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Feminized Cuckold (Part 3)

"Laura has clean up duty, and then the story takes a surprising turn."

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Author's Notes

"In the previous chapter, Amber has her date with Dave. <p> [ADVERT] </p> Her cuckold, Laura, gets to help them out."

He rolled off the top of her and settled in beside her on the bed.  They continued kissing as they recovered from their powerful orgasms.  I just stood there beside the bed wearing my dress with my little penis locked up tight.  I watched as they cuddled and made out.

Amber said, "Laura, don't just stand there.  Come over here and help us get cleaned up."

"Do you want me to get some tissues for you?"

"No, Laura.  Come over here and use your mouth to clean us.  Suck Dave's dick clean and get all the juice and cum off of it.  And then you can do the same to my pussy.  I want you to suck Dave's cum out, and lick me clean."

I went around to the side of the bed that Dave was on.  I got down on my knees on the floor and positioned myself beside his dick.  I gripped it with one hand and brought my mouth up and started to suck on it.  Since he had just recovered from his orgasm, it was soft and slippery.  I used my mouth and my tongue to suck it clean.  It felt so different from when I sucked him before.  Before he was hard as a rock, and now it was soft and wet.

I could taste Amber's juice on it as I sucked.  And I could taste some of his cum as well.  As I sucked and licked it, I felt my penis trying to get hard in my chastity cage.  And I felt the familiar feelings of humiliation and embarrassment.

"Now, come up here and get me cleaned up," said Amber.

I had to crawl up on the bed to reach her.  She spread her legs, revealing her wet, juicy pussy.  I got on my knees on the bed between her legs and leaned over to lick her pussy.  I licked all around it, licking up the pussy juice.  I stuck my tongue inside and licked out the remnants of Dave's cum.  He must have cum a lot because I got a mouthful of his cum from inside her pussy.  It had a distinctive smell and it had a salty taste.  I licked it all out and swallowed it down.

As I was licking Amber, my little dress had bunched up around my waist.  The cage containing my penis was hanging down, fully exposed.  Amber reached out and grabbed it, wiggling it around.  She said, "Look at his little locked-up penis, Dave.  It is so helpless, locked up and just hanging there."

Dave reached his hand out toward my cage.  He said, "May I?"

"Of course," said Amber.  "Help yourself."

She let go of my cage, and Dave reached out and grasped it.  He pulled on it and tapped on it with his fingers.  Even though Amber had often played with my chastity cage, it felt weird to have it manipulated by a man.  He said, "Really, Laura, what does it feel like to have your dick locked up?"

Not being sure how to answer that, I hesitated, and Amber spoke up for me.  "Oh, actually he loves the feeling.  He loves the feelings of restraint and humiliation.  He especially loves it when he tries to get hard in his cage.  Like he is now."  Amber looked at me for my confirmation.

"Yeah, I guess I do like it," I said.  "It is a very weird feeling at first, but I am used to it.  When my dick tries to get hard, it feels very frustrating."

"I'm curious," said Dave. "I would like to know how it feels on me sometime."

"You want to see how it feels to have your dick locked up in a chastity device?" I asked.  "Amber, you have another one.  Why don't you let Dave try it on?"

"You really want me to lock you up?" asked Amber.  Clearly she was surprised.

"Yeah, I just want to try it," said Dave.

"Before I lock up Laura, I tease him but don't let him cum.  I will have to do that to you too if you really want the full feeling that Laura has."

"OK," said Dave.  "That sounds like fun."

"And he'll need to be feminized too, just like me," I said.

"That's Ok with me.  It all sounds like it would be a fun experiment," said Dave.

Amber was clearly surprised by this turn of events.  Her bull now confesses that he wants to be feminized and locked in chastity.  I was surprised as well, I must admit.  I knew it was a big turn-on for me, but I never imagined a guy like Dave might enjoy it too.  Once Amber sees him like that, she will never look at him the same.  I was looking forward to this.  I wanted to see it.

"Oh, Amber, may I stay and watch?"

"Yes, you can watch, Laura.  But I'm tired after all that fucking.  I want to go to sleep now.  Let's do it in the morning.  Besides, I want to give Dave some time to think it over.  Maybe after a good night's sleep, he will think better of it."

"I really do think I want to try it," said Dave.  But it's fine to do it in the morning.  Actually, I'm kind of tired too."

"OK, it's settled.  We'll do it first thing in the morning.  Laura, go on back to your room and go to bed.  Leave Dave and me to get some sleep."

Realizing that I had now been dismissed, I left them there in our bed.  I shut the door on my way out.  I went downstairs and turned off the lights, and then went to the spare bedroom.  When Amber has her date spend the night, I am expected to sleep alone in the spare bedroom.  I turned down my bed and got the little nightie out from under my pillow.  Amber doesn't expect me to sleep in my dress, but I must stay in a feminized state.  So she sets out a nightie for me to sleep in.

I took off my dress and hung it in the closet.  I took off my shoes, stockings, and bra.  I slipped the little pink nightie over my head.  She expects me to keep my wig on, even when I am sleeping in my nightie.  I am also expected to keep my penis locked up, not that I could even unlock it, since Amber has the key with her.  Fortunately, the chastity cage has a little hole in the tip, so I can pee while it's locked on.

After peeing and freshening up in the bathroom, I settled into my bed in my nightie and chastity cage.  I was thinking about tomorrow morning, when Dave would be feminized, teased, and locked up.  I was excited just thinking about it.  I couldn't wait to see him dressed as a girl with a locked-up penis.  Despite my excitement, I eventually drifted off to sleep.

I got a good night's sleep and woke up to the light coming in the window.  Usually, when Amber has a date stay over, I am expected to get dressed and make breakfast for them.  But what about today?  Amber said that first thing in the morning she would feminize and lock up Dave.  I didn't want to miss that.

I got out of bed and removed my nightie.  I put on my stockings, bra, and my dress from last night.  I quietly went over to our bedroom to see if I could hear them.  Since I heard nothing, I figured they must still be asleep.  So I went downstairs and started on breakfast.  Soon I heard some movement upstairs, and shortly the two of them came down for their breakfast.

"Good morning, Amber.  Good morning, Dave.  I hope you two had a nice sleep," I said.

"Yes, very nice," replied Amber.  "We're ready for our breakfast, Laura."

I served them their breakfast.  They chatted over breakfast and I could hear them discussing the plans for Dave this morning.  I was glad to hear that, since it is all I had been thinking about.

After they finished eating, Amber said, "Ok, it's time, Dave.  Come on upstairs.  You can come too, Laura."  We all went up to our bedroom.  "Off with those clothes, Dave."

As Dave was taking off his clothes, Amber was searching through her closet to select a feminine outfit for Dave.  She emerged holding a little white mini-dress with pink and blue flowers on it.  She got out a pair of stockings and a bra.  She helped Dave roll the stockings up his legs and attached the bra around his chest.  I saw his dick starting to get stiff as she clasped the bra on him.

Next, she held out the dress and told him to step into it.  Then she zipped up the back and hooked the clasp on top.  Now Dave had a full boner.  I could see it pushing out his little dress.  Apparently, Dave is like me.  He gets sexually excited from being dressed as a girl.  Who would have guessed?  Then Amber had him sit at her makeup table, and she made up his face.

She got one of my wigs out and placed it on his head.  It had long blond hair and bangs that just covered the eyebrows.  Lastly, she helped him step into a pair of high heels.  He was fully feminized.  He stood and got steady on his heels, then walked over to the mirror to see himself.

He looked super cute as a girl.  Clearly, he was happy with the results because his dick was hard as a rock and pushing out his dress.  Amber giggled at him as he admired himself in the mirror.  I was instantly attracted to him as a girl.  I had never seen another guy, other than myself, dressed as a girl.  He made a really cute girl, and could easily pass.  Amber had done a good job on him.

"Now we lock you up," she said.  "Laura, go down and get the ice pack."

"What's the ice pack for?" asked Dave.

"Oh, you'll see," she giggled.

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I hurried downstairs to fetch the ice pack.  I didn't want to miss any of this.  When I came back, Amber had taken out the chastity device, and Dave was holding it and examining it.  I'm sure he was imagining what it would feel like to have his dick locked in it.

Amber was sitting on the bed.  "Come over here and stand beside me, Dave.  Now, lift up your dress."

Dave lifted up the hem of his little dress, fully exposing his rock-hard boner.  We both watched closely as Amber reached out and took hold of his dick.  She began a slow, gentle stroking motion.  Dave had a big smile on his face as he experienced the intense sexual pleasure of being stroked.  Amber masturbated him slowly, up and down, until he was obviously getting close to shooting his cum.

Just at the last second before his orgasm, she suddenly stopped and let go.  I watched as his dick bounced and twitched, straining to shoot.  But she had stopped just a moment too soon.  His orgasm was not to happen.

"Hey, that's not nice.  Finish me off, Amber," he said.

Amber giggled, "There is your first edge.  No cumming for you!"

"Now you know how I feel, Dave," I said.  "She does this to me every time she locks me up."

"Now I let you calm down for a few minutes.  Don't you touch your dick.  That's not allowed.  Then I will edge you again."

The smile was gone from Dave's face.  I knew exactly how he felt, wanting to cum so badly but knowing that you can't.  It is a very frustrating experience.  He just waited patiently for her to edge him again.

Then Amber said, "I got an idea!  Laura, I want you to edge him this time."

"Me?!  I don't know how.  How will I know when to stop?"

"You just stroke it slowly until I tell you to stop.  Come on and try it.  It's so much fun to edge a guy."

"Ok," I said.  I came over and sat on the bed on the other side of Dave.  I reached out and lightly gripped his penis and began a slow stoking.  I looked up at his face as I was masturbating him.  He was looking down at me and smiled.  Even though I knew I was just supposed to edge him, I really wanted to stroke him and make him cum.  I had never made another man cum.  Last night, Amber had me suck his dick, but I had to stop before he came.  I really wanted to make Dave cum.  But I knew better.  I needed to do what Amber said to do.

I continued stoking and he began to pant and rock his hips in motion to my stroking.  I knew he was getting close.  I thought I better stop, but Amber told me to stroke until she said to stop.  I was hoping she would not tell me soon enough, and I could make him cum.  But after a couple more strokes, she yelled out, "Stop!"

I immediately stopped and let go of his penis.  It jerked up and down, and I could tell he was straining to shoot his load.  But Amber had put a stop to my stroking just in time.  She certainly was an expert at this edging.

"Just a couple more strokes, please, Laura," he begged.

"No, you heard the girl.  She said to stop."

Amber just giggled at him as he sat there in agony.  After a few minutes, she edged him again as I sat next to him and watched.  She said, "Three edges, that should be enough.  Now I lock it up.  But first, I need to use the ice.  Dave, you wondered what the ice was for.  Now you know.  The ice will make your dick go soft so I can lock it up."

"Brace yourself, Dave," I said.  "This part is definitely no fun at all."

Amber took the ice pack and placed it right on Dave's hard dick.  I watched as he quickly lost his erection, and his penis shrivelled up.  It was now soft and wiggly.  Amber quickly got the ring of the chastity device and attached it.  Then she took the chastity cage and inserted Dave's shrivelled-up dick inside.  She attached the clasp on top, and then inserted the little padlock and locked it shut.

The look on Dave's face was priceless, as he looked down at his locked-up penis.  I knew exactly how he felt.  I get the same feeling every time she locks me up.  It is a feeling of helplessness, frustration, and humiliation.  It is a powerful feeling for a guy like me who enjoys such things.  I suspected that it is the same for Dave.  Since he asked to be feminized and locked up, he must like this feeling too.

Dave reached down and took hold of his cage and wiggled it around.  He walked over to the mirror to get a good look at himself in a feminized state, with his dick locked up.

Amber said, "Well, you asked for this, Dave.  How does it feel?"

"It feels scary.  I feel so helpless.  It feels weird."

"Just wait until your dick tries to get hard, and the cage won't let it," I said.

 "I know how to get it hard," he said.  Dave walked over to Amber and took her in his arms to give her a kiss.

"Oh no, you don't," she said.  "I only kiss real men, not feminized men with a locked-up dick."  She pushed him away.

"Amber!" he exclaimed.

"You asked for this, Dave.  Now you know how it feels.  And, by the way, since you are feminized to look like a girl, you will need a girl's name, just like Laura has."

"Yeah, give him a girl's name," I said.

"Ok, let's see," said Amber as she was thinking.  "Oh, how about Debbie?  That would be a cute name for you.  So, Debbie, like I was saying, I only kiss real men, not men in a dress called Debbie.  If you want to kiss someone, why don't you kiss Laura?"

I looked over at Debbie, and he looked at me.  Clearly, we were both surprised by this unexpected turn of events.

"The more I think about it, I really would like to see you two kiss.  Two sissy girls kissing.  That would be fun to watch.  I think I'm going to enjoy having the two of you to play with.  Now, come on you two, let's see you kiss."

I approached Debbie.  He just stood there waiting.  He puckered up his lips and closed his eyes, getting ready for our kiss.  I took his head in my hands and moved in close for the kiss.  I met his lips with mine, and we had a sweet little lip kiss.  When we finished, we both looked over at Amber for her approval.

She said, "What kind of kiss was that?  I want to see you two have a real kiss.  Come on, let's see some tongue action."

Debbie took me in his arms and pulled me close.  We both leaned in, and our lips met in another kiss.  I could feel his tongue slipping inside my lips, so I met it with my own tongue.  We shared a passionate tongue kiss.  I had never kissed another man before, but it felt so nice kissing Debbie, even though I knew he was really Dave.

We paused and looked at Amber.  She was giggling at us.  She said, "Very good, girls.  Keep going."

We embraced and continued our kissing.  Debbie held me close, and his hands began to explore my body.  They ended up on my butt, and he pulled me in closer.  I reached around and grabbed his butt, too.  We pulled on each other's butts and our little chastity cages knocked together through our dresses.  My penis was straining to get hard in my cage.  I was so turned on.  I felt a strong feeling of humiliation, kissing another man, both of us wearing dresses with our dicks locked up.  Amber just stood and watched, and she giggled at us as we kissed and humped.

Amber went to her closet and pulled out a big vibrator.  She brought it over to us, and she lifted both of our dresses up, so our chastity cages were rubbing directly against each other.  She moved the vibrator down and held it against our cages.  It sent powerful vibrations onto our cages and vibrated our dicks inside.  It felt really good, but so frustrating as I tried to get an erection.

Debbie and I continued kissing and humping as Amber vibrated our chastity cages.  I started feeling the early stages of an orgasm approaching just from the vibrations of my cage.  My penis was struggling and straining to get hard, but it was blocked by the tight cage.  I wondered if it would be possible to have an orgasm while locked in a chastity device.  I was getting closer and closer.  Just when I thought it might happen, Amber pulled the vibrator away.

From the look on Debbie's face, I suspected he was close to cumming as well.  We both looked so frustrated and defeated.  We continued to hump each other trying desperately to keep up enough friction to complete our orgasms.  But without the vibrator, it was not going to happen.

Debbie said, "Please finish us off, Amber.  I am so close to cumming."

"Yes, me too.  I am so horny.  Please, Amber," I begged.

Amber just laughed at us as she put the big vibrator back in her closet.

"Amber, I really need to cum," I said.  "I've been locked up since yesterday afternoon.  After your date is over, you usually let me masturbate."


To be continued

Written by bethanngirl
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