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Discovery - Part 3

"Diane has more new experiences as David leads her gently into an exciting new world."

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Author's Notes

"This is Part 3 of a ten part series."

Part 3


Looking at his bedside clock, David saw it was nearly midnight. “Why don’t we get under the covers and take a little nap before we start again?”

“Don’t you think I should go home?”

“Why? Is someone there waiting for you?” he asked.

“No. Of course not,” Diane sputtered. “Are you expecting me to spend the night with you?”

“I am,” he grinned. “You’re a big girl now. You can stay where you want.”

Looking at David with big eyes, she asked, “Are you planning to… you know… fuck me again?”

“That would be my plan,” he said and smiled.

Blushing, Diane replied, “Your plan will be my pleasure.”

Getting up, David pulled Diane off the bed. “Let’s pull the covers back and get between the sheets.” He let Diane get in first, admiring the perfection of her pale skin and perfectly shaped body against the contrast of his chocolate-brown sheets.

David slipped in next to her, pulling the sheets up to almost cover her breasts. Then leaning over, he began to softly kiss her lips. As they kissed, his hand found her breast. David’s mouth soon found the nipple and began to tease it with licks and small bites. When he felt her breathing heavily again, he reached between her thighs and found her sex was sopping wet. His fingers started to work in and out of her wetness, while his mouth continued to nibble on her breasts.

Before long, Diane was gasping for breath while she cried out. “I’m cumming again, David. Oh, god!”

Her body shook as the vaginal walls clenched around his invading fingers. Diane’s body had never experienced so much pleasure. She was tired to the point of exhaustion but still felt like she wanted more.

David rolled Diane onto her side, cuddling against her back. “Now close your eyes and get some rest. We can go again as soon as you want.”

She could feel his manhood pressed against her butt. Diane wanted to touch it but didn’t have the strength. She closed her eyes, and was quickly asleep.


A few minutes past three o’clock, David woke from a sweet dream. However, when he opened his eyes, David found it wasn’t a dream. He looked down to see Diane’s mouth filled with his cock. She was softly moaning as her head moved up and down on his shaft.

“Couldn’t sleep?” he asked.

Diane looked up with an embarrassed look on her face. “I’m sorry, David. But I woke up and it was hard. It was standing up, and it seemed to be calling to me. I just needed to feel you in my mouth again.”

“No need to apologize,” he told her. “It feels wonderful. You’ve learned how to do it very quickly.”

She had a firm grip on his cock with her hand. “I guess I’m just a slut,” Diane said softly as she looked admiringly as his stiff rod. “It feels so good in my mouth. I think I could make myself cum just sucking you off.”

“I’ll bet I can help with that,” David said as he pulled her closer to him and slipped two fingers inside her still dripping wet pussy.

“Oh,” she hissed. “Your fingers are magic. Now I know I’m gonna cum.” Diane quickly took his cock back in her mouth, working it harder and faster than before. She began to thrust her hips against the movements of his finger, and her groans of pleasure got louder. As she predicted, Diane came twice, with back to back orgasms, covering his hand with her fluids. Her body shaking, she begged, “Please cum for me, David. I want to taste you.”

He was ready and spurted a torrent of semen into her waiting mouth. This time his cock slipped out of her mouth and he covered her cheeks with long streaks of hot, white cum. To his surprise, the fluid on her face seemed to excite her as she quickly wiped it up and put it into her mouth, gasping as she sucked her fingers.

David pulled her up until her face was beside his. “I think you like that.”

“I do. I really do. I could do that all day long and not get tired of it.”

She kissed his chin, and David could smell his semen on her breath. As she lay there close to him, he could feel her heartbeat. His hands softly roamed over her silky, pale skin until he could tell that she had once again gone to sleep. David smiled, closed his eyes, and followed suit.


It was nearly 10:00 on Saturday morning when Diane woke. Looking around, she could see the room was empty. “David?” she called out.

“I’m in the kitchen,” she heard him say. “Put on that shirt I left on the bed and join me.”

As she reached for the shirt, Diane was struck with the fact that she’d slept naked all night. Never in her life had she done that. “I’ll do it again,” she said to herself with a smile.

After looking in the bathroom mirror and attempting to tidy her hair, Diane walked into the kitchen as she was rolling up the sleeves of the shirt he had left for her. “Good morning,” she said softly as she put her arms around his middle and pressed her face against his chest.

“Did you sleep well?”

“I slept quite well,” she said, looking up at him. “But I had this dream that I gave you a blow job.”

“Yeah, I know,” he smiled. “I had the same dream.”

“Are we just going to fuck all day?”

“You know, for someone who had never used the word ‘fuck,’ you’ve certainly mastered it very quickly.”

“I find it a very liberating word,” she responded. “And it perfectly describes what we were doing. There’s a big difference in fucking and making love or having sex for a purpose. Fucking is fun, and I want to do a lot more of it.”

“I’ll be most happy to assist you in that endeavor,” David laughed. “But there are a few things that need to happen today.”

“Things other than fucking?”

“We will be doing some things other than fucking, but they are things you will enjoy,” he assured her.

“Like what?” Diane asked.

David patted her bottom and turned back to the stove. “First, I’m going to feed you. I’m preparing an omelette with cheese and sausage. Do you drink coffee?”

“I love coffee.”

Pointing over her shoulder, David said, “The coffee maker is right there. The mugs are in the cabinet above it. The coffee pods are right beside it. Pick the one you like and make it. It’s ready to go right now.”

As she was making the coffee, Diane giggled, “What happens after you feed me? I hope it has something to do with sex.”

“It might lead to it,” David replied as he walked to her. Putting his hand between her legs, he took her auburn bush in his hand and pulled against it. “If you are planning on staying with me for more sex, this bush must come off.”

“How is that going to happen?”

“I’ll take care of it for you,” David said as he tugged on it once again and kissed her cheek.

Diane had a shiver run through her as she thought about this sexy man removing her pubic hair. She felt her body flush, and the hair stood up on her arms. She was almost too excited to eat, but David had prepared a lovely breakfast. While eating, her mind was between her legs, wondering what he would do to her.

It seemed to Diane that breakfast took forever, but finally, the dishes were put away, and the kitchen cleaned to his satisfaction. David took her hand and led her back to his bedroom.

“Stay right here,” he ordered, leaving her standing beside the bed. In a few minutes, he was back carrying a towel and what looked to Diane like electric clippers. “Take the shirt off,” he told her and spread this towel out on the sheets.”

When the towel was down, he told her to lie on her back in the middle of the cloth. “That’s lovely,” he said with a smile. “Now spread your legs out wide for me. I don’t want to cut anything but hair.”

For the first time since Diane came into his apartment, she was embarrassed. It was bright in the room, and she was exposing her sex to him. When she hesitated, David took her feet in his hands and moved them apart.

Looking down at her, he said, “It’s almost a shame to cut this beautiful bush of red hair, but it has to come off.” Positioning himself between her knees, David ran a comb through her patch of hair and felt Diane shiver. “Does that feel good?”

“Everything you do to me feels good,” she said in a husky voice. “Maybe you should fuck me first.”

Putting the comb down, David chuckled. “We’ll get to that soon enough. Now be still.”

Diane heard the hum of the electric clippers in his hand. “What kind of machine is that? She asked.

“It’s a beard trimmer, so it’s perfect for this job. From time to time, I’ve had a mustache or even a beard. I also use it to trim my own pubic hair. I don’t think a woman would like hair in the mouth any more than I do.”

She felt David run the clippers around the edges of her bush and could feel the hair being cut away. She began to wonder what it would look like when he was finished.

It took David almost five minutes to cut the hair away to his satisfaction. “As I suspected,” David said as he admired his work. “Your pussy is as sexy as the rest of you.” After brushing away all of her loose hair onto the towel, he leaned down and kissed her now bare pussy lips. “Sweet.”

Turning the clippers back on, David touched the barrel of the machine where he had just kissed. “Like that?”

The small vibration when right through Diane’s exposed sex and touched her clit. “Oh my,” she gasped. “I’ll give you just fifteen minutes to stop that.”

“That’s what I thought,” he said before turning the clippers off and pulling the hair covered towel out from under her. “We’re gonna have to get you some toys.”

“What kind of toys?”

“The kind you use to play with this beautiful pussy. I can’t be with you every night. It seems to me you now know how powerful and enjoyable an orgasm can be. I’m willing to bet that you are going to want to feel that joy every day from now on.”

“Where do you get those kinds of toys?”

“I’m not surprised you don’t know. But the good news for you is I know where the toy stores are, and I plan to take you to one today right after we make our first stop.”

“What’s our first stop?”

“As soon as we’re finished here, we’ll take a trip to the North Park Mall.”

“Aren’t we finished?”

“Not quite,” David said as he held out his hand to help her up. “Now, come with me into the bathroom for the next step.”

Stepping into the bathroom, Diane immediately stood in front of a mirror to assess what had happened. After studying her new looks for a minute, she said to David, “It’s a pretty sleek look. I think I like it.”

“You’ll like it better after we’re finished,” he replied as he began taking off his clothes. When Diane looked at him in surprise, he smiled. “The next step is done in the shower.”

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Once the water temperature met his expectations, he pulled Diane into the extra-large shower. After getting both of them completely wet, David had Diane stand on the built-in seat. Before she could ask what he was doing, David covered her sex in shaving foam and took out a razor. He looked up with a smile. “And now we’re going to make you as soft as a baby’s butt.” He lovingly ran his hand over her mound before he touched the blade to her skin.

He worked so gently, Diane closed her eyes and just enjoyed the feeling. Using a handheld shower nozzle, David washed off the soap and inspected his work. “Yes, indeed,” he said with a broad smile. “This is just about perfect.” He leaned forward and kissed her vaginal lips once again. This time, he didn’t stop. Within seconds, David had found her clit and was working it with his tongue. Almost at once, he slipped two fingers inside her pussy to find her sensitive spot.

It was only seconds before Diane put both of her hands on his head, pulling his mouth against her naughty bits. “Oh, David!” she howled as his tongue and fingers carried her away to another orgasm. When she got down from the shower seat, her knees felt weak. “Was that my reward for being shaved?”

“It was the first of what I believe will be many rewards,” he told her as he pulled her into a hug. David could feel her body having small tremors as he held her. “Is that the first time you’ve had oral.”

“Given to me, yes,” Diane told him. “I had no idea it could be so good. It was amazing. Actually, more than amazing, it was heavenly.”

David picked up a towel and a bottle of baby oil. “We’re almost finished. Just one more thing to do,” he said as he led her back into the bedroom. “Lie down on the towel and spread your legs for me again.”

Diane was less shy this time but felt even more naked than she had the first time. She guessed that having no hair around her sex made her more open. Diane stretched out on her back, running her fingers over her now hair free pussy. She could feel how wet it still was.

David poured some of the baby oil onto his hands and began to rub them together. When he started to rub it into the bare skin of her mound, he said, “This is to prevent you from getting chaffed. You probably didn’t feel the razor, but it can leave a burn. Each time you shave, you’ll want to treat the skin with something like this oil to keep the skin soft.”

“That feels so good,” Diane said with a sigh. “I’d be happy for you to do it all day.”

“I doubt that,” David laughed. “You’ve already shown me you want to get busy. When my fingers start touching this pretty pussy, you’ll want more than just rubbing the outside.”

“I guess you’re right,” she said with a smile. “I think your fingers are magic. I may never want to put on clothes again.”

Standing up and wiping his hands on the towel, David shook his head. “While I think that could be very amusing, we have things to do. I want you to get dressed and then I’ll take you to get your car. After that, we’ll go to your place, drop your car, and let you change clothes. Once that’s done, we’ll go to the mall.

Taking his hand and pressing it between her legs, Diane grinned. “You still haven’t told me why we’re going to the mall rather than staying in bed.”

“You’ll see when we get there. Now get up and let’s get going.”

Reluctantly Diane slipped off of the bed and found her clothes on a chair. “Is this going to take long?” she asked as she pulled on her cotton panties.

“I don’t think so,” David replied as he put on socks and shoes.

“You said I should change clothes. What do you want me to wear?”

“Something casual and comfortable,” he said. “I’ll come in with you and pick it if you’d like.”

Buttoning her blouse, Diane smiled. “I’d love for you to pick my clothes.”


Forty-five minutes later, David parked outside her condo. Following Diane in the front door, he was pleased to see a neat and orderly home. There was nothing special about it, but it did feel very comfortable.

Dropping her handbag, Diane waved for David to follow her upstairs. Her bedroom was much like downstairs. It felt homey and comfortable, but understated. It was apparent to him that Diane didn’t spend much of her income on furnishings.

Diane opened her closet and stood back, saying, “You choose.”

“Where do you keep your shorts?”

“I don’t have any shorts,” she said with a blush.

“Don’t tell me your husband had something against shorts,” he said with a frown.

“Actually, he did,” she mumbled. “He didn’t think women should expose their legs.”

“Do you have jeans?”

“I do,” she said as she perked up. “I bought some jeans just a few months ago. My husband would have hated them because they’re tight.”

“Let’s see,” David said as he stepped back.

When Diane was down to her granny-panties and Sears bra, she pulled out a pair of faded blue jeans and put them on.

David spun his finger in the air, indicating she should turn around. “Those are nice,” he said. “They actually show off your exquisite butt.”

“Do you really like it?” Diane purred.

“I prefer it bare, but yes, sweet thing, you have an exceptional ass.”

“I can have it bare in two seconds,” she grinned as she started to unbutton the pants.

“What kind of top are you going to wear?” he asked.

“They’re all hanging right here,” Diane said as she pointed inside her closet.

After going through half of them, David asked, “Do you have anything that shows your beautiful tits?”

Diane couldn’t help but blush. David used all of the sexual words that her husband had forbidden. “Not really,” she replied. “Maybe this one,” Diane said as she pulled it out for David to see. It was a three-quarter sleeve with a modest ‘v’ cut in the front. The cut would have to have been five inches deeper to begin to show cleavage.

“I guess that will do,” he told her as he turned around. “I’m guessing you have a lingerie drawer.”

Putting on the blouse, Diane pointed at her chest of drawers. “Top right drawer.”

David opened the drawer and ran his fingers through the neatly stacked underthings. They were all cotton and ugly. Closing the drawer, he told Diane, “Good. Let’s go.”

“Let me just get my purse.”

“You won’t need it,” he growled. “Just get in my car.”

As they drove away from her condo, Diane was observing the beauty of his Cadillac. “What a beautiful car,” she said, showing how impressed she was. “It’s like riding on a cloud.”

“I prefer American made cars,” he said. “I think a Lexus has a smoother ride, but it isn’t American.” When they pulled up to a traffic light, David put his hand on her leg. “I’m going to guess you’ve never had sex in a car.”


“It isn’t something I’ve done in a long time, but I have a feeling you’d enjoy it. The back seat of my Dad’s Chevy is where I learned about the birds and bees.”

Diane turned to look at the back seat of his car. The deep, cushioned leather felt very inviting. The thought of being naked in his car suddenly gave her a chill. “Who was your first?”

David smiled. “I dated Betty Black all through high school. We lost our virginity together. The first time wasn’t wonderful, but the next weekend she asked if I’d like to try again. That time we were alone together at my sister’s house. It was so much better the second time that we just never stopped again. She and I had sex in every imaginable location and countless positions. Betty was ready for anything I suggested.”

“So am I,” Diane said softly. When he seemed to frown, she continued, “I’m ready for anything you want. Anything.”

“We’ll see about that,” David said with a wry grin as he turned into the mall parking. He found a parking spot and came around to open the car door for her.

“Thank you,” she said as she slipped off the sumptuous leather seat.

“My mama always insisted that I should be a gentleman with women. She would have a fit if she thought I didn’t open a door for a lady.”

“After my behavior last night, I’m not so certain I’m a lady,” Diane giggled as he shut the door behind her.

“Your behavior last night was outstanding,” David said as he took her hand. “Now, let’s concentrate on the next thing that needs to be done.”

They walked out of the Texas heat and into the welcoming air conditioning of the shopping center. They hadn’t walked far before David stopped, pointing at a store across the concourse from them. “That’s where we’re going.”

“Victoria’s Secret?” she murmured. “I’ve never been in there.”

“You are about to have a treat then. You’ll come with me and follow my directions.”

“Yes, sir,” Diane said with a grin. “I’m yours to command.”

David continued to hold her hand as they walked inside the store. Diane’s eyes took in everything, feeling that she should be embarrassed to see all of these super sexy things hung all around the room while she was here with a man. But looking at David, she could see that he was anything but shy or embarrassed.

A woman wearing a nametag walked up to David, saying, “How may I help you.”

“Is Marsha here today?”

“Yes, sir,” the woman said with a disappointed look on her face. “Would you like for me to tell her who wants to see her?”

“Certainly,” he said sweetly. “Please tell her that David Kingsley is here to see her.”

When the woman walked away, Diane immediately asked, “Who is Marsha, and why do you want to see her?”

“Marsha is the manager of this store and will soon be your best friend,” he said with a grin.

“My what?”

“Mr. Kingsly,” they both heard a female voice say. “How good to see you again.”

David took the woman’s hand. He didn’t shake it… just held it. “It’s good to see you again, too, Marsha. May I present my special friend, Diane Murdock. We’d like your special attention.”

“Of course, Mr. Kingsly,” the woman said as she looked at Diane.

“I need your help to get Diane into the things you specialize in,” he said sweetly. “I’d like for you to take Diane back to your special dressing room and fit her out with lingerie for at least a week. Once you get her undressed, you’ll find that her tastes run more toward Sears. I want her outfitted in the best you have to offer starting from bare skin and working out. Can you do that for me?”

“It would be my pleasure,” the woman assured him. “How long do I have?”

Looking at his watch, David said, “How about an hour. Is that enough time?

Studying Diane carefully from head to toe, Marsha answered, “An hour and a half would be better.”

“You still have my card on file, I presume,” he asked.

“You know I do, Mr. Kingsly.”

Turning to Diane, David said, “If I recall correctly, you said, ‘I’m yours to command.’ And I am commanding you to go with Marsha and let her pick out some exceptionally beautiful lingerie for you. Don’t argue with her. Do as she says, and I’ll be back in an hour and a half to pick you up.”

Diane had hundreds of questions in her head, but let them all drop. Getting up on her toes, she kissed David’s cheek. “I’ll see you in an hour and a half.”

“Come with me,” Marsha said with a friendly smile. “I have a private dressing room in the back. You and I are going to have some fun.”




My sincere thanks to ChrisM for his generous help.






Written by JefferyB
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