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Author's Notes

"Part 11 of Nicola and Dave's story. On a date night they make a new friend. I hope I've captured the correct atmosphere and feelings, please let me know. This also marks the end of Part 1, the significant events in their lives before the Summer. There will be a little break to make sure I get part 2 how I like it."

Finally, July was upon us and I was sitting in the living room of our house waiting for Nicola to finish her preparations for the afternoon and evening at Diane and James' house. While she did her ablutions and I waited, my eyes fell on the picture gallery on the wall.

I looked at a picture of Nicola and Olivia, she was growing into the spitting image of her mother, only at fifteen, she was already a couple of inches taller. My eyes then drifted to one of the three of us in the hospital when Olivia had been born. My mind wandered back to when she was born and a tear rolled down my cheek.


The first thing that happened after watching the DVD together was Nicola's father asking if it was from our holiday. I did not like lying, but would have liked for him to watch the recording less; I told him it was a training video from work and laughed about no rest for the wicked. He did not question how they had got it to me when we had not been back to my parents' house, fortunately.

For about a month after our honeymoon, I felt the urge to drag Nicola to a bedroom whenever there was applause that I could make some vague connection as being for us. It was a few months later that I asked Nicola if she was still feeling it and she admitted it had only lasted about a month. Like me, she had been putting it on as it was fun and we did not want to let the other down.

What felt like a more permanent change was our exhibitionism. We had not been too shy before, now though, we were a lot more casual about taking risks on where and when we had sex and how much nudity we showed. This all came to a head one night and one morning. It was not the first time we had been in that car park having sex while various strangers watched. We had a strict look but do not touch rule, even so, both Nicola and I admitted at times we were tempted to allow a little touching too. That night there was a flashing of blue lights and we barely got dressed in time to see a police car pull in. Excuses were made and Nicola used her skills with legal language to explain there was nothing that anyone could be arrested for and we were left with verbal warnings. The shock of what it could have done to her career was one thing, the cherry on the cake was the following morning when Nicola did a test which confirmed she was pregnant. She had only just started at her new job and now had to ask for time off.

I had been correct, it was not long before Nicola found herself a new position and she started with a small legal firm based in Princes Risborough in October. The firm, Egil and Egil, was, at the time, a husband and wife team with just one employee, a legal secretary. Nicola was the first solicitor employed by Diane and James and over the years I have become good friends with them and they have treated Nicola like a member of the family.

The difference between them and the London firm was a gulf. After two years in London, that firm was difficult about Nicola taking an agreed holiday. Even though it was soon after starting at Egil and Egil when we found out that Nicola was expecting, they were nothing but supportive. Just before finding out that Nicola was pregnant, we bought our first house, a small two-bedroom semi-detached in Watlington. The ten weeks since our wedding had been very busy.

Olivia decided that she was coming early and it was still a month until her due date when I received a call saying Nicola was on her way to the hospital. I dropped everything and was on my way as quickly as possible. I need not have rushed, I sat with Nicola for another ten hours; holding her hand or standing rubbing her back. Then things started to happen. Nicola got an extremely strong contraction which had her doubled over. I called a midwife in who soon ushered me out of the delivery room.

Doctors and nurses were called and the room seemed to have a cast of thousands. A couple of hours later I was taken to the special care baby unit to see Olivia. It was after this I was taken into an office where they explained that after delivering Olivia, Nicola had haemorrhaged and the doctors were trying to stop her bleeding. I spent the next five hours in a living death.

When I was finally told she was through the worst of it, I was also told what had happened. She lost over twenty pints of blood, the doctor told me that at one point a nurse was squeezing the blood bags to get it into her as fast as possible. She died twice on the table once for less than a minute and another time for nearly five minutes. The doctors had to perform an emergency hysterectomy to save her and when I was finally let in to see her, a further four hours later, she was still sedated and full of tubes, but alive and out of danger.

I was told later that if Olivia had been much longer being born, I may have lost both of them, this made the two most precious things in the world to me, the girls in my life, even more precious and has given all of us an appreciation of how fleeting life can be. There is nothing I would not do to protect them both and nothing is too good for either.

Over the next two days, I did not leave the hospital and split my time between Olivia and Nicola. It was one of the best days when I was finally allowed to wheel Olivia's cot down to introduce her to her mum. Although I had to hold her for Nicola, she managed to hold Olivia's hand and we both shed tears. Over the next two weeks, Nicola's strength returned and she was able to hold and feed Olivia but could not yet do more than gentle walks. When she returned home, her mum moved in with us to help out as I had to return to work. It took a further three months before Nicola was able to take care of herself and Olivia without help. I do not think it was a day too soon or I may not have had a mother-in-law.

“I fucking hate it!" Nicola hissed one day when I asked her how her day had been. She had kept her voice low as Olivia was in the same room.

It had been ten months since Olivia had been born and Nicola was back to exercising and spent a long time out walking most days. She was very targeted with her other exercise making sure to build up but not overdo her stomach muscles. I know she had good days and bad, as did I but overall, I thought we were both getting along okay.

“It? It what?”

Olivia was in her rocker totally absorbed with a bunch of plastic keys. Not a care in the world, barely aware that we were in the room with her. Usually, after greeting Nicola, Olivia was my next stop. One thing you learn quickly as a parent is how to prioritise.

“It, all of this,” Nicola waved her hands in general around the room. “Oh, don’t get me wrong, Dave,” she wrapped her arms around my waist and lay her head on my chest. “I love you, if it’s possible, I love Liv more. The house is lovely but I can take it or leave it, just so long as I have you two.

“What I hate is that since Liv was born, it seems like forever. At times I hated you through those first months and you know I was ready to kill Mum. I do know you were both doing what was best for me, but it was a similar feeling to now. I feel like I’ve been caged. It’s a beautiful cage and with you and Liv with me in it is wonderful, but… it’s still a cage.

“It’s been over six months since I was allowed to get my own cups of tea, I feel fine and hope to get back to doing some part-time work for Diane within a few months. I want to get out though, I want to start dating again, I want to go out dancing and to be wined and dined. The new Matrix film is out this month too, I’d love for some hunk to take me to see that.”

I knew I was tensing up and I had not really registered most of the last bit, she wanted to start dating again, wanted some hunk to take her to the cinema, was all that I had ringing in my ears.

“Sweetie, Dave!” add that to the tapping on my forehead and I got my focus back. “What is going on in that cauldron you call a brain?”

“Repeat what you just said.”

She did and I felt myself relax. I then explained the turmoil that hit me. Just to add to that Nicola hit me, not hard and flat handed on my chest.

“It’s just you’ve had urges before, but none were, for me, relationship challenging. With you hating being locked up with me and Liv, I put two and two together and thought you wanted a break from us.”

“Would you have indulged me?”

“I don't know. It would depend on how you went about it and with who. Also, what you meant by dating. Would it be just wining, dining and dancing? I could possibly be okay with that, though it would come back to the who. Especially some hunk.”

“We agreed before though, anything like that and you would have to be there. No, dope I want you to date me again, you’re my hunk, you always have been and always will be. I want you to wine me and dine me and after a little dancing, come back here and sixty-nine me. Or maybe not come back here. Perhaps if Liv is with our parents for a whole weekend sometime, we could christen every room in the house again.

“But… I don’t want it every weekend, just once a month or so is fine, just to reset my batteries. Too much and you lose too much time with Liv and that’s not fair on either of you. If we carry on as we are, it’s not fair on Liv and me as I’m not at my best for her.”

Nicola had become interested in fraud while in London and in the short time she had been with Diane and James, she had become their lead solicitor for fraud cases. Although that was her speciality she could cover a lot of criminal work at a more basic level.

The Egils had been exceedingly good, considering how long Nicola had been with them and how long she had been off. Diane phoned once a week to check on both Nicola and Olivia and had visited on a few occasions. One Saturday both her and James had come around and we all got on well. Diane was the same age as my sister and James a couple of years older. Both of them had a zest for life and seemed to have very adventurous spirits. I did wonder at a few things that were half said and cut off with grins.

Diane had encouraged Nicola to read while she was off, honing her skills with fraud. She had dropped off piles of books, some of which were so heavy Nicola was not allowed to pick them up for a few months after Olivia was born. On one visit I had been talking with Diane and thanking her for her support and she had almost laughed it off saying that what she had done was mostly selfish. She wanted to make sure no other firm got their hands on Nicola as she was one of the brightest solicitors Diane had met.

Around the same time that Nicola had told me that she ‘fucking hated it’, Diane had a case come up that she wanted Nicola to look over and make some notes. With this and my agreement that we should get out at least once a month, I saw a new light in Nicola. It was then I realised how drained both of us had become. The passion that had seen us through the last eleven years was now just a dry tinderbox, not the blazing inferno it had once been.

It was three weeks later we had arranged for Nicola’s parents to look after Olivia for the weekend, with a promise to my parents that they would have her the following month. Another benefit, not only would Olivia be spoiled by both sets of grandparents; she would grow up having known them better than I did mine. It also kept the grandparents happy too.

We were only going to the steak house in the next village over, Nettlebed, and then on to a bar with live music and dancing. Even so, I put on a pair of chinos and a shirt. Nicola had on a simple dress that was appropriate to the early spring evening. Although it was modest, I could make out every one of Nicola's curves and felt like the luckiest man on the planet as we walked into the restaurant together. After a light meal, we strolled, hand-in-hand, to the bar we had targeted. It was like we had stepped back a few years and had shed our adult responsibilities.

The bar was busy when we arrived and after we had bought our drinks, we started a fruitless search for a free table. Nicola tugged on my arm and we headed toward a table with a woman about our age sitting on her own.

“Hi there,” said the girl, in a quiet voice, which changed when she continued. “You looked like you were in search of a table. If you don’t mind sharing with me, you’re welcome to these seats.” By the time she had finished, I could clearly hear, what I found out later, was her Canadian accent.

“As long as you’re sure. I’m Nicola and this is my husband, David. Dave to his friends and as you’ve been so kind, I’ll kick him if he says you can’t call him Dave.”

Both women laughed and I could not help but think it was at my expense. “I’m Alice and yes, I’m sure. For some reason the regulars let me have a table to myself.”

This piqued my curiosity but I was not going to be churlish enough to dig, not while she was giving us a place to sit. I found out that Alice had spotted us and caught Nicola's eye and waved us over. We got chatting and soon I was up buying the next round of drinks. When I glanced over, it looked like they were getting on well. Although this was not quite the date I was thinking of, it was good to see Nicola laughing like she was. It turned out that Alice was a software engineer and was coming to the end of a six-month secondment with an accounting software company in Reading.

When we first talked about date nights, we were both clear that it was dates with each other. The way this night had turned out, was not how we were planning, though some aspects were similar to how we had dated before. The band started to play and Nicola and I danced, to be clear, she danced and I stumbled in time to the music. After a few dances, we took a breather and then Alice asked me if I would mind if she danced with Nicola. This had never been an issue for me and soon they were up enjoying themselves. After this, Alice asked Nicola if she could ask me and then dragged me up. Alice did not push to be as close to either of us as Nicola and I had danced and that built on the respect that I had for her from how she had asked us.

We took another breather and did another round of dancing, this time I saw someone ask Nicola when I was up with Alice. She looked over at me and we agreed with a look and a smile.

“Is that okay?” Alice asked when she saw this.

“Yep, Nic and I have never been too jealous about dancing. We know our limits and we can both back people off. I will keep an eye in case she does need backup, it's only happened once."

“You two are so lucky to have each other.”

“I know, at least I know how lucky I am.” We both laughed and soon the dance was over.

Alice went to get another round of drinks straight from the dance floor. When I got back to the table, I could see Nicola was starting to flag

“You okay?”

“Yes, though I think I'll call it a night, at least until the slow dances." She squeezed my hand and leant over to kiss my cheek. "Make sure you have at least one more dance with Alice, though."

When Alice got back to the table, I took her for one last spin around the floor and explained why, while we danced. I looked over at Nicola who smiled back. Next time I came around there was a man standing at our table. I was expecting him to be gone by the next turn but he was not, so I apologised to Alice and we walked back to the table.

“But you danced with my friend.”

“Yes and I’m sorry but I’m not dancing anymore, except with my husband.”

“Everything okay?” I asked as I heard the last couple of exchanges.

“Just asking the lady…”

“My wife.”

“For a dance.”

“And she said no.” I shrugged my shoulders.

“Well while you were dancing with the freak, I thought a real man…”

A hand appeared on his shoulder and pulled him away.

“Sorry, he’s had a skinful, it’s not a good excuse, sorry.”

Nicola looked shattered, even more than she had before.

“I think it’s time to call it a night,” I said to Alice.

She walked out with us and we waited while her taxi arrived. While waiting Nicola asked to exchange phone numbers.

“Before we do, I want to be clear about something. The freak comment.”

Neither of us spoke.

“I'm a woman," I nodded, "but it's not that straightforward. I've always known I was bi-sexual, but as a kid, I never felt right. Well…" Alice swallowed and Nicola stepped forward and put a hand on Alice's arm.

“I’ve dabbled a little myself, it’s nothing to worry about.”

“And certainly nothing to call you a freak about,” I added

“I know many think being bi is freaky, that’s the easy bit. It occurred to me that my body was wrong. I was born a man,” she blurted out.

Nicola gathered Alice into her arms as she broke down. At that moment her taxi pulled up. I asked where she had booked it for and it was not too far, so I tipped the driver and said I'd take her. We got her into my car and her address from her; fifteen minutes later we were pulling up in front of her house. It did make me smile to myself watching as Nicola slipped into mothering mode to look after Alice, she suddenly seemed re-energised.

Alice invited us in for coffee, which Nicola accepted without hesitation. They were out of the car and walking to her front door.

“I’ll park the car,” I called out of my window.

They were waiting for me when I had parked and we went in together. In a few minutes, we were sitting in the living room avoiding the elephant. It turned out this was a rented property, paid for by the firm she worked for. Then Alice stood up and started to pace about.

“We’re avoiding something. The reason you’re here, that you gave me a lift. Look, first and foremost, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to trick you or cause you any upset.”

I glanced and Nicola and could see she agreed with me. “We’re not upset about anything you did. You offered to share your table and we shared a good evening. At least until that prick came over.”

“Thank you, there is a bit more.” Nicola giggled and we both looked at her.

“I felt it.” She suddenly blushed and looked back and forth between Alice and me.

“Oh, god!” Alice put her head in her hands.


“Sorry.” Nicola got up and hugged Alice.

Alice sighed, “As Nicola has not so delicately pointed out. It’s not just that I’m transgender, I’m pre-op”


I did wince a little when Alice described what the operation would entail. She also explained some of the history of gender reassignments operations. I had not realised that the first ones had taken place in 1949 and 1951.

“So?” Alice asked.

“So what?”

“What do you think?”

Nicola still had an arm around Alice and they were both looking at me.

“I think… you're a woman. As far as I'm concerned that's the end of it. So what if your equipment is a bit different. I have to admit I was a little surprised because it's not a conversation you have every day, but it's not anything to worry about.

“Listen, Alice, until that pisshead ruined it, we were having a great evening. It was our first night out since our daughter was born and not what I expected to be sure, but I don't think I could have planned it better. As far as I'm concerned, we've made a new friend tonight."

I stood up and Alice came over and hugged me with Nicola coming in behind to make an Alice sandwich. We chatted a little more after this and declined a further coffee with promises to talk during the week. On the drive back home, Nicola put her hand on my leg and leant over the console to rest her head on my shoulder.

“I’ve a good mind to go back to the pub and kick that guy in the balls,” she said.

“And I’ve a good mind to put you over my knee when we get home.”

“Why? Not that I’m saying no, I’d just like to know what I’ve done to deserve it… so I can repeat my mistake.”

“Tact, Nic, tact. Couldn’t you see that it was pulling Alice apart trying to tell us? I know you work with the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth; but at times you need to keep your lips zipped.”

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“I said I was sorry.”

“I know, just try to remember in the future. Two ears, one mouth; use them in that proportion.”

I didn't spank Nicola when we got home unless you count the odd slaps to her arse cheeks as I drove into her from behind. On Saturday we took in a film, followed by pizza, and Sunday morning was spent at the gym working off the calories that we had not worked off in bed the two nights before.

During the week, Nicola called Alice and after a couple of calls back and forth she was invited to dinner the following weekend. Although she was earning good money, Alice said that it had been a lonely five months and until we met her, she had been looking forward to going home. Now she wished her job was permanent so that we could build our friendship further.

The next month followed a similar pattern, Nicola called Alice a few times during the week and we would have a chat. Then she would visit one day for dinner. On her last full weekend, she insisted on taking us all out to dinner. She had researched restaurants in the local area and booked a table at one that assured her that babies were welcome and would not have an issue if Nicola wanted to breastfeed Olivia.

After dropping Olivia off at my parents, the next Friday, we went straight to Alice’s and picked her up. We had decided to follow a similar pattern to the night that we met her. Only this time, the drunk was not evident in the bar when we walked in. Though I did get plenty of stares, I wanted to assume it was jealousy at me having two beautiful women on my arms. Sadly, I was aware of what it was more likely to be.

The night was a rotating round of dancing and drinking and when the last dances started Nicola invited Alice to join us for one. Alice did let us dance the last one alone, saying that we never got to last time. I had also noticed that Nicola was far less tired than the last time we had been out; her recovery seemed to be coming on in leaps and bounds.

The drive back to Alice’s was quiet, all of us lost in our thoughts as this was her last night. We were invited in for a coffee, well a coffee for me as I was driving. Once inside, Alice made us all a drink and then put some music on before she excused herself to get changed. Nicola pulled me into a clinch and rested her head on my chest as we started to dance slowly.

“You’re going to miss her, aren’t you?”

“Yes, aren’t you?”

“Of course, she’s lovely. You know we could arrange to go visit her. I think I’ve burnt most of my holiday time but I’m sure I could work some overtime and try and wangle a week somehow.”

Nicola took a breath as if she was about to speak, but said nothing. After the third time, I prompted her to say what was on her mind.

“Tonight feels totally different from the first time here.”

“Of course, we’ve known her a month now.”

“What do you think of her?”

“Like I said, she’s lovely.”

With a sigh, Nicola asked, “Do you find her attractive?”

“Yes, she’s beautiful. I thought that when we first invaded her table and think it even more now that we know her. I know you do, I can tell, but why do you ask?”

“As I said, it feels different tonight. I was thinking back to what I said to Steph and Alex.”


“About you being there if there was any possibility of it happening again. If we let it, it could go that way. How would you feel?”

“Do I get to join in or only watch?”

“Whatever we’re all comfortable with, but if Alice doesn’t want you to join in, then we can call time. But there’s…”

“Her cock?”

“Yes. How would you feel… with that…?"

“Alex fucked you, didn’t she?”

“Oh, so delicate and tactful! However, that was different.”

“It was made of rubber and she bought it, the action and the intent was the same. Let’s see how things go and just remember that we are the couple.”

Nicola pulled me down for a kiss and as our passion was rising, I heard a little cough. Nicola rested her head back on my chest giggling. In the meantime, Alice had sat down and was sipping her drink. Instead of the dress she had been wearing she was now in a t-shirt and jogging bottoms.

“Sorry, it’s nice to dress up, but I do like to slob out too.”

I smiled and half-broke my hold with Nicola, “No worries, your house, your dress code. Gotta ask though, where’s your loo?”

I kissed Nicola on the cheek and made my way in the direction I had been pointed. After a little freshening up, I returned to the living room. Nicola and Alice were dancing together and their foreheads were touching. I did not say anything, just sat quietly and sipped my drink. Alice moved her head looking like she was about to kiss Nicola; their lips touched then she pulled back like she had been electrocuted.

“I’m sorry! I got carried away.” She then turned to me, “I’m sorry Dave, I meant no disrespect, just you two have been the most wonderful people. You accepted me as me, nearly,” she glanced back to Nicola, “nearly without batting an eyelid. Even my best friends took their time to get their heads around it.”

I just shrugged, Nicola put her fingers on Alice’s chin and pulled her face around. She then gave her a peck on the lips.

“We’ve had a great time tonight and over the last month. You know we’ve had a crap year and you have been a bit of light since we came out.” She giggled at her little joke. “Whatever happens, happens, but please remember that Dave and I are a couple and we will not stand for any disrespect of either of us or our marriage.”

Alice looked down and then back up as if she was about to say something, but I cut her off.

“You have not disrespected us. Like you, we have felt something different tonight.” I stood up and hugged them both. “Let’s not worry. We’re all friends together. This is one night out of our lives. One night only to say goodbye or rather au revoir, to you, Alice.”

I stepped around and held Alice from behind, like the previous sandwich, only this time she was facing Nicola. We carried on dancing for a few minutes more and I reached out and stroked Nicola's side. This seemed to be a green card for her and she leant in and kissed Alice again. This time it was longer and more passionate. Rather than butterfly kisses, their heads soon angled and I could see that mouths were open and tongues were dancing.

With her head over to one side and Alice's to the other, I could not easily kiss either on the cheek. Instead, I blew softly in Nicola's face so that she opened her eyes. She broke off her kiss, smiled and leant over to me to share a kiss with me. We had made love over the preceding ten months and more so over the last, but there was a different passion to this kiss.

She broke from me and then turned my head to Alice, who now took Nicola’s place trying to suck my tonsils out. I felt a kiss on my ear and heard a whispered, “Thank you.”

As I was kissing Alice, I ran my hands down her arms and took hold of her hands and guided them to the top of Nicola’s dress; specifically the top button. When I popped the first one, Alice took over and I felt Nicola working on the buttons on my shirt. I was distracted and this gave Nicola the chance to lock lips with Alice once more.

“Fuck it,” I muttered.

I chuckled when I noticed Alice hesitate, Nicola knew better and pulled her back into their kiss. I slipped my hands into Alice’s waistband and hooked her bottoms over her hips and let them fall to the floor. Then I went behind Nicola and slipped her shoulder straps off and she let me slide them down her arms. With the top of her dress bunched around her waist, I undid her bra and slipped that off too. Finally, I pushed her dress over her hips, with her knickers and let them fall to the floor.

“Oh, no you don't!" Nicola said as I stepped back.

She stepped out of the clothes piled at her feet and turned to me. Her arms went inside my shirt and pushed it off my shoulders and while I struggled to free myself, my belt and trousers were undone and falling down my legs. She grabbed my head and pulled me down to kiss her, she attacked my face with abandon. As we kissed, I felt my shorts being pushed down and then my cock was engulfed in a warm wetness. It was only a few sucks and kisses before it was fully erect.

“Oh, that’s very nice!”

Nicola giggled and broke off the kiss. She dropped to her knees and joined Alice, praising what nature had given me.

“It is, isn’t it?”

When I looked down, I saw that Alice had pulled off her t-shirt and now all that was left on were Nicola’s shoes and my shoes and socks with my trousers and shorts bundled around my ankles. There was a bit of whispering and the two of them stood up.

“Come with me,” Alice said to both of us.

As I struggled to untangle myself, they disappeared out of the room and upstairs. I hurried to follow and could hear laughing and sighing and moaning. The light coming from one room was a giveaway too. When I got to the door, the sight that beheld me was both beautiful and confusing. Alice was on her back with Nicola astride her face. Nicola had one hand supporting her weight, the other was stroking the bottom of Alice’s cock while she was kissing and licking around the top.

I had grown to really like Alice and seeing the woman I loved with someone I had come to regard as beautiful, was one hell of an erotic scene. Seeing the woman I loved in a sexual situation with someone other than me made my stomach turn over. Despite what she had told me about her night with Alex and Steph and knowing that it was more important for Nicola to share it with me than to repeat the night reassured me. However, seeing the reality in the flesh was like someone digging you in the ribs during a tense moment in a horror film; you know the reality, but you still jump. I knew the reality, but still, words like cheat and slut flew through my brain, along with anger at the pair of them.

What has taken nearly two hundred words to describe, flicked through my head in less than a fraction of a second. If anyone was watching me, I doubt they would have noticed the hesitation as I entered the room.

Nicola looked up, not stopping stroking Alice and smiled at me. I felt another feeling then, as I saw Alice’s fully erect cock for the first time, relief. When I looked back, I chuckled at the realisation that I had been nervous that her cock might be bigger than mine.

At Nicola’s signal, I joined them on the bed, kneeling beside them and kissing her. As we kissed, I could feel little moans into my mouth and a glance out of the corner of my eye confirmed that Nicola was stroking both mine and Alice’s cocks. She pushed me back a little and leant over and took me into her mouth. As she did this, I ran my hand down her back, between her cheeks and started to massage the bottom of her spine before moving further and rubbing around her bum. I continued and felt Alice suck my fingers into her mouth. After a few moments sucking, she guided me into Nicola’s pussy, which caused her to gasp. I pulled out and went back to her star with my, now lubricated, fingers. Slowly I worked one and then a second, into her. I heard lapping as I started to finger Nicola’s bum and it was not long before her rhythm was upset and she was gasping and gagging.

Soon, I identified the tell-tale signs of Nicola’s pending orgasm. I grinned when I saw her grip Alice’s cock and heard Alice gasping. She was gripping mine as hard, though I was used to her doing this; the many times she had done it before, she had never hurt me.

When she was calming down a little, I patted her hip and said, “Come on over the edge.”

Nicola stood at the side of the bed and I bent her over and started to rub my cock up and down her pussy.

“You been having a good time getting eaten by our friend?”

“Uhuh,” she mumbled.

I pushed into her and while she moaned, I continued to push forward. Nicola went with me until she was leaning on the bed. Again, she took hold of Alice and started to stroke her. She leant a little further forward and took Alice into her mouth. From being passive, I saw Alice start to hump up into Nicola's mouth.

While we were like this, I asked, “Is this the sort of double penetration Alex was on about?”

This got Nicola’s attention and she stopped what she was doing with Alice and pushed me back. She then stood and looked at me for a moment. I caught Alice starting to move out of the corner of my eye and raised a finger to stop her.

“You know it’s not. You know what Alex meant is like we practice with silicone you.” She paused and looked a little pensive before asking, “Can we try?”

I looked at Alice and raised an eyebrow, she nodded in response and then got off the bed.

“If you want to start, I’ve got something that might help,” she said as she left the room.

“You sure?”

“I’d like to try.”

She pulled me down into a kiss and as we were entwined, Alice came up behind and started to kiss Nicola around the neck and shoulders. Our hands took a boob each and I was playing with Nicola’s pussy. Suddenly, Nicola broke off.

“Sorry, Alice, that’s for Dave and Dave alone.”

She put a hand on Alice’s cheek and kissed her, then she turned and told Alice to lie down. Nicola climbed on the bed and sat astride Alice, taking her cock and guiding it into herself. Slowly and with a sigh she lowered herself. She gave Alice a little peck and then looked at me. This was another first and similar feelings washed over me as when I had first seen them together. With a shake of my head, I picked up the tube Alice had brought in and read the label.

Moisturising lotion for sensitive skin.

I climbed on the bed and pushed Alice’s legs apart so that I could kneel between them. Nicola and I locked lips and tangled tongues for a moment, I could feel her moving and grinding on Alice.

“Relax,” I told her and with a hand in the middle of her back, I pushed her down.

“Let Dave do his bit,” she told Alice and they started to kiss.

The lotion flowed over my fingers and down onto Nicola’s bum. As I twisted and turned my fingers, they were lubed and I was massaging it around the edge of her hole. Like before, I pushed one then two fingers into Nicola lotioning all around the edge. When I could move my fingers a bit more freely, I added a third while continuing to add lotion. Finally, making sure to keep my fingers moving, I poured a generous amount of lotion over my cock and spread it all over, after putting the tube down.

I pulled my fingers out of Nicola and put the head of my cock against her star and with a last bit of lotion, I pushed until I felt the familiar pop as I went past her sphincter. I paused to give her a moment to adjust and when she was ready, Nicola reached back and patted my leg. As I pushed in, I could feel my cock rub along the length of Alice, it was not unfamiliar as I had felt similar when we had played with Nicola’s dildo. I also knew what Alice was feeling too. It seemed to be a new sensation to Alice given the noises she was making and the look she gave me over Nicola’s shoulder. I just winked at her.

When my hips touched Nicola's cheeks, I felt my balls brush over what I thought to be Alice's, this made me laugh to myself. I got another look from Alice, which confirmed what I thought.

“Okay, Alice, start to move slowly, Dave will match you.”

Alice did as instructed and we soon built a good rhythm. Nicola alternated between sitting up, as much as she could, turning her head to kiss me and leaning forward to kiss Alice. Alice and I played with Nicola’s boobs and Nicola and I played with Alice’s. The sensations were too much for Nicola and she started a low moaning hum, almost as if she was riding along on the crest of a single continuous orgasm.

“Oh, shit! Oh, shit!” cried Alice as she stiffened up.

At first, I paused, enjoying the sensation of feeling Alice pulse against my cock as she came. This pushed Nicola over the edge and she gave a wailing cry as she came.

“Fuck me, Dave. Now!”

This was all the urging I needed to increase my pace as I held Nicola by the hips and drove into her over and over, but not for long. The sensation rose over me, my balls clenched and I stiffened as I came filling Nicola’s bowels.

We all collapsed onto the bed, panting and we cuddled into Nicola. When I softened and fell out, she turned in our arms and kissed me softly.

“Thank you, Sweetie.”

“Stay the night, if you want,” Alice said.

There was very little argument from either of us as the emotion and sex from the night had worn us all out. After a few goodnight kisses, it was not long before I heard the contented breathing of my two bed-mates.

The following morning, we helped Alice pack her last few things and do the last bit of tidying of her house. Most of her baggage had been sent ahead, so she only had a suitcase and carry-on bag to take to the airport. Over breakfast, I offered to take her to the airport and so it was a few hours later that the three of us were standing in the terminal saying our goodbyes. Kisses and hugs were exchanged and tears shed as Alice went through security.

The drive back from Heathrow was very quiet, Nicola had her hand on my leg most of the way. We received an email in the evening to say that Alice had arrived home safely. When we went to bed that night Nicola snuggled against me as I spooned around her and we finally spoke about the weekend and last month.

“Is everything okay?”

“Sweetie, everything is better than okay. Where before I fucking hated all of it, I feel like I’ve got my life back. Which sounds horrible, because you and Liv are the centre of my life. It just felt like everything was getting away from me and I was losing control. How are you?”

“So, so much happier that you are feeling better.”

“How about Alice?”

“Sad that she’s gone, but a good excuse to visit Canada.” I put my finger on her lips. “I know you also meant the month with her. She became a good friend and I think if she had not been going back, that this weekend wouldn’t have happened. It was a bit of a perfect storm. We met her when we were at a low and she was a bit of a spark that got our passions going again. Last night had its good points and its bad."

I went on to explain the turmoil that had been rolling through me at times. Nicola held my arms and squeezed them as I told her.

“And how do you feel now?”

“I’ve got the woman I love, naked and in my arms. So long as I have your love and you and Liv in my life, I don’t think I could ever feel bad… for long anyway. I think the last month was also a pressure release. Since Liv was born we have been, as you said, caged and that was building and we needed to get it out of our systems. That said, I’m not sure we should do it again. One, it’s dodgy ground that I don’t want to walk on that could ruin Liv’s home and two, it will make our time with Alice all the more special.”

Nicola turned in my arms and kissed me, “That’s pretty much what I was thinking. What did I do to deserve you? Did I thank you for last night?”

“You thanked me a few times,” I smiled, “and whatever you did must have been pretty dire to deserve me.”

She thumped my chest and kissed me again, pushing me onto my back. We made love slowly into the early hours of Sunday and fell asleep in each other’s arms.

Over the years we did visit Alice and she came to visit us a couple of times, nothing like that Friday night happened again, though we all looked back on it fondly. Alice, too, felt it was more special because it was just once. In June of 2007, Alice phoned and told us she was engaged and to ask us to clear our diaries as she wanted us at her wedding the following summer. We had met her wife-to-be and she knew our history, it was a complete surprise when they asked if Olivia could be their flower girl. It was a beautiful day with a beautiful couple, who only became closer friends as the years passed.

Thanks to cbears52 for proofreading.

Thank you to the moderators for helping me getting this published.

And thank you to everyone that reads, comments and/or votes.

All feedback is welcome, either in the comments or via a direct message.



Written by kiteares
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