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Holly The Horny Witch 3

"Holly has a reunion with the school bully"

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London, 2023.

Holly Goodman had taken a lot of criticism lately about her healthy sex drive. When she wasn't hard at work she was the first one to admit that her thoughts were mostly about sex. If she wasn't making love she would probably be masturbating and dreaming of making love. If she wasn't masturbating she would have her head in a book called 'Advanced Sexual Positions.'

Ever since puberty, the attractive brunette had discovered a hidden sexual obsession that she had embraced the first time she had slept with Jeffrey Hunter. Overnight she had taken a journey from a shy, virginal teen into a sex-obsessed twenty-something. Since then she had certainly slept with others and had blossomed into an experienced lover.


She had been pleasantly surprised when two of her schoolfriends came to London to visit. Sue and Viv met up in the evening to enjoy each other's company and reminisce. Both were Witches and had married Wizards. The three old friends ate dinner and then found a wine bar to wind up the evening.

"So, come on. You can tell us."

Sue took a healthy swig of Chardonnay and slurred her words.

"Just how hung is David Watts? We heard he has a dick like a tree trunk.

"What makes you think I know?" said an innocent-looking Holly Goodman.

"Oh, please. We all know you, Holly. Who haven't you had?"

"Are you implying I'm promiscuous?"

"We saw you kissing Mark Williams after school."

"Yeah," agreed Viv. "AND Billy Nation always had his hand up your skirt. You little trollop."

Sue continued, counting off on her fingers.

"So, you slept with Jeffrey of course. David Watts. The school bully Danny Richards..."

"What? How did you know about Danny and me?" cried the dismayed brunette.

"HAH! So, it IS true! We were just bluffing. Busted! You must tell all now and spare no details."

"You two. Words fail me."

Holly leaned back and took a slug of her wine. The room was busy, veritably overcrowded in fact, as the not-so-innocent brunette gathered her thoughts. She leaned over the table and spoke in a low voice.

"Alright, it's true. Danny and I did do the dirty deed, but it isn't what you think. I still abhor him AND his horrid family."

"Who doesn't? Ghastly git!"

Viv slammed her glass on the table in an obvious statement of assent.

"For years he pulled our hair, called us names, and stuck 'please kick me' stickers on our backs."

"What an arse! One time he pulled my knickers down in front of the whole class. I cried for a week."

Holly nodded as Sue stifled a sob. Danny had been a severe pain in the backside but he did have deep brown eyes that made her go weak at the knees when he stared at her with contempt. The fact that he was also a Wizard made it all the more difficult. Holly looked into space as she recalled that fateful day she and the heartless Danny had sex. Her rapt audience waited to hear more with bated breath.

"Get another round of drinks Sue and I'll tell you everything."


"It was a year after we left school," continued Holly. "Just after Jeff and I moved in together. Remember Mrs. McDonald? Our evening teacher from Glasgow? She provided affordable rooms for students. We were as snug as a bug but it was cozy."

Viv nodded.

"Now, she was a real Witch. A big hook nose like something out of a Walt Disney film. Old too."

"Right. Anyway, she came to my room one day when Jeffrey had gone to Manchester for a week to visit his Grandmother."

"Right, Miss Goodman," she barked. "I need a favour from you. As young Hunter is out of town and all of my rooms are full, I want you to take in another for a few days."

"But, I've only the one bed, Mrs. McDonald, as you well know."

"I AM aware, young lady. He can bed down on your sofa."

"My sofa? Hold on. You said, 'HE.' It's a man?"

"Yes. Actually, you know each other. It's Mister Danny Richards. He's in London on an errand for his Father's business."

"Danny Richards! That bas…fellow?"

"Any objections?"

"No, Mrs. McDonald. Her voice sounded stern and abrupt, so I just caved in. She still made me feel like a thirteen-year-old. I was horrified at having to meet this man again but I steeled myself and told myself to remain aloof and calm. He knocked on the door later that evening and I let him in reluctantly. I was wearing a Babymetal tee shirt that had a rip under my left arm and I could feel his eyes mentally undressing me, the sod. Are you staring at my bosom, Richards? I asked him disgustedly."

"Not really, Goodman. They're not much to write home about, are they? I mean, don't flatter yourself, I've seen bigger tits on a middle-aged man."

"PIG! I thought. Come in I said, and he barged right past me."

"Thanks, Goodman," he said as if chewing on a brick.

"You're welcome," I retorted, with a hint of bile in my throat."

"SO nice to meet you again. It's been a while."

"Not nearly long enough, I thought as we both glared and seethed at each other. Strongly resembling his father, Danny had grown to be a tall and slender adult with the same chocolate-brown eyes. His hair was long and he had it back in a straight ponytail. In a certain light, he looked almost handsome. Get a grip, girl, I told myself as I broke from my reverie. I do not fancy Dany Richards I scolded myself. Repeat after me, I do not fancy him, I do not fancy him, I do not fancy him."

"Are you alright, Goodman? You're blushing like a beetroot."

"Yes. Quite alright, thank you so much. Follow me. I showed him where the kitchen and bathroom were, and then pointed to the fold-out sofa."

"I'm not sleeping on a fucking sofa. I'll take the bed."

"No you bloody won't. That's mine and Jeffrey's."

"Oh, that's right. You and Hunter are an item. He was a crappy Wizard if I remember rightly."

"He was not."

"I'm not going to argue. And I AM taking the bed, even if his stink still lingers there."

"Well, I was fuming but I held my tongue. I would have loved to turn him into a toad or something worse. We ignored each other, and as he and I pottered around the room, I was acutely aware of his furtive staring and leering at my mature figure. At the back of my mind, I was actually flattered that he found me attractive enough to ogle, even if he was a long-time rival of ours. As I helped him settle I found that I too kept making sideways glances at him. I told him that he was not to enter the living room while I was asleep on the sofa and that we would have only the bathroom to share."

"Very well, until tomorrow then."

"Our eyes met and we did not look away for what seemed like forever. I even wondered if he was trying to bewitch me with those beguiling dark eyes. Damn him!"

"So far, so bad."

Sue and Viv were all ears as Holly paused in her story.

"I made sure that I kept busy and managed to stay out of his way the next day. I ate a light supper of a dish of bouillabaisse and decided to go to bed early. I slipped into my blue striped pajama set and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was asleep. A short while later I half opened my eyes thinking I had heard the door open, but it was the one next door. There was a muted rustle of feet and definite giggling. I turned over and attempted to drop off but after mere minutes I was rudely awakened by muffled sounds from the bedroom. I put my pillow over my head to shut out the rude sound of moaning but to no avail. Fuming I lay there as my ears pricked up at the sound of groaning and sexy pillow talk."

"Fuck me, Danny. Fuck me with that big cock!"

"Bastard! I thought. He's brought a girl back to his room and was in the act of fucking her brains out! And not only that but merely five feet away from where I slept! Intrigued I got up, not bothering with the light as it was a moonlit night, and padded barefoot over to the adjoining wall for a better listen. Whoever it was clearly loved the attention she was receiving and the moaning quickly turned to high-pitched squealing. She began to beg for his big organ desperately and I admit that I found myself straining my ears to hear more."

"How do you do that, babe," asked the unknown female.

"Magic, my dear. Just magic."

"What about her?"

"Fuck her!"

"Git! I thought as I bit my lip in order not to react."

"Oh, yes! Do it like that! I love it! Fuck me with that big cock, you devil!"

"As I listened intently her cries of passion and excessive moaning had an extraordinary effect on me. I was starting to get turned on! As they continued to fuck each other I wiggled my bum and dropped my pajama bottoms to my feet.
I glanced at the clock and saw that it was midnight. My ear was right up against the door as the girl demanded that she be taken doggy style. My hand found itself between my parted legs and I felt the sexual heat from my aroused pussy.
As I imagined Danny thrusting in and out of the girl who was on all fours I slipped my middle finger inside my already moist muff. The creaking of the bed only heightened my arousal and in my mind's eye, I could see the girl's tits bouncing wildly as she was ravished by the smug bastard. My pussy was really slick as I frigged myself rapidly, and I had to lean in the door to support myself as I went up on tiptoe. They were going at it and their attempts to stay discreet were all but lost as they gasped and sobbed in their passionate rut."

"I'm going to cum. Where do you want it?"

"On my ass, big boy."

"Big boy indeed! My hand was a blur as I strummed my clit and I could feel my orgasm rise to the surface. The rampant couple came to a shuddering climax next door and as they groaned in satisfaction I came at the same moment and I was overwhelmed by my clitoral orgasm. There were more rustling sounds and the girl presumably had dressed and left."

"Thanks, lover. That was the best."

"I heard the door close and I dropped onto my bed with my hand between my upper thighs and I was soon off again

"What a turn of events. He had a nerve bringing a girl back to your place."

"Too right, Viv. So, she must have been a Witch. I wonder if we know her?"

"I never found out, Sue. I got up the next morning in a state of confusion and bewilderment. Had I just got myself off listening to Danny Richards banging a girl? I shook my head and told myself it was just an aberration and headed to my bathroom for my morning ablutions and shower. I stripped out of my pajamas and went to turn the handle of the door.
As I paused with my hand in the air I heard the shower already on, and in a flash, I realised that Danny had beaten me to the bath.

Curiosity got the better of me and with the running water masking my movements I entered the room in an imprudent action to catch a glimpse of the smug Wizard. I opened the door a crack and noted the steam had risen, but I still had a clear view of him all lathered up and humming to himself. He had his back to me as I huddled low in the doorway and his untied hair hung wet and matted to his back. I looked on somewhat surprised at his taut buns with the tiny indentations that dimpled each smooth cheek.

Then he spun around and as he began to rinse off the soap on his body I learned that he had a hard and lean frame with no hair at all. He still had not noticed me and I had to cover my mouth as I gasped at the size of his package. Ohhhh! I muttered into my palm as I became transfixed by his amazing cock that he jerked and soaped up with his hand. No, not amazing, read that as outstanding, as I ventured a guess that he was packing a superb eight-inches plus appendage.

As he took great pleasure in his own ministrations he tilted his head back and closed his eyes under the persistent hot stream of water. My big toe shot up and I sucked in my cheeks as I saw him stiffen in his fist and I had an uncontrollable urge to reach out and stroke it. Control yourself, I berated myself. It's Danny Richards. School bully. As the water ran down his firm abs to his groin I felt my pussy tighten with an unexpected excitement and I cursed myself. I was flushed and hot and my nipples became very erect and sensitive.

For a nervous moment, I feared that he had heard me as he snapped his eyes open and looked in my direction. I shrank back but still looked on with my heart hammering in my chest and drank in his sturdy legs and his now erect cock that jutted out majestically in my direction. His dark pubic hair that topped off his breathtaking boner I found mysteriously seductive. I withdrew into my room and shut the door and locked it, utterly perplexed at my carnal impulses. I rummaged in my bedside drawer for my vibrator and flopped onto my back on the bed, totally aroused. I stretched out my legs as I switched it on and thrust it up inside my dripping cunt and then grabbed my wand.

"Actio," I yelled and welcomed the enchanted sex toy slide in and out of my hot honey pot. I could not match the rate of strokes that I very much desired with my hand and gladly let magic do the rest. As the vibrator fucked me silly my thoughts were only of Danny and his magnificent nine inches of thick cock. Wonderful sensations washed over me and my thighs quivered as the throbbing toy drove up inside me at a rate of knots. My desperate craving for an orgasm did not take long and as I came with a doleful sigh I squirted five inches onto the bed under my ass."

"Holly! Wonders never cease. Then what?"

Holly held her hand up. The wine bar was thinning out as the hour was growing late. She straightened up and spread her hands.

"I decided to take a late night shower the evening after to avoid the morning's chain of events and I turned on the taps to let them warm up, somewhat free of tension. I checked out my reflection in the full-length mirror and was secretly proud. A slender build with a trim waist and firm, pliant breasts had been a pleasant surprise as I hit adulthood.
My abs weren't as defined as I would have liked, but my bottom was relatively tight and nicely shaped. I had kept my Mons neatly shaved with just a small strip of pubic hair at the top. I really need to get laid, I thought as I stepped into the stall.

I rubbed my body with both hands and felt instantly relieved. The hot water hit my tits and ran down my stomach and between my legs. I reached for the coconut and musk-scented soap and lathered it up in my hands. I washed my body all over as the thin needles of water bounced off of me. With my eyes closed I paid attention to my ass and sex and coated my loins with the heavenly fragrance. The lather dripped down my thighs like a foam waterfall and I moved my hand to my covered labia and found my slit. I positioned myself in such a way that the shower stream hit my pussy head on and the soap poured down to expose my obscured quim. I worked myself up into a state of erotic excitement and I energetically rubbed my soft outer lips. And despite the steam that engulfed me I shivered as I probed my inner folds.
The relentless pounding water filled my ears and I did not hear Richards step into the stall behind me."

"Yes, would you please pass the soap?"

"Danny! What the devil! How long have you been there? I tried to cover my loins and breasts but it was a pointless exercise and I recognised the fact that he and I were both naked and with only a margin of three inches between us."

"Oh, do get on, Goodman. I need to clean up. I've had a long day in a dusty old library."

"I was here first, Richards. I suggest you wait your turn. This was simply ridiculous, I reasoned. I'm standing naked under a shower and conversing with an equally naked male! Get out this instant! I yelled."

"Why don't you make me?"

"We came nose to nose, breast to chest, and although our ears were filled with the noise of thundering water the small confines of the shower stall generated an acute sexual tension. To break the suffocating tension I smacked him right across the right cheek! Imagine my utter shock and anger when he unexpectedly gave me solid clout on my left cheek in return! Bastard! I huffed at him."


"I tried my utmost to remain calm and my face was expressionless but my left thigh trembled all by itself. That was when he spun me around to face the shower wall, bent me at the waist, and proceeded to spank my raised bottom with five, FIVE, hard smacks. The hot water streamed down on our bodies as he leaned over and spoke in my ear."

"That will teach you to strike a full-blown Wizard."

"Get your hands off me, you creep! I heard the taps turned off and when I turned back to face Danny who astounded me by sporting a very stiff and lively twitching erection. And do not even THINK of doing anything with THAT! Even as I spoke my voice cracked as I stared at his upright flagpole. Why did he have to have such a mouth-watering cock?"

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"Don't think too highly of yourself, skinny. I wasn't aroused by you, oh no. I always get a boner in the shower."

"You disgust me, Richards. I can't wait for you to leave."

"You appear to be a little confused, Goodman. Are you so sure you don't want a taste of hard dick?"

"Danny stared at me with a pompous grin and I lifted my chin and proudly displayed my dripping, naked form. Enlighten me, dunderhead? What makes you think I would fancy you?"

"First, I'm packed like a Unicorn on heat. Secondly, I'm a perfect fuck machine and I would leave you sore for a week after. And thirdly, your cunt is dripping down your thighs. I can smell your lust for me so much it stinks!"

"I was speechless at his observation. My pussy contracted and my cunt suddenly ached for physical contact.
I fixated on his boner and my resolve began to melt away. I hate you! My heartbeat quickened as I thrust my hand between my parted legs in an attempt to stem the tide. Shit! I was rather wet down there. He continued to give me his contemptuous grin and I slapped his face again."

"You pompous witch! You may despise me but you desire me also. I can see that flame in your beady eyes."

"B...beady eyes? Beady eyes! My damp body was sending me conflicting emotions which, added to the intense sensations running through my loins, began to cause me to waiver."

"Anyway, your loss. I'm leaving."

"I watched the water dripping down his broad back and down the crack that separated his firm buttocks and deep down I knew that I had to have him. My mind was in utter turmoil, and when he announced his departure I grabbed his face in both hands and kissed him hard on the mouth. I was up on my toes on the slippery tiles of the shower stall and I had to arch my back to place my lips to his. Danny pulled me to him by clutching my rump and forcing me to him. My hand slipped between us and I squeezed his massive hard-on. Our lips lingered on each other for a full minute and when we broke we gazed into each other's eyes. Arousal and ire filled me and my only thought was the burning need to have Danny, yes, Danny, fuck the shit out of me. We kissed again and this time he took a fistful of my lank, wet hair and twisted my face to the left, and bore down on me. In a fit of anger, I bit down on his lower lip hard and he growled."


"He slapped me across the kisser and then held me close to his smooth chest and thrust his tongue deep into my mouth.
I was sorely tempted to bite on it but we exchanged air, saliva, and sweat in a moment of wanton lust. I did dig my fingers into his broad chest and I grinned sadistically at the little scraps of his flesh under my nails. With my arms wrapped around his neck, I flung my right leg around his waist and put the heel of my foot into the small of his back.
Danny got the message and brought the tip of his raging stiffie directly to my entrance. He pushed up and buried his face in my breasts as he began to savagely pump in and out of my sodden quim. Harder, you devil! Fuck me harder!"

"Oh, really? How about that?"

"I was consumed by a carnal thirst that could not be tamed and he fucked me with an almost sadistic brutality. He twisted my face, tangled my hair in his hands and I made two fists and hammered him on the chest as he drove in and out of my aching muff. There was a thin line between unbridled passion and violence that I had never encountered in my life."

"Whore! Fucking skinny whore!"

'Weasel! Damn your eyes, you scum!"


"Danny roared and lifted me up into his arms and I dangled three feet up from the floor of the shower, still firmly impaled on his magnificent prick. He bounced me up and down and I slid onto his entire nine inches on every down stroke. I felt totally stuffed and I loved it! With my lightweight body in his capable arms, he pressed me against the wall of the shower and pinned my back to it. My feet hooked into each other as I went along for the ride. I very nearly swooned at the size of him thrusting up into me at breakneck speed and I came with a scream and a flood of pussy juice.
He put me down and my legs felt like jelly as he turned me to the wall and slammed my head against the tiles. He entered me from behind with his hands gripping my hips and he screwed me senseless with juicy slapping sounds of his wet groin on my damp backside."

"You're quite wet, aren't you?"

"I was rocked to the core as he used brute strength to pull me back onto his cock. He was in me up to the hilt and I threw my head back as I savoured the inch of rock-hard dick that he forced inside my bubbling cunt. Make me scream, you devil!"

"You always were a little bossy cow. You got it."

"As Danny pulled back and rammed into me over and over, the bastard bit the back of my neck and smacked my nether cheeks. I spread out my hands on the wall and took the full brunt of his lightning-fast strokes. Just as I was on the cusp of another orgasm he pulled out and pushed me roughly to my knees."

"Suck on this, you cow. I know you want to."

He pulled on my hair and cock slapped my face as if it were a club. I opened my mouth to protest only for him to jam his knob past my lips. Detaching myself from the wicked impulse to chew into his organ, I instead sucked on the slippery shaft with relish."

"Like that, Goodman? My big cock in your mouth?"

"Balls! I snorted and spat on his bloated cock head and grinned as it dripped a long string of saliva. I DID like it, the bastard! I closed my lips firmly on his bell end and lashed at him with my darting tongue. I gripped the base of his dick and bobbed on the tip of his cock in a steady rhythm, fearing the rest of his generous length entering my mouth any further I took things slowly. I used my tongue to bathe the underside of his shaft and encircled his massive glans every time I reached the tip."

"Call that a blowjob? Is that what you do for Hunter?"

"With that uncalled-for remark, Danny gripped my head firmly in his hands and began to literally face fuck me! He hit the back of my throat again and again and I gagged and spluttered saliva down his veiny shaft. The vibrations in my gullet were like nothing else I had encountered and my pussy ran rivers of my love juices down the crack of my ass.
I gripped his thighs and drew blood as I raked his flesh as he thrust his thick girth down my neck! Then he unexpectedly drew back and pulled me up by my hair."

"Let's finish this off in bed."

"Hey! Not so rough!"

"I was half dragged, half walked to his side of my quarters, and then flung onto the bed."

"Pity you're so flat chested, I would have liked a tit job. Anyway, come here and sit on this, I know you want to."

"He laid back and pointed his erection up to the ceiling. I pouted at him and fluffed up my hair as he provoked ME into fucking HIM. I hesitated for a nanosecond and shook my head in abject disgust. At ME not him, as I hungered for the opportunity to ride him that gorgeous dick. The room was filled with the heady scent of sex and sweat as I pushed him onto his back and climbed on top of him. With my knees against his hips, I sank onto his entire length with a loud moan.
I rode him hard and he tangled his fingers in my lank hair and shook my head this way and that."


"Bastard! This was, without doubt, the most aggressive and hot-tempered fuck that I had ever had, and one of the raunchiest. I kept on grinding back and forth on that formidable cock and my aching clit rubbed on his pubic bone and sent divine shocks through my loins. I pinched both his nipples as hard as I could and I looked him squarely in his dark eyes. I made two fists and thumped him on the chest as I ricocheted off his stiff prick. His balls smacked on my derriere like two ping-pong balls and I moaned in ecstasy."

"Not bad, not bad. Take note, Goodman. Could do better, four out of ten."

"Oh, yeah! I leaned over his chest and raised my bottom up high before slamming down hard until I began to lose strength in my legs."

"Fuck me, my little mare!"

"Oh, for pity's sake! I slowed up and fell across his chest with the realisation that for the first time I had bitten off more than I could chew."

"Come here."

"I yelped as I was thrown into the air and then smothered by the despicable fuck machine. He guided himself between my open legs and rested his cock against my slit. Please, fuck me, I begged in a humiliating mewl."

"I beg your pardon? he said, gloating."

"I want you to fuck me, I whined."

"Sorry, didn't hear your feeble little whimpering."

"I hit him on both biceps as I tried to impale myself on his cock head, which he just kept out of reach. You're such a tease. Just fuck me, alright! He bumped the entrance to my pussy and then moved a fraction lower. Higher, damn you, higher!
Suddenly he slipped a pillow under my backside and I stiffened when he pressed against my puckered anus and followed through! No! Not there!

Despite my protestations, I was amazed at how my asshole took him in. Once he had passed my ring, my hole seemed to blossom and as he started to fuck me I opened my mouth in a silent scream. Inch by inch he fed me more of his oh, so hard dick and his legs rubbed on the insides of my thighs. I shut them tightly to his long shanks as he built up a nice pace."

"I always knew you would love it up the bum, you ratbag."

"I whimpered as he huffed and puffed deep inside my back passage. Oh, yeah! I bet you used to take Billy Nation up his fat behind every night, hmm! You dirty bugger!"

"Cunt! Cunt! Cunt!"

"Danny's expression changed to one of extreme fury and his anal assault became more and more insistent.
His long and frenzied strokes made my tits judder up and down and I felt the income of another climax. Is this what you want? Do you think you can torment me, Danny Richards? I looked over his shoulder at the enthralling rise and fall of his buns as he ravished my poop chute. He had truly awoken the animal in me and I dug my nails into his back, urging him to take me harder. Oh, really? Is this all you got? I thought you were a sex machine. Why, I can barely feel you. Danny roared with rage as I moved my hand between us so that I could stuff two fingers inside my molten pussy. My orgasm crested and I yelled out, just as he pulled out and emptied his balls on my belly. As we collapsed on the bed side by side we basked in our mutual post-orgasmic bliss. I slowly looked over at Danny who was at the bedroom door. And another thing. Don't go bringing any more girls back later."

"Get stuffed, Goodman!"

"And with that, he slammed the door shut. I rolled over and sighed as I contemplated my two gaping nether holes which annoyingly would not close up."

Sue and Viv looked at Holly with their mouths hanging open.

"Holly Goodman! You are one naughty Witch! You took it up the bum from Danny? This is a riot!"

"There's more."

"More," cried a tipsy Sue. "More?"

"Again, at around midnight the night after, I was disturbed as I slept by the sound of the horrid Danny fucking a screaming female. This time I was not going to tolerate this outrage and I got out of bed and I thumped on the door. Keep it down in there! Show some consideration!"

"Don't stop! Don't stop, damn you!"

"Came the defiant cry from the woman who was no doubt getting her brains fucked out. I turned the handle only to find that it had been locked. I grabbed my wand and pointed it at the door and yelled the unlocking charm. Dissero! The door swung open and I stormed in, steam pouring out of my ears. I was greeted by the sight of Danny on top of a woman who had her legs straight out and up. He was banging in and out and his taut buttocks were directly in my viewpoint, obscuring the face of his moaning lover. It was like the moon rising and falling as he stroked up and down with his toes dug in. Danny!"

"Ah, Goodman. Eager to suck my cock again?"

"I hitched up my pajama bottoms in a gesture that meant that I was determined not to waiver in the face of him shagging another. Certainly not. Kindly desist this instant."

"Really, Goodman. Are you the only one around here permitted to have a love life?"

"The woman beneath the sweat-soaked Richards looked at me over his back and berated me in dulcet Scottish tones. I looked into the face of a pretty eighteen-year-old brunette whose face was surprisingly familiar. Mrs. McDonald? I mumbled in shock."

"Correct, young lady. Now make yourself scarce while Danny and I finish up here. Off you go."

"I withdrew to the living room, slightly shame-faced and definitely embarrassed. It took me a few moments to take in what I had seen. Mrs. McDonald was a shapeshifter! A Witch who was capable of changing their physical appearance at will. And in this instance, she had chosen a much younger and more attractive version of herself!"

"Who would have thought it? Our old teacher had a sex life!"

Sue roared with laughter and Viv looked at her in a haze of alcohol. Holly had stopped talking and had just drained her fifth glass of Pino Grigio of the evening. The bar was nearly empty as the hour passed midnight.

"You're kidding!" said an incredulous Viv. "Not only did you shag Danny Richards in an extraordinary fuck, but he also knobbed an eighteen-year-old Mrs. McDonald?"

Holly just sat and shrugged.

"Nice one, babe. You almost had us there," chuckled Sue.

"Yeah. Good one, Holly. Do you think we're that easy?"

"I see that there are no pulling the wool over your eyes, girls," said Holly with a knowing wink.


Written by moasan
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