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Author's Notes

"This is a long-running series involving two main characters, Marina and Scott. This series will chronicle their love story and sexual relationship. If you are looking for a short read or just a hardcore sex narrative, this series is probably not for you."

And just when I thought December would be a slow period at work, I received a call from my Western Regional Manager, by bosses’ boss. “I heard you’ve been poking around for a transfer. Would you be interested in the San Jose territory?”

I was dumbfounded. Had I just hit the jackpot? But I played it cool in talking with Mr. Ellis. I asked all the right questions. I learned that the old Rep had put in his notice and was moving back to the Midwest. I asked about the current accounts, the volume, and all the important details.

Mr. Ellis said, “I heard you’re engaged now, congratulations. I also heard that your bride lives in Palo Alto. You’re the perfect fit for this opening based on your experience. The company does not want to lose you. I can offer you an additional ten grand a year plus another week of vacation. What do you think?”

I played hardball. I did not say a word for five seconds when Ellis asked, “Well? What do you think, Scott?”

“I think it is a great offer. The reality is that I’m interviewing with another company in San Diego Friday night. Make it fifteen and we have a deal,” I said.

Ellis laughed, “You’re good. I can go thirteen.”

“And you’re just as good, sir. You know I’m worth that extra two grand. It will cost the company far more in training a new rep. Fifteen and the week vacation and we have a deal,” I said.

After a long pause, “Okay, Williams, you have a deal. The relocation department will be contacting you in a few days,” said Ellis.

I hung up the phone and could not believe my luck. Rina and I had an unofficial rule that we do not call each other during business hours but this news was just too important to wait until eight o’clock tonight. For only the second time in one hundred plus days, I called her office, Sand Hill Venture Capital.

When I asked for “Miss Marina Flores,” the receptionist asked who was calling. Trying to be professional I replied, “Scott Williams, but she is not expecting my call.”

“Oh, hi, Scott. This is Heather. Just a moment,” she said.

After a short time on hold, Rina answered the line, “Is everything ok? What’s wrong?” she said. I could hear the panic and concern in her voice.

“Everything is great. Take a deep breath,” I told her. “I have good news. No, it’s great news.”

“Okay, what is it?” she asked.

“I just accepted a transfer to San Jose,” I said. “More money and another week of vacation, too!”

“Oh, baby! Congratulations!” Rina said. “We’ll have to talk about this tonight. I have to go ASAP. Harvey and I are scheduled to do a conference call in five minutes. I’ll call you tonight.”


Christmas was a bit of a whirlwind trying to schedule dates with both families for Marina and me. This was the first Christmas that Rina’s family did not spend Christmas day with Jay’s family. With Allen and Jay both having no siblings, they hosted both sets of parents as newlyweds.  Marina and I made a bit of a compromise in that we spent Christmas Eve at Jenny and Jeff’s with my folks and then drove to San Diego to spend Christmas Day at Jorge and Molly’s. For the 26th, my parents joined us in San Diego and all of us gathered at Bud and Laura’s house.

One thing I had to do while in San Diego was ask Jorge if it was okay that I move in with Marina when I moved in mid-January. I did not want to assume this would be okay and offend him, or Molly.

I must admit I was just as nervous to ask Jorge about this as I was when I asked for Rina’s hand in marriage. When I posed the question, he just looked at me. Finally, after five silent seconds, he asked me, “Where is Bob?” referencing my dad.

“My parents are at Jenny’s today. They’ll be at the Smith’s tomorrow,” I said.

“Son, I want to talk to him right now. Please call him,” he said motioning to the landline in their kitchen.

I was a bit puzzled by his request. It was Christmas Day, and he wants to talk to my dad. I dug out Jenny’s phone number and called. “Hey Jeff, it’s Scott. Can you get Dad on the line?”

I handed the phone to Jorge. “Hello, Bob, it’s Jorge. I just want to tell you what a man you raised. Scott just asked for my permission to move in with Marina when he moves in a few weeks. Can you believe that?”

The two talked for maybe another two minutes. There was some chatter back and forth and finally, Jorge said, “I look forward to seeing you and Christie tomorrow. Merry Christmas.”

After Jorge hung up, he stepped toward me and held out his hand. “Son, I truly appreciate that you asked me that question. However, once I gave you my blessing to marry Marina you should know that I trust you with my daughter. Besides, that is her home. She owns it. She has paid for it. If she wants you to live with her then her mother and I want you to live with her.”

“Yes, sir,” I mumbled. “Thank you.”

Laughing, “Scott, you really need to lighten up. You’ve passed all of my tests. I keep calling you 'son' for a reason.”


In January combining my furniture with Marina’s was much more difficult than I anticipated. We had agreed on adding some of my nicer pieces of furniture with hers, but there was just so much stuff. I ended up having to rent a storage facility for eighty percent of my stuff.

We had talked briefly about purchasing a larger home but thought it might be better to wait until after the wedding. Now that we had made it through the holiday period Rina and Molly had the wedding on their minds but so much to sort out such as formal or casual, religious or not, small or large, and the biggest thing of all, the location.

I had told Rina from day one that this was going to be her day and that she would have all the decision-making power. Jorge and Molly had given her a very large budget so Rina felt she should consider her parents’ wishes out of respect. They would prefer a traditional Catholic ceremony, lots of their extended family, and Mexican food at the reception. Marina was having a tough time trying to balance her modern dreams and her parents’ traditional wishes.

And then Bob and Christie through a curve ball. My mother’s dream for the past decade was to open a winery as an ode to her father. With Jenny and Jeff on the phone, as Rina and I sat at the ranch kitchen table one Sunday, she announced to us, “We will break ground on our winery in about a month. Your father and I have been seriously working on this for over two years, but now the time is right. We will start small, and everything will be built with the thought of expansion. The press and cellar areas, the tasting room, the patio area, the special event grass area, and the parking lot.”

Jenny broke in, “Mom, how many acres are you going to rip out? And where do you want to build this?”

“Great questions, Jen,” I said.

“Here on the home ranch. It will be called Sunset Farms Winery, and it will be about an acre and a half, she said. “We also plan on having a VIP Guest House, which will basically be a four-plex of large one-bedroom and bath hotel-type rooms. They will have a nice sitting area and a small wet bar. These can be used for VIPs, Bride, and Grooms suites for weddings, or for our guests,” Mom explained.

“Wow, you’ve thought of everything. And is this workable financially?” asked my CPA sister Jenny.

“Yes, we have financing from the bank,” mom said. After a long pause of silence, “Any questions? Scott? Marina? Jeff? This is for the four of you.”

Marina and I were looking at each other across the kitchen table. “So much to digest. But I love the idea,” I said. “Jenny, so many of our friends’ families have started wineries the past few years.”

And finally, Bob spoke up, “Scott and Marina, we hope you will consider having your wedding here on the ranch. Mom can talk to you two about this later.”

“Jenny, we need to talk privately,” I told her. “I’ll call you tonight when we get back home.” I had yet to share with my sister my idea of taking over the ranch someday.

Jenny and Jeff said their goodbyes and Mom took Rina by the hand, “You know there is no pressure to have your wedding here. But it is an option. And only with the blessing of your parents. If they are against it then it is a no-go,” said my straight-shooter mother.

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I could see Rina’s eyes start to glass over, she was about to shed a tear or four. She looked at me, “What do you think?

“I think it is your decision, along with your folks. But there is also so much to learn about my mother’s idea,” I told her.

“I’d love to learn more,” Rina said looking at my mom.

Smiling, my mother replied, “Why don’t you two follow me to the office. I have some blueprint plans for the winery, and I can tell you how this can work.”

Over the next thirty minutes, Mom showed us architect drawings, floor plans, and much more. “There is no timetable on opening the winery. If, and that is a big ‘if,’ you want to have the wedding here we will adjust to your schedule.”

Mom went over how the wedding could be outside on the lawn and that the reception would be in the winery building and on the large patio. When Rina inquired about food mom had an answer. The truth was Christie had an answer for everything.

Dad entered the office and sat on the edge of mom’s desk. “We’ve done a lot of thinking since Thanksgiving. If you two are serious about someday moving back to Lodi to take over the operation, we feel a winery is a solid investment. Rina, we’re happy to share the financials with you.”

“That is not necessary. I’m sure Christie has gone over everything a hundred times, as has the banker,” Rina said. “We have a lot to think about. I’ll talk to my mom tonight.”

Mom interjected, “We’d love to have Molly and Jorge come visit again so we can show them every detail. But, again, if they are against it, we will totally respect their wishes.”

When I called Jenny that evening and told her of my dream she said, “Are you done?”

“Yes,” I told her.

“Scotty, I always knew you wanted to run the ranch. You were always tagging along with Grandpa. I’m so happy for you. When do you think you’ll move back to Lodi?”

“I don’t know. Three to five years maybe. It just depends on the folks’ plans. And of course, when Rina and I have kids,” I told her.

“Kids? You’re not even married yet. Slow down,” Jenny said.

“What, you and Jeff didn’t talk kids and a timeline before you got married?” I asked.

“We did. We plan on starting to try in a few months,” she confided. “But don’t tell mom or dad.”

“I promise,” I told my sister.


“I want to see the plans and the drawings,” was all Molly said when presented with the idea of having the wedding at Sunset Farms.

“Mom, I think you’ll really like it,” Rina said. “I know it is not the Catholic church wedding that you’d like, but I really love the idea. Christie says if you’re against the idea it is a no-go. The last thing she wants to do is put pressure on you or me to have the wedding there.”

“There is no pressure on me. Remember, this is your wedding,” said Molly.

“The Williams would love for you and dad to visit again so she can show you the plans. We were thinking Easter weekend,” Rina told her mom.

Rina continued, “Bob said he’d pick you up at the Sacramento airport, so you don’t need a rental car. I’ll book your flights today.”


Rina and I made it out to Lodi late Thursday night as we both had Good Friday off from work. We picked up her parents on Friday at the airport and made it back to the ranch just in time for an early happy hour.

As we had our first cocktail Molly got right to the point, “Christie, I look forward to seeing all of the drawings and plans. When can we see your ideas?”

This through my mom for a loop. Molly was usually pretty mellow, but she had a take-charge attitude on this day. “Well, I was thinking about showing you and Jorge everything tomorrow after brunch, but we could do it now if you’d like.”

Marina jumped in, “Christie, I know my mom. She wants to see everything now.”

This prompted Jorge to laugh, “Rina, don’t poke the bear.”

As the saying goes, “if looks could kill,” Molly gave her husband a look that could only be described as “the evil eye.”

“Bob, can you help me bring everything out to the living room,” my mom said. “I don’t think all six of us will be comfortable in the office.”

Soon enough my parents had set up two easels with the artists’ drawings, floor plans, and overall site plans for the buildings. Christie invited Molly and Jorge up to the easels and went over everything in detail. Rina and I noticed that there were several new drawings, as well as two new buildings located closer to the ranch house.

Rina joined her parents as my dad, and I remained seated. Soon Jorge joined us. After about twenty minutes my mom announced to the men, “Get up, we’re going to look at the site. And we’re taking my Suburban.”

Construction on the main winery building had started a couple of weeks prior with the plumbing and rebar, the thick concrete slab had just been poured last week according to my mom.

For the next thirty minutes, the ladies talked about how things could be laid out in the building for the reception as they walked around the slab. In true Christie fashion, mom had a tape measure and a giant stick of chalk and began marking up the slab with terms like head table, buffet, bar 1, bar 2, band stage, dance floor, etc.

As they walked back toward us Molly told Jorge, “I like it. Christie has thought of everything. Including Mexican caterers and hotels for the guests. If this is what our daughter wants for her wedding, she has my blessing.”

Jorge looked at his daughter, “Marina, this is your day.”

In Spanish, Marina told her parents, “I see my life here in Lodi and on this ranch. And I trust Christie. Yes, this is what I want.”

Jorge replied, in Spanish, “If this is your dream, then it is our dream.”

“Gracias, Padre,” said Rina with her eyes tearing up.


Due to the complexities of building permits, grape harvest, and winter, it was decided by the three women to have an April wedding the following year. This would give everyone plenty of time: the winery contractors, the bride, and the mothers. Details, details, details. Plus, April usually has good weather.

All three women were “numbers” people, and they had an Excel spreadsheet for everything. Marina would FedEx Molly and Christie stuff weekly and all three would have conference calls every Sunday evening.

Marina and I made a special effort to make sure her parents felt included with every detail and we started making monthly weekend trips to San Diego. We would leave Friday after work and return on Sunday afternoon. With Jenny and Jeff, only a ninety-minute drive away in OC my parents joined us in San Diego for both Mother’s and Father’s Day.

Construction on the buildings went quicker than anticipated and the shells were completed in late October. It was then when my parents presented Rina and me with an idea: a large Thanksgiving weekend at the ranch with everyone to celebrate our one-year anniversary of getting engaged. Her “everyone” included “The Ocho” and the three young couples.

“The four-plex is completely done and the furniture will be here next week,” she said. “Everyone can stay at the ranch.”


Christie had enlisted the help of Laura in prepping all of the dishes for Thanksgiving dinner, so the Smiths flew up on Monday afternoon giving the ladies two full days to shop and prepare the side dishes. Thankfully, when my parents remodeled the house Christie had put in a gourmet kitchen with large double ovens, a Sub Zero fridge-freezer, a large gas range, and a second fridge in the garage.

On Wednesday all four of the Flores parents flew up along with Allen and Jeanette. Jeff and Jenny flew in from OC as well. All eight were picked up in Sacramento by a large van that Dad had reserved to get them to Sunset Farms.

The Thanksgiving weekend could not have been better. Having everyone at the ranch was perfect. Mom had arranged for several “special events” for the ladies knowing the men would be sidetracked watching football on television: a Friday afternoon paint party at a friend’s winery, a tour of the Ag Museum for everyone on Saturday, and dinner for everyone at Murdaca’s Italian on Saturday night.

End Chapter 11

Written by Taco4x4
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