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The Truth About Sis Part 5

"While Sean is stuck at the cabin, Demi and her father bond."

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"Dad, did you see this?"

Demi was studying her phone while her dad unloaded his briefcase from work.

"What's that?"

"It's from Mom. She and Sean are stuck at the cabin. The road is apparently washed out."

"I was afraid of that happening. I saw that some storms were headed that way. Any idea how long before they can return?"

"She just says they are fine and have plenty of food. Most likely they'll have to spend the night, I guess. She says not to worry and they'll be in touch, but cell service is spotty so they haven't been able to call. I texted them back that we got the message and keep us informed."

"They should be fine. We left the place well stocked and there is plenty of firewood for the stove. So, that leaves us to fend for ourselves, Demi. Do you want to go out for dinner or just make something here?"

"How about if I cook something for you? I need the practice. I've got an idea for a nice dinner with my handsome father. How's that sound?"

"Sounds wonderful, Honey. Feel free to experiment on me. Since it's Friday night, I can stay up past nine for a change. We can have a party! Just kidding! My beautiful daughter probably has better things to do than spend an evening with her old man."

"Oh, be quiet. You're only as old as you feel. All my friends think you're hot--for a dad."

Her father puffed his chest out and faked a bodybuilder pose. He took on a phony German accent. "Ja, I have ze arms like Arnold, the gubernator. You should see ze rest of me."

"Hubba, Hubba, Dad. That will have to wait until after dinner." Demi giggled and felt her dad's biceps. "Oooh, what big muscles you have, Arnold! What else do you have that's big?" She winked lasciviously at her father.

"Careful what you wish for, Demi. Even though I'm your father, I'm also a horny old goat."

"Oh, I know that, Dad. I see the way you paw Mom all the time. She's lucky to get all that attention."

"Okay, Demi. Tonight it's just the two of us, Honey. I'll dote on you. How does that sound?"

"Great! I'll start dinner soon. How about we start with a glass of wine? Why don't you pick something out for dinner--probably a pinot noir? I've got a chardonnay in the fridge. It is Friday night, after all."

"I'm impressed my daughter is so organized. I can't wait for dinner. I'll open the red wine to breathe and then take a shower while you're fixing dinner."

"Umm, in case you haven't noticed, Dad. I'm a grown woman now." Demi smiled and threw her shoulders back. The effect was not wasted on her father.

"I guess you're right. If I didn't know better, I'd swear my own daughter was flirting with me."

Her father winked at her, excused himself, and headed for the shower. He tried to keep his back to her as he felt a familiar swelling occurring in his groin.

But Demi did notice a bulge in the front of his slacks. She smiled and thought to herself, step one accomplished.

"I'll bring you a glass of wine when you get out of the shower, Dad. Just relax and enjoy your daughter waiting on you for a change."

With her dad gone, Demi set out the ingredients for dinner and poured herself a glass of wine. She had hoped Sean might find a way to be alone with their mother, and now that they were gone for at least the evening, she put her plan into motion. Dinner would be special. She had researched foods that were also aphrodisiacs and planned accordingly. For hors d'oeuvres, they would have raw oysters, followed by T-bone steaks and a green salad with pine nuts, blackberries, and avocado. Juicy watermelon slices would serve as dessert.

After a few minutes, Demi tiptoed down the hall and heard the shower running and then the shower door click in her parent's master bath. She returned to the kitchen and, after setting a few more things out for dinner, poured her father a large glass of chilled wine.

She entered her parents' bedroom and walked quietly across the carpet to the bathroom door. She put her ear to the door to make sure the timing was right, and then just as the water stopped and the glass door opened, she entered.

She wasn't disappointed.

Her father was naked and reaching for a towel. His thick cock was sticking out at a forty-five-degree angle. He had a shocked look on his face.

"Oh, sorry, Dad. I thought you were done. Oops. I didn't see anything."

Demi covered her eyes in a mock display of concern and set the wine on the vanity. He must have been beating off in the shower. That thing looked angry, she thought. Yummy, he does have a nice cock. Very much like Sean's.

"Dinner will be ready in forty-five minutes or thereabouts, Dad. Take your time. Sorry about the intrusion."

Demi smiled as she walked down the hall, entered her bedroom, and closed the door. She had previously laid out a pair of yoga tights that accentuated her perfect ass and offered the hint of a camel toe. She stripped off her panties and replaced them with tights. She also removed her bra and put on a tight, low-cut T-shirt that prominently displayed her large nipples and cleavage.

She examined herself in the mirror. "Perfect," she declared.

She returned to the kitchen and started prepping for dinner. Despite her young age, Demi had learned much about cooking from her mother as well as a summer in the kitchen of a high-end restaurant as an intern. In short order she had prepared the salad and stowed it in the fridge, seasoned the steaks, and readied the oysters.

The oysters were on the half-shell and seasoned simply with a lemon sauce. Demi tested one. The slippery meat slid down her throat and tasted wonderful. If this T-shirt and these oysters don't get a cock rock-hard, nothing will.

She heard her father coming down the hall and pinched her nipples to ensure they were standing at attention. When her father saw her, he almost fell over.

"Uh, Demi, you look beautiful but maybe that top is a bit too revealing, Honey. Just saying."

"Oh, Daddy. You're so old-fashioned. All the girls dress this way these days. Besides, I have nice boobs, don't you think. I'm proud of them. They're not as big as Mom's, but they're still pretty nice."

"You have beautiful breasts, Sweetie, but I'm not used to young ladies wearing such revealing clothes. I can practically see right through that, Honey."

"You're my dad, so no big deal. But if you are really that uncomfortable, I'll put on a sweater or something."

"No, that's all right. If you're fine with it, so am I. You do look beautiful, Honey. And dinner looks fantastic. Are those oysters? I haven't had oysters forever."

"Yeah, I love oysters. And the steak is ready for grilling, but that's a man's job. Let's sit and eat the oysters first, okay?"

Demi had set the table with candles and dimmed the lights. They sat across from one another and began eating. Demi made no effort to hide the sensuality of the food, slurping and sucking loudly, and giggling with her mouth and lips dripping with the sauce.

"These are messy, but so good. Aren't they? I'm not sure what they remind me of, but it's kind of sexy, isn't it."

Demi's father smiled as Demi licked and sucked noisily on her fingers. As much as he tried to avoid staring at her breasts, he couldn't help himself. Jesus, look at those hooters. And those perfect nipples. If she were anyone other than my daughter I'd be fucking her brains out later on.

"Penny for your thoughts, Dad."

"Oh, nothing. I'm just thinking what a beautiful young lady you've become. You are going to make someone happy someday. I love you, Demi."

"I love you, too, Dad. I feel the same way. Not the make someone happy part. Duh. You already do that. I can always tell when you and Mom get it on. She walks a little bow-legged, if you know what I mean."

Demi giggled and her dad smiled a bit uncomfortably, it seemed.

Dinner continued in this fashion and by the time they were done, the pinot noir was all but gone. Between the oysters and the wrap-up with watermelon, Demi had slopped liquid on her shirt and tried to blot it with her napkin, but it only served to make her nipples even more prominent. Together they did a preliminary cleanup and Demi made a point of getting her chest even wetter with dishwater.

"I'm afraid I'm a mess, Dad. Maybe I should change my top."

"Whatever makes you comfortable, Honey. That was a fabulous meal and I'm stuffed. I think I'll put on some sweats and get more comfortable as well. Why don't you do the same and we can see what's on the boob tube."

"Sounds like a plan. I'll meet you in the den in a jiffy." Boob tube indeed, Dad!

Demi returned to her bedroom and put on her dad's oversized tank top that she had worn with Sean. She tucked it into her yoga pants so it was not quite so loose, but it did nothing to keep her jiggling breasts hidden. When she returned to the den, her father was already seated on the couch with the remote in his hand. When he saw his daughter he almost fainted. Her big tits bounced and swayed with each step inside the thin cotton, but he decided not to say anything. She was putting on a show and he was enjoying it. The liquor they had consumed was not hurting anything, either.

Jesus, Demi is parading around me half naked. What is this all about?

Demi settled in next to him on the couch and hugged his arm against her chest. She glanced down and saw a familiar swelling in his sweatpants that caused her to smile.

"Let's watch some porn, Dad. Want to?"

"Uh, Demi. I don't think that's appropriate, Honey. I'm your dad."

"Exactly. I have some questions about porn, and I bet you can help. I'm curious. I've seen just a little bit of it with my know...out of curiosity, but we had lots of questions. For instance, are those huge penises real? Some of them seem way too big to be real."

"I wouldn't know, Honey. That's not something that I watch, of course."

"Oh, come on, Dad. I bet you and Mom watch porn when Sean and I aren't around. You're not that old! Humor me for a minute, okay? Let me get my computer and I'll show you what I mean."

"I don't know, Demi. If your mother knew about this, she'd divorce me, Honey. Or maybe cut my balls off."

"Mom will never know. This is just between the two of us. I promise." Her dad paused briefly and Demi jumped up and ran to the kitchen where she had her computer. She returned in a heartbeat, opened the laptop, and then linked it to the television.

"Here, check this out." A video appeared on her desktop and then duplicated itself on the large screen of the TV. The scene showed a group of people having sex in various positions in a large living room. Something about the scene seemed vaguely familiar, but he couldn't quite place it. The camera panned the room and then focused on a large-breasted blonde giving head to a guy in an easy chair. Another man kneeled behind her and rubbed his gigantic cock up and down her slit before putting in her pussy.

"There, did you see how big his penis is? Is that thing real? I don't know how a woman could handle one that big. It must be fake."

David, Demi's dad said nothing at first.

"Demi, where did you get this? We shouldn't be watching this, Honey. This is raw stuff."

"Sean found it, Dad. He's always looking at porn. We thought some of these people looked like you and Mom. That blonde has big boobs like Mom and that guy does look like a younger version of you, What do you think?"

"I think we should turn this off, Honey. This is making me uncomfortable."

"It's no big deal, Dad. This stuff is mostly fake, anyway. For instance, incest stuff seems to be popular based on all the situations that pop up, but usually, the mothers look younger than their supposed sons. And the men almost always have these huge penises. No one believes this stuff."

"Still, this isn't something you should be watching, Honey. And I shouldn't be watching it with my daughter."

"Dad, I'm an adult now. Women like this stuff, too. And to be honest, I do as well. I'm even considering doing some porn myself. I'm sure it pays well and I'm pretty sure I could get hired with these big boobs I've inherited."

Demi pulled her shoulders back and thrust her cantilevered breasts forward. She cupped them in her small hands. What do you think? Not bad, huh."

"You have beautiful breasts, Honey. But I hope you're not serious about that. You were all set for college, I thought."

"I am, but modeling would help pay for school and I could be choosey. I would just do the lighter stuff. To be honest, I love sex. I'm not a virgin, Dad. And I know you and Mom like sex also based upon the way you guys act around each other."

Demi stopped and stared at the screen.

"Okay, check this out."

The blonde was now on her back and the guy with the huge cock had scooted up so she could put his cock in her mouth. The other guy had positioned himself between her legs and was preparing to fuck her missionary style. The blonde smiled for the camera before trying to fit that huge cock in her mouth.

"That does look like Mom. She even has a mole like Mom. Are you sure you never made porn, Dad?"

Demi's father watched the scene with a look of both discomfort and pleasure on his face. Demi noticed a sizable bulge in his groin. She got an idea. Without a word, she turned and sat on her dad's lap, facing him, her knees straddling his thighs. Her jiggling boobs were inches from his face and her ass on her father's lap only increased the size of his erection.

"Demi, what are you doing? This isn't appropriate, Honey."

"Oh, hush. I'm your daughter. This isn't the first time I've sat on my Dad's lap. I'm not worried, so what are you worried about, silly?"

Demi placed her arms around her father's neck and kissed his forehead. A pointed nipple pressed against his face and the temptation to open his mouth and suck on it was overwhelming, but he resisted.

"I love you, Daddy. And I trust you. If that guy in the video was you, I wouldn't care. I get horny just watching it and almost wish it was you."

Demi leaned forward and whispered in her father's ear. Her voice was breathy and passionate.

"And sometimes, Daddy, I even fantasize that it IS you and I am the woman in the video. I have fantasized about you for a long time. I love the way you act around Mom, and I dream that it is me you are giving all that attention. I had hoped this night would be special for us, but I can see that you just think of me as your daughter and not a full-grown woman."

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"Oh, Honey. Don't get the wrong idea about me. Your father is still a man with needs, and you are in every way a beautiful young woman. If I were not your dad, I'd be kissing you and more, but I am your dad. This is wrong, Sweetie."

"Daddy, it's not wrong for me. I have needs, too, like any woman. And who better to show me love than my father? I want you to do to me what you are doing to Mom in that video. I know that has to be you. Your name and Mom's even came up in the credits. This is our one chance to show how much we love each other with Mom and Sean gone and stuck at the cabin."

Demi leaned forward again and kissed her father on the mouth. Their lips parted, and she urgently slid her tongue inside his mouth. He responded in kind and soon they were French kissing like long-lost lovers. Demi squirmed, and she felt his erection pushing against the thin material of her tights. Her pussy was already soaking.

"Make love to me, Daddy. We may never get a chance like this again. I am so horny. I need this badly and I think you do as well. No one will ever know."

Demi reached down and lifted the hem of her tank top so her large, pointed breasts displayed themselves to her father.

"I know you love big boobs, Daddy. Mine are yours for the taking. Go ahead and suck on them. See how firm they are? They hardly have any sag even though they are so big. And my nipples are super sensitive."

David reached up without further instruction and placed his hands around his daughter's firm tits and began sucking and licking them. Demi only smiled as she watched him. She cradled her father's head in her hands and encouraged him.

"Oh, Daddy, yes! That feels so wonderful. Please don't stop. You can even bite my big nipples. Ummm, yes. Just like that. I'm in heaven, Daddy."

She was one step away from a perfect evening.

When her father briefly stopped and looked into his daughter's eyes, she bent down and kissed him. She tongued his ear and then whispered to him huskily, "I've wanted this for so long, Daddy. You can't have any idea how much I've longed for this moment. You can have your way with me. I want to make you feel wonderful."

After several more moments of wet kissing and sucking, Demi slid off of her father and knelt in front of him....

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Written by johndoe7
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