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"Racula loses her virginity when she visits her sister Lari"

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The train edged slowly along the platform at Gara de Nord in Bucharest. When it finally came to rest, Racula opened the door and followed the crowds towards the exit barriers. She was intimidated by the scale of the station and the hordes of people and was relieved to see her older sister Lari waiting on the other side when she reached the barriers.

Lari hugged her and kissed her on the cheek once she was through. "How are our parents," she asked.

Racula laughed. Neither sister liked their strict but distant parents, who were rarely home. "Fine," she replied. "They're off again tomorrow, who knows where."

The weather was hot for June, and Racula soon overheated as Lari confidently navigated through the vast concourse to the entrance to the Metro. She took off her usual baggy sweatshirt and stuffed it into her bulging backpack. 

After two short rides and a change to the M2 line, they emerged blinking into the sunlight from the Universitate Metro station. Fifteen minutes later, they walked past the neighbouring Lutheran church and up the steps to the apartment building. Their parents had leased a first-floor flat overlooking the park for Lari while she was at University. Racula could hardly wait to join her in the autumn when she started her first year. Assuming she passed her exams and the interview on Monday went well. Racula was confident; she was expected to get top grades and was widely considered the school nerd.

Lari gave Racula a brief tour of the spacious apartment. She was surprised at how lovely it was, not expecting such luxurious surroundings from her parents. Lari had a room at one end overlooking the street with an en-suite bathroom. The lounge looked over the park and led directly into a kitchen area. Racula's room was in the opposite corner to Lari's.

"You've only got a shower room, I'm afraid," Lari said.

Racula didn't care. The room was spacious. Two windows looked out onto the park and a third onto the narrow alley separating the adjacent building. Racula was glad to see she had room for a desk.

That evening, Lari's boyfriend Florin joined them, and they ate at the small restaurant a few hundred metres away. It was a pleasantly warm evening, so they took a table on the terrace.

Racula chatted brightly with her sister, discussing her plans for the weekend, but Florin hardly said a word and didn't touch Lari the entire evening, which Racula thought was odd as her sister adored Florin.

When the meal was over, Florin pecked Lari on the cheek and departed. Racula looked quizically at her sister, who merely shrugged.

Tired from her journey, Racula slept soundly and only awoke when Lari popped her head around the bedroom door.

"I'm off to work now," Lari said. "I'll see you this evening."

Lari had told her she worked at a bookstore to augment the measly allowance from their parents.

"Okay," she said sleepily. "See you later."

Once dressed in the baggy clothes she habitually wore, Racula spent the morning wandering the University, familiarising herself. She located the Physics building she'd visit on Monday for her interview and found the Art department where her sister studied the History of Art.

The surroundings were great, and Racula was excited, looking forward to starting in September. She grabbed a quick sandwich at lunchtime and browsed nearby academic bookstores, buying a few astronomy and astrophysics texts she knew were on her first-year reading list. 

By mid-afternoon, she was tired and walked back to the apartment. She climbed the steps and let herself into the building. The door to the ground-floor flat was ajar. She heard female giggling from within, and then a male voice made a deep, satisfied sigh.

"Oh, yes," a man's voice said. "After you suck my cock, I'll fuck you senseless."

Racula knew the messy mechanics of sex but had never experienced it. Experienced it? She grinned. She'd never seen anyone make love and hadn't even watched porn, and she wasn't sure if she ever wanted her body to be so intimately invaded. But she couldn't resist the temptation to watch; would the woman enjoy it? She pushed at the door so she could peek around the edge.

She could see into the room at the end of a short entrance corridor. Half of a bed was visible, with the rest out of view to the corridor's left.

A naked young woman knelt with her back to Racula, facing a naked man who sat on the edge of the bed.

Racula watched the dark-haired girl's head move backwards and forwards and heard the man murmuring.

"Yes … keep going … nearly there."

The man's hands were now on the back of the girl's head. Racula saw his hips jerk then the man sighed. "That was fantastic."

The girl giggled. "I'm not going to swallow, David," she said, "and I hope you've saved some for when you're fucking me."

Racula was disgusted when she realised the man must have ejaculated into the girl's mouth. How could she let him do that?

The girl stood, turned and walked out of view, giving Racula a glimpse of her large pendulous boobs. Racula was envious of their size; they dwarfed her own tiny boobs. Her sister, Lari's, tits were similarly big but didn't sag. She heard the gush of a tap running briefly.

The naked man who sat on the bed was now visible. Racula stared at his erect penis, the first she'd ever seen. To her inexperienced eye, the wet rigid dick looked enormous. How on earth could that thing be enjoyable inside her?

She put a hand into her damp panties and rubbed her slit. Her fingers were wet, so she licked them before feeling herself again as she watched, fascinated.

The blond young man looked to his right. "Hurry up, Alina, or you'll have to suck me rigid again."

Racula heard the girl - Alina - laugh. "It's your own fault. You know I won't swallow your cum."

Moments later, the girl came back into view. She pushed the man backwards so he lay prone on the bed. 

Alina got onto the bed, and Racula watched as she knelt astride the man, grabbed his dick and slowly sat down on it. The girl sounded happy when she wiggled her bum and sighed.

Alina giggled. "Fill me up, baby," Racula heard her say.

Racula watched as the girl rode the man, just like doing a rising trot on a horse, and saw his rigid dick emerge wetly from her pussy. Again Racula put her hand inside her panties and massaged her wet minge. She wondered what riding a man like that felt like. 

"Yes ... harder ... give it to me," Alina moaned as Racula watched.

Racula heard keys rattle in the lock of the door behind her. Horrified at the thought of being caught watching, she quickly ran up the stairs to their apartment.

Once inside, Racula leant against the closed door. She felt hot and flushed from the arousal of watching Alina riding the man's dick. What must that feel like

From the moans, Alina had clearly enjoyed having that monstrous thing inside her. Racula grinned. Tomorrow was her eighteenth birthday and finding out what that felt like would make the perfect present.

Lari arrived home a couple of hours later. 

"Do you know the girl in the apartment downstairs?" Racula asked.

Lari frowned. "Alina? Not really," she replied. "She's a right proper slut, though. The sound of some man fucking her often keeps me awake, and she has a new boyfriend every time I see her."

Racula was surprised Lari was so censorious. Racula thought the girl's noisy enjoyment was lovely, and she looked forward to feeling the same raw emotions.

After another meal with Lari and her wooden boyfriend, ostensibly to celebrate her eighteenth birthday, Racula tried to sleep. It took ages for her to finally doze off as she ran erotic scenarios through her head, unable to conceive a plan where she'd lose her virginity.

The following morning, after coffee and croissant bought from the nearby restaurant, Lari disappeared, heading off to her job again. Racula considered her plan for the day.

She still had no idea how to fulfil her vow to have sex, but she wanted to be ready should an opportunity arise. Racula had never thought much about the appearance of her pussy, which was unshaven and bushy. She had seen the girl, Alina's shaved pussy, and her sister's neatly trimmed bush. What did men like? She decided she wasn't brave enough to copy Alina and fully shave her cunt. So she hunted the bathroom and found her sister's razor.

Ten minutes later, she examined her work in the full-length mirror. The dark hair was still quite bushy, she realised. But it was neater than before, and she liked how it looked. Satisfied, she put on her briefest panties, then dressed in her usual sloppy jeans and a baggy T-shirt.

Racula spent the morning sightseeing. By lunchtime, she had had enough. She was lucky and found an empty table at a cafe in the Old Town. The streets were thronged, and Racula watched the people passing by as she sipped her coffee. She was so intent on the crowd that she jumped when a man spoke.

"Excuse me, miss," the man said.

She turned to face him.

The white-haired old man smiled. "I didn't mean to startle you," he said. "Do you mind if I join you, as it's crowded here today?"

He sat down, looked around for a waiter, and gestured. He turned to Racula, looked her in the eye, and stuck out a hand.

"Puzo," the man said. When Racula hesitated, he continued. "And you are?"

The man was scrutinising her. Racula blushed at the attention. No one ever paid her attention. Racula loosely shook the outstretched hand. "Racula," she said. "My name is Racula."

Puzo smiled. "Pleased to meet you, Racula," he said. "Let me buy you a drink."

When Racula opened her mouth to refuse, he continued.

"I insist," he said. "It's the least I can do after making you jump like that."

He turned to the waiter. "Two glasses of Sauvignon Blanc, please," he said. "The driest you have."

The wine arrived, and she chatted easily with the man, Puzo. He was attentive and listened to her, not interrupting. She told him of her impending interview and that, all being well, she'd be studying here later in the year.

"You seem confident you'll get in?" he said.

Racula was. Grades were never her problem. "I'm only worried about the interview," she said. "I've never been comfortable talking to strangers."

Puzo smiled. "You seem fine talking to me," he said.

Racula realised she was comfortable with Puzo. She liked the white hair above his tanned, handsome face, and he was well-built for such an old man.

He was easy to talk to, and Racula felt she could tell him anything. After another glass of wine, she discussed her hopes and fears. Finally, she blurted out her vow.

"Seriously?" Puzo said. "You've really never had sex?"

Racula blushed and nodded. "Never. I've not really had a proper boyfriend."

She pushed her shoulders back. "But I do want to make love," she said. "It would make a lovely birthday present."

The wine made her bold. She looked Puzo in the eye. "Not by some fumbling boy who doesn't know what they're doing," she said. "I want to learn from someone experienced."

Puzo looked her up and down. "Do you think you would allow me to teach you?" he asked.

Racula felt her face flush. She hadn't imagined it would happen today, but now a decision had been thrust on her, and she was conflicted.

Puzo sat patiently, watching as conflicting emotions coursed through Racula's mind. Would he laugh at her inexperience? Would it be painful? Did she really want to make love to such an old man? She took a few deep breaths to calm herself. There was only one way to settle the matter.

Racula looked into Puzo's blue eyes. "Yes, please," she said. "I want you to make love to me."

Puzo smiled and nodded. "I hope you'll enjoy it," he said, sounding sincere. "Are you ready to go?"

Racula was now terrified. She knew she could back out, but the man was agreeable and not bad-looking. He was old, but at least that meant he'd know what to do. She looked at him again; for an old man, he looked very fit. Below that shock of white hair, he was a big man, fit, not overweight. He clearly worked out. Finally, she nodded, unable to speak coherently.

Puzo looked her up and down. "Those clothes don't suit you, so we're going shopping first."

Racula followed Puzo through the maze of streets into a large clothes shop. Racula paid no attention to fashion, but even she knew the designer names etched into the windows.

"I can't afford this," she said quietly to Puzo.

"Don't be silly. It's your birthday," Puzo said. He looked her up and down. "I want you to look your best before I give you your special present." 

Racula blushed, and the butterflies in her stomach once more protested. She really was going to fulfil that silly vow.

Puzo browsed the rack, pulling out several dresses before shaking his head and putting them back. Finally, he pulled out a blue silk dress trimmed in gold with a delicate gold chain as a belt.

"This looks like your size," he said, looking her up and down again. "I think it will suit you."

He removed the price tag and handed the dress to Racula. "Go ahead, try it on."

Racula looked around for the changing rooms. Puzo pointed. "Over there," he said.

She felt stupid that she hadn't spotted the obvious sign. She walked through the curtains separating the changing area from the shop and found a free cubicle. She undressed, hung up her baggy T-shirt and jeans, and left her backpack and trainers on the floor.

She pulled the blue silk dress over her head and positioned the thin straps on her shoulders. She tightened the gold chain belt and adjusted the dress so the skirt hung properly.

Racula left the cubicle barefoot. There was a mirror outside in the changing area.

Puzo was right. The dress matched her dark wavy hair and blue eyes. It fit her perfectly, but Racula felt self-conscious. She always wore sloppy sweatshirts and baggy jeans, but this dress was as light as a feather and clung to her slim body. The thin straps met the neckline just an inch or two above her nipples, which were noticeable through the delicate silk. 

She turned around and looked back at herself in the mirror. The skirt, which almost reached her knees, clung to her bum, and she could see her pantie line. It revealed far more of her body than she was used to. 

Racula decided the dress was lovely, complemented her dark wavy hair, and made her look attractive, but she wanted a second opinion. She left her clothes in the cubicle and walked out through the curtain.

Puzo whistled softly. "I was right; it suits you," he said. "You look wonderful."

He stood there and looked her slowly up and down. Racula noticed his gaze linger around her chest. "Should I wear a bra?" she asked, self-conscious that her nipples were visible through the dress.

Puzo laughed. "No, absolutely not," he said. "Your boobs look lovely in that dress. Why would you want to hide them?"

Racula loved the compliment but was always envious of her sister's huge boobs. "They're too small," she said. "A bra would make them look bigger."

She put a hand up to her right boob. "And my nipples are showing."

Puzo shook his head. "Your tits are great, perfect even," he said, staring at her chest. He grinned, "and your nipples look fine, even though they tell me you are aroused."

Racula realised that was true. Throughout their shopping trip, the thought that this man would soon make love to her remained lodged at the back of her mind. She blushed when she imagined his strong hands running over the dress and pulling the straps off her shoulders.

"Thank you," she said. "I've never felt I was sexy before."

Puzo's blue eyes twinkled as he grinned at her. "Oh, you are sexy," he said. "Incredibly sexy. But we're not finished yet."

Puzo led her upstairs to the shoe section. The shop assistant brought out a small array of shoes in her size.

Puzo scanned the selection and picked out a pair of black high heels. "Try these on."

Racula sat on the comfortable bench and considered the black shoes. She realised the gold trim matched that on the dress. He has a good eye, she thought. She slipped the shoes on and stood.

She walked backwards and forwards a few paces. She never wore heels and found them awkward, though she knew Puzo hadn't picked anything outrageously high. 

"They fit perfectly," she said.

Puzo nodded. "Yes," he said, "and you look very elegant." He grinned. "Go on, give me a twirl."

Racula was still uncomfortable in the heels and stumbled when she tried to spin. Puzo caught her, and Racula was conscious of his strong arms supporting her. He smells nice, too, she thought.

Puzo laughed. "It's obvious you never wear heels," he said. "Go on, try again."

Racula stood and tried again. This time she didn't fall. The skirt of the dress flared as she turned, exposing her thighs.

Puzo nodded. "That outfit is perfect," he said. "It really suits you and shows off your lovely young body."

Racula preened. No one had ever complimented her like this, and she enjoyed it.

"Let me go and pay for it," he said, waving the tags that he hadn't let her see. "Don't change back; just collect your jeans and things. You look far nicer wearing that dress, sexier and more attractive."

Racula stopped to examine herself in the mirror. She discovered she agreed with Puzo; the blue dress went well with her eyes and contrasted nicely with her skin. Happier, she walked through the curtains into the changing area, stuffed her clothes and trainers into her backpack and walked back out, carrying the bag in one hand.

She looked around. Puzo was at the till, so she walked over to meet him.

The woman serving Puzo looked her up and down, then turned to Puzo. "Good choice," she said. "That dress fits your daughter very well. She looks demure but still sexy."

Racula thought she detected a subtle emphasis on "daughter" but wasn't sure what it meant. She smiled at Puzo.

"Thank you for the dress," she said. "I love it."

Racula jumped when Puzo took her hand. It dwarfed her own, and his deeply tanned skin contrasted with her paler complexion, but she suddenly felt secure and protected. It was a nice feeling.

The woman behind the till tutted. Racula blushed when she realised the woman must know Puzo was going to make love to her.

Puzo ignored the woman. "That outfit isn't quite complete," he said. "Let's get you some accessories."

A few minutes later, she had a black crocodile pattern Fendi purse with a gold clasp slung over her shoulder on a long, thin gold chain.

Puzo stood back, put his hands on his hips and examined her. "Yes, that will do nicely," he said. "You look perfect."

Racula started to put on her backpack, but Puzo stopped her.

"Don't be silly," Puzo said. "You can't wear a backpack in that dress. Let me."

Puzo put on the backpack and took her hand. As they walked onto the sunlit street, Racula was conscious of the large, strong hand that lightly held her own, making her feel secure. He had ensured she saw none of the prices, but Racula knew Puzo had spent a fortune on her new outfit. 

She was uncomfortable; was she selling her virginity? She tried to dismiss the idea; Puzo had not once suggested this was transactional.

They ambled slowly around the posh shopping district. As they did so, Racula gradually became aware that men were covertly watching her. That had never happened to her before, and she liked the idea that she was desirable, though it made her self-conscious and nervous.

Puzo noticed that she stood slightly straighter, with her shoulders back. He stopped and turned her gently to face him. His brilliant blue eyes pierced her soul.

"Finally," he said. "A beautiful young woman like you should be self-confident."

"Come on," he said. "My conscience will finally let me fuck you."

Racula flinched at the crude swear word, but she realised it was sex, not love, she had asked for. She felt excitement course through her.

"Please," she said. "I want you to make …" She corrected herself. "I want you to fuck me."

Puzo reached over and stroked her cheek. "I'm glad you understand," he said. "I promise you will enjoy it, but it is only sex. Someone far younger than me will finally win your love." He paused. "Make sure they deserve it."

Racula realised she could easily fall for this gentle, considerate man, however old he was.

The taxi dropped them outside the small church next door to the apartment building. Racula led Puzo up to the flat. Now the moment was upon her; she was terrified.

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Puzo walked in and looked around. When Racula pushed the door closed, Puzo spoke.

"You're lucky to have such spacious rooms," he said. He looked Racula up and down. "Which one is yours?"

Racula led him to her bedroom. Once inside, Puzo put his arms around Racula, pulled her close, and kissed her. His tongue probed insistently at her closed lips. She opened her mouth and enjoyed the novel feeling and arousal when his tongue entered her mouth and played with hers. Her nipples hardened, and her panties felt wet. 

Racula tried to keep kissing him when Puzo pushed her away, but he pushed her too far. She wasn't sure what would happen next, so she stood rigid and unmoving, scared but excited that soon he would make love to her.

Puzo saw she was nervous. He smiled and caressed her cheek. "I'm going to undress you now," he said. "Is that okay?"

She had never let a man see her naked before and was worried he wouldn't like her skinny body. But she swallowed and nodded.

"Try to relax," Puzo said. "You have a fabulous nubile figure, and I want to see more of it."

Racula inhaled and tried, but she still felt stiff and awkward. Puzo lifted the expensive handbag over her head and dropped it to the floor. Then he undid the gold chain belt around her waist, so her dress was loose.

Puzo leaned forward and kissed her lightly, just brushing her lips. "There's nothing to be scared about," he said quietly.

He reached out, and his hands pulled the straps of the blue silk dress off her shoulders. The dress fell and bunched around her waist, revealing her flat chest.

Puzo sighed, gazing at her boobs. He looked up at her. "You look amazing," he said.

Racula flinched when his hands reached out and stroked her naked torso. Her skin tingled at his gentle touch, and she enjoyed the feeling as his strong hands moved back up her sides to brush against her boobs.

His hands brushed lightly down her flanks to her waist. He pulled lightly at the silk dress, and it fell to the floor, leaving Racula wearing just her white panties and black high heels.

She felt self-conscious as he looked her up and down. "Do I pass muster?" she asked.

"Admirably," he replied. 

His hand reached out, and Racula tried not to jump when he slid it into her white panties. His hand ran down her newly trimmed pussy, and a strong finger probed her wet slit. 

Puzo smiled at her. "You really want this, don't you?" he asked.

She could hardly wait. "Yes," she whispered.

Puzo pulled down her panties and exposed her pussy. "Cute," he said. "When did you trim yourself?"

Racula giggled. "Yesterday," she replied. "I never thought about it until then, as no one would want to see my pussy."

Puzo shook his head and stepped back to admire her. Racula was naked except for the black high heels. She pushed her shoulders back and put her hands on her hips, trying to look confident.

Puzo laughed properly. "How could you possibly think that," he said. "That body is every man's fantasy. I can't wait to fuck you."

Racula loved the compliment. The boys had mocked her at school, nicknaming her "ironing board." "You don't think I'm too scrawny?" she asked.

Puzo just shook his head and stepped towards her. His arms wrapped around her naked body and pulled her close. Racula pressed against him, longing to feel his naked flesh against her, wishing he wasn't still fully clothed. Puzo kissed her deeply, and she felt his hands slide gently down her back and clasp her bum. One hand reached around to squeeze between their entwined bodies, and a finger probed her wet slit again.

"Do you want me to fuck you now?" Puzo asked. "I think you're ready."

She swallowed hard and stared into his blue eyes. "Please," she implored Puzo.

He nodded. "Lie on your back on the bed," he said.

Racula took off her heels and lay naked on her back as instructed, her head propped up with pillows and her legs stretched out in front of her. She saw the neat triangle of her bush and was glad Puzo liked it. 

She watched him run his gaze up and down her body. "You look beautiful," Puzo said. "Relax for a minute."

He unbuttoned his shirt and took it off. He was broad-shouldered and had a few grey hairs on his chest, but not many. His body looked well-toned and muscular. He hardly looked old at all. Only his white hair and a few lines on his face hinted at age.

Her stomach did flip-flops when he joined her on the bed. He still wore his trousers and knelt beside her. One hand reached out and ran lightly down her body. "Shhh, relax," he said as his hand stroked her gently.

He moved, so he was kneeling astride her knees. Racula closed her eyes. His firm, gentle hands moved all over her body, one lightly stroking each flank, avoiding her flat chest but briefly caressing her bum cheeks. It felt lovely, and she concentrated on the sensuous feeling his hands evoked. 

She sighed and looked at him. "That feels nice," she said. His gaze wandered over her body as his hands continued to gently stroke her, now more intimately; his thumbs ran across her small boobs, brushing gently against her hard nipples. 

She was nervous. Puzo hadn't said a thing, and she knew men liked big boobs. "Do you like my body?" she finally asked.

Puzo grinned and looked her in the eye. "It is fabulous. Perfect, even," he said. He sounded sincere. 

Racula relaxed slightly. "Even my tits?" she asked. "I know men like big boobs."

Puzo laughed. His hands reached for her flat chest and gently stroked her tits. It felt marvellous when his fingers pinched her nipples lightly. "Yes, even your small boobs," he said. "They look perfect; I love them."

After a moment, he grinned broadly. "Some say that more than a mouthful is a waste," he said. "Do you want me to check?"

She loved the feeling of his hands lightly exploring her body and was curious what it would feel like when his tongue did the same. More than merely interested, she was aroused by the thought and wanted to feel his warm mouth on her boobs. She jerked her head. "Yes," she whispered.

Puzo leaned forward, and his tanned face approached her chest. When his mouth opened, she felt his warm breath on her right boob and his fingers playing with her left. His tongue flicked out and touched her nipple. She revelled in the intimate feelings when his wet tongue circled her nipple, and his lips sucked her breast lightly.

Racula sighed, exhaling completely, and enjoyed the glorious sensations as he swapped his attention to her other breast. 

He lifted his head and smiled at her. "They are perfect," he said.

Racula smiled. Puzo knew how to make her feel special. "That felt fabulous," she said.

Then his tongue was between her boobs. It ran slowly down her body as his hands caressed her flanks. She was nervous once more when she guessed his intimate target. She watched his progress down her stomach and giggled when his tongue gently explored her belly button.

Disappointingly, Puzo stopped when his tongue brushed her pubes. "Don't stop," she said softly.

Still astride her knees, he smiled at her. "Don't worry, we just need to change positions," he said. "Then I'll pay your pussy proper attention."

He got up and stood at the foot of the bed. "Open your legs," he said.

Racula nervously complied, spreading her feet apart, and blushed. Puzo's gaze was fixed between her legs; she had never allowed anyone to see her like this, let alone examine her intimate regions so closely. But Puzo wasn't finished.

"Draw your feet up towards your bum," he said.

When Racula complied, her knees were high and spread wide apart, fully exposing her pussy to his intimate, lustful gaze.

"I'm going to play with your pussy now," he said. 

She nervously watched him position himself. He knelt at the foot of the bed so, when he leaned forward, his head was between her knees. She gasped when she felt his hot breath on her pussy.

His hands again reached forward to stroke her gently, and she waited nervously to feel his tongue touch her. Even though she expected that hot intimate touch, she still jumped when his tongue licked slowly up the length of her labia.

His tongue probed her intimately, pressing against her labia and worming deliciously inside to play with her sensitive clitoris.

Racula moaned and put her hands behind his head. "Don't stop," she whispered.

Her whole body tingled in ecstasy as his tongue continued its wet work on her clitoris, and she felt her muscles shiver and spasm, and her thighs clamped tightly around his head as his invasive tongue brought her to her first proper climax.

She marvelled at the feelings; she hadn't realised anything could feel so good. When they subsided, she sighed.

"Before I fuck you," Puzo said, "I should teach something all men like."

Racula watched him take off his trousers and then his underpants. When his rigid cock sprang free, she gasped. It was much bigger than the dick she had seen when she watched Alina being fucked. She couldn't imagine it would fit in her pussy.

She couldn't tear her gaze from the gigantic rigid dick. Puzo pulled back his foreskin, revealing his bulbous glans.

"You've never seen an erect cock before, have you?" he asked.

She looked up at his blue eyes. "Once, but your dick is much bigger; it's enormous," she replied. She blushed. "I saw a man fuck the girl in the flat below."

Racula found her eyes drawn back to that monstrous thing that waved in front of her. Puzo laughed.

"Put your hand around it," he said. "It won't bite."

Racula smiled and grasped the fat shaft. It was hot and unyielding in her small hand; she wondered what it would feel like inside her.

"Now move your hand up and down," Puzo said.

She complied and felt the skin move in her grip. She was fascinated when a bead of pre-cum oozed from the tip of Puzo's cock. She leaned forward.

"Go ahead," he said. "Kiss it."

Racula looked up at him. "Promise you won't come in my mouth," she said. "That man did that to Alina, and she didn't like it.

Puzo looked serious. "I promise I won't," he said. After a moment, he smiled. "Unless you ask me to."

Racula knew she wouldn't ever do that. She leaned forward, and her tongue grazed the tip of his massive dick. She knew she needed to put it in her mouth but was too nervous. Instead, she ran her tongue around his glans.

"Good girl," Puzo said.

She plucked up courage and opened her mouth as wide as she could. The enormous dick grazed her teeth when she leaned forward, barely fitting into her mouth. It pressed hotly down onto her tongue. Racula wasn't sure she enjoyed the sensation of the massive dick filling her mouth, but it wasn't too unpleasant. She closed her lips around Puzo's fat shaft.

Racula looked up. "You're doing fine," Puzo said. "Now move your head backwards and forwards."

She tried to mimic what she had seen the girl Alina do. As she did so, more of the rigid pole entered her mouth. Soon, she bobbed her head confidently, her hand wrapped around his unbending shaft, following her movements.

"Yes, very good," Puzo said. "Take your hand away and see how much of me you can inhale."

The massive hot dick filled her mouth already, but Racula tried. She pushed forward and coughed when she felt his glans at the back of her mouth. She was disappointed to see several inches of his gigantic dick still protruding from her mouth.

She tried bobbing her head again, letting the gargantuan cock brush her tonsils with every stroke. It was fun, and she enjoyed the challenge of seeing how much dick she could inhale.

"You're a natural," Puzo said. "But that's enough for now, or I will come in your mouth."

Racula reluctantly let him pull his rampant member from her mouth. She swore she would do better next time and inhale the whole thing.

Puzo grinned. "Do you think that will fit inside you?" Puzo asked.

He's going to fuck me now! She was scared but couldn't take her eyes off the wet monstrosity in front of her. "I hope so," she said.

Puzo told her to lie on her side, and she felt his warm body pressed against her back. She felt something nudge at her damp slit. Her hand touched his enormous cock that pushed invasively at her slit. Her fingers became wet from her juices. The massive cock rubbed lightly up and down her crack several times, letting her get used to the intimate feeling. Then the rigid dick pressed harder and parted her labia. Puzo ran his tool up and down inside her lips without pushing deeper. Racula enjoyed the sensations as her lips were parted by that massive dick. She shivered as it touched her sensitive clitoris.

Racula felt him kiss the back of her neck, making her tingle at his sensitive touch. "Are you ready?" he whispered into her ear. "I'm going to ram it in hard; that way, it should only sting for a moment."

She swallowed. Puzo was about to enter her virgin pussy. "Please," she managed to say.

Her body tensed. Puzo's strong hands stroked her tenderly. "Relax," he said.

Racula tried to relax, but the anticipation of a sudden, painful thrust made that impossible. His arms clasped her tightly to him. His enormous dick ran between her moist labia again and stopped at her entrance. Pressure built as he pushed slightly inside her. She squealed at the sharp pain when he rammed his enormous dick hard into her. 

She felt him kiss her neck softly again, but her attention was elsewhere. Her pussy felt weird with his massive cock inside her. It was no longer painful, but her pussy felt stretched and tight around his cock. She wasn't sure she liked it. But I'm not a virgin anymore.

"Are you okay?" Puzo asked.

Racula considered the pressure inside her cunt and the snug feeling of Puzo's body pressed against her back. "Yes," she replied. "It feels odd to have something inside stretching me, but it doesn't hurt now."

She felt his hot breath near her ear. "Good," he breathed. "I'm going to fuck you now." 

She gasped when she felt movement inside her wet pussy as he slowly withdrew his dick. The odd, arousing pressure returned as Puzo pushed his mammoth cock slowly back inside her. She grew more accustomed to the sensations as he started to slowly fuck her with long strokes.

When he sped up and his giant dick slid smoothly in and out of her wet pussy she sighed deeply. She felt his fingers playing with her clitoris as his dick pistoned into her. The sensation was fabulous and intensely arousing. She loved the warm intimacy of his body pressed against her, and that invasive dick moving inside her tight cunt provoked an exciting feeling of being stretched. She started moaning; the feelings his dick aroused in her were like when he had tongued her earlier, and she knew this time that she was about to climax.

"Yes, that's wonderful," she gasped when her muscles twitched. She felt her pussy clench around Puzo's cock, and her warm juices leaked onto the bed, forming a damp patch.

Puzo paused with his mammoth dick hilt-deep in her pussy. The enormous dick embedded inside her felt fabulous. She squirmed her bum and pushed it back against him, trying to drive his cock deeper.

His hot breath was on her ear again. "Did you like that?" he asked.

"It was incredible," she replied. "Can you fuck me again, please?"

She felt his whole body shake as he laughed. "I would love to," he said. "Do you want to try a different position?"

She sighed. "Whatever you want," she said. "Everything so far has been wonderful."

"How about you sit astride me and ride my cock," he suggested.

That was the position she had seen Alina enjoy so much. It sounded perfect. "I'd love that."

Puzo's enormous cock withdrew from her pussy, and he no longer pressed against her. Racula twisted so she was on her hands and knees; Puzo was prone on the bed next to her. She could hardly take her eyes off his giant dick, which stood fully at attention, wet from her pussy. It was hard to believe something so huge had been inside her. More incredibly, after that first painful thrust, she had loved it.

She wrenched her gaze away from his cock. Racula knelt astride Puzo with her knees on either side of his groin. She looked down and scanned his toned body, then looked at his lined face and those piercing blue eyes.

"Reach down," Puzo said. "Guide my dick into you as you sit down."

Racula felt for his enormous wet cock and grabbed his shaft with one hand. She lowered herself slowly until she felt his massive dick brush her minge. She gently moved his cock until the tip was in position and slowly sat down on him. She loved the tight feeling as his massive tool slid smoothly into her wet pussy until her entire weight pressed down on his groin.

After she had rested there for a moment, Puzo spoke. "Now ride me," he said. "It's just like riding a horse, rising trot."

Racula laughed, remembering her thought as she watched Alina being fucked. "So I'm a horse to be broken and tamed?" she asked.

Puzo suddenly looked serious. "Never, ever let anyone tame you."

She really could fall for this man, she realised. She laughed. "Never," she said lightly.

She slowly lifted herself from the massive dick that impaled her, careful not to let it leave her pussy and lowered herself. The sensations as it glided in and out of her wet cunt were as marvellous as before. Racula rode him slowly until she was used to how far she could rise, and then she started to move faster. She loved the intense expression on his face as he gazed up at her.

When she felt herself approaching climax, she leaned forward and crouched close above him. She tilted her head forward and kissed him deeply, their tongues entwined as she felt him ram his massive dick hard and fast into her sodden teenage pussy.

When she felt herself climax and her pussy clenched around the cock embedded inside her, she heard Puzo groan, and he rammed his dick harder into her, holding it there. She felt a hot wave of cum flood her pussy, oozing out to run warmly down her thighs.

Her climax slowly subsided, and his mammoth cock finally stopped erupting cum into her, so she collapsed against his chest with his massive dick still deep inside her.

Puzo looked up at her with his piercing eyes. "I didn't mean to lose control and come inside you," he said. 

Racula grinned down at him. "I don't care," she said, "I loved every moment."

Racula didn't know how long they lay naked, entwined together, as she dozed lightly. Finally, Puzo disengaged himself.

"Don't go," Racula said sleepily. "I want you to fuck me again."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it so much, " he said, "but duty calls, and I must go now." He grinned. "I would love to fuck you again sometime soon if you can stand any more of an old man."

She had already decided to see him again and feel that glorious cock inside her. She smiled and wrapped a hand around his mammoth dick.

"I think I could stand that," she said. 

Racula lay naked on the bed and watched as Puzo dressed. She stood, and they exchanged contact details before he walked to the door. Puzo pulled her naked body close and kissed her at the door before he left.

Racula was careful not to show too much affection. But she stood at the door and watched him disappear down the stairs. She waited until she heard the outside door click shut.

She shook her head. He had been lovely, and she knew she would call him again. For now, that was enough. She showered and dressed in her new outfit, which she couldn't wait to show her sister, Lari.

She sat and tried to read one of her new astrophysics textbooks while waiting for Lari. She couldn't concentrate and instead replayed the day's events and how they made her feel. It was her best birthday ever.

Finally, she heard a key in the door, and Lari returned from work.

"Do you like my birthday present?" she asked her sister.

She did a twirl, making the skirt flare and show off her thighs.

"Wow, that must have cost you a fortune," Lari said. "How on earth did you afford it?"

Racula grinned. "I didn't," she said. "A nice man bought it for me, and then we made love."

Jealously flashed briefly across Lari's face. "I hope you're not going to become a slut like Alina," she said.

Racula had loved Puzo's attention and having that enormous member inside her. She grinned.

"Of course not."

Written by grendel54321
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