"Did you enjoy that, my King?" she asked me.
"I loved it," I admitted. "You are such a wonderful sex kitten. Do you think you'd like to do it again?"
"I think so. It was different and very pleasurable. Would you?"
"I would love to do it again!"
"Suck your juices off me, baby," I said and Tara smiled, kneeling next to me and took my spent cock in her mouth.
When my cock was limp, it fit in her mouth completely and I loved the feeling as it grew and got hard, forcing its way down her throat until it gagged her. Calling on the restorative powers of this strange planet, it didn't take me long to get hard again.
Tara did her part as well, sucking and licking my cock back to full size and hardness again. I pulled out of her wonderful mouth and lay next to her. My fingers caressed the insides of her thighs and then slipped inside her hole. There was plenty of new moisture there. She was ready for me again as well.
"Ride me, Tara," I said and got comfortable on my back. Tara straddled my hips and her naked pussy slowly started eating my cock. I watched intently as her swollen pussy lips stretched to accommodate my meat. It was a sight I would never get tired of.
When I was completely inside her, Tara started riding me slowly. She moved her hips to feel me slide out almost completely and then she let me back inside, deliberately slowly stretching her again.
I reached up and started playing with her tits. I cupped them and caressed them. I pulled her nipples. I sucked and I bit. All the while Tara's cunt was moving up and down my engorged cock. We moaned in unison.
I reached down and started caressing Tara's clit with a finger that was wet from the juices that were dripping from her. Soon her cunt started twitching around my meat, and she sat down fully, shoving my cock deep into her and cried out with joy as the orgasm took her over.
I grabbed a tight hold of her hips and rolled us both over. My big cock was still inside her throbbing hole. Once I was on top I grabbed her legs and rested them over my shoulders, bringing Tara's ass up and giving me deeper access to her hot cunt. I started pumping furiously.
Now, all that mattered was a good hard and deep fuck to blow my final load. My continuous thrusts made her tits bounce. She lay underneath me, taking my entire size, again and again, feeling me grind into her clit. She moaned and clawed at her tits for me to see. She looked up and saw the sweat on my forehead.
She reached up and grabbed my upper arms, but none of this stopped my pumping. I was fucking her deep and hard and we were both panting and gasping for breath.
Then with a final stroke, I started shooting my load into my Tara's cunt and she responded by cumming for a final time. My massive cock twitched inside her as her cunt squeezed me as tight as it could.
I collapsed on top of Tara and kissed her deeply. I pulled my cock out of its delicious hiding place and I caressed her tits. We lay quietly together, caressing each other until we drifted off to sleep.
The people of this planet measure time in a rather strange way. They don't have day and night as Earth does, with two "suns" and no moon, their "day" is marked by three occurrences.
When both Ibbalia (the larger or closer moon) and Vurilia (the smaller, more distant moon) are both in the sky, it is brighter–equivalent to Earth's daytime. Then Ibbalia will set and only Vurilia will be seen.
At that point it gets sort of dusky or twilight out–you can see but not as well as you can with both moons out. But when both Ibbalia and Vurilia have set it gets very, very dark–pitch black actually. You can't see the ground you are standing on without some form of light.
On Shatabhisha Galli, that light comes in the form of the Kzalki Tevsi or light stones. Only the tarkius, the fearsome six-legged cat of this planet, can see in the pitch blackness of this world's night. The tarkius has something akin to infrared vision–it hunts at night using body heat of its prey to locate it.
A tarkius can detect the heat from a horora, a small burrowing rodent similar to an Earth rat, at a distance of around a mile. And its sense of smell is even more acute than it's vision.
Two of these three-phase time periods passed before the next event came along. By now I had been on Shatabhisha Galli for what I can only guess was around six months.
In that time I had established myself as King of Kupolinis, set up the Lottery which was going great, and had endeared myself to the people of my kingdom. Everything was fine, my people were happy and prosperous and things couldn't have been better.
But it's when things are going smoothly and everything seems right with the world that Fate likes to toss in a wrinkle to keep you on your toes. And that day my wrinkle came knocking.
My queen and I were sitting in the palace enjoying some quiet time together when all of a sudden one of the palace staff came bursting through the door. "Forgive me Sire but there's something of an emergency outside that you should come see!" the exasperated girl said hastily.
Tara and I glanced at each other and quickly got up to see what was the matter. We stepped outside the front of the palace and were immediately confronted with a throng of chattering women all looking at and pointing to a stranger in their midst.
The woman looked terrified and was kneeling and cowering at the crowd. Her face was smudged with dirt and grime, her hair was filthy dirty and stringy, and her clothes were tattered rags. She looked like she hadn't bathed in months and eaten in about half that long. She kept her head lowered and wouldn't look up.
With so many voices all coming at me at once, I couldn't make head or tails out of what was said so once I quieted the crowd to a manageable level I saw one of the women who I had appointed to be on the Council in the group.
"What is all this about?" I asked her.
"My king, this woman is not one of us, not a Kupolinite. She is an outcast and has come to our city begging for food and shelter. Our laws are clear on this–when a person is cast out of their city, they are not allowed to go to another for any kind of refuge or aid.
"If that were the case, our cities and kingdoms would quickly become overrun with vagrants and poverty cases which the working people would have to support.
"No, our law states that if you have done something worthy of banishment, then it is a life sentence–for as long as that life lasts," she explained.
I knew enough about this planet to know that much of it is not very hospitable. It has vast arid deserts where nothing much grows, thick impenetrable jungles that are home to a number of strange (at least to me), savage beasts like the Tarkius and the Dokken, wild dog-like creatures the size of Great Danes but incredibly vicious. They hunt in packs like wolves and nothing is safe from them once they have a scent.
The cities where people live are few and far between and I knew that this woman must have traveled a great distance over who knows what conditions just to reach Kupolinis. And I wasn't prepared to shun her and send her back out into the wilds of this planet without at least giving her a chance to explain her coming all this way.
"I will listen to her story before making my decision what to do with her," I said. I took her arm and pulled her from the middle of the crowd. Then Tara, the woman, and I went back into the palace while the crowd slowly dispersed.
I knew that I was breaking one of their oldest and most established laws, but I figured she should at least get a chance to explain and I wanted to know what she could have done to warrant such a death sentence.
I had one of the palace staff bring our visitor some water–she was visibly thirsty and exhausted from her trek. Just crossing The Plains of Honnika that surround the city on three sides is enough to defeat most people. And who knows what she had to endure before that!
"So what is your name?" I asked her.
"Diodia, Sir"
"I see. Where do you come from, Diodia?"
"I was from The Shining City of Aemmerhia... and I wasn't banished, Sir. I ran away," she said.
Tara gasped at this information and I saw the shock and surprise on her face when I glanced at her.
"And why did you run away?" I asked.
"The Queen of Aemmerhia is very strict and can be cruel. She made my mother one of her palace slaves and treated her very badly. When she got sick from the harsh treatment and couldn't work anymore, she tried to make me take her place.
"Only I didn't want to go through what my mother had and my mother didn't want me to either. The Queen would have banished me for refusing her anyway so I left before she could do so.
"If I had been banished, I would wear the mark and I could never live in another city again. At least by running away, I had a chance to find another home somewhere. Or so I thought." the woman said.
"So you left your city and struck out to find another city, surviving the best way you could simply because you didn't want to become a palace slave?" I asked, just trying to clarify things.
"Yes, Sir. You see palace slaves in Aemmerhia are not treated well. They are regularly beaten for even the smallest infractions, fed whatever the Queen wishes to feed them... and sometimes not feeding them at all.
"And slaves are made to sleep on old straw mats like dogs. It's not a very pleasant life, Sir. I don't know what happened to my mother or if she is even alive anymore," the woman said sadly.
I couldn't help feeling sorry for this girl. She'd had to make some tough choices and had suffered for it. I couldn't imagine how hard life had been for her.
She left her mother and the only life she had known to take her chances in the wilds of this world with its perils and dangers. She had gone hungry, thirsty and I'm sure scared many, many times. It hadn't been easy and the signs were apparent on her face.
"I am going to have to think about this matter before rendering a decision. I have to consider the laws regarding this as well as my own feelings on this situation. I also want to contact the Council to get their input.
"Meanwhile, you will be considered a guest of the palace and treated as such," I said. I clapped twice and Tanaii, one of the palace attendants came in.
"Tanaii, this is Diodia, a guest of the palace. She has come a long way and I'm sure she is hungry, thirsty, and tired. Please give her some food and drink and she can stay in one of the guest rooms until I can figure this whole thing out," I instructed her.
"Yes, Sire. If you will come with me," Tanaii said to Diodia, who followed her out of the room.
I turned to Tara. "Tara, my Queen, I noticed that you gasped when Diodia told you where she was from. Why did you react so?" I asked.
"Sire, The Shining City of Aemmerhia is on the far side of the planet! It would have been an almost unheard of journey for her to come all this way without being killed by one of the beasts of this world or dying from hunger or thirst. If she really is from Aemmerhia, she has made a journey I would not wish on anyone!
"Do you believe her story?" I asked.
"She does seem to have been through a lot, Sire. I cannot imagine why anyone would want to travel as far as she has, through who knows what difficulties and dangers if she wasn't very desperate. I have no reason to doubt her story as incredible as it seems to me.

"Besides, if she is lying to us, we can always banish her ourselves. But it's obvious she is no Kupolinite and even our nearest neighbor, Ecleorus, is many days journey from here. And she doesn't look like an Ecleorian," Tara said.
"Very well. But I still would like the Council to be in on this. Taking in a citizen from another kingdom is apparently against your laws and if we are going to start rewriting laws, then I want the Council to be aware of it.
"Send out messengers to all the Council members and tell them to meet here tonight. We need to move quickly on this and get it settled... our people will want to know what is going on. I'm sure that this event is already the talk of the town!"
"As you wish, Sire. I shall send the word out immediately," Tara said with a smile.
Once the messengers had been sent out, I had Tanaii draw a bath for Diodia and give her some fresh clothes to wear... what she had been wearing was ragged to the point of why bother!
Later that evening, the twelve members of the Council were in attendance in the Council Room and the place was buzzing with talk about the stranger in Kupolinis.
"Queen Tara and Ladies of the Council, I have summoned you here tonight to discuss a matter which I'm sure is on all your minds–that of the stranger in our midst.
"Now I am aware of the laws regarding taking in a citizen of your world, and I respect the reasons behind it. Sometimes it is necessary to take such drastic measures to insure the peace and safety of the population as a whole.
"In my world, we also had the death penalty for extreme cases. However, the death penalty was always a matter of great debate and it was only under the most extreme and unusual case was it ever employed." I started my speech.
"Now your Queen and I have questioned our visitor and learned why she had run away. And she did run away–she was not, according to her, banished. And we believe what she has told us to be true–at least we find no reason at this time not to believe her.
"Her explanation is that she did not want to become one of her Queens palace slaves. To hear her tell it, the slaves of her Queen are not treated very well. She said they are beaten regularly for the smallest infraction or mistake, fed only enough to keep them from starving, and treated like unwanted stray dogs. Not at all like the way it is here in Kupolinis.
"In the past, in my world, there were slaves who were to our shame treated in such manners and many ran away because of it. We were not kind to our slaves back then and treated them like they were simply property–we owned them just as you would own a table or own a farm tool. They weren't treated as people at all.
"But we learned the error of that and changed our ways. It wasn't easy, I will grant you that, but we eventually learned that all people have worth.
"Which is why one of the first things I did was to release the women working here in the palace from being slaves. Now we have attendants and housekeepers, but not slaves. The people working here have a choice and choose to continue working here, just as you all have a choice in your occupations.
"I do not fault this woman for not wanting to become a slave to her Queen, considering how she would have been treated. And even her own mother, a slave herself, did not want that kind of life for her daughter.
"So she left her city, her family, and all she ever knew rather than become a slave. And if we are to believe her story, she must have gone through a terrible ordeal to make it this far. Queen Tara here tells me that the city of Aemmerhia where she claims to be from, is a great distance from here," I said.
At the mention of Aemmerhia, the room erupted in murmurs, whispering, and gasps. "Oh my!" one woman was heard saying.
Another added, "That's amazing she wasn't killed by some beast!"
"Indeed. This woman has suffered for her decision. Not only physically through the arduous journey, but also emotionally... being torn from everything she knew, torn from her own family which she does not know if they even live anymore. I do not see the justification for continuing her suffering." I said.
"What are we to do then, my king?" one of the women asked.
"A valid question I have been pondering myself since this morning. I do not want to start taking in anyone who walks through the gates just as charity cases–that puts an excessive burden on all of you.
"She will have to find gainful employment and contribute to our society just as anyone else does. I'm sure some of you could use an extra hand around town and we will start looking for her place in our town right away. It might take a couple of tries... I do not know her capabilities or talents yet either. But we will find a place for her to fit in.
"And it's not like we are going to get a whole flood of people coming to us. She will become a Kupolinite the same as the rest of us. And since she ran away from her home city, she has no ties to her previous life and no one back there to communicate with. Everyone in Aemmerhia has probably written her off as dead anyway.
"But what about our law?" one woman piped up from the back. "Our laws have served us well for centuries. Are we to start ignoring them all now?"
"No, I am not saying that all your laws are of no consequence. Banishment will still have a place in our laws, but in this particular case, the punishment does not fit the crime in my opinion. She did nothing except point out a wrongdoing by another.
"True, it was the Queen, but even a Queen, or King, should not have absolute, unrestrained authority. That is why I have you all and the Queen, to temper my judgment and make me think and consider the actions and decisions I make. I depend on you to advise me and counsel me when needed and when you think I am out of line.
"And don't forget, I too was once a stranger in your midst! You could have killed me on the spot or taken all my possessions and left me to die on the Plains of Honnika where you found me. But you didn't, you took me in and treated me with the best care I could have imagined.
"So I know firsthand, the generosity and compassion this kingdom has. I cannot see us turning away someone whose unfortunate circumstance brought her to our doorsteps," I said.
My words gave them all pause to consider what I had said. I let them talk amongst themselves while I waited for their decision. It didn't take long for them to reach a consensus. Apparently I can be quite the statesman when necessary!
"King Adam, you are our king and as such your word is the final authority on all matters period. If you wish this stranger to remain in Kupolinis then it shall be. We do appreciate your asking our views on the matter but as I said your word is final.
"That being said, you do make a strong case and we of the Council agree that this woman has been given an unjust punishment.
"We do not know this Queen of Aemmerhia–none of us have ever traveled nearly that far. But if as you tell us she has been treated with such thoughtlessness and disregard, then it is no wonder why she spoke out. She was not a slave at the time but rather a free woman who the Queen wanted to make a slave.
"Sire, in my shop I have a need for another hand to help with stocking the shelves and other duties. I would be happy to give her a job and see how she does. I couldn't pay a whole lot, but it would give her employment and I could even make up a place to stay in the back storeroom for now," one of the women of the Council said.
"Yes and I have some overstock clothes I could donate so she would have something more to wear than the ragged torn things we saw her wearing this morning!" another woman said.
"And I have more in my garden than I could possibly use. I can put together some food for her!" yet another one said.
The room quickly was abuzz with volunteers donating all sorts of things for our cause. "Ladies of the Council, please! Your generosity and desire to help out our visitor is overwhelming. I knew I could count on the women of Kupolinis to pull together like this. You make being king here an honor and a pleasure. I thank each of you from the bottom of my heart," I said.
I rose from my seat and walked to the door.
"Please bring Diodia here," I said to one of the attendants outside the Council Room door. She nodded and scurried off to get her. She returned with Diodia within a minute or two and I brought her into the Council Room with me.
"Ladies of the Council of Kupolinis, I present you Diodia, the newest member of our kingdom. Diodia, these are the members of my Council and now your fellow Kupolinites. Welcome to our kingdom."
Turning to Diodia, I continued. "This is Lady Pheseise. She runs a shop just down the street from the palace here. She has graciously offered to give you a job and a small room in which to live until you can find someplace of your own. It will get you started at least and undoubtedly be more comfortable and safer than sleeping on the cold hard ground!
"And Lady Azalyn here has offered to give you some clothes. Other members of the Council have offered food and other needs that you may wish to take advantage of. You will get to know all their names in time... I myself had to learn who was who here and I am from another planet, so you can imagine my difficulty!"
I watched her face as the surprise set in. She looked in disbelief from one happy smiling face to another until it got to be too much for her. Diodia broke down then, dropping to her knees and sobbing uncontrollably in her hands.
The ladies rushed to her aid, lifting her back to her feet and comforting her. "I can't... I don't... know how... to thank you all!" she sobbed, the relief pouring from her along with the tears. "I thought surely... you would... cast me back out there again!" she sobbed, pointing to an open window.
"There there, dear. Once the king explained your situation, we couldn't NOT help out!" one of the Council ladies said, putting her arm around Diodia's shoulder. "Besides, the last stray we took in seemed to work out just fine!" she said, winking at me.
"Okay ladies, I thank you for your attendance and for your generosity in helping our newest citizen. And I'm sure she thanks you even more than I. But for now the Queen and I wish to talk with her some more and get her more acquainted on how we do things around here.
"So this meeting is now closed and you can all return to your homes. Lady Pheseise, I will bring Diodia over when we are through and you can show her around the shop and get her settled in her new home," I said.
"Very well, Sire. I will go home and start preparing it for her," she said.
"I will bring over a few things, Pheseise, so she has something to wear tomorrow. I'm sure she wants to get rid of those dirty rags as soon as possible!" Azalyn said.
"Thank you all once again. You don't know how much this means to me. I will make this up to all of you, I promise!" Diodia said, wiping her eyes.
Pheseise leaned over and I overheard her whisper in Diodia's ear. "It's okay hon, but it's not us you have to impress... it's him!"
I had to smile at her remark.