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Sunshine - Part 5

"I take the kids for a day at the beach"

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One warm summer day the kids and I went to the beach. On the way there our talk got sillier and sexier with each passing mile until finally, Josh dared Sam to take her top off and just sit there as we passed a big truck.

Smiling back at Josh who was sitting in the back seat Sam said, "You'd like that, would you? To see some truck driver staring at my tits?"

"Yes, very much!" Josh replied, matching Sam's smile.

Sam turned to me and asked, "What about you, Dad? Do you want me to show my tits to a trucker?"

"I want you to do whatever makes you happy, Sunshine," I replied, knowing that I had just given Sam the green light to flash her gorgeous tits at anyone and everyone. I felt my cock start to harden in anticipation.

Sam looked back and forth from me to Josh as she began to unbutton the thin white beach wrap she wore over her tiny yellow bikini. Without removing the wrap, she then reached around her back and untied her bikini top, slid it off, and sat back.

She was sitting in the front passenger seat, her window all the way down, her long hair streaming behind her. Her top was open all the way and the perfect golden orbs on her chest looked spectacular. Josh was sitting behind me in the back seat. Sam looked back at Josh and laughed so I adjusted the rearview mirror and had a look to see what she found so funny.

There was Josh, back against the driver's side door, his legs stretched out over the back seat. He had pulled his junk out of the side leg of his shorts and was slowly stroking his fully erect cock. Sam kept looking back at him and tittering, her fingers touching her lips. Then she turned sideways and used her hands to hold her top wide open for Josh.

"You just can't get enough of these, can you Josh?" she teased happily.

"Nope," was all Josh said as he gladly accepted the eye candy his sister was offering.

"I don't blame him," I added. "You look spectacular, Sunshine"

"Thanks, Dad," Sam beamed at me, briefly putting her hand on my bare thigh.

As she watch I unzipped my shorts and released my own erection. She stared at it as it immediately grew to full mast. I looked back and forth between her and the road, stroking myself while admiring my beautiful stepdaughter as much as safe driving allowed. She really did look amazing, a wide smile on her gorgeous face, her beautiful bare breasts exposed to the sun, and to the lustful gaze of her half-brother and her stepdad.

I imagined pulling over, right on the side of the highway, walking around to her door, opening it, and holding out my hand. She'd take it and step out. She wouldn't cover up, even as other cars sped by. I'd lead her to the back door and when I'd open it Josh would sit up to make room for her. She'd lie down, her head in his lap. She'd turn her face toward him and start licking his cock while I'd open the bottom of her wrap and slide her bikini bottoms down her legs.

I imagined sliding my hungry rod inside her tight, wet pussy while watching her take her brother's cock in her mouth. A few thrusts and all three of us would start to cum as Josh and I filled this wondrous little creature with our fluids and our love.

But that was just a quick fantasy as we continued driving along, admiring each other's bodies.

We passed a few cars and a minivan and wondered how much the other drivers could see. Soon we began to pass a large truck and eagerly watched to see the driver's reaction. When we were right alongside, the driver looked over, saw Sam, and smiled. That's when we noticed the driver was a woman and the three of us broke into a fit of laughter which got louder when we heard two toots of approval from the truck's horn and saw her wide smile.

After we passed her we decided we had to do it again so we could get a male driver's reaction. It wasn't long before we were passing another rig. This time the driver was a guy. His bored expression clearly changed to one of surprised delight when he noticed Sam. Sam laughed but continued to sit still, looking up at him as he looked at her. I kept pace to give him a nice long look. Then Josh stepped it up a notch by sitting up behind Sam, reaching around her seat, and lifting her tits, taking care not to cover her nipples.

Sam laughed and lifted her hand to cover her eyes, bowing her head a little as if she were embarrassed. Then she lowered her hand and looked back to the driver, smiled, and gave a cute little shrug of her right shoulder while Josh continued holding his sister's breasts. The driver wore a wide grin and gave Sam a thumbs-up before puckering his lips and giving her an air kiss. Sam laughed before returning the air kiss and then just sat there watching the trucker continue to admire our adorable little exhibitionist.

Soon we arrived at the beach. Sam didn't bother putting her bikini top back on. She only buttoned the bottom two buttons of her wrap, leaving her cleavage and most of her breasts on display. She attracted a lot of looks as we walked down to the beach and up the shore, away from the crowded area nearest the entrance.

After walking for about fifteen minutes the crowd had thinned out and we were only passing people every few minutes. Some were strolling the shoreline and some were sitting or lying on their blankets spaced hundreds of feet apart. That's when Sam casually unbuttoned her wrap, took it off, and tossed it into the beach bag I was carrying.

Wow! The sight of those gorgeous tits out in public was sooo hot! When I looked at her face she was just watching me with her ever-present smile. I looked over at Josh who, of course, was also looking at Sam's tits. When his eyes met mine we just started laughing with delight because of this beautiful little nymph we had the amazingly good fortune to know and love so much.

As far as I know, this was the first time Sam exposed herself in public but she took to it like she had been doing it all her life. She exuded an air of confidence, yet also innocence - like she knew how she looked to others and was happy to give them the pleasure of seeing her.

When we found a suitable spot for our blanket we stopped. But before we did anything more than drop what we were carrying Sam said, "Just a minute. I want to check something."

She then got Josh and me to stand side by side and she stood in front of us. She then hooked her fingers under the waistband of my swim shorts and tugged it away from my body. She looked down at my erection, which had been tenting my shorts, saying only, "Uh huh."

She then did the same with Josh. Continuing to hold his waistband out she looked us in the eyes and said, "You guys are insatiable."

"Well, excuse me, Sunshine, but I get like this whenever I'm with a half-naked hottie. What about you, Josh?"

"Definitely, even if she is a brat and even if she's only half naked."

"Hey, I'm not a brat," Sam replied, letting Josh's waistband snap back in place and swatting him on the arm. "But maybe I can do a little better than 'half naked'," she said. She then adjusted her bottoms so that the thin strip that had been just slightly covering her ass crack disappeared between her cheeks, leaving her looking totally naked from behind.

"Is that better?" she asked, turning around to give us a good look at her delicious little butt.

"I guess if that's the best you can do, it'll have to do," Josh teased. That earned him a tickle fight which he won, or actually, we both won as the sight of Sam's breasts jiggling and swaying as she moved made me even harder than I thought possible and I'm sure had the same effect on Josh.

Our antics caught the attention of a couple of cute young guys who were slowly strolling along the shore. They had clearly slowed down to take in as much of Sam's visual delights as they could. Our spot was only about 100 feet from the shore so they got a nice sample of eye candy as they passed by. Sam noticed them too and she looked their way several times to see if they were still watching her as they slowly walked past.

We settled into our spot, spreading out our blanket and taking a few sips of water, before lying back and looking over our surroundings. Just past us, the dunes turned away from the water for several hundred feet. Anyone sitting beyond that turn couldn't be seen by someone the shore away from the entrance but would be visible to anyone walking toward the entrance. The dunes themselves were quite high and steep and didn't provide any shade at all.

The nearest people to us were a nice-looking couple, maybe in their 30s or 40s about 200 feet closer to the entrance. On the other side, we couldn't see anyone other than a few people taking long walks up the shore.

"Anyone feel like rubbing some sunscreen on a half-naked hottie?" Sam was lying on her stomach between Josh and me. We both reached for the sunscreen as soon as we heard her. Soon Sam was purring contentedly as we slowly and thoroughly applied the cream to her exposed skin, paying extra attention to her firm, round ass and side boobs.

"You guys..." Sam said it in a way that pretended to scold us for treating her like a sexual toy while clearly taking pleasure from that very thing. She flipped over, treating us to a renewed view of what I had come to believe were the most beautiful breasts on the planet. The fact that they were perfectly poised beneath her exquisite face with its perpetual, heart-melting smile just made them part of the perfect package that was Sam. They were the icing on the cake, with a cherry on top.

"Well, don't just stare, get to work before something important gets burnt," she teased, closing her eyes and waiting to feel our hands on her skin. She didn't have to wait long and although we both started on her shoulders, it wasn't long before we were both kneading the cream into her breasts, feeling her nipples hardening into the palms of our hands.

"Ummmm, you could do this all day and it would be alright with me," she said, sleepily. I wondered how aroused she was and thought about whether I could cum just from the sight and feel of this beautiful girl. I knew I had to have her, one way or the other before we left the beach today. I looked at Josh and from the look on his face, I was sure he felt the same way.

After a few minutes, Sam reached down and untied her bikini bottoms, opened her legs a little, and flipped the fabric off her pussy and onto the blanket between her legs.

"Now you're going to have to do down there too. I certainly don't want to get a burn there."

"No, we can't let that happen," both Josh and I muttered almost in unison. It wasn't more than a minute before Sam's breath and the gentle gyration of her hips betrayed the fact that she was cumming from feeling our hands explore every inch of her hot, wet pussy - inside and out.

"Ohhh, good work guys. Thanks," she said dreamily and rolled onto her side before suddenly sitting up. Off in the distance, in the direction Sam was looking, I could see those two boys returning from their walk up the beach. Sam watched for a few seconds and then got up.

"I think I'll go cool off," she said. "You guys should put some sunscreen on each other too." A clear invitation for us not to go with her.

We watched her walk toward the shore. I wondered for a second whether she had just forgotten that she was completely naked before remembering that this was Sam. She knew she was naked. And she knew what a sight she was.

I looked over and noticed that the couple next to us was watching her too. I nodded to Josh to look their way.

"Can't blame them for looking, can we?" he said.

"Certainly not," I replied.

At the shore, Sam went into the water up to her knees. She bent over and splashed some water over her arms and legs. Turning towards shore she knelt down, the water level just below her pussy. Over and over she cupped her hands and slowly and sensuously scooped up the water and trickled it onto her chest - her head back and eyes closed. How did she learn to be so erotic, I wondered. Almost unconsciously I pulled the leg of my shorts up over my erection and began slowly stroking myself while I watched.

Josh noticed me. I met his eyes and shrugged. He chuckled and then pulled his shorts all the way off, grabbed some sunscreen and began applying it to himself, spending at least half the time lubricating his fully erect penis. Probably thinking more with my little brain, I decided the couple nearest us was far enough away and probably wouldn't care anyway so I doffed my shorts and asked Josh for some of that sunscreen.

To my surprise, rather than hand me the tube, Josh put some more on his hand and then leaned over and wrapped his hand around my penis, rubbing the cream into my penis and balls.

I sucked air in response to his touch. "If you don't slow down I'm going to cum," I warned.

"I'll slow down," was his response. But he didn't stop.

Josh slowly slid his hand all over my penis and balls keeping me right on the edge of an orgasm as I watched Sam. Idly I thought that Josh seemed to be quite bisexual and I was happy to be the source of some of his pleasure, as he was certainly contributing to mine. I looked at his penis and gave it a few appreciative strokes before returning my attention to Sam.

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The boys were still a ways off but it was still easy to tell that Sam had captured their undivided attention. As they got closer, Sam started splashing water onto her pussy, looking down at it and using both her hands as if she was trying to wash the sand from her slit or something. When the boys reached her they apparently said something and she looked up at them while still holding her pussy lips apart, giving them a gloriously intimate view of her sex.

She laughed at something. Later she told us they had said something corny, but sweet about not expecting to find a real mermaid on the beach. That led to some more flirtatious chatting during which Sam continued to blatantly expose her pussy. She said one of the boys finally just came right out and said that she had a beautiful pussy. She thanked him with her sweetest smile before explaining that she was just washing some sand from it.

Without anything more to say the boys couldn't bring themselves to move on. They just stood staring at Sam while she kept pretending to wash her pussy, touching it erotically, holding herself wide open provocatively, every so often looking up at the boys who continued watching her lustfully.

After a while, Sam got to her feet and invited the boys to join us. I saw them look toward us when Sam gestured in our direction. I thought they might be able to tell that Josh and I were naked and hard and wondered what they were thinking about all this.

Sam got between them and took their arms in hers and started walking towards us. Sam's breasts jostled against the boys' arms as they walked along. Before they got to us I could see obvious tenting in their shorts.

Josh and I said hello and made them feel welcome. They introduced themselves as Bill and Stewart and we learned that they were high school students who lived near the beach on their parents' small farms. As we chatted we made room for them on our blanket, everyone sitting in a circle knee to knee, with Sam between Bill and Stewart. They both seemed like nice guys, though nervous in the way of someone who had suddenly found themselves in a very pleasant situation that they didn't yet fully understand.

As we all chatted the boys occasionally looked at the two exposed dicks sitting across from them. Neither Josh nor I stayed fully erect but we were still quite long and full. Sam wasn't saying all that much and she was much more obviously staring at our cocks. From time to time the attention would bring our erections raging back to life, which got them even more attention which in turn made our erections last even longer before again relaxing a little. All of us clearly had strong exhibitionist streaks, not just Sam.

It wasn't long before I suggested that Bill and Stewart join us and doff their swim shorts, which is all they wore. Their first reaction was to look at each other skeptically, then at our dicks, and then at Sam who coaxed them to do it.

"C'mon, it feels great," Sam said it while putting one hand on each boy's inner thigh and sliding it up his leg until her fingers were just under the leg of his suit.

Finally one of them shrugged and...

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Written by jmalc23
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