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Holly The Horny Witch 1

"Holly beds her dreamboat with unexpected consequences"

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London, 2021.

Holly Goodman, on the occasion of her twenty-first birthday, had taken a long and reflective look at her life so far.

She had matured into a fine and attractive young woman, and it was hard to believe that she was the same person as that small and bushy-haired young thing she had once been all those years ago.

Her student years had been the most remarkable years in her life as she met up with lots of other boys and girls just like her. In fact, the vivacious brunette had surrendered to the innermost feelings she had nurtured for slightly younger Jeffrey Hunter, and they had soon fallen head over heels in love. Soon after declaring their love for each other they had given in to their carnal cravings and consummated their relationship.

Holly had quickly embraced the grown woman inside of the teenager and discovered a love for all things sexual. In a relatively short time however, it was apparent that Jeff was not living up to her expectations, in the bedroom, and when he announced that he planned to join his best friend David Watts on a lengthy visit to mystical Tibet.

The pair planned to backpack to the region to study the religious and mystical practices, occult traditions, and psychic training in Tibet and the surrounding areas. Lamaism is a term used to describe Tibetan Buddhism, and all sorts of magicians journeyed to the remote caves of the Himalayas for enlightenment.

Holly was secretly relieved. She ruminated on the fact that maybe she wasn't in love with Jeff after all, but had simply given in to their huge relief at the end of the three-year turmoil that had consumed their lives after school. The slender brunette reasoned that her red-blooded passion for sex must have been a result of her genes. She had embraced her physical side with relish and enthusiasm and had transformed into a veritable sex kitten. Not quite a nymphomaniac but as close as one could be without being labeled insatiable. She never turned down the chance to have a good fuck, quickie or otherwise, with male or female, couple, or take part in a threesome or orgy. When it came to having a good time in the sack, Holly Goodman was your girl.

Oh, yes. One more thing. She was a full-blown Witch! Born with the ability to practice magic or sorcery at a wave of her wand. And Jeffrey and David were Wizards. They all looked as normal as anyone in the street. No warts or hooked noses, and they did not wear pointy hats or ride broomsticks. They had attended regular school as well as received further education in the ways of wizardry in the evenings.

It was Merlin The Magician, the mythical figure prominently featured in the legend of King Arthur in the twelfth century and best known as a mage, who had been the Forefather of all those born with the gift thereafter. Not only was Merlin a wizard, but he was also a learned figure from the cutting edge of medieval science and adept in astrology, cosmology, prophecy, and natural magic, as well as being a seer and a proto-alchemist.

Holly and those like her lived a normal life with the general public and harboured no designs of taking over the world with their special powers. They simply wished to exist alongside everybody else in peace. The only drawback was the fact that Witches were only able to copulate with others like them. Humans and witches couldn't mate due to their DNA being incompatible. There was no such thing as half human and half witch. A particular feature that made things a tad frustrating for the ever-amorous Holly.


As she stood forlornly at the window of her one-bedroom flat in White City, Holly looked at the snow that had begun accumulating on the windowsill. Winter had come rather earlier than she fancied and she drew the warm blanket about her shoulders with a shiver.

She was waiting for a special visitor who had surprised her with his unexpected announcement of his sudden return from the East. Of course, it had been him all along, hadn't it? Who else?

He had been the constant in all their lives since they had first met and she had been fortunate to watch him mature into a fine-looking adult. The fact was, Holly was in love with David Watts.

She had not seen him for two years since she had moved in with Jeffrey and she thought of him often. He was older than she by a full year and was tall and handsome. He was an excellent Wizard and was always looking for old manuscripts and ancient tomes to further his magical knowledge. His hair was fair and curly and his eyes were the bluest of blue. He had an infectious smile and all the girls lusted after him. He could have any girl he wanted but his acute shyness held him back from playing the field. He had however lusted after Jeff's sister Jennifer, also a Witch, with whom he had an on-again, off-again romance. From what Jeff had told her though was that the couple had cooled their relationship in recent times, and Holly believed that he was now free and available.

The lust-crazed filly had only one thing on her mind as a result. The same thing had filled her dreams and fantasies every night since she had heard of his imminent visit.

On this very night, she was going to fuck David Watt's brains out!


David Watts took a taxi from Waterloo Railway Station to White City as soon as he arrived in town. His best friend Jeffrey had moved into a one-bedroom flat with Holly and he was eager to see their place. Their old evening class teacher, Mrs. McDonald owned some cheap flats and studios within walking distance from the Royal College of Art and rented them out to students and the like.

Despite his reticence with others, he knew he was desirable to the opposite sex, and he did like the female form. Jennifer had taken him to her bed and they had enjoyed a lustful relationship. Freer of inhibitions than he, she had taught him all about the birds and the bees and the joys of the flesh. She was a curvy sort with a big bosom and willowy legs and he had found her to be a willing lover.

But it was Holly Goodman who he dreamed of the most.

He had heard that she had matured into a desirable young woman, and, more interesting, were the rumours that she was a rampant little fuck bunny. He had stepped aside when she had declared her love for his best friend Jeffrey and he had given them his blessing. Secretly, though, he had been consumed by a jealousy that he only now owned up to.

As he neared her modest flat, he began to get excited at the thought of returning to the location of his thrilling youth, and he also felt great anticipation in reuniting with his old friend.

For on this very night, he was going to fuck Holly Goodman's brains out!


"No! It's a lie, it's categorically untrue. It's 100% nonsense, or should I say bullshit!"

"I only asked," said a taken-back Holly.

David looked her directly in her eyes as he answered her question as to whether it was true that Jeff was going steady with another. Holly gad waited anxiously at the entrance of her apartment block as night fell.

When Watts finally arrived, she stood tall in her bulky sweater, shivering slightly from the night chill, and played with a loose strand of her hair. He jumped out of the taxi and gave her his winning big grin. In just a relatively short time the boy she had grown up with had matured into a tall and lean man of twenty-two with incredibly good hair and teeth.

"Holly! How are you?" David greeted her with his usual chipper demeanour.

He put down his one valise, flung his arms around the lightweight filly, and lifted her off her feet.

"David! So good to see you. It's been too long."

Once he put her down he took a long, hard look at the young woman. He was lost for words as he drank in the almost unrecognisable form of his old friend. Her once unmanageable hair was now sleek and lustrous. Long gone were her rather large front teeth and her smile was now radiant and hypnotising. Her flawless, porcelain complexion seemed to glow under the starry sky and her light brown eyes glittered under perfectly groomed brows. The scent of fresh flowers on her long hair assailed his nostrils as they held hands and entered the building.

"Holly! You're"

Say it, David. Please.

"You' different."

Oh. Slight letdown, thought the attractive brunette. He in turn looked simply yummy with his light hair and baby-blue eyes.

"Shall we?"

They entered her room which was nicely heated by the central heating. The furniture was comfortable and bright and a round mahogany table took center place, upon which was an antique chess board and pieces. They made some pleasant conversation and that was when Holly asked about Jeff. Watts insisted that the fellow missed her deeply but was knee-deep in meditation and the study of ancient Majick and Wicca. Watts also mentioned that he had begun to reach out to his sister Jennifer, but so far she had been too busy to meet with. They sat down opposite each other and smiled politely as the conversation dried up and an awkward silence fell over the room.

David was stunned at how the girl had matured into a fine woman. As he inhaled Holly's heavenly scent he imagined what it would be like to caress her soft naked body and to feel her perky tits against his chest as he ran his fingers through her fine hair.

Likewise, Holly pictured herself falling naked under the tall man on her bed as he fumbled with his rock-hard cock and pushed up between her splayed legs. During the years she had known him she had never really tried to gain his affection romantically. In addition, he had never made his true feelings aware, if he had any, towards her in that way. One way or another they would have sex together, even if it was only for one night and without love.

"Have some Dandelion wine? I made it myself."


She handed over a glass of the yellowish drink and watched intently as he took a sniff and wrinkled his nose.

"This smells like treacle tart. Ha, one would think you were giving me a love potion."

Holly smiled weakly. Bugger, she had forgotten that the potion had a different aroma for everyone who smelled it.

Amortentia was the most powerful love potion in the world. Although incapable of making the drinker fall in love, it provided an overwhelming infatuation with the nearest person, normally the potioneer.

As she made the special aphrodisiac that very morning, some missing detail nagged at the back of her head as she brewed it up. Although the potion definitely worked, it was also considered to have odd and unknown side effects but she decided to carry on regardless.

"You're right, David. It IS a love potion. Drink it, and we can have one night of bliss without any remorse or regret. Plus, it will increase your ardour tenfold."

"It will?"

Dave took but one sip willingly and immediately felt the effect of the potion. "Oh, and I'm already starting to feel..."

She took the glass from his hand as he gazed into her eyes, his lids half closed.

"Yes, David?"

"I Feel."

Sick? Romantic? Amorous? Horny!

"I feel in two minds to..."

Make that four minds as the desirable hunk began to shift and morph before the eyes of the astonished female.

With a series of grunts and contortions of his body, David's form seemed to shimmer in the glow of the lamp as he transfigured into four separate entities! Holly stood up, in alarm and confusion, as she was confronted by FOUR identical duplicates of David Watts!

"Oh, my word!" stuttered the trembling woman as she stuffed a fist in her mouth.

"Hello, Holly," said the first.

"Hey!" chirped the second.

"How are YOU doing?" asked the third with a lecherous tone in his voice.

"Nice tits, babe," observed the fourth nodding in approval.

"But? What have you done? Did you take something?" Holly asked, somewhat confused.

"Tell her, One," said Two as he began to remove his jacket.

"Just some Swelling Solution," said Three as he dropped his strides. "I wanted to increase the size of my erection."

"It seems to have had a curious effect," said One as he stripped down to his underwear.

"This is a disaster. Just how much did you take?"

Somehow, some crazy consequence of the combination of the Swelling Solution with the Amortentia had caused a curious side effect. That was to make the drinker expand, not in the size of his manhood but into a completely identical copy. Complete with a prodigious and rampant hard-on. And not only one copy but THREE others! As they all stood side by side Holly looked on at the lineup of the four David's, each one sporting eight-inch plus boners.

"A lot. I wanted to impress you. I'm not exactly well endowed and I was really hoping we might, you know. Sleep together."

David Three turned to his other selves and they held their heads high.

"Hey, look. It worked. I'm packed like a stallion!" One cried cheerily.

"Me too!"

"And me, wow!"

"But all you had to do was use the Luxurio Spell, you twit!"

"Ah. Didn't think of that."

"But, which one of you is the real David?"

Holly began to back away as four extremely naked and erect men began to encroach on her.

"Me, I'm the real Dave," answered One.

"Don't listen to him. I'm the original." David Two moved ever closer, jerking his dick in his fist.

"Fact is, babe. We're ALL David Watts. Right down to the last pubic hair. And, we intend to fuck your cute bum off, you little strumpet!"

"Come on, let the dog see the rabbit."

David Four leaned in and tugged the woolen sweater over Holly's head and she gasped aloud as she was left in just her white bra.

"And lose the knickers."

Number Three placed his thumbs in the waistband of her undies and roughly dragged them down to her ankles.

She unhooked her bra and stood there stark naked, surrounded by four virile-looking wizards.

"Looking pretty good, Goodman.".

"Good enough to eat," agreed Four with One.

"Fuck the ass off that!" chimed Two and Three together.

Holly was duly flattered as eight wide eyes checked her out. Blessed with a slender physique her breasts were of a medium size but topped off with pencil eraser nipples. The guys scrutinised her flat stomach and abdomen which led the eye to the sublime V of her sex. Her neatly trimmed Mons protruded enticingly from between her upper thighs, and her bottom was just perfection. Smooth and firm cheeks that lifted and separated behind her. Holly was close to being a ten!

"Surely you not ALL intending to have me."

She felt a spasm in her nether regions and just a hint of wetness in her vulva. Since puberty, she had become a fully-fledged and accomplished lover with a somewhat excessive desire for sexual activity. She had never had FOUR well-hung studs at the same time although she had participated in one or two threesomes in the past. The effect of her exposed and dreamy feminine flesh ignited the guys into action. Surrounded by the four men Holly was pushed down onto her knees and she found herself at eye level with four huge pricks. She stared up at them with big doe eyes and gulped.

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"Well, girl. You wanted it," she thought.

She took David One in her right hand and jerked the hot shaft up and down. His cock was thick. Chunky in fact and her small hand barely went around it. Her mouth slid down onto the bloated bell end and she began to suck on it, her hand pulling on the thick shaft as her lips met it. Her cheeks hollowed out as she moved to and fro on the head alone, relishing the taste of a man. Holly did indeed love the sensation of a man's knob in her mouth and she purred like a kitten as she continued.

She then fixed her light brown eyes on Three and he groaned as she relinquished One and gobbled up the next big cock.

Curiously it tasted exactly the same as the first as she bobbed rhythmically on half of his length and he was no better and no worse. She jerked his length, sliding the white flesh along his throbbing organ. The other two hovered over her and she decided to take control.

"Okay, guys. I want you all to sit down on that sofa, side by side. Quickly."

The four clones did as they were told and sat down with their erections in hand and pointing straight up.

"Very nice. Now, where was I?"

Holly sighed and fluffed her hair and bent down to David Four. She kissed the fat tip and then swiped her tongue up and down the underside of the impressive shaft.

"This is fun," he said to his immediate neighbour.

"Best fun I've had in ages," agreed Two.

Holly moved to her right and began to suck on Two and her delightful bottom bobbed in tandem with her head as she sucked on him happily. Next in line was One who reached out to paw at her body as she serviced Two. She shunted to her right and crammed the upright pole into her dribbling mouth and proceeded to take him down her throat.
Four pairs of eyes were mesmerised as the diminutive hussy deep-throated David One who tilted his head back in ecstasy.

David Three was breathing heavily as he awaited his turn and he wanked his boner hard in anticipation. Holly lifted her face off of a disappointed One and took in huge gulps of air as she came face to cock with David Three. She could feel her pussy begin to moisten up as she sucked him into her mouth. Her tongue was like an untamed snake as she flicked and stabbed his dick as she moved back and forth over and over. Holly continued to fellate the guys, moving from one to another, sucking this one and that one, never faltering in her undivided attention to give all four equal servicing.

"I must say you ARE all the same."

The ravenous Witch contemplated the result of her ministrations. Four slick and upstanding cocks in identical postures. That is, pointing straight up to the ceiling.

"You know what they say, Goodman. You can't have too much of a good thing."

"Yeah, and good things always come in fours," agreed David One with Three.

"I don't think that is true, but it's a sweet thought. Well. I think it might be my turn now, don't you? And you, and you, AND you."

Holly stood upright and barged her way in between David Two and One and sat down, legs akimbo.
Being the center of attention really got her juices flowing and she flashed her delectable pussy under a trim set of light brown pubes. Two and Four came up alongside her and each took a hard nipple into their mouths. They started to their tongues in fast circles in opposite directions and Holly sighed softly.

One and Three were both licking her inner thighs, gradually homing in on her sopping pussy. When they reached her slit they swiped her with slippery tongues, One from side to side, Three up and down. Eight hands groped her and the little minx giggled as she imagined she was being molested by an amorous octopus.


Two fingers probed her cunt and another two were inserted in her asshole and her hips undulated as she was vigorously frigged in both of her lower orifices. Her nipples were now so hard and erect they could probably have cut glass as they were suckled and nipped. Two mouths were now kissing and nibbling her little nub below and the stoked-up female wizard withered in utter passion.


She whimpered as FOUR tongues slobbered over her dripping muff. This way and that way they lapped at her leaving copious amounts of drool all over the mound and inner thighs. They alternated in superb timing, overlapping, doubling up, and dribbling altogether. Their faces were buried in her loins as her flaps were licked, her hard clit sucked and her anus probed lewdly by wriggling tongues. Her body finally surrendered and she shuddered as she achieved her first orgasm of the evening and her moans of pleasure turned into an unadulterated refrain.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Shit! Shit! Shit!"

Holly Goodman had just had her sexual awareness and fortitude raised to a new level. Was she a slut, she mused? If so then she welcomed the moniker. She just loved sex and the more the merrier. Was it in the Witch's DNA, she pondered.

"David, be a dear and fetch my 'First Love Vaginal Bubble Lubricant.' You'll find it on my bedside cabinet."

As Four vanished into her bedroom Holly walked over to the west wall and thrust her bared backside out and up.

"Form a line behind me, guys."

David Four returned with the palm-size bottle and handed it to the horny brunette. She opened the screw top and inhaled the scent of wild hibiscus syrup.

"I love this."

She applied a liberal amount of the lotion to her nether regions and smeared it into her cunt and anus.

"I have a feeling I'm going to need this!"

Bracing herself with her hands on the wall Holly wiggled her rump provocatively.

At last! David Watts, the best-looking boy in school and the perfect Wizard was about to fuck her.

Well, all FOUR of him!

The first in line stepped up behind her and slowly slid inside her well-oiled cunt.


"Goodness has nothing to do with it!" quipped David One as he began to move in and out, his feet up on tiptoe.

The other three maintained a solitary lineup as the lucky Dave thrust in and out of the moaning female. As he held onto her hips he drove his rock-hard cock into the trembling girl with maximum force.

"It's just how I imagined it. Like fucking a tube of hot butter."

One withdrew and let Two take his position. Holly flexed her thigh and calf muscles as he rammed on home and gave the slender babe all he had. David Two gazed down at his huge member hammering the woman's pink pussy. He cupped her gorgeous ass cheeks and was impressed by their firmness.

"When you're ready, Watts," said Three as he tapped his foot impatiently.

Two pulled out reluctantly and Holly looked back and stole a glance at the four David's behind her.

"It's a dream come true."

She gasped as Three gave his rigid pole a couple of warm-up jerks and then slipped it into her hot box. He started to fuck her with very slow but deep strokes as he held both her tits in his hands.

"Fuck me harder, you devil. Harder!"

"You asked for it, lover."

Three sped up his thrust and her groans of delight grew progressively louder as he picked up the pace. Her pussy had become so slick now that audible squelches could be heard by all. Apart from that, Dave's groin smacked hard into her sweet derriere and the sound of flesh on flesh resonated around the room.

"By Merlin's beard!"

David Four took up the vacated and gaping slot that was Holly's quim and entered her with one swift lunge up. She bucked and wobbled on her dainty feet as she was fucked by the battering ram of his stiff rod. He slammed in hard and she tried to meet his pelvic thrusts. Then he grunted and pulled out.

Number One took the opportunity and slid back in and impaled the screaming woman on his eight-inch pole. He pumped and pumped for all he was worth. Then it stopped and Holly paused to inhale deeply. She stood upright and felt her gaping pussy and was astonished at how sodden her cunt was. The four Davids stood in a line, awaiting instruction dutifully. How lucky am I, she thought as she probed her wet and debauched quim.

"Lift her up, Dave."

David Two obliged and gathered the lightweight female up and carried her to the sofa. Beneath her, Three sat waiting as she was lowered onto his rampant erection. Three held her hips as Two relinquished his hold and Holly slid down all the way onto the rigid dick. He pumped up into her with gentle but deeply driving lunges that forced her light body to rise up on his lap each time.

Her upper back arched and her head snapped back just as two big pricks slapped her on both cheeks. As she rose and fell on the man under her she sucked on one offered cock and then the other. The fourth David came up from behind and bent over to rub her clit with his middle digit. Holly made urgent muffled moans as a thousand tingling sensations assailed her excited loins. David gave the gorgeous Witch several rapid thrusts and then lifted her off so that he could penetrate her asshole!

He collected some of the lube and pussy juice from her vulva and smeared her rear hole. Then he inserted his greasy pole inside her rosebud which naturally stretched to its limit to accommodate his generous girth. This brought forth an ear-piercing shriek from Holly as she had her anal virginity broken. After a few short exploratory pushes from another Watts, who knew which, came in front of her and squeezed his length into her widened pussy! The incredible fullness of being filled in both nether holes caused the petite female wizard to climax for the second time.


As the one in her cunt began to move, Holly felt exquisite vibrations reverberate through her body. She still sucked on the offered-up pricks in her face as the other two fucked her cunt and anus. Her juices flowed down her crack like never before and rivulets of sweat ran down her cleavage as amazing feelings of pleasure quivered through the thin layer of flesh between the walls that separated the two pulsating erect cocks. She was suddenly lifted up, still firmly impaled on his stiff prick. David's dick was embedded in her cunt up to the hilt.

"By Merlin!"

Two fat dicks stuffed up her and sent Holly to heaven and back. She was bounced up and down with little effort on the two studs who sandwiched her between their sweaty bodies. Full of cock she hung on tightly as she was wantonly used as a human sex toy. As one moved in so the other withdrew and vice versa. The unique and thrilling sensation of two ball sacks resting in her ass crack was the most unusual feeling she had ever experienced.

With her limbs feeling like jelly Holly slumped in two sets of arms. David began to spit inside her anus with his hot cum and he convulsed for a full minute before he disengaged and let a river of the white stuff spew out of her. Another Dave held her in his arms as if carrying a baby in a sling. He walked her four steps until her back was against the wall and he jackhammered his entire length into her.

She buried her face in his chest and wrapped her arms and legs around him as she dangled three feet above the floor.
The steady bomp, bomp, bomp of her backside against the wall was a curiously erotic one and as he squeezed her in his arms he remained deep inside her and ejaculated with five strong hip thrusts.

"Let's finish this up in the bedroom, guys," she said between big gulps of oxygen.

Holly was set back onto wobbly legs and she ambled to the bedroom, oblivious to the cum that ran down the insides of her legs and which spotted the carpet. Her hair had lost most of its fluff and her adorable figure was dappled in well-earned perspiration as she flopped onto her soft bed.

David Four swept in and flipped Holly onto her front and pushed her legs out wide with his and started to fuck the shit out of the groaning woman. As he hammered her into the mattress they both bounced with the momentum of his animalistic power thrusts.

"David! Oh, David!"

Four supported his weight on his elbows and hands as he smashed into her pussy repeatedly. His knees widened her legs out further and he virtually smothered her as he took his pleasure from her. Within two minutes he collapsed on top of her as he began to cum inside her with pump after pump after pump.

"On your back, babe."

Holly shifted on the bed and lifted her knees wearily to display her thoroughly reamed cunt. David One knelt between her legs and drove inside her again. She swung her legs up in the air happily as he fucked her with hard, fast, and deep strokes of his throbbing organ. Holly buried her head back in the pillow and hooked her feet over his shoulders and cooed in sheer pleasure.

"Go on, my son!"

"Give it to her good, mate."

"Show her what you're made of, Davy boy."

One was astonished at how hot and wet she was. Streams of cum and her own fluids ran out around his shaft and down the crack of her sublime ass.

"Fuck me, fuck me!" she urged as she ran her hands up and down his broad back.

Raising her hips provocatively into his body, Holly locked her mouth to his and they kissed each other as if their lives depended on it. His taut buttocks dimpled delightfully as he fucked her with pelvic thrusts that seemed to match the speed of an Express Train!

Dave was past the point of no return now and as he continued his energetic thrusting he emptied his balls inside the voracious woman. She came with him, her third orgasm in an hour, and it was a fitting end to a spectacular experience.

Finally satiated they separated and lay side by side panting furiously.

Cum poured out of Hermione and puddled under her body on the bed as she attempted to control her breathing.
When she came back to reality she looked up at the sex-starved four David's who still sported huge boners and became somewhat agitated.

"We love you, Holly."

"We want you, lover."

"Let's fuck some more, and more, and more."

Not likely, she thought. I need a week off to recuperate! She reached out for her magic wand and pointed it at one of the approaching figures. A Witch can channel her thoughts and inner spirit using the wand as an instrument to convey conjurations. Her right arm tingled as she summoned up her invocation of the ancient powers of the Elders.


The vanishing spell did the trick and David Four promptly winked out of existence. She repeated the spell twice more until only one David Watts was left standing.


Before Dave One could say another word Holly pointed her wand directly at the bemused wizard and cried out in her loudest voice.

"Memoria Damnum!"


An hour later when Dave awoke in one of the comfy chairs he was dressed and slightly groggy. Opposite sat a rather demure-looking Holly sipping a cup of tea.

"Wow! That wine went straight to my head. I can't remember a thing from the last hour. I hope I didn't do anything foolish."

Holly smiled, put her cup down, and rose to pour another cup.

"Not at all, David. Not at all. Tea?"


Written by moasan
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