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Holly The Horny Witch 6

"time travel can be complicated"

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Wednesday, June 23rd, 2023.

Six, p.m.

"Change of plan, Holly. Jennifer is coming home earlier than we thought. She'll be here in fifteen minutes."

"Balls! I was really looking forward to our time together."

It was no secret to most that David Watts and Holly Goodman were a couple meant to be. But circumstances had prevented their ever getting together as husband and wife. Instead, she was now engaged to be married to the young Wizard Jeffrey Hunter, while her soul mate David was to wed Jeff's younger sister Jennifer. Within the next few months.
Already, she had serious doubts about her feelings for the emotionally immature Jeff and was extremely jealous of his sibling. The twenty-three-year-old constantly walked about like the cat who got the cream. Which in Holly's eyes was exactly what she had.

How many times had the thought 'what if' rolled around in her head? Now, David had rekindled his romantic feelings for Jennifer, and he had proposed marriage. Which she had accepted without question. Despite his very strong sexual attraction to Jennifer, Watts had been somewhat frustrated when the young Hunter told him she would not sleep with him until after the wedding. She explained that she wished for lots of children and preferred that they were born in wedlock. David Watts had not lived a life of a monk since leaving school, although his acute shyness had probably prevented him from getting laid more often. He was terribly good-looking and charming to boot. Now, in his physical prime, he had no intention of abstaining from sex.


Thinking back to that memorable night six months ago with David, Holly remembered her excitement when she and her dream lover David had made love for the first time since that visit he had made to her flat. (See part one) That had been a very odd affair and best placed in the dustbin of embarrassing moments. He, in turn, recalled the fetching young Witch who simply radiated sex appeal and had since matured into a skillful lover. They had enjoyed an intimate dinner in which they shared many memories. Some were happy, some sad. And they had inevitably ended up in the bedroom. Overwhelmed with the need for bodily pleasure, Watts had undressed Holly with deft hands and had taken her quickly and selfishly. Later on, they had taken their time, learning about each other's bodies, touching and kissing, he rubbing against her with his chest, arms, and thighs and letting the pair of them share the sexual heat.

Holly had never been so aroused until now, his thoughtful caresses released the most sensuous stimulations as they writhed in each other's arms. And in such a way that Jeffrey had never done. David moved on top of the lithe female and his sublime member slid up and down her well-lubricated outer labia in a wicked tease. He pushed and rolled on her mound and each contact on her sensitive clit elicited tiny moans of desire.

He nibbled on her ripe nipples which grew to bullet-sized nubs on her pert breasts, and she ruffled his fair mane. After much pleading by her, he bent her legs back to her head to access her exposed pussy and she shrieked from the incredible penetration of his thick cock as he pushed up inside her. The limber Wizard thrust up with assured strokes as Holly dug her nails into his backside and watched her feet bump against his head. Later still, Holly had taken control and had straddled the virile young adult and fucked him with a wanton passion, raising herself up high and then falling onto his entire length over and over. Her hair whipped around as she threw her head back and she held his hands in hers tightly. Fully embedded on his rock-hard dick she had pumped him rapidly, her intense excitement providing her with a much-needed burst of energy that brought about a supreme mutual orgasm. They had clung together for hours in a passionate hug and gazed into each other's eyes as they came to the realisation that they were indeed doomed soul mates.

Jennifer had always been the one who had caught his eye with her long wavy hair and bubbly humour, but Holly stirred some lustfulness in his loins. Easily swayed by the attractive Witch Watts had succumbed to the desirable creature and thus they embarked on a guilty relationship as Jennifer worked tirelessly in the background planning her dream day.
Holly and David tried to see each other whenever it was possible, very aware that these stolen moments together were undoubtedly numbered. Watts had found accommodation in a flat close to Holly and Jeffrey when he and Jennifer had gotten back together as a couple. She had moved in with him and immediately began to plan for the Autumn wedding.
But after Holly and Watts had slept together since that first time, the pair had unleashed an addiction to fucking each other. The sex was mind-blowing for both, and they would meet in secret, sometimes twice a week, sometimes only once a fortnight. David discovered that the little tiger screamed louder in bed than any other female he had ever known. She fucked like a nymphomaniac, sucked cock like a demon, and had unbelievable stamina. Holly loved it gentle, rough, dirty, and for hours on end.

"If only you had been here an hour ago, I was seriously thinking of you. I had a boner the size of Nelson's Column!"

David stood in the doorway of his flat and anxiously checked the clock on the mantle. Holly pouted and scuffed her shoes as she reluctantly agreed to a postponement. She had put on her new sleeveless dress and had wanted him to be the first to see it. And remove it from her lust-crazed body naturally. If only, thought she. If only. Yet she had been stuck in a boring meeting to which she had been summoned to iron out some tedious details in her work. She turned her mind to her magic evening classes when she heard about Doctor Shivani's famous Time Pills. These were born of a chemical solution devised by the Wizard and Doctor that once ingested, enabled one to travel to the past for two hours at a time.

Holly had kept one container in her flat and had never taken one. Now, if she were to use it to go back in time one hour to five o'clock, she and David could have some quality time in bed together before Jennifer would turn up at six-fifteen.
In a state of exhilaration, she hurried off to her place and retrieved the magical pills. She steeled herself as she swallowed one of the tiny pills. There was a big flash of light, an ear-rattling bang, and time began to unwind. Holly felt slightly nauseous, but that passed quickly. Time had reversed just as Doctor Shivani had predicted.


Five, p.m.

David answered the door to his flat and literally did a double take as Holly Goodman pushed by him and entered. He looked at her in the skimpy lycra dress which was daringly cut short and hugged her body tightly.


He saw the excitement in her doe-like eyes as she stroked his cheek. The sweet fragrance of her perfume assailed his nostrils and he knew that he had to have her.

"We have an hour to play, so come here you big hunk, you."

Holly stroked his hair back and kissed him hard on the mouth. At the same time, she stroked his stiffening cock in his pants. He groaned into her warm mouth as she quickly freed his growing member from the tight confines. As they embraced she jerked him to full attention as they sucked each other's tongues into their eager mouths.

"But, you're an hour early."

"Stop talking and kiss me."

With his desire for her extremely heightened, he lifted up the back of her dress and exposed her shapely bottom, and found out that she was wearing nothing underneath. With time ticking down the hour, they tore each other's clothes off until they both stood naked and aroused. His body was perfect, she thought, hard yet soft, pale yet hot. Unlike the stark white of Jeffrey. She stood back to admire him and that was when the penny dropped for the astute Wizard. She had taken a time pill!

"Did you come here at six? Holly! Are you mad? You must not mess about with time travel. Consider the consequences!"

"Don't fuss. As long as we stay in this room no harm will come to us. Besides It's just for an hour. Now love me."

"You know I can't say no," he said resignedly.

Watts pawed at her pert breasts that jiggled now that they were freed up and thumbed her nipples that hardened involuntarily as she kissed his manly chest.

"Oh, god!"

He had grown into a fine figure of a man and Holly loved to touch his pectorals and biceps. He nibbled her left earlobe which she absolutely adored and cooed accordingly. The smoking hot Witch moved down his front, kissing his hot flesh all the way to his musky groin. She inhaled his masculine scent and felt a mini spasm in her loins. Licking her lips she went onto her haunches and wrapped her slender fingers around his rock-hard shaft and lovingly stroked it up and down. He looked down on his lover and watched her purse her lips and plant a big wet smacker on his cock head.

"Like a big snake, hee, hah! HIISSSS!"

David looked on slack-jawed as the diminutive minx opened her mouth to let his engorged tip pop inside. She sucked him in hard and deliberately let her drool seep out and down the underside of his shaft.

"Oh, Holly!"

David snapped his head back as her welcome throat contracted on his bell end for a matter of twenty seconds before she let him out with a big gulp of air.

"LOVE this big fat snake!" she said as she bent it this way and that in front of her face.

She repeated the same act of deep-throating and then let him back up with a cough and a splutter. Her nostrils were sensuously flared as she inhaled the smell of his member then gave it several butterfly kisses along the full length of the underside. Standing now she sighed as David felt her muff and found that she was dripping wet. They stumbled to the bed and Holly fell back onto it with open legs. His mouth watered as he observed her light downy hair that glistened with moisture. He licked between her inner thighs and tasted the salty/sweetness of her labia. Holly grabbed his thick mane of hair and closed her eyes as he teased her folds open with his pointed tongue.

"You do that so well."

She squirmed and quivered from the exquisite sensation of his lips and tongue brushing her hardened clit.

"Do the thing."

"Oh, the thing?"

"Mmm, the thing."

David grinned as he grabbed her bottom and pulled her cunt directly against his face. Her clit was out and resembled a pearl as he licked it up and down, from side to side, and then up and down once more. He began to chant over and over in nonsensical sounds that vibrated on her nub.

"Mmm, unghh, whoosh, huumm!"

He tightened his grip on her buns as she rolled her hips to accentuate the fantastic vibrations he sent through her. He made long swipes across the top of her pussy and his face became covered with her slippery juices. He was desperate to shove his aching cock up her but continued to pleasure her by shoving two fingers inside her muff knuckle deep.
Holly jerked in ecstasy, gripped big bunches of the sheet, and lifted her back off the bed.

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"By Merlin's beard, I have to have you."

Holly groaned aloud as Watts thrust up into her hard, filling her with his gratifying rod. As their bodies melded into one she clawed at his broad back and wallowed in the super sensation of his erection sliding in and out of her pussy. She loved the way he fucked her, starting with assured strokes that plumbed her very depths, and then slow. So painfully slow that she hugged him hard to urge him to speed up.

"Do it faster, you devil."

"Oh, like this?"


David began to piston fuck the trembling female under him and her legs turned to jelly as he fucked the strength out of her. In his small apartment, their perspiration sealed their hot bodies together as he plunged in and out of her with his steel-hard length.


Five fifty-five.

The telephone rang and David swore as he stopped and reluctantly pulled out of a pouting Holly. He picked up the receiver to hear the voice of his fiancé telling him she would be home in about twenty minutes. He turned to his naked lover and spread his hands.

"We have to call it a day. You, your, she, will be here soon."

"But I still haven't cum."

"But you, her, she will be knocking on the door in five minutes, you have to hide."


Six, p.m.

David threw on a sweater and opened the door to Holly One. He ran his hand through his hair and rubbed his eyes.

"Oh, Holly. You! Er, yes. A change of plan. Yes, that's it. Jennifer is coming home earlier than expected. She will be here in fifteen minutes."

"Balls! I was really looking forward to our time together."

Holly thought she heard giggling inside and tried to peer over his shoulder.

"Are you with someone?"

"NO! That is, no. Look make yourself scarce. Jennifer!"

Wats closed the door in the disappointed face of the slender Witch who looked about somewhat forlorn. He was suddenly spun around and he and Holly Two fell to the bed where the insatiable witch trapped his lower body with her thighs.

"We still have some time."

David caught her hips in both hands as she lowered onto his dick and sank down all the way. Her toes curled and she swept her hair back as she rode on him with a wanton lust. He met her gaze and saw a fierce look in her eyes and for a split second thought that she might very well be possessed. She pushed down hard with her hips on his throbbing dick and hurtled toward her desired orgasm.


Six ten.

The telephone rang again and David flung Holly off his lap and picked up the receiver to hear his fiancé telling him she would not now be back until seven. He related the update to Holly who clapped her hands.

"Brilliant! Come here, lover."

David felt a definite palpable tension in the air as he looked at the perfection of the naked hussy.

"Holly, you're shameless!"

"You said it!"

She mounted him again, tossing a long leg over his sweating body, and began to screw him silly.


Six fifteen.

Another knock on the door and the pair of lovers began to panic.

"Balls! Is that Jennifer?"

"Don't know, maybe. Hide!"

Again David Watts tugged on his sweater and went to open the front door. He opened it a fraction and a bubbly Holly barged past him.

"Just heard that Jennifer is delayed. Isn't that splendid? Get naked, lover!"

Before he could react Holly had stripped off her lycra dress and was dragging his top off over his head.

"But, we can't. YOU can't. She's still here."

Holly Two stepped out of the closet at that moment. Stark bollock naked.

"Hello, babe. Wow. Do I really look that thin?"

"YOU! I expected you to be long gone," said a horrified Holly One.

"Holly. You..." he pointed to the newcomer. "You have to leave. The timelines, I don't know."

"Look, I want some Davy love too. She might be fucking you, but I'M not getting the benefit. I need it as much as she does. Now, we have a half hour. I suggest we get on with it."

"I'm with you, honey. Let's team up," agreed Holly Two.

David looked agog at the seemingly twin sisters with their identical taut bodies and his boner twitched like mad.

"I have a feeling I've been set up."

The two naked and ravenous Witches sidled up to him and kissed him in turn. With Holly One on his right and Holly Two on his left, they took his face to theirs as they stroked his hard dick. It felt good to have four hands caress him he admitted to himself and made a smug grin.


Holly One pulled away and laid back in the bed. David was nudged forward by the other and he positioned himself between the newer pussy of his lover. She held his cock in her right hand and slid it up and down her damp slit.
The heels of her feet dug into the cheeks of his tight butt and she drew him inside her pussy.

"Now, that's what I'm talking about."

He thrust up with his hips and Holly wrapped her legs around him to pull him in deep.

"SO fucking good!"

The pair of them ground their hips together as each drive-in by Watts made her shriek. Holly Two cupped her pussy and pumped in and out with her busy fingers as she watched intently. Her legs visibly bucked from the overwhelming pleasure she was giving herself. With her fingers embedded inside of her, she ground down with the palm of her hand for extra pressure.

"Join in," urged Holly One, and her twin came up behind David and hugged him tightly from behind.

As he fucked One so Two matched his thrusting pelvis with hers. Then he pulled out and lifted his weight off of Holly beneath him and sidled up her body to place his knob to her mouth. She readily parted her lips and let his swollen head pop in. Holly Two was now on all fours and David glanced at her enticing bottom which she lifted up and he moved in behind her. He licked his middle finger and ran it around her pussy lips before slipping it inside her wetness.

"Ooooh, nice!"

He replaced his digit with his boner and pushed on in, relishing every inch of her tight cunt. When he was all in his balls rested against her backside.

"I LOVE it when he's all in."

"I know EXACTLY how you feel," agreed her identical other self.

"You two! Words fail me!"

Watts soon began to move in and out, picking up the pace and repeatedly slamming against Two's rump. One came up close to observe and frigged herself, utterly turned on by the lewd smacking of his body on hers.

"Me now, me, me, me!"

Holly One assumed a similar position and David could hardly believe his eyes as he looked down on the same ass, side by side!! He quickly pulled out and shifted to the other and entered the exact same pussy he was just fucking. Except that one was six inches to his right! As he leaned in, the two Witches kissed each other in an almost incestual manner.
What were the odds of ever kissing yourself?

"I had no idea how good I tasted," said One as she sucked the other's tongue into her mouth."

"Me neither," agreed Two.

Then One shuddered and screamed into the mouth of her twin as she came around David's cock. As he pulled out of her quivering quim he moved over to fuck Two. He clutched her hips and roughly pulled her lightweight frame back onto his throbbing organ.


She also climaxed on his cock and fell onto her front in her orgasmic bliss.

"That was amazing."

Watts wiped his brow as the two fillies hopped up on either side of him and grinned at each other.

"After you, Miss Goodman," said Two.

"Why, thank you, Miss Goodman," answered One who held up David's hose and engulfed it greedily.

They began sharing his dick, One sucking on it for three or four healthy slurps before handing it off to Two.
The teamwork and erotic scenario of TWO Holly Goodman's sucking him drove the Wizard nuts. As one of them licked his dick the other wanked his shaft with both hands. Then they switched and as one sucked him off the other massaged his tight ball sack.

"Merlin's beard!"

He felt that surge of tingling through his shaft and he erupted into two eager mouths that swallowed every torrid burst of hot cum.


Six fifty-five.

Holly Two winked out of time and presumably returned to the point where she had taken the time pill. That left the original Holly who licked her sticky lips.

"Now really, come on. Jennifer will be here any moment."

"Alright, lover. I'm going. Where's my dress?"


Seven, p.m.

A frantic rapping on the front door came, and David looked at Holly a little distressed.


"Why is she knocking? Does she not have a key?"

"That's right, she does. Who is this now?"

David opened the door a crack and Holly Goodman bustled in, still in her new skimpy lycra dress.

"Alright, Holly?" she asked the half-dressed One.

Watts looked from one to the other and then gawped at the latest horny minx who quickly shed her clothing. The phone rang, and he sat on the edge of his bed, perplexed.

"That will be Jennifer telling you that she's been indefinitely detained. I just got the word at eight. So I took a time pill to come back an hour."

The pair of naked brunettes held hands and loomed over David in a rather menacing manner. He leaned back, marginally alarmed. His cock moved imperceptibly as he eyed their desirable bodies. When they spoke, they spoke in unison.

"Now, where were we?"

"Oh, balls!"


Written by moasan
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