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Mother's Day Week, Part 5: The Dinner Dates

"A loving son wants to make Mother’s Day extra special with a week-long celebration."

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She pulled the lingerie out of the bag and held it up, “It's so sexy! I can't wait to wear it. Thank you, baby.”

I kissed my mom and she squeezed one of my ass cheeks as we kissed.

“Time for bed,” she announced.

“Good night, Mom.”

“Good night, sweetheart.”

After entering my room, I stripped naked before climbing into bed and fell asleep dreaming about fucking my mom.

Part 5

I woke up the next morning to the sound of music. I put on a clean pair of underwear covering my morning wood. I left my room and walked toward the sound of the music. It was coming from my mom’s room.

“Mom?” I called out as I approached her room.

“I'm in here, sweetie.”

She was in the bathroom so I walked through her room and into her bathroom. She was soaking in the bathtub and listening to music. As I stood in the doorway to her bathroom, we looked at each other. Her eyes went to the hard cock in my pants and my eyes went to her exposed tits which were sitting just above the waterline.

“I'm glad you're here. Would you mind helping me out?”

“Sure. What do you need?”

“I was hoping you would wash my hair for me like you used to do.”

“Okay. I would love to help you.”

“Thank you,” she said and slid forward in the tub, “Why don't you climb in behind me? Then you can wash up too.”

That was new. I used to sit on the edge of the tub and wash her hair and the tub was full of bubbles which she hid behind. This time the water was clear and I could see her entire nude body.

I pulled my underwear down my legs as my mom watched me and then slipped into the tub behind her. My cock rested perfectly between her ass cheeks. Her hair was already wet so I grabbed the shampoo and started lathering it into her hair.

“Mmm. This is so nice. It's so wonderful having you here to take care of me,” she said.

After washing her hair thoroughly and rinsing it out, I grabbed her body wash and washed her back and shoulders. I didn't want to stop sharing the tub with her as I was extremely horny. After washing her back, I moved my soapy hands around to the front of her body. I started cleaning and fondling my mom’s tits. Her nipples turned hard and I gave them extra attention.

“Mmm. That feels good.”

My mom grabbed my hand and pulled it down under the water and between her legs, “Will you clean me here too?”

I rubbed my mom's pussy and clit and she leaned her head into my shoulder and moaned from my touch. After several minutes of touching and rubbing her pussy, my mom sat up and turned around to face me. She used the bath water to rinse off her tits as I watched. It was so sexy watching her drizzle water down her tits as she rubbed them with her hands.

“They are clean enough to eat off of now,” she said.

My mom moved her body forward and placed a nipple right in front of my mouth. I opened my mouth and sucked on the nipple that she offered me.

As I sucked her nipple, she reached into the water and grabbed my hard cock. Without saying a word she pointed my cock up between her legs and started rubbing it against her pussy.

The head of my cock ran back and forth through her folds without fully penetrating them, “Oh baby! Your cock is so hard! It feels so good like this.”

She kept herself raised high enough above my cock preventing me from going deeper inside of her. I switched nipples and continued sucking as my mom masturbated with my cock. I wanted to fuck her so badly but she was in control and I didn't want to do something she didn't want.

“Does that feel good for you, baby?”

“Yes,” I said.

“Me too!” she moaned.

She focused the rubbing on her clit and slowly started rocking her his up and down. I grabbed her ass and squeezed. I tried to pull her forward so my click would be aligned with her opening, but she gave too much resistance and kept my cock on her clit.

Small waves formed in the tub from my mom’s motions. Her head was thrown back and her eyes closed. She gripped my cock harder and started to moan.

“Oh, oh, oh. Yesss!” she moaned loudly as she orgasmed and her body shuddered over mine.

She slowly pulled her nipple out of my mouth and rose to her shaky legs, “Thank you, but I need to get ready now.”

I washed off my body as I watched my mom dry herself off. She bent over in front of me as she dried her legs and feet. I wanted to get myself off but decided to wait until I was out of the tub.

When my mom left the bathroom I opened the bathtub drain and dried myself off. I wrapped the towel around my waist and entered my mom’s room.

She was getting dressed for work, so I sat on the edge of her bed and watched her intently. My cock was pushing out the front of my towel and my mom noticed. She went to her bedside drawers and pulled out the pocket pussy. She handed it to me and said, “Do you need to take care of that? I would help you but I need to get dressed. You can use my bed if you want.”

I sat back on her bed and opened my towel. My cock was hard and ready to explode. My mom smiled at me as she slipped on her thigh-high nylons. I placed the toy over my cock and started pumping it up and down.

My mom was only wearing her underwear and thigh-highs when I came inside the toy. My mom looked so sexy in her underwear and I told her as much.

“Are you sure you are okay with me going out with my boss tonight? I can try to make up some excuse to get out of it.”

“No. It's fine. I think I might make a dinner date for myself, too.”

“Oh,” she said in surprise, “Good for you. She will be lucky to go on a date with you.”

My mom tried to hide her disappointment but it was written all over her face. I got up and went into the bathroom to clean the toy while my mom finished getting ready.

She came into the bathroom fully dressed and sprayed herself with perfume, “I'll see you tonight after our dinner dates,” she said, and she gave me a kiss before leaving.

I went to my room, grabbed my phone, and called Jenny.

“Hello, sexy,” she answered.

“Hello. I was calling because I wanted to know what you are doing tonight.”

“I don't have any plans. What did you have in mind?”

“How would you like to go out to dinner with me?”

“I would love that. I will text you my address. What time should I be ready?”

“Let me make a reservation and I will let you know.”

“Okay. I can't wait! See you tonight.”

“See you tonight. Bye.”


I hung up the phone and called a local restaurant. They had dinner reservations available so I texted Jenny with the details. Jenny texted me back with her address and a kiss emoji.

I cleaned the house and goofed off the rest of the day. As it got close to our reservation time, I started to get dressed for dinner. I decided to wear the outfit that Jenny helped me pick out.

Once I was ready, I jumped in my car and before I arrived at Jenny’s house I stopped to pick up a bouquet of flowers.

I pulled into Jenny‘s driveway and couldn't believe how nice her house was. She clearly came from a wealthy family and suddenly I felt self-conscious. I steadied my nerves and made my way to her oversized front door.

“Diiing-dooong,” rang the doorbell in a slow deep chime.

After a moment of waiting, the front door opened slowly. On the other side of the door was a drop-dead gorgeous blonde woman. She looked to be just a little younger than my mom. She wore a strapless floral dress that stopped just above her knees. Her large breasts were perky despite no evidence of a bra, and her cleavage was prominently displayed front and center.

“Hello! You must be Greg. I've heard so much about you. Please come in,” she said cheerfully.

I entered the house and she closed the massive door behind me.

“Jenny is just finishing getting ready. I'm Julie, Jenny’s mom.”

“It's nice to meet you, Julie. You have a beautiful home.”

“Thank you. Sometimes I think it's too big for just me and Jenny, but we like it. Can I get you anything while you wait?”

“I'm okay, thank you.”

“Those are beautiful flowers. You are so sweet. Can I put them in water for you?”

“Yes, please,” I said.

“Okay, come with me.”

I followed Julie into the kitchen. It was extremely large and filled with high-end appliances and cabinets. Julie started opening some of the bottom cabinets until she found what she was looking for. I watched her as she bent over and reach into the low cabinet.

Her ass was held high into the air and her dress lifted up in the back. I was treated to the back of her bare thighs. I wished that the dress would rise further but it was too long to expose her ass.

She seemed to be struggling slightly so I said, “Can I help you?”

“Yes,” she said to my surprise, “Come and hold this for me.”

I wasn't sure what ‘this’ was but I walked up next to her and said, “I'm here.”

Without looking at me, Julie extended her arm out toward me, holding the bouquet of flowers. She reach too far and her hand grazed my stiffening cock. I took the flowers from her and remained in place.

Julie knelt down to her knees and finally pulled out an expensive-looking vase. She sat back, out of the cabinet as I looked down at her. I was able to see right down the top of her dress and I confirmed to myself that she was indeed not wearing a bra.

She stood up slowly and turned to me, “Thank you for your help, otherwise, I might have been down there forever.”

Julie looked into my eyes and stared a little longer than necessary. I felt a tinge of guilt for lusting after Jenny’s mom and was the first to look away. Julie turned away from me, bent over right in front of me, and closed the cabinet door.

She walked over to the faucet and filled the vase with water. Then she set it on the counter and walked over to me. She took the flowers from me and said, “Thank you,” before kissing me on the cheek and then giving me a wink.

I watched her as she prepared the flowers and then placed them in the vase. She then walked over to the fireplace and placed them on the mantle. She had to reach up high and stand on her tippy-toes. It was very sexy to watch.

Julie turned around and saw me watching her. She smiled at me and walked toward me, Jenny should be ready by now,” she said.

Julie grabbed my hand and walked me back to the foray, “Jenny?” Julie called out from the bottom of the winding staircase.

“Coming,” returned Jenny’s response.

Julie and I watched the top of the stairs until Jenny appeared a moment later. She was wearing a tight red dress that showed off all of her curves. The dress was very short and stopped at the top of her sexy thighs.

Jenny proceeded down the staircase as we watched her descend. Each step she took revealed a flash of her red panties under her dress. I tried my best not to look but I couldn't help myself.

Julie turned to me to see my reaction. She then gently pushed up on my chin to close my opened mouth. I turned and looked at Julie.

“Doesn't she look beautiful?” she asked me quietly.

“Yes. You are both very beautiful.”

Julie blushed slightly and said, “You're not so bad looking yourself. If only I were a little younger.”

I looked back at Jenny and watched her as she descended the last few steps. We embraced each other in a hug and I said, “You look ravishing tonight.”

“Thank you. You look very sexy, too. I especially like your outfit. Someone very smart must have helped you pick it out.”

“Smart and sexy,” I replied with a grin.

“Run along you two! You don't want to be late,” Julie said as she opened the front door.

Jenny and I made our way out the door and I helped her into my car. Jenny placed her hand on my thigh when I sat down and she kept it there the entire car ride.

“Your mom is very nice,” I told her.

“Yes. She can be a bit much at times. Always in my business, but I know she means well. She just gets lonely sometimes. It's just the two of us, so I understand.”

When we arrived at the restaurant I parked my car and helped Jenny out of the car. We entered the restaurant and we were shown to our table. It was a small square table and we sat opposite from each other.

Jenny was extremely easy to talk to and had a great sense of humor. As the evening progressed Jenny started making several sexual innuendos and comments. At one point in the meal, Jenny slipped her shoe off and started rubbing her foot up and down my inner thigh causing my cock to harden in my pants.

After we finished our dinner, Jenny excused herself to go use the restroom. She was only gone for a moment while the wait staff cleared our table. As soon as she returned, our waiter came over and asked us if we were interested in dessert.

I looked at Jenny and she shook her head as she reached under the table and handed me something. I thought it was her napkin.

“We'll be eating dessert at home,” Jenny told the waiter.

I looked down at the item in my hand and saw that it wasn't her napkin. It was her bright red panties, “Yes. At home,” I mumbled incoherently.

The waiter gave us the check and I paid him immediately, “Ready to go get dessert?” Jenny asked me.

Once we were back in the car I asked Jenny, “Where would you like to go?”

“Somewhere where we can have some privacy. Certainly not my house. My mom is home.”

“My mom went out to dinner with her boss. She shouldn't be home for a while,” I told her.

“Your house it is then.”

We were about halfway home when Jenny spread her legs and hiked up her dress, “If you want to eat your dessert, you're gonna have to warm it up first.”

She then grabbed my hand and moved it to her pussy. I ran my fingers through her folds while looking back and forth between her bald pussy and the road in front of me. Her pussy moistened quickly and I pushed two fingers inside of her.

“Oh, yes,” she moaned, “Drive faster. I can't wait for you to taste me.”

I continued fingering her pussy until I pulled into my driveway. Jenny pulled my fingers out of her pussy and brought them up to her mouth. She sucked them clean and then said, “No free samples, sorry.”

Jenny didn't even wait for me to open the car door. She was out in a flash and heading for the front door. I hurried to catch up to her and unlocked the front door. She followed me inside and then dragged me over to the couch.

Jenny sat down in the middle of the couch and spread her legs wide open, “Are you ready for your dessert now?”“Yes!” I said as I kneeled between her legs.

Jenny grabbed my head and pulled me down to her crotch. I licked her pussy gently as she began moaning immediately. I took my time and teased her pussy. I circled my tongue around her clit before wrapping my lips around it and sucking.

“Oh, fuck!” she exclaimed.

While sucking on her clit, I brought up two fingers and slowly pushed them inside of her dripping wet cunt. Jenny started thrusting her hips as she fucked my fingers.

“Oh, Yes! I'm coming!”

My cock was rock hard and I wanted to fuck her so badly. Jenny slowly recovered from her orgasm and said, “Get your cock out and fuck me now!”

Just then we heard the key enter the lock in the front door. I jumped up and sat next to Jenny and wiped my face off with my hands as Jenny closed her legs and pulled down her dress. We were properly situated just as the front door opened.

“Hello! I'm home!” my mom announced as she walked through the front door.

Jenny and I stood up and walked toward my mom, “Oh, hello,” she said when she saw us.

“Hi, Mom. This is Jenny. Jenny, this is my mom.”

“Hello. It's nice to meet you,” Jenny said as she held out her hand.

“It's nice to meet you, too,” my mom said as she took Jenny’s hand in hers and shook it.

“I wasn't expecting you home so soon,” I said.

“I had to cut things short. I hope I'm not interrupting anything.”

“No,” I said, “We were just talking.”

“Yes,” Jenny said, “We were just saying our goodbyes.”

I looked at Jenny in surprise without actually looking surprised.

“Well, it was nice meeting you, Jenny. I hope to see you again soon.”

“You, too,” Jenny said.

We walked out of the house and to my car. My cock was still hard and aching for release. As soon as we were in the car Jenny started rubbing my cock over my pants.

“You poor thing,” Jenny said, as I drove to her house, “I was really looking forward to you fucking me tonight.”

“I can stop somewhere and we can continue,” I suggested.

“Sorry, but car sex isn't really my thing. You'll just have to...

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Written by HoldMyQuill
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