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Discovery - Part 4

"Diane is exposed to luxury lingerie and sex toys for the first time."

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Author's Notes

"This is Part 4 of a ten part series."

Part 4



As they walked through the store, Diane’s eyes went from one beautiful display of bras and panties to the next. The colors were wonderful. Some of the garments were quite daring. She was excited to find out what Marsha had planned.

Going past the regular fitting rooms, Marsha led Diane to a door tucked away in back of the store. “This is our private room for special guests. You will be comfortable here and should feel very safe as I am the only person that has a key to this room.

Inside was a room approximately twelve feet square with a series of full-length mirrors mounted at various angles against the far way. The mirrors were designed to give an almost wraparound view of the person standing in front of them. There was a table and a large, overstuffed chair. Seeing the chair, Diane guessed that a man might sit there to see his woman trying on lingerie. The idea captivated her.

Once they were both in the room, Marsha said, “Why don’t you get undressed so I can see what I’m working with?”

“How undressed?” Diane asked, somewhat surprised, but then realized it was the only way to be fitted for lingerie.

“Completely,” Marsha said with a friendly smile. “I need to see how you’re built and take some measurements before I start selecting things for you.”

Diane quickly reasoned that she’d spent most of the last twenty-four hours naked. A little more wouldn’t make any difference. Her life had indeed taken a significant turn in a short period. But as she began to undress, she knew that this change was one of the best things that could have taken place.

When Diane stood in only bra and panties, Marsha knew instantly why Mr. Kingsly wanted this woman in new lingerie. She could see that Diane had a fabulous body, but her underclothing was hideous. “Go ahead and take those off too while I get my measuring tape.”

When Marsha found the tape and turned around, she stood stock still looking at a naked Diane. “If I had a body like yours,” she told Diane, “I’d become a high priced hooker and retire with millions of dollars in two years. You are stunning.”

“Thank you,” Diane said, feeling her face flush. The last time a woman had seen her naked was her roommate back in college.

“Come stand here in front of the mirrors,” Marsha directed. “We have lights here that make it easier to see.” The woman wrapped the tape around Diane’s breast, waist, and then her hips. “I’ve got your measurements. Do you have any ideas about what you’d like to try?”

“I really don’t,” Diane said as she watched the woman through the mirrors. She could see that Marsha was admiring her naked body. “You’ll have to be my guide, Marsha. I just don’t know anything about fancy underwear. I’ve never owned anything that wasn’t cotton and white.”

Marsha moved to the side to inspect Diane’s breasts. The only word that came to mind for her was ‘perfect.’ There was absolutely no sag to them. Diane’s breasts were firm and round, with lovely pink nipples. “You make me wish I was a lesbian,” Marsha said jokingly, making Diane blush.

Finally tearing her eyes off of Diane’s body, Marsha said, “Give me a few minutes to pick out some things for you. You can relax in the chair if you wish. It will take me about ten minutes.”

As the store manager reached the door, Diane stopped her. “Marsha, how do you know David?”

“He’s been a customer for some years now,” she told Diane. “He’s been giving gift certificates to his employees for a while. He directs them to come to this store and request me to help them.” Then noticing Diane’s expression, she added. “I only know him as a customer. He’s always been very kind and thoughtful. I’ve never seen him outside the store if that’s what you’re wondering.”

When Marsha was gone, Diane turned back to view her reflection, studying her naked body from all sides. She compared what she saw here to the view from the mirror in the bathroom, scanning her body from toes to nose attempting to see herself as David saw her. Her eyes examined her newly shaved crotch. Turning from side to side, Diane decided that she liked the new look. “I could even wear one of those tiny bikinis now,” she said to herself.

Putting a hand between her legs, Diane felt the softness of her skin. Touching herself made her understand David’s remarks about having his face sandwiched between her thighs. A shiver ran through her as she remembered David’s tongue and probing fingers in the shower. “I hope that happens again,” she said softly.

Marsha came back into the dressing room with her hands filled with a variety of multicolored garments. “Have you ever worn thong panties?” she asked.

“No. Never,” Diane answered. “I’ve never worn anything other than what I had on when I came in.”

“I thought that might be the case,” Marsha said as she sorted through the pile. “You may not be comfortable in thongs, but they would be perfect for you for two reasons. First, you have a remarkable bottom, and a thong would show it off better than anything else. Second, thongs hide any panty lines. I have several types of thongs. I’d like for you to try on this one first.”

Diane took the tiny piece of lace from Marsha and stepped into it. Turning toward the mirrors, she said, “I love lavender, and these are just beautiful.” Turning from side to side, Diane studied herself in the mirror before she turned to see her backside. “Oh my,” she gasped. “It’s as if I’m wearing nothing.”

“Some women don’t like the feel of the strap running up their butt crack. How does it feel to you?”

“I don’t think it’s uncomfortable,” Diane replied. “It’s just hard to imagine me wearing something so… bold.”

“If Mr. Kingsly saw you in those, he’d be hard in seconds,” Marsha said in a voice that was almost a whisper.

“That’s the way I like him,” Diane said before she considered what she was saying.

“Let’s see you in this one,” Marsha said as she handed Diane another tiny piece of lace.

Pulling the panty up, Diane turned to look at her rear.

“That style is called a ‘cheeky,’ because it shows about half of your ass without the thong strap. That style is also helpful in not showing a panty line. As you can see, the one you have on has an almost transparent back, so your man gets a look at all of your rear while your front is still hidden.”

“I like these,” Diane said with a smile. “How many colors do they come in?”

“More colors than I can name,” Marsha laughed. “But with your skin tone, hair, and nipples, I’d recommend black, blue ombre’, and a color we call suntan bronze.”

“What’s next?” Diane said, excitedly.

“This is something new this fall,” Marsha said, holding up the next one. “It’s called a Brazilian V and comes in half a dozen colors.”

After putting the new panty on, Diane said, “It fits quite high up on my hips. I would think it would be a problem with a skirt.”

“Quite honestly, Diane,” Marsha said with a grin. “I don’t think this panty was made to be worn under anything. To me, it was designed to draw your man's eyes between your legs. It’s something worn to arouse. There’s nothing practical about them.”

Looking in the mirror, Diane understood what Marsha was saying. “I got it,” she mumbled.

“But you can see that they fit like a glove. There are no mysteries with this panty,” Marsha said as she pointed at the way the garment fit Diane’s ass.

Handing Diane another style, Marsha said, “This one is called a hip hugger. It is designed to cover more skin, but still, show off your natural assets. It comes in about fifteen different colors. I would like this one on you in nude blush. It has a waistband that looks like leopard skin. It would also look great on you in grey and white.”

The women spent almost twenty minutes trying on the different styles of panties and selecting the styles that looked best on Diane.

“Ready to try some bras now?” Marsha asked. When Diane nodded, the store manager picked up one and held it out. “You’ll find that these are a different size than what you’ve been wearing. You are at least one cup size larger than you think. If I were you, I’d want to show off rather than cover-up.”

“This first one is called a triangle bra,” Marsha said, holding it out to Diane.

“There isn’t much to it,” Diane said as she slipped her breasts into it.

“The object of the exercise in this one is to show off as much as you can. As you can see, that is just a small patch of fabric covering your breast, and it is unlined. That way, your erect nipples can show through.” Reaching around, Marsha said, “I hope you don’t mind if I demonstrate.”

Marsha’s fingers lightly touched Diane’s nipple and rubbed. It took only a few seconds for the nipple to harden and show through the fabric. “This one is to tease your man.”

Picking up another, Marsha said, “If you want to expose a lot of your breasts, you might want to try one of these longline bras. They push everything forward and together.”

“I’ve never exposed anything,” Diane confessed, “But perhaps I’m going to.”

“Try this one on,” Marsha said, holding it out to Diane. “These are new and quite bold. There’s a bit of lace that covers your nipples, but the top and bottom of your breast are visible. This is not something you would wear for support.”

They spent another twenty minutes looking at the variety of bras before Marsha looked at her watch. “I think it’s time to start making some selections before Mr. Kingsly comes back. He said to fit you out for at least a week, so that would be seven sets.”

Diane was now at ease, standing in front of Marsha completely naked. She picked out four bras, telling Marsha that she would like to have two of each in different colors. Then picking our four different panties, she asked if Marsha could match the panties with the bras.

Making note of what Diane wanted, Marsha picked up her samples. As she started to leave, Marsha stopped and turned back to Diane. “I have a question that is absolutely none of my business, but I’m going to ask anyway. Is Mr. Kingsly good in bed?”

Diane blushed, looking away for a second. Turning back to the woman, she said, “I’ve not very experienced in sexual matters, but I can tell you that David is a magician in bed, and on the couch, in the shower, and against the wall. I get orgasmic as soon as he touches me.”

Marsha smiled. “Thanks. Let me know when you get tired of him.”

When the store manager closed the dressing room door, Diane picked up the clothes she had worn in and realized how unattractive they were. Picking up the bra, she pitched it into a nearby trash can and slipped her blouse on over bare breasts. She considered throwing away the panties as well but didn’t like the idea of wearing slacks without panties. Looking into the mirrors, Diane could see her nipples poking through the fabric of her blouse. “He’ll like that,” she said aloud.

Standing at the checkout counter beside Marsha, Diane saw David strolling in through the store’s front doors. He looked so handsome in tan slacks and a navy blue polo shirt. Her memory brought up a mental picture of him naked, and suddenly she wanted to be back in his bed.

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When he reached her, David put his arm around Diane’s waist. “Did you have fun?”

“We did,” Diane gushed. “We had a great time, and Marsha suggested I should become a hooker.”

Marsha was instantly embarrassed, but David knew Diane was teasing. “Then I’ll be your only customer,” he laughed. “Thanks for your help, Marsha. Do I need to sign anything for you?”

“No, Mr. Kingsly. I have your signature on file. Thank you for coming in. I hope to see you again, Diane.”

David took the four shopping bags filled with expensive lingerie and walked Diane out the door.

As they walked away, Marsha just shook her head. “I’d pay money to see the two of them fuck,” she muttered under her breath.

The sales assistant beside her asked, “Did you say something to me?”

“No,” Marsha replied. “I was just thinking out loud.”


Once inside David’s car, he turned the air conditioner on high. “Damn, but this town gets hot,” he announced.

“What did you do while I was picking out lingerie?”

“I did a little shopping of my own,” he said with a smile. “Did you have fun picking out girlie things?”

“I did!” Diane said brightly. “Marsha was such a nice woman, and she took the time to show me everything. I picked out some things I’m anxious to show you.”

“I expect to see everything you got,” he said as she reached over and patted her thigh. “I’ll want you to put on a fashion show for me.”

“You want me to model everything I got?”

“Everything,” she said as he squeezed her thigh.

“David,” she said softly. “I’m having a little trouble understanding why you spent so much money on gifts for me.”

“They aren’t for you, Diane. Those gifts are for me! You may enjoy wearing them, but the greater joy will be mine seeing you wearing them. Besides, I’ve seen what you wear, and I’ve looked in your underwear drawer. What you have can’t be called lingerie. When you get home, I want you to throw out everything you currently have.”

Diane considered that what he’d said was an indication that the two of them would be spending more time together. That was a thought that brought a smile to her face. “You really think I’m sexy, don’t you?”

“I don’t think it, sweetie. I know if for a fact. You may not know it, but you will come to understand it pretty soon.”

“I want to be sexy for you,” she said sincerely. “I would like you to be proud of me when we’re in public.”

He looked over at her. “There will be a day very soon when men will hate me because I’m with you. They will despise me because you are on my arm and not theirs. I’m going to show you how very sexy you are.”

“The store manager said if she had my body, she’d make a million dollars as a hooker.”

“You have all of the necessary equipment, Diane. You just haven’t learned how to merchandise it yet.” He grinned at her. “If you decide you want to go into the hooker business, you let me know. I’ll quit my job to be your pimp and take a commission from your income.”

Diane was quiet for a long moment. “Am I staying with you again tonight?”

“You are if you want to,” he responded.

“I’d love to,” Diane whispered as she touched his arm. “I have a feeling you have more to teach me.”

Looking into the back seat, Diane saw several packages that didn’t come from Victoria’s Secret. “What did you get while I was picking out lingerie?”

“I picked up a few things you’ll need,” he replied without taking his eyes off the road. “Can you reach that brown bag?”

Diane had to unlock her seatbelt to reach into the back seat and get the bag he mentioned. “Can I look inside?”

“Please do. There are two things in there that I want you to have.”

Opening the bag, she pulled out a box with pictures on the side, showing a strange-looking thing she’d never seen before. “What is this?” she said with wonder in her voice.

“It’s a girl’s best friend,” he said with a chuckle. “Every woman that enjoys sex should have one. It’s called a Rabbit. I’d guess it is the most popular vibrator in America today.”

“I’ve never had a vibrator,” Diane said in a gasp. “What’s this little one?”

“It’s called a mini vibe,” he told her. “You can carry it in your purse for those times that you need a little something to scratch your itch.”

“How does it work?”

“I believe there is a button on the bottom. It has three speeds. Each time you press the button, it changes the intensity of the vibration.”

David looked over to see that Diane was pressing the button and feeling the vibrations. “If you want to know how it works, take your pants off.”

Diane gave him a horrified look. “Take off my pants in the car?”

“Sure,” he laughed. “Who’s going to see while you’re in this car? Take ‘em off, and I’ll show you how it works.”

Diane wasn’t sure she wanted to take her pants off even if no one could see her, but she was burning with curiosity about how this little thing worked. Looking around to reassure herself that no one could see below her shoulders, Diane unbuttoned her slacks and pushed them down until they were on the floorboard. Once they were off, she had to admit that it felt very sexy to be almost naked. “Do I have to take off my panties too?”

“No,” he answered with a grin. “The point is this little machine can give you quick bites of pleasure with your clothes on. Now, lean back in your seat, open your legs just a bit, and press the mini against your panties right about where your clit is.”

Turning on the device, Diane did as she was told. The second the vibrator touched between her legs, she groaned. “Oh, David,” she cried out. “That’s wonderful.”

“Don’t stop,” he directed her. “Just keep it right there. You can move it if you want, but keep it against your clit. Lean back and close your eyes.”

Again Diane followed his directions. He noticed that after no more than a minute, she opened her legs wider as she slipped down in the seat a bit. “Oh, David,” she mumbled.

David continued driving, glancing to watch her as much as he could. He could hear the soft noises she was making. Another two minutes and she got loud. “Oh, David! I’m cumming!”

He saw her jerk several times before taking her little machine away from her sex. When he stopped at the next traffic light, David said, “I want you to keep that in your purse. It’s to use during the day when you need a little jolt of pleasure.”

“At work?” she said in disbelief.

“Of course, at work,” he insisted. “You women have this advantage of being able to masturbate at any time and any place. And with this little device, no one would know what you were doing from ten feet away.”

“Wow,” she said, holding up the toy to look it over. After a minute she put it back in the bag and took out the other one. “How does this one work?”

“You can see how it works right now, but you’ll have to take your panties off,” he said with an evil grin.

Diane looked around the car again. They were in busy downtown traffic. She guessed they were about ten minutes from his apartment. Adjusting her position in the seat, Diane pulled her cotton panties down and off, pitching them on top of her slacks.

David wanted to laugh. He couldn’t believe that this rule-following woman was actually sitting in his car naked from the waist down. She was obviously very anxious to know how the larger toy worked.

At another traffic light, David gave her instructions. “First, you have to think of your rabbit as a stiff cock. Put the tip in your mouth and get it nice and wet.” He watched as Diane leaned down so that no one outside the Cadillac could see what she was doing.

When she got it covered with her saliva, David told her, “Open your legs and push it into your pussy.”

Looking up at him briefly, she blushed but didn’t hesitate to follow his instructions. She leaned back against the soft leather seat once again and pressed the toy until it filled her. “That’s nice,” Diane whispered. “Not as nice as your thick cock, but still nice.”

“See the tip of that little arm looking thing?” he asked. “That should touch your clit.”

Diane turned the machine and made the adjustment.

“Down where your hand is, there’s a control panel. “Press the buttons to turn it on.”

“Oh My!” she moaned as soon as the Rabbit began to move.

“Press the different button combinations to get different sensations.”

When the toy began vibrating and moving, Diane began to slide it in and out. “Oh, David,” she growled, “This is sensational. It still doesn’t feel as good as you inside me, but fuck… this is great.”

Just then, David turned into his apartment’s parking garage, and he drove slowly up the sloped driveway to reach his assigned parking spot. As he drove, he continued to watch Diane fucking herself with the new toy. When he pulled into his space and stopped the car, she reached another orgasm, crying out in ecstasy.

Taking off his seatbelt, David leaned over to kiss Diane. As he kissed her, David took the toy in his hand and began fucking her with it. “It feels good, doesn’t it?” he whispered in her ear.

“Yes, it does,” she answered.

“Maybe I’ll just keep doing this until you cum again.”

“I’d rather have you inside me,” she replied. “Don’t you want to fuck me again, David?” she said as she opened her eyes. “I’d like for you to fuck me until I can no longer walk.”

“First, we’re going to have a fashion show, and then we’ll discuss the next activities.”

“In less than twenty-four hours, you’ve turned me into a total slut,” she said with a smile and pushed her hips against the toy. “Before I met you, I was a fairly reasonable and upstanding woman who never did naughty things. Now, after one night with you, I’m sitting naked in a car, begging for you to take me again. Are you going to make me your personal slut?”

“I’m thinking about it, baby,” he said before he kissed her again. David pulled the toy out of her wet pussy and wiped it off with her panties. “These panties are going in the trash, never to be worn again,” he told Diane. “You are free to wear anything you want, as long as it’s something I’ve given you. I don’t want this sweet pussy to ever be covered with cotton again. Are we clear?”

“Yes, sir,” Diane answered with a loving smile.

“Good,” he said with a grin. “Now, let’s get upstairs. I need some entertainment. After the fashion show, I’ll show you the other things I picked up for you.”

“There’s more?” she asked as she started to pull on her slacks.

“I have a few more things for you,” he replied. “Put those pants into one of the bags. You’ll go up the elevator with that sweet ass available for me to touch.”


“Do as I say,” he said sternly. “The top you’re wearing will cover your butt if we should happen to see anyone in the elevator.”

Following his instructions, Diane put her slacks into one of her Victoria Secret’s shopping bags and waited for David to come around and open her car door. Walking to the elevator, Diane could feel the hot air in the garage brushing up against her dripping pussy. By the time they reached the lift doors, she had decided she liked the feeling.

While the elevator moved up to the twentieth floor, David put his hand behind her and grabbed a handful of her perfect ass. Just as the doors opened, he said, “So you want me to fuck you until you can’t walk, huh?”

“If you don’t mind,” Diane laughed as she stepped out of the elevator ahead of him, pulling up her top to reveal her bare butt.

“The girl’s got style,” he mumbled and followed her out.


My sincere thanks to ChrisM for his efforts to make me a better writer.



Written by JefferyB
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