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The Truth About Sis Part 4

"Sean and his mother get stuck at the cabin."

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The next morning was uneventful. Demi had coffee made when I awoke, and I found her in the kitchen. We kissed good morning as was our family custom and had a quick breakfast.

"We need to make sure we don't leave any incriminating evidence lying around, Sean. I'll change and wash the sheets on my bed. You left a big cum stain last night when we "didn't" have sex like you promised. Hmmm, wonder how that happened?"

I offered a sheepish grin.

"Sorry. How do you feel today? Sore? I apologize but my brain is in my cock. I couldn't help myself."

"Well, I guess I'll eventually be able to walk again. But thank heavens Mom and Dad are coming home so temptation won't be an issue or I'd be a cripple." Demi shook a mock finger at me. "You're a bad boy, little bro."

"Guilty. I'll take my punishment, but don't be too harsh. I'm only a juvenile."

"Maybe based on birthdays but not when it comes to fucking. You're an adult there and should be sentenced accordingly. But I'll let you off with a warning this time."

"I promise I'll be good from here on out, Officer Demi. Any chance you have a pair of handcuffs we can use?"

"Now you're getting kinky. And I like that." We both laughed. "But seriously, we should talk about what we need to say to Mom and Dad."

"I say that we say nothing for now. Maybe drop a few hints, like, "Hey Mom, did you guys ever do anything kinky when you were younger, like give a blowjob on tape to a stranger with a monster cock."

"Yeah, that's real subtle. Great idea, idiot! Seriously, I want to be able to talk to them about this. What if I wanted to do some porn. I'm old enough. I hear the money is good. And I think I could probably get hired. What do you think?"

Demi raised her t-shirt and flashed her tits at me.

"You know what I think. I think you are a goddess. Anyway, I see your point. We just need to find the right time."

And so we let it drop for now. Demi and I made sure the house was in order and then we relaxed and waited for Mom and Dad to return. We were both dressed more conservatively. I had on sweats and Demi was no longer braless. Later that afternoon while I was watching football and Demi was reading, the car pulled up. Mom and Dad came in lugging their gear and after a brief hello, busied themselves putting things away. Finally, Dad grabbed a beer and Mom a glass of wine and they relaxed.

"Did you miss us? I see the house is still in one piece. The party must have ended early." Mom curled up on the couch. She was wearing shorts and a T-shirt that said "Country Girl" on the front. I wanted to tell her it was misspelled and should have said "Cuntry Girl," but I thought better of it.

"Naw, it seemed like you were here the entire time. The question is--did you miss us? I wonder how you two lovebirds survived without advice from two teenage know-it-alls. We mostly just hung out and watched TV." And you were the stars.

"Oh shit," Mom was combing through her purse. "You know what David--I think I left my phone at the cabin. I was charging it and forgot to grab it."

"Well, no way we're driving back to get it. You'll somehow survive. You can borrow mine in the meantime. Maybe "sunny boy" Sean will drive up with you to get it later this week. I'm booked at work."

"Sure, I'd be happy to do that." The thought of the long drive would normally not excite me, but it might offer the opportunity to have an interesting conversation with Mom about her early acting career. I looked over at Demi and she gave me a conspiratorial smile. We were on the same wavelength.

So life returned to normal. Other than secret glances between us, Demi and I were once again celibate which allowed for some healing for both of us, but especially Demi. I relieved myself as I normally did with internet porn and tissues in the privacy of my bedroom late at night. But now I had a special motivator: an internet video of a busty blonde who looked amazingly like my mother getting pounded by a guy with a huge member and my dad's twin. I had been able to find the video again and with a special app on my laptop, I was able to download it on my computer. My mother was fucking for me to watch almost every night.

The week flew by and as the weekend approached, Mom asked about driving to the cabin with her.

"I'd go alone but that road freaks me out. Would you mind escorting your scaredy-cat old mother on a dangerous mission?"

"I'd be happy to. We can leave today if you want. We should be able to get there and back if we leave soon, but if not, we can spend the night there if need be." My brain was working overtime.

So together we threw some essentials into the car and headed out. It was sunny and warm in the valley where we lived, but mountain weather could be fickle. An ounce of prevention came to mind.

Soon we were off and on the road. The day was beautiful and sunny starting out, but as we approached the mountains, the weather became more suspicious: black clouds loomed in the distance and we could see rain likely as we neared the cabin. It was approximately a two-hour drive and we chatted as we listened to an oldies rock station, a genre both of us liked.

I considered broaching the subject of the porn video but it never seemed that the time was right. Mom was in a good mood, chatting away and humming along with the music. She was dressed in shorts and a loose T-shirt but I stole glances at her huge boobs from time to time. It was hard not to picture her naked from the porn video I had repeatedly watched. I couldn't get those big nipples out of my brain.

By the time we finally reached the cabin, it was pouring rain and neither one of us thought to even bring a rain jacket.

"Wow, this is some storm. Let's get inside and at least wait for this to pass."

"I agree. No sense getting in a big hurry in this weather." I grabbed the key from Mom and told her to wait while I unlocked the place so she could run in before getting too wet. Once the door was unlocked, I motioned for her to come inside. Even at that, she ended up getting soaked and by the time we were inside, we were both looking for a towel.

I looked at Mom and laughed.

"You look like you just won a wet T-shirt contest. You would have my vote."

Mom looked in a nearby mirror. Her top was clinging to her and her nipples jutted prominently as a result.

"Oh, hush! You're not supposed to be looking at your mother that way, you perv. Let's get out of these and into some dry clothes. Your dad left some clothes here that should fit you. You're about his size anymore...maybe a little skinnier. In fact, you look very much like him when I met him. If I was younger I'd probably have a crush all over again."

Mom disappeared into the bedroom and emerged five minutes later holding a USC Trojans T-shirt.

"Here, try this. It should fit. And don't stare at my boobs, I don't have a spare bra here and mine is soaked so I had to take it off."

Of course, that was like an invitation to stare at my mom's boobs, and I did. In the cold cabin air, her nipples were on full display.

"Nice tits, Mom. I love the effect of the cold air on you. Can you do a little shimmy for me?"

"Oh, shut up, you naughty boy. Now you're even talking like your Dad. So there's my phone, nice and charged now. Let's check the weather and see what's going on. I'll turn on the radio, too. The nearest station often broadcasts weather alerts."

The cabin had electricity and the necessities, but otherwise, it was fairly primitive. It just had one bedroom. When Demi and I were younger, we often shared the kingsized bed with our parents until we got too old for that. Later we had a blow-up mattress, and we would sleep on that or the dilapidated old couch. Our plumbing was a crude water catchment system with a cistern and a small pump. We used an outhouse for those other needs.

I opened the fridge and found a couple of beers and opened them.

"Might as well get comfy until we know it's safe to drive. Don't worry. I'll just have one. Cheers. Here's to a mother/son wilderness adventure."

We clicked bottles and then Mom gasped. She was looking at a weather app on her phone.

"Oh no! It looks like the road washed out at the creek bridge a few miles down from here. Let's listen to the radio and see if they have any news."

She found an AM talk station with news alerts and we soon learned that the road was impassable until they could get repair crews to restore things. We were stuck.

"Looks like we're here for at least the night. Might as well plan on it. Your dad and I left some food here thinking we might make at least one more trip here before the snow flies. Turns out, that was a good idea. Let's do an inventory."

Not only did we have plenty of food for a short stay, but we also had several bottles of wine and a twelve-pack of Modelo beer.

"Let the party begin," I toasted.

"Well, first off, Mr. Party Boy, let's get this place warmed up. There's plenty of dry firewood by the stove and in the shed. Build a fire for you old mom so I can get warmed up and keep you from staring at my nipples."

"Hmmm. Sounds like an incentive to keep it cool to me, but, okay, I'll see what I can do."

I built a roaring fire in the small wood stove and in no time the cabin was comfortably warm. From what we had learned over the radio and on the weather app, the road would not be drivable until the next afternoon, and possibly later. Mom tried calling home but kept getting cut off so eventually she texted Dad and Demi that we were stuck, but warm and dry in the cabin with plenty of food, and that we would alert them when we could return.

Mom fixed some snacks and we settled in. We had no TV so we decided to play cards to pass the time. In the process, we drank a couple of beers each and then Mom opened a bottle of red wine to go with the dinner she had prepared--a quick version of chicken piccata that was fantastic.

"My compliments to the chef," I toasted. Beautiful and creative, too."

"You're not so bad yourself, young man. I can't get over how much you look like your dad when he was young. I think I'm falling in love all over again."

Mom was standing behind me and placing her arms around me, she hugged me and gave me a kiss meant for the cheek, but I turned my head just then and our lips met. Her boobs pressed into my neck, and I responded in my most natural way. I got an erection.

"Whoa! Down, Boy. Where did that come from?" Mom playfully giggled as she looked down and the tent in my shorts. Then she did something that surprised me. She reached down and squeezed it.

"Oh my god. That's the real deal!" She giggled again and as I leaned back so my head was between her boobs, she held me there. "How does that feel, you horny boy. You've been wanting to feel my boobs all day so there you go. Enjoy it while you can. I'd better put my bra back on before you get any ideas. I think we're both a little drunk. I wouldn't want my handsome son to take advantage of me, now would I?"

"Sorry, Mom. I can't help myself. Even if you are my mother, you are still sexy. In fact--" I paused and almost stopped myself--"in fact, you remind me of someone I saw on the internet in a porn flick."

"Oh, hush. Sean. You're not supposed to be looking at that stuff. Besides, you know that stuff is all fake. Fake boobs, fake situations, even fake butts. So that's what you do when you are locked in your bedroom."

"Face it, Mom. I'm no longer your little boy. I'm a teenager with needs. I'm almost out of high school. Sure I look at that stuff. Everyone my age does anymore...even girls. And as long as we're being honest, I bet Demi watches porn. I bet you and Dad do too!"

"You're getting pretty cheeky, young man. What your dad and I do is none of your business."

"Okay. So tell me the truth. If someone offered you a million dollars, would you act in a porn film?"

"Well, if you want to know the truth, of course. For a million dollars? But that's never going to happen and besides, I'm an old lady. Who would want to watch someone like me having sex?"

"Well, I would for one. You're hot, Mom. And I can only imagine how hot you were when you were younger. But you still have it--big boobs, lots of curves, and a nice ass."

"Oh, Sean. That's nice of you to say, but sons aren't supposed to think about their mothers that way. We'd better clean up and go to bed soon. This talk is a bit on the nasty side for an old gal like me. I think you are trying to make me horny, you bad boy. And try to put that boner away. Geez, you remind me of your father in more ways than one."

We cleaned up the dishes and prepared for bed even though it was still fairly early. Neither of us was feeling any pain.

"Did you want me to blow up the spare mattress or maybe just sleep on the couch?"

"Oh, don't be ridiculous. You can sleep in the bedroom with me. It's a king-size and there's plenty of room. No need to go to all that trouble and the couch is terrible for sleeping. I won't bite. It's just for one night. Just give me a few minutes to get ready for bed and then you can hop in."

Mom washed up and we brushed our teeth with spare tooth brushes, and then she went into the bedroom. A few minutes later she yelled at me.

"All clear. C'mon in and get me warm. This bed is freezing!"

I entered and Mom had a couple of night table lamps lit. She was sitting up on the right side of the bed with a couple of pillows behind her. A book was in her lap and she had reading glasses on. The covers were folded back on my side.

"Slide in here quickly, Sean. This bed is freezing." She had the covers pulled up to just below her breasts and her nipples gave proof to the chilly bed. "I should have brought some warm pajamas but I took them back to town to wash, so all I have is this too big T-shirt. Take off your shorts and get in bed Honey. I hope you're wearing underwear!

"No worries, Mom. I left the bedroom door open so it will quickly warm up in here. The wood stove is blazing. You'll probably be too hot, but I'll snuggle and warm you up first.

Her boobs were somewhat flattened on her chest but still attracted my attention. My brain was getting ahead of itself as I envisioned her in the video with a cock in her mouth and another in her pussy. I removed my shorts and slid in, but not before Mom noticed that my cock was still swollen and rigid and straining to break free.

"Umm, Sean. Excuse me, but I'll be blunt, Honey. You still have a huge erection that is hard to ignore--what is going on? I'm a little worried about you. Is this normal?"

"Sorry, Mom. Just a seventeen-year-old with hormones working overtime. It'll go away after a while. Don't worry. I'll keep it in my underwear."

"Well think of something besides sex--like church--not that we ever went to church much. How about baseball? Think about baseball or sports."

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How about if I plant my baseball bat inside your sweet pussy, Mom.

"Okay. Sure, that should help."

"Honey, I think maybe you are watching too much porn or something. A little is probably fine, but it seems you might be getting brainwashed. Has something happened to you that I need to know about?"

I didn't know what to say. I sat there, my body next to my sexy mother in bed, and the two of us were alone at the cabin. I strained to keep from telling her the truth. She rolled over and hugged me and I realized that all she had on besides her braless T-shirt was a pair of panties.

"Umm, Mom, I'm not sure how to begin. Something has happened when I was looking at some porn. It's too weird. Are you sure you want to hear about it?"

"Oh, Honey, of course I do. You know you can tell me anything. Did you see something that traumatized you? You're not into weird BDSM stuff or things like that, are you? You know I wouldn't make judgments about you if you were. I love you no matter what."

"No, it's not anything like that, Mom. Oh shit, I'll just come out and say it." I paused and looked at her with uncertainty. Mom had a curious smile on her face.

"I saw you and...

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Written by johndoe7
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