Chapter 9: The Swingers Club, and a Week-End by the Sea.
Our vacation had been successful in helping build up Belle's confidence and taught her how to better read situations for opportunities to play. It bore the promises of many fun times to come... But then, the reality check imposed by Soraya's traumatic experience had suddenly undone it all.
It had reminded Belle that there were risks inherent to our little games. More significant risks than possible problems with police, which, given the leniency of local laws, would have been quite limited anyway. And much more consequential than a perv spraying her with his spunk, it'd have been gross for sure, but nothing that couldn't be washed away, figuratively too. So far she'd felt relatively safe exposing herself, with me around to scare off pervs, but she'd started to worry what she'd do if a guy knocked me unconscious, or worse.
To be honest, it had been a cold shower for me too. I started to think we'd been lucky so far. Mark, the neighbour who'd watched Belle do her sports routine every day for months, could have decided to wait for her to come back one evening and jumped her in the hall of our building. And once I'd started with one event, I couldn't stop myself from reviewing all the fun moments we'd lived over the last year and imagining something had gone very wrong. I ordered an anti-aggression kit for her, with pepper spray, a taser, and a whistle, as soon as we got back home.
It took us a few days before we felt ready to sit down and talk about it at length. We both knew counteracting my treatment had not been the reason we'd played for a while now, even if I could have stopped taking it we would have carried on. And it was no longer just a kinky thing either, it had become a part of ourselves somehow. Or rather it had always been, we'd just been repressing it. The conversation lasted for hours, our own contradictions becoming quite obvious along the way, and in the end, there was one thing we were sure of: we did not want to stop. Belle even less than I did.
But, between the lesser risks we were willing to take while near home, and the cloud that hung over in the back of our minds every time we played, the next few weeks were much less fun and adventurous. Belle did not even ask about the possibility of making more of the public photoshoots anymore. She'd been talking about them regularly since the first one we'd done, but it seemed as if she'd stricken that off her to-do list. Since, in my opinion, these were one of the safer ways we played, knowing she felt uneasy about them made me feel guilty for even thinking about doing anything more daring.
I just could not find a way out of this conundrum. I couldn't find a way to let us fully enjoy our exposing ourselves while feeling safe at the same time.
One day, after work, I ran a small errand for Belle, picking up a lingerie set she'd ordered at our local sex shop. While I was waiting for the clerk to find our package, I looked around and saw a flyer advertising a party at a swinger club. I'd never thought about this because, even though Belle had brought two other girls into our bed, swinging had never been something I was interested in.
Moreover, I'd been to such a club once, when its owner had tried to recruit me as DJ, about twenty years ago, and I'd felt uncomfortable. I could not help but think everything might be coated with bodily fluids of various types, and the people I'd seen that night were a bit too 'open', making me feel awkward...
But thinking about it now, particularly about the fact that it would mean there would be security guys to keep Belle safe if I couldn't, made me reconsider my position. I took the package, went home and started researching the swinger clubs around us.
After a while, I finally found one which seemed okay to me. First, the few pictures of the interior made it look clean, then, the rules of entry they'd posted gave me the feeling that they put emphasis on selecting their patrons, and finally, this club had something they called 'bubbles': small rooms, no larger than the king-size bed they contained, with glass on every side.
It had two downsides though. First, it was quite far, according to my GPS app, the trip there would take over an hour. And the entry fee was quite high, nothing crazy, but almost twice what every other place I'd seen charged. Both put together would mean it would not constitute a quick and easy way to fulfil our exhibitionistic tendencies on a regular basis.
Anyway, there was a pitfall I needed to avoid first. I had to bring the idea up without letting Belle believe I considered swinging... Not because she'd have called me a perv and said no, but rather because she might have said yes if she thought it was something I wanted. And once the idea would have been planted in her mind, she might just find the right words to convince me to try.
I did not want to try that, but not because I'd be jealous. I have seen too many jealous people pushing their partner into doing exactly what they kept accusing them of. After all, if you're going to get the punishment anyway, why not commit the crime? Jealousy is a poison for a relationship. And after what Belle had let me do with Juliet right in front of her, being jealous would be highly hypocritical of me...
The reason I was against the idea was the lack of control over the consequences. As what happened with Soraya had proven, once you'd fucked someone, even if you thought it was just sex, it was much harder to keep out of their problems. And even if you managed to not let them drag you into them, they could still create issues in your own life indirectly. I had not talked about it with Belle, but somehow I still worried about Juliet sometimes. She could have blown a fuse at any point and decided that Belle, or I, did not deserve to be with the other, that she deserved it more, and tried to tear us apart.
Was it paranoia? Maybe. But we were already taking risks with what we did, so why add more if it was unnecessary? I knew Belle liked sex with girls too, and she'd proven she had no qualms sharing these moments with me. Since I had seen how pleased she'd been when I had finally let go with Juliet, I'd considered it a necessary risk to let her have this. And I would be lying if I tried to pretend I did not enjoy watching her having fun with the gorgeous women she'd picked as sexual partners, and having fun with them myself.
But now, I felt like we'd just been lucky so far. So, while I wanted (needed?) us to find a way to resume having lustful fun, I also did not want to bring new people into our sex life. That's why I felt it was important I made sure she did not misread my intentions when I'd mention the club. I needed to make sure she knew it was just about exhibitionism and nothing else before I even mentioned the type of place it was.
I did not talk to her right away, I waited until this discussion would seem like a natural extension of what we'd been talking about. The text from Soraya letting us know her aggressor was in police custody finally gave me the occasion I'd been waiting for. I steered the conversation, mentioning how despite what we'd talked about, we had put playing on the back-burner. From there, it was quite easy to switch to talking about how I'd been trying to think of ways to make Belle feel safe again while exposing herself. And how I ended up considering a place where I would not be the only one keeping her safe, where I'd have a backup in case of problems, and where no one would judge us for being kinky...
"Beau, do you mean, like, one of those swinger clubs?"
She pouted. Exactly the reaction I'd hoped for.
"Well, I heard that part of the people who go to such clubs are like us, just wanting to be watched. We could get what we want in a safe environment..." She was clearly not convinced. I needed to seal the deal somehow. "And since I know part of why it makes you horny to expose yourself is the ego-boost, imagine how good it might feel to know those who are watching you are doing so despite all the competition."
She smirked, "You really wanna try, huh? If you're ready to stoop so low, using my vanity against me..."
"Dammit! Caught! I knew it was too heavy-handed... But is it working though?"
She laughed, "To be honest, I'd thought about it too. But then I remembered what you said about the one time you visited such a place and dismissed the idea. But if you're willing to give it a try, so do I."
A few minutes later, we were in front of my PC, checking the website of the club I'd selected. I'd shown her those of the clubs closer to us, which she'd immediately rejected, just like I'd done.
"This one looks much better, clean, more like a glamorous boudoir than the 'pervert basement covered in plastic' vibe of the others. Though I'm not sure about those 'bubbles', I think I'd feel like a goldfish in there."
"True, but I guess the glass is the only way they found to keep the pervs from even thinking of jizzing on those they watch."
"Yeah, makes sense... Still, I'm afraid I won't be able to let go if I feel like a zoo exhibit. But the only way to know for sure is to try it."
We decided we would go on one of the nights when there was no special theme or show. There would probably be less people, most of them regulars, so it would allow us to get a better feel for the place. This ruled out Saturday nights, a Friday it would be then. I checked the reviews of the place and most of them said there was hardly anyone before 11 PM. I suggested we aimed to arrive there around 10 PM, just to get enough time to look around before most of the other patrons showed up. Belle agreed.
"If we do this, it has to be next Friday, as soon as possible. I know I'll get bouts of stage-fright until then and don't want to impose this on myself for any longer than necessary."
I kissed her on the forehead, "Same for me to be honest."
She sat at the computer and spent the next half an hour researching information on the dress code for such places.
"They seem to say that guys are required to be classy, but that most women dress very slutty, some even arriving in just lingerie under their coat. What do you think I should wear?"
I tried to remember how people were dressed when they came to the one club I'd visited, and it was true that the ladies had been dressed in a very revealing manner, I even remembered one wearing only body chains, a g-string and high heels.
"Something sexy of course, that's a given. Something that is not a pain to remove would be a good idea too. And if what we're looking for is standing out a bit, I guess you should aim for a more classy-yet-revealing look than a slutty one. Maybe a nice close-fitting short dress with some cleavage?"
"While I agree with your first two points, I'm not sure about the third. If I'm trying to steal the attention of the other women, I won't achieve that just by being classy..."
I shrugged, "I know that whatever you decide to wear, you'll look stunning."
I thought she'd smile at my little compliment, but she was too focused on her need to find the right attire. She stood up and went to our room, I heard her rummage through the wardrobe for the next hour or so. When she finally emerged, she was smiling.
"After all, I think your third point makes sense, but it needs a twist..." I asked what she meant by that, she smirked and just said "You'll see..."
At least, she seemed to have shaken this weight off her shoulders.
On Friday, I came home early, showered and put on the pair of lace black briefs she'd bought for me recently, just because she'd wanted to see my butt in them. They weren't really my style, but today seemed like the right occasion to wear them. Then I prepared a light dinner, put it on plates and placed it in the microwave, ready to be nuked when she'd come home.
When she walked in she was a bit nervous, she gave me a kiss and immediately asked why I wasn't ready.
"Honey, I already showered, and I know what I'll wear, I'll just need five minutes max to put it on. I even prepared something to eat, we just need to nuke it a bit."
She sighed, then smiled. "I'm getting all worked up, ain't I?"
I just smiled. "Let's eat right now. Then you'll have till 8:30 PM to get ready before we need to go. Won't that be enough?"
"I think I'll make it."
When she finally stepped out of the room, she indeed looked stunning.
She'd put on a dress I had not seen her wear in years: an ankle-length satin black dress split on both sides, the slits running the whole length of her legs almost up to her hips, sleeveless, with a deep cowl neck. It was almost backless, but for a strap just below the scapulae which, as I knew very well, once unclasped let the dress fall off her body by itself. The back cut was so low it came within an inch to qualify as 'butt cleavage'.
Through the open sides, I could see she'd put on sheer black stockings, the 'classic' kind, with a seam along the back. Each time one of her legs popped out through the slits, I could catch a glimpse of the straps of her garter belt, which I recognized as from her faux-leather lingerie set. I guessed she'd put on the full set, half-cup bra and thong, and with hindsight I was right.
She'd combed her long curly hair all to one side and made up her eyes with a very thick line of kohl pencil, just enhancing her natural beauty. I could see, and smell, she'd creamed her whole body with cocoa butter, which we both knew would give her skin a slight sheen for several hours. She'd put on a few silver and black leather bracelets on each arm. A pair of studded black leather high heels finished her look. I often said she didn't need much to impress, but that night, she'd gone over the top. She could have walked any red-carpet event without looking out of place.
She looked me up and down too.
I'd decided to put on the light grey suit which pants made my muscular butt, and my bulge, stand out. I'd put on a black shirt with double-french cuffs, which I'd closed with my silver and onyx cufflinks. I'd decided against wearing a tie, leaving the top two buttons open. I'd adorned the breast pocket of my vest with a black silk handkerchief, using the simple presidential fold. And to add a slight rebellious touch to the otherwise very classic look, I wore my wrap-around leather cuff bracelet and a few heavy rings. I'd also decided against shaving, the five o'clock shadow adding just a hint of a rugged look.
She nodded appreciatively. I could see in her eyes the same glint she'd probably seen in mine a minute ago as I was checking her up. A glint that said: if we did not have plans, you'd be naked within the next minute.
"The girls will wanna steal you from me."
I snorted. "They'll be too busy staring at you with envy!"
"You flatterer!"
I then remembered what she'd said a few days ago, "What about the 'twist' you mentioned?"
She smirked, patted her handbag, and said "You'll see when we arrive there."
She put on her bolero leather jacket, and we went out. We tried joking around for the first few minutes of the trip, but there was an awkwardness lingering in the air, as we both started to feel stage fright, which made our attempts at levity fall flat. So we rode in silence most of the way, just listening to our favorite playlist.
A little over an hour later, we parked on the club's private parking. It was located in a two-story nineteenth-century manor, something which was not advertised on the website. As soon as I parked, Belle fished out something from her handbag and handed it to me. It was her stainless steel slave collar. She then slowly pulled out of her bag the dog leash we'd gotten with the BDSM starter kit over a year ago, but never really put to use.
"Sexy and classy yes, but held on a leash like a bitch! If that does not make me stand out, I don't know what would. And at the very least, it'll let all the creeps know who I belong to... Master." She sultrily whispered that last word.
"Sometimes the way you think scares me!"
I locked the collar around her neck, then she hooked the leash to its ring. I stepped out of the car, opened her door, and she handed the leash's handle before stepping out. I felt a little awkward holding Belle on a leash like this at first, but the feeling quickly faded. As we walked through the door of the club, from the looks the bouncers gave me, it seemed to impress them. Belle was right. If we got this kind of reaction from the bouncers, who'd probably seen it all, then the patrons would surely notice us.
We walked to the cashier's desk, who told me a price of entry which was half what I'd expected. I must have let my surprise show, because she pointed one of her well-manicured nails to a line below the list of prices which said it was fifty percent off for couples under thirty, then winked at me.
"Works for good-looking people too, but we can't write that down, or we'd have to hurt a lot of feelings."
I chuckled and paid. She handed me four vouchers for free alcoholic drinks. We moved on to the cloakroom desk, Belle removed her jacket and placed it on the desk along with her handbag, the same lady who acted as cashier picked them up, and handed me a plastic black card with a golden number on it, which I stored in my wallet.
Time to enter the main area. On the doors separating the entrance from the club itself signs said in big bold red letters 'Absolutely no sex in the main lobby!' and 'Don't sit naked on the main lobby's couches!'. Good to know, that explains why it looked so clean in the pictures. We walked in and looked around the main lobby.
The whole first floor was an open space, with a square dancefloor in the middle, at the corners of the dancefloor were four small circular stages with strip poles. Along the wall directly to our right was the bar, and around the dancefloor were about twenty or so couches, of a style which reminded me of renaissance era ones, the seat and back made of deep red velvet bordered by a sculpted golden frame. In the back, a large sweeping marble stairway led to the top floor, where I supposed the 'backrooms' were located. The DJ booth was tucked under the stairs.
There were not a lot of patrons right now, a handful of single men either sitting on stools at the bar or in the darker corners of the room, and three couples were sitting on couches near the dancefloor, drinking. A girl in bright pink underwear was dancing around one of the poles. I first thought she might be a go-go, because she was quite good at pole-dancing, but then saw her partner, sitting on a nearby couch, watching proudly over her. Four couples then.
As we walked in, almost everyone looked our way. While I'd hoped we'd attract attention, it made me a bit uneasy right now. I felt as if every woman was disrobing me with their eyes, looking at me like a piece of meat, just wondering how much I was packing inside my pants. I realised that I was walking in Belle's shoes, in every woman's shoes, without being used to it. I looked towards Belle, and if she felt the same as I did, she did not let it show. Despite the leash, she looked like she owned the room. I decided to just ignore my unease. Tonight was not about them at all, it was about us.
I leaned towards Belle, "We may as well check the backrooms right now, get to know the layout of the place before it starts getting packed."
She grinned, throwing a look at the leash, "Wherever you go, your bitch must follow."
With this little joke, she'd just managed to erase whatever was left of my unease.
We headed towards the stairs. A guy from the bar stood up from his stool and followed us. As we reached the top of the stairs, we discovered another open area. In the middle was a five by five meters area of white tiled floor with what looked like a sports-bench at its center. I had no idea what it was for, I discovered later it was used for gang-bangs.
Around it were the four 'bubbles', which were slightly larger than they'd looked online. The king-size bed, coated in plastic, was actually surrounded by a one-meter space before the glass walls themselves. Access was through a sliding door which could be locked from inside. Each bubble was surrounded by an area of white tiles.
Along the right wall were a row of enclosed private salons, each with a green light over the door, clearly indicating they were currently free. I opened one of the doors to look inside, it contained a large four-sitter couch and a large bed, both coated in plastic and a faux-marble table. The pink hue of the lighting seemed a bit out of place to me, I couldn't help but think it gave the room a 'Barbie gone sexual' touch.
Along the left wall was an area separated from the rest by a chainlink fence from floor to ceiling, through the fence we could see the area contained a lot of BDSM equipment. At each end of the enclosed area were black partitions, just high enough to provide a modicum of intimacy for those who did not want everyone to witness their practices.
As we walked along the fence, Belle looked at the equipment on display. I saw a glint in her eyes twice. First, when she noticed the sex-swing hanging from the ceiling. The second time while she looked at what clearly was the main attraction of the dungeon, a large wooden X-shape with manacles on each branch, standing against the back wall. I knew that if our test tonight was a success, she'd one day insist on trying those.
I saw male and female signs on an enclosed area in the back and thought it was the lavatories. As we walked past it, I realised it actually contained a glory hole wall. As we got closer to it, the guy who'd been following us walked closer. I did not look his way, but I didn't need to, I knew he'd hoped I'd tell Belle to walk in and was disappointed when we walked away.
The lavatories were actually on the other side of the room, tucked in the corner behind the private salons. I took a quick look inside, in addition to the toilet stalls, there were showers too. I wondered if they were there just for hygiene, or as another place to have fun. Thinking back to the signs on the doors, I guessed the second use was allowed.
Our tour done, we headed back downstairs, the guy following a few meters behind. Belle and I headed to the bar, the guy continued walking and went to sit a bit further. We ordered our first round of drinks and went to sit on one of the couches. A few more people had come in while we were upstairs. The girl who was dancing on the pole earlier had gone back to sit with her partner, but there were now three other girls dancing, two of them constantly grinding against each other and kissing regularly.
As we sipped on our drinks, made with cheap alcohol and juice, I asked Belle about her opinion on the place so far.
"So far, so good. The place looks clean, the patrons aren't too creepy, except for the guy who followed us. I may consider letting you fuck me in one of the 'bubbles' later..."
"Don't feel compelled to. The idea is mostly to get a feel for the place. If we don't do anything else than look around tonight, it'll be fine with me anyway. Okay?"
"I know... But in the end, fucking while they watch is what we came for. It'd be a waste to have come this far, put so much effort in dressing up to impress, and chicken out!"
I shook my head no. "We came to see how it goes. I don't want you to feel obligated to do anything if you don't feel 100% comfortable doing it."

Over the next hour, the club started to fill up a bit. It was far from full capacity, about thirty couples and about as many single men. The dancefloor was apparently the almost exclusive domain of the women here. The rare men dancing stood out like sore thumbs. A few of the couples had joined with others, which they clearly already knew, and were drinking together.
A rowdy group got in, four young guys groping an older blonde who was wearing a dress that was much too tight for her form. They went upstairs directly, about a third of the single men around the room immediately following them. A few minutes later, during the calmer parts of songs, we could hear her scream rhythmically, most likely getting gang-banged on the bench in the middle of the room. Belle rolled her eyes and made a slightly disgusted expression when she heard the woman's screams. I shrugged in answer. She was right though, even if we weren't strangers to lewd, and loud, displays, this felt vulgar rather than arousing.
As we were sitting, single guys regularly approached us, eyeing Belle with lustful looks, introducing themselves, then chit-chatting a bit or going straight to the point and asking us what we were looking for. I made the same answer each time.
"We're here to check out the place. We may fuck in one of the bubbles later, you'll be welcome to watch, but that's all."
They all excused themselves and left almost immediately after that.
A couple joined us for a while, chit-chatting. The woman complimented Belle on her looks. She returned the compliment, though I knew it was purely out of politeness. Then they asked us quite directly if we wanted to swing. When I explained we were not swingers but exhibitionists, they stood up and left quite rudely, the woman going as far as mumbling we'd just made them waste their time.
The DJ switched from the EDM he'd been playing so far to slower, hotter ragga-dancehall from the late nineties or early noughties. He knew his crowd; when the first few bars of 'Mr. Loverman' by Shabba Ranks started to play, the dancefloor was on fire. The guys who'd stayed off it so far finally joined the women, and everyone started swaying sensually or grinding against their dance partners. Belle was not indifferent to the music either, swaying in her seat. When Shaggy's "Boombastic' followed, she turned to me.
"Let's dance!"
We stood up and walked the few meters to the dancefloor, me still holding Belle's leash. She started to grind her butt against my crotch as we danced to the music. She bent over at the waist while hollowing her back and kept grinding, my pants started to feel cramped. She then grabbed her dress at the slit and slid the fabric over her ass, uncovering herself below the waist and revealing her ass framed in her thong and garter belt. We started to draw a bit more attention. But we didn't care. I grabbed her by the hips at that point to grind my bulge harder against her.
She leaned back, her dress flowing back into place, keeping her back hollow, and rested the back of her head against my shoulder, looking up at me. At the same time, she grabbed me by the wrists and guided me to caress her body. Pushing one hand up and the other slightly down, I ended up with one hand over one of her boobs and the other cupping her crotch. While swaying together, I massaged her boob and pussy through her clothes. That wasn't enough for her.
She moved the hand that was cupping her pussy down to the slit of her dress and pushed my hand through it, under the dress. She then made my hand caress her up along the same path she'd just pushed it down, lifting the dress up until the front of her faux-leather thong must have been visible to all. She then slid my hand back down again, inside her thong, and down until I felt my middle finger slide along the inner folds of her wet pussy. As the tip of my finger reached the entrance of her vagina, she started to move my hand slightly back and forth, pressing harder on my wrist.
I pushed my middle finger inside her, and she moaned, closing her eyes. She let go of my wrist and put her hand behind her back, massaging my cock through my pants. Without stopping to dance, I started to finger her slowly in the middle of the dancefloor. At that moment, the 'no sex in the lobby' rule was all but forgotten to us, but apparently, heavy caresses like these must still be on the edge of what was allowed, or nobody from security saw what we did, because no one interrupted us.
I slipped the hand that had been on her boob inside her bra, pushing the dress and bra slightly down in the process, almost freeing her tit, and started to pinch and tug on her nipple. She moaned again, loud enough for a nearby guy to turn around at the sound despite the music. I slid a second finger inside her pussy and increased the pace at which I fingered her.
I soon had to let go of her boob to grab her around the belly to support her as I felt her knees weakening. I felt her shudder against me soon after, and she came, biting her lips to muffle her orgasm. I waited until the last waves of pleasure had washed over her to remove my fingers, took my hand out of her thong, brought it to my mouth, and sucked her juices off my fingers while looking back at a woman who'd been staring at us intently for the last few minutes. She smiled hornily at me.
Belle turned around within my arms.
"Let's move this upstairs..."
Even though I'd just made her cum in the middle of the dancefloor, and my dick wanted out of my pants, I still had some doubts. But when Belle's tongue invaded my mouth and her hand caressed my raging boner through my pants again, my cock decided for me.
I nodded, released my embrace, and started to walk in the direction of the stairs holding her by the leash, which I had passed over my shoulder. With Belle in tow, I confidently made my way up, about a dozen pairs of eyes following us all the way. A few guys stood up from their seats and started to follow us as soon as it was clear where we were heading.
When we reached the top of the stairs, I noticed all the bubbles were occupied. One had no voyeurs pressed around it, however. I took a second look at that one and noticed the lone occupant was an elder lady in a french maid outfit who was spraying and wiping the plastic cover of the mattress, cleaning the play area for the next users, for us.
I walked towards this bubble, Belle following. As we came close to the open sliding glass door, the maid stepped out, smiling at us. The maid stumbled a bit, slipping on something, and that's when I noticed the small puddles of cum on the tiles and more cum dripping along the glass. I felt slightly disgusted but just turned around to warn Belle to watch her step.
Once inside the bubble, I let go of her leash, closed the door behind us, and locked it shut. Belle had been right, it felt like being a goldfish in there. The smells of very recent sex filling the air were both a turn-on to some primal part of my brain and a turn-off on a more conscious level. Belle had started removing her dress though, revealing her faux-leather ensemble, and any other thought left my brain. She hung the dress from a hook located in one of the corners of the room, ideally placed to minimize blocking the view from outside.
Then she stepped back to me and started to undress me. She removed my vest, shirt, and pants, leaving me with just my black lace briefs on, which were struggling to keep my dick contained. Given the cramped insides of the bubble, I'd had to lay on the bed to let her remove my pants. Belle unclasped her bra, slid each strap off her shoulders while holding it in place with the other hand, then removed it altogether, letting it fall on the edge of the bed.
That's when things started to go wrong. Muffled by the glass, I heard a guy shout.
"Wow! Nice rack, babe! Lick those puppies for me!"
Belle ignored him. Turning around so her ass would point my way, she pulled her thong off, bending over. I could see this brought her face barely an inch from the glass, where some guy pressed his dick right in front of her eyes. From behind me the same guy who'd commented on Belle's boobs shouted again.
"What a fuckable ass! Spread it open for us, honey! I wanna see your taint!"
Something inside me wanted to exit the bubble, find the guy and slap some respect into him.
Belle turned around and crawled on the bed. She pulled my dick out of my briefs and brushed it against her large breasts a few times before starting to suck me. The guy commented again.
"Yeah! Suck on that dick, bitch! Take it down your throat!"
I was livid. But without stopping to suck me, Belle was staring in my eyes, slightly shaking her head no, telling me to ignore the rowdy, probably drunk, dickhead. After sucking me off for a while, Belle stood on the bed and, placing her hands on the ceiling of the bubble, swayed her hips sensually.
As she started to crouch over me, bringing her pussy closer to my raging boner. The guy shouted again.
"Come on, show us that pussy, bitch! I wanna see your insides!"
And then a short commotion happened. Next thing we knew, the rowdy guy was dragged away by security, claiming he'd done nothing wrong, that he was just 'cheering us on'... Good riddance.
Belle had stopped moving for a handful of seconds as this incident happened, but she now grabbed my cock, pointed it at her pussy and sat on it, taking its whole length in a single thrust. Then she started bouncing on it at a rapid pace.
We changed positions a few times, from cowgirl to missionary, from missionary to doggy-style, during which I held her on a tight leash, to reverse cowgirl, but even though we fucked hard, it seemed none of us was getting any closer to cumming. In fact, I could feel the friction inside Belle's pussy had increased, she was no longer wet. Suddenly, Belle whispered to me, her discomfort evident in her voice.
"I'm gonna fake cumming, then suck you off for a bit, if you can't cum either, just fake cumming in my mouth. I want this over as soon as possible..."
I agreed.
Almost immediately, Belle started to moan rhythmically before faking an orgasm. Her shaking and shuddering were pretty convincing, but I felt none of the contractions of her vagina I'd grown used to. A handful of seconds later, she was crouched between my thighs, sucking hard on my dick. In other circumstances, such a blowjob would have made me cum. But I faked it too, grunting a few times while slightly moving my hips. Belle stood up while pretending to catch a strand of my cum from the corner of her lips and sucking on her finger. We started to get dressed.
Once we'd begun covering ourselves, the crowd gathered around our bubble dispersed quite quickly. By the time we stepped out, only a handful remained, mostly single guys who nodded appreciatively at me. As if I cared.
Five minutes later, we were at the bar waiting for our second round of free drinks, and I was about to start talking about what went wrong up there, when a couple in their late twenties, both very nice looking, introduced themselves. The girl was a gorgeous petite blonde in red lace lingerie and fishnet stockings, and the guy a quite handsome muscular guy in a simple smart black suit.
"Quite the show you gave up there," said the girl, "my panties are drenched from watching you two fuck like animals. We were wondering if you'd be interested in another round, side-by-side with us, in a private salon?"
We both knew 'side-by-side' implied no inter-couple contact, we'd read about the different 'levels' of the libertine lifestyle while we were looking at the clubs' websites. So this proposal still fell within what we were ready to partake in. Belle threw me a look that asked if I wanted to. I shrugged very slightly, I was not against the idea but after what happened in the bubble I wasn't really in the mood either. So I let her decide if she wanted to have a try at this. She sighed.
"I'm sorry, you're both so cute, it's a very tempting proposal, but we're exhausted now. We were planning on having a drink and then leaving. Maybe another time?"
They looked disappointed but started to chit-chat with us regardless. Apparently, they did not think just chatting without any promise for sex afterward did not seem like a waste of their time. Or they just wanted to insure to have such a side-by-side session with us in the future. The conversation was quite pleasant, full of innuendos, and laughter. We chatted with them while emptying our glasses, then said goodnight. The blonde kissed Belle on the lips.
We went to the cloakroom, recovered Belle's jacket and handbag, and walked out of the club. The security guy who'd dragged the guy out earlier apologized for the disturbance. We hurried back to the car and, once inside, I grabbed the allen key from the sun visor where I'd left it, to unlock Belle's collar, but she refused to be released yet. I shrugged, started the car, and drove off. As we crossed the gates of the club's private parking, Belle said what I'd been thinking for a while.
"So... These clubs are not for us it seems. At least the creeps 'in the wild' know how to shut the fuck up!"
We both laughed.
Belle asked me to stop the car in some woods along the road and suggested I fucked her from behind against the hood while holding her on a tight leash like I'd done in the bubble.
"It's the only thing that really turned me on enough in there to forget where we were!"
I stopped at the first occasion. I didn't dare to drive down the dirt road in the dark, so I parked close to the road, but neither Belle nor I cared if we were seen. She'd started getting out of her dress before I'd fully stopped the car and was naked but for her garter belt, stockings, and shoes by the time I turned off the ignition.
She unbuckled my pants and blew me until I was hard. Then she stepped out of the car and bent over the bonnet, spreading her buttcheecks with both hands, inviting me in. I slid my cock in and Belle pushed against me to take my whole length as quick as possible. Then she handed me the leash. I fucked her hard and fast, yet she moved her hips to increase the pounding she was receiving. And she flicked her clit too.
She came quite quickly. She pushed me back almost as soon as she was done cumming, turned around, crouched down, and sucked me to my own completion, deepthroating me right as I was about to cum. Having released the frustration we'd accumulated at the club, we stepped back into the car. We got decent. Belle asked to be released from her collar now. And we drove off.
On the rest of the way home, we debriefed the night. We'd both felt awkward while in the bubble, each of us for very different reasons. Of course, the main thing for me was that I'd hated hearing the guy refer to Belle so crudely, in terms I'd sometimes used myself, with tenderness, but which sounded filthy in his mouth, almost spoiling their use for me. And after he'd been taken away by security, the plastic covering, sticking to my skin, cracking and squeaking with each of our moves, kept distracting me. This, added to the fact I could feel Belle wasn't really into it either, had killed my mojo.
Belle, who'd looked outside of the bubble much more than me, was put off by seeing the guys spray their jizz against the glass, almost flinching a few times because, had the glass not been there, it'd have been aimed directly at her face. And at the same time, she'd felt awkward because of those people who watched passively, like they'd watch a show on TV, not a hint of arousal on their face. Their expression somehow reminded her of some of the psychos from the crime shows she sometimes watched.
She added that it also felt a bit too 'forced', like not having sex at all would have been a waste of time and money. And this lack of spontaneity had played a part in her inability to let go, except for that moment on the dancefloor. I understood what she meant, that's why I'd reminded her we did not have to do anything if we didn't feel like it. But my warning had apparently fallen on deaf ears. And, regardless of what my brain was telling me, I had let my own lust convince me to proceed.
However, Belle had really considered trying the side-by-side thing with the couple and even felt a tinge of regret at having said no in the end. I confessed that even though I was not in the mood when they'd proposed it, I was much more willing to give it a try after chatting with them. She suggested we tried coming to the club again, in hopes of meeting them, or at least a couple like them. While I wasn't against the idea and agreed we might do so in the future, we never did. The hassle of having to anticipate the outting and to drive that far was not balanced by the slim chance to meet the couple again in our minds.
Had we known what was to come, we might have gone back at least once, before it became impossible.
The weather was quite nice that fall, but our heavy workloads kept us from enjoying its possibilities. So when the weather forecasts announced that we had no more than two weeks of sunny days left before the first signs of winter's arrival, we decided it'd feel good to get away for a long weekend, using some of the days off we'd accumulated. Through AirBnB, we reserved a nice modern villa with an inside pool on the coast, left on a Thursday evening, to come back on Monday evening.
We greatly enjoyed the change in pace, using most of the stay to just relax. Since it was now out-of-season, there were almost no tourists but us. So we spent time walking in the almost empty streets of the nice seaside village nearby or taking long walks along the deserted beach. Of course, since there was almost no one around, we could not resist doing a few photoshoots. We did one with Belle walking fully naked in broad daylight along a small paved street, using the street furniture in her poses. Benches, signposts and guardrails became accessories to her exhibition. And we did another on the deserted beach, which quickly turned into me filming Belle masturbating, then fucking in the open.
A few people saw us both times, but none of them was comfortable enough with their voyeuristic tendencies to stop and watch. They kept going their own way, just stealing the few glances that they could without stopping. The most daring of them all merely slowed his pace to enjoy the show we offered for as long as he could. But once again, no one reacted negatively.
On Sunday evening, feeling tired after a hike, and sex, in the dunes, none of us felt like cooking and Belle suggested we ordered pizzas. She'd just exited her shower and was wrapped in a towel, so I could not help but think what anyone who'd ever watched some porn would think.
"Are you planning on doing the 'pizza dare' and dropping your towel for the delivery guy?"
"Don't you think they know it's just a bad excuse to expose yourself by now? And I'm beyond trying to find such excuses... I may as well ask him if he'd rather have a tip in money, or have me drop my towel!" She'd meant it as a joke, but seeing my reaction to the idea, she added, "Deal. I'll do it!"
As we waited for the delivery, we set up the place a little. We moved a chair in the entry hall so it would be hidden behind the door when it was open, offering me a view as close to the one the delivery guy would get and making sure I'd be close enough if anything went wrong. While sitting in the chair to test if I could be seen while standing in the door frame, I noticed that one of the full-size mirrors against the opposite wall was giving me a line of sight to the outside without the person standing there being able to see me as long as they looked forward. I would be able to see the guy's reaction.
When the doorbell rang, I moved silently to my spot, Belle then opened the door. In the mirror, I could see the guy's surprise when he found himself facing a sexy woman wrapped in a towel. Surprise that was quickly replaced by a very slight grin which said 'I can't believe this is finally happening to me!'. He handed Belle the pizza boxes, and she turned around to place them on a low table by the wall, bending over to expose her ass. The guy couldn't resist crouching a bit and leaning his head to the side to try to see better under Belle's towel.
Then she put her plan into action. Turning around, she held a five euros bill up and placed her other hand on top of the part of her towel which was tucked in, holding it in place.
"So, here's the deal, you either get the bill as a tip, or I drop the towel. What do you choose?"
The guy's jaw started shaking, he could not believe his luck, with a loud gulp he answered "The... The towel."
Belle smiled, "Good choice!" She opened her towel, and let it fall to the ground. The guy started to lift a hand, probably intending to touch her breasts, but she held up her own, "Tsk tsk, no touching, only watching."
The guy nodded, putting his arm down.
Belle then slowly took a step back, ensuring he'd have to take the same step forward before being able to reach her. Then she turned around, spread her legs about a meter apart, put a hand over her privates, and bent at the waist, her hand now the only thing between the guy's gaze and her holes.
"Do you wanna see it all?"
The guy nodded frantically, then realised she could not see, so said, "Ye... Yes!"
Belle let her hand slowly slide off, first exposing her asshole, then the pink folds of her inner pussy. As her fingers brushed along her pussy, she spread her lips. The guy gulped multiple times and readjusted his pants around his groin.
Belle suddenly stood back up and turned at the same time, then held the bill out.
"Take this anyway, a reward for making the right choice."
The guy took the bill with a trembling hand and Belle slowly closed the door on him, putting an end to the encounter. I stood up, and Belle jumped in my arms, smiling.
"It was fun, too bad I can't do this at home, because I'd have access to so much more options, lingerie, my buttplug..."
"Why not? We'd just order from a different pizza place, to avoid anything awkward when we'll order from the usual one next time we have friends at home, that's all."
She grinned, thinking about it then said "Not sure I'd feel comfortable with the guy knowing our exact address though."
She was right. We dropped the subject. I kissed her, put her back on the floor, picked up the pizza boxes, and headed to the living room.
As we ate, Belle said she'd considered revealing my presence behind the door and blowing me while the pizza guy would have watched, and even doing more if possible. But seeing how flustered he'd been when she turned towards him, she thought it'd just scare him off.
"You're probably right, if I had not been hidden behind the door, it could have worked, you could have asked if he wanted to see more before calling me... But discovering I'd been there all along would likely have been too much. He would have freaked out and run away."
"Well, maybe next time we rent something for a weekend then..." She said with a naughty wink.
With what was to come, we would reconsider this option sooner than we thought.