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Author's Notes

"The start of a journey for a new couple. I was motivated by a cuckold/wife sharing story, but once more the characters decided they had a bigger story to tell. All the chapters leading up to the main event, I hope, will stand alone and cover a multitude of sins, though they will have an opening that ties them together. I hope you enjoy the ride."

“And this is our Head of Operations, David DeCosta,” my boss said as he introduced me to the new employee. “Dave, this is Jake, he’ll be starting with us at the start of next month as regional director for the south.”

“Pleased to meet you, Jake," I said, offering my hand.

“The pleasure is mine Mr DeCosta, I’m looking forward to the challenges this new job is offering.”

“Dave, please. It’s only Mr DeCosta if you’ve screwed something up.”

“But I’m always Mr Armstrong,” my boss added. “Please give Jake the two-bob tour of Ops. then bring him back to my office.”

“No problem, boss.”

“That works too,” Mr Armstrong laughed as he walked away.

At five-foot-eleven, I'd never considered myself short and with a forty-four-inch chest never thought of myself as slight. That is until I met, Jake, ironically his full name was Jacob Small, the gods do have a sense of humour. I got a crick in my neck when I had greeted him as he towered over me by eight full inches and it seemed that everything else was proportionally bigger.

Jake waited until my office door was closed then lowered his voice, “Is Mr Armstrong as much of a hard arse as he comes across?”

“On one hand, yes he can be, but so long as you do your job and don’t bullshit him, he’s a great man to work for. In my twenty-five years here, I’ve never once thought about moving on. Though I swear Mr A will be here twenty years after I’ve retired too.”

We spoke some more as I talked about what my role and department did. I told him how I had joined the company as a pot washer in one of the restaurants at sixteen and applied as an office junior when I had finished my A-levels at eighteen. Mr Armstrong who owned the chain of restaurants and hotels had seen something he liked and taken me under his wing and guided my career almost from the word go.

Jake had gone a different route and got a degree in hotel management and after a couple of years of work experience had completed his HCIMA professional hotel and catering qualification. From there he had become the youngest area manager for one of the big hotel companies at twenty-seven and now three years later was getting ready to start with us. Even in a company the size of Armstrong's, Jake was still very young to take on the role of regional director, but age never stopped Mr Armstrong from giving a job to someone he saw deserved it.

Despite his achievements, he came across as incredibly humble, even when disclosing his other activities there was nothing brash about the man. Gold Duke of Edinburgh award; was selected for the GB Modern Pentathlon team for the Beijing Olympics in 2008 before an injury sidelined him and he also had picked up a black belt in karate along the way. Ultimately it does not matter how humble someone is, when the list gets to a certain length you inevitably feel that little bit of sick at the back of your throat. It was not like I was a slouch, I had got top marks in my exams and had represented the school in a couple of sports, winning several medals and trophies along the way. I had also won the heart of and married the most beautiful, vibrant girl in my home town ahead of bigger, more handsome and far more eligible competitors.


I first met Nicola at the bus stop when she started at senior school, I was starting my fourth year so did not notice this new girl much, but apparently, I had been nice and let her on the bus before me, even with my nose in one of my books. This carried on for about eighteen months, progressing to good mornings and good nights, we had even exchanged names too. Then one day as I was leaving school, I saw that someone was talking to her and as she went to walk away, he blocked her path. Even though she was defiant and stood with her hands on her hips, her shoulders back and stared him in the eye; she was no match for the guy and his friend. Although we were not friends, we were friendly and I would not stand by and see her, or anyone intimidated like that.

“Hey Nicola, you not catching the bus today?” I called as I got closer.

This was the first that the trio had noticed me and they all turned to see who was coming. As I have said, I have never considered myself short or slight and then I also had the arrogance of youth. On top of all of that, I had the arrogance derived from being in the top year of that part of the school and being on a couple of the sports teams. In my head I was invincible. Luckily for me, the two guys talking to Nicola decided that discretion was the better choice and started to move away, though not before one had pointed two fingers at his eyes and then at me, I guess to mean he would be watching me.

Nicola ran up to me and looped her arm in mine and then froze.

“Er… thanks, David. Erm… do you mind?" she asked, as she squeezed my arm a little.

“First it’s Dave to my friends and second, I don’t but my girlfriend might.”

It was pretty nasty, but I did chuckle out loud as Nicola tried to pull her arm from mine like she had been scalded.

“It’s a good job I don’t have one at the moment, isn’t it?”

That was the first time that Nicola hit me, her playful slap to my chest barely registering as she slipped her arm back through mine. I had a quick glance over my shoulder as we started to walk to the bus stop and noticed the other two were watching us.

“And if you want to call me Nic, I’d like that. Though please not Nicky,” she shuddered, “I hate that!”

Life went on and Nicola and I talked a lot more from that day on, though it was generally limited to the bus and on occasion, she would join me if I was on my own at lunch. My friends found it, amusing for the guys and cute for the girls, that I had a bit of a fan club. They had even more fun when one of them noticed she had turned up and was watching the end of one of my cross-country races, cheering me on to another win, though she did not hang around after. The next home race I had, Nicola was there and again I did not see her and once more she disappeared as soon as I crossed the line. On the Monday following the third time, I asked her about it on the bus into school.

“Here Nic, some of my friends have spotted you at the last few home races I’ve had, but you’ve vanished before I’m changed. Have I done something wrong?”

She flushed red and looked into her lap before answering, "No, it's not that, I mean, well…" she looked up at me her eyes pleading. Some may call me a shit, but I learnt something that morning; if you do not say anything others will fill the void and she did, "Well, after, you know? And we got talking more, I wasn't doing anything so thought I would come and see what you did." As she spoke her confidence seemed to grow, "I have actually seen the start and finish of your last three races. But there has always been some of your friends there and I don't, didn't know how to say hi in front of them."

“You could try, ‘hi’ or something like that.”

“Yes, but your friends…” I cut her off.

“You are one of my friends. After, you know; I told you that.”

“Yes, but they are all so much older and I’d feel out of place and…” she ran out of steam.

“I’m so much older,” I mimicked. “Listen to me Nic, we’ve talked a lot, you’re fun and intelligent you act more like sixteen than…” I paused as I didn’t know when her birthday was.

“Thirteen,” she helped me out, “my birthday is in January.”

“Ooh, close, I’m February,” I said. “But yeah, you don’t have to worry, they may look old and scary, but they’re a nice bunch. If ever you’re at a loose end and your crowd aren’t about, don’t be afraid to join me for lunch. Not just the times when I’ve been abandoned in favour of their training or studying.”

Nicola never did join me for lunch nor did she hang around after my remaining races that year, but she did not hide and waved before and after them. This got me even more flack from my friends about my fan club. As we got close to the end of the year, I did not have to go in so much except for revision and if I needed to use the library. After that, it was our exams and then we were just about finished with the main school. The only thing left to do was the end of year prom and while I had had several girlfriends through school, I was single and had been since just after my birthday. I probably could have asked any of the single girls in my year and had a date for the evening, but there was one girl who my mind kept flitting back to. She was fun and intelligent, but she was also the most beautiful person I knew with her long flowing red hair and brilliant blue eyes, add to that the beguiling Irish lilt in her voice and I was just about smitten. It didn't stop there, as I had got to know her since we started talking, I found she was just as beautiful underneath. She was very modest about herself and blushed almost the colour of her hair when I complimented her. She also spent all her Sundays volunteering at the local animal shelter.

“You’re joking, right?” was Nicola’s response when I asked if she would be my date for the prom.

Followed by, “I don’t know if my dad will let me, not this year.”

“I’m happy to ask him and if he wants you home before it’s finished, I’ll make sure you’re on time.”

I knew it was asking a lot and looking back it makes me smile that the three years between us now are nothing, but back then, they were like a canyon the size of Valles Marineris on Mars. It was not unheard of for people from the year below to go as dates, in fact, the previous year my girlfriend at the time had split up with me because some guy from the year above invited her. Much to her chagrin, I refused to get back with her after he had dumped her. It was unheard of that someone from two, let alone three years below was asked.

“Come in,” I was instructed by her father. I knew better than to sit down when he did and remained standing until I was invited to sit. I was not invited.

“So, you want to take my daughter to the prom?” I nodded.


“Yes, I do," after he just raised an eyebrow, I finished, "please, Sir."

“Hmmm. A bunch of out of control sixteen-year-olds and my precious little girl."

“I promise she won't be out of my sight unless she's in the loo and then I'll wait by the door. I'll also make sure she's home safe at what time you want." Another raised eyebrow followed by, "Sir."

“Let me ask you, David, do you value your balls?" I heard Nicola chuckling behind me.

“Erm, yes Sir.”

“If you really do, you will fulfil that promise and have her home by ten.”

“Daddy!” This was my first experience of a daughter winding her father around her finger.

“Okay as school will be finished, eleven, but no later.”

Well, we finalised arrangements and at six-thirty sharp on the evening of the prom, I knocked on Nicola's door. She looked beautiful, but then she always did; her dress was the epitome of modesty, but it was perfect. As we walked into the hall, I felt her squeeze my arm tightly and then tighter as my name was called by my friends. Introductions were made and we had a wonderful night, she was brought out of her shell by the other girls at the table, even joining them for the group visits to the loo. I must admit I failed on that promise, but she was never on her own. A couple of the other guys asked her to dance, but she refused only dancing with me and we danced a lot in those couple of hours. When it was time for us to go, she was hugged and kissed by everyone at the table and we walked to the door hand in hand. None of my friends joked about the fan club ever again after that. As I walked her up the path to the front door of her house, the porch light came on but before I knocked, she grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hug and kissed my cheek.

“Thank you, Dave, it was a great night and your friends are so nice."

As soon as I knocked the door swung open and Nicola’s father stood to one side to let her in and then he surprised me, he offered me his hand.

As I shook it, he said, “Good, I like a man that can keep to his word.”

He later told me that he had seen the hug and kiss and noticed how I let her lead and did nothing more; that and getting her home on time had made a huge impression on him.

Through the summer Nicola and I spent a lot of time together, mostly with my friends if there were others about, but I did make a point of spending time with hers. Although she had expressed a preference for my friends, finding hers a little dull now, I reminded her that she must not dump her friends for a boy, be it me or anyone else, though the thought of it being anyone else felt like a knife twisting in my stomach.

All too soon summer was over and we were back at school, I was now in the sixth form, my final two years and Nicola a year higher. After the prom and summer, it had become accepted that we were a couple and there was a little merging of our groups of friends, but more it was one of us moving between them a bit like during the summer. I did constantly remind her to make sure she kept her balance with her friends. Nicola came to watch me when the school team were playing at home, even on the most vile days and I saw she would join my friends if they were there. In turn, I started to volunteer, all be it only once a month, at the animal shelter. I did notice that during that year she carried herself with far more confidence, which I loved, and I did often see guys talking to her, which I hated. Nicola laughed about it, more than once telling me that she had had to shoot someone else down in flames.

The year came and went and the summer and then I was into my final year. Much like before, we spent as much time as we could together, this was made easier after I passed my driving test and got my first car as summer ended. Still, people were hitting on Nicola, she even said a few girls had asked her out, I was not quite so upset about those requests and must admit the wandering pervert in my head distracted me a few times. Once again exams loomed and then they were done and it was my final prom, again Nicola was my date, though this time she did dance with some of my friends, as I danced with some of the girls from our group. I was given until midnight to get her home, her father now trusting me more and was treated to a fairly passionate kiss on the lips.

The next year was Nicola's first set of big exams and we spent a lot of time together revising. Then the topic of her prom came up and I knew that I would not be allowed to attend as I was no longer at the school. At first, she said she would not go, but I insisted as it was part of her rite of passage. In the end, she relented but only on the promise that a couple of her friends were going and all three were going without dates. It later transpired that those friends were actually a couple, but no one batted an eyelid at the three of them dancing exclusively all night. Until apparently, one prospective suitor asked Nicola and then her friends to dance only to be turned down by all three. His retaliation was to announce that they were all just a bunch of dykes anyway.

While Nicola did not worry too much about people calling her names, she defended her friends vehemently and without hesitation she stepped up to the suitor and slapped him hard across the face. To prove his masculinity, he had to be restrained from hitting her and it was only a reminder of who her boyfriend was that made him walk away. This shook her up and she was allowed to make a call from the school office and I was there to collect the three of them as soon as I could.

Two more years passed and Nicola and I were just getting stronger and stronger as a couple. I had been working as an office junior for just under three years and was enjoying my work. Nicola had finished her final exams and was hoping to get enough to confirm her place at Cambridge University, studying law. With the exams came another prom and I was allowed to attend this one and her father had not given her a curfew time either as she was now eighteen.

It was the best night we had had together, when I picked her up she looked stunning. Gone was the modesty of the first prom, replaced by a confident sexy woman. Her dress was still a ball gown, but there were no sleeves or shoulders and it dipped at the front and back to show more than a hint of what lay beneath. Nicola's alabaster skin was in complete contrast to the black of her gown. Her boobs, which I knew from experience were a good handful were lifted up and held in such a way I swear I could have rested my glass on them. Her back was exposed enough to show off her shoulder blades as her hair was tied up on the top of her head. Her five-inch heels meant Nicola was still six inches shorter than me, but also that I would not have to lean over so far to kiss her.

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We danced most of the night together swapping through her group for a few dances here and there. One joker tried to push his luck until someone whispered something in his ear, it seemed I had built somewhat of a reputation in my absence. The slow dances started and I took Nicola in my arms. As we swayed slowly around the floor we melted into each other's arms, her body moulding against mine, our movements as one. Where she rested her head on my chest, I leant down and kissed her on the top of her head.

After a couple of dances like this, Nicola looked up into my eyes and I took advantage and leant down and kissed her on the lips. As I pulled away I saw a smile spread across them.

“Dave, do you want to take a walk?” she asked as she took my hand and started to the edge of the room.

After we walked out of the hall, Nicola turned to me and gripped both my hands, in one I felt a lump and she suddenly looked bashful. I looked down at the condom she had placed there and all sorts of pennies started to drop, so many that I knew I had just won the jackpot.

“You sure?” I asked. She nodded her head.

This would be our first time, but most importantly, Nicola’s, not that I was massively experienced having only had sex once, on my sixteenth birthday. There had been no talk of sex or waiting for a particular time, we were just happy to let our relationship flow. We had kissed and fumbled together there had been groping and masturbation and a few fumbled attempts at oral sex.

“We could sneak into the head’s office and christen his desk,” I suggested with a laugh.

“Or we could let the universe witness it.”

Nicola was quite spiritual and had a huge fascination with all things to do with nature. We had spent many nights lying watching the stars or counting meteors. I offered a silent thanks to my mother for insisting I have a blanket in my car in case of getting stuck in a snowstorm, in the UK, in the nineties. I raised my finger to Nicola and ran to my car to retrieve the blanket.

“It’s not a towel,” I said, holding up the blanket, “but I think in this instance this will be more practical.”

Nicola looked at me as if I had finally gone mad. “You fucking nerd,” she said, then barked out a laugh

From my years running cross country, I knew where there was a fairly secluded spot that was still open to the sky, so I took hold of Nicola's hand and headed for it. We were still on the school grounds but in a copse of trees that grew on a bank at the back of the school when I lay the blanket on the ground and helped Nicola to get comfortable.

Before I sat down, she held up one of her feet to me and I unhooked her shoe, followed by the other. She then left the second foot in the air and I leant forward to kiss it. Before I did I took an exaggerated sniff and then recoiled in exaggerated disgust.

“You’re kidding right?” I exclaimed and then played one of our regular games of me being her slave, “I agree you’re a goddess and I will worship you, but I will not kiss them after a night dancing!”

As Nicola was giggling, I kicked off my shoes and sat down behind her, holding her around her waist and leaning back with her on my chest. For the next ten minutes or so, we lay together not saying anything just watching the stars together. There was a particularly bright meteor that seemed to bisect the sky from east to west.

When the meteor passed Nicola half-turned her head to me and said, “Space is big. You just won’t…”

I cut her off, laughing and throwing her compliment back at her, “Nerd!”

“Dave, I love you. First, you were this scary year ten who was always a gent but soon enough you weren't so bad and even grunted at me in the mornings. Then you were this scary year eleven but you were looking out for me and it was those guys that needed to be scared. Then I thought I was going to die of fear or shame or something when we went to your first prom, but it was more like starting to crack out of a cocoon."

“And look at the beautiful butterfly you’ve become,” I kissed the top of her head and she turned in my arms. “I love you too Nic. I hate to admit I barely noticed you until the afternoon with those two, I suppose I should thank them.”

She was lying on my chest and I leaned up a little and our noses touched, we paused looking into each other’s eyes for a moment. As Nicola smiled, I turned my head a little and our lips touched, parting, allowing access to each other’s mouths, none of this was new territory. We kissed like this for a while before Nicola broke off and leant up on my chest looking at me, studying my face. I knew this meant she was trying to say something but was wanting to gauge my reaction before, during and after so I just gave her a little squeeze of reassurance.

“I’m nervous,” she finally said.

“Good!” I replied.

Nicola screwed up her face and asked, “Good?”

“Yep, cos that makes two of us,” I smiled despite my own nerves.

“But you’ve done this before.”

“Once, five years ago. We’ve been together since my first prom and well you know, you weren’t old enough, so I waited.”

“Oh god, Dave! I’m sorry, I didn’t…”

“Shh, it’s fine, I wanted what you did. Ruining our relationship wasn’t worth pushing you into something you weren’t ready for. Really, it’s fine. But if you are looking for me to be an expert teacher, sorry, I can’t help.”

“Perhaps we can learn together then,” she said and leant down to kiss me again.

This time there was more passion, her hands were squeezing and gripping my chest and sides. My hands were over her back, exploring the bare flesh at the top and skimming down over her gown.

“Undo it,” she whispered.

Who was I to argue? My hands slid to the centre of her back, finding the zip and slipping it down to her waist. Nicola sat up and let the top of her gown fall away, exposing her torso to me, from her slim waist up to her beautiful boobs. Not that she needed it, I found out that the gown had integrated support, so Nicola was not wearing a bra. I paused for a moment, even though I had seen her naked on several occasions, I never missed the chance to gaze upon her perfection.

“Stop it!” she said, slapping my belly.

“What?” I asked holding her hands to the side to stop her covering up.

“You know it embarrasses me.”

“Sorry, but you know I think you are perfect, then I see you like this and you’re more than perfect.”

Nicola giggled and wriggled from my grasp and we rolled over on the blanket. Kissing more I broke from her lips and moved to her neck and shoulders with gentle nibbles thrown in for good measure. Nicola gave little gasps and moans with each different contact. Her hands came around me, one on my head the other reaching under, trying to get to my shirt buttons. I paused for a second, pushing up and Nicola took the hint, scrabbling to undo my buttons but failing miserably. Putting a hand on each of hers, I looked in her eye, squeezed them and curled her fingers into the edge of my shirt.

“The quick and easy way…” I grinned and pulled our hands apart.

As the buttons either slipped out of the holes or popped off, Nicola gave a little squeal and I laughed out loud.

“Oh my god! Your mum is going to kill me!” she cried.

This started me laughing harder and after a little hesitancy, she started to giggle; a giggle that morphed into an out and out belly laugh. Mixed in with our laughter were attempts by both of us to hush the other, which only made us worse.

As we settled down, she said, “Sorry, I’m just so nervous.”

“Shhh,” I replied. “We’ll go as fast or slow as we need to okay?”

Nicola smiled and nodded. With the smile still on her lips, I pressed mine against them and lay her back on the blanket, working to where I had been when I was so rudely interrupted. As I worked further down her body, I slipped my arms out of my shirt. What I loved to do with Nicola's boobs was to put a hand on either side, lifting and pushing them, offering the nipple to myself. I did this with a kiss and a flick of my tongue over the top. It was a lovely mild summer night, but Nicola's nipples looked ready to burst and as I sucked one into my mouth, my hand paid attention to the other; stroking and scratching my fingertips over and around it. Nicola grabbed the back of my head and held onto my hand, squeezing her boob with me, as she gasped louder than before.

My other hand was on her leg, pulling the gown up to her knee where I then slid my hand up the back of her thigh, lifting her leg. When I reached her bum, I squeezed. Nicola lifted a little and I pulled her knickers down on one side. As I was doing this my other hand was on her other leg and then she pushed me away. Without a word she stood and looked down at me pausing before reaching under her dress and wriggling a little. She lifted one foot then the other and when she was done stepped either side of me and sat down on my waist.

Nicola leant over and kissed me softly and said, “Is this what you wanted?” and dropped her knickers on my face.

I held them there and inhaled deeply and as she made a snatch for them, I pulled them away and stuffed them into my pocket.

“You’re terrible!” she laughed.

“I’d prefer to taste the source,” I replied.

With an exaggerated sigh, she said, "Oh well if you insist. But don't move!"

Again she stood up, then walked around so she was standing at my head, again more pausing. Yes, we had both given and received oral before, but always before the giver had been in the dominant position. Nicola looked as if she was contemplating something new to us. She was, she shuffled forward and slowly lowered herself, pulling the bottom of her dress out. I lifted my hands and held her hips as she lowered herself even more, I could already smell her excitement and knew she was in much the same condition as me.

It was dark under there and the first contact tasted different, more earthy and it made her squeal and lift up quickly. When she settled again and I licked out with my tongue, her familiar taste filled my mouth and her soft cooing gasps started as I worked my tongue around her. I tried to explore every part of her, from top to bottom and side to side. I was rewarded by an increase in the noises Nicola was making as well as her grinding more against my face.

Then I felt her leaning on me, her arms on my belly, I reached around and held her hips more closely thinking she might be near the edge. I was right but wrong as the next thing I felt was Nicola working on my belt and then undoing my trousers. When her hands went inside my boxers and to the sides, I lifted my hips a little and she pushed them off my hips and down my thighs a little. As I settled back, I felt her soft hand cupping my balls and another taking my shaft in hand. Pulling back slowly, I felt the cool air over my tip as my foreskin came back. Then she was a more insistent, more directed blowing right onto the top of my cock, just before it was engulfed in a warm and moist mouth.

Nicola bucked her hips, reminding me I had become distracted. Gentleman that I am, I obliged and restarted my ministrations. In addition, I reached along her body with one arm, finding and fondling a boob, stroking and plucking at the nipple or kneading the flesh around it. I worked my other arm under her dress and found my way over her thigh to her clit and started to tease and press and pull as I lapped and sucked at her, trying to pull all her juices into my mouth.

She proved that day that women are far better multitaskers than men, or at least she was than me. While I worked her towards an orgasm, her attention to me never faltered. She teased around my head, licked along my shaft, nibbled up and down and finally wrapped her lips around my cock and slid her mouth down as far as she could. All while doing this she was grinding faster and harder on my face. And then her body tensed, her knees pulled in and her hips pushed down. I noticed that it felt like my cock was in her mouth and when she started gasping through her orgasm around it, it sent bolts of electricity down through it to my balls. I was close but then it was over, Nicola relaxed, but only for a moment, she got up once more and again sat astride my hips.

“Dave, I want this, I want you," she stated. Before I could reply she put a finger on my lips and was reaching under her dress. "Some friends have said it can hurt the first time and it's best if I'm on top, you know so I can stop."

I nodded, I honestly had not thought of this.

Nicola had hold of my cock and wiped it along her pussy a couple of times and then that almost forgotten feeling of warmth and moisture engulfed the end of my cock. At once both familiar but strange remembering the first time I had done this all those years before. Nicola gasped a little and paused, my hands were under her dress stroking her legs and I smiled up at her.


“Yes,” she smiled back and then swallowed.

“It’s okay,” I said and squeezed her legs to reassure her.

She took a few deep breaths and then let herself down a little more and stopped. A look of curiosity, maybe questioning, crossed her face. I raised my eyebrows asking my own question.

“I should be feeling it now.”

“What? You can’t feel my cock?”

“No! Silly! I thought I should feel you pushing against my hymen.


“Shh,” she leant over and kissed me. “Hold me?” she asked.

When I wrapped my arms around her, Nicola pushed her hips down, screwing up her eyes and groaning out loud, then she just lay there. After a few panting breaths and a few seconds of gathering herself, she sat up again.

“Can I talk now?”

She smiled and nodded.

“But… wouldn’t we have felt something with other stuff we’ve done?”

“Hmm possibly. I did read you can stretch it out with other exercises even riding a bike, so I possibly lost it years ago.”

Nicola was slowly moving up and down on me now.

“Mmm this is nice,” she said.

“And the other thing, I hate to be a killjoy, but…” I held up a condom packet.

“Silly,” she said and kissed me, “but thank you.” Another kiss, her hips not stopping. “I’ve been on the pill since soon after my periods started, I used to get severe cramps. I borrowed that off one of my friends because I didn’t know how to ask you. I am happy now, happy we can feel each other properly.”

I started to move with her, each time our hips touched, Nicola gasped or sighed and I noticed I grunted. We got faster and faster.

“I’m close,” I warned.

Nicola smiled again and didn’t stop, if anything she started to move her hips faster and faster. Then it happened. I tensed, holding her hips tight, holding her against me as my body twitched and jerked and I came inside her for the first time.

I lay back panting, it was over. Nicola lay on my chest and we held each other, peppering each other’s face with butterfly kisses. I stroked her hair as we caught our breath.

“Thank you, Dave, you made that really nice. And thank you for waiting and being patient and...”

“Thank me? Thank you! You gave me the best gift anyone could, waiting for you to be ready was worth every moment.”

Slowly I softened and plopped out causing us both to giggle. After a couple more minutes lying there, Nicola shivered, so I pulled her dress up and started to do her zip up.

“Come on, before you catch your death,” I said.

We helped each other get straightened out, except for her knickers, I kept them. My shirt was tucked into my trousers and held by the one button Nicola had managed to undo. Hand in hand we walked back across the school fields both with grins like cats that had got and shared the cream.

Thanks to cbears52 and ladyblue69 for proofreading and giving me feedback.

Thank you to the moderators for helping me getting this published

And thank you to everyone that reads, comments and/or votes.

All feedback is welcome, either in the comments or via a direct message.








Written by kiteares
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