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Holly The Horny Witch 7

"The masked ball"

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Litha, or Midsummer Eve, is the name given to the Wiccan Sabbat. It is the longest day and the shortest night of the year. Light triumphs, but will inevitably begin to fade as Autumn approaches.

This is a time of abundance in plants and wildlife, including people. The holiday is a joyous one too for witches and wizards, especially the males, as their masculine energies get fired up. This then, was the setting for Holly Goodman's fifth-year reunion, June 21st, 2024. As one of the ex-students most interested in the date, Holly had organised that evening's celebrations and had hired rented a house with a courtyard in Canary Wharf from Mrs. McDonald. It was really a diversion on her part at the moment as it had been six months since her dream lover, David Watts, and his fiancé Jennifer Hunter had been married.

She had finally come to terms with the inevitable. That being she and he were never to be a couple. Although she still harboured strong feelings for the exceptional Wizard, she had quickly considered her own position and had accepted that she and Jennifer's brother Jeffrey would wed also.

She had fucked Watts on a few occasions and knew that she would fuck him again if ever the opportunity arose.
As David had moved to London, she had taken the opportunity of the close proximity to sleep with him on several occasions. Before he told her of his rekindled romance with Jeff's sister that is.

He and Holly had shared a bed on and off for the best part of five years year now and were engaged. But as the attractive and amorous Witch had disappointingly found out, Jeff was quite ineffective in matters of a sexual nature. Whereas Watts was hot indeed and had always brought her to orgasm. Jennifer was one very lucky Witch, she thought with a twinge of downright jealousy. By her own admission, the seemingly angelic brunette had become an insatiable young Witch the minute she reached adulthood, and David easily brought out the tiger in her.

What the hell, she loved sex and had no guilt or remorse as she welcomed male and female alike into bed. She was a shameless flirt, a sultry minx, and an insatiable vixen between the sheets. Things had slowed up some now she was a more mature twenty-four-year-old, and she and Jeff had moved into a modest flat close to David and Jennifer. She had put all her energy into the reunion and had decided on a whim to have a masquerade theme, and all were expected to appear in period costumes and masks.

She had laid on lashings of food and drink with the help of fellow Witches, Sue and Viv. All day her kitchen smelled of cooking. Later, they drove in a hired van to the location with the savoury dishes and sweet servings such as chocolate mousse, cream cakes, and treacle tarts. A particular favourite of David's. Drinks were served up in golden goblets including white wine, juice, and, fizzy cola.

As the guests duly arrived at the hour of seven, Holly smiled proudly at the awe-inspiring display of food. She looked radiant in her cream-colored gown with the mesh sleeves and a low neckline. Her face was adorned with a Half Verona Mask in silver and black and she had pinned her long hair back on top of her head. Many heads turned in her direction s more guests arrived.

Beside her, Jeffrey was considerably well dressed, thanks to his better half, and looked quite dashing in a snug black eye mask and a Victorian Gothic Vampire costume. As they came into view of the food spread out on the tables his eyes popped out of his head. He released Holly's arm and ran off to the nearest table.

"I'm so hungry, I feel like an Ogre!"

Holly raised her eyes to the ceiling in despair as he dived into the bountiful feast.

"Oh, Jeff! you're always hungry!"

A pity he didn't apply the same enthusiasm for eating her pussy, she sighed in resignation. It was then that she saw his sister waving at her with her husband on her arm. She rushed over and gave her and David a big hug and stood back to admire their chosen costumes.

Jennifer had a velvet cat mask which went well with her floor-length black velvet dress. David had a jester-type mask that hid most of his face and the front part of his head. He had chosen an amusing Venetian Harlequin costume with black and white patterned diamonds on his waist-length tunic, and three-quarter pants.

"Holly! You look amazing," said an admiring Jennifer.

"Thanks, you too. So, how is married life? I'm glad you both could make it. Five years! Gosh!"

"I know," gushed Jennifer. "Where's Jeff?"

"Where do you think? Check out the food tables."

David wandered off and the two Witches were left to welcome old friends and guests.

"Do you think Danny is here?" wondered Jennifer, biting her lip under her mask.

"I heard he is daring to show up with Paula Pritchard. The stuck-up Witch. Wouldn't put it past them."

"Are they still an item? I heard that he took her virginity the second she turned eighteen."

Not much had been heard of Danny Richards since the last time Holly had met him and both had shared an unfortunate occasion. In a truly bizarre twist, the pair of them had surrendered to their primal urges and they had done the dirty deed, much to her chagrin. (See part three).

After the tables had been drawn back to make room for dancing, Holly saw the figure of David in the Harlequin costume leaning against a wall alone. She slid in beside him and her flowery fragrance filled his nostrils.

"So, congratulations on your sixth-month anniversary."

"Thanks. I thought it was the right time to settle down."

"I'm sure you will make Jennifer very happy."

It was hard to look into his eyes or even read his expression. But Holly hoped he felt just a glimmer of the sadness that she had at the inevitable news.

"It was meant to be, Holly. I trust you agree."

She shuffled on her three-inch heels and pouted with acute disappointment.

"I suppose. Did you ever harbour any feelings for me? Or was it just lust for my body?"

"Holly! I could never, you know, unless I had a certain. Certain..."

"Need to ravish me?"

"Affection, yes. A certain affection. It's different with Jennifer. We share so many things."

"Right, like bodily fluids."

"We all have to grow up. I'm sure Jeffrey will make you very happy."


David peered out through the small eye holes of his mask as he looked at his groin being sensuously groped and fondled.

"For the love of Merlin! Will you behave!"

"Meet me in the Courtyard, babe. I simply must have you one last time."

"I don't know. Maybe we should..."

He paused as he gazed at the trim figure of what was probably his best female friend. She resembled a Princess from some fairy tale and he felt a knot in his belly as tried to avert his eyes from the desirable vixen.

"I'll be waiting."

Holly squeezed his nuts and tottered out quickly with her dress up in her hands as she hurried off to the covered stone rear section. The sun had long ago dipped in the clear sky and she inhaled the night air through her mask. She waited patiently until behind her came the sound of footfalls scraping across the stone floor and a thrill of anticipation ran down her spine. She turned side on and this move revealed her bare left thigh to the man who had joined her.

"I knew you would come."

The figure stood stock still as a waft of a breeze blew across the yard with a whisper of air across the girl's cheek.

"You don't say much, do you?" she asked as he spoke no words to her.

She noted his heaving chest under his Harlequin tunic and her own heart beat loudly as she let him drink in her brazen gown. He answered her by gripping the small of her back and drawing her body roughly to his. Holly gasped but put up no resistance as the silent man lifted up the front of her dress and clamped his right hand to her desirable mons. She glanced down to see his manhood stir under his pants and form a very visible bump on his left side.


Holly yelped as her skimpy underwear was torn asunder so that her silent admirer could feast on the deep V of her bald pussy with the captivating slit. Unable to kiss properly with their chosen masks they made do with bumping heads and panting hard. All the while the lust-crazed Witch humped his hand which stroked and fingered her heated muff urgently. He pushed his pelvis forward and Holly hugged his upper body as his pronounced erection lodged firmly in her parted thighs under her opened-up dress.

"David," she croaked with a dry throat.

His hand left her moistening sex and traveled across her flat belly in an upward direction. She murmured under her mask as he wrenched down the neck of her dress and cupped her pert left breast, now with a very erect nipple. Holly shivered in ecstasy as he pinched and thumbed her hard nub and her thighs made scissor motions as her quim dampened and moistened her inner thighs. He blew air on her exposed nipples that puckered and hardened like they always did.

Then his hands were everywhere. Stroking both of her breasts, gliding up and down her sides, and further inside to her heated loins. The resulting arousal made her juices pool between her upper legs and her lower body undulated with her desperation for his cock. She yelped a second time as she was unceremoniously spun around to gaze out across the grounds. Her dress was lifted up high over her narrow back and she felt her fabulously taut bottom smoothed out with two hot palms.

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In this lewd stance, Holly knew that her puffy labia were in perfect view from between her splayed thighs. Her every breath yearned for him to take her right there, nothing else existed but him. She felt the roughness of his tunic on her tailbone and the glorious sensation of his bared groin against her backside as he lowered his pants. Her head dipped as her pussy lips were spread and a fat spongy cock head popped inside the steamy dark entrance of her damp beaver. Her legs naturally widened and she pointed the tips of her shoes into the floor as she braced herself for the sublime penetration to follow. He toyed with her by pulling back and merely running his solid shaft up and down her vertical smile.

"You tease, David. Fuck me, just one last time, for Merlin's sake."

The night light was dim by now yet no others had so far chanced upon them out on the stone courtyard. There was a brief pause and then he gripped the fronts of her thighs and thrust full length into her.

"Merlin's beard!"

Holly felt light-headed as she had an instant orgasm from the sudden and glorious intrusion. She balanced on wobbly pins as she was hammered hard and fast for a fantastic sixty seconds. Her arms stretched out fully ahead as their bodies slammed together in unleashed desire and raw lust. He had his hands on her shoulders and his thrusts were so fierce that it made her tits bounce wildly. He stopped momentarily and his hot breath misted up on the nape of her neck as he bent over her back. Still, he did not speak, only the rasp of his exhalations could be heard in the night air.

"David. Please?"

Holly was suddenly thrust upwards as he jacked his hips and filled her sopping box with his entire length. She stifled a selfish sob as she realised this may very well be the final time she would ever feel that magnificent organ inside her.

Fuck! He was so hard, so big! His dick did things inside her that no other had even come close to emulating. He fucked her hard, brutally, arching inside her as she moaned accordingly. Jeffrey could never match this in a hundred years she contemplated as she was pounded relentlessly.

"David Watts! Damn, you! I love it!"

Momentarily startled Holly yelled out as her left leg was hoisted up to the level of her hip and held firmly in the crook of his elbow. With her legs out wide she received powerful lunges that made her cry out beneath her disheveled mask. This was no gentle fuck, but an audacious thrashing of her cunt. And in her lecherous craving for him, she sobbed his name over and over as he dripped sweat onto her bared backside.

Her second climax milked his ardent organ and he threw his head back as his feverish pace slowed and then ceased. He growled in an almost animalistic way as he pulled out of her slick tunnel and came on her smooth cheeks.

Globes of white cum splattered her bottom and then slowly dribbled down her slit to the insides of her thighs. His panting drowned out her breathless whimpering as her leg was released and they both swayed on unsteady feet on the stone floor. The sound of people singing and chanting then could be heard vaguely from the Great Hall.

"Rose leaves, rose leaves, roses that I strew."

"It's midnight," Hermione uttered as she recognised the words.

She straightened up and observed her lover tuck his wilting dick into his pants and smooth out his tunic. He paused and looked at her, seemingly without any sense of awareness or regard. For a scary minute, Holly wasn't quite sure who was staring back at her. He turned and headed back, and as she was left alone she came crashing back to earth. Her hair was loose and tangled. Perspiration dappled her brow, and her once elegant dress had been torn asunder from her neck to her navel.

With a quick step, she hurried back to the main room where she had left her wand. She gripped in her right fist until her knuckles went white and made a rapid hand movement, chanting the incantation for the Mending Charm.


Her ruined dress seamlessly mended and she even had her hair stylishly coiled up on her head. She took in a sharp intake of breath and returned to the lively hall where the Summer Solstice Circle Dance was in full swing. The female Witches were scattering rose petals everywhere as they sang.

"Rose leaves I strew, he that will love me, come after me now."

Holly saw Jeff with his sister and David who were watching the proceedings.

"Holly! Where the bloody hell have you been? You're missing the dance."

"SO, sorry! I got a bit tangled up."

She took an especially hard look at Dave who finally decided to lift his mask off his face.

"Rather hot in here, I may go outside for a bit. Coming Jen?"

"I told you ages ago to get some fresh air. You've been stuck to my side like glue all night."

Holly listened to Jennifer's words and felt a cold sweat grip her. As she watched the couple and Jeff's head outside her mind raced. Had David been inside the whole time? As she began to tremble with a surge of overwhelming panic she surveyed the rest of the guests who were laughing and dancing.

And there he was.

ANOTHER in a Harlequin tunic and Venetian jester mask. This mystery man and David could easily pass as twins! Same height and similar build. Holly felt her heart beat like a hammer in her chest and she groped and blinked as she sought a chair to sit in. She lifted her weary head once more and gasped as Harlequin Two passed within three feet of her, a female hugging his arm tightly. There was no doubt in her mind that it was THIS person who had ravished her so not half an hour before. She looked hard with unbelieving eyes but he had gone.

As she slumped in her seat Holly concluded that she just HAD to know who had taken her in such a fashion. She shook her head as she recalled every second of what had just occurred. How she had loved the glorious and thick cock that had flooded her body with delirious shockwaves. How he had given her delicious sensations throughout her body, how she had felt every ripple of his rock-hard shaft slide back and forth in her very wet pussy.

And the effortless way he had brought her to orgasm. Not once but TWICE. She put her hand to her mouth as she relived that delightful plunging member pulsating inside her before spilling out over her in a river of cum. And to top it all she had only had the briefest glimpse of his prodigious length during the entire time! No, she simply had to know who this mystery lover was. And she knew just how to find out.


The party had ended around one in the morning and as she helped Jeffrey collapse on their bed in a drunken stupor back in their flat. Once she knew he would be out for hours, the distressed Witch drove back to the house where they had held the party. The floors were covered in all sorts of debris. Rose petals, spilled goblets, food dishes, and the odd shoe. Still in her cream dress she stood in a darkened corner and fingered the container of Doctor Shivani's Time Pills.
She took a deep breath and quickly swallowed one.

Immediately shapes and figures rushed by her at a terrific speed, and muted sounds and sped-up voices filled her ears. The strange experience of time travel suddenly stopped when she found that she had successfully gone back two hours before.

After the momentary distortion and nausea, she shook her head. Still in her cream dress she stood in a darkened corner and took a deep breath. She stepped back into the shadows and looked out at the reunion in full swing. She laughed at the sight of Jeff sitting back with a bloated belly and the remains of cream cakes at his feet.

And there were David and Jennifer, huddled together and whispering sweet nothings to each other. Then came the extraordinary vision of herself, resplendent in her dress and unique mask, stepping up to them and engaging in conversation.

Her eyes fixed on herself as she then hurried outside for her illicit tryst. And it was then that her line of vision came across the other man in the Harlequin costume. Holly saw him look at her heels as she ventured out to the courtyard, and then saw him whisper something to his date. As the fellow followed her outside, so did she, taking great care not to be seen by anyone. Ten minutes later she looked on incredulously as Harlequin had her dress up and his hand up her snatch.

Even more remarkable was the moment when he had her up against the edge of the wall and began to fuck her brains out from behind as she screamed and wailed in delight. With her fist lodged in her mouth, Holly stayed rooted to the spot until the man ejaculated over her pert derriere and then left her dripping with his cum. He had turned his back on her and then walked close by to where the future Holly stood watching.

Hidden in the shadows her eyes went wide when the man lifted his mask off to mop his wet brow. His face was lit for the most fleeting of moments as he stood a mere ten feet from her, and his face and dark hair were revealed. Holly had to tilt her head back lest she throw up as she finally discovered the man's identity.


To be continued...

Written by moasan
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