Chapter 2: A Trip to the Shops.
It only took a handful of weeks for my problems to rear up their ugly head.
Once back home, with work routine taking over, and not daring to play on our own turf because we feared that someone we know could catch us in a compromising situation, it was only a matter of time for the vicious circle to start over. If the memories of our summer vacation had initially been enough to get me into the right mindset, thinking back to the same events over and over quickly lost its effect. Without new stimuli to counteract the effects of my medicine, my penis failed me again. And after it happened once again, I could not help but fear it would happen, which made it happen. We were back to square one.
Of course, I tried to talk about it with my doctor, without mentioning the solution we'd stumbled upon, but the obvious solution, taking the magical blue pills (or one of their now numerous equivalents), was out of the question because it was incompatible with the treatment which caused the problem. And stopping the medicine would mean having both my legs feel like they were on fire. In other words, if there was a solution, it would not be a medical one, and I would have to find it on my own.
Then the fall sales happened. There is a town not too far away from our own, about 150 kilometres, where there is a huge district made exclusively of 'factory shops' selling luxury brands cheaper all year round. So during sales, cheaper becoming cheaper still, there are some highly interesting deals. Whenever we can, Belle and I like to take a day off mid-week to take advantage of this occasion. Well, that's the reason Belle likes to go. As far as I'm concerned, I get a day when I can feel a bit like Richard Gere in Pretty Woman's famous shopping spree scene without going bankrupt.
One morning, over breakfast, Belle and I were chatting.
"Beau, do you think you could take a day off next week, say Tuesday? I'd like to go to the factory shops."
"I don't know, it's quite hectic at work right now with the project for the new prospective client. I'm not sure it's the right moment to take a day off..."
"Well, it's just that I've been thinking lately, and... Maybe we should try to find ways to play here too. Since I wanted to go anyway, it made me think that we've been there dozens of times without ever meeting someone we know, and that the setting would be perfect to try and reproduce the 'trial room incident'... "
I didn't need to think about it for very long. I always tried to prioritize my personal life over work. If Belle was suggesting this, it must mean the return of my problems was bothering her too, despite all the attention I provided, I agreed. Half an hour later, I stopped by the Human Resources office on the way to mine, and filled out the required form.
A few days later, en route to the shops, Belle felt like she needed to explain something.
"Beau, some of the things you've said in the last few days made me wonder if you've not misunderstood what I meant to say."
I lifted an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"
She placed her hand on my thigh, "I feel like maybe I've given you the wrong signals. That I let you believe that I'm not happy with the way things are between us, sexually, right now. But I am more than fine with it. I don't really care how you make me come, your eagerness to do whatever it takes is a huge turn-on for me in itself... I'd be lying if I said that when I felt you 'losing it' for the first time, I didn't feel bad. I wondered if it was not something I did, or didn't do. But because you immediately chose to pleasure me by other means, it reassured me. I want you to understand and be convinced that I'm fine with it and that it doesn't make you a lesser lover, or a lesser man, as far as I'm concerned."
I sighed, "Well... It did cross my mind that your suggestion to go out today to play was because you were frustrated too and..."
Her hand squeezed my thigh hard. She cut me off, "Absolutely not! I swear! It's just that I know it frustrates you. If I didn't read that same frustration in your eyes each time it happens, I'd be completely fine with what we have. But it pains me to see you like that... Since I'm having lots of fun exploring our exhibitionistic tendencies together, and since it's the only thing we tried so far which works for you, I've been looking for every occasion I could think of to play again. That's all. And it won't last forever, you know, someday you won't need your treatment anymore, every doctor told you so. The only unknown is how long it'll take!"
"I know, it's not the first time you tell me this. But it's good to know you're still thinking this way. I guess I can't help but be afraid you're gonna grow tired of it, so you reassuring me once in a while sure helps me deal with it." Then something she'd said clicked in my mind, "Wait a minute! You said 'so far'? What do you mean by this?"
She giggled, "Well, ever since we discovered that exhibitionism turns us on, something I'd never have guessed before trying, I've been wondering if there could be other stuff we've been missing on..."
At that moment, even if I'm not usually the pessimistic kind, some paranoid part of my mind awakened, imagining that she would suggest cuckolding, or something along this line. Belle must have seen something in my expression, because, before I even had the time to answer, she clarified her line of thought.
"I've been thinking a lot about trying BDSM recently. Since having my nipples pinched, or my butt slapped, at the right moment brings me closer to orgasm, I'm pretty sure I'm somewhat of a masochist. I'm not sure I want to add more pain to our lovemaking though. But maybe adding a bit of submission on top of that could be fun. Just thinking about being bound, at your mercy, makes me wet." She leaned closer to my ear, "And telling you about it just had the same effect..."
I felt my dick twitch, and if my next thought had not been that I'd hate it if my dick failed me right now, I would have looked for a secluded place to fuck her in the car. But, since the thought crossed my mind, I decided not to risk spoiling that moment. So I chose to play it differently.
I placed my right hand on her thigh, caressing it.
"Care to prove it?"
She smiled, unbuckled her belt, and unzipped the fly of her jeans, "See for yourself..."
I slid my hand in her panties, my middle finger parting her labia, and, before even feeling the promised wetness, I could feel that her clit was engorged. I slid my finger a bit further, parting her inner lips and the tip reached the entrance of her vagina. But she put her hand on mine stopping me.
"I'd rather not spend the whole day in soaked panties, so if you want more, you'll have to wait until we're on our way back at the very least."
I slowly removed my hand, purposefully brushing on her clitoris along the way, eliciting a moan from her.
"Naughty boy!" she laughed. She buttoned her pants and fastened her belt.
I sucked her juices off my finger and said, "Well, I guess it means we'll have to pay a visit to a sex shop at some point. We're not equipped for that."
Belle smiled, "Didn't take much to convince you. Have you fantasized about tying me up and having free rein over my body without daring to tell me?"
"Nope. If I'd ever wanted to try, I'd have told you. You know I only pinch your nipples or slap your ass because you enjoy it anyway. And let's be honest, I can already do pretty much whatever I want to you during sex without needing to tie you up first. However, I'd lie if I told you that I don't like the idea..."
Belle took her phone out of her handbag and fiddled with it for a bit.
"There's a sex shop not too far from the factory shops, we may as well make a stop there before we leave."
I chuckled, "Someone can hardly wait, huh?"
She giggled, "Guilty as charged. That shop stays open later than the others, so we can go once we're done with our normal shopping." She leaned towards me, and kissed me sweetly on the cheek, before whispering in my ear, "Should I call you 'Master' from now on?"
The idea made my dick stiffen a bit, but I knew that if I told her 'yes' right now she would be daring enough to call me so while we were shopping.
"Not right now... It could make things a bit awkward if a shop clerk hears you call me like that. But I'm not against it, I'll just tell you when."
I drove in silence for a while, fantasizing about the new experiences Belle's suggestion had just opened, when an idea struck my mind.
"Did you put a bra on today?" She nodded. "Then your master commands you to remove it."
She feigned shyness, "But, but... Master, it's a bra with crossed straps in the back, it'd mean getting topless in the car, and we're crossing through a village right now." Her voice betrayed her amusement.
So that would be the kind of 'slave' I would have, one that would discuss my orders, alright, two can play this game.
"Did I stutter?" I asked rhetorically.
She smiled, clearly enjoying the bit of power-play. She slid the diagonal part of her seatbelt behind her back, took her top off and unclasped her bra, taking it off over her head.
Just as she was about to grab her top to put it back on, I added, "And since you think you can discuss my orders, you'll wait till we're finished crossing this village before putting back your top."
She obediently placed her top on her knees and leaned back in her seat, proudly displaying her boobs to anyone who would have watched us drive by.
I lifted my foot a bit off the gas pedal, bringing the car to the slowest reasonable speed. Belle looked at me, the mischievous look I had seen so many times during our vacations finally back. I saw a traffic light up ahead, it was green. I checked my rearview mirrors and, seeing no one behind, slowed down even more. The light turned orange, then red. I stopped.
I looked towards Belle, she was looking at the traffic light expectantly, probably trying to 'Jedi' it into turning green. Focusing my eyes a bit further, I realised why. On the corner of the street on her side, there was a bar, with large windows. I could clearly see the few patrons inside this early in the morning, standing at the counter drinking coffee, lost in discussion. All it would take was for one of them to look our way, and she'd be caught.
The mere idea of them catching a glimpse at her tits turned me on. I could no longer refrain from touching them. I started groping one of them, gently pinching and pulling on her nipple.
The light turned green but I had not gotten my fill of playing with her breast and, after checking in the rearview mirror there was still no one behind, I decided to wait and kept massaging her boob.
It only took a few seconds for Belle to pleadingly utter, "It's green!"
I grinned, "I know."
I waited yet another 5 seconds, tugging softly on her nipple, to see if she would make another comment, but since she remained silent, I finally drove off, still as slow as possible. I heard her mumble something which sounded like 'just in time'. I immediately understood why with a quick check in the rearview mirror. One of the patrons was leaving the bar. Had I waited a little more, he sure would have wondered why I was stopped at a green light, checked the car and caught her, tits out, being manhandled.
But we were not out of this village yet. I saw a slow-walking old man on the sidewalk, getting close to a crosswalk, and lifted my feet a little. I could feel that Belle was cursing me in her mind, but I nevertheless stopped at the crosswalk. Belle and I couldn't help but stare at the old man all the way but, apparently unsure of his footing, he kept his eyes down. Once he'd finished crossing, I heard Belle let out the breath she'd been holding, and realised I had done the same, but for the opposite reason.
As soon as we went past the sign indicating the end of the village, Belle asked, "Can I cover myself now?"
I liked the fact that she asked permission, but before agreeing I could not resist reaching out again and squeezing each of her boobs, feeling her hardened, erect nipples against the palm of my hand. I pinched the one I hadn't played with earlier and finally agreed. She put her top back on and put her seatbelt back the normal way. She opened the glove box and placed her bra inside. I saw a place where I could safely stop the car, did so, and kissed her deeply.
"Did you enjoy your first time as my slave?"
"Even though I've been exposed much more than today, I never felt so tense. You meanie!" She fake-punched my shoulder before adding, "But, yes, if I listen to what my pussy has to say about it, instead of my head, I sure enjoyed it. I'm drenched."
I was about to drive off, but she asked me to wait a minute. She unbuckled her seatbelt, grabbed some stuff out of her purse, opened her door and stepped out of the car. Standing there, she unbuckled her belt, unzipped her pants and lowered both her pants and panties to about mid-thigh. She then dried herself with a tissue before sticking a fresh pantyliner to what I now realised was one of the very simple white thongs we'd bought in Spain.
A car drove by while her ass was still out, I looked when it passed us but I don't think the people inside noticed anything because they were all looking straight ahead at the road. When I turned my attention back to Belle, she was decent again and was stepping back in. She mockingly threw the bunched-up liner's wrapper at me.
"Since you can't help but make me wet all the time, it's gonna be necessary."
I laughed, "Yeah, blame it on me. I barely touched you at all, you did it all to yourself!"
She giggled, "Ok, ok, you win. I'm such a slut I can't help but ruin my panties all the time!"
It was the second time I'd heard Belle refer to herself as a 'slut', and if I'd been too affected the first time, moved by her confession, I could not let it pass without making a comment this time. I grabbed her by the chin and, gently but firmly, turned her head so she'd look me in the eyes.
"No! You're not 'a' slut – you're MY slut!"
She giggled, "See? There you go again, making me wet right after I cleaned myself!"
I let go of her chin, grabbed her hand and placed it on my bulge, letting her know, even if she must have had no doubt about it, that she was not the only one who was getting turned on by all this.
"Say it!" I ordered.
She hesitated a second, unsure about what I meant, then finally, as sultry as she could, said, "Yes. I'm your slut."
I felt my dick twitch and so did she. We kissed hungrily. Her hand started to massage my bulge. I put an end to it before it went too far, gently brushing her hand off my erect manhood.
"We'd better get going, or we'll never even make it to the shops at this rate."
She nodded.
Half an hour later, we were parked and ready to start our shopping spree. Belle was walking a few steps ahead of me sensually swaying her hips. I couldn't take my eyes off her butt, perfectly moulded in her jeans. Accelerating my pace to catch up, I slapped her butt before slipping my hand into her back pocket. Belle smiled, passed her arm around me, slipped her hand in my back pocket and squeezed my buttcheek. I couldn't help but steal a glance at her boobs, bouncing freely under her top with each of her steps. We entered the first shop.
A pattern quickly emerged. Besides what she was actually looking to buy, Belle always picked whatever was the shortest, the sheerest, the most revealing thing in the shop to try on, even if she had no intention to buy it. In the first three shops, she pretended to accidentally badly close the curtain of her trial stall, leaving more and more of a gap each time, coming out in the most revealing outfit first to ask my opinion.
By the fourth shop, she didn't even bother with closing the curtain anymore. I made sure to stand as far from Belle's stall as I could while still being able to enjoy the endless strip-tease she was offering me, and anyone who would have cared to look. But the shops were relatively empty this early on a weekday, and I remained her only spectator.
In one of the shops, a female clerk closed Belle's curtain as she walked by, but Belle reacted immediately, re-opening it, topless, holding the piece of clothing she'd just removed to ask the lady if they had it in black. The clerk grabbed the piece, looked at it, and went into the main part of the store to check, closing the curtain again before walking away. Belle immediately re-opened it and asked for a white one too.
A few minutes later, the clerk came back, Belle made sure to remove the skirt she'd been trying on while the woman waited to hand her the clothes, ending up with nothing but her thong on. The lady waited, a bit uneasy, trying her best to look away. Her gaze met mine, and she gave me an embarrassed smile, which I answered with a slight shrug. Belle pretended to have just noticed her presence and turned her way, her body almost on full display but for the few centimetres of cloth covering her pussy. She grabbed the items and thanked the woman who walked away, leaving the curtain open this time, defeated.
By the time we felt like grabbing lunch, even if I couldn't complain about the show Belle put up for me, it was overall a somewhat disappointing morning. I had been her only spectator as far as we knew. While eating, we joked about the power-play with the clerk, Belle was clearly proud of the way she had handled it, not letting the woman shame her back into hiding behind the curtain and in the end compelling her to watch her almost complete nudity without a word. I was proud of her too. She was becoming bolder, the last bits of societal guilt at exposing her naked body were leaving her. I told her as much, and, quite strangely, it made her blush.
"Not that there's anything you should be ashamed about... You're just stunning!"
We finished eating and continued with our shopping. While in the morning we'd mostly visited shops that sold only female apparel, those we visited in the afternoon catered to both genders. There were therefore more men around the trial rooms. Belle nevertheless kept to what had become almost routine, and would be for the years to come each time I accompanied her to buy clothes, and left the curtain open, chatting about something with me as the excuse for not closing it.
The afternoon was much more interesting, I can't even count the number of guys I caught moving around to get a better line of sight, and I'm not even considering all those I saw stealing a quick glance before looking away, blushing. Belle clearly enjoyed more and more the attention she was receiving, putting up as much of a show as she could without making it obvious that she did it on purpose.
She struck sensual poses each time she'd finished putting on a new outfit, asking me my opinion on the depth of the cleavage or the sheerness of the fabric. She bent over with her ass towards the mirror when she was trying short skirts to supposedly check they were not too revealing. She often grabbed her boobs, shaking them, supposedly to adjust them in the tops she tried on. And a few times, when she was sure someone was watching while removing a skirt or pants she'd been trying on, she pretended to accidentally have dragged her thong down along with it, exposing her waxed apricot for a couple of seconds.
And, besides a guy getting a killing gaze from his wife when she noticed what he'd been looking at, no one reacted negatively or told us anything, which kept emboldening Belle. Later in the afternoon though, as we were getting out of a shop, Belle told me that she'd noticed right behind me a guy who had left his curtain partially open, clearly on purpose, exposing his erect cock, and who had started jerking off when she looked his way. She'd pretended not to have noticed and in the end, nothing more happened, but she suddenly feared we were going to end up in trouble because of some creep.
"If you feel like stopping by now, it's fine with me... But I think you should just have made it clear you noticed and closed your curtain in anger, would have most likely shut him off. Or, even better, just laughed at him, that would have killed his mojo for sure..."
Belle considered it for a few seconds then nodded.
"You're right, I should not let others spoil my fun now that I'm getting rid of my inhibitions, putting the clerk back in her place this morning made me feel good. I need to learn how to do the same with creeps, to impose my own limits on them too. And ignoring them clearly won't do the job." She kissed me on the cheek, then added, "Thank you honey, for, in addition to making me feel safe while exposing myself, your suggestions are very helpful."
Later, while in another shop, it was the actions of a male clerk which grabbed our attention. He walked into the trial rooms to bring some item to a woman who had entered a few minutes before, probably having been asked for some specific size or colour by that woman. When he passed Belle's stall, she was removing a dress she'd just tried, passing it over her head. The position she was in, arms raised above her head, enhanced her breasts, even though they didn't need it. His jaw dropped open, and he almost stopped in his tracks, but then realised my presence by his side and kept going. He was clearly a quick thinker because, had I not paid attention to him at that moment, I would probably not have noticed his slight hesitation.
He walked to the lady's stall, handed her the items he'd been holding, and then I saw him look around, thinking. In most of the stalls, like in almost every shop we'd visited today, there were discarded items, hung to the coat hooks or merely left on the benches, tried on by people who hadn't bothered returning them to the drop-off at the trial room's entrance. He'd found his way to discretely be able to watch more of the show Belle was offering. He quickly grabbed the items from the stalls at the back of the room, but spent more time in those where he could steal a glance towards Belle's.

At some point, I saw Belle look in his direction and smile. His arms now full of clothes, he walked into the stall directly to the right of the one facing Belle's, just behind me. I waited about thirty seconds, but he didn't come back out. Belle was looking in his direction and the mischievous look I now equated with the promise of a good moment appeared on her face. I took a step back, making sure I was not obstructing his line of sight and rested my back against the partition between the stall he was now standing in and its neighbour.
Belle removed the clothes she'd been trying on while keeping as much eye contact with him as she could. Once down to her thong, she started to dance to the shop's muzak. She caressed her boobs, then playfully tugged at the sides of her thong a few times, bringing it down just enough so the clerk could see she didn't have any hair on her pubis, but not enough for him to actually see her slit. I could hear his breathing becoming heavier, but kept my attention on Belle, not wanting to spook him off by actually looking at him.
Belle turned around, exposing her butt frames by the thong, and grabbed her buttcheeks, squeezing them a few times, while still staring at the guy over her shoulder. She turned around again and placed the thumbs of both hands in the sides of her thong before slightly nodding up once and waiting. The guy must have finally nodded his agreement because she slowly bent at the waist removing her thong. It was hard to know where to look, to her magnificent boobs shifting slowly with her change in position, or to the reflection of her ass and pussy in the mirror? I know I looked at both.
Now completely naked, Belle turned around, spread her legs until both feet were resting against the stall's walls and, keeping her legs straight, slowly bent over again, as far down as she could, looking back at us upside down between her legs. Her right hand slowly caressed the whole length of her leg, starting at her ankle and ending its course at her crotch. She placed a finger on each side of her slit, already quite spread by her position and spread it even more, fully revealing the bright pink of her insides for a couple of seconds. She then stood back up. While turning around, she blew a kiss our way and closed the curtain.
The show was over. The guy sheepishly walked out of the stall a handful of seconds later, clearly using the pile of clothes he was holding to hide his bulge.
As he passed in front of me, without daring to look at me, he said, almost in a whisper, "Please tell her 'thanks' for me."
"She already knows, but I will."
I watched him pick up the rest of the items left in the stalls while I waited for Belle to come out. He never dared even once to look my way.
Belle reopened her curtain to show me the next piece she'd tried on, and left it open again until she was done. We headed toward the cashiers to pay for the items she'd decided to buy. As we waited in line behind another couple, we saw the clerk who'd been Belle's playmate approach a cash register and motion us to come over. He still didn't dare to look at me but made small talk with Belle while he rang her items. At some point, he took one of the items, a very sexy lace black top Belle had decided to buy, and put it aside before continuing the checkout of the rest. When he was done, he grabbed the top he'd put aside, removed the anti-theft device and placed it directly in the bag without ringing it.
"As a proper thank you," he whispered with a wink.
Belle gave him a knowing nod, we paid and left.
Once outside, Belle burst out laughing, I smiled. As we walked, she told me that the guy had just offered her the only item she'd picked which was not on sale, and by doing so, he'd reduced the final bill by more than half. I thought about joking that we might improve our quality of life if she kept getting such 'special offers,' but decided against it.
We finished our shopping without anything more notable than a few stolen glances happening, then walked back to the car.
As we sat down, I asked, "So? Still decided on letting me use your body as I wish?"
She mockingly pretended to think about it, caressing her chin a few times.
"After what you made me do in the car this morning, I should maybe be warier about it, but I'm nevertheless 100% sure I still want to, yes."
I asked her to give me the address of the sex shop she'd found on her smartphone this morning, punched it into the car's GPS, and drove off.
As I followed the directions, my curiosity took over.
"What was the clerk doing in the stall?"
"If you wanna know if he jerked off, then the answer is no. He merely watched, standing there, gawking. Though he did adjust his crotch a few times..."
"You see? There are still gentlemen around who won't start jerking off at the first occasion."
She laughed at this poor joke.
"A gentleman wouldn't have watched such a lewd show to begin with, but he was well-mannered enough to not push it too far, I'll grant you as much."
"Not sure how well-mannered he is now that his shift is over, probably furiously wanking off at the memories or about to fuck his poor wife or girlfriend senseless."
Belle looked at me, the mischievous look back again, "I know, and I also know that's what makes you horny, being the one who gets to fuck me in the end after I turned on other guys..."
I faked guilt, looking slightly down, "You know me much too well."
I found a parking space almost in front of the shop. We walked in and started to scan the shelves.
The clerk came toward us and asked me, "May I help you?"
I pointed to Belle, "Ask her, she's the one who wanted to buy something, I'm just tagging along."
Belle shot me a look which said I'd pay for that later but without hesitating said, "I'd like to try some kinkier stuff in the bedroom, what do you have in terms of bindings?"
The guy very professionally took us to the right display, and started explaining the use of each item, asking questions about what she wanted exactly.
Although Belle initially felt slightly uneasy explaining her fantasies to a stranger, the guy knew when to push and when not to, it only took a few minutes for Belle to finally explain, as if it was completely routine, that she wanted to be tied up to the bed, arms and legs spread, maybe blind-folded too. The clerk gave me a knowing smile and pointed to a set of four leather manacles, which came as a bundle with a dog collar with leash, simple nipple clamps with little ball-bells, a cat o'nine tails whip, a ball-gag and a leather blindfold.
"This set is perfect for beginners, just add a few ropes to that and you can be tied just the way you dreamed of while remaining as comfortable as possible. I'd suggest taking cotton bondage ropes with this, if you want to try other ways to tie you up in the future."
Belle nodded, "I think I'll also need a stronger vibrator than what I currently own," she added as if she was buying groceries for a given recipe.
I couldn't help but think this girl I thought I knew like the palm of my hand was still full of surprises. The clerk asked what she already had, and if she knew what she wanted.
"I only have the basic type, I'd like something which at higher settings could be so pleasurable it's almost painful, if such a thing exists!"
The guy laughed, "Then you need a 'Magic Wand', no client ever told me it wasn't powerful enough! It's one of the rare such items that need to be plugged in a wall socket because they still don't make batteries powerful enough."
Belle smiled, "Can I see it?"
The guy walked us to the other side of the shop and picked quite a large box off the shelf. Having never heard of the Magic Wand before, I thought the guy had greatly over-estimated the capacity of Belle's vagina, but then I saw the picture on the front of the box and realised it was for external use.
Belle turned the box in her hands a few times and asked if it was possible to get a demonstration. The clerk raised an eyebrow but immediately answered positively, opening the box and walking us to the nearest wall socket, plugging it in and turning it on, showing both Belle and me how to set up the different types of vibration and the level. He handed it to Belle to test against her palm, as he'd just done. She grabbed it and selected the strongest setting, but instead of placing it against her hand, she placed it against her crotch, over her jeans, closing her eyes, basically pleasuring herself right here in front of us.
I was stunned, so was the clerk, he shot me a questioning look which I could only answer with a shrug. At that moment we heard a slight clicking sound and a zipper sliding down, we both turned to face Belle who had opened her jeans and placed the wand directly over her panties, and she moaned. The clerk smiled, crossed his arms and gave me a slow nod of approval. Belle continued her test for a handful of seconds before turning the wand off, handing it back to the guy, and buttoning her jeans.
"Yep! I'll take it. It's really efficient, just a bit more and I'd have come."
I saw in the clerk's eyes that he'd thought about the same thing I did, suggesting she could finish if she wanted to, but none of us did. If that's what she'd wanted, she would have done so.
"Anything else, ma'am?" asked the clerk.
Belle pointed at me, "I chose my own toys, time for him to pick something..."
"Oh, I've spotted two things while walking around I'd like to take."
And off I went leaving Belle and the clerk behind while he was packing the wand back in its box. I came back moments later with something that looked like a mini feather duster and a completely sheer black nightie. Belle squirmed at the sight of the duster.
"You know I'm ticklish!"
I gave her the evilest grin I could muster, "My point exactly!"
She shrugged, "As you wish... Master!"
Seeing the look of surprise on my face, the clerk exclaimed, "You better get used to it fast buddy, it seems that's what the future has in store for you."
I laughed, but I was feeling wronged by the way Belle had turned the joke around, making me the butt of it. I turned to her.
"Then be a good slave and go try this on, I wanna see how it looks on you."
Belle obediently grabbed the nightie from my hand and walked to the shop's single trial stall, which we had passed while the clerk showed us around. She closed the curtain this time, I thought about commenting on that, but the clerk's small talk kept me from doing so.
The curtain flew open. She'd put on the nightie as asked, but also removed her white thong. She was basically naked in the middle of the sex shop. She crossed the whole floor, sensually swaying her hips and swirling around twice, mimicking a fashion show.
"Are you pleased with the fit Master?" she asked taking a few falsely shy yet highly suggestive poses.
I threw a look at the clerk who nodded slowly, with just this slight movement of the head, without a single word, he was complimenting me on the looks of my wife and wishing me lots of fun...
"It'll do," I said, feigning not to be completely pleased, even though a single look at the bulge my pants were struggling to contain would have revealed the truth.
Belle walked back to the trial stall, swaying her hips all the way, and started to change back into her clothes, leaving the curtain open now that she'd made her 'grand entrance'. While placing the items we'd picked by the cash register, the clerk couldn't help but throw a look in Belle's direction every few seconds, barely missing anything of the spectacle.
"You're one lucky man, I wish I could walk in your shoes just for a while."
I decided to act like I had not understood he was asking if I'd let him fuck her, and just thanked him for the compliment. He seemed to hesitate a moment, but decided against insisting any further.
Having finished dressing back up, Belle joined us at the counter, adding the nightie to the pile of stuff we'd selected. The clerk checked us out, turning back to his professional self, asking us if we would like the store's loyalty card while he rang the items. We explained that we probably would never use it since we lived quite far away and were just in town today for the sales at the factory shops when we decided to stop by. He gave us a knowing smile, letting us know he now understood why Belle had dared to give him that little show, and nevertheless took a loyalty card from under the counter and put a stamp in all the ten cases, before handing it to Belle.
"Well, if you 'swing' by again, you'll get a 10€ discount on your next purchase!"
I noticed his clever choice of words, Belle didn't until I told her later in the car. But she had not heard his first attempt, so it's understandable.
"We'll think about it," she said candidly.
He placed the nightie in the bag without ringing it.
"And this is on the house, fits you so well you must have it."
Belle thanked him. I paid, we left and got back in the car. By the time I'd walked around the car to my door, Belle had taken the box containing the Magic Wand out of the bag and was checking what was written on it.
"Too bad they do not provide a cigarette lighter socket with the wand, it would have made the trip back home seem much faster."
I winked at her, "Who said we were going to wait for that long?"
And I drove off...
In the first woods we drove through, I slowed down, entered a dirt road, and stopped a few meters in, not wanting to get bogged down. I turned the lights off to be as discrete as could be. I had barely engaged the parking brake, then Belle unbuckled my belt, opened the button fly of my jeans and freed my dick. She started hungrily sucking on it. I stopped her after barely a minute.
"With all the stimuli of the day, I'm not sure I'll last for long, better make sure you get your share of fun too."
Needing no more incentive, she leaned back in her seat, removed her top while slipping her shoes off in the same move, and then removed her jeans and thong all a once. She then put the shoes back on and opened her door, looking back at me just long enough to say "On the hood like in Spain!" and stepped out.
I removed my clothes too, only keeping my shoes on, like she'd done, and joined her outside. I walked around the car and when I reached Belle, she was already bent over the hood, fingering herself. I positioned myself behind her, letting my dick rest on the crack of her butt. She turned her head to the side.
"Please fuck my pussy hard Master, I've been a naughty girl all day, I need to be punished."
I moved my hips back, aligned my tip with her vagina and pushed hard, thrusting my cock all the way in, she let out a 'Owwww!' of surprise at so rough a treatment but it became a moan by the time I started sliding out again.
I fucked her like an animal, relentlessly, at as fast a pace I could maintain. I felt her fingers brushing against my balls each time my hips hit her buttocks, she was clearly masturbating as hard as she could. As I felt her vagina starting to tighten around my dick, the first sign she was close to orgasm, I bent over and bit the fleshy part of her shoulder, not hard enough that it would leave a mark, but still enough so it would be painful. Hearing her moan loudly, I knew I'd had the right idea. As I felt the pressure of her vagina slightly lessen on my cock, I knew she was only seconds from orgasming. I stopped biting her, stood back up and slapped her butt hard enough to leave a red imprint of my hand on it while simultaneously pushing my dick as deep as I could.
She came, screaming, "Oh yes! Master! Your slutty slave is cumming!"
I felt her vagina pulse around my dick in a quite peculiar way which I'd learned to recognize over our years together. I knew it was extremely sensitive during that phase and could cause quite unpleasant sensations for her if I kept moving. Sensations she'd described as electric shocks. So I remained perfectly still, letting her completely bask in her moment.
As I was waiting for her to recover, I felt her hands start to push back on my hips, so I removed my still erect dick from her vagina. She stood up, turned around and squatted, grabbing my dick with her hand and forcing me to step forward to allow her to take it in her mouth. She blew me harder than ever, so hard my knees felt weak at one point and I had to place my hands on the hood to stabilize myself.
She kept sucking as relentlessly as I had fucked her minutes ago, her hands clasped on my buttcheeks, I didn't last long under such a pleasurable treatment and warned her as I felt myself cumming. She took my dick out of her mouth, grabbed it with one hand and jerked me hard while looking me straight in the eyes, a devious smile on her face. Strand after strand of hot semen flew out, landing all over her face and tits. My knees felt weak again, so I shifted more of my weight towards my hands to avoid falling.
As I was standing there, panting, unable to move, my eyes locked with hers, contemplating the paint job my cock just made, she finally spoke, in a feigned shy voice.
"See Master? I'm now definitely marked as your obedient little slutty slave."
She cleaned most of her face by pushing my seed with her fingers to her mouth, then patiently waited until I felt able to move and allowed her to stand up. She cleaned herself with tissues, we both got dressed, and got back in the car. As we sat down, she massaged the shoulder I'd bitten down on.
"Did I hurt you?" I asked with real concern.
She giggled, "It stings a bit, but it'll pass... And I loved it! What made you think about doing this?"
"I don't know... I was thinking about how animalistic it all was, fucking roughly in the woods. I guess I must have been inspired by the way some animals bite on the back of the neck of their sex partner..."
She laughed, "Maybe we should take a subscription to the Discovery Channel."
I reversed the short way out of the woods and drove off. We rode in silence for a while, still a bit lost in our afterglow. Suddenly out of the corner of my eye I saw her move swiftly. I turned my head to see her removing her top, exposing her breasts again. Seeing the expression of surprise on my face, she smiled, pointing at the sign up ahead, it was the sign indicating the entrance to the village from that morning.
I laughed, "You know that by doing this you've signed up for doing it every single time we go through here?"
"Yes, I know... Master."
I drove slowly again, but the streets were completely empty after dark, I nevertheless made it a point to stop at the traffic light, even though it was green as we reached it, waiting for it to turn red, then back to green again and waiting a bit more still before finally driving off just to make sure she would not comment.
I massaged both her boobs and played with her nipples as long as we were stopped, even pinching and tugging quite hard on them, but even if she flinched a bit at the rough treatment, she remained silent. She'd clearly decided neither to reward me with a moan, nor to give me a reason to punish her by complaining.
As we had almost reached the other end of the village, I saw a guy, walking on the sidewalk, coming towards us. I reached up for the switch to the compartment light. Belle flinched but did not move or comment. As we were close enough to him, I switched it on, he raised his gaze. The next thing I saw was in my rearview mirror, he turned around with a baffled expression on his face. I switched the light off, chuckling.
With this last bit of play for the day over, we drove home, showered and went to bed. However, I had a quite long gale of laughter the next morning when I reached my car.
On the hood, in the slight coat of dust on the dark paint job, among a number of other traces, four imprints were clearly visible, my two hands, from when my knees felt weak, and two large parallel traces with rounded ends, left by her boobs sliding back and forth under my thrusts.
I stopped at a carwash on my way to work. I could clearly not leave my car like this in my work's parking lot without someone noticing. And I did well, because that morning a female colleague suggested we talked about a common project over lunch. Since her husband had dropped her off at work, we took my car to get to a restaurant.
A little over an hour later, as we were on our way back to the office, I got stopped by police at a roundabout, for a random check. I opened the glove box to grab part of the car's documentation and handed it to the cop. He looked briefly at it, before handing it back to me. As I reached for the glove box to put the papers back in, I noticed a piece of white fabric with clasps hanging out of it and realised it was the bra Belle had stashed in there the day before. I quickly pushed it back in, threw the papers on top and slammed the box closed.
A quick look at my colleague reassured me that she'd not seen what was right in front of her, or at least that she'd paid no mind to it. However, when I turned back to the cop, a knowing smile flashed on his face. I could only guess the scenario he'd created in his head from what he'd witnessed, but it clearly amused him.
"Have fun Sir," he said, half chuckling, before walking back to signal another car to stop. I drove off.
When I got back home that evening, and told Belle about this little incident, she could not help but laugh.
"At least it wasn't a pair of panties! If she'd noticed, you could easily have told your colleague the bra was hurting me, so I removed it and forgot it. Every woman's been through that!"
I sighed, "Maybe, but I'm a guy and I would never have thought of such an explanation in time..."
That made her laugh even harder.
"Maybe you should start thinking about explanations for such cases in advance then. Because if we keep playing our little pervy games, something like that is bound to happen again."