her grass and keep her yard. It would count as time for your public service."

"Yeah, I could do that," Danny said with a smile. "I like the idea of helping people when they need it."

"Good. That's settled," Mrs. Collins said, proud of her son for taking on the challenge. "After you finish breakfast, you should walk down and introduce yourself to Mrs. DeAngelo. I haven't met her, but I believe her to be a very nice person. I'm sure she'll welcome your help. Remember, son, you will not charge her for your work. For it to be public service, you may not charge."

"Oh, sure, Mom. I wouldn't charge a poor woman who needs a little help."

Betty Collins went about pie making, pleased that she had started her son off on a good track for the summer.

Danny thought, "Hey, it's a once-a-week job. It'll take a few hours, and then I'll be free to go the school and play tennis. This will be great."


As Danny walked up the front sidewalk at the DeAngelo house, Vivian DeAngelo saw him approaching and wondered who he was. She decided he was a handsome young man and guessed his height at about six feet. He had nicely trimmed brown hair. The young man was wearing shorts that exposed his well-toned legs.

When Danny knocked on her door, Vivian quickly opened it. "Hi," she said with a smile. "How can I help you?"

"Well," he stuttered. "It's more like, can I help you?" When she said nothing, Danny continued, "My Mom says that your husband is in the Army and has been transferred away. I thought you could use some help keeping up your yard. It gets pretty hot here, and the grass grows fast."

Vivian gave him a warm smile. "What would you charge me to cut my grass?"

"Oh, nuthin' at all, Mrs. DeAngelo. I have a public service requirement for school for the summer. I would do it to help you out. If your husband is off protecting our country, it's the least I could do for you."

"What's your name?" she asked.

"I'm Danny Collins," he managed to say. To his shock, Mrs. DeAngelo was an exceptional beauty. He had expected someone that looked more like his mother. This woman was blonde and beautiful with big brown eyes. He wasn't an expert on the subject, but he guessed she was not wearing a bra. He could see the little tents that her nipples made in her tee shirt.

Vivian opened the screen door. "Come in, Danny Collins, and we'll discuss what you can do for me." She led him to her kitchen and asked him to sit at the table. "I'll pour us both a glass of iced tea, and we can discuss your proposal."

Danny watched Vivian move around the kitchen, getting glasses and ice and pouring tea. In the well-lit room, he saw that she was quite beautiful. He could have been better at guessing ages, but he didn't think she could be over thirty. Vivian was wearing shorts. He could see that her skin was pale and soft but toned.

"Do you have a lawn mower, Mrs. DeAngelo?"

Putting the glass down in front of Danny, she sat down. "If you will be working for me, call me Vivian. Mrs. DeAngelo seems much too formal. But to answer your question, yes, we have all the apparatus you'll need. Tony…  my husband, purchased all new stuff when we moved here less than six months ago. There's a new gas-powered mower as well as an edger. I'm sure you'll find them like new. Tony keeps all of his toys in great shape."

"I can use yours or bring my mower from home," he explained.

"I'm happy for you to use ours," she said with a smile. "So, tell me about yourself, Danny. How old are you, and where do you go to school?"

"I go to Lee High. You know, it was named for Robert E. Lee. I'll start my sophomore year in September and play on the school tennis team. My family goes to the Methodist church down on Maple Street."

"Tennis?" she said, looking down at Danny's legs. “That explains your muscular legs. Are you a good tennis player?"

"Oh, I'm just pretty average," he blushed. "As a Freshman, I was the fifth man on the team. I hope to move up to fourth this year."

"You're certainly tall."

"Yes, ma'am. I guess so. It gives me an advantage with my serve. My longer arms help me to have a hard serve."

After a little conversation and emptying the tea glasses, Vivian took Danny to the separate garage, showed him how to open it, and pointed out the lawn equipment. She pointed out the gas can and suggested she could get it refilled when he needed it.

Vivian left him in the garage and returned to her kitchen. When Danny began mowing, she moved from window to window, watching him. As she studied the young man, her husband's words rang in her ears. "Find yourself a stud-muffin while I'm gone. With your looks and great tits, you can find someone to keep that pussy wet and exercised. I'll be gone a year and want you tuned up and ready for me when I return."

When Danny got to the backyard, he removed his shirt and left it hanging on the fence. Vivian admired the young man's chest and wondered if he had any sexual experience. As she watched, she noticed that her panties were getting damp. She wanted to masturbate but didn't want to be busy when Danny finished the job.

It took another hour for Danny to complete edging the yard and cleaning up. He picked up his shirt from the fence and walked onto Vivian's back screen porch. He knocked, and Vivian was there immediately.

"Come in, Danny," she said, standing back to let him in. "It is so hot out there already. Let me get you another glass of tea."

Danny expected to go home but didn't want to miss another opportunity to see more of Vivian.

"You are dripping wet," Vivian said as she ran her fingers over his sweaty shoulder.

The feel of her finger on his bare skin ran a shiver down his back.

"You are so hot," she said. "I think you should take a shower and cool off."

"I'll do that as soon as I get home," he told her.

"That won't do," she insisted. "I'll not have you getting sick after doing yard work for me."

"I'll just…"

"Never mind that," she insisted. "Come with me." She led Danny down a hallway to her bedroom. "Now you get in there and take a cool shower. I have a dryer and will dry your clothes before you go home. I don't want your mother to think I'm taking advantage of you. Drop your clothes outside the bathroom door, and I'll get them. When you're finished, you can put on Tony's robe that's hanging on the back of the door."

Danny thought this was all strange, but he had been raised to obey adults. If Vivian wanted him to take a shower, he wouldn't complain. And he had to admit that the cool water running over his head was refreshing.

Once he was out of the shower, Danny toweled off and slipped on the terrycloth robe. He stepped outside the bathroom, saying, "I'm finished, Vivian. Do you have my clothes?"

She seemed to pop into sight, taking a long look at him. "Come here," she demanded. "Let me dry your hair." Vivian pulled out a chair for him to sit on and used another towel to dry his hair.

As she worked, Vivian stopped, pulled back the robe, and put her hands on his bare shoulders. "Danny, I have a question. Have you had sex yet?"

"Gosh no, Vivian," he said with a blush. "My Mom would probably shoot me if she thought I was having sex."

"Then that's information we won't share with her," she said, leaving Danny to wonder what she meant.

When his hair was dry, Vivian moved him to her bed, requesting that he lay down on his back. She suggested that he rest a bit before getting dressed and going home. Once he was on his back, Vivian sat down beside him. "I have some more questions," she said as she untied the belt around his waist.

She opened the robe, exposing his naked flesh. Vivian put her hand under his chin and slowly moved it down his torso, stopping past his waist. "Do you jerk off, Danny?"

Danny was scared to answer her question.

"Do you?"

"Sure," he finally answered. "I think every boy my age does that."

"Do you do it more than twice a day?"

"Oh, I guess sometimes," he said softly as he noticed that his cock was starting to stiffen without his permission.

"You enjoy it, don't you?"

"Sure I do. If it wasn't fun, I wouldn't do it."

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"But you don't let your mother know, right?"

"Gosh, no," he replied.

"That's too bad," Vivian said as she pushed her hand down and around his stiffening penis. "Jerking off is fun, and you should be able to do it whenever you want."

Danny was about to scream. No person had ever touched his cock. To have this beautiful woman do it was beyond belief.

Vivian squeezed his member, saying, "You've got a beautiful dick, Danny."

(Remember, readers… it was 1966. No one called it a cock yet. It was a dick.)

As Vivian looked at his hardening staff, she began to stroke it. "Does that feel good, Danny?"

"You'd better believe it," he sputtered.

"I like to stroke my husband's dick. He likes to play with my tits while I jerk him off. Would you like to do that, Danny?"

Now that his cock had gained steel status, he was unable to assemble a sentence. He finally said, "Yes."

Vivian let go of his member and stood beside the bed. She took off the tee shirt she was wearing to expose her exquisite breasts to this sixteen-year-old boy.

"Oh, look at you," she said, sitting back on the bed with her breasts facing Danny. "You've already got pre-cum oozing out of that beautiful dick." She put her hand on the head and swirled it around. Vivian turned back to Danny and licked her thumb. "You taste good too."

That was almost more than he could handle. When she took his member in her hand again and stroked it, Danny told her, "I'm gonna cum, Vivian. If you don't stop, I'll cum!"

"That's what I want, baby," she murmured to him, moving her hand faster. "Cum for me. I want to see it."

Danny had masturbated many times in his short life and had always enjoyed the result. But this time was magical. A soft, feminine hand was stroking his cock, and his need to cum was beyond his ability to stop. His toes curled as he shot a hot stream of semen at least a foot in the air that landed on his chest and belly. That stream was followed by another and another. Vivian kept stroking until the eruptions stopped, and her hand was covered with cum.

"Oh, my," she sighed. "That was incredible. You are quite a man to be so young." Vivian lifted her hand for Danny to see. "Look at all that beautiful cum," she whispered before she licked it from her fingers.

Danny was shocked and excited at the same time. He had never heard of a woman ingesting a man's spunk. It was wildly arousing. He watched as she ran her fingers through the cream on his chest before rubbing it on her nipples.

She smiled at Danny, asking, "Did you enjoy that?"

"It was incredible," he replied in a gasp.

Vivian stood again to remove her shorts and panties. "Do you like how I look?" she asked as she turned around for him.

"You are simply amazing," he stuttered, his eyes fixed on her blonde hairy crotch.

She got back on the bed and straddled Danny's chest. As she settled down, he could feel her pussy was hot and wet against his skin. The combined sensations of sight and feeling were beyond his imagination. His cock remained as hard as a stone.

Vivian leaned forward, pressing one of her breasts to his mouth. Nature took over, and Danny began to lick and suck her nipples, tasting his own cum. It suddenly felt like the right thing to do. He was not repulsed in the least by the taste of his fluids.

She moved one breast into his mouth and then the other, over and over again.

Danny wasn't sure what he should do, but as he went after her breasts in an animal-like attack, his hands grasped her ass cheeks and squeezed them. He could feel her pubic hair moving against the skin on his chest. He was surprised to find that it was soft. There was no doubt in his mind that she had rubbed it through the cum on his chest. He found that thought to be wildly arousing.

Vivian moved her face down to his and kissed him. Danny had kissed a few girls, but nothing like what he was getting from this mature woman. She was groaning into his mouth and inserting her tongue. It only took Danny a few seconds to learn this new skill and embrace it totally.

After a long, intense kiss, Vivian put her mouth beside his ear. "I need your dick now, Danny. I need to be fucked. It's okay to cum inside me. I want to feel your hot cum in my pussy."

Danny had never heard a female use the kind of language Vivian was using. It was startling and sexy beyond anything he could imagine.

Vivian slid her body slowly down his until she felt his stiff cock touch her thigh. "You want this, don't you?"

"Yes," he answered, afraid she might stop.

Lifting herself up, Vivian hovered above his stiff cock and slowly lowered herself until she had taken in the head.

This was something Danny had never experienced. He watched the head of his cock disappear inside this beautiful woman and thought he might have an orgasm immediately. She continued taking more of his staff until it was all inside her. Vivian put her hands on his chest, smiled, and said, "We will both enjoy this."

Vivian began to slide up and down his shaft, going faster and faster. She closed her eyes and began to moan and hold her breasts. After a few minutes, she changed from an up-and-down motion to gliding back and forth. "Is it good, baby?" she asked. "Do you like my pussy?"

Danny was unable to speak. This beautiful and crazy woman was taking him to an unknown world. His head was spinning.

It took another two minutes for Vivian's eyes to open wide, and she cried out, "Oh fuck, Danny. I'm cumming!"

He felt the walls of her pussy grasp his cock like a hand, and her body trembled. At the same time, he filled her with his second load of semen.

Vivian collapsed on his chest, breathing hard but still holding his cock inside her. After a minute, she said, "You're still hard. Does that mean you want more?"

Usually, when Danny jerked off, his member would get soft after an orgasm. He could feel that his cock was still as hard as it was when it went inside her. "How could I not want more?" he answered.

Rolling over, she pulled him along until he was on top of her. Vivian locked her legs around his and kissed him. Breaking the kiss, she said, "Now fuck me, Danny. I want it hard and deep."

Danny had never done this, but he took to it like a duck takes to water. He seemed to know exactly what to do. He slammed into Vivian with the strength of a sixteen-year-old. His only thought was that he wanted this to last forever.

After several minutes of hard fucking, they enjoyed another mutual orgasm, and Danny rolled off of her. He lay panting beside her, smiling up at the ceiling.

"You know," she said, her hand touching his cheek. "It doesn't always happen like that."

"Like what?"

"Two people having sex rarely reach a climax at the same time. When I'm having sex with Tony, I usually have two or three orgasms before he has one."

"Did I do it wrong?" Danny asked in a concerned voice.

"No, baby," she whispered. "You did it exactly right. I don't think you were telling me the truth. I think you've had sex many times," she said, hoping to stroke his ego.

"No. I promise. It was the first time for me. I've never had sex with a woman before."

"Well, what do you think?" she asked. "Are you going to want to do it again?"

"Are you willing to have sex with me again?" he answered.

Vivian rolled over on top of Danny, holding his face. "Before my husband left town, he told me to find a lover. He wanted me to keep my pussy in shape for when he comes back home. Would you like to be my lover?"

"Are you kidding?"

"I'm not kidding," she said with a grin, amused at his boyish charm. "For the months ahead, my pussy is yours. I'll show you every sexual position and teach you things you won't believe."

"I must be dreaming," Danny gushed.

"You're not. This is real. When my husband is home, he fucks me at least four times a day. That's what I'm accustomed to and what I'd like to have every day."

Danny couldn't believe what he was hearing. He was being issued an invitation to have sex with this gorgeous woman every… single… day.

"Are you serious about every day?" he asked.

"Whenever you have time for me, I'll be here, naked and ready for you."

This time, Danny pulled Vivian to him and kissed her with wild abandon. As he kissed her, he caressed her breasts before moving down to finger her dripping pussy.

"Don't stop, Danny," she demanded. "I'm gonna cum again. Make me cum, baby."

Again, her body trembled as she cried out, "Fuck!"

As Vivian was recovering from her orgasm, Danny was thinking that he should probably get dressed and go home before his mother became concerned about how long he'd been gone. But when he started to move, Vivian scooted around and took his still semi-hard cock in her mouth.

Danny almost screamed. He and his buddies had talked about 'blow jobs' forever, but no one had ever had one. Now, without any discussion, Vivian had his cock in her mouth. He had to admit, it was almost as good as her pussy.

When she came up for air, Vivian gasped. "Your dick tastes so good, Danny. It's covered with your cum and mine. I could do this forever."

She kept it up for long enough that Danny felt another orgasm approaching. "You need to stop, Vivian," he said, touching her shoulder. "I'm gonna cum again."

She stopped long enough to tell him, "I want you to," and continued her mission.

A minute later, Danny cried out, "Oh, Fuck!" and exploded in her mouth.

After she had licked up every bit of his spunk, Vivian moved back on top of Danny. "You taste wonderful," she said with a grin. "I hope you'll let me do that more often."

"It really was incredible," he confessed. "I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did."

"Oh, trust me," she announced. "I loved it. Now the only thing left for you to do is cum in my ass."

Now Danny was genuinely shocked. He had never heard of anal sex. He and his buddies had discussed everything possible about sex. Still, no one had ever suggested putting their rod in a female's butt. What the Hell?

"But that's for another day," Vivian cooed. "Now you need to get dressed and go home. I don't want your mother thinking that I'm abusing her son."

Vivian was still naked when she walked Danny to the back door. "When you want me, just come in this back door. I'll keep it open for you. You come whenever you want, day or night. I know we are going to enjoy each other."

Danny looked down on her naked body, knowing that he needed to go but wanting desperately to stay and fuck her once more.

That afternoon and all night before sleep, Danny's mind was filled with memories of what he'd done with Vivian DeAngelo. When he was in bed, he visualized the scene when she went down on him and took his spunk in her mouth. In his mind, he heard her whisper, "I need your dick now, Danny. I need to be fucked." His cock was as hard as a brick, and he had to jerk off once more. As he went to sleep, Danny thought, "I'll go see her tomorrow and see if she was telling me the truth."

Edited by ChrisM

Written by JefferyB
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