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The Truth About Sis Part 2

"Sean and Demi have the house to themselves."

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I awoke earlier than usual with the sun shining brightly on my face through blinds I had forgotten to close. Still groggy from sleep, I collected my thoughts as my bedroom surroundings came into focus. The alarm clock on my nightstand said six a.m. but then I realized it was Saturday.

Shit, I wanted to sleep in today.

I lay back and gazed at the ceiling. As my brain slowly cleared, I revisited the previous evening's events. I couldn't believe that I had actually fucked my older sister. Real sex, not some pipe-dream fantasy! Instantly, my morning wood became a rigid piece of ivory and I instinctively gripped it and slowly stroked up and down its length.

Demi and I had started out talking about how big her boobs were and the fact that she thought she looked like a cow--at least based on what a friend had overheard other girls whispering. That, combined with the fact that she had broken up with her boyfriend had her confidence at an all-time low. Teenage egos, even at the age of nineteen, can be fragile under normal circumstances, but catty remarks can be devastating.

I had reassured her that her boobs were just fine. In fact, they were more than fine, and that's what started the events that I'll never forget.

Demi had returned to my room still needing some comfort and convincing, and somehow, we ended up 'practicing' kissing--just in case she was a 'bad kisser.' Was this all a pretext for what later occurred or a genuine concern of a fragile ego? Either way, the result was beyond my wildest expectations. Somehow, we ended up making out and stripping off the few clothes we started with before actually having sex. The result was that I was no longer a virgin, and my hot sister was my teacher.

"Jesus," I moaned aloud. The moment of shooting my wad in her perfect pussy before pulling out flashed in my brain and my hand increased the pace of my erection. "Fuck, Demi had hinted we could do this again," I said to no one. I pictured her under me whispering my name as I plowed into her and shot a huge load into her. Then I imagined her pregnant and my erection immediately softened. What would I do if that happened? My mind was spinning with worry all of a sudden.

But she said she was on the pill and admitted to being sexually active before coming to me, I remembered. Still, I needed to be careful. My dad's admonitions about protection from our birds and bees talk were not wasted on me.

Nevertheless, my morning wood shrank even more when I began worrying that maybe Demi would regret what we had done. I loved my sister and didn't want to ruin that relationship just because I was a horny seventeen-year-old teenager. With those thoughts permeating my brain, I drifted off into sleep to weird dreams of having to marry my sister.

When I finally got out of bed, everyone else was up and about. Demi was helping Mom do the breakfast dishes. Mom was in her summer robe over her pajamas but it did little to hide her big boobs and shapely hips. Dad was grabbing her ass and pinching her boobs playfully with Mom's soapy hands tied up in the sink. Demi giggled every time he made a pass at Mom who uttered repeated insincere protests.

When she figured no one was looking, Demi would turn and wink at me, smiling. That helped to alleviate my guilty feelings, and as I wolfed down some breakfast, she blew me a kiss to my great relief.

Dad announced that he and Mom were going to drive to our cabin in the mountains and spend the night since they hadn't checked on it for some time.

"You guys want to come? It's just for one night, but maybe you have plans." It sounded like he was hoping for a night with Mom alone.

Demi was just leaving the room, but she caught my eye and gave me a quick shake of her head "No."

"I think I'll pass, Dad. I'm probably going to shoot some hoops with friends. We'll probably just get a pizza or something. You and Mom go and have some quiet time."

"How about you, Demi?"

"Hmmm, I was SO looking forward to chopping firewood today, Dad, but I think I'll pass and just hang here." Demi's voice dripped with sarcasm. "But I'll let you two lovers enjoy the mountain air alone."

"Suit yourself, kids. If you change your mind, let me know. We'll probably try to get out of here fairly early, though. We'll be back late tomorrow afternoon."

My mind reeled at the possibility of having the house to ourselves for an entire night. Demi had signaled to me to say no, so what did she have in mind? I could only hope it was an extension of the previous evening. Thankfully I was sitting at the table where no one could see the reaction in my shorts. Images of Demi's big tits shot through my brain.

The rest of the morning I nervously tried to fill my time with a variety of activities--anything to keep my mind off what I hoped would happen after our parents left. Demi had gone shopping at the mall, so I still had no idea what she was planning.

Finally, years later, I waved as Mom and Dad finished loading up the car and drove off after giving their standard admonishment, "Don't do anything I wouldn't do!"

"No worries, Dad. We'll be fine. Have a good time and we'll see you tomorrow." As an afterthought, I almost added, I hope to be doing what you guys will be doing...a little family fucking.

Of course, my story about shooting hoops was a lie. I hoped Demi and I would hang out and get a chance to bond. I ordered a favorite Papa Murphy's pizza for later baking, put a few beers in the fridge, and dug up a bottle of my parents' wine, just in case. We both enjoyed occasional light drinking at home, sort of the European model of child-rearing. Both Demi and I sometimes partook of a beer or a glass of wine, but neither one of us was tempted to drink to excess.

When my sister finally returned from shopping, she was in a great mood.

"Mom and Dad finally left? Thank God. I think Dad wanted to go somewhere so they could screw to their heart's content. He seemed especially randy this morning."

"Yeah, and I noticed Mom was enjoying every second of it. I think she's as horny as he is."

"Must run in the family, huh Sean? Speaking of which, I thought you were going to hang with your friends."

"Well, if you want to know the truth, I'd rather just hang with my big sis. Do you mind? I've got a pizza for later. Maybe we could watch some TV, eat pizza, and even have a glass of wine or a beer. I've got everything ready if you are game."

"My little bro is so sweet. Sounds great. I bought something for you at the mall, by the way. Let me get out of these slacks and into something more comfortable. I'll show you later. I think you'll like it. I know I would."

Demi disappeared into her bedroom with her packages. Intrigued by her mysterious purchase, I decided to take a shower. I still hadn't washed the smell of last night's sex off of me, and even though I savored those exotic reminders, I thought a shower was in order. Demi and I shared a bathroom which was usually a mess between the two of us. It was across the hall from my bedroom and connected to her bedroom with a sliding pocket door.

I grabbed some clean underwear and turned on the shower. I yelled through the door to her bedroom that I was taking a shower and stepped in. As the water cascaded over me and I soaped up my cock, I thought I heard something, and then the distorted image of a naked body appeared through the glass shower door. It opened with a click and Demi stood there wearing only a smile.

"Mind if I join my not-so-little brother. I thought we could save water this way."

Her supple, gravity-defying breasts jutted proudly from her chest, her large nipples pointing just slightly upward and to the side of her rib cage. Her blonde hair was in a ponytail.

"By the look of that appendage between your legs, I'd say you are happy to see me."

I looked down and my soapy cock was now standing at full attention. Demi reached down and stroked it playfully. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her to me tightly. Her breasts mashed against me as we kissed and instantly our tongues snaked around one another and tangled in a slippery dance inside our mouths.

Demi grabbed the body wash and pumped a liberal portion onto her hands. She reached down and began fondling my cock and balls as we continued kissing. I did the same thing and rubbed my slippery fingers all over her firm breasts and ass.

"We don't need to be in any kind of a hurry, Sean. Mom and Dad won't be home until tomorrow. Between now and then, I think we can have all kinds of fun, don't you?"

"Oh, yes!" I replied. "Demi, you are so fucking sexy. I can't believe we're doing this. This is like my wildest fantasy come true."

"Like I said, Sean, you made me feel like a real woman last night. I love sex, but I love it more with my handsome stud brother. I don't have to pretend to be anything around you. I can just be myself. I don't see anything wrong with this as long as we are careful. Hmmm? We don't need any pretenses. We just need to enjoy each other. I love you and you love me. I want to make you feel as good as you did me. Maybe I am a nympho, I don't know. But right now, I don't care. Jesus, look at how big and stiff your cock is. My god, you have such a beautiful cock, Bro."

Of course, my pride was swelling as much as the snake between my legs. Listening to my gorgeous older sister complimenting my attributes let alone my performance from the previous evening was enough to make my heart burst with joy. But add to that the fact that we were both naked and slippery with suds in a hot shower with a whole evening in front of us, and I was living a teenage dream.

"God, Demi. I'll do whatever you want. I'm pinching myself. You'd better slow down or I'm going to blow a wad right here in the shower. I love your body and your tits are fabulous. Geez, they're so firm."

I knew I was sounding stupid, but all this was a first for me. I was mumbling partly to keep from ejaculating. My brain was screaming for me to do anything to avoid cumming but my body was struggling. Then Demi did something I had only dreamed about and seen in porn movies. But first, she reassured me that I didn't need to worry about blowing a premature wad.

"Go ahead and cum if you have to Sean. It will only make it easier to hold back later on."

And then she dropped to her knees and with water streaming over her body, she grabbed my cock and licked it.

"Tell me if I do this ok, Sean. I've never given a blowjob before, but how hard can it be. Oh, yummy, you taste good. I won't bite, but let me know if I'm doing it correctly. I've seen it in lots of porn, and it seems pretty straightforward."

And with that, Demi wrapped her lips around my cock head and swirled her tongue around it several times. Grinning, she stretched her mouth over the glans and sucked gently as she pumped it slowly with her fist.

My brain was on fire. I stared in disbelief as my sister looked up at me with her baby blue eyes while she sucked, kissed, and pumped my cock in her perfect mouth. I reached down and fondled a ripe tit, her nipples engorged and hard, and flexed my butt muscles as I gently moved my hips back and forth.

At one point she took in nearly all my length before choking slightly and removing her lips with saliva dripping from them. Her eyes were watering from the effort.

"God, you're so thick, Sean. It's hard to get you very deep in my mouth without gagging. Do you like this or am I doing it wrong?"

"Oh, fuck, Demi. You're fantastic. I don't think I can hold it much longer. I'm straining to keep from cumming in your mouth."

"Oh, no, Sean! I want you to cum in my mouth. Go ahead. I want to taste your sweet sperm." Demi smiled and then wrapped her lips around me once again and began sucking and licking me in earnest. The sight of my sister's lips stretched around my cock as she stared into my eyes was the most exciting thing I had ever seen up to that point.

It was too much.

I squinted my eyes and gritted my teeth, but there was no stemming the tide. My butt cheeks tightened uncontrollably as my orgasm began. A wave of pleasure started in my balls and then surged through my penis into my sister's waiting mouth. My brain was a jumble of sensations as suddenly white, foamy cum began spilling out of the sides of her lips and onto the shower floor despite her efforts to contain it in her mouth. Demi pumped my cock furiously as wave after wave shot into waiting lips. She slowed down to swallow, but that only provided temporary relief. Finally, with one last gulp and my cock starting to soften, she stood, and after breaking out in a huge smile, kissed me. A large wad of leftover milky sperm was transferred to me from her mouth. I was delirious with satisfaction.

What could top this? We hugged for several minutes, kissing and fondling before Demi grabbed a washcloth and wordlessly began scrubbing first my cock, then my back, buttocks, and legs. I did the same for her, and finally, saturated and waterlogged, we stepped out and dried off with two giant towels from the linen closet.

"Come into my room, Sean, so you can see what I bought you."

Naked, I followed her jiggling form into her bedroom where several items of clothing lay on her bed.

"These are for you."

She held up a pair of thin, pure silk running shorts.

"They'll be more comfortable than those old cotton things you wear, and much sexier too. Try them on."

"I'll grab some underwear first...."

"Nope, not for tonight. Just these. You'll love the feeling of the silk and your beautiful cock will be where I can see it whenever I want."

I slipped them on, and they did feel wonderful. But these were not shorts I could wear in public. Every contour of my cock was plain to see through the clingy material.

"Go ahead and put the pizza in the oven and I'll be out in a bit. God, you look so sexy in those. I'm not sure I'll be able to keep my hands off of you."

"Then don't even try--and I'll do likewise."

I put on a t-shirt and padded into the kitchen on bare feet. In no time the pizza was baking and after checking with Demi first, I poured two glasses of a middle-shelf Zinfandel that my parents preferred. Wine seemed more appropriate than beer for the start of a romantic evening. I had no plans of either of us getting drunk. I wanted to be under full control for the rest of the night.

Demi eventually came in looking sprightly with her hair now mostly dry but still in a cute ponytail. She was wearing a pair of silk shorts similar to the ones she had purchased for me as well as an oversized tank top that displayed those braless, big hooters of hers. Her cantilevered boobs jiggled with each movement, and her nipples jutted temptingly through the thin fabric and occasionally poked out the sagging oversized arm holes on each side. I stared, mesmerized, by the sight of those jello projectiles, and my phallus responded accordingly.

"Looks like that sausage is taking on a life of its own, Sean. Good thing I bought a size large for you. Otherwise, that thing would be strangling itself to death. That snake looks almost obscene, but I love it, Bro."

I looked down to see the head of my penis struggling for air and sticking out the leg of my silk shorts.

"You're not so bad yourself, Sis. How do you expect me to eat with you dressed like that?"

"This is an old tank top of Dad's, but I think it shows off my boobs nicely. Of course, I could never wear it in front of anyone else, but I thought you might like it. Let's have some pizza first and later we can talk about eating other things. I've got a few ideas on that subject as well. And thanks for the wine. I love this. Fruity but dry. Did I tell you? Wine makes me horny. You'd better watch yourself, Sean. I may have to take out my urges on you when you least suspect it." She giggled and took a sip, but my eyes could not help staring at those jiggling orbs.

As we spoke I removed the pizza from the oven and placed a large piece on each of the two plates in front of us at the kitchen table. But my mind was elsewhere.

"You know, Demi. You have the most unbelievable nipples and I'm sorry, but I can't stop staring at them. That top hides just enough to make me want to rip it off of you and suck on those babies. Sorry. I know that sounds juvenile, but it is the...

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Written by johndoe7
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