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Mother's Day Week, Part 2: The First Date

"A loving son wants to make Mother’s Day extra special with a week-long celebration."

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After the kiss, she sat up and dragged the entire length of her arm across my cock before smiling at me and leaving the room. On the way out I saw her notice my pile of clothes on the floor including my underwear sitting on top.

She pulled my door closed but left it open about three inches. A habit she had since I was a little kid. I waited a few minutes and then pulled out my cock and stroked it again.

After cumming I cleaned myself with a box of tissues, threw them in my garbage can, and I drifted off to sleep.

Part 2

I had a vivid dream about fucking my mom, “Mmm,” I moaned in my sleep.

My mom ran her hands up and down my chest as she rode my cock. It felt so real. I was about to flood my mom's pussy when I heard my mom say, “Oh, my.”

I opened my eyes and saw my mom sitting on the edge of my bed. She was rubbing my chest with one hand and I couldn't see what she was doing with the other.

“Good morning, sweetheart,” she said, “Sorry for waking you. I heard you moaning and thought you were having a bed dream or something. It must have been a pretty intense dream. What was it about?”

“Umm,” I said trying to think of something.

“Was I in it?”


“It's just that I thought, maybe, I heard you say, ‘Mom.’”

“Oh. I don't remember but I think I was dreaming about your Mother’s Day surprise.”

“Oh, that's sweet. It sounds like it was a nice surprise.”

I looked at my mom and saw that she was wearing a short dress that hugged her curves. She had her makeup on and she looked beautiful.

“What are your plans for today while I'm at work?” she asked.

“I think I might run out to the mall for a little bit and do some laundry later.”

“That sounds good. Have fun.”

She then leaned down to kiss me and wrapped her arms around me, pressing her arm into my hard cock again.

She sat up and said, “Oops,” then she ran her finger over my lips and wiped away the lipstick she had transferred onto them. I swore that I could smell pussy on her fingers as she ran them over my lips.

“Well, you better get up and get moving then. You don't want to waste the day away in bed.”

“I will. And please don't be at work too late tonight. I have something special planned this evening.”

“You're so sweet. I don't know how you can top last night, but I'm looking forward to it. I will try to be home by five,” she said.


My mom left my room, leaving the door open again. I waited until I heard the front door open and close before uncovering myself and stroking my cock. I pictured my mom's lips wrapped around my cock until I released my load inside her mouth.

After cleaning up I jumped in the shower and then went to the mall. I was planning to buy some nice dress clothes for our dinner date and decided to buy a gift for my mom at the same time.

A beautiful young sales associate helped me pick out some nice dress clothes for my “date” tonight. I didn't tell her that my date was my mom. She told me that my date would love my new outfit and would probably want to extend the date past dinner and then she gave me a wink.

“I want to buy my m-, my date something nice. What do you recommend?” I asked her.

“Jewelry is always nice, but do you know what is even more romantic?”


“Buying your date a dress that will match your outfit. I can help you pick something out.”

“Okay,” I said.

The sales associate walked me over to the dresses and showed me a few choice selections. Nothing too formal, but dressy and sexy. I picked out one of the dresses that I would love to see my mom in. I wasn't sure of her exact size but chose the one that looked the closest.

“We can also pick out some nice lingerie. But that might send the wrong message on a first date. But it will be perfect for a third date if things go well. I recommend getting her exact bra and panties size first though, if you can pull that off.”

“I'll try,” I told her.

I knew that I could check the size of my mom’s bra and panties at home without my mom knowing, but I didn't want to tell the sales associate that.

She helped me check out and even wrapped the dress in a nice box with tissue and a bow. I left the store with confidence and headed back home.

I placed the box in my mom's room on her bed and then I grabbed her dirty clothes. I told my mom that I would do a load of laundry, but I didn't tell her that I was planning to do hers. I thought it would be a nice surprise.

As I grabbed her laundry I noticed her bra and panties that she was wearing the night before. I looked at her bra size and wrote it down in my notes on my phone. Then I picked up her panties to check their size when the smell of sex hit me like a ton of bricks. I held her panties to my nose and took a big whiff. My cock instantly reacted and grew hard in my pants.

I threw her clothes in the washer, making sure to check the tags, and had to leave out a few items that were labeled ‘Dry Clean Only.’

Intentionally leaving out her panties before starting the wash, I brought them with me to my room. I stripped naked and climbed into bed, still clutching her sexy panties in my hand.

I held her panties to my nose as I jerked off. I pictured myself going down on my mom and licking her pussy. I came hard onto my chest and cock.

My cum seemed to cover my entire chest and I was going to use my mom’s panties to clean myself since I knew I was going to wash them later, but then thought better of it because I didn't know what a fresh load of spunk might do to her clothes if I did. I added her panties to a second load of clothes.

I washed, dried, and put away her clean clothes. It was starting to get late so I got dressed in my newly purchased outfit and waited anxiously for my mom's arrival.

My mom walked through the front door and went to the kitchen. I came out of my room and walked up behind her. She was looking through the cupboards for something to make for dinner, “You don't have to do that,” I said.

My mom spun around and saw me. She had a look of surprise when she saw how nicely dressed I was, “You look so handsome, baby. What's the occasion?”

“I'm taking you out to dinner tonight. To your favorite Italian restaurant.”

“Oh my gosh. That sounds wonderful! I need to go get dressed,” she said, “What will I wear?” she said to herself.

“I have another surprise for you. It's in your room.”

My mom smiled brightly and grabbed my hand. She pulled me to her room and saw the large box with a bow sitting on her bed, “That's a big box. What could it be?”

She looked at me inquisitively and then sat on the bed next to the box. She untied the bow and slowly open the box. She set the lid aside and then folded back the tissue.

“Oh! It's beautiful,” she said as she lifted the dress out of the box and held it against herself.

She jumped off the bed and looked at herself in the mirror while holding the dress in front of herself, “I can't wait to put it on.”

She set the dress flat on the bed and then gave me a big hug and a kiss, “Thank you, baby. It's perfect.”

She looked at the dress on the bed and then pulled one arm out of her current dress. She started to pull the other arm out when she stopped and looked at me, “Give me a minute and I will be right out. How much time do we have?”

I checked my watch and said, “We have about an hour and a half.”

“Perfect. I'm going to jump in the shower and then get ready.”

She gave me another kiss and walked to the bathroom to start the shower. I left her room and closed the door behind me. I entertained myself on my phone while I waited. I considered watching some porn but I knew I couldn't jerk off in my new clothes so I just played some mobile games instead. An hour had passed when I heard my mom call out to me.

“Coming,” I called back.

I entered my mom's room and she was facing away from me. She was wearing the dress I picked out but the zipper in the back was undone. The zipper went down to her ass and I could see her red panties showing. Her back was completely bare so I knew she wasn't wearing a bra, “Can you zip me up, please?” she asked when she heard me enter.

I grabbed the zipper and then pinched the dress below it, accidentally pinching my mom's ass in the process. I pulled the zipper up and struggled a little bit when I got to the center of her back, “It's a little tight,” I said.

“Yes. It's actually a size too small but I think I can make it work.”

My mom pressed her tits against her chest and said, “Try it now.”

I was able to zip the dress up the rest of the way. My mom then turned and faced me, “Thank you!”

My eyes went to her tits immediately. Due to the smaller-sized dress, my mom's tits were pressed together and spilling out of the top of her dress. She ignored my gawking and walked over to the mirror. While she was looking at herself, I took in the rest of her. The dress was form fit to her body and the length was shorter than any of her other dresses but it looked amazing on her.

“It's a little shorter than I'm used to, but it's beautiful. You did a good job picking out the perfect dress for this evening.”

She then went into the bathroom and finished touching up her hair and makeup while I watched. I couldn't take my eyes off of her and she kept glancing at me in the mirror and smiling. Lastly, she sprayed herself with some perfume and said, “All set. Let's go.”

She hooked her arm through mine and we walked together to the car, “I'll drive,” I said, “so you can have some wine with dinner.”

I opened the passenger door for her and held it open while she climbed in. Then I shut the door and got in on the driver's side. My stomach was filled with butterflies as this was starting to feel like a real date.

As I adjusted the seat I noticed that my mom's dress sat very high while she sat, exposing her bright red panties. She tried to pull her dress down but it was no use, “I wish I'd worn some better underwear. I didn't realize the dress rode up so high when I sat.”

“They look fine to me,” I said with a grin, “Just be glad you didn't wear panties that matched your bra.”

“I'm not wearing a...” she paused, “Oh! Yeah. That would have been really bad.”

She finally relaxed and stopped trying to pull her dress down. Then she placed one hand on my thigh and said, “Thank you for doing this sweety. It's been a while since I had a nice night out like this.”

She kept her hand on my thigh and slowly rubbed it up and down as she looked out the window. We arrived at the restaurant and I pulled up in front. The valet opened my door and handed me a ticket as I climbed out of the car. He started to go around the car to the other side when I said, “It's okay. I'll get it.”

The valet nodded at me and then climbed into the driver's seat. As I walked around the front of the car I noticed that he looked down at my mother’s crotch, got surprised, and then looked straight out the windshield as he waited for me to help my mom out of the car.

There was a line of people waiting outside the restaurant and all eyes were on my mom as she flashed her panties, climbing out of the car. She stood and pulled the bottom of her dress down, hiding her panties from view.

My mom and I walked into the restaurant arm in arm, “Looks like it will be a long wait,” she said to me quietly.

We approached the hostess stand and gave her my name, “Right this way,” she said.

My mom looked at me pleasantly surprised and said, “You have planned this night out to perfection. How will I be able to show you my gratitude?”

I noticed most of the male dinners, and some of the women were checking out my mom as we walked through the restaurant. I was proud to have the most beautiful woman in the place draped over my arm.

The hostess showed us to our table and I pulled out a chair closest to the wall and offered my mom the seat. She sat in the chair and I pushed it back in. She then crossed her legs but not before most of the men that were still looking at her got a flash of her red panties.

When our waiter arrived he was clearly enthralled by my mom's beauty and paid little attention to me. When he asked for our drink orders, I ordered a glass of water and my mom ordered a bottle of wine.

A few minutes later the waiter returned with two water glasses. He then brought over the bottle of wine and two glasses. He showed us the bottle and then opened it. Then he poured a very small amount into my glass and looked at me.

I looked at my mom as I knew I wasn't old enough to drink and didn't know how she'd react. She simply nodded her head and smiled. I'd seen enough movies to know what I was supposed to do. I picked up the glass and smelled the wine. Then I took a small sip and pondered the taste even though I couldn't actually tell the difference between good wine and bad. I swallowed the wine and turned to the waiter and nodded.

He filled my glass with wine and then did the same with my mom's glass. I waited for him to leave before I leaned forward and quietly asked my mom what I should do. She picked up her glass and said, “I'm sure one glass will be okay. Cheers!”

We clinked our glasses and took a sip. My glass was almost empty when dinner came but my mom was well into her second. She watched me finish off the glass and said, “I'd let you have another glass but then we'd have to get an Uber. How about I open a bottle when we get home?”

As we were nearing the end of our meal my mom poured herself half a glass of wine. There was still some left so she poured it into my glass filling it halfway, “Are you sure?” I asked.

“We've been here for over an hour now. Half a glass should be fine. Besides I need your help to finish it so we can go home. I'd love another one of your wonderful massages.”

“Okay,” I said with a smile as my cock stirred at the idea.

We finished our food and drinks and made our way to the door after I paid for the meal. My mom not only wrapped her arm around me but she leaned into me as we walked.

The valet brought us our car and kept checking out my mom as I opened the door and lowered her into the passenger seat. As we drove home my mom started rubbing my leg again as her dress rode up even further than before. I followed her lead and rested my hand on her bare thigh and started rubbing it in and out of her upper thigh.

My mom cracked open the car window and said, “I'm so warm. I can't wait to get out of this dress.”

She pulled the top of her dress outward to give her breasts some air. As I looked over to see more of her exposed breast, my mom caught me looking and squeezed my thigh, “Eyes on the road, mister,” she said playfully.

We pulled into the driveway and I looked at my mom. Her eyes were closed and I was free to look at her sexy body. After a minute of looking, I finally spoke, “We're here.”

My mom opened her eyes to look at the house and then looked at me, “I had a wonderful evening. Thank you.”

Then she leaned into me and gave me a slow, long kiss. Her lips parted as we kissed but her tongue remained in her mouth.

“If you weren't my son, I’d be inviting you inside right about now.”

“Since I'm your son, I'm going to invite myself inside.”

She smiled and said, “I’d like that.”

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She waited for me to open her car door and help her up. As she stood, she pressed her body against mine and embraced me with a hug, “How did I raise such a handsome gentleman? You will make a woman very happy one day.”

“I just hope to make you happy.”

“You do! You make me very happy!”

We walked into the house and my mom went straight for the wine cabinet, “Did you enjoy the wine we had tonight? I have the same kind.”

“Yes. It was very...

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Written by HoldMyQuill
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