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Niharika: The Delivery

"With my wife out of town through the weekend, her friend and I arrange a hookup for Sunday afternoon."

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Author's Notes

"This is Part 4. While this can be read as a standalone, the better experience is to get the background on how my wife’s alluring Indian friend and I happened to need to arrange for me to stop by her place. <p> [ADVERT] </p>So, if you haven’t already, read Parts 1-3, starting with “The Attraction” first, if you’re so inclined."

Friday night after work, and all day Saturday, there was no way I could get anything productive done at home. Understandably, I kept playing over in my mind the amazing experience of having sex with Niharika that Thursday and Friday, and fantasizing about what our sex would be like the next time we met on Sunday. I browsed my favorite adult story and social website, gleefully able to answer forum questions about recent sexual experiences for the first time in a long while. Browsing pictures and video clips, I edged myself for long periods, bringing myself off once Friday night, and once around midday on Saturday.

Early Saturday evening, the text I was anticipating finally arrived.

Niharika: At work now. Shift starts in 10 min. Sleep tomorrow morning when I get home, will text you after.

My reply: Looking forward to it!

Niharika: Looking forward to my text?

Me: Ha! Looking forward to seeing you

Niharika “SEE”ing? Lol

Me: Ha! I think we know what we mean

I really wanted to write dirty stuff, like “SEE? You misspelled SEX” or “Looking forward to seeing my cock disappear inside of you,” but I refrained.

Niharika: Lol, have a good night

Me: You too. “SEE” you tomorrow.

Of course, I had a long, satisfying wank and cum that evening, imagining a variety of dirty things I’d like to do with the pretty medical student I hoped was going to be a continued sex partner.

On Sunday, I was back to browsing the story and social site, and edging myself, but I was disciplined not to make myself cum, saving that for later in the day with Niharika. Around three o’clock, my phone dinged.

Niharika: Did I leave my leftovers at your house Friday? :)

Nice dry humor. We of course both knew I had kept her leftovers from our Thursday dinner, planning to get them to her when we could arrange it. I played along, but decided to call rather than carry on a conversation via text, which I normally detest.

“Hello?” Niharika’s voice sounded low and seductive.

“Yes, I see the box right here in the fridge.” I was actually holding the door to my refrigerator open, as if to add authenticity to my report.

“Silly me. How could I have done that? I was looking forward to re-heated leftover falafel and rice for dinner tonight.” I Could almost hear the pout through her enchanting accent.

“Well, I have to leave to go to the airport at maybe seven o’clock.” My wife, Cheryl, was returning from her work conference that evening. Yes, a pang of guilt shot through me as I considered how her absence had given me and her friend and former workmate the chance to hook up, the chance that we didn’t know we were looking for until the opportunity presented itself two days before. My marriage’s lack of sexual intimacy, despite my honest attempts, blunted that guilt, though.

Niharika’s warm voice stopped me before I could spiral too deeply into those thoughts. “Hmm, my shift starts at seven tonight, so I will have to leave by six thirty.”

“I could bring it to you earlier, this afternoon.”

“Would you?” Her voice’s pitch was higher with feigned excitement. “That would be amazing! I mean, if it would not be too much trouble.”

“Oh, it’s trouble,” I told her. “You’ll owe me.”

“Hey, I am a poor, in-debt medical student.” Did she just thicken her accent playfully? “I am not sure how I could repay you.” Her words were dripping with innuendo, making my mind a blur of oral, manual, and vaginal sexual imagery. Energetic sex as payment for delivery sounded like a fun role-play scenario, but I wasn’t sure we were into that, or if I could pull it off.

“You mentioned making me a proper cup of tea sometime. A cup of something expensive and exotic, imported from India, might be payment enough.”

“That sounds fair,” she laughed. “See you in a little while? Maybe in one hour?”

I agreed that an hour was fine, and we hung up. She sent her address, apartment number, and gate code for her apartment complex in her follow-up message.

My reply: Great, “SEE” you soon. :) She was still at least as flirty as when we’d spent the night together two nights before, but I was still nervous. Not being experienced with trysts, I wanted to drop as many hints as possible that I expected that our meeting was going to be a hookup for sex, so I highlighted our impromptu code word again.

Shortly after four o’clock, I messaged her telling her I was at the gate, entered the code, parked, and bounded up the stairs to her second-floor apartment. I had the bag with her leftover Mediterranean dinner from the other night in one hand, and the other hand was shoved into my jeans pocket to make sure for the tenth time that the final condom of the three-pack I’d gotten out of hiding Thursday night was still there.

A few seconds after I knocked on her door, it swung open, and Niharika greeted me with a big smile. She looked at least as delicious as when I’d last seen her leaving my house Friday morning, her dramatic-but-not-overdone eye makeup and her luscious thick shiny hair welcoming me into her apartment. She was dressed soft gray pants and a solid pale-orange mock turtleneck shirt, the sleeves and midsection fitting snugly against her slim feminine form. Was I imagining things, or were her breasts jutting a little more this afternoon, peaking her shirt in a way I hadn’t noticed before?

We said pleasant hellos, and she guided me to the kitchen where she stowed her food container in the refrigerator. She leaned sideways against the counter, looking me in the eyes, with maybe a slight smirk on her face. It took me more than a few seconds to get over my idiotic discomfort, but I soon realized that I had no reason to try to figure out how to make things progress. We had had sex, twice, two days ago, talked positively about it afterward, and had been flirty and forward with our texts and calls since then, so I would be an idiot to think that she didn’t expect my physical advances.

With no reason to hold back, I stepped up to her, gliding a hand across her hip and behind her, pulling her close, lowering my lips to hers in a firm, confident kiss. She responded. Within a few seconds, our arms were wrapped around each other, our wet lips open enough to let our tongues get reacquainted.

“I would have jumped you at the front door,” she told me. “But your hands were full.”

“My hands are fuller now. I like this better.” What the fuck – we both knew we’d be naked and screwing before long, so I went ahead and moved a hand to her front and caressed and lightly lifted one of her breasts.

“Besides,” she whispered, lips actually brushing my ear, ”I like it when you make the first move.”

After some light gropes, she offered to give me a tour of the apartment. Not much: a living room, a small dining area off the kitchen, and a hallway past a washer and dryer enclosed in folding doors led back to the bedrooms.

“Maricela has the master bedroom with the master bath,” she said, one hand swinging toward the closed door at the end of the hall. “She’s gone to work already, dinner shift till late tonight. Of course, if she was here, I probably would not have you over.”

“Should I be offended?” I laughed. “Nah, too many questions, I get it.”

“My bathroom,” she continued, flipping the light on. It was pretty girly in there, scented with a variety of whatever young ladies use in the shower and put in their hair and on their skin and such.

“And my bedroom.” She arched her eyebrows twice quickly before pushing through to her room. The entire apartment smelled very pleasant, slightly spicy maybe, very feminine but not overly powerful. And it was very neat, decorated pretty minimally, without a lot of clutter. When I thought about it, it fit perfectly with two mature young ladies who were financially responsible, careful that they’d spend their likely substantial incomes over the next few years paying down school debts instead of on frivolous stuff.

I wanted to throw Niharika on the bed right there and pull her clothes off and give her a vigorous shafting, but there was no hurry, so I restrained myself. We both knew I was here for sex, but a little seduction and conversation and foreplay seemed to be more our style.

The apartment tour having concluded, we settled on the couch in the living room, making out before long. We worked in some conversation along the way as I worked my fingers along the contours of her breasts while she was backed up against me.

I guided the conversation to sex as soon as it felt natural, starting with letting Niharika know how much I enjoyed being with her the previous Thursday and Friday. She responded freely, and soon I felt comfortable telling her I loved her riding me in the evening and letting me take her from behind after our morning shower. “I know it seems tame, but seriously, that’s more variety and excitement than…” I didn’t want to make this about my wife Cheryl or my marriage’s lack of sex, so I chose my words carefully. “Well, more than I’m used to.”

“I understand, I think. I haven’t done many different things, either.”

We opened up a bit for the next few minutes, our sharing becoming mostly theoretical rather than practical, since we had a lot of thoughts about what we would want and not want to do as opposed to likes and dislikes based on experience. Without getting into detail, we mentioned fantasies like multiple partners, anonymous sex, watching and being watched, car sex, and outdoor sex.

“So, I don’t know about any of that,” I said, wanting to stop talking and start doing, as they say. “That’s like on page ten, and I’m stuck on page one, without even something simple like oral sex. Or just having breakfast or a cup of coffee naked together.”

“Or tea?” Niharika turned her head toward me and smiled.

I caressed the nipple that was subtly but clearly poking her shirt out. “Hmm, I did come here for tea. Well, to bring your dinner, but tea was one of the benefits.”

“Oh, benefits? Friends with benefits, huh?” She was smiling and caressing my arm, so I knew she was teasing. She got up, and I followed her into the kitchen.

“I didn’t mean it that way. But I did really enjoy, um, certain benefits the other night.” I kissed her neck while caressing her hip as she ran water into the kettle. “And the morning.”

“Oh, there will be benefits this afternoon. We both know you are here for that.” Those seductive eyes held my gaze for a few seconds till I leaned into her. There was more passion, less inhibition, in our next flurry of kisses.

We made out while the kettle heated. There was no sense trying to conceal my growing boner. In fact, I was almost presenting it to her, and she stroked it while I felt her up. When I lifted the hem of her shirt, she let out a little laugh, raising her arms, allowing me to remove it completely, her luscious mass of dark hair flipping and flowing and tossed about. My shirt came off in a hurry, but it took a minute for me to slowly run my fingers along the straps and cups of her pretty pale-yellow lace-trimmed bra before unhooking it. I’m no bra expert, but hers was surely the push-up kind, confirming that the little extra lift and perkiness when I first arrived wasn’t just my imagination.

Our naked torsos slid together once her bra was on the floor, the feeling of her firm, puffy tits exciting my boner uncomfortably inside my jeans. My hands nudged her belly button ring, making her clench and twist a bit, as they roamed her shoulders, tummy, and bare breasts.

The kettle whistling was a transition rather than an interruption. Niharika pinched two fingerfuls of loose dried tea leaves into a decorative porcelain teapot. “Have a seat,” she told me. I sat at the kitchen table and untied my shoes and kicked them off as I watched her pour the water into the pot, set her phone’s timer, and saunter toward me, topless and jiggling.

She knelt in front of me and started undoing my jeans. Wow, I thought, is she going to give me a blow job? I know we mentioned oral sex, but, right here, right now? She pulled at my jeans, so I lifted up a bit to allow her access. Off they came, my socks along with them.

“Wow,” I breathed as she stood in front of me. My cock was tenting my boxers fiercely as I scooted forward, wrapping my arms around her to bring her breasts to my face. Kissing one, then the other, I told her, “Well, this certainly is exciting!”

“Why not?” She ran her fingers through my hair as I gently suckled a dark puffy nipple. “I mean, sharing a cup of tea together?”

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“Sharing a cup of tea together,” I repeated, unbuttoning her pants, “naked?”

“Why not? Sounds fun.” Her pants were down around her ankles in a few seconds, and kicked aside shortly after that, my hands running over the pretty pale-yellow lace-trimmed bikini panties that matched the bra lying on the floor behind her. I stood up and pulled her close, sealing my mouth over hers, tongue-kissing her deeply as my hands caressed her back. She moaned and thrust her hand in between us as my fingers slipped inside the back of her panties, firmly gripping the flesh of her ass. I found myself getting a little too grope-y with her tit, trying to ease off a bit, letting her work my fully-stiff cock out of the fly of my boxers.

My fingers were barely inside the front of her panties, raking her coarse pubic hair, when her phone timer went off. Both of us tried to ignore it, her tugging on my dick while I dipped my fingers lower, finding her warm, slick slit. When the timer’s chiming became more urgent, Rika peeled away from me and almost skipped over to her tea. I nestled up against her, my bare cock rubbing into her butt cheeks while she stopped the timer and poured two fragrant steaming cups for us.

I slid her panties down, removing the final barrier to her complete nakedness. She stepped out of them, turned, and handed me a cup, smiling seductively and pulling the waistband of my boxers over my erection and working them down till they dropped to the floor.

“Mmm, thank you,” I told her, raising the cup to my face and inhaling. “And, thank you for the tea, as well!”

“Well, I hope you enjoy.” Leading me to the table again, she added, “I hope you enjoy the tea, as well!”

We sipped our tea, slurping a bit to suck in air to temper the scalding liquid. “Mmm, nice – I like it.” I usually put honey in my tea, and milk if it isn’t green tea, but I left mine “as is” since that’s how she served it. It had a pleasant, slightly spicy aroma, and the earthy, mellow flavor didn’t need to be sweet.

Rika instructed me to sit again, and surprised me a bit by grabbing my jeans from the floor beside us. “I thought I felt something in here,” she teased, pulling the condom packet out.

“I had a feeling we’d need it,” I replied. She straddled my lap, taking another sip, and settled her pussy right up against the shaft of my cock. Grinding slightly, she marked my scrotum with some of her wet warmth before setting her cup down. I had just taken another sip when I clamped my mouth hungrily over a nipple, making her tense up.

“Oh,” she squirmed. “That’s hot. I mean hot hot. Tea hot.”

“Mmmm, Rika, everything about you is hot!” I ground my hips forward to rub my boner into her warm crotch, setting my cup down and lifting her other tit to my mouth so I could suck on it.

With both of her hands free, Niharika ripped open the condom packet when I released her.

“Already?” I laughed.

“It’s what you’re here for.” She was a bit more serious, a bit less playful, like something had switched on a primal need inside of her. She placed the condom circle on my cock head and slowly pushed the ring down, unrolling it onto my shaft. I was conflicted; sure, I wanted nothing more than to absolutely screw her brains out right then and there, but we’d only been there a few minutes, and I was anticipating this taking another hour or more. Maybe, just maybe, I could last for five times longer than I ever had?

Rika stood up and turned toward the table. She picked up my cup this time, and took another sip as she wiggled and caressed her ass with her free hand. I stood up, dipping my hips and poking my cock in between her legs. Her long legs presented her narrow thigh gap at just the right level for me to enter her where she stood.

“Mmm, Rika,” I gasped. “You’re just the perfect height for this!”

The top of my shaft slid smoothly back and forth along her slit a few times. I grabbed her cup and took a drink, almost spilling and spewing it when I felt her fingers press on the head of my dick to pop it inside of her. After a few slow strokes to get comfortable, I set the cup down and drove into her deeply.

The half-drunk liquid rippled and sloshed in our cups as my thrusts bumped Rika’s thighs into her little kitchen table. Our breathing turned to grunts as I filled her a few dozen times with long, measured insertions, unable to keep the pace from increasing. Holding her soft, pretty locks in one hand and cupping a breast with the other, I alternately breathed in the scent of her hair and panted into her neck, leaning into her while I gave it to her from behind. Nipping at her ear, I nudged and tongued her dangly earring playfully.

I was maybe ten strokes short of filling the condom when I gathered my wits enough to slow down and pull out. I wasn’t going to ruin my only condom with what was sure to be my only load of cum in such short order. I wanted more than that, and Rika damn sure deserved more than that.

“Oh, that’s so hot,” Rika moaned, turning toward me. We kissed, sloppily at first and then more controlled, and took another sip of tea before she had me sit again. I had no idea whose cup was whose at this point.

Standing with her legs straddling me, my sexy Indian lover brought her titties right to my face, allowing me to enjoy cupping them with one hand and sucking on the puffy brown nipples. My other hand slid between her legs, getting a palm full of damp course pussy hair and fingers coated with her warm, slick wetness. She gyrated her hips, prompting me to slip my middle and ring fingers up into her.

“Yes,” she moaned, “yes,” as I pumped her pussy deeply, the base of my fingers grinding against the firm nub of her clitoris.

Her hand went between her legs, pulling on my condom-covered dick, pointing it straight up so that she could sink down on it. In moments, my fingers were replaced by my throbbing pecker burrowing deep inside of her. After adjusting once or twice, she settled some of her weight on my lap, draping her arms over my shoulders for some passionate wet open-mouthed kisses.

She grabbed our tea cups, handing me one. We sipped, and then she started gyrating slowly again. My attention was on the erotic sight of our pubic hair moving together and then apart repeatedly, showing part of my slickened shaft each time we separated.

“Mmmm.” Niharika took a sip, looking into my eyes, smiling afterward. “Is this what you wanted? Naked while drinking our tea?”

“Ohmm,“ I replied. “So good.” I stroked her body with my free hand. “More than just naked.”

She increased her hip movements, pressing her forehead to mine as she whispered one word. “Fucking?” I think that was the first time either of us had used that word. Is sounded erotic, sensual, rather than dirty.

We set our cups down and started going at each other more frantically. I tried to rub her clit with a finger and then a thumb, but the angle was awkward, and she leaned forward apparently to rub it on my pelvis anyway. We wrapped our arms around each other, my squeezing her flexing ass, our fingers ruffling each other’s hair. It felt like she was squeezing her vaginal muscles as she raised and lowered herself rapidly, almost bouncing up and down the entire length of my cock, head back, offering her wobbling titties to me. Holding one breast tightly in one hand and one ass cheek in the other, I drove upwards into her for a few strokes before I felt like I was going to cum.

Not yet, I thought, trying to relax and sit still. But Rika wouldn’t let me. She groaned and panted, wrapping her arms around me and pinning herself to my chest, humping rapidly.

“Oh, I need to stop,” I told her, trying to separate.

“No,” she refused. “Keep going!”

“Uh, I’m too close. I’m going to finish already if we don’t stop.”

“Mmm, okay.” She kept humping. I didn’t really want to cum yet. I wanted our sex to last for a lot longer, to go back to the couch or to her bed, enjoying a long sensual lovemaking session, giving her at least one orgasm, before we were done. Fuck, maybe I should have masturbated earlier in the day, since I have heard that having a cum would make a later session last longer. Frankly, with my lack of experience, I just didn’t know, and was sure I wasn’t going to be one of those guys I read about who can supposedly get it up soon after cumming. I didn’t want to disappoint my new lover.

But somehow, Niharika’s movements were reassuring, communicating that everything would be fine, that our afternoon of sexual intimacy would continue.

So, I let loose. I leaned forward, nuzzling into her neck, my deep breaths drawing in the lovely scent of her hair and skin. I couldn’t help but lick, running my tongue over her shoulders and neck and ear, nipping at the lobe and flicking her earring again. I kissed down to her chest, before dropping further to suckle a teat. The sight, the feeling, the exotic scent and slightly salty taste of her lovely brown skin was sensory overload. With a loud groan, and a few quick pelvic thrusts, I breathed, “Rika, oh, Rika,” a few times into her neck while my balls pumped out their contents in a massive, shuddering orgasm.

“Yes,” she moaned lyrically. “Yes, Sebastian, let it go.”

After a minute of rocking more and more slowly, we shared some more hair-messing kisses and caressed each other’s naked bodies everywhere we could reach. She sat back and laughed lightly as she grabbed our cups. In no hurry to get off me, she sat astride my lap as we took another smiling sip of our tea. She leaned back with her elbows on the table, comfortable with her nudity and the lewd display of my cock still embedded inside of her, nestled into her lovely patch of dark, wet pubic hair.

She squeezed with her vaginal muscles again, resuming her slow gyrations on my lap as we made out. She ground her crotch firmly but slowly into mine while our tongues wrestled aggressively. It took a minute for us to slow down until I was just gently sucking and tonguing a nipple, while her body slowly arched and swayed on top of me.

Niharika held the base of my condom in place while she stood up. A good two minutes had passed since I pumped it full of cum, so my dick had gone completely soft inside of it. The loose fit allowed the thick whitish fluid to leak out, running down and around my ball sac to pool on the chair under me.

“Oops, I made you make a mess,” Niharika joked, reaching down between my legs. I jumped and squirmed at the touch of her fingernails on my sensitive balls. “Oops, sorry!” She pinched the messy condom between her thumb and index finger, drizzling some spunk on my thigh as she lifted it into her other palm.

She scurried to the kitchen counter and pulled a paper towel from the roll, wrapping the condom up and dropping it in the trash. She wet two more and gave them to me to clean up. After I got my pubes and balls and thighs pretty clean, we both wiped up my slimy cum from the chair cushion.

“I hope this does it,” she said, blotting the area and making a big wet spot. “It’s going to be wet for a while, but hopefully dry by the time Maricela gets home!”

“You could just say you spilled something. Not really a lie.” I grabbed her after we had deposited all of our paper towels in the trash. “That was amazing, Rika. You didn’t mind me finishing so fast?”

“No, it was hot. I wanted to do that for you.”

“Did you… you didn’t have an orgasm, did you?”

“No,” she stood away from me, hand on her hip, looking me up and down. “Not yet.” We both smiled. My drooping dick wasn’t in any condition to get her off anytime soon, but I was starting to think of some ways I could make it happen anyway. And now we were out of condoms, so, if she was really hinting that our intimacy would continue, I’d have to be creative. It kind of made me nervous, not really having any experience in this situation.

I wrapped an arm around her shoulders, cupping a breast and then moving it down while I kissed her. When my fingers pushed through her pubic hair, I found it a mess, wet and slimy, and very warm as I went deeper between her thighs. Her labia and the hair around it were drenched in a slick, almost creamy substance, which I poked through to insert a finger into her vagina. I had cleaned myself off, but evidently, she hadn’t. All that mess was hers, I reasoned, since my cum had been trapped by the condom and leaked only after she had pulled off me.

“My legs are tired after that,” she sighed. “I am going to go lie down.” She winked at me. “In my bedroom.”

She downed the rest of the tea that was left in one of the cups. I saw the other had a bit left, so I picked it up, and bringing it to my lips, I paused, breathing in the strong scent of Niharika’s sex that was coating my fingers.

When I had taken in that last mouthful of tea, she picked up her phone and led me by the hand out of the kitchen and down the hallway. That last sip of tea was still warm. Instead of taking that as a reminder of how quick our sex had just been, I took it as an indication that we still had plenty of time together.

Written by SebastianTombs
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