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Mother's Day Week, Part 4: Twice In One Day

"A loving son wants to make Mother’s Day extra special with a week-long celebration."

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She pressed her fingers to my lips and I could smell and taste her pussy on them. I opened my mouth and sucked her fingers into my mouth. My mom let them rest in my mouth as I sucked her juices off of them.

Once I was done sucking, we both climbed out of bed and my mom showed me how to clean the toy properly. Then I jumped in the shower again to rinse the oil off.

My mom was sitting naked on her bed when I got out. We said our good nights and I went back to my room and fell asleep naked almost immediately.

Part 4

My cock was sliding in and out of my mom as she whispered sweet nothings in my ear, “Do you like that? Do you like fucking Mommy?”

“Oh yes!” I moaned, “I love fucking you, Mom.”

“That's a good boy. Cum for, Mommy.”

Just then I realized that I was dreaming but it felt so real. I opened my eyes and saw my mom sitting on the edge of the bed. She was wearing a button-up blouse and a short skirt. But that wasn't the first thing I noticed. My mom was pumping my cock with the pocket pussy she had bought me.

“Good morning, sweety,” she said as she continued pumping my cock, “I was just on my way out the door when I noticed that your dream had caused you to have another erection. I thought I'd be nice and help you relieve it before I left. I hope you don't mind.”

“No, mmm. You can help me whenever you want.”

This brought a smile to her face, “I'm happy to hear that. Are you almost there? I have to get going soon.”

“Yes! I'm about to cum!”

My mom removed the toy and stroked my cock with her hand.

“Oh fuck! I'm cumming!” I shouted.

My mom watched my cock intently as cum spewed its way out and landed on my stomach, “Mmm. Thank you for letting me help you.”

My mom then ran two fingers through the cum on my stomach, gathering up as much as she could, and then stood up and blew me a kiss. She walked out of my room with the cum still on her fingers.

I grabbed some tissues and cleaned up the rest. Then I sat up and placed my feet on the floor. My foot felt something wet on the ground and when I looked down I noticed my mom’s new panties under my foot.

I picked up the panties and felt that they were indeed wet in the crotch. I couldn't understand why they were here. I figured that my mom must have taken them off while she stroked my cock and forgotten them.

Holding her panties to my nose, I smelled her womanly scent. My cock stirred but did not harden. I stuck them under my pillow for later and got dressed.

As I went to the kitchen for breakfast I couldn't stop thinking about my mom. She seemed to be getting off on stroking my cock and making me cum. And I was enjoying every minute of it.

After finishing breakfast I ran back to my room and grabbed the panties from under my pillow. Using the toy on my now hard cock, I got myself off again while smelling my mom’s panties. I cleaned the toy and brought it and the panties to my mom’s room. I set them both on the bed next to each other.

I didn't have any plans for the day so I decided to see if Jenny had actually given me her real phone number. I was nervous while I dialed the phone and then put it up to my ear. It rang once, and then again before there was a click and her voice came over from the other side, “Hello?” she asked in a sweet voice.

“Hello. Is this Jenny?” I asked.

“Yes. Who is this?”

“This is Greg. You have been helping me pick out clothes for myself and my date.”

“Oh, hello. I wasn't sure you'd call.”

“Umm yeah. I was just wondering if you wanted to help me again?”

I'd love to help. It's my day off today so you can have my undivided attention. Can you meet me at the mall in an hour?”

“Yes!” I said a little too excitedly.

“Great! Meet me just outside the story, inside the Mall.”

After making sure I looked presentable and putting on some cologne, I made my way out the door and to the mall. I wasn't waiting long when I heard her voice behind me, “Greg?”

I spun around and said, “Yes.”

She walked right up to me and gave me a hug.

“So? What did you have planned?”

“I didn't have a plan actually. I just wanted to see you again.”

Jenny smiled and blushed slightly, “Okay, then I will make the plan. Come with me.”

She grabbed my hand and led me into the mall. We passed several stores until we stopped in front of one. The mannequins in the window were all adorned in sexy lingerie.

“How's this?” she asked.

“Looks interesting,” I replied.

She pulled me into the store and started perusing the racks of lingerie. She pulled a couple of selections and held them up to herself. She had two choices in her hands when she finally turned to me and asked, “What do you think of these?”

“I'm not sure.”


Jenny turned away from me and walked over to the girl behind the counter. Once they were done talking, Jenny waved me over as the clerk walked her over to the back of the store. She showed her a room with a red velvet curtain.

There was a chair outside the room which Jenny told me to sit in. I watched the store clerk as she moved about the store attending to other customers.

After a few minutes passed Jenny stuck her head through the curtains and whispered for me to enter the fitting room. I looked at the clerk who had her back to us and hurried into the fitting room.

What I saw inside made my jaw drop. Jenny was wearing a sexy set of black lingerie complete with garters and nylons. Her petite body and perky tits were accentuated by her attire.

Jenny smiled when she saw my reaction, “What do you think?”

I responded with stunned silence. This caused Jenny’s smile to broaden even further. She slowly turned around for me, pausing and bending over slightly in order for me to get a prime view of her derriere.

My cock rose to the occasion as I took in the sight. Jenny slowly continued her turn to face me again.

“So, do you like what you see?”

My head nodded in approval. Jenny reached out and rubbed her hand over my stiff cock, “It looks like someone else likes it, too.”

Her touch elicited a quiet moan from me, “Mmm.”

“Would you like to see me try on the other one?”

“Yes,” said softly.

I started to head toward the exit of the fitting room to give Jenny her privacy when she propped her leg up in front of me, blocking my movement.

“Do you know how to take these off?” she asked, gesturing to the garter straps that were holding up her black thigh-high nylons.

“No,” I said.

“You're going to have to learn if you want to get down to business with your date. Give it a try.”

I reached down and fumbled with one of the clasps. I turned flush with embarrassment when couldn't undo it.

“Here. Let me show you. You have to slide the nub up, and out of the clasp,” she undid it quickly even though she was going slow to demonstrate it to me.

“Now you try.”

I reached for the other clasp and after a second of manipulating it, I succeeded.

Jenny lowered her leg and raised the other, “Now, this one.”

The clasp came undone quickly this time as I now understood how it worked.

“Good job,” she said proudly, “Now for your final test. Undo the last one with your eyes closed.”

“Okay,” I said with confidence.

I closed my eyes and then reached for her leg. I ran my hands up her smooth bare thighs. I was looking for the clasp on her inner thigh. My hand continued up her thigh until I felt fabric. I moved my fingers around looking for the clasp.

“Mmm, you went too high,” she moaned.

Her words and the heat and moisture of the fabric made me realize that I had traveled all the way up to her panties and was rubbing my fingers over her pussy. I pulled my hand back and said, “Sorry!”

“It's okay,” she said sweetly, “Just keep trying.”

I slid my hand back down and found the clasp. I unbuckled it quickly and kept my hand on her bare thigh.

“Good! Keep your eyes closed,” she said quickly, “Now you know how to undo them in the dark. Let's see how well you handle a bra strap. Undo my bra without looking.”

I reached up with both hands and moved them forward to find her body. My hands went straight to her tits, her bare tits!

As I opened my eyes, my hands remained on her firm tits. Jenny had removed her top while my eyes were closed. My cock strained against my pants.

“So you like touching my tits, do you?” Jenny asked, “Well two can play that game.”

Jenny reached out and rubbed my hard cock through my jeans, “It feels like you've got a monster in there. A monster that wants to get out of its cage.”

I fondled Jenny's tits and nipples while she rubbed my caged beast. I felt her tits slip out of my grasp as she dropped to her knees and started unbuckling my pants. I stood there in trepidation until my pants were undone and dropped to my ankles. Then Jenny grabbed the waistband of my underwear and pulled them down, “Mmm. You've got a nice-looking cock.”

Jenny wrapped her fingers around my cock and started stroking it as she licked her lips, “Do you know what I could do with a cock like this?”

I shook my head out of her view, to her rhetorical question. But she answered for me anyway by leaning forward and licking the tip. Jenny then looked up at me with her mouth agape and smiled at me with her eyes.

Placing both of my hands on her head, I slowly pulled her forward until her open mouth was aligned with my cock. Jenny needed no further encouragement as she continued forward and wrapped her lips around my cock.

I had almost forgotten that we were in a public fitting room until the sounds of Jenny slurping on my cock resonated in my ears. The excitement of the situation had my balls boiling and my cock was ready to explode. Jenny took my cock deep into her mouth and sucked it hard while stroking the rest of my shaft with her hand.

“Ohh,” I moaned quietly, “ You're going to make me cum.”

Jenny stroked faster and bobbed her head back and forth coaxing my cum out of me.

“Oh, yes! I'm cumming!” I muttered under my breath as I held back from moaning loudly.

As soon as the first shot hit Jenny’s tongue, she reached around me and grabbed my ass. She pulled me in hard as my cock plunged deeper into her mouth and the remaining streams of cum shot directly down her throat.

I could see her tearing up slightly as she fought off the urge to gag. Once my cum torrents had subsided Jenny relaxed her grip and allowed my cock to slide out of her mouth. She watched it slowly deflate before looking back up at me, “That was fun, but we're going to have to work on your stamina,” she said and then gave me a wink.

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Jenny stood up and started removing the rest of her lingerie as I pulled up my pants and underwear. I tucked my sated cock back into my pants and closed my fly and belt.

Jenny started putting on the clothes she came in when I asked, “Don't you want to try on the other one?”

Jenny had brought in the same outfit she had tried on, but it was white instead of black.

“No. It's not in my size. It is the same size as your date. I'm sure she will like it. Maybe not as much as you thought.”

Jenny handed me both outfits and stepped out of the fitting room. I then heard her whisper from the other side, “Come on. The coast is clear.”

Stepping out of the fitting room with my arms full of fabric, I saw the store clerk near the front of the shop rearranging some of the items on a clothing rack. As we approached the checkout counter she looked up at us and smiled and then made her way towards us.

“Did everything work out okay?”

“Yes,” replied Jenny, “Everything worked out great.”

“That's good. Did you decide which one you wanted?”

Jenny looked at me to answer, “Umm. I’ll take them both, please.”

Jenny seemed surprised in a good way. She tucked her arm under mine and rested her head on my shoulder as I paid for the items.

“We only have small bags. Is it okay if I put them in separate bags?”

“That’s perfect,” I replied.

She bagged them up in two paper bags that had the store colors and name printed on them. The clerk handed me the bags and said, “Thank you for shopping with us. Enjoy the rest of your day.”

“Thank you. You too,” I replied.

Jenny and I walked through the mall arm in arm. She led me out to the parking lot where she was parked and then to her car.

“I had a really good time. Thank you,” she said and then gave me a kiss on the cheek.

“I did too. Can I see you again?”

“Sure. Are you planning to do some more shopping?”

“No. I was thinking something more like dinner.”

“Oh! I’d love that. Call me any time.”

“Okay,” I said as I handed her the bag with the black lingerie, “This is for you. Thank you for modeling it for me.”

Jenny took the bag and gave me a hug and a kiss on the lips, “Thank you! You're so sweet. I'll see you soon, I hope.”

She climbed into her car and I watched her drive away. I then made my way to my car and drove home. When I pulled into the driveway I noticed my mom’s car. I noted that she was home early.

I entered the house carrying the bag from the store. I was planning to take it to my room and give it to my mom later, but she saw me as I walked in, “Hello, honey. Where have you been?”

“I was doing some shopping.”

My mom looked down at the bag and recognized the store brand, “Did you buy yourself some lingerie?” she giggled.

“No. I bought it for you.”

“Oh, sweetie, you spoil me too much. Thank you. You can give it to me in a minute. I was really hoping you'd help me with something, first.”


“Would you be so kind as to give me a foot massage? I have had a bit of a stressful day.”

“I'd be happy to, Mom.”

My mom took me to the couch and lay flat on her back and propped her feet up on the armrest. I stood at the edge of the couch and started rubbing her nylon-cover feet, “Why did you have a stressful day?” I asked.

“Well, I forgot something at home today and I had to do my best not to let anyone notice.”

I wondered what she had forgotten until her legs parted slightly while I rubbed her feet. I could see her bare pussy displayed just under her short skirt.

“Oh. And did anyone notice?”

“Yes, I think so. I think my boss noticed.”

“Did you get in trouble?”

“No, but he did say he wanted to discuss some personal matters with me. So he invited me to dinner tomorrow to discuss them.”

“What did you say?”

“I said yes. I can't say no to my boss. I hope you don't mind.”

“No. Why would I mind?”

“Well, you have planned this whole week to celebrate Mother's Day. I don't want to take that away from you.”

“It's okay. I will make other plans for dinner tomorrow. We can continue our celebrations after.”

My mom smiled at me and then closed her eyes. I continued to rub her feet as I looked at her exposed pussy. It was beginning to glisten and I knew she was getting wet. I moved my hand further up her legs and rubbed her thighs.

Eventually, my hands were rubbing up her thighs under her skirt, “Mmm. That feels good, baby. Don’t stop.”

I ran my hands right up to the edges of her pussy. My fingers massaged her outer lips as I rubbed her legs. She parted her legs and continued to moan, “You are so good at this. You are a natural.”

I could feel my fingers start to get wet as I pushed my fingers inward. My mom was breathing heavily now and her legs were shaking. I slid one hand up higher and pushed two fingers inside my mom's pussy.

My mom moaned loudly, “Ohhh!” and then clamped her legs together. She grabbed my wrists and slowly pulled them away.

“Thank you for that! That was one of the best massages that you have given me,” she said between breaths, “I think I should head upstairs now and get changed.”

I sat back and my mom stood to her feet. She leaned down and kissed me on the lips, “I'll be back in a minute.”

I sat on the couch and slowly rubbed my hard cock through my pants. I was just about to pull it out when my mom called to me, “Greg, can you come here, please?”

Walking into my mom's room, the first thing I saw was my mom wearing her purple silk robe. It was tied tightly around her waist and I could tell that she was not wearing a bra. Her tits and nipples were clearly outlined in the tight silk robe, “What is this?” she asked, pointing to the objects on her bed.

Her forgotten panties and pocket pussy...

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Written by HoldMyQuill
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