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Niharika: The Benefits

"The Benefits I share with my Indian lover progress to some things we haven’t tried before."

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Author's Notes

"This is Part 7. While this can be read as a standalone, the better experience is to get the background of how an exotic doctor and I happen to be sharing a passionate sexual experience. <p> [ADVERT] </p>So, if you haven’t already, read Parts 1-6, starting with “The Attraction” first, if you’re so inclined."

Over the Summer and into the Fall, things were going along normally at home. No surprises. And no sex. My wife Cheryl wasn’t exactly cold toward me, and we did and do get along fine for the most part, among friends and family and running the household, but the sexual intimacy just hadn’t been there for a while. I made it a point not to give up, to let her know that I was still interested, but my attempts fell short because of the vast difference in our sex drives. She has none, and mine is still purring along in high gear.

Since my sexual desires weren’t being reciprocated at home, even though I felt I was doing enough to let them be known and I tried to initiate, I felt a little less guilty about the friends-with-benefits arrangement I had with the lovely Doctor Niharika Sabharwal, even though she had been a friend and coworker of Cheryl’s when she was still in medical school the year before.

The arrangement worked well for both me and Niharika. We only met up for sex, because neither of us was interested in a more involved relationship: I was getting the sex that wasn’t available at home, and she was able to act on her sexual desires without having to explain to potential dating partners that her career was priority and that she just needed physical needs satiated. We were on the same page, with no demands, and the hookups were so infrequent (only four times in almost a year) that each time was an exciting novelty. Her inexperience, and mine (when I did have a sex life years before, it was the plainest vanilla), coupled with our willingness to explore and communicate sexually, made us a good match.

Cheryl booked a trip for a long weekend in the fall to attend a group event for a mostly-online community of artisans who make jewelry and other accessories and crafts. So as was our custom whenever we got the opportunity (Cheryl out of town), Niharika and I emailed back and forth using our clandestine email accounts to see if that weekend would be good for us to meet. Turns out, it was!

When it got close to the weekend in question, Rika confirmed that her schedule had a break; following two twelve-hour overnight shifts at the medical center, she would have two full days off, Friday and Saturday. Cheryl left on Thursday, I worked as normal on Friday, and Rika had family commitments on Friday night, so that left Saturday for us to see each other. As she was in the market for a house now that she had a steady lucrative job and an even brighter future, she was going house hunting on the weekend with her uncle, the one who hosted her graduation party a few months before.

Normally, “just one night” would seem like a short time to spend with a secret lover, but we were more than okay with it, even flat out agreeing that we didn’t want to be attached too deeply emotionally, not to feel too much like dating or carrying on a typical affair. We agreed that she’d spend the night at my house; having sex once at night and once in the morning would be just about right for both of us with our schedules.

I met Niharika fairly late on Saturday night at a shopping center between her apartment and my house. The large retail store, 24-hour pharmacy, and 24-hour restaurant provided plenty of well-lit parking so that her car wouldn’t draw attention; I would drive us back home so that her car wouldn’t be at my house raising suspicions among neighbors.

I pushed Niharika back up against her car as soon as she stepped out, pressing my lips to hers. She squirmed and looked around, a bit shocked and looking embarrassed. For about two seconds, until she circled her arms around my neck and parted her lips for some tongue kisses.

“Sorry, couldn’t resist,” I told her, drawn into those captivating big brown eyes.

“Mmm, someone is horny,” she replied.

“Guilty. You look pretty damn hot.” I held her at arm’s length, scanning up and down her tall, slim body. She stood in short slip-on heels, shiny black slacks, and a lavender blouse whose buttons ran closely down between her perky breasts. It’s like she was dressed up for a date, complete with a subtle spicy feminine scent and her trademark smoky eye makeup.

“You look nice, too, Sebastian.” I had showered and shaved barely an hour before, dressing in khaki pants instead of jeans or shorts and a plain but fresh polo shirt.

The car ride back to my house was filled with sexual desire – not quite tension, but anticipation. Somehow, within ten seconds of slipping through the door from the garage and dropping the canvas overnight bag she had brought with her, Niharika ended up climbing on top of me as she pushed me back on the couch, our lips and tongues getting re-acquainted after about a four-month hiatus. Yes, we had shared some wet kisses when we met in the parking lot a few minutes before, but now we weren’t restrained by any nervousness about a public display.

“I have definitely missed this,” I told her when our faces parted.

“Oh, me too.” Her tongue vacated my mouth long enough to help form her three-word response, then slithered back in. After snogging and groping like horny teenagers for a few minutes, we settled into a slow makeout session, complete with me trying to feel her nipple through her shirt and bra and her trying to feel my cock through my pants.

Once that initial naughtiness was out of our systems, I offered to make us some tea, of course with Rika teasing me about her Indian tea being better and more authentic. I admired her form as she moved about in the kitchen, following her graceful, slim build. Yes, her tits were swaying gently in her close-fitting blouse, lifted but not restricted by the bra inside. No, she didn’t have a perky bubble butt, but her snug slacks gave her ass and hips a very elegant, alluring shape.

We snacked on some almond shortbread cookies with our tea, starting up an actual adult conversation. We shared a little about our work, and I was impressed that she was starting to look into what it would take to build her medical practice. And her investment of time into house hunting further validated her decision not to get into any kind of romantic relationship – her sexual desires needed to be satiated, but nothing more. And it was more than fine with me to help her out with that.

“Maricela is coming with me tomorrow to look at a couple of places.” She had been living with the same roommate for a while, who was now a good friend, and they had talked about Maricela renting a room from her in her new house. “She gave me a hard time about tonight, knowing I was spending the night away.”

“I’ll bet,” I replied. “I can imagine she’s a bit curious why if you’re spending time with a man, you’re avoiding her meeting him. Me.”

“She knows my sex life is something private to me. She knows it’s just a friends-with-benefits thing, not a boyfriend thing, that I don’t even want a boyfriend, not looking for anyone to marry or even date right now.”

“So, she doesn’t harass you about your friend-with-benefits?”

“No. She understands, and trusts me to be safe, so she knows she’s not going to have to worry.” Rika let out a little laugh before her next sip of tea.

“What’s funny?”

She smiled. “Her term is a little dirtier than ours.”


“Yes. She calls us ‘fuck buddies.’”

“Ha, yes, that’s what some people would call us.”

“She encourages it in a way now. She says I need some dick, and deserve it, so she says ‘get it, girl’ or something like that.”

“Well, she’s right, you do need some dick, right?”

“You could say that.”

“Well, I need some pussy.” We looked at each other a bit shocked, not really having talked like this before. “So, we’re a good match for tonight.”

This conversation was the catalyst to get us going after each other again. After finishing our tea and cookies, we ended up on the couch again, talking candidly about the sexual experiences we had shared previously, as well as some fantasies. Kissing turned into making out again; making out gave way to groping and caressing, which gave way to grinding into each other.

Just as soon as we were good and warmed up, Rika stood up, grabbing her overnight bag and looking over her shoulder at me while she sauntered down the hallway. “I’m tired. I’m getting ready for bed.”

We helped each other out of our shoes in the bedroom, and then off came our pants and my shirt. I had the pleasure of unbuttoning and slipping off her blouse. I think her bra and panties were the same seafoam green ones I had the pleasure of removing from her the first time we had sex almost a year before.

“Oh, Sebastian, aren’t you a little presumptuous?” Rika slipped around beside the bed to the nightstand, picking up two double strips of condoms that I had set out already.

“I had to set the mood,” I laughed.

“Well, I’ve been in a mood all day,” she said, seductively clenching the corner of a packet in her teeth. “All week, really.” Letting the condoms fall from her mouth onto the bed, she slid her fingers over my chest as I stepped up to her for some more kisses.

She dug a few things out of her bag while we drifted into the bathroom. Standing in our underwear, we brushed our teeth and she removed her jewelry before producing a bottle of lotion.

“I think I’ll need to handle that,” I told her, snatching the bottle. “I mean, you can’t get to the middle of your back, can you?”

“I don’t know. I’m pretty flexible,” she teased. She piled her long, thick, luscious wavy black hair on top of her head and wound a hair tie in place to keep most of it up.

“Better not risk it.” I unclipped her bra, catching it as it slid down her arms, her bare breasts popping into view, proudly displaying their perky brown nipples. Dropping her bra to the floor, I gently caressed a small amount of lotion down her back, then reached around to cup her breasts. Nuzzling into her neck, I planted kisses and licks on her smooth skin, inhaling deeply.

“Mmm, Niharika, you smell amazing.” We looked at each other in the mirror as I nipped at her earlobes and traced my lips and tongue up and down her neck. “Mmm, and you feel no good.” Not surprisingly, she was wearing a sexy navel ring again, which I flicked and nudged while I caressed a bit more lotion into her front, gliding over her breasts, tummy, and hips.

I needed another dab of lotion to go lower. Kneeling, I peeled down those sexy panties and worked my fingers all over her bare butt cheeks and down her legs. My trip up her inner thighs included brushing my fingers through her bush of long, dark pubic hairs.

“Mmm, thank you, Sebastian. That’s nice,” she complimented as we stood and kissed. “Looks like you enjoyed it, too.” What was initially a half-mast erection was a raging stiff pole a minute or so after she started pulling on it. We masturbated each other for a few minutes, alternating looking at each other face-to-face and in the mirror, my fingers curling up inside her warm wet slit, her fingers caressing my shaft and balls.

She opened wide for me by straightening out her leg sideways, propping it up on the counter.

“Mmm, still doing yoga, I see?” I breathed, crushing into her, mouthing her neck while I plunged and twisted my fingers up into her pussy, making her gasp.

“Oh, yes. I like to stay flexible,” she laughed.

I finger-fucked her and humped my erect cock against her hip until she pushed me away. She turned around, pure lust in her face as she looked at me in the mirror, grinding her hips while I probed her from behind. My other hand grasped her tit, and one of hers slid down to diddle her clit.

“You want to do me like this?” She raised her leg to the side, propping it straight out onto the counter again. “Don’t you?”

“Oh, yes,” I whispered hotly into her ear.

“I’ll be here when you come back with a condom.”

As difficult as it was to leave Niharika’s hot and wanton body, I dashed off into the bedroom, picking up a condom packet from the bed and returning in a few seconds. She was still facing the counter with her leg up and a dark fluff of pussy hair peeking out from between her butt cheeks. Her sexy, lustful eyes watched in the mirror as I tore the packet open and flicked it away, stroking my boner a few times before rolling the condom down over it.

On the third try, my probing cock head found its target, popping through her slippery labia and up into her tunnel. It wasn’t the smoothest or most graceful fuck, but I drove my shaft up into her lurching body over and over again, licking and kissing her shoulders and neck and ears, and grabbing her ass and tits. She was reaching up and back to grab my hair, and down and back to grip my ass to pull into her, while using the other hand to try to steady herself on the counter. My fingers alternated with hers massaging her clit.

After a minute or two of grunting, panting, grabbing, frisky sex, she lowered her leg, bending over with her tits down on the counter, taking a steady shafting as I tugged her hips back into me forcefully.

I pushed my fingers down through her pubes, testing her response to nudging her clitoris. She responded with a gasp and by clamping her hand over mine, guiding my fingers. I tried to slow down my thrusts, masturbating her clit while my shaft filled her vagina.

At some point when my cock slipped out, she turned and hopped up on the counter. Her spread legs invited me back inside, so I nestled my dick head between her puffy wet labia and pushed back into her. I stabbed into her after pulling out all the way, repeating maybe two dozen times. Then, with her legs wrapped around me, we grunted through a series of short strokes, crushing our clenching, huffing bodies together.

Definitely not wanting to cum yet, I backed off and pulled her down from the counter. I led her into the bedroom, stepping through our trail of discarded clothing, leaving the bathroom light on so that we could see all of each other’s naughty bits. I was intent on seeing some bits up close, and right away.

Niharika let me push her onto the bed. Playfully, of course. “Lie back,” I told her.

“Oh?” She leaned back on her elbows.

“All the way, arms up.” I stood over her naked body while she pulled out her hair tie and scattered her hair behind her. She reclined fully, tummy and ribs taut, tits almost flattened on her chest, as she stretched her arms behind her. She laughed a bit and clenched while I leaned down and licked and sucked on those puffy brown nipples. I trailed down to her belly button to tease the ring there with my tongue, kneeling between her legs, thankful for whatever item of clothing it was that I slid in to cushion my knees. She gasped as I went lower, looking at me and bringing her arms down momentarily as I kissed down into her pubic hair.

I stopped with my lips in her coarse bush, making eye contact, not moving, until she tipped her head back and raised her arms again.

Opening her legs wider, Niharika sighed deeply as her pubic hair parted on its own, giving me a close up look at her bare pussy lips. I kissed the dark folds a few times, one side, then the other, then from her clitoral hood down to her vaginal opening. I refrained from diving right in like an overzealous teen, taking my time to ease into sucking her labia and gliding my tongue over them before licking deeply through her slit.

I kept at it for a bit, knowing that I was no expert for sure, but I loved it and could tell that she appreciated it. I can understand how some people might be put off by the aroma, not sweet or particularly pleasant, but earthy and pungent. But this was her deepest, most intimate essence as a woman; the thought that she was willingly sharing it made this the most erotic and captivating scent.

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“I was hoping you would do this,” she whispered.

“I was hoping you’d be up for it,” I answered in a brief pause before I moved back in. I tested out some finger action after a minute, receiving gyrations and moans as I pulled one of her outer lips aside and swiped my tongue inside. Before long, she was breathing heavily, pumping her hips a bit, while I peeled her labia apart with both thumbs, the juicy bright pink tissue contrasting with the darker outer folds.

She ran her fingers through my hair as I was now properly eating her out, my open mouth sealed over her open pussy as I dug my tongue inside, trying to wiggle it deep up inside of her. I paid attention to her glistening pink insides, the dilated vaginal cavity when it gaped open, and her engorged clitoris as I peeled the hood up.

I tried to be gentle tonguing and suckling her clit, not wanting to just attack it like an oaf. But I had read that humming creates a different sensation on a woman’s clit, maybe intense or pleasurable vibrations, so I tried that for a moment. My hums and tongue flicks got some moans and clenches in response. My fingers crept up over her ribs, gathering the soft flesh of her breasts and firm nubs of her nipples while I probed my tongue into her center.

I didn’t get any particular cues as I nibbled on her thighs and up onto her hips. Maybe I doubted whether I would be able to make her climax with my amateur oral treatment, but soon I was kissing up her body and sucking her nipples again. She combed her fingers through my hair, eyes locked with mine, smiling.

Niharika initiated the kiss, a peck at first, then growing into a powerful, passionate, tongue-probing open-mouthed French kiss that went on for over a minute. Any doubt that she’d be up for another lip-lock after I went down on her was blown away.

“That’s okay, I guess? After, well, where my mouth has been?”

“I have no problem with that.” She sucked on my lips and tongue some more. As I was on my back at this point, she rested her head on my chest, looking down. I couldn’t see it, but I sure could feel it, when her soft fingers gently surrounded my dick, which had deflated a bit with the absence of direct stimulation, loosening the condom that was slimy from being in her pussy a few minutes before.

I caressed her shoulder and hair while her fingers glided around my wrapped shaft and tip. I squirmed when her fingertips swiped my balls, but then tensed and tried to be still and relax as her palm cradled them.

“You are getting used to this, aren’t you?” She gently squeezed, and ran her thumb up and down the shaft. I’m not sure what she did with the condom when she pulled it off – she probably just dropped it on the floor behind her.

“Mm-hmm.” My eyes were closed, breathing in the aroma of sex, and enjoying the sensations of us stroking each other.

She wiggled herself sideways so that she was kneeling perpendicular to me, holding my dick at the base so that it was sticking straight up. Flipping her hair to the other side, she bent down, locked her eyes on mine, and kissed and licked the tip. After two more of these, she popped off the bed for a moment, shifting her naked body’s weight from one foot to the other, smiling and piercing me with her seductive stare.

Crouching between my legs, she raised my painfully stiff boner upright, closing her eyes while she kissed the head a few times, tilting her head from one side to the other. When she dragged her tongue up the shaft to the tip, she opened her eyes, her gaze burning with desire. Not breaking eye contact, she slid her shiny wet lips over the head and halfway down, bathing my shaft with her warm, wet saliva. After a few more bobs, eyes still on mine, she held her head steady and sucked slowly, those lips making a tight seal while her cheeks and tongue did their thing.

I don’t know how, but I found myself having released myself from her seductive gaze, eyes closed, head back, enjoying the sensation of her mouth slathering my dick. Peeking once or twice, I saw her eyes closed, evidently enjoying giving me pleasure, her head twisting back and forth, hair now spilled over my thighs.

She explored different depths, though she didn’t really make an attempt to take it all it; she explored different tongue movements, using the tip to tongue my slit, lick my shaft, and swirl and probe at the seam between the head and shaft. We laughed a bit when she playfully bared her teeth and held my shaft sideways between them.

Her sucking skills were surely as amateur as my licking skills, but we both enjoyed what she was doing. Two things in particular were hot as fuck. One: eye contact with those eyes that captivated me across the Thanksgiving table a few months before; Two: she got my dick wet with lots of spit, drooling on it, even having to wipe away drips and strings a few times.

She caressed my balls at my urging so that I could get more used to it, then tried sucking them. They were so sensitive that we could only manage her holding one at a time in her drooling mouth for a second or two before I squirmed away. Slurping the head and partway down the shaft sloppily, she used the dripping slick wetness to jerk me off slowly. The sensation of the simultaneous shaft-stroking and head-sucking made me groan and clench her soft, thick hair.

Looking into my eyes, she engulfed half of my dick with her mouth, her wet lips making a tight seal around the shaft as she sucked slowly and strongly, her tongue exerting some amazing pressure on the sensitive underside. She must have liked my humming earlier, so she returned the favor, her excited humming and moaning mixing with the wet slurping and smacking noises to create a deliciously decadent and dripping blowjob experience.

Breathing a bit more heavily, Rika’s mouth popped off the end of my cock, and her darting tongue went to work teasing the slit and frenulum and licking up my slimy shaft from balls to tip. Her soft, shiny hair spilled over my stomach and hips and thighs, dancing and swishing over my skin as her wet mouth clenched my throbbing boner.

“You can try my balls again,” I suggested. Smiling, she caressed my sloppy balls before scooting down to swipe them with her tongue. It took a few minutes and a few tries, but since neither of us were in a hurry, we finally got to the point where she could suck gently on my balls while she tugged on the end of my cock. We shared a satisfied, triumphant laugh when we realized that our attempts at this seemingly small but important task resulted in success.

Her head was resting on my stomach now, and I felt her wonderful lips and tongue close around the tip while her fingers jostled my sac. I hummed my approval, and her mouth drew in and sucked a bit more.

“Oh, Rika, that’s amazing,” I told her at a break, when she wiped her mouth and used her saliva to stroke me smoothly.

“Mmm, I’m so happy that you like it.” She crawled up my body, opening her mouth over mine for some heavy French kisses while her fingers pulled on my slick cock.

It didn’t take long before Rika was masturbating on my leg, her warm, slick pussy sliding up and down while her damp, coarse bush was scrubbing against my thigh. Grabbing her ass as we continued to kiss, I encouraged and assisted her pelvic thrusts. I figured the closer she got to orgasm without my cock inside of her, the better chance I would have not to cum before she was ready.

I didn’t know how close she was. She guided one of my hands to one of her tits, and sighed and moaned with pleasure as I pinched the nipple. Her gyrations increased with the volume of her breaths, until she let out a series of very un-doctor-like squeals and cries, convulsing as her hair flopped over my face. Collapsing in a heap, she panted softly into my neck as I turned into her and pumped my hips to grind my cock against her leg.

I felt a trickle of her juices run down my thigh as I turned over, caressing and kissing down her nude body, humping against her.

“I think he wants back inside,” Niharika smiled, squirming partially out from under me, reaching up and over to grab another condom from the nightstand.

“Well, if you are offering….” I kneeled between her wide-open legs, smelling and gazing upon her sex, her wet pussy hair matted around and above her slick and puffy labia. She tore the packet open with her teeth and placed the circle on the tip, grinning and licking her lips.

Once her slender fingers had the condom rolled down and firmly seated over my raging boner, I leaned over her and allowed her to guide it into her as I pushed forward. Seconds later, I was balls-deep in her again, pumping away as she wrapped her legs around my waist.

I tried to fuck deep but not fast, still not wanting to cum right away, wanting this pleasure to last. We rolled over twice, and ended up with her riding me, gyrating her hips slowly as I tried to lie still. My stare alternated between those sexy, bright, alluring eyes and her lovely, dark, erect nipples as her titties bounced above my face. And of course, I relished the sight of that lush garden of dark pussy hair surrounding my pumping shaft as it ground into my lap.

After she leaned forward to feed me her tongue some more, she gyrated slowly, obviously enjoying the deep penetration. My fingers alternated lacing with hers and tracing her navel ring and her puffy areolae.

“Mmmm, I your tits are amazing,” I told her as I leaned up to take a nipple into my mouth. She leaned down more, allowing me to run my tongue over her nipples and suck large portions of her teats into my mouth, getting them wet with my saliva.

“They’re glad you think so,” she replied, squeezing them to points to feed the nipples to me. Pulling back and sitting upright, she fucked me harder, making her tits bounce more. “You want to fuck them, don’t you?”

Oh, yes! I can’t tell you how many times I masturbated and fantasized about Niharika giving me a good titty fuck. She doesn’t have big breasts, but they have just enough volume to be able to be squeezed together to form a nice valley for my cock to slide into.

“Well, since you’re offering,” I mimicked my earlier comment. Reaching up to push her tits together, I raised and lowered each in turn, one, then the other, rubbing them together. I lustfully eyed that cleavage, my dick aching to push its way in, regardless of how good it felt to have her snug, warm, clenching pussy pump up and down its length.

We rolled over so that Rika was on her back. I was never so excited to remove my dick from a pussy, aware of my eagerness to try something new, something we had mentioned while sharing sexual fantasies. Straddling her torso, I leaned forward to rub my dick on her skin. I shouldn’t have been surprised when she worked the condom off while stroking me, but yeah, skin-on-skin was definitely the way to do this. A waste of a second condom? I don’t think so. Condoms are cheap. Tittyfucking Niharika was priceless.

If I thought the feeling of gliding the underside of my cock to and fro on her bare chest was pure bliss, the sensation of her gathering her firm-but-soft titties around my pumping shaft was even more so. And fuuuck, when she spat on it, I almost lost it instantly.

“Wow, uhh,” I moaned, locking smiles and eyes with my increasingly lewd partner. “So naughty.”

“We have to make it all wet and slippery, don’t we?” She winked, and then spat another large glob of saliva right into the valley between her tits. My thrusting shaft dragged the warm, slick fluid up and down, getting thoroughly coated as the thick, bubbly spit flowed into all the spaces around and under it.

Rika pressed her lovely titties together as much around my throbbing cock as they would go, her moans audible but drowned out by my own. Out of respect for her, I growled “uh, I can’t hold it,” just in case she wanted to stop so that I wouldn’t spew all over her. Much to my pleasure, though, knowing I was close, she rubbed those firm slobbery mounds up and down my shaft, giving me a proper titty wank to get me off.

My balls tightened. My last dozen firm strokes made lewd squishing sounds in the delightful wetness, and then I let out a half groan, half howl, as I hit my climax. The first splurt of cum streaked her neck, and then I backed off to rise up on my knees. My stiff, upturned, slightly sideways pecker released a second shot that arched onto her collarbone and shoulder. I used my fingers to direct my cock downward, and Rika gathered her breast in her cupped hand to meet my oozing tip. Gushes of sperm rushed out, coating her nipple in a thin glaze as I swirled it around her areola.

I moved my cock to her other tit, tapping it right on the soft flesh and wiping it back and forth across the stiff brown nipple, until the slight stream of liquidy cum stopped oozing out.

Now it was my turn to be spent. Shakily, I dismounted from Rika’s body, lying down tightly against her, wrapping her in my arms.

“Well, that was fun!” An understatement, but I had to tell her.

“It always is,” she agreed softly.

“Oh, so you do that often?”

She laughed. “That? Ha, no, just this once. Sex with you is always fun.”

“The benefits of mixing things up. Never boring, for sure.”

“Like using your mouth on me earlier. I like the benefits.”

“And you sucking me. Yes, benefits indeed.”

After a period of silence, she asked, “You don’t mind holding me like this?”

“Oh, no, I love holding you like this.” I tightened my hug.

“No, I mean, the… I’m… kind of messy. With your mess.”

“I don’t mind if you don’t.” We separated a bit, looking down at our chests, which were both wet and sticky with my cum and her saliva by now. Rika gently cupped her hand around my cock, which had half deflated and oozed some more. She almost shocked me when she bent down and sucked the head. I moaned and rolled onto my back, watching her lips gather most of my shaft, feeling the tight squeeze of her tongue and palate. She pushed her hair aside and lifted off, cum and spit flowing and stretching from her lips. She spat it out into her palm and played with it, swirling a finger in it before wiping the mess on her chest.

Hmm, do vegetarians swallow sperm? The thought ran through my head, but I wasn’t comfortable enough to say it out loud. “Well, you’re full of surprises – not too dirty for you?”

“No, it’s okay. I have only sucked a guy a couple times, but never had him finish in my mouth. But I’m not against it.”

“So you’ve never tasted it before?”

She blushed, letting out a little laugh. “Not till last time we were together, when we had tea in my kitchen, and did it in the kitchen on the chair. I got it all over my fingers.”

“Oh, really?”

“And I sneaked a taste, secretly sucked a bit off.”

“I didn’t see that!”

“I said it was sneaky.”

“Well, whatever it is, I’m glad you’re okay with the mess. But I don’t want to be messy if you don’t.”

“It’s fine. It’s natural to some degree. We can call it one of the benefits.” We both laughed at that, and then she swung her legs over and hopped off the bed. “I could use a clean-up, though.”

As I watched her alluring, slender form sashay into the bathroom, I was glad to have the sexy Doctor Niharika Sabharwal as my “friend with benefits”. With that night’s dirty, messy sex, though, her roommate’s term, “fuck buddies”, was certainly appropriate.

Written by SebastianTombs
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