Chapter 4: New Year's Eve Fun, and The Voyeur Neighbor.
We kept experimenting and refining our practices in the following months. But not much worthy of note happened until New Year's Eve.
For the first time in a decade, we would not be hosting that year. Half of the friends with whom we usually celebrated it would not make it for personal reasons. Since being only a handful would mean limited fun, we'd told those who could have been present that, unless they had no better option, we would take a break from hosting for once. They all answered that they'd use this occasion to accept invitations they'd declined to attend our party. Therefore, with only a few weeks left, we looked for something to do.
A few days before the deadline, Belle met by accident with Mary, a girl she'd been friends with back in college. They caught up a bit, talking about what they'd been up to since then, when at some point Mary asked about our plans for New Year's Eve. Belle confessed we had no plans this year and Mary told her she was hosting a party with about a dozen of her friends, and we'd be welcome if we wanted. They exchanged numbers and parted ways.
Once back home, Belle told me about the encounter. I could feel she wanted to go, but that something was holding her back. So I just asked her why I felt some reluctance from her. She brushed it off at first but later came to me with the reason.
"You remember that threesome I had back in college which I once told you about?" I nodded, and she added, "Well, it was with Mary and her boyfriend. I didn't dare to ask directly during our short encounter, but I think Mary may still be with the guy. So, I'm afraid it might turn awkward for you... If they bring up the incident."
I laughed, "Come on, babe... If I remember correctly what you told me, the guy ended up with stage fright and had trouble getting it up. If it's going to be awkward for someone, it won't be for me!"
A single glance her way was enough to see she did not share my amusement. She was clearly still in doubt on the matter, so I decided taking a less nonchalant, more rationale approach might be required.
"Listen, honey. You're not even sure she's still with that guy, to begin with," she was about to interrupt me but I lifted my hand to stop her from doing so and carried on, "Even if she is, what are the chances they'll dare to mention such a thing? And, let's imagine for a second that they do, I'm pretty sure that if I interrupt them to say you've told me about it all long ago, while giving a knowing look to the guy, they won't press the matter any further, unless the guy doesn't mind having his troubles getting hard exposed to his friends."
She thought about it for a while before finally saying, "Yeah, you're probably right... So, what do you say? Do I accept the invite?"
I agreed. She texted Mary, letting her know we'd be glad to attend. Mary texted back a few minutes later, giving us her address and letting us know the dress code would be casual.
The day arrived, we dressed casually but slightly classier than usual, both of us having opted for jeans on the bottom, Belle with a nice sequined black top, me with a formal white shirt, a thin black tie, and a black waistcoat. As we left home, Belle seemed a bit moody, so I asked what was wrong.
"Somehow I regret we're going there tonight. I would have loved to be able to play a bit to celebrate the New Year."
I grinned. "The only thing keeping us from playing are our own inhibitions. If you feel daring, we could play a bit, we'd just have to make it subtle enough."
She was intrigued. "You wouldn't say that if you did not already have a good idea, so do tell me..."
I explained that we could decide for two codewords, nothing too out-there but nevertheless not common in small talk, that I would not be allowed to say myself but that I'd have to try and push someone else at the party to say. One of the words would refer to her bra, the other to her panties. If I managed to make someone say either word, Belle would have to excuse herself, remove the item in question, and once back show it, or at least part of it, to me. She could for example place it in her handbag leaving a tiny bit visible. That would be enough.
"Okay but... That sounds almost too easy to be fun. I could just hide in the lavatories to do so..."
"Well, I need to see the layout of the place first, but if I tell you 'good luck' it'll mean you can't open or close any door from the moment I manage to make someone say one of the words until you come back with your proof of success," She nodded, I added, "And if I call you 'darling', after you remove a given piece, if I manage to get either three different people to say the corresponding word again or the same person three times, you'll have to flash that body part to me as soon as you can."
She hesitated at that last idea, but finally agreed, "That suddenly makes it much harder, but okay. However, if it's the word for my panties you manage to push them to say three times, just quickly flashing my ass will do. I'm not gonna pull my pants all the way down and spread my legs to flash you my pussy!"
I pretended to be disappointed, making sure she knew it was just a joke, and agreed.
The rules of our little dare in place, we made our way to the address we'd been given. It was a small two-stories house. We walked to the door and rang the bell. A few seconds later, Mary opened the door and greeted us. I handed her the bottle of champagne we'd brought as a gift as Belle introduced me. Mary led us to the living room and introduced us to the other guests who'd already shown up. Once we were done greeting everyone, we sat on a couch. I leaned in towards Belle.
"Good luck, darling," I whispered.
"I could have guessed as soon as we walked in."
The remaining guests arrived shortly after, since Belle and I were the only outliers in this group, we had to get an introduction with everyone else. The guy Mary was with now wasn't the guy she'd shared with Belle back in college. Mary mentioned the incident at one point, just to explain to her friends how close Belle and her had been at some point, basically just saying they'd even found themselves in a threesome once. The other guests reacted to that, some of them giggling uneasily, one girl exclaiming 'Oooh! Kinky!' and one of the guys panned his gaze over Belle's body clearly imagining her naked. Belle seemed genuinely awkward at having her past sexual experiences unloaded in front of people she'd met mere minutes ago, so I decided to set the records straight.
Lovingly placing a hand on Belle's knee I said, as candidly as I could muster, "Oh, so you're 'that' Mary! Wasn't the guy you were with at the time boasting incessantly about his sexual prowess but unable to deliver once he got two beautiful girls nude in his bed?"
Every head in the room turned towards Mary, who, to her credit, burst out laughing.
"Yeah, that's right! Now that you mention it, maybe it wasn't much of a threesome after all..."
Everyone laughed. Belle threw me a gaze which was supposed to be a reprimand, but I could see she knew exactly why I did it, and deep down she appreciated the gesture.
As the night progressed, the conversations started to multiply, each one involving two to four participants. It was the time I chose to start the game. It barely took me minutes to get a girl to say the word which signaled Belle she had to remove her bra. I just pretended that word was stuck in my mouth, and the girl said it to help me out.
Belle asked Mary for the bathroom, but I saw her hide just behind a corner to remove her bra, as far as I could see, I was the only one paying attention. Stepping out of her hiding place, Belle winked at me, pointed to the bit of red lace that she'd left hanging out of her purse, then actually went to the bathroom. Once Belle came back, she placed her handbag on top of a cabinet, the bit of red lace still hanging out. I shot her a knowing glance which she answered with that mischievous smile of hers. She rejoined the conversation. After a few minutes, we excused ourselves to refill our glasses. As we reached the bar, Belle elbowed me.
"Don't you dare use such a trick again, that's cheating," I nodded, grinning.
As we turned around, Mary and her husband were right behind us.
"Are you two enjoying yourselves?"
We agreed, not lying at all but not for the reason they thought.
Mary started to talk directly to Belle, wanting to catch up more than their short encounter on the street had allowed, so I found myself chatting with Mary's husband, Pete, who started to talk about work. I kept with the conversation while my mind was running on another task in the background. The second word we'd picked was a food item, a word we'd read on a billboard while we drove to the party. I had absolutely no chance to get Pete to say it if we kept on the subject of work. So after politely answering his first inquiries, I switched the subject to hobbies, thinking I'd then switch to personal tastes next, but I got lucky with his hobbies.
"Well, I like to cook," he pointed to the buffet, "Everything there is to eat tonight, I've prepared," he said, quite proud of himself.
I feigned interest, and he started enumerating the list of everything he'd prepared for the party. Belle, while continuing her conversation with Mary, was now paying more attention to what Pete was saying. I, on the other hand, did not really pay attention, trying to find a way to bring the conversation closer to my goal.
"I see. And what's the hardest thing you ever cooked?"
Pete once again listed a number of things, still no luck for me. But I knew I was getting closer, I just needed to find a way to give another push in the right direction.
"Is there a recipe you'd consider too difficult? Or that you've failed?"
"No, I don't think so..."
Mary interrupted him, "That's not entirely true, babe, remember the burnt soufflé?"
'Soufflé', it was the keyword for Belle. I smiled. Belle looked at me with a mixture of defeat and arousal in the eyes and excused herself. I kept Pete and Mary busy, joking about how Pete had tried to hide this fail under the rug.
I saw Belle grab her handbag and enter the kitchen, the only room which had its door open. I knew that since she was wearing form-fitting jeans, she would have to remove her shoes and her jeans to be able to remove her panties. Hence, she'd end up completely naked below the waist for quite a while. It was a much harder thing than with her bra earlier, which she could unclasp and remove easily enough, without even removing her top. As Belle was in the kitchen, I saw Rick, the guy who'd looked her up and down earlier, walk towards the corridor and enter the kitchen. I was hit by an adrenaline rush, but all I could do was cross my fingers, hoping Belle was decent by now. Barely five seconds later, Rick walked out of the kitchen with an empty glass in hand. I guessed Belle must have found a way to hide herself, because he wouldn't have been this quick if he'd talked with her.
Another minute passed and Belle stepped out of the kitchen, pointing to another bit of red lace now hanging out of her purse. She placed it back on the cabinet, on full display, and rejoined the conversation I'd kept going with Pete and Mary, the two people who were the most likely to walk in the kitchen, or so I had thought. Belle immediately picked up her discussion with Mary where she'd left it as if nothing had happened. And I continued talking with Pete, taking the conversation on more interesting grounds now that I secured my win. I stole a look towards Belle's crotch at some point and noticed a slightly darker patch had started to appear. I could have bet it'd be wet to the touch. Whatever happened in the kitchen must have been a very close call for Belle to be this wet.
I had to wait about half an hour before finally being able to isolate myself with Belle. I asked her what had happened in the kitchen. She rested her head on my shoulder and whispered in my ear.
"I was just done removing my panties, bare-assed when I heard someone tell his wife he'd get her a clean glass. I looked around in a panic, grabbed my clothes, and hid behind the door. I heard him come in, open and close a cupboard, and leave. I was really afraid to be caught, but could also feel myself getting wetter with each second he spent in the kitchen. Once he left, I dried myself with paper towels from a roll on the counter, then checked my purse for pantyliners, to stick into my jeans, but realized I forgot to put any in before we left. So I had to put my jeans back on like this. I'm sure I've wet them, I hope no one will notice."
While she told me her side of the story, I could feel my dick start to stiffen. When she was done, I reassured her that, as long as she did not sit with her legs spread, I was sure no one would notice. She gave me a kiss, I could feel her shaking very lightly, still under the effects of her own adrenaline rush from the event, or maybe from re-living it by telling me. At that moment, Rick and Charlene, his wife, came to sit close to us.
"Don't stay aside all on your own," Rick told us.
"Yeah, you need to mingle with all of us if you're to have some fun tonight," added Charlene.
I got strange vibes from both of them and caught Belle sending a look which told me she felt the same. Wanting to be polite, I started some small talk with them, but quickly felt like the conversation was discretely but purposefully steered in a direction I hadn't intended. It went from zero to sexually charged really fast. In the end, Charlene casually placed a hand on Belle's knee and made the revelation which, with hindsight, they'd been aiming at all along.
"We're swingers, you know. From what Mary said earlier, you can't be prudes... You two would have lots of success in the local scene."
If the situation had been different, I would have laughed out loud at the heavy-handedness of that statement, subtlety clearly was not her forte. But I didn't want to be rude to our hosts, and opted for a much more diplomatic approach.
"Well, thanks for the compliment, but I think I can safely speak for the two of us and say we enjoy our sex life as it is." Belle nodded in agreement.
While I'd been completely honest, there were other reasons for my immediate refusal. And the fact that I found Charlene quite vulgar and could not imagine myself fucking her wasn't even the first of them all. I enjoyed sharing the sight of my wife with others, but sharing her body was different. It was not jealousy, nor just me being possessive, it was just that the idea did not turn me on.
Charlene was about to open her mouth to offer some sort of objection when Mary intervened.
"Are these two already trying to get into your respective pants?" She asked quite bluntly, "They've been trying to convince Pete and I to try their libertine lifestyle for years!"
Everybody laughed, even if most of these laughs were a bit forced.
Mary immediately changed the subject, saving Belle and I from a quite awkward conversation. After a short bit, Mary asked Belle and I if we wanted a tour of the house since it was our first visit, we accepted, trying not to sound too eager. As she showed us around the house, Mary brought back the subject of Rick and Charlene.
"Don't hesitate to be firm in your refusals with those two, they don't get offended easily. They can be quite stubborn sometimes. Unless of course, you're interested, I'm not the kind to judge... as Belle knows."
We laughed.
Once done with the tour, we returned to the living room, Mary grabbed Belle to show her something, and I was left to stand alone. Rick approached me.
"Don't sweat it, Beau. Charlene forced me. While I'm sure Belle and you have your own kinks, I could tell we don't play in the same ballpark."
I gave him a knowing smile, thinking that confirming his suspicions was the best way to get rid of the issue for now, and thanked him for letting me know.
"You see, before Mary met with Pete, she and Charlene shared much more than Belle and Mary have... I think that's why my wife just won't take no for an answer as far as Mary's concerned."
I said I understood, though with hindsight, with the information Belle gathered from Mary's lips, I did not really. We then switched to small talk but Rick kept dropping words into it which were clearly carefully chosen. Words like 'dominant', 'submission', 'ties' and other BDSM innuendo. I tried not to confirm his suspicions this time, though I failed in the end.
Everyone had drunk enough by now to feel less inhibited and the party picked up pace. Pete pumped up the volume of the music and the girls started to dance. I sat on a couch to enjoy the spectacle of the girls dancing, some started grinding against each other. I couldn't help but notice that Belle's breasts, free from her bra, were almost trying to escape her top. If someone in the room still had any doubt whether she was wearing one, a single glance her way would kill those doubts. I saw Mary stop dancing and walk to her husband, exchanging a few words with him before rejoining the other girls. Pete came walking towards me.
"Mary tells me you used to be a DJ?"
"It was a long time ago, in the early noughties, but yes, she's right."
"Care to take control of the music then? I'm just using Spotify, so whatever's on there you can play."
Not wanting to pass for a killjoy, or someone who expects to be begged to, I agreed even though it felt more like a chore than anything else.
I walked to the music set-up, just a smartphone plugged into an old HiFi compact system, and knowing the age range of most people in the room, selected a few of the dance floor hits of the noughties, when we'd all been twenty-something and thus most likely to have spent our week-ends dancing in night clubs. I made sure to not make my choices too obvious though, picking up tunes which had their moment but had been forgotten by most people.
I got the exact reaction I wanted and expected, the most enthusiastic of the girls shouting 'I loved this one, haven't heard it in years!' at a few of my selections. Some guys joined on the impromptu dance floor. I continued playing mainly house and techno for about half an hour before I felt the room needed to breathe a little. So I added slower songs to the list, more sexy music, ragga-dancehall, and Latino titles of that same period. When the first song of this list started playing the couples who'd been split while dancing found each other and started grinding on their partner. Mary threw me a thumbs-up. I nodded modestly.
Someone grabbed me from behind, I knew it could only be Belle because no one else here, even slightly drunk, would have dared such a move on me.
"Too bad you gotta play DJ, I'd love to dance with you right now!"
"Then you should not have told Mary about it."
She took her shy little voice, "Oops, must have escaped me... But at least while you're doing this I'm almost sure you can't get anyone to say any of the words three other times!"
"I see... You dirty little cheater. But I'm not beaten yet!"
Midnight was really close now. I kept checking my watch every so often and abruptly cut the music ten seconds before the deadline shouting '10...' The others immediately picked up on the countdown. While everyone else was shouting 'Happy New Year' in sync, I had Belle's arms firmly clenched around my neck, her tongue deep in my mouth playing with mine. Without watching the phone, I pressed play and U2's New Year's Day started playing. Belle let go of me, and we started the traditional seasonal wishes to everyone in the room, kissing everyone on both cheeks.
Once we were done, Pete came out of the kitchen, a magnum bottle of champagne in each hand, eliciting a cheer. He opened one, Rick the other, and they started pouring it for everyone. From the way Rick opened the bottle and held it while he was serving, I knew he'd worked as a waiter or barman at some point, or might even still be...
Since the U2 song had its little success, I searched for a playlist of New Wave and Post-Punk titles from the eighties and let it play by itself, while we all clinked glasses and drank to the New Year. When I heard someone sing along with the track which was playing, I suddenly knew how I get my 'win' tonight. A quick search on Spotify would be all I needed.
Everybody had returned to chatting, so I let Pete take over the DJ duties, telling him I'd maybe give it another go later on. We enjoyed most of the rest of the night sitting together, mostly sharing jokes and anecdotes. I waited for the first couple to announce they were leaving before going for my next move. I made sure to be amongst the first to say goodbye to them and while everyone was busy saying their own goodbyes, I sneaked to the sound system, typed two words in Spotify's search bar, clicked on the first result, and pressed play.

I rejoined the group, no one even noticing I'd left for a moment, to wave them goodbye on the porch. As everyone came back to their seats, the same two people who'd started singing along earlier, picked on my selection and started to sing along. Since I'd picked a french classic, almost everyone joined in. By the third verse of the song, six people sang in unison the word related to Bell's tits. It took her a few seconds to realise what had just happened, she threw me a look which said 'How did you manage this?' I snickered.
Anticipating this moment, I made sure to sit so that I was facing towards the corridor. And as Belle excused herself for the third time tonight, I started to tell a joke, making sure everybody's attention would be on me for the next minute or so. Belle understood what I was doing and smiled at me, mouthing thank you, before lifting her top and shaking her boobs for a couple of seconds. She pulled her top back down and went to the bathroom.
When she came back, someone else was telling a funny story from his college years. Belle leaned close to my ear and whispered.
"You're gonna pay for this!"
I just gave her a look which meant 'I hope so'. We stayed another half hour before deciding to leave. We said our goodbye to everyone, promising to keep in touch, and left. As we walked to our car, Belle broke the silence.
"Did you plan the song thing from the beginning?"
I laughed, "I can swear I didn't. I got the idea just after midnight, when two of them started to sing along to Depeche Mode..."
She clearly doubted it, but said, "Very well played... Though I must also thank you for your good crowd management, I don't know how I'd have managed not getting caught without your help. While I was walking towards the corridor, I could feel my heart thumping in my chest..." More sheepishly she added, "And my pussy twitching."
I smiled.
As we turned the corner of the street, back on a larger avenue, Belle stopped. I didn't notice it right away, so I had made a few more steps before I turned to see why she'd stopped. I didn't expect to see her bent over, her jeans down to her knees and her coat lifted to her waist exposing her ass and pussy. A car drove by, she didn't move. I'm pretty sure they did not notice though. She finally stood back up and pulled her pants up.
"Consider that your reward for being so machiavelic."
I burst out laughing.
We reached our car, drove back home, and fucked for the first time of the year. It was just a quick and efficient thing, to get it out of our system.
Before sleeping, Belle told me that her thighs ached from all the dancing that night.
"I think I need to start exercising more often again. I'll start tomorrow"
I chuckled and said, "New Year's resolutions never survive the month of January..."
"You know, I'm fully aware that you're trying to use reverse psychology on me, so it won't work."
I feigned a sigh, "At least I tried, guess I'll need to figure out another way to keep you motivated now."
The next day, around 6 PM, Belle came out of our bedroom wearing her yoga pants and assorted sports bra. Both were white with a band of sheer black material on the sides, enhancing her form perfectly. I'd bought them for her about a year ago to replace the grey ones she'd had even before I met her, which started to unravel at the seams. She pushed the dining room table slightly to the side, making room for her yoga mat, and started right away.
After a bit of stretching, she started the same sequence I'd seen her do over the years. First jacks, then squats, push-ups came next, then crunches, and at the end a short yoga routine which included the 'cat-cow pose'. Basically, on all fours, she arched her back while slowly breathing in and made it hollow while breathing out. This last move had the bonus to put her ass on display, which meant I couldn't help but stare at that point.
During her exercises, I was usually sitting at my desk, just to the right of the living room window. Thus, to offer me the best view, she always did that last movement with her ass pointed at the window. We'd never bothered to install curtains, so anyone living at least one floor higher than us in any of the three buildings facing ours on the other side of the street could get a very nice view if they happened to look out at the right moment.
As she finished her routine, she rolled her mat before looking at me with an amused glint in her eyes.
"So, did you figure out how you would motivate me in keeping up with my exercise routine?"
I couldn't wait any longer to put my hands on her after this display, so I stepped closer and grabbed her butt before answering.
"I think I've got something which is gonna be fun for both of us. If you haven't done your routine by 7 PM on weekdays, then I get a blowjob before bed!"
"That's just a win-win for you, either I make sure to stay fit to please your eyes or I suck you off. What do I get out of this deal?"
I laughed, "Motivation! That's what you asked for."
She kept her schedule almost perfectly for the next month, I only got two blowjobs out of this deal. Then one evening, as she was finishing the cat-cow pose, she threw a glance back at me to see if I was staring, but caught something else. On the fourth floor of the building directly facing ours, she saw a neighbour with binoculars. He moved away as soon as he realised she might see him, but it was two seconds too late.
She finished her routine while telling me what she'd seen. I laughed it off.
"Can't blame him, I was staring too," Then an idea struck my mind, "I might have found some more motivation for you... Try to check every day during your cat-cow routine if he's watching. If he is then the next day you remove one piece of clothing from your usual attire, starting with your pants, then your bra, and finally your panties..."
She corrected me, "I'm wearing a thong, even if it's not the most comfortable thing to wear during my routine. Because I know you like to watch my butt molded into these pants."
I shushed her, "Thong, fine. Same thing as far as this goes. But I wasn't finished. If he watches often enough to get you naked, then each day you don't see him afterwards, you put a piece back on, in the reverse order. See if you can get him hooked to be behind his window every day."
She giggled, "That might be fun indeed. I'll think about it..."
She went to the bathroom to shower.
The next day she saw him again. So for the next session, she came out in a simple white thong and her sports bra. I watched her whole routine much more intently. And I was not the only one because the next day, she exercised in just her thong. Both her spectators didn't miss a bit of it, hypnotized by her boobs freely bouncing around. The next day, she exercised naked. It took all my will not to jump on her and start fucking her at several points in her routine. I guessed her voyeur couldn't believe his eyes.
It was the weekend next, and we had plans, so no exercise for two days.
When she started again, naked, on Monday, her voyeur wasn't there. Therefore on Tuesday, the thong was back, but so was the voyeur. He was quick to catch on to the rules of the game between Belle and him, because he never missed a session for the following months and had stopped trying to hide himself when Belle looked his way in less than a week. About two weeks in, Belle waved at him before starting her routine, and he waved back.
The next week, he was aware that I knew of the situation. While Belle was doing her squats, I couldn't resist grabbing her boobs from behind. I then turned my head in his direction and gave a thumbs-up... It spooked him though and Belle finished her routine without seeing him. She thought he might stop watching after that, but he was there the next day. And Belle continued to enjoy having more than one spectator to her exercise in exhibition.
Then in early April, as I was buying some groceries in the store across the street, someone cleared his throat to attract my attention. It was a guy in his twenties, a bit nerdy looking.
"Sorry to bother you, you don't really know me, I'm Mark your neighbour from across the street."
It took a few seconds for things to click together in my head.
"Oh! 'That' neighbour! I see..."
He was visibly flustered, "I just wanted to ask you to let your wife know I'm moving out by the end of the week, just so she's not disappointed when I'm not there anymore."
"This is at the same time quite nice of you and ballsy as hell."
He shrugged, "Whatever... Please just let her know. I just don't want to disappoint her," and without waiting for an answer, he walked away.
I finished my grocery shopping. As I came home, the time for Belle's exercise routine was coming up. I told her what just happened.
"He was right, if he disappeared without me knowing why I could have taken it as a blow to my self-esteem. After having him in the palm of my hand for so long, my schedule dictating his, I guess I'd have wondered if I'd done something to scare him away. I think it's really nice of him to have taken my feelings into consideration and not see me just as a show he'd take for granted," She paused, thinking, "Since there's only three days left, do you mind if I, or maybe we, give him a bit more of a show?"
Although I didn't like that she'd somehow created a kind of relationship with Mark, I reminded myself that it was my idea. And it was true that it had been really nice of him to care enough about potentially hurting her feelings to dare and talk to me.
"Alright. As you wish. Do you have anything in mind?"
She looked at me like she didn't know who I was, "You're usually the one coming up with a plan. But I thought about sucking you off after my routine tonight, and we'll see what we feel like doing tomorrow..."
A little less than an hour later, I was cumming all over Belle's face and tits while Mark was watching. Belle left to clean herself up. Mark waved at me and tried to mouth something, but he was too far away from me to really be able to read his lips, my best guess was a 'thank you'. I answered with a circular movement with a finger, mouthing 'be here tomorrow'. Since he had binoculars I think he got my meaning. He waved and left the window.
The next day, I fucked Belle doggy-style with the window to our right. I could imagine what it'd look like from Mark's point of view. And imagine him focusing his binoculars on Belle's breasts, swinging back and forth with each thrust of my hips. After a while, my knees started to ache enough that it was bothersome. I suggested to Belle we should change position and offer Mark the same show we gave the old creep in Spain. She agreed. I laid down on the yoga mat and Belle sat in reverse cowgirl on my dick. I felt something was different, and quickly understood what, she hadn't put my dick in her pussy, but up her ass. Then she leaned back to place her hands on my shoulder.
I couldn't help but comment, "That's more than what we let the old creep see."
She started to move her hips up and down, pounding her own ass with my dick.
"From the little I know about Mark, he's not a creep, so he deserves a bonus. And are you really gonna complain about fucking my ass?"
I chose not to answer with words and slipping my hand between her thighs I slapped her pussy hard enough for it to sting. She moaned and picked up the pace.
I took a look in Mark's direction and, from the way his shoulder moved, knew he was jerking off with the hand which was not holding the binoculars. Imagining the view he must have on Belle's pussy spread by her squatting position while he saw her slam her ass on my dick over and over, her heavy tits bouncing around, I could not blame him. The lewd image which had formed in my mind, and the unrelenting way Belle fucked me with her ass pushed me over the edge. I came. Feeling my dick pulse within her ass made Belle cum too. By now, her coming just from anal was no longer a surprise, but still not usual.
She leaned back completely, laying upon me, then I felt her spread her feet even more and lift her hips, making my cock pop out her ass. I felt my hot cum drip out of Belle's ass to land on my pelvis, and on my dick itself. Belle remained like this for a few seconds, offering Mark the lewdest view she'd let anyone but me see since we've been together, her gapping hole dripping with cum. She finally placed a hand between her thighs, plugging any further leakage, and rolled to the side before standing up and leaving for the bathroom.
I stood up, grabbed a paper towel from the table, and cleaned whatever had dripped on me. When I looked out the window I saw Mark was still there. He waved at me and then made the same circular motion with his finger he saw me do the previous day, before putting his hands flat on top of each other and briskly moving them apart. I understood. After tomorrow, it was over. I gave him the okay signal they use while scuba diving to let him know I had understood. He waved goodbye and so did I.
The next day, I had taken a decision. When Belle came home from work, I stopped her before she went into our bedroom to undress and pick up her yoga mat.
"This evening, you'll be the only star of the show. I'm sure Mark will enjoy watching you masturbate as a parting gift," She was a bit surprised by this suggestion, but understood my reasoning when I added, "I'll just film you all along, so whether you feel like using only your fingers or some of your toys, do as you wish, but plan ahead."
I kissed her and left before she could comment.
She gave us both a great show. She took us both by surprise by not waiting for the end of her routine. She started caressing herself as soon as she was done with the cat-cow pose, actually still in the cat part of the pose. Her hand popped between her thighs, and she started by massaging her clit, then she used two fingers to, at the same time, spread her pussy and caress the length of her inner labia. She moved back and forth between stimulating her clit and caressing her labia, clearly wanting to take her time.
She then brought her face and upper torso down to the floor, freeing her other hand in the process. Passing this hand in her back, she slid it along her crack, until the tip of her middle finger reached the entrance to her vagina, continuing to massage her clit with the other. She pushed the tip of her middle finger inside her pussy, moving it in and out a few times before taking it out again. She used the juices that now coated it to lubricate her asshole.
As her finger penetrated her butt, her other hand moved up and two fingers went as deep as she could push them into her vagina. She quickly added a second finger to the one already in her butthole. Her moans filled my ears, and I was starting to have troubles holding my phone still. She finger-fucked both her holes for a while. As the fingers of one hand went in one hole, the fingers from the other hand slid out the other, and vice-versa. She slowly built up the pace, moaning in rhythm. But then she suddenly stopped, removing all fingers at once.
She fished out something from the small bag she'd brought with her and set near her mat before starting. She rolled on her back and sat up without the help of her hands, the last months worth of crunches clearly having paid off, and I finally saw what she held in her hand. The metal buttplug with a black gem we'd initially bought to use during our BDSM sessions, and that I'd been the only one to see in use so far. She sucked on it a few times, while standing up. She turned around and bent at the waist till she was looking at us upside down, the buttplug still in her mouth.
Belle took the buttplug and placed it at the entrance of her ass, pushing on it until it went in all at once, she let out a very loud moan. She moved her hands to her buttcheeks, spreading them even more than they already were, spreading her pussy too in the process, a bright pink spot surrounded by her cinnamon-hued skin. She then contracted her pelvic muscles a few times making the buttplug move and her vagina spread open and close in sync.
She extended her arm towards the bag again, fishing a bright pink thing out of it, which I instantly recognized as her silicon dildo with a suction cup, which she usually used in the shower while I watched. She stood up and turned around, the dildo now nested between her big natural boobs. She moved it up and down simulating a boobjob and licked the tip a few times. Next, she sucked on it, turning her head to the side so we could clearly see it go in.
Since it was about two inches shorter than my dick, she could push it in her mouth entirely, her lips touching the flared base. While she sucked on it, her other hand pinched on one of her nipples, tugging hard on it, lifting the full weight of her tit only using her nipple as a handle. She crossed her feet and squatted down, slowly sitting on her mat. Once sat, she leaned back while at the same time she extended her legs to the side, spread-eagled. She then took the dildo out of her mouth and slowly dragged it along her body until she reached her fully opened pussy. She ground the length of the dildo along her lips and clit a few times.
Then she slid it in her vagina and started fucking herself as fast as she could. Her other hand came to rest on her clit and started to move in small circles at the same crazy pace the dildo went in and out. The buttplug was pumping again, like she'd made it move earlier, only it was out of her control now. Her loud moans filled my ears. I was hard as a rock. I had to put all my will into resisting the urge to take the dildo's, or the buttplug's, place and keep filming. With the loudest moan yet, she came. In the muscular contractions caused by her orgasm, the buttplug was ejected on the mat. She laid there, panting.
I turned around and pointed my phone at Mark's window, I zoomed in a bit, I thought he hadn't noticed because he remained still, the binoculars over his face, but after a few seconds he gave me a timid wave. I zoomed out, turned my phone back to Belle who had removed the dildo from her vagina in the meantime. I moved forward focusing on her pussy. Her vagina was still wide open, its wall visibly pulsating with Belle's heartbeat. I cut the recording on that last shot.
Belle laid there for a couple of minutes, while she basked in the aftermath of the orgasm she'd just given herself. Then stood up, and waved to Mark one last time, blowing him a kiss. He waved back and disappeared beyond what we could see inside his apartment. Belle picked the items now strewn around the mat and left to clean them up.
I went to the bathroom and found her washing the dildo, a bit grim, I kissed her on the neck while hugging her from behind.
"As I was lying on the mat after fucking myself silly, I came to a strange conclusion... It's not him I'll miss, I don't even know him at all, the only reason I even know his name is because you told it to me. No, what I'll miss is having an audience!"
I kissed her neck again, "Is it why you're feeling moody, because you realised you did it out of some sort of vanity?" She lowered her head and nodded. "Don't be, darling. You offered him lots of pleasure in return for the vanity trip he offered you. That was the point. I'm sure he knew it. And he'll always have the memories."
She gently pushed me back with her butt and then turned around. Looking me straight in the eyes, she smiled.
"You always find the right words to make me feel better. I love you so much!"
And she hungrily kissed me.
Later that same night, as I was watching the video I'd recorded earlier on our large screen TV, Belle walked in naked, sensually swaying her hips, she slowly crossed the last few meters, and stopped just out of my reach. She turned around and bent over, the glint of the black gem of her buttplug hit my eyes.
"Guess who deserved a reward today?"
I wish you would have been on the other side of the street when I lived in Paris! ;-)
Great story again, thank you!