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It was shortly after I had coated L'natria's mouth with my cum that I discovered another very pleasing aspect of this alien world. Shatabhisha Galli had incredible restorative powers! Back on Earth after an orgasm like I had just experienced, I would be done for at least a couple hours as I recovered and reloaded.

But here on this planet, I felt recharged and ready to go in just a few minutes! I felt amazing in short order and even horny again and when I asked her about it, L'natria explained.

"Because there are so few men on this planet–only a handful spread out all over, each one with a kingdom of their own, it is very hard for a woman here to know a man–very few get the privilege of knowing what it feels like to pleasure a man.

"So Shatabhisha Galli tries to compensate by making the man restored as quick as possible. That way he is ready to move to the next woman if he desires and she can have an opportunity as well. It works the same for women as well–we recover and are ready to go again quickly too," she said, blushing a little.

A planet overflowing with gorgeous women and only a handful of men... and being able to have sex multiple times a night–this place kept getting better and better!

"Does that mean you wish more, sir?" she asked hopefully. "Because I would love to please you in any other way you wish. Just tell me what you would like to do next and I will do it. Anything at all sir, I mean it!"

She was extremely excited to be with her first man at last, and pleasuring me as she had really aroused her. I rolled her onto her back and kissed her once more. 

"Yes, L'natria, I do wish more. But this time it's my turn!" I said. I took her hands and put them up over her head. "Now you leave those hands there!" I said in mocked sternness. L'natria nodded her head, not sure how much was playing and how much was seriousness.  

I started off by kissing her neck after I found that to be a hot button for her. I kissed my way down to her shoulder and across her collarbone to the center of her chest.

With the inhabitants of this planet being so anatomically similar to the Earth women I was used to, finding my way was not an issue. The women here even seemed to have the same erogenous zones as girls back on Earth! I kissed my way down her chest as her breathing quickened... she knew where I was headed! 

I kissed between her soft pillowy tits and then looked up at her. "Okay L'natria, honey, which way right or left?" I asked her. 

"Sir?" she asked.

"This side?" I asked, kissing her right tit. L'natria moaned as she felt my mouth on her nipple.

"Or this side?" And I kissed her left tit. She moaned again as I kissed her other nipple. 

"Nevermind, I'll just chew on them both!" I said. And I began licking and sucking and gently nibbling on her tender buttons. 

"Ohhh!" L'natria moaned arching her back. She moved her arms mindlessly in a natural reaction, but caught herself and put them back where I had told her to keep them. She looked at me nervously, but I gave no indication I noticed her error so she relaxed again. I spent several wonderful moments alternating my oral affections between the two luscious mounds.

L'natria moaned and writhed and squirmed under me in delighted bliss as I made a meal of her sweet tits. As new to all this as she was, I could have probably brought her to orgasm just by what I was doing to her tits. But I had another destination to get to for that.

So with a groan of disappointment from her, I resumed my journey southward.

I kissed my way down her stomach then I noticed something odd... L'natria had no navel! There was no belly button to be found where one would normally look for it. It puzzled me for a moment, but I quickly forgot about it as I smelled a wonderful aroma coming to my nose.

As I arrived at L'natria's pussy I was delighted to see she was shaved clean and her little pussy was already quite wet in anticipation of my visit. 

"L'natria, I see that your pussy is shaved!" I said.

"Yes. Many of the women of Kupolinis and of Shatabhisha Galli are shaved. I understand that some men prefer it this way. Do you like it?" she asked tentatively.

"I do, very much L'natria," I said smiling. "It is very pretty. And it looks delicious!"

"Delicious?" she asked.

"Yes. Now it's my turn to pleasure you with my mouth," I said. I spread her legs apart and got down between them. Putting my elbows out like short, stubby wings, I was able to hold her legs down with me between them and use my fingers to hold her pussy lips open.

She couldn't close her legs because my body was in the way and she couldn't scoot away from me. I peered into the pretty pink and dripping pussy, just waiting for me to drink my fill of her sweet honey. 

With no further delay, I fastened my mouth over her juicy slit as my tongue pushed its way past her fat lips and started snaking its way deeper into her tunnel.

"Ohh, Adam! Ohhh, yes! Yes! That feels... ohhhh!" she moaned loudly. So loudly I was afraid the other tents would wake up! I snatched my boxers from where they lay and wadding them up, stuffed them into her mouth to serve as a gag to keep the noise to a minimum. 

Once silenced, I went back to my meal. L'natria went wild as I licked and lapped up her juices. My tongue sought out every crack and tiny pink fold as it looked for droplets of her sweetness.

Apparently, she had never been eaten like this and she loved every stroke and swipe of my tongue.

She tasted every bit as good as she looked, her syrupy juices were like the nectar of the gods. I devoured her like she was the first meal I'd had in weeks. L'natria, for her part, was moaning and mewling at times and at others she was crying and begging and thrashing about wildly.

I varied my rhythm and technique in order to keep her off balance and not knowing what was coming next. And my efforts paid off big as she suffered the sweet agony my tongue was imposing on her sensitive pussy.

With my mouth fastened securely to her pussy and my tongue nestled deep inside her, my hands were not needed to hold her open any longer. So they roamed up her soft body and found use at her tits, pinching and tugging gently on her hard nipples and mauling her soft mounds.

To L'natria's credit, she did keep her hands where I had put them, although I could see her hands clawing at the fur blanket and clenching and grasping as she tried to deal with the flood of sensations and emotions that must be washing over her now.

"Sir! Oh, sir, you're going to make cum, sir! Ohhh, please...ohhh sirrr..." she moaned desperately. This was what I had been waiting for and with renewed energy and drive, I increased the torment.

I moved my mouth up an inch or two and captured her swollen and highly sensitive clit in my mouth, sucking on it and drawing it into my mouth so the tip of my tongue could flick across it.

At the same time, I introduced a finger under my chin, shoving it deep into her tunnel and curling it upwards to rub what on Earth would be her g-spot. I found this Shatabhisha Galli woman to have the same "g-spot" anatomy, only hers was even more sensitive than those I have seen on Earth.

The moment I introduced this new technique to her, L'natria lit up like a streetlamp. Clamping her legs as tightly as she could and arching her back she screamed into her makeshift gag.


L'natria's hands came down–she couldn't help herself–and grabbed my head, forcing my face deeper into her crotch. I knew that the intensity of what she was going through would overrule any directions I gave her, and she was operating now on pure basal instinct. I didn't mind.

Knowing that I could bring her to the point where even her most ingrained training was of no consequence was actually a compliment of sorts. I had caused her to lose all control of herself!

Hearing her try to suck air through just her nose and struggling to breathe, I quickly removed her gag (in her lust-fogged mind, she had forgotten she could just spit it out!) and she gasped and gulped down huge mouthfuls of air into her burning lungs.

L'natria's body had tensed and it felt like every muscle in her body was firing off at once. She stayed rigid like that until I became a bit concerned I had broken her... but finally she relaxed and dropped back onto the fur bed, panting and slowly writhing as the orgasm spasms left her body. 

I sat up on my heels between her still spread and trembling legs as she slowly calmed her breathing down. "That... that was... amazing, sir!" she panted.

L'natria wore a big broad smile on her face and her eyes sparkled in the dim lantern light of the tent. She looked beautiful even in the dim light her lantern put out!

As her breathing slowed down, I crawled up her glistening body and mounted her, pulling her soft lean legs up to my waist where she promptly wrapped them around me, holding me to her.

She put her arms around my neck and as I kissed her, I held my cock by the base and started rubbing the head up and down her drooling pussy slit, parting her lips and rubbing the length of her pussy with it. L'natria gasped, wide-eyed as she felt me teasing her.

"Oh, sir," she panted. "I've never felt anything like that! I've used my finger before but your... cock is so much bigger, stronger, but it feels really nice! It's sooo..."

Her words trailed off as I rubbed the tip of my cock over her hyper-sensed clit a few times. Then I circled it before going back to splitting her pussy lips again, A couple of rounds of that really got her going. 

"Umm... sir," she said as she squirmed restlessly under me. "I think you're gonna make me cum again, sir."

For a few more seconds I went on, teasing her with my cock, and watching her squirm and coo in the bed as she tried to ignore the growing pressure in her belly. I could tell she was fighting another orgasm by the look of wide-eyed bliss and the weak attempt at a smile on her pretty face. 

But before she fell into the abyss again, I stopped what I was doing momentarily. She breathed a sigh of relief which I cut short as I moved down and pressed my cock into her very tight but sopping wet hole, stopping just as I reached the entrance to her tunnel. I let my cock sit there as I waited for her to get herself ready.

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She groaned and looked at up me, holding me tightly. "I-is it going to... fit?" she asked softly, her voice trembling.

"Don't worry, L'natria it will fit and if not, then I will not force it. I'm not going to hurt you, honey," I said reassuringly. The truth was although I was fairly certain I would fit inside her tight pussy, I was unsure about how deep her tunnel ran.

She was a small woman, standing only about five foot three inches and although she had a very nice body, she had slim hips and I was, as she had said, bigger than what she had ever known before.

Plus I couldn't forget she was an alien woman and who knows what her internal "plumbing" was like!

So I was going to take it very slowly with her. She was a virgin and I wanted this first time with a man to be something special... something she would remember and cherish fondly.

I eased the tip of my cock forward slowly back and forth an inch or so each way and slowly pushing a bit more each time I went forward. She was plenty slippery and I glided back and forth easily. I could feel her pussy stretching as I inched in deeper and I watched her face never taking my eyes off her and watching for any sign that she was hurting. 

I have had sex many times with a variety of women, but I have never had a virgin and watching her face was a fascinating study of how pleasure and pain combined. Both sides of the coin grew at the same rate and I kept waiting for one side to take control, yet neither did. It was amazing to watch and nearly distracted me from what I was doing to create such a show. Nearly.

L'natria was becoming accustomed to my cock at her entrance now so I started to push myself deeper into her. I pushed forward another inch and felt the head of my cock slip past her vaginal ring. L'natria gasped at the sudden 'pop' and I felt her grip on my shoulders tighten momentarily.

"Are you doing all right?" I asked her. L'natria bit her lip and nodded her eyes pleading with me to be easy. I gave her a little smile to let her know I understood. 

I pressed in further and watched her face. It was intense for her I could tell from the way her eyes watered but it was also very exciting and arousing as well. L'natria was extremely turned on by this!

"Ohhh, sirrr! Oh, this is sooo hot!" she moaned loudly as I sank still deeper into her tight wet hole. I was about halfway in now and her pussy was gripping me so tightly–it was indescribably sexy and she was doing wonderfully!

"I've tried using two fingers before... I even used a krilloo root," she panted, "But this is... way bigger and...better!"

A krilloo root, I would later learn, is a plant whose root grows to about two and a half inches in diameter and when peeled has a slippery surface with small nodules on it. The women would cut off the length they desired, peel it, and round one end.

The root's slippery surface also has a chemical that helps to arouse the woman, turning her on along with the nodules and shaft itself. This root was very popular with the ladies! 

I pushed in a little deeper and finally felt myself hit the bottom of her womb. I still had about an inch or inch and a half to go before I was completely in, but I was in L'natria as deep as I dared.

"There, L'natria, that's as deep as I can go with you. I am touching the bottom of your pussy," I said.

"Really, sir? Are you all the way in?" she asked, opening her eyes and looking at me.

"I'm as deep as I can go. There's still about an inch left... I can't go deeper without hurting you. But you feel wonderful, so tight and so hot!" I said. I knew that she would feel bad for not taking me all the way in so I wanted to let her know that she felt good just as it was.

"You feel amazing too... I've never been stretched so wide and felt anything so deep before! It's sooo sexy!" she breathed.

"Now I'm going to start fucking you. I will start slow and easy but as you get used to it I'm going to move faster. I want you to tell me if it hurts too much you understand? Don't just go along with it because you think that's what I want. What I want is for you to enjoy this a much as I do and you won't if it hurts, okay?" I said looking at her with a serious look in my eyes.

"Okay, sir, I will tell you if it hurts," she said. 

As I promised, I started slowly withdrawing myself until just the head remained inside her. I didn't want her to have to go through the initial entry part again. When I was almost completely out of her, I smiled, and then began slowly pushing back in until I once again bottomed out in her tunnel.

I did a couple more of these cycles, each one a little faster than the previous one. I was moving easier in her now and she was enjoying this more now too. The initial pain she was feeling had subsided some and her arousal was taking center stage.

"Sir... you can... go faster. It doesn't hurt much anymore. Please, fuck me the way you like it. I want to please you, sir. I want to show you I can be a good concubine when you become king!" she said.

My cock was incredibly hard inside her–harder than I have ever felt it before–and the wet, vise-like grip of her pussy only seemed to increase the pressure and make my cock stiffer and harder. It felt like a steel bar and I swear I could almost drive railroad spikes with it!  

I wasn't close to cumming yet, and L'natria was becoming very aroused. I don't know if all girls have orgasms their first time with a man, but judging by the moans, whimpers, and cries she was making, this one was about to... and very soon! 

I began moving in and out of her at a regular rate and rhythm, no longer worried that I would hurt her, I wanted her to enjoy this, I wanted her to have her first true fucking-a-man orgasm, and I wanted it to be memorable. I began pistoning in and out of her like a runaway oil rig drilling for oil, only I was drilling her for orgasms!

"Ohh, sir! Oh yes oh, I never imagined... oh this is incredible sir! Ohh yes ohhh..." she moaned now letting herself go knowing that she could relax and enjoy herself.

My body pressed down hard, and she spread her legs wider, letting me in a little more. She'd gotten used to being stretched a bit, and she was beginning to move around under me as she got closer to her orgasm. I began kissing her chest and licking and sucking on her sweet tits as she writhed toward ecstasy under my relentless pounding. Her voice became much louder, moaning in pleasure as her arousal began to peak.

"Sir, I'm gonna cum very soon, but..." she hesitated. "Could you do one thing for me? It'll make me cum so hard!"

"What is it, L'natria?" I asked.

"Sir, the greatest honor a woman can have is for a man to cum with her. I don't know how close you are sir, but it would mean the world to me to cum with you. Do you think we could... cum together, sir?" she asked, her eyes flicking back and forth searching mine.

"Okay L'natria, but to do that I'm going to have to fuck you hard. I'm still a little ways away and need to catch up. Are you up for that?" I asked her.

"Oh yes, please! Oh please sir, please fuck me however you like! Oh, sir, I want to cum with you! Fuck me as hard as you like! Pleasing you is all I want! Please!" she begged. The sincerity and urgency in her voice were unmistakable.

"Okay then, here we go," I said. I saw her tighten her grip on the fur blanket as she prepared for what I was about to do. She bit her lip and gave me a nod. I smiled at her and then I began. 

I fucked her hard just hard enough to get what I needed without hurting her too badly. I could tell it was uncomfortable for her, I could see her wincing a little once in a while, but I knew this was what she wanted. As she explained this was an honor just to have a man fuck her, and if I could time it so we came together, she would be so happy.

So I did what had to be done and I tried to be as gentle as possible doing it.

The tightness of her virgin pussy helped immensely and I hate to admit it but knowing this was hurting her some also turned me on. Perhaps it's the power of it, perhaps I have a bit of a sadistic streak in me, I don't know. But her whimpering and the tears running down her cheeks was definitely getting me there! 

Suddenly I felt the telltale signs that I was on the edge. My nut drew up and I felt my cock swell a bit inside her.

"Okay L'natria, I'm about to cum. Are you ready honey?" I asked her.

"Oh, yes! Yes! Please, sir please cum with me! Please, I want to feel you cum in my pussy! Please give me your cum! Fill my pussy with your hot cum!" she said. I think she wanted me to cum more than I did!

It only took another stroke or two before I did just as she asked. With a final thrust harder and deeper than any other I held myself deep in her pussy as I unloaded a massive blast of cum. I don't think I had ever cum that hard before. It almost hurt!

As soon as L'natria felt the first jet of cum hit her pussy walls, she too erupted with a howl that I knew woke the whole camp! She clutched my neck so hard as I shot jet after jet into her... I thought I would never quit cumming! It filled her womb, along with her own juices and ran out around my cock running down the crack of her ass and drenching the fur under us.

It took us forever it seemed before our mutual orgasm dissipated, leaving me weak and leaving her quaking under me. She still clutched me tightly, not wanting to let me go as we rested. I tried to hold myself up off her a bit to help her breathe but she wouldn't let me get too far away. 

Once we had both calmed down a bit I realized I heard something new... L'natria was crying!

"What's the matter L'natria?" I asked. Crying wasn't exactly the reaction I was going for here!

"Nothing, sir... it was just soo... beautiful! Thank you for taking me like this. Thank you so much, sir. You don't know what this means to me!" she blubbered through her tears.

I didn't say anything, I merely took her in my arms and held her the rest of the night.


Written by Master_Jonathan
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