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Author's Notes

"A young couple meets at a wedding and a have an instant connection."

The week had finally arrived. My best friend of ten years, and fraternity brother, was getting married. It would be a long five-day Labor Day weekend in San Diego full of festivities. We had attended San Diego State five to ten years ago. I hadn’t lived in San Diego for five years as I was now living in Seattle after three years in Orange County post-graduation.

The year was 1992 and we settled on Vegas due to the golf courses and cheap hotels. While in Vegas I learned that I would be matched up in the wedding party with the bride’s cousin and best friend, Marina. Allen showed me a photo he brought, and I was crushing on her instantly. I knew the bride, Jeanette, well from our college days as she was a Little Sister at our fraternity house. She was from San Diego, just like Allen, and was a tall beautiful Mexican girl.

As Allen showed me Marina’s photo he told me, “Jeanette thinks you two will hit it off. And you’re both single.” He gave me a smirk and continued, “She is a lot of fun.”

Marina was a stunning woman in her late twenties, five-ten tall like her cousin, with beautiful facial features, long black hair, and dark brown eyes. She looked to be about a size 6 with a nice set of tits. “How old is she,” I inquired.

Allen laughed and said, “She’s twenty-eight, just like you. She grew up in the Kensington area near Jeanette and went to college at Stanford. She is super smart. Full ride academic scholarship if you can believe that.” Allen and I were mediocre students at best, but we both graduated with a 3.0 from the business school. He continued, “She lives in Palo Alto and works in finance.” I felt a bit intimidated already.


I had an early morning flight from Sea-Tac down to San Diego and this gave me time to finally look through the “Wedding Binder” that I was sent a week prior. It had a schedule for each day, a resort map, a photo and a short bio on each member of the wedding party, as well as the parents and a few special guests.


Jeanette had everything planned down to the minute and had told me I would be meeting Marina at the airport since our planes both arrived about 10 am. I was told the cousin’s flight number so I could meet her, and then the two of us could get out to the Hotel Del Coronado together. Since I was going to be in town for five days I rented a car, knowing I’d have Sunday and Monday for a bit of free time after Saturday’s wedding.

Yes, the world-famous Hotel Del Coronado. Allen’s dad was rich. Like uber-rich for 1992. Bud was a shrewd real estate investor during the 1970s and 1980s and owned over twenty small apartment buildings and about twenty-five rental houses, and this was all on top of his “real” job as a Senior Executive VP for a San Diego regional bank. Allen was Bud and Laura’s only child as his younger sister had died as a young child due to cancer. Bud and Laura were paying for everything that weekend. All the wedding party’s hotels, and at least another fifty rooms in their and Jeanette’s family Allen told me. Every meal was at the hotel from Thursday’s “Welcome” dinner to Sunday’s final brunch.

Don’t get me wrong, Jeanette’s family was not poor living in the well-kept Kensington area. I had been to their home at least a dozen times during college as it was an easy five-minute drive from SDSU. What guy in college turns down home-cooked Mexican food? Her parents were great people. Paul was an engineer in the aerospace industry and Jovita was a high school math teacher. And she could cook!

I had dressed a bit nicer than I normally would have for a flight, but I wanted to make a good impression upon meeting Marina for the first time. I’m a bigger guy at six-three, strong wide shoulders from a lifetime of swimming, with a thirty-eight waist and a forty-eight chest. I wore khakis, penny loafers (no socks of course), and a nice polo shirt from Torrey Pines Golf Course in La Jolla.

I gathered my bags and looked for Marina’s flight on the big board in baggage claim. She had just landed and would be at carousel 5. I wanted to play it cool, so I was reading the USA Today I had picked up at Sea-Tac. I felt the rush of people coming down the escalator and turned around. There she was. I’m pretty sure my jaw dropped.

Marina was in a royal blue summer dress, mid-thigh, and with a scoop neck showing off her lovely cleavage. Her hair was casually tied into a loose ponytail, and she wore summer leather sandals. Before I could collect myself, she waved and said, “Scott?”

I smiled and as she approached me said, “Yes, and you’re Marina. Jeanette told me you were cute, but she lied. You are a ‘hermosa mujer’ (beautiful woman)”, trying to impress her with my high school Spanish.

“Gracias. And you look better in person. I saw a photo of you in June. And in that wedding binder.”

I suggested we go find her bags and head over to Hertz. As we walked to the car rental section, we chatted a bit about our jobs. I told her about my five years in the pharmaceuticals industry when she interrupted, “Those jobs are hard to get, you must be smart. Several of my Stanford friends do the same thing.”

I confessed that Allen and I were more interested in our social lives in college but that I had landed my first position thanks to my high school water polo teammate’s dad. He was a Regional Manager in the Sacramento area and helped me get the interview.

I asked her, “So a cute woman like you must have a boyfriend?”

“I wished! What woman wouldn’t want to bring her boyfriend to her hometown and stay at the Del?” She quickly switched gears with the next question, “So tell me, how rich are Allen’s folks?”

I laughed, “I really don’t know. He doesn’t talk about it. What I do know is that Bud is a savvy businessman and owns a ton of rental properties,” not wanting to give away all their family secrets.

“That is exactly what Jeanette says. The family is very modest about their wealth. How refreshing. The people near me, the rich folks in Woodside and Atherton, flaunt their wealth like crazy. They’re still living the Yuppy lifestyle.”

Before we knew it, we were going over the bridge to Coronado Island and pulling up to the valet at the Del. As we checked in, we learned we were on the same floor. The Assistant Manager, Becky, told us that the wedding party was on one floor, the bride’s family on another, and the grooms on another floor. She handed both of us her card and said, “If you need anything call me directly. I will be here all weekend supervising all the wedding events.”

I could see the importance in her eyes. “I bet this is a huge contract for the hotel.”

“Do you know how many people are staying here? Mr. Smith has sixty-eight rooms all weekend, that’s over 250 single nights. Then we have seven meals for 150, and the wedding and reception for 350. Personally, this is huge for me.”

We started towards the elevator, and I told her, “Hey, I’m starving, and I’ve been craving Mexican food from my favorite place by the college. Want to join me?”

She laughed, and said, “Roberto’s?”

I smiled and told her, “Yes, Robbie’s! It is my first stop every time I return to San Diego.”

“That sounds great. Give me twenty minutes, ok?” she asked.

I told her, “Just knock on my door when you’re ready. I’m in 419.”

She looked at her key, “And I’m across the hall in 420.”

Forty minutes later we pulled into Roberto’s. It was a typical little taqueria in SD with multiple locations. Small with a few tables inside and several picnic benches outside. It was less than a mile away from campus and I ate there at least twice a week while in college. Probably closer to three or four in all honesty when you throw in the midnight fourth meal after partying all night. We ordered our food and sat outside in the warm September sun and continued to get to know each other, our lives, childhoods, etc.

The next thing I know I hear a car horn and someone yelling “Scotty!” I turn to find two guys exiting a convertible. It’s two fraternity brothers also in the wedding party, and two of my best friends, Tony and Rich.

I told Marina, “Excuse me, these are “my boys.” I stood and I embraced each one with a big bear hug and lift them each off the ground. I can see the look on Richie’s face as he checks out Marina. “Guys, this is Jeanette’s cousin, Marina. I’m paired up with her in the wedding party. Marina, this is Tony (pointing to the blonde) and this is Rich.”

Marina jumped in “Well, nice to meet you guys. I know a little bit about all of you thanks to Jeanette’s binder.” She went on to tell the three of us that while she and Marina are cousins (their dads are brothers), they are really like sisters. “We grew up around the corner from each other, went to Kinder through high school together, and we’ve been best friends since birth. Hence, I’m the Maid of Honor.”

I was a bit taken aback by that statement. Allen had told me I was a groomsman. In fact, he told Tony and Richie the same thing. The reality was that the four of us were all best buds. Supposedly, I was paired with Marina because we were the tallest guy and gal, and Jeanette was a bit Bridezilla about all her wedding details. Especially the photos I would later learn.

She and I finished our food as the guys joined us. A lot of banter was flying across the table when Tony told Marina, “Watch out for this guy. He likes Latinas. As a matter of fact, he tried hitting on your cousin before Allen got with her a couple of months later.”

The look on Marina’s face was priceless. “Latinas huh? And you fancied my cousin in college?”

I was furious. WTF Tony? So, I calmly said, “Fancied? No. She’s cute, like you, and I made a small move one night at a party. She shot me down faster than you can blink an eye.”

Then Rich interjected, “True, Scott had no game in college,” as he looked straight at me laughing. “Hopefully he’s learned something up in Seattle.”

Marina is laughing, “Oh, that’s cute. No game huh?”

Soon she and I were leaving the boys to eat their lunch and we got in the car. “Back to the hotel or would you like to drive around. When were you last in town?”

Marina tells me she was home for Father’s Day. “Can we stop by my parent’s house for just half an hour? They live really close. I’d like to see them before tonight’s cocktail party and dinner.”

I happily agreed, trying to make points with this stunning woman. We’ve now been together maybe three hours and yet I felt like I’ve known her for several years as our conversations just flowed naturally. Probably because she reminds me so much of “Jay,” Jeanette’s nickname.

“I vaguely remember where Jay lives in Kensington, but it’s been over five years. Tell me where to turn.” We soon pulled up to a charming 1930’s Spanish-style home where Adams Avenue ends. Like all the homes in Kensington, it looks small from the street, but the lots are very deep.

After being introduced to her parents we sat in the backyard. They talked and talked, and occasionally would slip into Spanish. The thirty minutes flew by when her mother, Molly, said, “You kids go back to the hotel. We’ll see you tonight.”

I inquired if they’d be staying the weekend at the hotel. They said no, and the father, Jorge said, “We’re modest people. While the Del is wonderful, we live twenty minutes away and we’re both more comfortable at home.” Marina hugged her parents goodbye, and I gave another strong handshake to Jorge trying to impress him, and a nice short hug to Molly.

After we arrived at the hotel, we ran into a few people we each knew in the lobby. It was almost 2 pm and it was a gorgeous day. As we got in the elevator I said, “I hope you brought a swimsuit. Let’s go to the pool.”

Marina beamed. “Of course, I brought a swimsuit! All I need is ten minutes,” she said.

As the elevator door opened, I gestured for her to exit first. I then stepped to her side and softly grabbed her hand as we walked down the hall toward our rooms. I looked at Marina and she was looking at me. We both smiled. Not wanting the opportunity to go to waste I told her, “You know what I want to do before the pool?”

She looked at me and said, “I have no idea. What?”

“This,” I said as I leaned in for a kiss. Marina’s other hand was now on the back of my neck. I moved my other hand to the back of hers as we kissed softly. After what seemed like a minute I slowly pulled back. Her eyes were still closed, and she was smiling. I whispered, “Again,” as our lips met. This time I could feel her mouth open signaling she wanted a more passionate kiss. I slowly explored her mouth with my tongue. Soon we were in full-out make-out mode in the hallway.

She stopped and pulled away. “That was nice. But if we continue, I think we might miss the party and dinner. Maybe a nice cool dip in the pool would be good for us,” she said sarcastically. She looked down at the bulge in my khakis as she smirked.

I looked at her, my eyes starting to widen, “Oh my gosh,” as I tried to straighten my hard cock, “Sorry about that.”

It was then I realized we were still holding hands from when we exited the elevator. “I guess I can let go of your hand now.”

Marina smiled, “No. It’s nice. I can’t tell you the last time a guy simply held my hand. I like it. It tells me you’re a gentleman.”

“Ok, changing the subject, let’s hit the pool. Knock when you’re ready.” And with that, we both went into our rooms. I have no idea what she was doing, but I instantly got naked and started jerking off thinking about that kiss and her cleavage. I busted my nut so quick it was pathetic, just like when I was in middle school. I cleaned up, found my board shorts, tee, and flip-flops, and waited for her to knock.

We were soon poolside ordering drinks as we soaked up the afternoon sun as we looked out over the beach and the Pacific Ocean. I miss San Diego I thought. Our drinks arrived and Marina said, “The first round is on me,” as she grabbed her pocketbook.

The waitress, about our age, kind of chuckled and said, “Miss, we don’t take cash. What is your room number?”

I told the waitress my room number as I looked at Marina. “All of our drinks are on my tab.”

The waitress, Christy, chuckled again. “Sir, you’re here for the Smith Flores wedding, correct?” I shook my head. “All of your food and beverage are being taken care of by Mr. Smith.”

Marina was a bit shocked I could tell. “All of our food and beverages? I thought they were just paying for our rooms.”

I simply said, “You don’t know Bud. If you’re a friend of Allen’s you’re his friend too.”

Christy said, “Oh, you know Mr. Smith personally?”

I quickly explained that Allen has been my best friend for ten years, frat bros, etc.

“Mr. and Mrs. Smith spend every Friday and Saturday night with us. They check in Friday at about dinner time and don’t leave until Sunday afternoon. I love them both. And they’re great tippers.”

I was a bit shocked. Every weekend? He always seemed a bit frugal to me. After all, he’s a banker, drives an older car, and wears average clothes. I asked Christy, “Every weekend?”

“Pretty much,” she said as she walked away.

Marina looked at me kind of funny. “Jay said they’re pretty modest about their wealth. Every weekend here does not sound modest to me.”

I nodded in agreement. “I gotta talk to Allen about this. I have a gut feeling that maybe Bud has more money than most of us think.”

“You’re probably right,” Marina said as she leaned back in her lounge chair. “I’m sure he makes great money as a bank VP too.”

I sat up on the edge of mine as I admired her body. She probably could feel my eyes undressing her behind my Ray-Bans. Without even knowing it I mumbled, “Damn, you’re so hot!” catching myself at the end.

Her eyes opened and she smiled. “Thanks. I work hard to keep this body in shape. Sixty to ninety minutes at the gym Monday through Thursday. Usually, I’ll go hiking with friends on the weekends,” she told me. I noticed her eyes shift. She smirked, “Is that precum,” teasing me.

Totally embarrassed I decided to test this Mexican Goddess. I whispered “No, it is post cum. I masturbated after our kiss.”

She laughed, “Me too,” and she winked.

HOLY FUCK! I was so torqued up at that moment I told her, “I guess I better get in the pool so this wet spot isn’t obvious. Come join me.”

She laughed again, “Is that c-o-m-e, or, c-u-m?”

This woman is toying with me. “What would you like it to be?” I asked.

“Definitely the latter,” she said.

“I’m getting in the pool,” I said as I jumped in. I swam to the other side and turned around just in time to see Marina standing at the pool edge. Tall, nice body, and spectacular full tits. Those gotta be 34 or 36 DDs I’m thinking. She was wearing a turquoise bikini which looked stunning on her dark skin tone. She had also swapped out her accessories, now wearing a bunch of silver bangle-style bracelets with hints of turquoise and a simple silver necklace with a sun design with a turquoise center. She looked stunning.

She must have again felt my gaze. She bent her knees and made a small jump into the pool. Marina swam over to me and wrapped her hands around my neck and then her legs around my waist. “Kiss me.” After we kissed, she told me, “I like you. You’re handsome, educated, funny, and have a great job. Let’s have a great weekend together and who knows, if we click maybe we can try dating long distance. SFO to Sea-Tac is, what, ninety minutes?”

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I told her it is just a bit longer, but I liked her idea. “I can say all the same things about you. Stanford grad, great career, beautiful, and a world-class kisser,” as I wink trying to keep up the flirting.

As we swam a few girls in the wedding party showed up and Marina introduced me, “This is Scott, he’s the Best Man. And, girls, this weekend he’s my man. Keep your eyes off him.” I learned that these two ladies went to K-12 with Jay and Marina and grew up in the neighborhood also. They were called the “cuatro muchachas” meaning “Four Girls,” by Jeanette’s Dad at a young age and it stuck.

The beach blonde bombshell, Lisa, tells me, “And we all have matching tattoos in the exact same spot. If you’re lucky, you’ll see Marina’s this weekend.”

They all laughed and the other gal, Vicki, says “Good Luck Scott, you’re going to need it.”

Marina laughed and told the girls, “He’s already met my dad.”


Later that night at the cocktail party I learned why. Marina and I ended up talking with her parents for a bit. She excused herself to use the restroom and Molly asked me bluntly, “So, do you like our daughter? I noticed you two holding hands earlier.”

I chose my words carefully. Very carefully. Even though she asked me the question I could feel Jorge’s eyes burning a hole into me with his glare. I made sure to look at them both as I kept turning my head. “Marina is a wonderful young woman. We just met today. She is a beautiful woman on the outside, and as I am learning, on the inside as well. I must admit, I am smitten with your daughter.” Somehow, I said all of that very slowly and matter-of-factly. They both stood there in silence. Being in sales I knew this ploy. Make me keep talking. See what else I’ll say about their daughter. But I was not going to fall for it I kept telling myself.

Mrs. Flores looks at her husband and said something in Spanish. And way too fast for my decade-old Spanish skills to try to translate. Jorge looks at me and extends his hand. I instantly begin to shake his hand. He puts his other giant hand over mine and simply says, “I’ll tell you what I told all the boys in high school. If you break her heart, I will beat you to a pulp with my bare hands. Do you understand, Scott?”

I damn near shit my pants. Mr. Flores was a hair taller than I and built even larger. His Mayan ancestry was obvious. As my balls finally dropped down to normal, I looked him in the eye, “Mr. Flores, I understand. And if I am ever lucky enough to have a daughter, I would tell every guy the same thing. I think we’re cut from the same cloth, sir.”

“Good,” he said with the same serious look on his face. “Allen told me you were a ‘Man’s Man’ and that we were a bit alike. And so did Bud. Tell me about your father and mother.”

I was a bit startled by his question. Here is a man who I barely know wanting to know about my parents. Now, granted, I was hot for his daughter, which I am sure he is used to, but I had never had another parent ask such a question. “Well, sir, you’ll have a chance to meet my parents tomorrow. They’re spending the night in Orange County with my sister. They hope to be here for the 10 am brunch. I will introduce you as soon as possible. My dad is a retail executive, and my mom runs the family business.”

At this point, Marina came back from the powder room. Molly says something in Spanish to her. All I could understand was “Padre” and “inquisition.” Marina glared at her dad. “Papi, don’t run this nice man off. We just met.”

Molly quickly grabbed her husband’s arm and said, “Oh look, it’s your cousin Ruben and Serena,” as they walked across the room.

Marina looked at me, “I’m so sorry. My father is very protective of me. Did he threaten to kick your ass if you hurt me?” I nodded. “He tells that to every guy. Truth be told he’s a big soft teddy bear.”

I held her hand, “Well, he scared the shit out of me. But he liked my answer.” At this point, they were about to start serving dinner and they asked us all to take our seats. Marina and I headed towards the front towards the wedding party table.

“Shit,” she said, “We have assigned seating. I wanted to sit next to you. So Jay. Thankfully her case of Bridezilla has mellowed this week according to my mother and aunt.”

After dinner, I introduced Marina to a few more fraternity brothers and a couple of Allen’s co-workers who I knew. Allen had worked at Sea World since he was eighteen and I had partied and golfed with these guys many times.

I told Marina I was exhausted from getting up earlier than normal for the plane flight. The crowd was beginning to disperse, but I had yet to introduce her to Allen’s folks. As we walked towards the Smiths', Laura got a giant smile and said, “Scott! I miss you!” as we hugged. I shook Bud’s hand and gave him the standard “bro shoulder hug.”

“Laura and Bud, I’d like to introduce you to” and Laura broke in.

“Your girlfriend!” she said.

Marina blushed. I continued, “Well, maybe after this weekend. This is Marina Flores, Jeanette’s cousin. She is the Maid of Honor.”

Laura is always one to put a spin on things, “And you’re the Best Man. How convenient.”

“Yeah, I need to talk to Allen about that. He told me, Tony, and Rich that we were all groomsmen,” I said.

Bud cut to it, “You know Allen, he never wants to hurt anyone’s feelings. Trying to separate the four of you is nearly impossible, you know that. But you also know, deep down, that you and Allen are far closer than he or you are to Rich and Tony. And the four of you are a pack. A pack of wolves.”

After the pleasantries, Marina told the Smiths, “Thank You for hosting the weekend. Specifically for taking care of our hotel rooms."

In his normal, booming voice, Bud says, “It is our pleasure. So, you’re Marina. I’ve heard a lot about you. We’ve had many dinners with your parents over at your aunt and uncles as the ladies planned the wedding. I’m just writing the check. Your father, Jorge, and I really hit it off.”

Not wanting to be rude to our hosts Marina and I talked longer than we wanted to, even though we’d see them all weekend. I finally mentioned how tired I was due to my early morning in Seattle and needed to get a good night’s sleep. We said good night and headed for our rooms.

As we walked through the hotel to our rooms Marina noted the great friendships that the bride and bridesmaids have and that the same is true for the groom and groomsmen.

When we got to our rooms I asked Marina, “Would you like to come in and talk? It’s been a long day but there is so much I want to know about you.”

“Let me change and get out of this dress and heels.” Marina wore a stunning ruby red dress, off the shoulder I think is the term, and it hit mid-thigh showing off her long legs. “Give me fifteen minutes and I’ll knock.”

As I got into my room, I did a quick straightening up of my stuff. And then panic hit. Shit. What do I wear? I don’t have PJs as I sleep naked. I pulled out my gym clothes and donned black shorts and a tee after washing my face and brushing my teeth. I also washed my dick, just in case.

There was a knock on the door. I looked at the clock, it read 9:30 pm. I had been up since 4:30 am. I opened the door to find Marina in a sexy purple camisole and matching shorts. “Damn, does every color look good on you? Cobalt blue, turquoise, ruby red, and now purple.”

I gave her a big bear hug and lifted her off the ground. And then we kissed. And kissed. And kissed. We moved to the bed and I told her, “I don’t know where we’re going this weekend, but I do want to get to know you. I hope this is just not a wedding weekend fling.”

She smiled, “No, I don’t think this is just a wedding fling. I feel really comfortable with you. Jay told me you’re a great guy, and I think you’re a hunk.” And then she floored me, “We’re young and horny. Let’s have a good time and see what happens. No expectations. But you must promise me two things. Number One, you don’t talk about us to your boys. I know how guys talk. Number Two, when my parents are around it is only hand-holding. Maybe a light kiss, but no making out like we just did.

“I can do that, no problem,” I said seriously. “If we’re together all weekend like I think we are going to be, I’m sure my group will be cool. I’m a gentleman. It’s not like I’m going to tell Rich and Tony about our sex life.”

She laughed, “Who said we’re having sex? Besides, can you get it up again after jerking off before we hit the pool?”

“Me? You said you stirred the pot too!”

“I did, and it was a good orgasm. But I want a great orgasm this weekend. In fact, I want ten great orgasms,” Marina deadpanned. She was serious.

Marina and I talked for about an hour before sharing more about ourselves and our families, our jobs, and our dreams for the future. We are both looking to get married, have kids, and ideally move back to San Diego.

Remember when Bud called our group a pack of wolves? Well, I pounced on my “prey.” I pinned her to the bed and kissed her. Down her neck, and back up. More tongue hockey. I took my right hand and held her two wrists in one hand. I let the other start to explore her curves. I finally made my way to her left breast. I softly squeezed. She let out a low moan. I squeezed a bit harder. I pinched her nipple. “Oh yes,” she whispered.

I pulled her silk cami over her head and tore off my tee. She was rubbing my now rock-hard cock thru my Nike gym shorts. As I tugged at her cute boy shorts, she lifted her hips and ass off the bed. I rolled over and took off my shorts. We were now both naked. Before things got out of control I asked, “Do you want me to use a condom?”

Marina smiled, “You are a gentleman. Thank you for asking. No, I’m on the pill. I’m clean, how ‘bout you?”

“Yes, I’m clean. Haven’t been laid in over four months and nothing is burning,” I joked.

“Got you beat, six months. Hence why I’m so fucking horny! Now where were we?” she said.

As we kissed side by side we were soon like a pretzel, intertwined with each other. Her soft silky skin felt so good against mine. I told her so. More kissing. I broke the silence, “I just want to hold you. Can you feel our energy?”

She whispered “Yes. It’s so crazy, I was just thinking how I wanted to be held.”

“That is our energy getting in sync,” I said. “I’m a big believer in the mind-body-soul type of stuff. I’ll explain tomorrow.”

Marina was nestled into me, her head on my upper chest. I had both hands around her and begin to slowly rub them over her back and butt. “I hope you like this.”

“It feels great. You’re a sensual man, aren’t you?” she asked.

“I can be sensual and erotic, and I can be a Man’s Man and lead and direct you. But you must tell me what you like, what feels good, everything. Communication is key,” I said.

Marina whispered, “You don’t sound like a guy with no game.” Then after a short pause, “I want you to eat me. Lick me. Tease my pussy. Make me cum.” She rolled on top of me and ground her pussy up and down on my cock. “Oh, you can get it up!”

“Stop teasing me. If you want me to eat you get on your back,” I told her.

I slowly went down on her. First, I lightly kissed her pussy area and the inside of her thighs. Then I begin to lick with long slow motions, up, and down, up, and down. Now recall, it was 1992, so she was groomed more than most young women with a well-manicured small thin bush.

Marina started to moan slightly. I had one hand rubbing her big full tits. With the other, I replaced my tongue with a finger. She was so wet. So hot. And her scent was intoxicating. I slowly inserted one finger. “Oohhhhhh, yes.” I guided my finger in and out in a very slow motion. And then I surprised her with another. “Ooooooh, yes. That feels good. Keep doing that.”

“Yes, tell me what you like, Baby,” I replied. I was getting so turned on the more she moaned. The fact is that I get turned on by pleasuring a woman.

After about five minutes I changed my body and finger position and started to search for her G-spot as my fingers zeroed in and rubbed it. “Ooooh, right there. Fuck, you’re good Scott!” she said. “Play with my clit too. I’m so close.”

I finally opened her lips with my fingers and saw her cute little bean sticking out from its hood. I put my mouth over it. I sucked. I licked. I kissed.

“Oh, fuck Scott. I’m so close,” she said as she continued to moan. Soon she was grinding her hips into my face. I noticed she took a hand off the top of my head, so I opened my eyes to see her rubbing her tits. Damn, I was so turned on by that simple vision. More moans, low almost primal moans now.

Her legs seemed to tighten around my head. Her hips bucked. I decided it was now time to go turbo on her clit. My tongue flicked her tic-tac like a machine gun, pow-pow-pow. Both hands were on top of my head being pushed down into her juicy honey pot. Her grip on my head with her legs tightened even more. She was close. As I continued flicking her clit, I really started to bang her hard with my fingers.

“OH FUCK! OH FUCK! Yes! Yes! Don’t stop! Don’t stop!” she continued. And then she let out a loud scream like no woman I’ve ever been with. I could feel her pussy spasm and her creamy cum oozing in her pussy. Marina was panting from being out of breath. “Oh. Oh. Oh… Oh my fucking God! That was amazing. I haven’t cum like that in years.”

I looked up to see the face of a woman who was in sexual Utopia. Her endorphins were still running through her body, and she was on a physical high. Her smile got bigger when our eyes met.

Our silence was broken by a knock on the wall. Then a woman’s voice came through, “Was it that good Marina?” What? Who? Then I recalled that the wedding party was all on this floor and in all of the rooms down this short hallway.

“I think Vicki is in that room,” she said. “She’s just jealous.”

“Jealous I understand. But how the hell did she know it was you? I questioned.

“Let’s just say I’m known to be a vocal in bed,” she said with a grin.

I looked down, I was hard and a bit bigger than normal I thought. “Sorry, but that story is hot. Now it’s your turn.”

“My pleasure. I hope I’m as good as you are,” she said.

“Do you swallow? Or should I pull out before I cum?”

She smiled, “For you, I’ll swallow,” she pushed me on my back, climbed between my legs, and said “Fast or slow?”

“Both. Slow, fast, licking, sucking, stroking, it is all good. I do like a lot of licking of my head. That seems to get me off right before I climax.” I found a pillow and propped my head up a bit so I could easily watch this beautiful woman perform oral on me.

For almost fifteen minutes Marina pleasured me both orally and visually. I love watching a woman suck my cock. She was good. Really good. And when she’d look into my eyes and talk dirty to me it was amazing. Simple things like, “You’ve got a nice cock,” or “Mmmmm, you taste so good. Your precum is a bit sweet.”

I could feel my balls tighten a bit, and my legs begin to shake a teeny tiny bit, so I warned her, “I’m soooo close Babe. Faster, faster.”

Marina then sent me over the edge when she said “Cum for me baby! Give me your load,” as she went back down on my throbbing manhood. My hips started to move and buck. “Ya Scott. Shoot that load in my mouth. Cum for me! Cum for me!”

Simultaneously I released a huge stream of my hot sticky man milk into her mouth and let out a fairly loud “OH FUCK I’M CUMMING!!!” I opened my eyes and looked at Marina. She was looking into my eyes, taking every spurt of my cum as I emptied my balls in her mouth. And then she swallowed.

“Damn, I’m glad you jerked off earlier. That was a huge load, I can’t imagine what that first load was like,” she said laughing. She still had my cock in her hand, and she was licking off the cum on my shaft and teasing my head with her tongue. I twitched. “Oh, a bit sensitive after your orgasm?”

She got up off the bed and went into the bathroom. I heard the sink running and her spitting out water. She came back, “So much better. Cum is kinda sticky.”

I looked at her, “Really? Cum is sticky? I had no idea.” We both broke up in laughter.

We got under the covers and spooned. The next thing I knew my hotel phone was ringing. I noticed the clock said seven o’clock, it was my wake-up call.

Marina was awake but was mumbling about needing more sleep. I told her the boys were going out back by the big parking lot to play some hoops before the 10 am brunch, before the first rehearsal at noon. Yes, the first rehearsal. Bridezilla Jeanette wanted two practice sessions of walking down the aisle, where we stand, etc. I told Marina she could stay in my room as long as she wanted but don’t fall back asleep. I’d be back about 8:45 am. She asked if I could get another call for 8 am, so I did.

As I was about to head out the door, she propped herself up on one elbow, “I had a great time last night. I don’t know where you learned to eat pussy, but you were amazing.”

I smiled and said, “You’re more than welcome. You were amazing too. I’ll see you soon.”

As I got to the door she said one more thing, “Hey, I really like you. Go have fun with your boys.”

As I got to the elevator the doors opened, it was Vicki and Lisa who were returning from a run. Lisa looked sexy all sweaty in her little shorts and tank top, and her long blonde hair in a ponytail.

Vicki smiled at me, “Damn, you must be good to make Marina scream like that.”

I laughed and said, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You are such a bad liar. Treat her right. She’s a catch.”

End Chapter 1.

Written by Taco4x4
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