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Sunshine - Part 1

"An early morning visitor changes everything"

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When Julie moved in with me, it was like someone had thrown open the curtains and raised the window in a dark and dusty room. She was both the ray of sunshine and a breath of fresh air that I badly needed to rouse me from the funk of my otherwise dull and boring life.

Julie is bright, not just intellectually but emotionally. She is even physically bright, petite with long, blond hair, always smiling and full of energy. She is like the sun to me, her mere presence inevitably brightening everything around her, whether it be the room she is in or my mood. Her effect on me was so immediate and profound that I don't think she really knew me the way others did, since, whenever I am with her, my disposition is so much better than when we are apart.

Julie has two kids, her son Josh and her daughter, Sam. They are a little over a year apart in age and both are as delightful as their mother. We quickly bonded, Josh spending time talking, watching, and playing various sports and enjoying the outdoors with me. Sam never tired of involving me in her crafts, cooking, or music. Like her mother, Sam's bubbly personality is infectious, and I really do enjoy being a part of whatever activity she pulls me into.

Neither of the kids' fathers is a part of their lives, and, so, to our mutual delight, I quickly became "Dad." As much as I love Julie, I love those kids just as much.

Unlike the rest of us, Sam has always been an early riser. From the day they moved in, I would wake up most mornings to the gentle jostling of Sam climbing in bed beside her mother, or even sometimes in between us. I always sleep naked under a thin sheet, so this required a little caution, but I didn't mind. If I was having a morning erection I would roll over to hide it.

I didn't have any brothers or sisters growing up, so I never needed to think about what the boundaries were for what other family members should or shouldn't see. I tried to take my lead from Julie in such matters, and she has always been very open and uninhibited. Her petite body makes wearing a bra pointless, so she never has. She sleeps in just her panties and usually throws on a T-shirt before leaving the bedroom, but not always. In our bedroom, she is almost always topless, even when the kids are present.

The kids share a bedroom in our small two-bedroom house, just as they had in the apartment they lived in before moving in with me. I've never heard them complain about a lack of privacy from each other when getting changed and I never inquired about their arrangement, leaving that stuff entirely up to Julie. They each had their own bed, of course, but Sam always preferred to sleep on a small foam mattress in the middle of the floor with just a pillow and a thin blanket.

When Julie would get up in the middle of the night to get a drink or use the bathroom, she would stay topless and always look in on the kids. I remember one night when Sam was sick. I got up and threw on my shorts to see if I could be of any help. As I stood at the doorway to their room, I was struck by the simple beauty of Julie sitting on the floor beside Sam, nearly nude, innocently caressing Sam's forehead and cheeks as Sam gazed up into her mother's concerned and loving face.

Sam had a fever and had tossed her blanket aside, entirely immodestly. Josh lay in his bed watching the scene, his blanket up to his waist. I could see concern for his sister on his face, but I also thought I saw an appreciation of the scene's beauty as well.

I remember one morning, getting up at sunrise to use the bathroom. It was shortly after Sam turned sixteen. I threw on my shorts, even though I thought it was too early for the kids to be awake. When I stepped into the hall, I caught sight of Sam through the kids' half-open door.

She was awake. Her long, thick, wavy, auburn hair was splayed all around her head. The sun streamed through the window and seemed to dance all over her face and nearly naked body, her sleeping attire, or lack thereof, copied from her mother. She looked into my eyes as I just stood there, stunned into silent inactivity by the beautiful sight. Suddenly, I realized that I was sporting my normal morning erection and that Sam had to have noticed. I snapped out of my trance and went to the bathroom.

On my way back to my room, I looked in again as I walked by, and I paused for a few seconds. I smiled in at Sam, wanting to reassure her (and myself) that everything was fine. She hadn't moved, and, when she saw me, she just smiled back. I heard some movement which had to have been Josh rolling over or turning in his bed. I wondered what it was like for him to wake up every morning to the sight of his beautiful sister. They were just a year apart, and, although Sam was his half-sister, Josh was a normal teenage boy. Still, I never gave it any more thought.

Over the course of time, we all only grew closer. The kids were navigating their teens without becoming monsters. They pushed their boundaries from time to time but never to excess. They never became the nightmare children that some of my friends described their own teenage kids to be. Not in the least.

Even though Sam, now sixteen, had developed physically, she never outgrew her childhood habits when it came to dressing and sleeping. I suppose it was due to her closeness to her mother and the example she set for Sam, which was consistent with Sam's own naturally open personality. Despite inheriting her mother's slight frame, Sam obviously had other family members to thank for the rest of her feminine attributes.

When I had occasion to pass by their door before they got up, I often caught a glimpse of Sam lying uncovered and topless on her favorite mattress in the middle of the floor, just a few feet from Josh - a panty-clad beauty, her tender young breasts naked and inviting.

My curiosity about how Josh handled all this finally got the better of me. One morning I got up, put on my shorts, and slowly and quietly crept out to the hall. I only needed to take one step into the hall in order to see what I was looking for.

I couldn't see Sam from this angle, but I could just barely see enough of Josh to detect any movement he made. I thought I noticed some, but first, I quickly poked my head out a little further so I could see Sam without risking her seeing me. She was lying on her back, topless and uncovered. Her eyes were closed. The sun shone on her like a spotlight, glistening off the golden skin of the soft round orbs on her chest. Her perfect nipples were slightly erect in the cool morning air.

There's no way Josh can resist this, I thought to myself.

Sure enough, as I turned my attention back toward Josh, I detected movement. The sheet covered him from the waist down but I could detect a rapid, rhythmic hand movement at his groin. Within seconds, I heard a quiet intake of breath, and, a few seconds later, he rolled over and became still.

Ok, I thought. Good to know that this is all that's happening. I figured that if they were doing more than this, Josh would probably not have felt the need to do what he had done just now. I wondered about Sam, though. Was she really clueless about her effect on Josh?

I detected some more movement and chanced another glance at Sam. Now that Josh had rolled away from her, Sam had covered herself with her blanket and rolled over too.

Ah, I thought. That makes sense too. Sam clearly was aware of her effect on Josh and enjoyed his reaction as it reinforced her positive body image. I'm sure there are other ways to spin what I had witnessed, some not so good, but that's how I saw it, and I concluded that there was no need to get involved or mention it to Julie.

Even by then, Sam hadn't stopped her practice of getting into bed with Julie and me. She didn't do it as often, but on some mornings, Sam would crawl into our bed beside her mother and they would cuddle. Sam's physical maturation hadn't seemed to phase Julie in the slightest. As far as I could tell, Sam still never wore a bra. Julie was either ignoring the differences in their builds or was just opposed to bras in principle. Either way didn't matter to me. Well, actually I guess I liked things just as they were.

On those mornings, through barely opened eyes, I would watch Sam walk into our room and pass by the foot of our bed on her way to her mother's side. She always wore her perpetual smile, which clearly widened when she caught a glimpse of my morning erection tenting the bed sheet. I found it impossible not to appreciate her body, especially the way her perfect breasts shimmered delightfully with each step. I stopped trying to hide my arousal, figuring she had seen it often enough already, and it was there before she came into the room anyway.

One morning, I woke before she came in, but I continued to feign sleep, waiting to see if she came in. Then, through my eye slits, I saw her just standing at the doorway looking in. As my erection grew, I was careful not to do anything that would tip her off that I was awake. Then it seemed that she slowly raised her right hand to her left breast. She remained like that for several minutes before suddenly turning and going back to her room. I wondered what sight would greet Josh when he woke up that morning.

It was a few days later when Sam next got in bed with us. On this occasion, Julie was way over on the edge of her side of the bed, and there was a small gap between us. Sam walked to the foot of the bed and smiled at me. I smiled back and said, "Hi, Sunshine," which was a pet name I used for both Julie and Sam. She beamed an even bigger smile back at me and crawled up between us.

The sight of her gorgeous face and those perfect breasts hanging from her chest as she crawled up between us had their usual effect on me. I felt the soft, smooth warm skin of her arm and back as she squeezed between us, and turned her back towards me before draping her arm over her still-sleeping mother. Julie stirred and clutched Sam's arm, caressing it as she seemed to go back to sleep.

This was the first time in years that Sam had gotten in bed between us. I thought about getting up but it would be unusual for me to get up this early, and I thought it would send a signal to Sam that she wasn't welcome, or worse, had done something I didn't like and I was rejecting her. She was welcome, despite the dilemma she was causing me. Truthfully, it was a dilemma I was enjoying. Besides, I was naked under the sheet, and getting up now would create its own set of problems. As far as I knew, Sam had never seen me naked, nor any other guy for that matter. Josh? Possibly, but from what I had seen, he seemed to take care not to show himself to his sister.

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After lying there thinking for a few minutes, I turned a quarter ways towards Sam and put my hand on her waist. I couldn't help but notice the gentle curves of her panty-clad hips and ass. I slowly glided my hand up her side and back down, lovingly caressing the softest skin I had ever felt.

After a minute, I stopped, leaving my hand on her side at about the same level as her breast, but not touching it. After a few moments, Sam turned slightly towards me, enough that she could look at me over her shoulder. As she turned, the side of her breast slid just under my hand, which came into my view. I could now clearly see over her shoulder.

"That feels nice," she said. I raised my hand to cup her cheek and then tapped the tip of her nose with my finger. She gave me a wide grin and turned her head back towards her mother. But this time, she took my hand in hers and pulled my arm around her body, hugging my hand just under her chin. This meant my forearm was draped right across her breast. For the first time, I felt the incredible softness of this softest part of her body. I even felt the small indentation of her hard nipple against my arm.

When she pulled my arm around her, it made me turn all the way onto my side, facing her back. As I lay there, my arm across her bare breast, my chest lightly touching her soft, smooth back, I was acutely aware that only a gap of a few inches kept her from feeling my throbbing penis through the thin bed sheet and her panties. I began to wonder what it would be like to close that gap. I imagined pressing my penis against her, clearly and intentionally showing her how aroused she made me.

That's when Sam snuggled even deeper into my embrace, and I felt her ass pressing into my erection. I didn't move. I may have even stopped breathing. All I was aware of was that this beautiful angel, who I adored, was holding my arm to her bare breast and was now feeling the full length of my penis throbbing against her ass through two thin layers of material.

I was still mesmerized by the intense sensation of intimate contact with this marvelous little creature when Julie stirred again. This time, she woke, and, as she turned to lie on her back, I pulled my arm back. Sam released her hold on my arm just enough to let it slide between us as I retracted it. My arm dragged across her soft breast and over her hard nipple, and the sensation was delightful.

Julie saw this and smiled brightly at us. She continued to turn onto her side, facing us. Her arms were above the sheets, her small breasts and pointy nipples adding another element to the erotic scene. Sam was lying on her back now. Julie caressed Sam's face and then mine. Smiling back at her, I caressed her arm in response.

Our arms crisscrossed over Sam's chest, occasionally jostling her breasts. Sam looked from one of us to the other and then yawned and stretched, arching her back and sticking her chest high in the air between us, each of us with one hand on her rib cage, just under her breasts. Julie then snuggled her head against Sam's shoulder.

Staring at Sam's bare breast, just inches from her face, Julie said, "Quite the little heartthrob we have here, don't we?" Julie raised her face from Sam's shoulder long enough to give her a big smile, which Sam returned.

"That's for sure," I responded, as casually as I could manage, raising my own hand to brush a few strands of Sam's luxurious hair from her forehead.

Sam rewarded us both with a smile that radiated pure love and happiness. Then, Julie did something I never would have expected. Returning her head to Sam's shoulder, she began to trace a circle around Sam's nipple with her finger. Sam's nipple grew longer and harder in response. I watched Sam's face as she closed her eyes and sucked in some air before starting to giggle.

"That tickles," she said with a laugh that caused her breasts to shimmer deliciously.

"Well, that means we should keep it up then," Julie said and reached for my hand, grabbed a finger, put it on Sam's other nipple, and started moving it around in a circle. She let go, and, after a moment's hesitation, I continued tracing the circle on my own. Seeing this, Julie put her head back down on Sam's shoulder and went back to tracing circles around Sam's other nipple.

Sam's breathing was becoming seriously ragged and she seemed to be having trouble maintaining her usual, big smile. I began to worry that Julie and I might make her cum if we kept this up much longer. It began to dawn on me that that might be exactly what Julie intended.

I really felt like I was swimming out of my depth, but I was determined to just follow Julie's lead in whatever this was we were doing. Of course, I found it super-hot to tease Sam's delicious-looking nipple while watching the effect it was having on her. I started to vary my movement, so my finger dragged back and forth across her nipple, and, then, I added a second finger. But then, Julie did something even more surprising. She stuck out her tongue and flicked Sam's nipple. Then she kissed it, flicking and licking it repeatedly, playing with it as a real lover would.

Sam was looking down at her mother now, not smiling, just sort of whimpering, her eyes slowly opening and closing in rhythm with her breath. It really looked to me like she was building toward an orgasm.

Julie then looked at me and nodded her head upwards, eyebrows raised, in that silent signal one uses to give a person permission...

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Written by jmalc23
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