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Holly The Horny Witch 5

"Holly helps out a friend"

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Holly Goodman had only herself to blame for reconciling the romantic relationship between David Watts and Jennifer Hunter. The sister of Holly's boyfriend, Jeffrey, the young Witch had come to seek help in bringing the good-looking Wizard back into her life.

It had been Watts who had ended their newly found romance, deciding it was for the best that they go their separate ways, free to do whatever they chose to do, and with whoever.
She and David had never had sexual relations in their time together and as they reached maturity both she and he had discovered their sexual awakening and were no longer innocent virgins. Jennifer saw a real possibility of him and her picking up where they left off. Now in his mid-twenties, David had failed to recognise her rekindled infatuation with him which had left her further saddened and frustrated. This turned into anger and then a plot. A plot to get him back into her life once and for all.


'I think I have an idea," said Holly as the two friends sat in the wine bar near The Royal College of Art.

Holly herself still had lingering feelings and emotions where David Watts was concerned but had known for years that Jennifer carried a torch for the exceptional Wizard.

"Ever heard of reverse revenge sex?"

"No, I haven't."

"Instead of a person cheating on their other half, so to speak, thereby making him or her jealous. We flip it over and make the OTHER person get caught in flagrante. If we were to catch David on the job as it were and you were to suddenly burst in and catch him, I think he just might feel guilty enough to see what he is missing out on. You. He would feel so remorseful that he'll take you back in a second."

"Him, cheating on me, is going to swing him around? Shouldn't that be me cheating on HIM?"

"No, this way is best. He will see you in a new light, vulnerable, disconsolate, and heartbroken. Why, even I would fall for you in that circumstance."

Jennifer sipped her glass of mug of Sauvignon Blanc lost in thought, as Holly went to the bar for a top-up. Despite its popularity, the bar was quite dingy and small, but it still remained the ideal place for students and the like to visit each other. They were seated in a tiny alcove by the window.

"But, I don't want to see David in bed with another."

"Quite. Just to ensure that things are risk-free and with no likelihood of unwanted infidelity, I shall be the one who seduces him and then gets caught out by you."


"You got anyone else in mind? We won't go the whole nine yards. just far enough so that it appears that he and I are making out."

"Sounds dodgy. We would have to plan it to the second so that I come in before you and he, you know."

"Right. I'll invite him to my flat and keep him busy for say, a half hour. I'll leave the door unlocked so that you can gain entrance. You walk in and see the two of us and the shock will turn him back around. Once he's exposed I'll leave you two alone so that you can make him feel super guilty."

Jennifer still demurred. Since she had left school, word had gotten around that the winsome brunette was a raving nymphomaniac. The once private and studious Holly had eyes on anyone in trousers. And not only men. Holly was certainly bisexual and enjoyed the delights of lesbian sex. Threesomes, two men and her, or a man and woman plus herself were a regular occurrence.

"Will you be naked?"

"I'll keep something on. Trust me, Jennifer."

The striking female looked at her friend with a sideways glance. Can I? She wondered. Over the next two days, the pair of them cooked up a scenario for their plan. Jennifer had taken a room near the bar and patiently waited for her chance.


Ever since the now twenty-three-year-old Holly had first had sex she had become almost a different Witch overnight.
Sex. She loved it. She loved the different fantasies she had been able to fulfill. She loved men, naked, erect, and virile. How she wished that she could fuck them all. There was nothing better than her pussy, swollen and stuffed with a thick cock, or dripping with cum after a satisfying fuck. She also adored the female body. That divine femininity of the curves, the succulent breasts, and juicy pussy mounds. Flesh on flesh, skin on skin, how simply erotic was the touch of another against her soft and sensitive form.

After they had gone their separate ways, Holly told Jennifer to expect a text to verify the when and where of her and David's visit. It would be on the Thursday then as David had accepted the invitation to taste Holly's home-cooked supper at her modest flat. Once settled she would seduce him and let Jennifer know when to catch them out. It was on that very day of the proposed visit that Holly ran into a student she had gotten to know the previous year.

"Oh my goodness! So nice to see you. What are you doing?"

Holly flung her arms around the tall man and gave him a peck on the lips. It was Frank, a nineteen-year-old artist, and Wizard, who sometimes worked behind the wine bar. He and Holly had become quite friendly. Very friendly in fact, when Jeff spent time in the North visiting family. Beside him was another good-looking eighteen-year-old who caught her eye.

"Holly, this is Terry or Tez. He's an art student as well."

Wow! What a cutie!

"Pleased to meet you."

She took his warm hand in hers and held onto it for a very long minute. His dark eyes smouldered as his gaze lingered on hers and she felt her pussy throb under her skirt.

"Likewise. I've heard all about you from Frank."

"Oh? All good things I hope," she answered in a sweet voice.

"Yes. Frank says you gave him some super tips on potions and the like."

"Oh, so you're one of us."

Holly thanked Merlin. Due to incompatible DNA, Witches and other sorcerers were unable to enjoy sexual relations with humans.

"Tez has been in London for a while looking after his mother, but now he has to go down to Cornwall."

"You must both come to my place for a visit before you leave."

The rain shower got heavier and they huddled in the sheltered entrance of the ban as they spoke.

"Actually this is my last day. I leave in the morning."

"Oh really? That's a shame."

Such a shame as she looked from one magnificent and handsome Wizard to the other, admiring their broad chests and promising bulges in their trousers. Both had brooding looks and thick, dark hair which was something Holly adored about young males. Fuck it, she decided. Tonight with David is off. She linked arms with the pair of them and whisked them off through the rain to her place.


Thursday, 16th of January, 2023.

They stumbled in laughing and joking and as both men fell onto her sofa Holly kicked her shoes off and went to fetch a drinks tray. She brought back a bottle of Vodka and three glasses and sat down in the middle of the tall fellows. They drank to their health and they all drained their glasses.

"Have another, guys. I just need to do something quick."

She padded out to her bedroom and sent two hurried text messages on her mobile phone. The first was to David apologising for postponing their supper night. The second was to Jennifer informing her of the same news.

"Let's just cut to the chase, shall we?"

Holly returned to the guys and sat back in the middle of the two fresh-faced young Wizards, squirming her luscious body between them. She looked at Frank and crossed her bare legs and smiled at him seductively. Turning to her left Tez put his arm around her shoulder and moved in to kiss her. She kissed him back at the same time Frank caressed her shapely right thigh.


She gave Frank a big wet kiss and parted her legs so that Tez could reach in to trace his fingers along her inner thigh.
Tez kissed her next and she tasted his hot tongue and the sharp Vodka burn. His hand traveled up further and vanished under her short skirt where he cupped her mound. Frank caressed her tits through the thin fabric of her top and Holly let herself melt as her craving for their touch overwhelmed her.

"Let's make this a night to remember."

Now four busy hands wandered all over her body. Her legs, her breasts, her arms, and her muff. For her, there was nothing more satisfying than to have her hot body stroked and touched.

"That feels so nice, guys."

As if in slow motion her top was raised up and off over her head, and her skirt lifted up to her midriff. Holly sighed as their fingers lingered on her delectable naked body and she shifted from one man to the other on the seat between them. They all three stood as one and she became sandwiched by their solid masculine forms. Frank bent and clamped his white teeth to her left nipple and from behind Tez nuzzled her neck. She writhed from the gradual warm and radiant arousal in her sex and she swayed in anticipation of what was to come.

Frank knelt down and roughly dragged her panties to her feet in one quick motion and she stepped out of them with a dainty kick of her left leg. She spread her legs wide for him and he drove his tongue up into her slick pussy entrance.
Tez used his fingers to trail down in a line to the small of her back and found that smooth seam of flesh that separated her buttocks. Holly wiggled her bottom, urging him to make contact with her trim bush. He pushed inside her slit and probed the shining pinkness of her inner folds.

The sensation of two rampant Wizards playing with her heated loins released waves of pulsating pleasure through her body. She went up on tiptoe as Frank lapped at her slit from the front and Tez delved into the very depths of her juicy cunt behind her. Then TWO mouths clamped to her muff and she rocked her hips as their rapid slathering brought forth her tangy juices from within. As she spiraled into a world of ecstasy four firm hands gripped her thighs to steady the lightweight witch. The lewd sound of lapping tongues on her nether regions had her dripping and shrieking in response.

"Slow...slow down, boys. Let me look at you."

Both men took a step back as she reached out to the sofa and collapsed onto the welcome seat, her pussy swamped with saliva and her own fluids. They began to unbutton their shirts and undo their belts. Their tight underpants came next and each of their poker-stiff cocks strained up and out at her.

"Heavens! Two magic wands!"

Holly took her good time appraising each athletic-looking student. She knew that Frank played sports and was obviously fit and toned, and from the look of his friend, he was probably a player as well. She herself had transformed into a very nice young filly with well-shaped breasts and puffy nipples, slender pins, and a well-defined Mons that nestled nicely between her parted legs. Her skin was flawless and her lustrous hair swayed as she moved. Her upper thighs did not touch and all eyes were focused on that desirable and trimmed pussy that yearned to be licked and fucked. Holly edged back up on the sofa and Frank crawled up between her spread-out legs and eased himself on top of her. She welcomed in with open arms as his rock-hard dick searched the furrow between her thighs for her steamy cunt.

"Yes, oh yes!"

She gasped as he was up inside her with one hard push. Their mouths met and their breath mixed as the student moved in and out with strong pelvic thrusts. Her legs came up and curled around his upper thighs as their hot bodies became entwined in a lust-crazed tangle. The young brunette could feel his pounding heart against her breasts which were crushed against his chest. His warm and masculine scent assailed her nostrils and she gulped hard to savour every minute he fucked her. The legs of the sofa actually moved as the robust wizard hammered the grateful witch into the seat.

She glanced at Tez whose erection had a very purple and very swollen head and crooked her finger at him. She leaned over to her left and took his dick into her mouth. Holly adored the wonderful sensation of a fat and spongy knob in her mouth and hummed happily on Tez as Frank lunged up into her pussy. Frank reared back then and his shining cock popped out of Holly's gaping pussy. She scooted up and got onto all fours along the three-seat sofa. Tez gripped her by the hips from behind and pushed his right leg forward. His sizeable cock easily slid into her moist channel, freshly made slick by his colleague, and Holly made a throaty groan as he kept on pushing in until he was fully embedded in her stretched-out pussy.

"What a big boy!"

Tez began a slow fuck, pushing up inside all the way, then back out until he almost slipped out. Holly purred at the superb sense of total fullness and with each assured thrust up she was shunted forward a good three inches. Frank was stroking his throbbing organ and moved in front of the blushing brunette and she eagerly held his erection to her pursed lips. Holly was in a state of bliss, being fucked from behind by forceful strokes from Tez, and being literally face fucked by Frank.

In and out Frank slid his cock into her mouth until the bulbous head protruded down into her throat. Hermione took great huffs of air through her nose as Frank's balls slapped against her chin. She felt her orgasm rising and rising and then she screamed on Frank's boner as she came on Tez's cock. Still, he rammed in and out, holding her in a tight grip and pulling her onto his generous length. He gave her three swift strokes and then remained inside her up to the hilt.
Then more superb strokes, one, two, three, before pulling her back onto his whole shaft.

"By Merlin's beard!"

Holly cried out as Tez came inside her, his dick spurting stream after stream and filling her with his cum. He pulled out of the quivering witch who clamped both of her legs together convulsively.

"Whenever you're ready."

Frank had sat down on an armchair and wagged his stiff cock back and forth. Holly mounted the strapping young Wizard and her knees touched both of his muscular thighs as she sank down onto his upstanding pole. She started to ride on him immediately and gladly impaled herself on his divine organ. It felt so good inside her sodden muff and she began to gyrate her hips in big semi-circles to fully appreciate his entire length. Her cute bottom banged down hard on his groin and his balls bounced under her urgent bucking. Frank cupped her jiggling tits and she slowed up so that she could lean down to kiss him on the mouth. He thumbed her erect nipples and she moaned into his open mouth. Her pussy juices ran down his left thigh as each squirm of her lower body increased her pleasure.

"Oh my gosh!"

Holly came for the second time as Frank pushed her high up and buried his dick inside her sloppy cunt. His hot cum gushed deep inside as she collapsed onto his chest. When she moved off of his dribbling dick her pussy oozed a long line of white cream onto his balls.

"That was delicious."

At that moment the door opened and Jennifer burst in and threw her hands up in the air.

"Oh, David! How could you? And with Holly of all people. Why...oh."

Jennifer calmed down at the sight of the very naked Holly Goodman in the arms of two strapping, and equally naked, eighteen-year-old Wizards.

"Jen! Didn't you get my text telling you not to come?"

"I got your note, yes. Here. 'Come over tonight.'"

Holly sat up and took the phone from the distressed Witch and saw that some of the words had been misspelled. Well, she had been in somewhat of a rush to get laid.

"This should have read 'David's visit is postponed. I have instead invited a couple of guests, so do NOT come over tonight.'"

Only the last three words were eligible and Jennifer had acted on the presumed command. As the two guys got up and began to get dressed Hermione threw on a robe and took her frustrated friend to one side.

"Jennifer, we need to talk," said Holly licking her sticky fingers.


Friday, 17th of January.

So it was agreed that Holly would have David come to visit this night and instructed Jennifer to remain in her room.
As she went to work that day, Holly thought she recognized a Witch from her evening classes from three years earlier. None other than Ana Chang from St Lucia. She crossed the busy road and waved hello.

"It's Ana, right?"

"Well, well. Holly Goodman."

"Ana. Long time no see. And how are you?"

"It has been a while."

They exchanged pleasantries and checked each other out. It had been years since they had spoken last and Holly thought the already attractive young Witch had become strikingly beautiful. Being half black, and half Chinese, Ana had sly oriental-shaped brown eyes and high cheekbones. Blessed with an athletic form, similar to a sprinter, the foxy babe had perky breasts and a flat stomach. Her skimpy red dress helped highlight her rich chocolate complexion and her long jet-black hair fell down her left shoulder in a side ponytail which showed off her elegant neck. There had always been some coldness between the pair of them, and to be fair to Holly it was Ana who had presumed incorrectly that she and David Watts were in a romantic relationship. Sadly for Holly, they were not. She and he did have a deep friendship and trust for each other but they had never taken things further, much to her disappointment. Ana was quite jealous as at that time she was seriously attracted to the handsome Wizard herself.

"Wow, you look amazing. Did you ever marry? I'm still with Jeffrey. Remember him?"

"Yes. And, No. After having a schoolgirl crush on David I found I prefer the company of females. I love the ladies. And chocolate."

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Holly saw a flash of something in Ana's gorgeous almond-shaped eyes and was taken aback by the pulse between her legs. Was she saying what I THINK she was saying? Intrigued by the notion that Ana may have acquired lesbian tendencies, Holly, being the sex-mad filly she was, acted on impulse.

"Look, Ana. I'd love to chat about old times. How would you like to come to my flat tonight? I just made a triple chocolate caramel cake with truffles and fudge. Interested?"

Ana took a long minute to consider the unexpected offer and then said she would visit.

"Great, I'll expect you to six."


Holly had made the cake as a special treat for David but it would be just the thing to impress Ana. She hurried off home and made the place tidy. She stepped into her newly purchased black shoulderless dress and brushed her hair to the left.

Once she had changed she again sent a rushed text to David in apology, and then called Jennifer.

"It's Holly. Can you hear me? Put the phone closer to your ear."


"Jennifer. Look, tonight is off. Don't come here, I have a guest."


"No! I have Ana Chang here instead. Put the phone closer."

"CHANGE? INTO SOMETHING SEXY YOU MEAN? Right. I'll be there in an hour."

Jennifer promptly hung up.

"Not change, Chang! Jennifer? Jen? Oh, balls!"

She checked her clock and saw that it was almost six. At that moment there came a knock on the door and Holly welcomed Ana inside. She would just have to shoo away Jennifer when the time came.

"Please, do have a seat."

Ana sat in a chair opposite Holly and looked at the table between them which had a mouth-watering array of bowls of strawberries and grapes. And the big round homemade cake. Ana wore a fetching shiny gold top and matching skirt.

"Nice cake."

"Thanks. I like to bake whenever I get a chance."

Holly cut a generous portion and handed it over to Ana on a small dish.

"So, how is Jeffrey? I would have thought you two would be married by now."

"We're sort of on and off, you know. We see other people so we're not exclusive."

"And, David?"

Ana took a mouthful of chocolate cake and stared directly into Holly's doe-like eyes.
She had a certain look of attitude written on her face as she cocked her head to one side and Holly felt a slight hesitation to proceedings.

"Sure. Quite a lot. He was due to visit tonight."

Ana digested the cake, and then the information. Then all hell broke loose.

"I KNEW you and David were an item! I KNEW it!"

She flared up at the news and her eyes blazed with fury.

"I don't know what you mean."

"Yes, you do!"

"Do not."

"You're not very good at lying, you skinny bitch! Admit it, just once. You're fucking David Watts!"

I wish, thought Holly, as she stood up with her chin lifted in defiance. Ana stood too and the pair of them drew menacingly closer.

"You want to make something of it?"

The distance between them shortened still. Not once did they break eye contact. Ana's bosom heaved under her top and strained at the light material.

"Do you? Can't you just keep THIS away from him for a change?"

Ana pushed up against the seething brunette and gasped as a firm hand cupped her pussy.

"Maybe I will, maybe I won't."

With that Holly curled her fingers into claws, found where Ana's top was fastened, and tore it open to expose two bouncing tits. Pearl buttons flew up as Ana growled and thrust her fingers down the front of Holly's dress and ripped it down the right side so that her breast popped out.


Holly was too slow to react as the other side of her dress was ripped so that she stood topless and vulnerable. She cried out as Ana gripped her hair and forced her down onto her knees. Ana lifted up the front of her own skirt and parted her legs and moaned into the brunette's mouth as slender fingers slipped inside her silk panties.

"Have a taste of what David Watts missed out on, bitch!"

Holly ripped down the soft underwear to Ana's ankles and pressed her face into her hot mound.

"And watch those teeth, slut!"

The black-skinned Witch bumped her hips at Holly's mouth and pushed her head onto her damp pussy. Holly groaned as she drove her tongue up into the hot muff of the crazed girl. She gripped Ana's thighs and began to lick and suck as Ana rolled her hips on the slathering tongue.

"Come here, bitch!"

Ana lifted Holly up and her tattered dress fell to leave her in just her undies.

"Let me see what Watts loves so much."

Holly felt a hot flash of desire in her loins as she was gently fingered. As they teetered on their heels they frigged each other and exchanged saliva as they French kissed. Ana managed to curl her index and middle digits to rub on Holly's g-spot and the horny Witch clamped her thighs together to increase the sublime pressure inside her quim. Ana gasped aloud as her clitoris was heavily thumbed and she snapped her head back in pleasure.

"You're making me so wet!"

"I just have to have you," replied Holly.

"Really? You want some of this?"

Holly bristled with excitement as she got her first proper look at the beautiful witch from St Lucia. She was adorable.
About the same height as her and maybe a little heavier. Her tits were much larger with dark areolas topped off with hard nipples simply crying out to be sucked and licked. Her belly was surprisingly flat and flattered her hips and heart-shaped butt.

"Let's have some fun first."

Ana stepped over to the table and picked up the remains of the cake and smashed the gooey chocolate into Holly's startled face! For a moment there was complete silence, and then Holly took great lumps of chocolate from her face and smeared the dark mess across Ana's heaving breasts. Holly grinned through her sweet-covered lips as the soft cake mix traveled down the valley of Ana's tits.


Ana returned to the table and took a handful of white grapes and crammed them into Holly's snatch. She made a big silent "O" with her mouth as she widened her legs. Her inner thighs were soaked and her pussy mound was wet and sticky. They both looked at each other and then burst out laughing. Holly steered Ana to her bedroom and they both fell onto the bed in a tangle of limbs and food. Ana groaned as her left breast was lifted and a darting tongue teased the chocolate-covered nipple. She deftly opened her legs wide and two of her fingers found her damp cunt and probed deep inside. The melted chocolate on Holly's face smeared Ana's upper body and face as they grappled on the bed.

Then Holly shrieked as she was easily flipped onto her back and had her legs splayed out. Ana traced out a line with her long and pink tongue across the superb contours of Holly's stomach until she reached her sodden pussy. The dark-skinned Witch worked through the mashed-up grapes and began to tongue Holly's fruity slit and the brunette felt a welcome surge rush through her. Her toes curled as Ana settled between her legs and concentrated on her erect clit.

Holly lost count of the number of times her back arched to stave off her uncontrollable convulsions. Her pussy ran like a river from the salacious mix of grape juice, Ana's saliva, and her own vaginal fluids. Ana slurped loudly which only heightened Holly's lust for more and they screeched on the floor as they both writhed in bliss. Again Holly was pleasantly surprised as Ana pulled her sideways and rammed her cunt to hers. She held her and rocked her hips back and forth, and to and fro in grinding circles. They both settled into a lewd rhythm and moaned in time with each other.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!"

Holly came first in fits of throaty screams and Ana fell on top of her and banged her hips up and down on the sweat-covered witch until she too climaxed. At that moment the door opened and Jennifer burst in and threw her hands up in the air.

"Oh, David! How could you? And with Holly of all people. Why...oh."

Jen calmed down at the sight of the very naked Holly Goodman who was plastered with drying and dark chocolate.
Beside her was an equally messy Ana Chang who was busy licking the cake from Holly's face.

"Jennifer, we need to talk," said Holly sucking her sticky fingers.


Saturday, 18th of January.

David Watts cleared his throat and rang the bell of Holly's front door. He had finally received confirmation of her invitation to a homemade supper after two sudden cancelations. Although he had been aware that his best friend's girlfriend fancied him something rotten, he had deliberately stayed out of her way.

The reason?

Now the pair of them had become sexually active, he too felt a strong desire to sleep with the horny Witch. His introduction to sex had been a slow one but once he had shared beds with several female admirers he had discovered that making love made him feel good. Rumours had filtered back to him about Holly enjoying a healthy sexual appetite and that she took great joy in physical contact.

He had never considered Holly to be a potential romantic partner back in their student days and he had developed feelings for Jeffry's sister. Even so, he had ended their relationship in the belief that she would be better off with another.
A decision that had always nagged at him ever since. And what of Holly? She had paired off with Jeff in 2018 and yet were still not an exclusive couple. The door opened and Holly appeared with a big smile in her ravishing sleeveless dress.

"David! So happy you finally made it. Come in, come in."

Holly looked at the clock on her mantle. 5.45. He's quite a bit early.


Earlier, Holly had found a rather forlorn Jennifer Hunter sitting at the window table in the wine bar. She pulled up a chair and joined her.

"Oh, it's you."

"Jen. I simply must apologise for my behaviour the last couple of days. I don't know WHAT came over me."

"I do. You're a bloody nympho, is what you are."

"Am not! And even if that were true it's no excuse for letting you down. Now. David is definitely coming to my place at seven tonight. Be there. I promise that it will be worth your while."

"You're going to seduce him for my benefit? Or yours?"

"For you, sweetie."

"And I won't find you stark naked and in bed with David?"

"Absolutely not."

"Alright. Seven then.


"It's the first time I've had meat pasties in an age. And Chelsea buns! You made these?"

"All done with my own fair hands. I did actually make a chocolate cake but it got ruined."


"How? Oh, it got a hair on it."

Holly gave him a smug grin and quickly changed the subject.

"How's Jeff?" she asked.

"Jeff is Jeff, you know. Same old, same old. He asked me to say hi."

"Seen Jennifer lately?"

Holly poured him another cup of tea and sat back opposite him. Six o'clock. Still, another hour to keep him busy before Jennifer arrived. She crossed her slim pins and Watts took a lingering look at her bared thigh.

"Jen? No. You?"

"I did bump into her. She still adores you."

"Right. We've moved on from there. I'm sure she'll find someone."

"And you, Dave? No one special?"

"No, just enjoying the single life. No intention of settling down yet."

Holly took in a deep breath of air as she and he gazed into each other's eyes. She re-crossed her legs and brushed an errant strand of hair from her right cheek. David stood up and took her by the hands and drew her to him. She blushed as he kissed her on the mouth hard and firm, and she responded in kind as her arms draped over his shoulders.

"You're a good kisser," he whispered into her mouth.

"Mmm, not too shabby yourself," she replied as she nibbled on his lower lip.

He let his hands wander up her backless dress and Holly melted into his chest. He continued to flick at her left ear and she felt a dozen different emotions all at the same time. Did she have romantic feelings for him? And did he feel the same? Was she jealous of Jennifer?


Did she still intend on making up for lost opportunities?


Would she be able to hold back from going all the way?

"I'll get back to you on that one."

Their kissing became more intense and David stroked her bare shoulders, easing down her dress until her exposed breasts stood out proud from her chest.

"You look breathtaking."

Together they shrugged her dress down to her high heels where it gathered in an untidy heap.


The Wizard put his index finger to her lips and shushed her.

"No words."

Her body was divine he thought, not too skinny but curvy where it mattered. Her breasts were neither too big nor too small as he thumbed the hard tips. As she went on tiptoe and dug the toes of her heels into the carpet he could not miss her pussy moisten with her free-running juices. David tore off his shirt and Holly pawed at his inviting chest. He had become the perfect mix of rugged manliness and a lean frame, with hair on his chest and rough stubble about his chin.

Suddenly Holly knew that she wanted him. Her old friend had come to her for help but deep inside it was SHE who wanted Watts.


She felt her aching nipples stiffen as she eyed up his by now full arousal. He shifted on his feet as his groin was cupped and pushed at her with his hips. He felt rather than saw his trousers slide down his legs to his shoes, and his heart thumped loudly when his erection was jerked to attention. Suddenly He knew that he wanted her.


Holly noted the time. 6.20. Just enough time for some well-earned foreplay and Jennifer needs to know nothing about it. They hurried into her bedroom in a state of nakedness and Holly yelped as she was unceremoniously tossed onto her bed belly down.

"Love your bottom, lover."

He announced and planted butterfly kisses on both cheeks. She moaned and hummed as he took off his spectacles and then blew a stream of cool air at her upside-down pussy. He hissed and the young witch gasped as her legs were gently opened so that he could get the perfect view of her wet labia. Dewy moisture darkened her usually light brown bush and her lips were swollen in anticipation. Then David pressed his face against her muff and licked up and down the entire length of her slit.


Holly squirmed and he held the backs of her thighs down firmly as he swiped her hot box over and over. He made a point of his tongue and began to delve into her inner folds, relishing the sweet feminine taste of her pussy. David flipped her over onto her back and Holly looked into his eyes and her belly flip-flopped. He moved his head down to her again and she grabbed handfuls of his thick locks as he circled her clit rapidly.

"That...feels...SO good!"

She started to pant as he drove her crazy with fleeting zig zags with his tongue on her tiny nub, followed by incredible figures of eight!

"Yes! Oh, yes! Oh, yes! Oh, yes!"

She dug the heels of her shoes into the mattress and managed to make two rips in the white sheet under her. Dave dribbled onto her inner thighs as he bobbed and weaved until Holly screamed out and a burst of her fluids hit him on the chin.

"By Merlin! That was intense!"

Holly shook and bucked until her orgasm subsided. She lifted her head and saw David on his back with his dick in his fist.

"What a cock!"

His smooth shaft stood straight up like a flag pole with a flared and angry-looking head above it. The clock read 6.40.

Enough time for more fun before Jennifer planned her arranged interruption.

"Come on, then."

Holly fluffed up her hair and laid on her front. Still looking into his dreamy eyes she popped the big head between her pursed lips and made audible vibrations that ran down his shaft.

"Holy fuck!"

Letting him out with a pop the horny brunette proceeded to slowly lick his entire cock from top to bottom. She tickled his scrotum as she applied more pressure to his rigid rod and used her teeth to gently scrape his flesh.

"Oh, you saucy minx!"

Her legs kicked back and up in a happy swinging motion all the while licked him. Then she leaned up a tad and began to take half of his length inside her hot mouth. More and more she slid back and forth, and more and more she relaxed her jaw to accept his stiffness in her mouth. Her slurping and sucking noises grew louder and her moans of rapture became muffled as his cock head hit the back of her throat.

"Holly! Gonna...gonna cum!"

David's body stiffened and Holly looked into his eyes as he streamed cum into her mouth. The initial spurt splashed her throat, followed by the big one which she let spill out of her lips in a torrent. More spurts and more groaning as Holly was bathed in the stuff.

"Oh, David! How could you? And with Holly of all people. Why...oh."

A startled Watts sank back into the pillows as an irate Jennifer stormed into the bedroom.

"Is it seven already?" Holly asked with semen dripping down her chin.

'Holly! But? You, you're. You're naked!"

"No. Look, I still have my heels on."

"You're disgusting! And as for you!"

Jennifer pointed at a mortified David spreading his hands in embarrassment.

"Jennifer, we need to talk," he said as Holly licked his sticky fingers.


Written by moasan
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