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Mother’s Day Week, Part 3: The Gift Exchange

"A loving son wants to make Mother’s Day extra special with a week-long celebration."

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Mother’s Day 3

She appeared to be breathing heavier than normal but maybe it was just because she was sleeping. Or maybe she was out of breath because she just finished masturbating.

As I watched for any other signs of movement, I considered calling out to her to see if she was awake. I changed my mind when I realized that I didn't have a good excuse for checking on her, so I returned to my room.

Before climbing into bed I set my alarm to wake me up early. I had a plan to surprise my mom with something special first thing in the morning.

Part 3

“Ring! Ring! Ring!..” blared my alarm, waking me from my incestuous dream.

Normally I would have hit the snooze button several times, but this morning was different. I jumped out of bed, ignoring my morning wood, and threw on a clean T-shirt and shorts.

I left my room and noted that my mother's door was still open. I knew that I had an hour before her alarm went off and set her in motion. I headed straight for the kitchen and pulled out all of the necessary items from the refrigerator and cupboards.

Pots and pans were the next things to grab and then I fired up the stovetop burners. Eggs, bacon, and hash browns simmered away as I toasted some bread and cut up some fresh fruit.

Once the food was done cooking I dished it up onto two plates. As I was reaching for two glasses to fill with orange juice I noticed two champagne glasses and had a better idea.

I pulled out a bottle of champagne and made two mimosas. I placed everything onto a tray and then grabbed a single red rose from the bouquet I had given my mom earlier. I placed it inside a thin vase and added it to the tray.

Carrying the tray, I made my way to my mom's room. She was sleeping on top of her covers and she was wearing nothing but her panties. I set down the tray and walked around the side of her bed.

Before waking my mom I took in her beautiful body. Her nipples appeared to be hard and she wore a smile on her face. I wanted to run my hand over her tits and body but resisted the temptation.

“Mom?” I said softly, so as not to startle her.

“Mmm hmm?” she hummed back but did not move.

“Mom?” I said again, a little louder, and placed my hand on her shoulder.

“Mmm,” she moaned, “Have you finally come for me?”

Her eyes were still closed and I thought she was still asleep when she grabbed my hand softly and moved it to her tit. I held my hand still on her tit and my cock began to grow in my shorts.

“Mom?” I said again.

My mom’s eyes slowly opened and she looked up at me. She smiled and pulled me down to her and whispered in my ear, “I want you to...”

Her voice trailed off at the end. She had pulled my hand away from her breast when she pulled me down but now my mouth was just inches away. I licked my lips and inched my tongue out of my mouth toward her hard nipple. I flicked it lightly with my tongue.

“Ohhh,” she moaned, and then let go of my hand.

I sat up and looked at my mom. Her eyes blinked rapidly as she tried to discern reality from fantasy, “Oh?”

“Good morning, Mom.”

“Good morning. What are you doing here?”

“I made you breakfast in bed.”

She scooted up in her bed to a raised position, “Really?”

“Yes. Happy Mother’s Week!” I said cheerfully.

I turned to grab the tray and noticed my mom looking down at my crotch. My cock stuck out prominently and was even more noticeable from a side profile.

After grabbing the tray of food, I turned back to my mom and sat it on her lap. She looked over the display and said, “This looks wonderful, honey. You are so sweet.”

“You deserve it,” I said.

My mom didn't bother to cover her exposed tits and said, “Come sit next to me, and let's enjoy this meal together.”

I walked around the bed and climbed in next to her. She grabbed one of the glasses and swung it around in front of me. As she did, her hand bumped into my erection causing some of its contents to spill onto my lap.

“Oh my gosh. In so sorry,” my mom said as I took the glass from her.

She then grabbed a napkin from the tray and started wiping my crotch. Her hand ran around my cock and then she pressed it down toward my chest and started rubbing the napkin up and down my shaft.

“It's okay, really,” I said, and then she gave my cock a quick squeeze and stopped.

She returned the soiled napkin to the tray and said, “By the way. I never thanked you for doing my laundry. That was so thoughtful.”

My mom then leaned over carefully and kissed me on the lips. After the kiss, she looked me in the eyes and said, “And for dinner, last night.”

She gave me another kiss. This one was longer and she parted her lips slightly as we kissed. She pulled away again and looked me in the eyes lustfully, “And for this breakfast."

My mom grabbed me by the back of the head and pulled me into a hard kiss. She opened her mouth wider and I instinctively opened mine and allowed my tongue to drift into her mouth. As soon as my tongue touched hers, she lunged her tongue into my mouth and we french kissed for a solid two minutes.

I was the first to break from the kiss and my mom looked at me flustered, “I'm sorry. I hope that wasn't...”

Before she could finish her sentence I leaned into her and gave her another passionate kiss and slid my tongue into her mouth, again. Once we were done my mom smiled and lifted her glass. She downed her glass in one swig and then held the empty glass out to me, “That was so good. Would you mind making me another glass?”

“Not at all,” I said as I took her glass and climbed off the bed.

“You should probably throw your clothes in the washer along the way, so they don't get ruined.”

“Okay,” I said as I darted out of her room.

I stopped at the laundry room and stripped off my T-shirt and shorts. I threw them in the washer and added some soap. I didn't start the machine as I planned to do a load after breakfast.

After refilling her glass, I returned to my mom’s room and climbed into her bed. I handed her the glass and took my plate of food from the tray.

We had a wonderful breakfast together. We made small talk and even exchanged a few kisses between bites. My cock never subsided and was on full display as I sat in my underwear.

“Thank you for a wonderful meal. I better get ready for work now, but first...”

My mom moved the tray from her lap and rolled over toward me. She straddled my legs and pressed her crotch against my hard cock. Then she leaned down and kissed me as my cock felt her warm pussy pinning it against my stomach.

She climbed off of me and looked down at my cock, “I'll be in the bathroom. Take all the time you need here if you want.”

My mom entered the bathroom and closed the door. My hand went to my crotch and started rubbing my cock over my underwear. I looked at the closed bathroom door and heard my mom moving about. I then reached into my underwear and started stroking my cock.

Just then the bathroom door swung open. I looked at my mom with my hand still in place and froze. My mom smiled at me and then threw a hand towel in my direction, “Add that to the wash when you're done, please.”

She closed the door again and I pulled my cock out. I closed my eyes and stroked my cock. It didn't take very long until I had to cover my cock with the hand towel and filled it with cum.

I looked at the bathroom door and wondered what my mom was doing on the other side. It dawned on me that she might be masturbating in the bathroom. I rose to my feet and stood close to the bathroom door. I listened closely for any inappropriate sounds but couldn't hear anything.

There was a moment when I considered opening the door and asking if she had any other dirty towels but then I heard the shower door open and the water start, so I stepped away from the door and collected all of the dirty dishes, and set them on the tray. I removed the single rose and vase, and set them on my mom’s bedside drawers.

As I was washing the dishes my mom entered the kitchen. She was dressed and ready for work. She grabbed herself a lunch out of the refrigerator and gave me an air kiss on the cheek, “Don't want to mess up my lipstick. Have a nice day! I’ll see you tonight.”

“Have a good day,” I said in return.

Once the kitchen was pristine, I went to my room and grabbed a load of laundry. I threw them in the washer with the dirty towel and my clothes from earlier. After starting the washer I jumped in the shower and then got ready to leave the house.

I went to the mall and entered the store where I had bought my new outfit. I was walking through the store when I heard a female voice behind me say, “Hello, again.”

Spinning around I saw the young sales associate that helped me yesterday.

“Can I help you find something?”

“Yes,” I said.

She smiled at me and asked, “How did your date go?”

“It went really well.”

“Glad to hear it,” she said but looked a little disappointed.

“I wanted to follow your suggestion and buy my, my date some lingerie.”

“Oh? After only one date? You move fast. I like that,” she said, “Follow me.”

I followed her to the ‘Women’s Intimates’ area.

“What did you have in mind? And do you know what size you need?”

“I have the size but I was hoping you could help me pick out the style.”

I pulled out my phone and opened my notes, “Thirty-four ‘C’ bra and medium-sized panties,” I said proudly.

She nodded in approval and said, “I don't think you want anything trashy. At least not yet. But a sexy bra and pantie set should be perfect.”

She walked to one of the racks and grabbed a black bra and panties.

“Here is my recommendation. It's sexy but not trashy. The bra is low cut in the front and shows a lot of cleavage.”

“Hmm. It sounds nice but I'm not sure. Maybe if I saw what it looked like on someone, I could make a better decision.”

She smiled at me and said, “Nice try. I might have tried it on for you, but I'm working.”

She winked at me and then checked the size of the bra. Then she looked at me and said, “Let me see that note on your phone.”

I handed her my phone and she compared the size to what was written. She started typing something into my phone and then handed it back to me.

Before I could read what she wrote, she handed me the bra and panties and said, “I’ll see you around, handsome,” and walked away.

I immediately looked at my phone and saw what she wrote, “Jenny - 555-2156”

‘Holy shit! She just gave me her phone number without me even asking.’

I was so excited that I almost walked out of the store without paying. I stopped at the nearest cashier and paid for the set. I even asked the cashier to wrap it up nicely for me.

I made it home in time to start dinner before my mom arrived home. Dinner was ready but my mom was running late. I was just about to text her when I heard her car pull up. She entered the house and was carrying a small black plastic bag with something inside. She came into the kitchen and said, “Sorry I'm late. I had to pick something up,” she held up the bag, “on the way home.”

Then she noticed the gift-wrapped box on the counter, “What's this,” she asked.

“I bought you another present.”

“That's so sweet. I bought something for you, too. Let's eat dinner and then we can exchange them.”

We ate our dinner without much occurring. The only things worth mentioning are the fact that my mom held onto the bag and kept it next to her chair while we ate. She also told me that she was planning to return my massage tonight. I ate faster than normal after I heard that.

My mom looked a little nervous and clung to the package she bought me and made sure I didn't see what was inside.

“Where would you like to exchange gifts?” she asked.

“Well, we can go to the couch or we can go to your room if you want.”

She considered her options for a minute and then said, “Yes. Let's go to my room. Then I can get out of my work clothes, too.”

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We walked to her room, each of us carrying the gift for the other. I set her gift on the bed and she held onto hers.

“Who goes first?” I asked.

My mom set her package behind her and started unbuttoning her blouse, “Why don't you give me yours first? I'm not sure if I want to give you your gift yet.”

She pulled off her blouse and threw it in her hamper. She walked to the bed wearing only her skirt and bra. I started to get nervous about her opening her present because I wasn't sure how she’d react, “Before you open this, I need to explain something.”

She looked at me intrigued, “There’s an explanation for this gift? This should be interesting.”

“I only bought this because you said you needed it. If it was inappropriate, I'm sorry. I will return it.”

“Hmm. Im sure it's fine, but now I really want to know what it is.”

She grabbed the box and opened it.  I waited for her reaction.

“Oh, my! Did you buy me lingerie?”

I was sweating bullets.

“I did say I need new underwear. And these are very sexy. But...”

“But?” I said sheepishly.

“But they have to be the right size,” she said as she looked at the sizes of the bra and panties, “And they are!”

She dropped the underwear set and gave me a big hug and a kiss, “Thank you!”

“You're welcome,” I said, “But what about my gift?”

“Your gift? Oh, right. I suppose I can give you your gift. But first, I want to try on my gift.”


My mom unzipped the side of her skirt and let it fall to the floor. Then she unbuckled her bra and removed it. I waited for her to ask me to leave but she just looked at me and then pulled down her panties. She stood in front of me fully naked while she removed her new bra and panties from the store packaging.

She pulled up her panties and fastened her bra to her chest, “Well? What do you think?” she asked as she did a little spin.

“I think I liked them better when they were off,” I said as I thought out loud with my hardening cock.

My mom just laughed and then spun around and picked up the package she bought. I stared at her mostly exposed ass as she bent over. She stood up and spun back around. She glanced at my crotch and noticed my hard cock.

She smiled and said, “Before you open this, I need to explain something.”

“Okay?” I chuckled.

“I only bought this because I thought you might need it. If it was inappropriate, I'm sorry. I will return it.”

She repeated back to me almost exactly what I had said to her. I thought maybe she was joking. She held out the package and handed it to me.

I opened the bag and pulled out a tall square box, “What is it?” I asked.

“I've noticed your little problem lately, or not-so-little problem. And I thought you might like to use something other than your hand for a change.”

“Wait? Is this for me to, umm, masturbate with?” I asked as I blushed.

“Yes. It's nothing to be ashamed of. We all do it.”

Images of my mom masturbating flashed in my mind. In truth, I was excited to try it out but I didn't show any excitement outwardly.

“I don't know if I’ll even know how to use it, but thank you.”

I got up and gave my mom a hug.

“I’m sure you'll be able to figure it out,” she said as we hugged.

“Why don't you jump in the shower,” my mom said, “and I will give you your massage after. You can use my shower if you want.”

“Good idea,” I said.

After setting the box on the bed, I went into my mom’s bathroom and closed the door. I turned on the water and then stripped out of my clothes.

While I was in the shower my mom came into the bathroom, “Mom?” I called out.

“Be out in a minute, just wanted to bring you a clean towel and grab your dirty clothes.”

“Thanks. I'm almost done.”

After my mom had left the bathroom I exited the shower and dried myself off. I wrapped the towel around my waist and entered my mom’s room.

The lights were dimmed and my mother was wrapped in a bath towel herself. She had draped a towel across the bed and when she saw me she said, “Lay down and we can get started.”

“Should I go put on some shorts first?” I asked.

“No, that's okay. You can just keep the towel on. That's how most people get a massage anyway.”

“Okay,” I said as I climbed onto the bed, “But why are you in a towel?”

“Oh. I didn't want to get any oil on my new bra and...

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Written by HoldMyQuill
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