After the women of the Council had gone back to their homes, Tara and I brought Diodia into the palace and we sat down to talk with her.
"Tell me Diodia about your journey. How far away is your city of Aemmerhia?" I asked.
"Aemmerhia is on the shores of the Great Sea of Acrules. I do not know exactly how far that is, Sir. Mine was not a direct route at all. I left Aemmerhia and traveled many moons to get to Thiunia, the closest kingdom to Aemmerhia.
I was tired and very hungry, so I... I stole some food and hid under a building while I rested. But I knew I couldn't stay there for long, it was too close to Aemmerhia and the Queen would have me brought back just to mark and banish me. So after a day of rest, I moved on.
"Several moons later I came to another kingdom, Pleoyae. I thought I was safe here but again, I had to steal food because I was so hungry. I was caught by a shopkeeper and run out of that city. I wandered around for several more moons. I was almost captured by the Airains–the flying people of the Kuscein mountains who would have enslaved me.
But I was able to hide from their Semybara–the flying birds they ride. Once I got far enough from them I came to the Plains of Honnika. As I crossed them, I came upon a strange shiny rock with odd markings on it.
It was shortly after I passed this rock that I saw the spires of your kingdom. I did not mean to be a bother, but I was so hungry and so very tired. I got closer and... well I guess I just collapsed because the next thing I remember was being carried into the city and brought before you."
"Well, that 'strange shiny rock' with the odd markings you found on the Plains of Honnika was actually the spaceship that brought me here to your planet. You see, I am from another world and I accidentally crash-landed here. The good people of Kupolinis took me in and made me their King. So it would seem we are both travelers from afar who have found a home here!" I explained.
"So that is why you stood up for me and allowed me to stay... you understood my situation!"
"To a degree, yes. I mean I didn't run away, but my crashing here meant I would not be able to return home. I was stranded on this planet."
"And there's no one to come to rescue you?"
"No, Diodia. You see there was a solar storm during my travels which somehow threw my ship completely off course. I don't know how far I was thrown or in what direction. I could be light-years off course–maybe not even in my own galaxy.
My people wouldn't have any idea where to even start looking for me. My ship's communication equipment was smashed beyond repair. They don't even know if I'm alive or not. So there is no hope of rescue. I am a Kupolinite for all time now."
"Oh my!"
"So what did you do back in Aemmerhia... before you were called to be a slave for the Queen?"
"My family were tarsuar herders, Sir."
"Yes, Sir." Apparently, from what she described, a tarsuar is a creature about the size of a musk ox with the same long shaggy coat only a shiny metallic blue color. It had horns similar to a wildebeest on Earth.
The herding people of Aemmerhia kept these beasts for their coats from which they made clothing, and for their milk and meat. They were also a way to show wealth much like the cattle the Maasai of Earth's Kenya and Tansania regions.
"How did your mother become a slave to the Queen if your family herded the tarsuar?"
"Long ago a roving pack of Dokken came in and attacked the herd. Most of the animals were killed and those that weren't were driven off. My father tried to stop the Dokken... but he was also attacked and killed. After that, we had no way to support ourselves, my mother and I, so she became a slave to the Queen."
"I see. Well, you needn't worry anymore about how you will support yourself or becoming anyone's slave. You are safe here in Kupolinis and we have arranged for you to have a job and a place to stay.
We have given you clothes and food and other necessities to get you started. You will be expected to become a useful and productive member of our kingdom just like all Kupolinites and abide by our laws and customs."
"Yes, Sir."
"We can start with that–I am king here and now that you are a Kupolinite, I am your king as well."
"Forgive me, my King. It's going to take me a little bit to get used to having a king! But I am so very grateful to you and the rest of the kingdom for all you have done for me."
"What happened to you was not of your doing. I saw no reason you should suffer unnecessarily. I was given a second chance so I am giving the same second chance to you."
"You are a very wise and kind king. I am going enjoy living here under your rule and serving you."
With another crisis averted, I went back to the responsibilities of running the kingdom. The Lottery was going very well and I was about a quarter of the way through the women playing it. I had instructed L'natria not to tell me whose names were still in the Lottery only how many names remained.
I wanted to make this Lottery as honest and legitimate as I could to make sure no one could claim I was picking who I wanted to sleep with. In addition, I had told her once a name was drawn and our night together was finished that name would go into another pot, just in case I wanted to run the Lottery again.
It had come time to draw yet another name from the Lottery and see who my prize for the evening would be. I would draw a name early in the day, right after breakfast, so the lucky woman would have the day to prepare. As soon as the name was drawn, L'natria would dispatch a palace messenger to go and let the winner know.
Then that evening, a carriage would come to the winner's house and she would be brought to the palace to be my partner for the night. The next morning, the carriage would return the weary, but very satisfied woman to her home, usually to rest and recover!
The vast majority of the women of Kupolinis had never had a man so a night of wild fucking with abandon left them totally drained and exhausted. And it seemed the longer the Lottery went on the more of a "reputation" I got which only made the anticipation worse for the next lucky girl!
On this morning, L'natria came in with the Lottery box. As was the usual procedure, Tara took the box, shook it, spun it and generally mixed the names up good, then drew one out for L'natria to read out. This way I had nothing to do with the drawing itself–another way to keep things fair and above board.
"The name for this evening's pleasure is Verarea, Sire," L'natria said.
"Verarea... that name sounds familiar."
"Yes, Sire. She was one of the women at the temple for your Koni Veni ceremony."
"She was? Which one was she?" I asked, my curiosity only surpassed by my excitement. All the women at the ceremony were spectacular–not that any of the women of Kupolinis were not drop-dead gorgeous. Any of the women of my kingdom could compete with any Playboy Playmate or Penthouse Pet... and most likely win!
"Verarea was the redhead, Sire. The one you called your slutty redhead fucktoy," Tara said.
My heart leaped when I heard this. Verarea was a really hot fuck! This was going to be a very fun night!
I tried to keep my attention focused on matters of the State, but there was actually very little I needed to worry about. We had no wars so defense and protection of that sort was not a big issue. Neither were most of the socio-economic troubles that plagued my former homeland.
There was no need for welfare because everyone worked. Since the women of Kupolinis were actually clones (although by now that little detail had pretty much faded from my thoughts), there were no children so everyone worked and there was no need for social assistance programs. There was also no homelessness to worry about.
Crime was not a real issue either. Everyone in Kupolinis had what they needed and was happy with it. There was no need to steal as everyone had the same things. And if something broke or needed replacing, it was a simple matter of buying a new one.
With the exception of the Queen and I, there was no real economic separation within the people–no rich, no poor. It was actually quite a pleasant and peaceful way of life.
With my kingdom running like the rails were greased, there wasn't much to occupy my mind. Unfortunately, that left me with a lot of free time to dwell on my upcoming evening with Verarea.
I remembered fondly the first time we met there in the temple. Tara had picked her along with eleven other of Kupolinis' most beautiful women to serve at my first Koni Veni or cock worship ceremony. And boy did she ever!
Now on Shatabhisha Galli, men–and more specifically, their cocks–are always revered. But during a Koni Veni ceremony, it is basically an orgy in the cocks' honor and the women are there only to worship and serve it. Verarea's performance during that ceremony insured that she would be remembered and I was very much looking forward to more of my little fucktoy that night!
It seemed like the time would never come, but at last Verarea arrived at the palace. As was customary, one of the palace attendant girls answered the door and ushered Verarea inside. I was waiting for her in the great room–kind of like a home's living room but on an immense and very grand scale.
Tara and I were sitting in our chairs when Verarea entered the room. Our "palace" isn't what you would normally think of when the term is used. We don't have "thrones" as you might picture them–oversized high back chairs sitting on raised platforms as such. No long red carpet leading up to them and no lavish drapes over huge iron-barred windows either.
No, the palace was more like a very large house. The furniture was a bit unique in that they didn't have access to the materials found on Earth. And instead of carpets, there were animal hides. The windows contained no glass–there was no way to make glass on Shatabhisha Galli.
But there were instead canopies of sorts over the tops of the windows to keep the rain from coming inside and shutters when needed. The temperatures on Shatabhisha Galli were very mild and quite pleasant... similar to the temps found in Hawaii. There is a rainy season, but not the monsoons found in some places on Earth.
Verarea entered the great room and walked slowly up to us until she was just a few feet from us.
"Good evening my king, my queen. I am here as requested by the Lottery," Verarea said kneeling with her head down as she was supposed when addressing the queen and me for the first time. The people of Kupolinis had many customs that were strange to me, and I tried to keep to them as much as I could. This one though I found particularly enjoyable!

"I was glad to learn that your name had been drawn this morning, my dear. I remember our time together at the temple very fondly," I said.
Verarea looked up with a broad smile. "As do I, Sire. It was quite enjoyable." she blushed a bit which only made her more beautiful.
"Shall we see if we can recreate some of that tonight, my sweet?" I asked.
"I would love nothing more, Sire. I am here to pleasure you in any way I can. Just like at the temple."
"Yes, but unlike at the temple, we will share in tonight's pleasure. The Lottery is for your pleasure as well as mine. I get my pleasure out of pleasing you," I told her.
"I truly hope we will both enjoy tonight, Sire."
"If you will excuse me, my king, I will leave you to your pleasure," Tara said.
"You do not care to watch, my queen?" I asked. I knew that Tara often enjoyed watching me receive pleasure from these women and on more than one occasion even joined in the fun.
"Not this evening, Sire. I know that this one pleases you very much and I will leave you to your fun. Enjoy yourself, my king." Then Tara got up, gave me a loving kiss, and left Verarea and me to our games.
As soon as Tara had left the room and shut the door behind her I turned to my playmate for the evening. Come here, Verarea."
She rose and came to stand in front of me. I took her hand and pulled her onto my lap. She knelt on my lap, straddling my legs, with her hands on the arms of the chair to steady her. I put my hands around her waist resting them on her hips.
"You look very beautiful tonight," I said.
"Thank you, Sire. I wanted to wear something sexy for you but I am afraid I do not have much in the way of sexy clothes," she said, looking down. This was the case with most of the women of Kuploinis–with no men to dress up for, most women's wardrobes were more utilitarian than show.
Simple knee-length tunics, some with three-quarter sleeves, and some with no sleeves at all were the mainstay of their clothes. Some had longer, floor-length gowns for formal or dress occasions, and lace-up sandals were the shoes of choice.
Those who worked in farming or gardening had fashioned crude pants to protect their knees from the ground. But Verarea was a shopkeeper so she had no need for those pants.
I hooked my index finger under her chin and raised her face to mine. "I wasn't referring to your clothes, Red... I said you look beautiful, not your outfit looks beautiful." I smiled and she blushed.
"In fact, why don't we just take that top off so I can see just how beautiful my little playmate is," I said. I reached down and took the bottom of her tunic and lifted it up over her head. As I did I felt her shudder, knowing the games had officially begun and things would only get hotter and more exciting from here!
Once I had removed Verarea's top leaving her only in what passes here for panties, I could see her luscious firm tits, capped with hard rosy nipples like pink pencil erasers.
"Yes, even more beautiful than I remember," I said in a soft voice. "Are you hungry? Would you like a piece of fruit?" I asked.
Between the Queen's chair and my own was a small table with a bowl of Acolidae fruit in it. The Acolidae is a tree native to these parts that grows about as big as Earth's maple trees.
Its fruit is about the size and shape of a large avocado but a waxy white color. The skin isn't all that good to eat, a bit bitter, but the bright pink flesh of the fruit is juicy and very tasty. It has small strawberry-like seeds which can also be eaten.
"Yes, thank you Sire," she said with a small smile.
I picked up one of the fruit, but instead of handing it to her right away, I took a bite from the lower end, trying to ignore the bitter taste and get to the fruit and juice.
I held the fruit bitten end up to save the juice, then I rubbed the open end in a line down the middle of Verarea's chest to between her lovely tits. I rubbed a little on each nipple as she groaned, knowing that in a moment I would be licking the juice off her again.
She couldn't have been more right either. Verarea's tits were plenty sweet and tasty on their own, but with the addition of the fruit juice, the temptation was too great.
"Ohhh, Siiire!" Verarea moaned loudly as my mouth closed over one hard aching nipple. Her hands moved up to grip my head and pull me harder onto her tit. Her flame-red hair fell around my head making a red umbrella over us both as I licked and chewed on her little bud.
Verarea began squirming and grinding on me almost as soon as I began working her tit and nipple–apparently, she was as eager and excited to have a night with me as I was! I could smell her sweet musky scent as she began to dampen sitting on my lap.
I was certain she could feel me as I grew beneath her too. All of a sudden we fell into place with my now hard cock laying in the perfect alignment for her to rub up and down its length.
"Oh, Sire! Y-your cock... oh, it feels soo good against me!" Verarea moaned. She tossed her head back as she slid her hungry pussy up and down the underside of my cock. With my thumb, I began helping her ignite her pussy by rubbing her clit as she ground against me. It worked as advertised and before long she was a raging inferno of raw female lust.
This was exactly what I wanted. I knew that in this delirious state, she would do anything I commanded of her with no hesitation or thought about it. Not that I would have gotten much argument anyway–one of the prime laws of Shatabhisha Galli is that a woman is forbidden from refusing a man anything he desires sexually.
But men on this planet were extremely scarce and because of that, I was made King of Kupolinis. And now I had a ravishing, hot-blooded redhead on my lap half-crazed with lust for me!
Suddenly I pushed Verarea off my lap and stood up, taking her by the hand. I led her from the great room back to one of the many bedrooms in the palace.
Out of respect to my Queen Tara, I had promised to never use our bed for my Lottery fun. Our bed was a sacred place and so any fun and games that involved anyone other than her or in addition to her would be conducted in a guest bedroom set aside for that purpose.
Once we got to the bedroom, I stopped before entering. "Wait here, I said. Verarea looked puzzled but obeyed, waiting while I went inside. I sat down on the edge of the bed facing her. "On your knees," I said, pointing to the floor in front of her. Once again she obeyed. "Now I want you to crawl to me. Crawl like you were a sexy tarkius, hunting its prey."
She smiled and began slinking towards me in a very sexy crawl. She kept her eyes on me the whole time she was crawling and when I began removing my pants, she licked her lips hungrily.
Verarea crawled across the room and just as she got within a couple steps from me, I told her to stop. She froze in place waiting for her next command. Her soft blue eyes were locked on my cock and she watched it bob and wave right and left in front of her.
"Remove your panties slut... you won't be needing them anymore tonight," I said.
She untied the hip ties and the filmy skin-panties fell silently to the floor at her feet.
"Now, sit on the floor where you are and spread your legs for me," I said, "I want to look at my slut's pretty pussy "
She was confused by what I wanted from her. She had expected to get into bed and get to the business of pleasing and pleasuring me. But one look at my smiling face reassured her and she moved right away to comply.
I started to stroke my already hard and swollen cock slowly as I watched her.
"Wider" I commanded, "I want to get a good look at what is mine." From where I sat I had a perfect view of her exposed pussy. A chill of excitement mixed with incredible lust ran through her body as she spread her long legs wider for me.
I'm sure she felt vulnerable as my eyes roamed hungrily over her taut body, feasting on her, drinking her in. But that only served to excite her and arouse her more.
"You really enjoyed being the center of attention at the temple didn't you, my little slut?" I asked in a low soft tone.
"Yes, my king," she said, her eyes locked on my throbbing cock. Her answer was more of a moan than mere words.
She watched my cock intently as it bobbed up and down and side to side, sticking out in front of me so close she could almost have stuck her tongue out and licked it if she wanted to. But she didn't–she knew better than to disobey my commands. Still, it had to be driving her crazy being so close to what she wanted so very, very badly.
"I'll bet it turned you on so much to be fucked like that... to be fucked in front of all the other girls who wished they were in your place...who wished they were the one getting my cock rammed into their dripping cunts. I'll bet you still dream about, that don't you, slut?"
"Oh yes, Sire... yes, I do..."
"The only thing about the Koni Veni ceremony is that you had to share me with the other girls there... each of you got a chance to pleasure me but then you had to watch the next girl take her turn. After waiting your whole life to feel what it's like to have a man inside you, you only got the merest taste of it..."
"Yes, my king... it was... hard to let you go. Very hard, Sire."
"Well, you are MY woman tonight, slut. You will provide me with pleasure and get yours in return. What form that pleasure takes will be up to me alone–your only concern is in fulfilling my demands, understand? I can promise you two things in tonight's activity. One, I will not cause you any permanent injury. And two, you will be completely and thoroughly fucked by morning's light."
"Oh Sire, yes! Please, please let me pleasure you! Oh, it's all I've been thinking about all day! Oh, please!" she moaned loudly. I could tell by her reaction that her need was genuine.
A part of me felt almost sorry for these women and the way they had to live their lives, not knowing the pleasures of the opposite sex. But another part of me wanted to make sure they didn't–I felt as if I had been sent here to make sure these women didn't suffer like this anymore. It was a tough job but someone had to do it!