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Author's Notes

"The third story in the young couple's journey."

“This is one of my favourite pictures of my wife.”

I pulled out my phone and showed Jake the scan I had of us after her graduation ceremony. I was lifting her in the air and kissing her neck. She had run up to me after the awards and her father had captured the moment. Nicola had a look of sheer joy on her face but was also trying not to lose her mortarboard or drop her degree certificate.

Jake laughed, “It reminds me a little of when I graduated, though no one lifted me up quite like that. What did she study and where?”

“She was at Cambridge studying law,” I said and know that my chest puffed up. It always did when talking about her or Olivia. I was proud of what both had achieved.

“Wow! I guess from there she went to one of the big firms in London.”

“She did, but only for a few months. She hated it. She found this small husband and wife firm in Princes Risborough that had only been running a few years. They were looking for someone to train in a number of different aspects from property to family to criminal law. They let her try her hand at any and everything and have supported her all the way; she’s been with them ever since. So if you ever get in the… I know the name of a good solicitor.” We both laughed.


After we returned from our week away, there was not much time before Nicola was due to start at Cambridge and both of us expressed regrets but also reinforced that she must go. I went with her parents when they took her and we all helped get her settled in, however it was a very quiet drive home. When they dropped me off, both her mum and dad got out of the car. Her mum hugged me and held me for a few seconds. What surprised me was when I shook her dad's hand, he also pulled me into a hug.

“It’ll be alright, son. Whenever we go up to see her, you’re always welcome to join us and I’m sure you’ll pop up on your own from time to time too. It doesn’t seem like it, but those three years will fly by.”

It was a couple of weeks later, I had come in from the pub and put on the television while I had a coffee. I was not really watching it, but there was a late-night show about adult activities across Europe. It still amazes me that it was hosted by then one of the top fashion designers of the time. One article suddenly grabbed my attention and with it, a plan started to form in my head.

I found an art supply shop in the town where I worked and went down there during my lunch break to buy what I needed. It was that afternoon that I got called into Mr Armstrong’s office. At the time I was still the most junior in the office and to say I was nervous about being called into the owner’s office would have been like saying the universe started with a little pop.

“Go right in David,” his secretary said and smiled as I walked into the outer office.

“David, my boy!” Mr Armstrong sounded far from angry, but it did not relax me in the slightest. “Come in. Sit, sit!”

I did as instructed and perched my bum on the edge of one of his chairs.

“Please relax, David, I wanted to have a chat with you about your future with the company. You've been with us, if you include your time washing dishes, for five years. The last three of them here at head office.

“I’ll be honest with you, I like what I see and also see a bright future for you with the company. To really fulfil that future, I think you need more experience; not specifically in the offices, that will come. No, I think you need to get out and try working in the hotels and all the different departments.

“I’ll let you into a secret, there are people that you deal with on occasion that know you used to pot wash and already prefer to talk to you than some of your more senior colleagues. The reason for that is they know that you know what it’s like to be in the heat of the kitchen in the middle of service.”

I was still all a little shocked at what Mr Armstrong was saying to me and the final statement just about tipped me over the edge. I was now wondering whether there would be a punch line.

“Erm…” was the best I could muster.

Mr Armstrong laughed and continued, “It’s okay David, my timing is quite specific. That young lady of yours, Nicola, she’s off to Cambridge this year?” He had met Nicola at the last three summer picnics.

“Yes, Sir. In fact, we, I mean her parents and I dropped her off the weekend before last.”

“Hold on to her and fight for her with tooth and nail, she’s headed for good things.”

“Oh, I intend to, Sir."

“Good lad. As I said, my timing is quite specific. I want you to spend the next few years going around branches and working in different areas. I want you to learn how to run the different aspects from cooking and cleaning to reception and management.

“I’m afraid I’m going to ruin your Christmas and New Year this year because I want you to go to the White Hart, which isn’t so bad as it’s close to your home and learn to work the kitchen and restaurant for the next six months. You’ll spend a few weeks in each area, including Christmas Eve and Day and New Year’s Eve. The last shift you’ll work there is Mother’s Day and I want you waiting tables then.”

“Erm okay, Sir.”

“Don’t look so worried, I’ve asked the manager to ensure you get a couple of long weekends and you’ll get several days off over Christmas so you’ll be able to keep up with Nicola. I think of it like this, I want to bring you along and the only way that will happen is if you’re happy. If what I do ends up with you and Nicola splitting up, the last thing you will be is happy. Any questions?”

“Isn’t Mother’s Day the busiest day of the year in the restaurants?”

“Exactly, I reckon if you start waiting tables just before Valentine's, although that’s busy, it’s mainly because of the number of tables, all twos, rather than the number of covers; by the time you get to Mother’s Day, exactly a month later, I would hope you would be able to just about cope with a section of your own.

“Next day, you'll come into the offices," he put his hand up to halt my objections. "I know, I'm a hard taskmaster, but you get in for noon and we'll have a lunch meeting with a couple of the area managers. You can feedback to them and Mark, who covers the White Hart, will be getting feedback about you. He’ll let us know how you got on. After that we can arrange your next placement and then you can have a couple of weeks off over Easter.” He finished with a wink.

We discussed a few more details and I worked with his secretary to finalise a bit more and then my day was done.

That evening, I locked myself in my room and began working on my plan. First thing was the Penthouse magazine, looking at the pictures, reading some stories but I became a bit sad missing Nicola. It was thinking of her and looking forward to meeting up with her in a few weeks that actually had a better effect than the magazine. A trick I had learnt about came next and with a shoelace, I tied myself off. I then used skills picked up from Blue Peter, it made me laugh thinking of John Noakes doing something like this. I took strips of wet newspaper and wrapped them around my cock. When it was fully covered, I got some plaster of Paris and coated it around the newspaper and then I sat there.

A few minutes later, there was a knocking at the door and my mum was asking about dinner. In a panic, I ran to the door and held it shut, but in my panic, the mould fell off and broke on the floor.

“Is everything okay, dear?” Mum asked.

“Yes, Mum, it’s fine, just er, working on something for Nic.”

“Oh, that's nice. Well, dinner will be about an hour, I'll give you a shout then."

“Thanks, Mum."

I listened as she went downstairs again and set about peeling off the remaining paper, then tearing up some more and putting it into soak before whipping up a new batch of plaster of Paris. I repeated the process and when it was fully set, I undid the lace and pulled and nothing. It took a moment to figure out what was going on and a couple of minutes trying to picture my grandmother naked had the desired effect and the cast slipped off.

While I left the cast to fully set, I had a shower and cleaned off all of the residue. The next task was mixing up and pouring a liquid silicone mix into the newly made mould. The mix had to be thick enough so that it set properly throughout, but it had to be liquid enough to fill every part of the mould without or at least with minimal air bubbles. This achieved, I needed to store it somewhere warm and dry and most importantly where my mother would not find it.

Over dinner that evening, I told my parents of Mr Armstrong’s plans for me. My mother was a little apprehensive in her congratulations as this would eventually lead to my first time living away from home, even though that would not be happening for almost a year. My father, on the other hand, thought it was fantastic news that boded well for my future.

The following day I got in from work and went to check on my project. I tried to remove the silicon from the mould but could not, so I borrowed a junior hacksaw and carefully cut through the plaster of Paris. The end product had a few rough edges, but these were soon filed off with a little light sandpaper and I then sat back, pleased with the result of my work.

Every day going to and from work, I passed a tennis club; it was on the third day after my creation was brought into existence that an idea occurred to me and I stopped on my way home. There were a few people about and one girl about my age walked up to me after a few minutes.

“Hi there, can I help you with something?”

“It may sound a bit odd, but you know the tubes that balls come in?”

She nodded.

“What do you do with them? Do the balls go back in or…” I did not know how to finish my question.

“It’s a bit of a mix, people mostly bring their own balls, but some of the club ones get retubed. Eventually we will throw them out though.”

“Would it be okay to grab one?” I asked.

The girl showed me where they put the waste balls and tubes and told me to help myself and walked away as I thanked her. I did not see her again when I left the club and when I got home I put the silicone in the tube and then sealed it and wrapped it in wrapping paper.

The next week I started at the White Hart and was working five days out of seven, including weekends. Over the next month, I was kept very busy but made sure to call Nicola once a week. It was after a long tiring month that I was given a long weekend and on that Friday, late morning saw me on the A420 heading north-east.

The drive was very straight forward and I was ahead of the traffic most of the way so that I ended up arriving at the park and ride about half an hour before I expected. By the time I had parked my car, there was a bus waiting, so I jumped aboard and bought a weekend ticket. From where the bus dropped me off, it was about a fifteen-minute walk to Nicola's college accommodation and as I rounded the corner into her road, I saw her sitting on the steps outside. Standing in front of her was what looked like a giant of a man, though at first, I thought it may just have been the perspective.

I slowed my pace and kept a close watch on them. They were deep in conversation and Nicola did not notice me. I saw her shake her head a few times and then she stood up. The person talking to her still towered over her and she was standing on the first step. When he put a hand on her arm, my pulse quickened and I had the urge to run, but what if it was something she was going to explain to me? What if it was something completely different? Thoughts rushed through my head and I had several urges all at once; without distinction, I wanted to attack him, shout at her, protect her and turn and walk away. Faced with these conflicting thoughts my brain did the only reasonable thing and gave up. I stopped walking and just stared at them.

All of this must have happened in the blink of an eye, as Nicola pushed his arm away almost as soon as he had touched her and I could clearly make out what she was saying.

“Thank you, but no! I said it once, I’ll say it again, no!”

I started moving again and as I was getting closer, I crossed to the same side as them. This had two effects, it closed the angle between Nicola and me so unless she actually looked around it was unlikely she would see me and I could now hear his voice clearly.

“I understand no, what I don’t understand is why.”

“I don’t need to say why, no should be all you need. Now listen very carefully, I’ve said it before but you obviously were not listening. I have a boyfriend who I love. I was more than happy to be friends with you, but that’s obviously not good enough…”

“Your boyfriend doesn’t have to know.”

“No, you are absolutely right,” Nicola leant forward and reached up and put a hand on his cheek. “But I would know. Look there are loads of young women here, why me?”

By this time, I was standing next to the steps, but I didn’t say anything, up close he had a couple of inches on me but did not seem that much bigger. He noticed me as Nicola asked her last question.

“Yes? What? What are you looking at?”

“Dave!” Nicola flew into my arms, the other person now forgotten.

Her lips pressed against mine and though our mouths remained closed, this was one of the most passionate kisses we had shared. When we broke off, I held her in a hug but looked over her shoulder.

“Beautiful, isn’t she?” I taunted.

He gave me a filthy look and walked away.

“Friend of yours?”

“He was, idiot. I told him and everyone that’s asked me out…”

“Everyone? There's been a lot then?"

Nicola blushed.

"Hey, you can't help being the most gorgeous person on the planet.”

“Stop it,” she said and hit me at the same time.

“Well, you are to me," which got me a peck on the cheek.

Nicola took my hand and told me to go with her. I knew that Newnham College did not have guest rooms and I was not allowed into hers, but I soon found out what she was up to. I must admit to feeling a little set up as I walked, no, was dragged into the guest lounge. Several heads turned as we entered, all looking expectantly at us as I was pulled to the gallows. I soon was introduced to this group of friends and sitting awaiting the cross-examination while Nicola got me a drink.

The first comment was, “So you’re the mythical Dave?”

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“I’m Dave, I don’t know about mythical,” I shrugged and looked around at the faces.

“Well,” spoke another, “we’ve all heard how you protected her and looked out for her without barely registering that she existed, let alone had fallen in love with you.”

The look of shock must have been obvious. “You didn’t know? She has never told you?”

Nicola walked back over with our drinks and had heard the conversation. She handed me my drink and then sat on my lap.

“No, she never did," Nicola answered for me. "A silly schoolgirl crush doesn't matter, what matters is that we got there in the end."

I looked at her and raised an eyebrow, "From that day you scared off the two bullies, I started to get feelings for you. At first, I thought it was admiration or closer friendship. As I looked back over 'us' years later, they were the shoots of what grew into love. That you didn't seem to notice or have the same feelings but still looked out for me only made my feelings stronger."

“Aww, that's so sweet!”

I had felt myself blushing as Nicola spoke and then, with the last comment, I knew I was burning up and this started a round of giggles. When they settled down one of the other women spoke up.

“That and how she’s been asked out by men and women since she has been here and turned every single one of them down flat. Oh, and the ‘Dave this’ and ‘Dave that’ has sort of elevated you to mythical status.”

This was followed by another round of giggles. We spent a couple of hours with Nicola's friends and they were all very friendly. It was at Nicola's prompt that we excused ourselves. At my request, she had booked us into a small bed and breakfast place which we walked to, hand in hand. Our room was supposed to be a double and it did have a double bed in, but there was not much room for anything else, but it was ours for the weekend.

Nicola turned and put her arms around my neck as soon as she closed the door behind her, I had not had a chance to put our bags down yet. She gave me a quick peck on the lips before stepping away.

“Sorry, Sweetie, time for you to shower."

“You saying I smell?”

Nicola put a finger to her lips and looked up in thought, “Umm, yep!”

I knew I was a bit ripe from the journey so I took it in good spirit and we laughed as I pulled my t-shirt over my head. When I dropped my trousers, Nicola patted my bum. I realised then how much I had missed even the smallest interactions with her. With a quick kiss on her cheek, I went into the bathroom.

As the water splashed over me and I relaxed from my drive, I thought about the weekend ahead and when to give Nicola her present. It was then that I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist and a soft kiss on my back.

“Hi Sweetie,” she said. “I’ve missed you.”

I turned and put my arms around her a leant down a little to kiss her, that’s when I noticed her eyes looked red.

“Hey! What’s wrong?”

“I’ve just missed all this. Just the simple pat on your butt and holding hands. I hate that I nearly threw it all away. I’m sorry, when I saw you, I knew how much I nearly lost. And…” she stopped.

“And?" I prompted, squatting so that she would not have to look up into the spray.

“I don’t know if I can do this.”

“This? Us?”

“No!” Nicola gripped onto me harder than ever. “No, I’m not sure I can do three years away from you.”

“Okay, stop that,” I held her by her arms and was standing up straight. “Firstly, by my reckoning, it’s only just over two-and-a-half years. Secondly, your dad will kill me if you drop out for my sake.”

“But…” I put my finger to her lips.

“Shh, no buts, except this one.”

I gripped her by both her cheeks and lifted her so that she was face to face with me. Nicola wrapped her legs around my waist and we kissed.

“And a better butt I cannot think of. We can have weekends like this one and your holidays we can spend time together. We’ll be fine, you’ll see.”

By now the water had gone cold and Nicola was shivering in my arms. I turned a little so that she could turn off the shower and then I carried her into the bedroom, telling her to grab the towels from the warmer.

When I put her down, I took the towels and put one on the bed and pushed her backwards onto it. Then starting with her feet, I worked my way up her body, drying every part of her. When I reached the tops of her legs, I leant forward and kissed her just above her clit before dabbing and stroking her dry of water. Moving further, I wiped her belly vigorously, purposely pushing up under her boobs but not going over them. I did my thing of putting a hand on either side of one boob, then I wrapped the towel around and rubbed it all over, finishing with a kiss and nibble at her nipple; I did the same on both sides. Next were her arms and neck and then I got her to stand. After drying off her back, I parted her cheeks with the heels of my hands and pushed the towel between them with my thumbs before dragging it down the full length of her bum. With a final kiss, I pushed her to sit on the bed and quickly dried myself off and as I did this Nicola gave her hair a cursory rub.

“I have a present for you,” I said, as I started to root through my bag.

“Ooh, just a sec., I’ll get dressed.”

“No, I think you’re dressed perfectly.”

I handed the tube to Nicola and the first thing she did was shake it.

“No, you’re fine, it’s not breakable.”

With a giggle, she put a hand over her mouth, "Oops, sorry."

The wrapping was shredded and dropped to the floor and Nicola sat examining the tube.

“It’s packaging, open it.”

Even when she popped the lid off and let the contents drop into her hand, she looked at me very confused. So, I took it from her and stood up and held it next to my, now flaccid, cock and due to my condition, it was a couple of inches longer. However, this difference did not stop the penny from dropping.

“Oh my god! It’s, is it? It’s you?”

I just nodded.

“Oh, you sweet, fucking dork, that’s so kind and thoughtful and… how did you make it?”

When I explained she started laughing at the difficulty I had had and started crying when I told her that my mum had nearly caught me doing it. She got up and gave me a tight hug.

“It may be one of the daftest things someone has ever done for me, but it’s lovely.”

“Well, when we can’t be together, we can still be together.”

I felt her hand wrapping around mine and she whispered, “I think I need you to show me how to use it.”

“Sit then!”

With a giggle, she said, "Yes, Sir!" and dropped down onto the bed.

Nicola started to shuffle back, but I knelt down, grabbed one of her ankles and pulled her forward. The dildo, I placed on the bed next to her and pushed her knees apart. From here we were face to face and we started to kiss. Mouths opened greedy to taste one another again, our tongues danced and flirted, twisted and turned. Biting and pulling at each other, Nicola held my head in her hands and I had my arms around her, dragging my fingers up and down her back.

After an eternity of a couple of minutes, I broke away and started to work my way down, via at first her ear, then her neck and shoulders. I sucked and bit, leaving little red marks that faded quickly. Nicola put some pressure on the top of my head, urging me on. I resisted, to let her know I could, then moved where she directed. My tongue left a trail of saliva over her boob and when I arrived at her nipple it was hard and pink yearning. At first, I ran my tongue around it, then over it and finally a little blow. With a look up at Nicola, I lowered my mouth over it and bit. After rolling it in my teeth for a little, I looked up at her and she was laying back with her eyes closed. I pulled back and pulled back again, pulling her nipple with me and when she gasped, I opened my mouth and let it fall back. Just as she was about to object, I gripped both nipples with my thumbs and forefingers; then I slowly started to twist.

As I put on the pressure, I said, “Don’t you think you should be getting busy?”

“What? I…” she stopped when I started to snigger and I stopped sniggering when she hit me.

When we stopped giggling, I picked up the toy and placed it between her boobs, which I pushed together to hold it. Then with my thumbs, I pushed the dildo forward and as she had done before with the real thing, Nicola leant up and kissed the tip. I carried on working on her boobs, but now I sucked harder on the flesh of them and left little love-bites.

After a couple of minutes worshipping at the altar of Nicola's chest, I felt a hand on my head again and smiled to myself. I patted the side of her boobs and felt her hands take over from mine. I loved how her belly rippled under my kisses and licking; how she let out little gasps and giggles when I dipped my tongue into her belly button. I tugged on her pubic hair a little with my teeth as I went past.

“All you have to do is ask and I’ll lose the rest of it for you.”

She knew that I liked the landing strip that she had, my ‘highway to heaven’ as I called it.

“Shush! You just concentrate on getting that wet and I’ll concentrate on getting this wet,” I said while gently flicking at her lips.

Nicola snorted and coughed and spluttered, "Sorry, Sweetie. It's just you trying to get all masterful. It doesn't quite work yet, you need some more practice."

“I’ll see to that when I get home.”

I had earned another slap. "You try it and see what you get," she growled.

The benefit of the slap was I ducked my head down and that took me to my goal. Nicola was already damp, I had noticed that when I was flicking at her. When I ran my tongue from bottom to top, her sweet taste filled my mouth and nostrils; oh, how I had missed this. Hearing the little coos and gasps along with the slurping noises she was making around the dildo was incredibly erotic and I knew I was rock hard. I needed to focus on the task.

I had been eating all around her pussy, lapping and sucking, pulling at her lips, rubbing her clit and slipping the odd finger or two into her, but never staying in one spot for too long. I reached up and squeezed a boob, Nicola's really were fun-bags. Before getting carried away, I moved my hand between them and took hold of the toy and pulled it down and knew when it came out of her mouth when I heard a ‘plop’.

With dildo in hand, I rocked back onto my heels and started to tap the head of it against her clit which caused her to start squirming about a little. To head this off, I leant on her thighs and started to rub the dildo against her lips, slowly down and back up, adding a little pressure on each pass, opening her up to me. With a glance up and her, I saw her eyes were closed, her mouth was open and she was pulling at her nipples. I parted her lips with my thumb and forefinger of one hand and lined up the head of the toy with her opening.

Nicola twitched as if she was surprised, but as she settled, I applied some pressure and the head popped into her. It was fascinating watching, as if in slow motion, her lips parted to welcome the intrusion before clamping around it and when I pulled back a little her lips seemed to cling on as if they didn't want to let go. I did not want to ruin this, so worked slowly, in a little followed by pulling out and pushing in further. Over a couple of minutes, I worked the dildo in until my hand pushed up against Nicola's pussy.

She put her hand over mine and when I looked up, she was smiling, “Once sec. I’ve only had my fingers and a couple of other things since I got here.”

When her breathing had settled down, she pulled my hand and then pushed it back in. After a few times like this, I pulled my hand out and put hers under mine. Nicola took control of the dildo and did not react when I took my hand away. I had never seen anything so erotic in all my life. As she carried on, I sat down on the bed next to her. I stroked her hair and kissed her but thought she was off in a world of her own. Her free hand dragged up my leg until she took hold of my cock and her eyes suddenly opened.

Almost without missing a beat, she pulled the dildo out and climbed onto the bed on all fours and fiddled between her legs and with a pant I knew it was back in her. Her other hand was back on my cock and she was guiding it to her mouth which she was lowering over me. When I leant back a little, I could see her arm moving under her and if I looked over her back, I could see her hand and the end of the toy when she pulled it out, but only for a moment before she pushed it back in. I had been wrong, the scene had got even more erotic.

Nicola proved her multitasking skills again. Even as her breath showed signs of reaching her peak, her work on me never faltered. If anything, this was a better blow-job than I had received before as her panting only enhanced everything she was doing with her lips and tongue. She was good and it was not long before I had to warn her. I noticed that she slowed down on me, but her other hand was moving faster. Her breath was coming faster and faster and that was enough to send me over the edge. I tried to clench, I tried to warn her and put my hand on her cheek, but she was relentless and it seemed to trigger something in her. She was swallowing and I felt her move her hand to my leg as her mouth slipped further down my cock and then I let go. When I did, her grip on my thigh tightened and her nails dug into my flesh. That was when I saw her back arching down. It looked like her bum was clenched tight and her shoulders tensed up.

I stroked her hair as she shuddered and shook, then it was over. She pulled her mouth off my cock, almost cleaning it on her way up. Nicola crawled up into my arms and kissed me gently but with passion, then she pushed her tongue into my mouth and I knew she had not swallowed everything.

“You don’t mind?” she asked.

“It’s mine, I can hardly complain if you are willing to do it.” I finished with a shrug.

Nicola looked to the side and picked up the dildo and held it to my lips. With another shrug, I opened my mouth and surprised her as I sucked it clean.

“What? It’s all you and I know where that dildo’s been.”

“You can visit again,” she giggled.

We rolled around and lay on the bed and before snuggling into a spoon behind her, I pulled a blanket over us.

Infinity looks flat and uninteresting, that is until you are lying with your best friend, lover and soul mate in your arms. When the three are one person, infinity is not long enough to hold them. With these thoughts, I drifted off to the infinity of sleep.

Thanks to cbears52 for proofreading

Thank you to the moderators for helping me getting this published

And thank you to everyone that reads, comments and/or votes.

All feedback is welcome, either in the comments or via a direct message.



Written by kiteares
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