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I looked into the soft face of this Kupolinite woman. Strangely enough, despite the fact that she and I were from different worlds, who knows how far apart, she appeared very human from what I had seen so far and very beautiful at that. Her clothing was different than I had seen before and more utilitarian, but then she was on a scouting mission.

Her skin seemed to be a shade or two pinker than the woman back home, but not enough to be noticeable unless you really looked at it. She looked like she was in a constant state of slightly blushing, which I found quite attractive. 

I took L'natria in my arms and held her. She felt so soft and so warm. It had been a long time since I had held a woman like this, and even longer since I had slept with a woman. And L'natria had asked so with such need and want in her voice. I couldn't resist her desires.

I leaned forward to kiss her. As our lips touched she drew back as if shocked at my behavior. "W-what are you doing? Are you going to eat me?" she asked.

"It's called a kiss, L'natria... it's what my people do to show they really like another person. Like a handshake, only more personal and more intimate," I explained.

"Oh," she said softly, blushing even brighter pink as she looked down again. Once again, I lifted her face to mine and this time when I kissed her, she didn't pull away. As our lips met, she hesitated for just a moment, but then gave herself over to the feelings and our kiss deepened.

She moaned softly into my mouth and I pulled her tight to me wrapping my arms around her. She melted into my arms. I pushed my tongue into her mouth and she accepted it right away, sucking on it as her own tongue danced in her mouth with mine. 

L'natria wasn't sure what to do with her arms, so I brought them up around my neck and she understood instantly. I put my arms around her and as I did, I pressed myself up against her, spinning us around and pinning her to the rocks that had been at my back.

Kissing this gorgeous woman, even under these bizarre circumstances, had the expected result and she felt my hard cock pressing up against her as it tried to get some attention too.

"Ohh, Adam Jennings! Are you horny, sir? Do you have anyone who takes care of that for you?"

"No, not in a couple of years. I used to have a girl, but she didn't like my going into space and leaving her all the time. And I haven't had anyone really since then," I said.

She gasped, "Oh sir, that is just awful! A man shouldn't go without sex. It isn't right!" she said. L'natria looked around the rocks at the camp and seeing everyone in their tents for the evening she turned back to me. 

"Could I... I mean," she asked timidly. "When was the last time you... were drained? Do you do it yourself?"

I nodded, "Yeah when it gets too bad I have to take care of it myself. But it's been a couple of weeks since...

"A couple of weeks? Oh my, Adam Jennings, that's far too long for a man to go without being drained! Oh, you must be so full! You poor man you must be aching!" she said. She dropped to her knees and began rubbing the bulge that she had created in my pants.

She looked up at me seductively "You know, once we get back to Kupolinis, every woman in the land is gonna want you," she said, "And the queen will probably want you as well. This might be my only chance to please you. If you'll have me, it would be an honor. Will you have me, sir?"

I looked at L'natria... so beautiful and so wanting to please me. It didn't take me long to come up with an answer for her. "Yes L'natria, but not here. Not sneaking around like this. Let's go back to your tent where we have time and can be more comfortable," I said.

L'natria smiled and I took her hand walking back to her tent. She stopped me just outside the tent, "Give me a couple of minutes to get ready for you okay? I want to be beautiful for you," she said. How much more beautiful she could get I didn't have a clue–she was already more perfect than anything I'd seen in person or in pictures!

I sat outside the tent for a few minutes looking up at the strange sky. Shatabhisha Galli had two moons, one bigger than the other, and the soil looked and had the same consistency as fine ash with the same light gray color and powdery texture.

But other than those differences, you could almost see yourself in the desert southwest–New Mexico or Arizona or someplace like that. It wasn't all that different than Earth. I had driven through the Southwest many times, and I could superimpose what I had seen there and what I was seeing now without too many differences except for the sky.

"Sir, I am ready... for you," L'natria's soft, almost whispering voice broke me from my thoughts. I went inside the tent and found L'natria standing naked next to a bed of some sort of thick gray fur with another fur blanket pulled back for us. Although to be quite honest, I only gave the bed a passing glance–my attention being more on the occupant than the accommodations!

"L'natria..." I gulped, unable to find words to equate the vision I saw before me.

"Do you like me, sir?" she asked with her hands behind her back, turning her body slightly so I can see her from different angles.

Of all the questions a person could ask in this situation, that one had to be the most unnecessary and pointless one she could have come up with!

With her pretty face and full firm and proud tits, framed by long wavy black hair, she was a sight to behold. And she was looking at me with complete lust, shifting her weight from foot to foot nervously, waiting for an answer but not sure if she wanted it. 

"I'm sorry I'm so plain, sir... not like some of the other women of Kupolinis," she said lowering her face, almost ashamed of her looks. 

If this is plain, I can't even imagine what the other women must look like! I thought to myself. I stepped up to her and took her in my arms and kissed her again. This time she knew what to do and she put her arms around my neck accepting my kiss and kissing me back passionately.

As we kissed my hands slid down her back and down to her tight firm and delightfully round ass. I grabbed hold of it with both hands and gave it a squeeze. 

"Ohh sir!" she gasped. She looked at me. "Thank you for this, sir. I've never been with a man, but I know what to do. We are taught the ways of Zhi-Hue from the time we reach Tarle," she said.

"Wait a minute... what?" I asked totally lost in what she was saying.

"Oh sorry," she giggled, "I forgot you aren't from Shatabhisha Galli! Zhi-Hue is something we women are taught... how to please a man. It's required of us all to take it so that if we do meet a man someday we will know how to please him. Tarle is how do you say, the age we become a woman?"

"Oh, I see," I said.

"Yes in Zhi-Hue, we are taught that we are to do anything the man wants in order to please him both in and out of bed. In our culture, the man is always in charge and we are to please him in any and every way. It is our way and it is our law," L'natria explained.

"Besides, who wouldn't want to get a man off, as hard as you can, and as often as you can? Any woman who doesn't is kind of crazy–I mean sex is fun, and he's the king after all!"

"A law?" I asked.

"Yes sir, One of our Prime Laws. To refuse a man is to risk being banished. A woman who refuses a man is marked on her forehead and cast out of the community. No other community will accept her either, and any individual caught trying to help her will also be cast out.

"And when a woman is cast out of the community, she is cast out with only the clothes she is wearing at the time. It is almost certain death, either from the elements or from the wild tarkius that roam some parts of this world."

"Tarkius?" I asked. I had so many things to learn! 

The tarkius as she explained it to me is apparently a giant six-legged cat, six feet high at shoulder with blue fur and black stripes like a Bengal tiger, a tail like a lion's and a black mohawk-like fur stripe running from just behind the head to the base of the tail.

It has long razor-sharp claws on each foot and four-inch fangs–two upper and two lower. Its eyes are yellow and it has excellent night as well as daytime vision. 

"It is a fearsome beast, sir, but not to worry, they are not found in this part of Shatabhisha Galli; they are a woodland creature... they need the trees and grasses in order to hunt," she said.

"Now sir, how can I please you. I will do anything you wish. Please, I promise I'll do everything you say, right away. I don't care what it is. Just tell me what you like and I will do it! Saying no to anything you ask of me would just be... wrong," L'natria said.

My hands roamed her soft, round body, and she moved enthusiastically under them.

"Please, sir," she moaned, kissing my lips, and wiggling her tight ass under my groping hands. "Just tell me what you want, everything that you like, and I'll do it. Whatever it takes to satisfy you, I will do my best to please you, sir," she said.

"Well actually, L'natria, one of my favorite things to do is to please a woman. You see, hearing her moan and whimper is quite erotic for me and I love feeling her writhe and squirm under my teasing. I love to get a woman so worked up she very nearly loses her mind.

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"In my world, that's called edging... bringing the woman right to the edge of her orgasm and keeping her there, riding that edge until she begs and pleads for me to let her fall over. It's kind of a power thing I guess, knowing that I control her orgasm and that she can only cum when I tell her she can," I said.

L'natria listened to me and when I finished she moaned loudly. "Oh sir, that sounds... ohhh..." I looked at her; her eyes were closed and her head tilted back, she had a hand in her crotch and she was fingering herself at my words.

I smiled, lifted her chin and kissed her, then I turned her around so her back was to me. I moved up close to her pressing myself against her and laying my stiff cock between her tight round ass cheeks.

I let her feel me pressing against her while I reached around to her amazing tits. I am no tit expert, but I figured they had to be at least a solid C cup if not a D. Whatever they were they were full firm and very sensitive. 

L'natria moaned as I cupped her tits, using my thumbs to rub across her hard-as-pebbles nipples as I sank my fingers into the soft flesh. She ground her ass into my crotch, enjoying the feeling of my cock between her cheeks. 

"I'm so glad you like my tits sir," she said lustfully, "Girls always tell me I have the best tits, but having a man enjoy them like this is different. Your hands feel wonderful, sir!"

As my fingers played over her tits, I nibbled and kissed her soft neck, finding that to be a hot spot as well. L'natria shuddered and quaked as I pleasured her. She had never known feelings and sensations like the ones I was showing her and her mind was having a little trouble dealing with them.

"Ohhh, sirrr..." she cooed. I held her tight with my arms and enveloped her in the lust and arousal that only a man can bring to a woman. I could already smell that unmistakable musky aroma of a woman in heat. And while L'natria's scent was slightly different than I was used to, there was still no doubt what was causing the pleasant fragrance.

I led the trembling, aroused L'natria to the bed and helped her to lay down on the fur bed. I kissed her then stood up and began getting undressed too. L'natria watched excitedly as I removed my shirt. She looked approvingly at my chest.

Now, I am not a weightlifter–I will never be an Arnold Schwarzenegger or Lou Ferrigno–but I do take care of myself. I have to be a good physical shape to endure the rigors of space flight, especially the launching and recovery phases.

L'natria seemed more than a little impressed with my physique, although to be honest, I could have probably been a skinny, pale bookkeeper and still got her attention since I was quite literally the only game in town! 

As I reached for my belt to unbuckle it, L'natria stopped me looking up with her lovely ice-blue eyes. "Please sir, may I?" she asked sweetly. I removed my hands and let her unbuckle my pants and pull them down to my ankles.

She pulled my boxers down as well and although my cock sprang out tempting her, L'natria knew better than to touch it until my shoes had been removed and my pants and boxers completely off my legs. Only then did she position herself at my feet and look up at me. "Would you like me to service you with my mouth, sir?"

My jaw dropped to the floor at her words. It was as if she'd told me she was my sister or something!

"They teach us all about it in Zhi-Hue," L'natria told me confidently. "My instructor told me that I was pretty good at it–well, except for the deep throating. I don't know how the girls do it. I tried to learn it, but I just couldn't do it as good as some of the other girls. Maybe I could go a little way down, but some of the other girls can swallow the whole thing and even finish it in their throats! I'm sorry, that I'm not as skilled in deep throating as other girls, sir, but I would very much like to learn."

Imagine, being taught how to deep throat in school! As soon as I recovered from my shock, I told her that it was okay and that she could just suck what she could. She smiled and kissed the head of my cock sweetly.

"I still want to try to deep throat you as much as I can. You are bigger than the demonstrator that we used in Zhi-Hue, but I will try my best sir," she said.

Her soft, pink lips parted, and I felt her warm mouth as it started taking me inside. I groaned and she moved slowly down my hard shaft, lower and lower. L'natria moaned too, and started bobbing up and down softly on me with slight slurping sounds. My cock jumped, and I clutched the fur blanket as I tried to relax.

She claimed to be less than average at oral sex, but she sure wasn't showing that to me! She stayed like that kneeling on the fur bed with her hands on either side of my legs and bobbed her head slowly in my lap, her wavy black hair brushing against my thighs a little, and those lovely big tits bouncing. It was beyond anything in my wildest fantasies, having this beauty going down me for her first time. 

After a short while, she started going deeper, working more of my cock into her mouth. I watched as my cock disappeared and then reappeared in her beautiful sweet mouth. My breathing got faster as she pushed deeper. My hands moved to each side of her bobbing head, guiding her in the rate and rhythm that would get me to where I needed to be.

L'natria followed my instructions perfectly–whatever they taught her in this Zhi-Hue she talked of must have worked. She seemed to know just what to do and how to drive me crazy!  

She tried her best to push herself down all the way, but I was too big for her and she couldn't quite make the last inch or so. Not wanting her to feel like she failed me, I took hold of her head and fucked her lips in medium length thrusts, deep enough that she thought she was doing a good job but not so deep I made her gag (I didn't know if she had a gag reflex like Earth girls but I assumed she did since she was so biologically similar). She pulled off my cock for a moment and looked up with her eyes watering.

"Is this okay? Am I doing a good job pleasing you, sir? Just tell me what you like and I will do it. I promise I want to please you, sir," she said.

Her genuine concern elicited a smile from me, and I brought her face to mine to kiss her. "You are doing wonderfully," I whispered to her. And she was I could feel the cum in my balls boiling as she resumed her work. She watched my face, our eyes connected as she began to swirl her tongue around. It made me moan, and she continued with her gaze up at me, stimulating all around the head.

The tease went on a few moments until I was almost painfully hard, and she closed her mouth around for a good hard suck. I was close and I knew it wouldn't take long with me so full of cum and so turned on, and this plump pair of young lips gliding up and down most of me.

She sucked hard with her cheeks squeezing in a little, and I could feel precum oozing slightly. She moaned and tasted it with a swirl of her tongue before sucking me harder, and faster. I moaned again as I got closer and closer to a huge orgasm.
For a moment she pulled back and looked up with wide eyes.

"Are you cumming already?!"

Unable to speak now, I nodded my head in confirmation, as her soft mouth went back to work in my lap. One of my hands gripped her breast for a moment, and it made her moan loudly, slowing her sucking in distracted pleasure. Soon I had both hands on her breasts, and she sucked passionately with eyes occasionally looking up to show me how hot this was making her.

My balls rose, and my jaw dropped, and my hands squeezed as the sensations overwhelmed me. "I'm going to cum, L'natria... I'm going to cum..." I moaned, giving her warning of what was about to happen.

L'natria moaned loudly at my announcement, sucking even harder and faster than ever, bobbing that soft mouth around me. As I felt the first jet come flying out, I pulsed and bucked in her lips, and started to shake a little. Soon the sensations took me over completely.

I squirmed and groaned loudly as I unloaded over and over, feeling her hold it all in her mouth to taste. It went on a while, just me moaning in her tent while she sucked and sucked me, trying to get it all. When I told her to swallow, she did and kept going without missing a beat.

She went slower now, growing softer by the second as my overly sensitive cock was treated to a very luxurious post-orgasmic fellating. After a few minutes, I pulled her head back a little, and she looked up with bleary eyes, a big smile across her pretty face. She gulped, getting the last little taste of my load down. She proceeded to lick and suck me clean as she drained my completely dry. 

I pulled her up to me and kissed her, tasting myself in her mouth. I didn't even mind, this beautiful, sexy woman felt so good in my arms and she was so happy that she had pleased me, all I could do was hold her. We lay like that, her in my arms as I rested and recovered from what was without a doubt the best blowjob I had ever received!


Written by Master_Jonathan
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