Peter rolled over the next morning and laid his arm across the bed to find the spot next to him empty, the sheets still warm with her body heat. He opened his eyes when he heard the shower running and knew she was getting ready for work. He thought about joining her. He’s done it before, even when she was running late. He decided to check his phone first and found a couple of messages waiting for him.
Kim: Hey, Pete. Work called. They want me to come in today. I should get out at 1:00, so I’ll text you then.
Kim: If you’re lucky, I might even text you on my break.
He checked the time on his phone. It was heading for half past ten. She sent him the messages at quarter to eight. That was when he realized he didn’t even know which time zone she was in. She had always hinted at the idea of moving, but never actually said it out loud. At least not to him.
Peter: Hey, just woke up. Have a good day at work. I look forward to hearing from you.
“Hmm?” He looked up at Chloe and smiled. She stood before him naked, drying her wet clumps of long black hair with a towel, her creamy mocha skin glistening in the light, her dark nipples still erect from her shower.
“You texting your friend?”
He nodded.
“Yeah. She went into work this morning.”
“Did you ever find out what she does for a living?” She walked over to the edge of the bed and stood by his side, looking down at him with a clueless gaze, unaware of just how much she was tempting him at that moment.
“Mm-mm.” He shook his head, allowing his eyes to wander up and down her body, the intent behind them on full display.
“What?” She let out a giggle of uncertainty. He answered by grabbing her hand and pulling her on top of him, letting her straddle his lap as he reached up and squeezed her tits, causing her back to curl and her weight to press down on him.
“Oh, God.” A moan slipped through her lips as he brought his face to her chest, swirling his tongue around her nipple before sucking it into his mouth. She tilted her head back and ran her fingers through his hair, her body begging for more. “You haven’t done this to me all week, not right before work.”
“I know,” he said, popping her nipple out of his mouth and looking up at her, his grin laced with the promise of trouble ahead. “I figured you were long overdue.” His hands slid down her back and squeezed her ass, grinding her hips against his.
“You should’ve joined me in the shower,” she said, moving her hips on her own, her pussy drooling on his cock as it grew erect. “I was so horny for you.” She leaned down and whispered in his ear, his fingers digging into her ass while she tormented him with her hot, hungry cunt. “You want to fuck me so bad, don’t you?”
“I do,” he said, his moans completely at her mercy. “I want you to ride me before you go to work. I want to fill you up so you can take it with you as a souvenir.”
“Sounds tempting,” she whispered with a kiss on his cheek. “But I can’t.” She sat up with a regretful sigh. “I can’t be late again.”
He watched as she dismounted him and made her way over to the closet, his erection aching when she bent over to retrieve her pair of black leggings that had fallen on the floor.
“So you’re just gonna leave me like this?”
She looked over her shoulder at him with a teasing grin, her pussy slick and swollen, tucked neatly between her thighs as it beckoned him.
“You’ll live,” she said as she brought her clothes to the edge of the bed and started getting dressed. “What time does your friend get out of work?”
“Well, there you go.” She stepped into her black lace panties and pulled them up to her hips, making sure they were snug between her thighs. “You can talk to her then. I’m sure she’d be more than happy to take care of you.”
“I’m sure she will.” He cast his gaze down with a sigh.
He shook his head.
“Nothing. This all just feels kind of weird to me. I’ve never had an arrangement like this before.”
“Hey.” She slipped her bra on and reached behind her to clasp it in place before leaning over and placing her hand on his shoulder. “It’s okay, Peter, really. I want you to have fun with her.”
He looked up and met her gaze. She smiled at him. He smiled back.
“Enjoy yourself, you know? It’s your day off.”
“Okay,” he nodded. She leaned in even closer and whispered in his ear.
“I want you to tell me all about it when I get home. Drive me wild with it and get back at me for leaving you unsatisfied.” With that, she finished getting dressed and headed out the door, leaving him aroused and alone. He checked his phone again. Nothing. He checked the time. Twelve minutes to eleven. Just as he was thinking about getting dressed himself, his screen lit up.

Kim: Hey, glad you’re up. Just in time for my break.
Peter: Hey, yourself. My girlfriend just left for work.
Kim: Where does she work?
Peter: You’re not gonna believe it.
Kim: Ooh, now you've got me intrigued.
Peter: You know that coffee shop near the campus we always used to go to?
Kim: No, don’t tell me.
Peter: Yep, that’s where she works.
Kim: Oh, my God. That’s so cute.
Kim: And kind of freaky too.
Peter: I know, right?
Kim: Is that where you met her?
Peter: No, I met her at the bar across the street. She just got done with her shift and came in for a drink.
Kim: I see.
Kim: So, I take it all of this means you still live in the area?
Peter: Yeah, guess I never got away.
Kim: Me neither.
Peter: Wait, really?
Kim: Uh-huh.
Peter: All this time?
Kim: Yeah, all this time.
Kim: I found a job I liked, until I ended up not liking it so much. Then I found another job I liked and just never left.
Peter: So, where do you work now?
Kim: Dr. Pragen’s office.
Peter: Who?
Kim: Dr. Pragen. He’s a therapist.
Kim: I’m his secretary.
Peter: Wow. That’s rather unexpected.
Kim: Yeah. It’s a bit out of left field for me, I know. But the pay is good and he’s a decent boss.
Peter: You didn’t, you know, do anything with him, did you?
Kim: Pete, I’m shocked. What exactly are you accusing me of here?
Peter: I’m just asking. I mean, you did give your algebra professor a blowjob for a higher grade.
Kim: Oh, yeah. I forgot I told you about that.
Kim: But no, I’m above that kind of thing now.
Peter: Okay, good.
Kim: I have to go, unfortunately. I’ll text you when I’m home, okay?
Peter: Okay, talk to you later.
Kim: Yeah, definitely.
Peter got out of bed and walked over to the closet. It still surprised him when he opened the door to find clothes in there that didn’t belong to him. Chloe wasn’t the first woman to make herself at home in his apartment, but she was the first one to do it so soon. The strange thing was, it didn’t bother him as much as he thought it would. She still bought her own food, cleaned up after herself, and made sure her things didn’t take up too much space. These were all foreign concepts to Peter when compared to the other houseguests he’s had over the years.
He picked out some plain, casual clothes and placed them on the bed. He was about to head over to the dresser for a pair of socks and some boxers when his phone lit up again. It was an image sent by Kim. He opened it to find a blouse unbuttoned and a bra lifted up to reveal a pair of tits, perky and pale, her pasty pink nipples giving away her level of arousal. Her surroundings told him that she most likely took the picture in a public restroom. She left a message for him to go along with it.
Kim: See? I told you I’m not that way anymore. I’m only naughty when it comes to you.
Peter: Holy shit, Kim. Are you still at work?
Kim: Yeah, so?
Peter: So, I don’t want you to get in trouble.
Kim: Trust me, Pete, it’s not the first time I’ve done something like this at work.
Kim: So why don’t you stop worrying about little old me and tell me what you think?
Peter: Honestly, I wish I was there right now.
Kim: Yeah? Would you give me a quickie before I went back to work?
Peter: As long as you promise to keep quiet so we don’t get caught.
Kim: Oh, trust me, baby, I can be quiet.
Peter: Are you wearing a skirt?
Kim: Yes, I am.
Peter: Good.
Peter: Easy access.
Kim: Fuck, you’re making me want to go in the stall and take care of myself.
Peter: Is that something you’ve done before?
Kim: No, that’d be pushing my luck a bit too far.
Kim: Speaking of which, I should really head back out there before my boss gets suspicious.
Peter: Okay, I’ll let you go then.
Kim: I hope you don’t, not when I get home.
Peter: Oh, don’t worry. You’re all mine when you get home.
Kim: I better be.
At some point during the conversation, Peter wound up back on the bed with his half erect cock in his hand. He let out a sigh as it went flaccid again, kicking his clothes on the floor and checking the time on his phone. It was just shy of half past eleven. What the hell was he gonna do for the next hour and a half?