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Despite having agreed we should explore with exhibitionism, we spent the following days mostly in the house and around the pool, relaxing.

But we actually never used the swimsuits we had just bought, preferring to swim and sunbathe completely naked. We had sex everyday, often more than once, sometimes on the sunbeds by the pool, not caring at all if anyone caught us, and my problems seemed a thing of the past.

Then one evening, we decided we'd had enough rest and that we would head out for the night, at least for a few drinks at a bar.

I put on a white mandarine-collar shirt, a clean pair of jeans, and classy black leather sneakers. Belle opted for the evening dress she always took on vacations because it didn't need ironing. It was made of thin dark-red crepe fabric which clung to her curves, ankle length, split up to mid-thigh on the left, with a deep neckline and bare back but for a lacing. This last detail was the reason why she never wore a bra with this dress. She'd brushed her hair into a high ponytail, and put on large silver hoop earrings, an ankle bracelet, and high heel shoes. She looked stunning, as usual.

We drove to one of the nearby seaside towns reputed for its nightlife, found a place to park, which wasn't easy in the summer, and walked the rest of the way to the seafront district in which most of the bars and nightclubs are located.

Since we wanted to be able to chat while enjoying our drinks, we opted for one of the calmer cocktail bars. We noticed a free table with two small couches in a corner of the terrace, and thus sat there. The waiter came almost immediately to take our order. When I saw the prices for the drinks, I understood why this bar was calmer than the others, but I did not mind.

As soon as he left, Belle told me, "I'm not sure he'll remember the order, he was clearly more interested in my cleavage."

I laughed, "Do you feel like playing with him? Show him a bit more just to see how he reacts?"

She winked, "I'm game!"

I then watched her try to discreetly get the bottom of her dress to ride up until part of her panties, the black lace thong from the lingerie set, were visible through the slit. Deciding this was not enough, she played with her cleavage a bit, forcing the top of the areola of one of her boobs to be visible above the deep neckline. But as soon as she moved, the dress slid back in place, covering her boob again. She tugged on it a bit more until her nipple, now hardened by the arousal she felt, caught on the fabric, holding it in place.

Then we waited. It took the waiter quite a while to come back with our drinks. Long enough that a group of younger guys, twenty-something clearly, who had caught a glimpse of Belle's voluntary wardrobe malfunction decided to sit at a table offering them a good view. Since they'd heard us speak in French, they must have thought we did not understand Spanish.

I could hear them commenting on the sexy slut with big boobs and a nipple poking out of her dress, how lucky I was to be able to fuck her, and a list of stuff they'd like to do to her if they could, some of it quite cringy to be honest. Belle and I didn't miss a single word of it. She visibly cringed at some of the stuff they said, particularly when one suggested he'd fuck her ass while one of his friends fucked her pussy. She later told me she'd considered fixing her dress at that moment, but saw the waiter grabbing our drinks from the bar and decided not to let a few rowdy tweens ruin her fun.

When the waiter finally came back, he did not notice immediately Belle's adjustments to her dress. And I could not see the moment he really noticed. He'd bent over to place Belle's drink in front of her, and while bent, turned his head in her direction only to find himself staring straight at her nipple. He quickly stood back up and turned towards me, visibly flustered, and placed my drink in front of me, before leaving.

I heard him ask the young guys what they wanted to drink. It's only then it occurred to them to look at the prices. They quickly decided that, while they clearly wanted to keep watching Belle, they'd rather not spend that much on a drink and stood up. They lingered around for a bit though still commenting about Belle until the waiter politely but firmly asked them to leave.

While enjoying our drinks, Belle covered her nipple, making sure her cleavage was back to normal.

"It's too bad you've missed the look of shock on the waiter's face when he found himself staring at my nipple barely fifty centimeters away. I'm sure he purposefully bent over this way to get a better glimpse at my cleavage."

"I'm sure he did. Because he did not need to bend that much to hand me my own drink. But in the end, he got much more than he'd bargained for."

We laughed. The discussion drifted off the subject of the waiter and the young guys for a while.

Once we were almost finished with our drinks I asked Belle, "Wanna play with him a bit more? Or do you think we've tortured him enough?"

She laughed and said, "I'm not going topless right here and now, you pervert!"

"Not subtle at all my Padawan in perversion, I was thinking something much less evident yet a bit naughtier."

The mischievous look was back on her face, I had clearly picked her interest.

"Do tell more Master Jedi", she joked, leaning forward expecting my answer.

I guess if I could have seen my face, it would have shown the same mischief that Belle's displayed.

"Just hand me your panties and make sure the slit of your dress stays where it is right now."

She looked down and realized that while moving around in her seat, the slit she had so strategically placed to display just a bit of lace was now fully centered. Without the thong in the way, she would have offered a full view of her waxed pussy.

"Beau! How long has it been this way?"

"Just the last few minutes, I swear. If you don't want to push it this far, you still have time to put it back to normal..."

Belle clearly hesitated, she later told me that exposing her most private parts at so close a range, moreso to someone who could talk to her, made her feel a bit uneasy, but turned her on at the same time. The more she thought about it, the more aroused she felt until it completely outweighted any remaining uneasiness.

She finally made up her mind and slowly removed her thong, sliding it down inch by inch, to avoid attracting the attention of any passerby or of the few other patrons on the terrace. She eventually managed to get it down to mid-thighs and quickly slid it down the rest of the way, bunched it into a ball in her hand before handing it to me. I put it in my pocket. She then made sure the slit of her dress was aligned with her own.

"Being able to watch your pussy in such a setting is starting to have an effect on my dick. I'm starting to feel a little too tight in my pants." She looked at the bulge in my jeans and smiled. I added, "If you're done with your drink try to catch the waiter's attention, having my back towards the bar doesn't make it easy."

A few seconds later, she waved a hand and said, "La cuenta, por favor."

The waiter came back a few minutes later with the bill. While I paid with my credit card, Belle pretended to look for something in her handbag. The waiter, thinking that we were both occupied, stole another glance at my wife. I was looking at him when his gaze fell from her now decent cleavage to her much less decent crotch and saw him gawk with surprise.

This was my cue to let him know he'd been caught stealing a glance. I lifted my head up while pressing the validation key. At the sound of the ticket being printed, the waiter quickly turned his head towards me and met my gaze. He bit his lips, clearly ashamed. I gave him a knowing smile.

"When the view is beautiful, it'd be a crime not to watch," I told him in Spanish while handing him the card reader back.

He shyly smiled at first, handed me my ticket, and started to say goodbye, but at the last moment, a wave of courage washed over him. He turned towards Belle, who'd stopped pretending to search for something to look at him, and panned his gaze slowly up and down her body, even staring openly at her exposed crotch for a couple of seconds.

"Señorita, muchas gracias." And, his courage exhausted, he quickly left.

It was Belle's turn to be shocked and to blush, but it only lasted an instant, before she started giggling. She straightened her dress, and we stood up and headed down the street.

We walked along the seafront for a while, our arms around each other's waist. We just watched the other tourists enjoy the fresh air of the night. We just chatted about nothing in particular, until Belle brought up the subject of her latest exhibition again.

"That sure was arousing, but I'm not sure I would dare to set foot in that bar again."

I just shrugged, "We don't have to if you don't want to, but the waiter seemed to enjoy his 'extra tip', and it could be fun to play with someone who knows he's being played with."

"I'm just not sure I'm ready for that..." She added after a few seconds of thought.

I could feel her inner fight in her tone. She was battling with the inhibitions planted into her by society. She was having fun at the moment, but once the arousal died off, guilt took over.

I stopped walking and turned towards her, "I just want it to be clear. I don't want you to do stuff you're not comfortable with. I'm just suggesting ideas, you'll always get the final decision. Okay?"

She nodded, smiled, and leaned in for a kiss.

We kept walking for a little while and eventually almost reached the end of the seafront promenade. I asked her if she felt like going to a club now, but she decided against it.

"I'd rather play a bit more..." she said, with that mischievous look once again, even though there was a tinge of actual shyness to her tone. It was her turn to stop walking and to turn my way, she hugged me close and said, "Discreetly slide your hand through the slit in my dress and feel my pussy." I did as she asked and my fingers came back coated with her juices. "I've kept thinking about your idea to play a bit less subtly, and you just felt the result. But I still don't feel like going back to that bar right now."

I thought about it for a few seconds before saying, "I don't see any issue with that, I'm pretty sure we can easily find someone else to give a little show to."

We headed back the way we came. During the hour or so of our own walk, the number of people walking the promenade had slowly dwindled. The families had all left. Most of the people remaining were young adults, the majority quite drunk. With their own inhibitions lifted by alcohol, I knew they would clearly not make good playmates for our little games.

We chatted while walking back but I kept looking around for an occasion to play a bit more. When finally about fifty meters in front of us, I found one. A lone guy about our age, with his dog on a leash, approached a bench just under a street light and sat there before lighting a cigarette. If I had to take a bet, I would have guessed it was a family guy who went back out to walk the dog while his wife got the children to bed.

I pointed him out to Belle with a head gesture, "What about that guy on the bench? Feel like torturing him too?"

She looked at him and then to me, "What do you have in mind?"

I had no plan, but ideas flooded through my head. I quickly eliminated all but two.

"Well, if you feel really naughty, we could pretend to be arguing and a bit drunk, then when we reach him you tell him I dared to say your boobs are saggy, and then you flash him asking what he thinks of them."

She shook her head, "Too direct, anything else?"

"Of course... See the other bench just in front of him? We could sit there, start to kiss, then I'd caress your thigh and make your dress ride up all the way until your pussy is visible. Then we''ll see depending on his reaction."

She nodded her agreement. I knew making it look accidental would be more acceptable to her, but I had to suggest the more daring option first, just in case.

We walked the last few meters towards the bench, chatting together about supposed plans for the next day. Just as we sat down, the guy's dog tugged on its leash, and he reprimanded it, in french. Belle flinched a bit, but looked at me and shrugged. I started kissing her. I placed my hand on her left thigh and started to caress it, slowly pushing her dress out of the way.

When I felt my hand sliding under the slit of her dress, I pushed it further in, now caressing her other thigh. While I was doing that, I kept looking at the guy through the corner of my eye. He clearly did a double take at some point, and I knew that her crotch must be slightly visible by now. I moved my kisses from Belle's mouth to her neck and whispered directly into her ear.

"When you feel my hand reach your hip, spread your legs as much as you can."

I slid my hand up, fully exposing her crotch to the guy, and reached her hip. Belle pretended to be losing her balance under my assaults and moved her legs, spreading them. And at that moment the guy loudly cleared his throat. I kept on kissing Belle's neck, pretending I didn't hear him, but she turned her head towards him.

"You should make sure you remain decent," he said, pointing at her now exposed pussy.

Belle pretended to not notice what he'd pointed at, "Come on! Don't be so prude, we're just kissing."

The guy clearly considered answering, but shrugged instead and while dragging on his cigarette, leaned forward and started watching openly. I saw that while Belle had pretended to close her eyes back after answering, fully enjoying my kisses, they were still partially opened. She was watching him enjoying the view she was offering. I whispered again to Belle.

"If you feel like flashing him your boobs now, pretend to notice what he's looking at, feign being angry, tell him that if he wants a show you can deliver and let the puppies loose..."

She couldn't refrain to giggle as I explained my idea. If she'd refused a similar one earlier, being exposed like she was right now, now made it seem much less daring. So she followed my instructions. And did even better than I expected.

She removed her hand from my cheek and let it slowly slide along her body until it reached her exposed pussy. Then, feigning surprise at feeling her own bare skin, she pushed me back and looked at the state of her dress, then at the guy, then back at her pussy again. She stood up and walked towards the guy calling him a peeping tom and a pervert, then grabbed the top of her dress and flashed him her boobs, so close to his face that he could have grabbed them without fully extending his arm.

"There, happy? Now go back to your wife and think about those while you fuck her!"

She turned back toward me, still pretending to be angry, and ordered me to get moving. We briskly walked away, stifling our laughter until we were out of sight of the guy.

"Did you see his face when I flashed him?"

"No, all I could see was your back."

"Well, while I was screaming at him, he was looking me in the eyes, clearly a bit baffled. But when I pulled my boobs out, he could not keep his gaze from going down to them, and just sat there open-mouthed."

We kept laughing on and off all the way back to the car, stopping to exchange kisses and caresses in darker recesses along the way. We finally reached the car, stepped in, and before I could start the car Belle squeezed my thigh to attract my attention.

"Try to find us a remote area along the way. I may have a fun idea."

I knew exactly where to go. On a previous occasion, when we'd come to this town during the day, I had noticed one of those abandoned housing projects which were quite common in Spain since their real estate crisis. I grabbed my phone, opened Google Maps, set it to satellite imagery, and quickly looked for the place. It took me no more than a minute, and I programmed the GPS to bring us there.

As we turned into the housing project, we found it completely dark. I kept driving until we were out of sight of the main road and stopped the car by the side of the street.

"Does this suit what you have in mind?"

She looked outside, barely able to make out anything with only the car's headlights and the moon to light up the scene.

"It'll do..."

"So, what's your plan?"

She grabbed my phone and put it in my hands.

"First, you'll need this," then she pressed the button to open the convertible top and added, "and you'll get a better view if you stand up than through the windshield."

She turned on the radio, switching quickly through the stations until she found a tune that she deemed suitable, some slow EDM, stepped out of the car, walked into the headlights, and started to dance sensually, slowly undulating while caressing her own body. I understood her intent, stood up in the car, switched on the camera app, and started filming her.

She slowly stripped out of her dress. She let one strap slip off her shoulder, then the other, while holding the dress over her boobs with one hand. She then slowly let her hands slide along her body until they reached her stomach, revealing her magnificent boobs fully for the second time tonight. Still holding her dress at the waist with one hand, she caressed her tits with the other, playing with each nipple in turn.

It's at that moment that the unexpected happened. With the music and the sound of cicadas covering most of the other noises, we hadn't heard someone approaching. An old man riding a bike suddenly appeared into view and stopped alongside our car. He let out a wolf whistle.

"Que bonita! Magnifico!"

Belle hesitated for a second, but the cheer from the old man reassured her that he wasn't about to cause a fuss. She decided to keep going with her show. She turned around and bending at the waist finished removing her dress, revealing her toned ass to our unexpected guest. I kept filming her dancing fully nude while keeping an eye on the old man. He eventually noticed I was watching him and apparently understood my concern because, while grinning from ear to ear, he gave me the thumbs-up

"You're a really lucky young man, thank your lady for the nice show, have fun, good night!" He told me in Spanish, before riding away in the dark.

Belle kept swaying sensually in the headlights for the camera all along, caressing her body. She gave him a shy wave as he rode past her, he blew her a kiss in response.

As soon as he disappeared into the darkness, she stopped dancing, crossed her arms over her boobs, and looked at me. I cut the recording. She picked her dress off the ground, sulking a little.

"I wanted you to fuck me against the bonnet of the car after my little show, but I'm sure he's stopped just out of sight and will keep watching."

I shrugged, "As you wish, we can let my current hard-on go to waste and head back home hoping we'll be able to revive it, or we could give the old timer a show he'll remember for the rest of his life."

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She chuckled, walked closer to the car, threw her dress at me over the windshield, and placed her hands on the bonnet.

"Hurry up and join me before I change my mind, you perv."

I obeyed. I switched off the radio before stepping out, it would be better if we could hear anyone else coming this way. I walked to her and hugged her from behind kissing the back of her neck while grabbing her breasts and massaging them. I let my hands glide along her body, my right hand coming to rest on her pubis. My middle finger easily parted her wet lips, coming into contact with her engorged clitoris. She moaned.

While slowly caressing her love button, I used my left hand to unbuckle my belt and open the button fly of my jeans, letting them fall on my ankles. I then freed my cock from my briefs, it popped out hitting her in the small of her back. I slightly bent my knees and pushed my dick between her thighs, spreading the lips of her pussy in the process. I felt my glans coming in contact with the middle finger which was rubbing on her clit. I moved my right hand further to grab my dick between her thighs and applied pressure, now rubbing along her inner pussy lips and clit with the length of my shaft. She moaned louder.

I placed my left hand between her shoulder blades and gently but firmly pushed her down, forcing her to bend over more. She slightly resisted my move at first, but then let her arms bend and rested her torso on the hood. I slid my dick back along the whole length of her lips and then, grabbing her hip with my now freed right hand, pushed forward, easily penetrating her wet cave all the way until my hips hit her buttocks. She moaned louder still.

I started to rhythmically pound into her. My left hand was still on her back, between her shoulder blades. I caressed her back with it until it came to rest at the top of her ass. My thumb slid within her crack, the tip of my thumb coming into contact with her butthole, feeling it pulsate with each thrust of my hips. I massaged her rim, and my thumb eventually slid inside.

I moved my thumb back and forth, out of sync with my dick. My thumb slid further in as I pulled my dick out, and out as my dick plunged deeper into her vagina. After a while, I left my thumb deep in her and picked up the pace. Her knees were getting weak, so I moved my right hand back to her belly to support her.

She came soon after, letting out a few screams of pleasure, and let herself completely fall forward on the bonnet. I had not expected that and almost fell over her, but managed to regain my balance. I stopped moving, letting her recover from her orgasm a bit. In the relative silence that followed, I'm pretty sure I heard the very recognizable clicks of a bike being pushed along, somewhere in the dark, on the passenger side of the car. I smiled, hoping the old man was enjoying the show and decided to give him an even better one. I took both my erect dick and thumb out of Belle's holes, pulled my pants up, and grabbed her by the wrist.

We walked around the car to the passenger door, which she'd left open when stepping out for her strip-tease. Letting go of Belle's wrist, I let my pants fall to my ankles again and sat sideways on the passenger seat, my legs out of the car, before beckoning her to come over. She turned around and sat on me, sliding my manhood back into her pussy in a reverse cowgirl position. I leaned back, resting my elbows on the driver's seat and Belle followed suit, placing her hands on my shoulders and lifting her feet off the ground to place them on the car's door sill.

She started to slide her vagina up and down the length of my shaft, moaning in sync. In the illumination offered by the car's compartment light, I could see the side of her boobs rhythmically bouncing around. I couldn't help but imagine the old man frantically jerking off in the dark with a perfect view of my dick stretching her pussy while her tits bounced. Feeling my orgasm getting closer, I grunted. Belle understood the cue and took her right hand off my shoulder, slid it between her legs, and started flicking her clit at a very fast pace.

I could feel the tip of her fingers brush against my balls each time I was fully inside her. The mental picture I had created of the view we potentially offered the old man, with the added detail of Belle's masturbating was too much. With another grunt, I came. As soon as she felt my dick starting to pulse inside her, Belle came too. She kept moving up and down a few times, slower with each move, then leaned back completely, laying on me.

I felt my cock slide out of her pussy, and almost immediately after felt something hot and liquid drip on my dick. The very lewd image of her pussy dripping with my cum must have been the final straw for the old man because we definitely heard a muffled grunt in the dark, not so far away.

Belle whispered, "Seems we gave him one hell of a show..."

I chuckled, "And offered him something to think back to each time he'll feel like rubbing one out."

As this last word left my mouth, we saw the feeble headlight of the old man's bike turn on about twenty meters from us, and he rode away, for real this time...

Belle grabbed her purse lying at the feet of the passenger seat, took a packet of tissues out of it, opened it, picked one out and started cleaning her pussy with it. She then stood up. Finally freed, I grabbed a tissue too and wiped myself clean. Once this was done, we put our clothes back on, sat back in the car, and drove back home.

Upon arrival, Belle hugged me and kissed me.

"Thanks for another great evening of discovering new stuff about ourselves Beau. I'm starting to enjoy this a lot, maybe even a little too m..."

I kissed her to keep her from finishing this sentence, then looked her in the eye, shaking my head no.

"We were having fun, and everyone involved did too, except maybe for the Frenchy with the dog. But I dare to think that he most likely got his fun too in the end. As long as we keep it this way, I don't think we're doing anything wrong."

Belle nodded, "Yeah, you're probably right. But let's slow down a bit okay? Letting an old perv jerk off to us fucking, although quite arousing on the moment, made me feel dirty afterward."

"As you wish darling, we'll take it down a notch if that's what you're comfortable with, but as far as I'm concerned, I enjoyed every moment of it."

She giggled and fake-punched me in the shoulder pretending to be offended.

"Of course you did, you naughty pervert!"

We took a shower together and headed to bed. I was laying on my back, staring at the ceiling, reminiscing the events of the night when suddenly Belle jumped on top of me, straddling me.

"I thought about it, and I can't say I didn't like being watched fucking, quite the contrary. But we need to make sure any future spectator of our lovemaking is not as creepy as this old man. After we were done, I couldn't shake the idea he could have suddenly popped out of the darkness and showered me with his cum. Ewww!" She shuddered at the thought.

"I get it... The idea crossed my mind too and I hated it. If we find ourselves in such a situation again, I'll make sure our audience knows that's out-of-bounds. Does that make you feel better?"

She put a sweet kiss on my lips then rolled off of me.

"Yes. Good night, my love."

The next few days were quite uneventful, with two exceptions.

First, one afternoon, after a swim, Belle decided to blow me off while I was lying on a sunbed. She fingered herself as she blew me off. When I warned her I was about to cum, she made me stand up and cum all over her face. She made herself cum as I showered her with my seed.

While I'd happily complied with her demands, I was a bit surprised nevertheless and told her as much. She sat on the sunbed next to mine.

"Well, you know I've always thought that letting you cum on my face is the most intimate thing we've done," she said with an authentic touch of shyness to her voice.

"Yes, I know it used to be the only thing we do in bed that you'd never let your exes do... But I still don't understand."

She sighed, "It's not the only reason. I never told you so, but if I never let them do that, it's because I've always thought of it as degrading. The first time I let you do it was actually an accident. I wanted you to cum on my tits but was not quick enough to remove you from my mouth and you shot your load all over my face..."

"What? So all these years you've let me do something you found degrading? I never wanted you to feel that way, honey."

"No. You don't get it," she sighed again before adding, "When it happened, I was a bit shocked, but it turned me on. I felt like a slut, but I liked it. I was your slut... I was yours."

She stopped talking but I knew she wasn't done with her explanation, so I just smiled and nodded.

"That's why I considered that very intimate. Why I would never have told anyone I let you do so. And today, while I was swimming, I thought about everything we've done recently and wondered if I would dare to be your slut in public or, at least, where people could see."

I nodded again, I understood now. But she'd not shared the result of her little experiment. I was still trying to find a way to ask her which didn't make me cringe when she stood up and placed a hand on my shoulder.

She chuckled, "I came when you painted my face. That should answer the question you've not asked."

And she walked to the outdoor shower to clean herself. Aroused again by her final revelation, I joined her under the water and soon was hard again. I fucked her against the wall.

We did not check even once if a neighbour had caught us or not.

The second one happened after heading out for groceries one day, and passing for the umpteenth time in front of the sign indicating the nudist beach. We both looked at each other, clearly having thought the same thing, and decided it could be fun to give it a try. It was after all the perfect setting for some light exhibition. Also, we'd heard that, since naturism was legally allowed almost everywhere in Spain, the beaches which were advertised as 'nudist' were also spots of very open adult activities.

We quickly found out that either what we'd heard was just the fantasies of someone who'd never set foot on a nudist beach, or it did not apply to this one. While everyone was naked, they just acted like on any other beach. We decided to walk along the beach, to check if there was not a spot where more adult activities took place, and even checked within the dunes but found nothing of interest.

At one point on our way back, while we were walking naked along the beach, water lapping at our feet, Belle saw a nice shell in the sand and bent over to pick it up, not even thinking about her nudity anymore. I turned around and looked if anyone had caught this splendid view of her backside and pussy, and saw a guy, sitting on his towel, who gave me a thumbs up and a smile.

We came back to this beach on a few occasions, at different times of the day, mostly to enjoy ourselves and let Belle expose herself a bit. Each time we took a walk and checked almost everywhere we could think of, but we never stumbled upon any real action. In the end, we supposed it only happened at night here, but never checked.

But otherwise, not much happened until the very last day of our vacation.

Since our flight home had a very early morning take off time. We decided to spend our last day resting by the pool. I made sure to take more pictures of Belle's naked body in the sun, even though I had already taken at least a few dozens during our stay. At one point, Belle was lying on her sunbed, legs spread and feet together, letting the sun caress her privates. I couldn't resist the temptation and tried to sneak in a few shots, but the shutter noises from my phone were a dead giveaway.

"Don't you have enough pictures of my naked body by now?"

I chuckled, "I don't think I ever will."

She sighed, "At least, let me give you good pictures, instead of those candid ones. Wait here, I'll be right back."

She stood up and walked inside. I waited for a long time, or maybe not, but it sure seemed so to me, not knowing what to expect. After a while, Belle finally walked out, I could see she'd brushed her hair, put on a bit of eyeliner, and her hoop earrings. She was wearing the fishnets we had bought at the beginning of our stay, but she had put on the coat she'd been wearing when we left home, because it was a rainy day, hiding whatever else was under it.

"Ready for a show?"

I couldn't hide my eagerness, "Of course! Always!"

I helped her move one of the sunbeds in a better position to take full advantage of the natural sunlight. Then I opened the camera app and started shooting. She undid the belt of her coat, revealing she'd put on the full lace lingerie set. I took a few pictures of her in different poses. She let her coat drop, and struck a few other poses. I kept shooting picture after picture.

She then let the straps of her bra slide down her arms and took another pose before undoing the back and letting it fall to the floor, letting her magnificent, heavy but proud, breasts pop out. I took another bunch of pictures, some of her standing up, a few others kneeling on the sunbed, yet another few of her sitting on it, and finally a couple of her on all fours.

She stood up and started playing with her thong, tugging slightly at the sides while striking a few poses. She then turned away from me, and took it down the whole length of her legs, bending at the waist. I kept shooting and moved forward to shoot a few close-ups.

Noticing I had stepped closer, Belle slowly moved her hands up her legs, until they reached her butt cheeks and spread them for a few seconds. The shutter sounds were getting more frantic now. She then sat on the sunbed, removed her high heel shoes, and slowly untied the fishnets from the garter belt, making sure to pause frequently to allow me to shoot more pictures.

Once she was done, she laid on her back and, lifting one leg after the other, slowly rolled the fishnets down the length of her legs before taking them off. She stood up again, untied the garter belt, and let it fall to the ground. Now that she was fully naked, she struck another few sexy poses, first standing, then kneeling, sitting, and laying on the sunbed.

"And now the grand finale!"

Getting on all fours on the sunbed, legs spread as much as possible, she offered me a very nice view of both her butthole and pussy. One of her hands reached between her thighs, first caressing slowly along the length of her inner labia before two fingers finally disappeared inside her vagina. She held them in long enough for me to take a couple of pictures.

"Aaand... Done!" she said before taking her fingers out, "If you still want more, you'll have to wait until we get to bed."

I had been so focused on taking pictures, it's only then that I noticed the raging hard-on between my legs. I turned around to put my phone on my sunbed and noticed a movement at the edge of my sight. Looking up, I saw two guys, standing behind the telephone box which borders the dirt road that passes higher on the hill, about 40 meters away, and noticed one of them had his phone out. I turned towards Belle.

"There are two guys up on the hill!"

She giggled and shrugged, "Yeah I know, thought you'd noticed them too, they've been there almost from the beginning."

I motioned her to move inside, we quickly picked up all discarded pieces of clothing and walked in the house...

"Didn't you notice one of them had his phone out? He was either taking pictures too or filming the whole thing!"

She shook her head, "I had the sun in my face, I knew they were there but couldn't really see what they were doing."

I quickly put on the shorts I left handy in case someone unexpectedly rang our doorbell, walked to the front door, opened it and looked up the hill, but they were long gone by then.

"Well, let's just hope this doesn't get posted to the internet!"

We quickly brushed the incident aside, there was not much we could do about it now anyway, and went on with our plans for the rest of the day, packed everything back in our suitcase, but a few essentials we would need the next morning, had dinner, then sex.

She came really fast, she later confessed it was because she'd been thinking about the guys from earlier jerking off to their pictures or video of her. We kept going. I was fucking her doggy-style, when she reached into the nightstand drawer, fished the tube of vaseline out, and handed it to me.

"You know what to do with this right?"

I didn't answer, put some on the tip of my thumb, started spreading it on her butthole before pushing my thumb in, then took my dick out of her vagina, placed the tip against her asshole, and gently pushed it in, using my thumb as a guide.

She then fished something else from under a pillow and handed it to me. It was my phone.

"Take the picture I didn't let you take outside now..."

I obeyed, took a few shots just to be sure to get a good one before saying, "I'd rather have one the other way around, so I can see your pretty pussy in the shot too."

She giggled, "Demanding, are we?"

She moved forward, making my cock pop out of her butt, and rolled on her back, lifting her legs to grant me access. I slid back in and took a few pictures and a thirty seconds video of my dick sliding in and out her butt with her empty, spread, wet pussy just above, before discarding my phone and turning my full attention back to fucking her.

She started masturbating while I was fucking her butt, flicking her clit with one hand and sliding two fingers in with the other. Her fingers were rubbing against my cock through the thin wall between her holes, adding to my own pleasure. I came, and she followed soon after, the feeling of my member pulsating in her ass pushing her the last bits of the way to her orgasm...

The flight back was pretty uneventful. However, when we reached the Paris airport, we were surprised to hear our name called over the speakers. The lost suitcase was a complete loss in our mind. So, it was quite the surprise when we finally were reunited with it. We nevertheless filed a written complaint for the unexpected expenses this incident had caused us and received a check from the company a few weeks later which covered most, if not all, of them.

On the drive home, Belle told me, "You do realize that if that suitcase had made it to its destination, none of that might have happened?"

I nodded, "Sometimes all it takes is a small incident to generate big changes, that's the butterfly effect."

She laughed, "If someone had told me a butterfly flapping its wings in Bangkok would have led to me getting fucked while a creepy old dude jerked himself off, I'd never have believed it."

I laughed too.

Written by TheMonster
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