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It's The Next Day And Patrick Enters My Life

"A male nurse helps to tend to my wounds and opens up a new experience for me"

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Author's Notes

"Following Janes's treatment of me, I find that I needed treatment on my sore backside and this was provided by the nurse from heaven."

I woke up the next morning to get ready for the gym. As I sat on the bed I was conscious of how sore my arse cheeks were. I went and looked at my reflection of it in the mirror. There was no way I could even contemplate going there with the welts still so clearly visible.

I checked my email and saw one from Jane.

It read, "Download and send me the recording from when you got home before you go to work. Mistress Jane."

Two things came from that, I hoped it hadn't caught me wanking and how was I going to sit in the office all day with this sore arse.

I downloaded and attached the recording to an email to her, thanking her again for making my day and adding that I would not be going to work as I was still sore and quite badly marked from my deserved thrashings.

Then I pinged off one to Mike, my friend and manager, explaining that I had been up all night with the runs and my arse was on fire so I would not be in for the rest of the week.

He replied immediately telling me to stop taking so much cock up there then, with a load of laughing emojis and he will see me on Monday.

As I was enjoying a coffee and watching the news, my laptop pinged with a new message.

This one was from Doctor Mason.

"Dear Richard, Jane has emailed me saying you said your thrashing wounds are sore and badly marked, could you please quickly video call me so I can check it before I start my clinic."

I called her back straight away on a video call.

"Good morning, Richard, I haven't got long so let me have a quick look at it please."

I stood and dropped my trousers and pants and got my arse in shot.

"Oh dear, that does look sore, step back toward the camera just a little, that's it. No breaks in the skin that I can see, but I will prescribe some cream and just in case a short course of antibiotics. I believe Jane is getting someone to pop over to pick up her bits, so they can bring the medicines."

"Thank you, doctor."

"No problem, I will be in touch soon to make plans for what we spoke about yesterday. Goodbye."

Another ping, this time Jane again.

"You dirty little slut," it started, "after all of our efforts yesterday you still felt it right to go home and wank all over again."

So I was caught on camera, "Fuck it," I said out loud.

Her email continued, "So did we not satisfy you enough? What were you thinking of as you come? Honest answers in your reply."

"Someone will be calling on you later, It's Patrick, you will recognise him from the gym, he is a male nurse and a patient participant at our special clinic. He will bring the bits from Emily and pick up my clothes, unless you want to wear them all the time, like the pervert you are."

It finished, "Reply NOW!"

I sat and wrote my reply.

"Mistress Jane. I was thoroughly satisfied with everything that happened yesterday, both mentally and sexually. Perhaps I have found out who I really am, if not yet I am sure I will if you are there to guide me in the future. I hope I managed to give you some enjoyment too."

"As for what I was thinking of, I am ashamed to say that I was watching myself being thrashed by you, even though I tried to think of the lovely fanny I was licking, my thoughts always returned to the beating."

"I look forward, if you permit it, to being able to serve you again soon. Your obedient bitch, Richard."

I busied myself around my flat, giving it a bit of a spring clean, just before lunch the door buzzer sounded.

"Flat 3," I answered.

"Hello, is that Richard? This is Patrick, I've come from Jane at the clinic."

"Come on up, I'm on the first floor," I pressed the door release.

A tap on my door announced his arrival, I opened up and recognised him from the gym.

"Hi Patrick, thanks for bringing the medicine around, come on in, fancy a coffee?"

"Marvellous," he replied, "and you can take the first of these antibiotics."

He was so obviously gay, he radiated it now from every pore of his body. I knew from the gym that he was well-muscled and super fit, but there he wasn't as flamboyant.

"Richard, I hear you took a bit of a whacking yesterday on your backside and from Jane as well. When Emily told me I couldn't believe it, I have known Jane for a few years and never thought for one second she could be like that."

"She just seemed, well, just like my mum, a nice older lady."

"She took me by surprise too, she took part in my physical examination at the clinic as well, you know."

"My god, really, she really did that. I know that Emma has an evil streak inside her but I cannot get my head around it being Jane."

"Oh, I know from experience about Emma's evil side, believe me."

We sat and chatted for a while, He was the sort of person you wanted to tell your life story to within a few minutes of meeting him, I wasn't sure though, how much I should tell him about what has happened to me over the last few weeks, so, for now, I thought better of telling him. I asked him about himself and what he did.

"I've been a nurse for about fifteen years now, and currently work in the Urology department at the local hospital. I'm single, although I am in and out of relationships all the time."

"Enjoy the nursing work?" I asked.

"Oh definitely, where else would I get to handle all those lovely cocks," he said camping it up a lot, "the urology department is my idea of heaven, dear."

I burst out laughing and he joined in.

"Emily asked me to give you a quick look over, and apply this cream, so if you don't mind this old queer looking at your bits we had better get it done."

I laughed again, "That's not a problem, I need some pain relief on my arse, it's stinging like buggery."

"Not a good term with me in the room you know."

I thought about that and then realised of course - buggery and laughed again.

"Get your bottoms off and I'll have a look at you."

Self-consciously I stripped off my trousers and pants and stood with my back to him.

"Well come over here then, I can't see anything from there."

I had no choice but to walk over to him.

"Erm," he said, "I must just say Emily has asked me to help you out down the gym with your, how can I say this, your little problem? Having just got a tiny glimpse for the first time I understand your reluctance to show it off. I'm sorry if I am embarrassing you by the way, I'm just trying to be honest."

"No, honestly you're not. I do need help, it is what it is, but I have forever been bullied and abused over its size, it becomes difficult to change the habit of covering up in public."

"I know darling, but working where I do I see all shapes and sizes, and you would be surprised by the number of small dicks out there. Having seen you in the changing room I can see you are an expert at keeping it covered, even in the showers, without making it obvious what you are doing."

"I am going to be with you and we will do it together until you are confident about being naked in front of other men. It's my favour to Emily, as she and her assistants over the years have always given me a great time."

"That's for another day, for now, let's have a look at your bum."

As his fingers lightly traced over the welts he said, "She was quite brutal with you, this is going to take a few days to clear if not a week, I'm afraid."

"Might be better to lie on the bed while I put this cream on."

I walked over a lay face down.

"It's gonna be cold," he said squirting what seemed like a lot of it on both cheeks.

He sat beside me and started rubbing it in gently with his hand going in a circular motion, the circle getting bigger with every revolution.

"How does that feel, Richard?"

"Mmmmm, very soothing," I murmured

"This will ease the stinging and aid the healing process, but it will need to be done twice a day. It must be massaged in like this, have you got someone who can do that for you?"

"Mmmm, sorry, I was well away there, no I live alone I'm afraid, but I will work it out."

"I can pop in as I pass, morning and evening, will give me something to do if you want me to that is."

"Oh no, please, I don't want to put you out, you've done enough already."

"Don't worry about it, just think as you are doing me a favour and letting me massage your lovely bum," he said in a very camp voice and laughed and so did I.

"There that's done, just stay there uncovered for a little while to allow it to soak in, and so I can admire the view of course'" he said laughing, "Where is your tissue, just need to wipe some excess away?"

"Under the coffee table," I answered.

He came back with them and dabbed around at the top of my leg.

Then he said, "Now don't scream I just have to wipe some off in your bum crack, I'm not raping you, just yet," again he was camping it up and laughing.

The tissue ran down my crack and as it passed my hole I shifted a little. He carried on past and down between my legs. He grabbed a new tissue and reversed the action and again I shifted as it touched my hole.

"Ooooh, so nervous, aren't you?"

"No, it's just very tender there, erm, there, erm, well there was some penetration there yesterday and it got a bit rough."

"Oh sorry, but Jane doing that beggars belief."

I wasn't going to tell him what she did during my initial clinic visit.

"Let me have a look, I might be able to put something on it."

"Can turn on your side and lift your knee to your chest please."

"That's it, lovely,"

He pulled my cheeks apart and then I could feel my arse being opened a little.

"It is very sore on the outer and inner bits, I'm going to apply some piles cream which is very good for this type of thing as it has mild anaesthetic qualities then I'll pop a suppository inside for the same in there. Are you happy for me to do that?"

"If it makes it feel better you can do what you like."

"Don't say that to me, you might regret it," he laughed.

He went to his bag and came back with the stuff.

I felt him spread the cream around my hole and he inserted his finger a little.

"Just to make it easier for the suppository," he explained.

Then he pulled my top cheek up and I felt the finger go in pushing the suppository before it. He pushed it in, finger deep and then took out his finger. He finished by wiping me clean.

"They're all done, now you can repay me with a coffee. Try to keep your bum off the bed as you get up to allow that cream to work."

I got up backwards and must have presented a wonderful view to him.

I went to put on my bottoms but he said I needed to keep my bum uncovered for about an hour.

Off I went to make a coffee, bottomless, and with my now semi-hard cock in view.

I saw him smile at my reaction as he blatantly stared at it.

"I take it you are bi, am I right?"

"Yes, is it that obvious then," I asked.

"To me, it is, that little lob there helped too. Nothing wrong with liking it both ways you know, sometimes I wish I was, but there you go."

"I have to go, I'll pop back in later to re-apply some cream to your botty though. I will chat to Doctor Mason to mention about your anus, she may want to double-check herself as there may be a little tear inside. Nothing that can't be sorted he said," allaying the worry that must have shown on my face.

He flounced off through the door and away, without Jane's clothes.

"What a character," I thought as he left.

I had a wonderful day doing bugger all, then I heard the ping of a message being received and then another.

The first was from Patrick confirming he would be there at about six this evening.

I sent back, "Thanks, I'll do something to eat for us."

The other was from Jane and it read.

"My dear Richard, I am so sorry to have caused you so much pain. Emily has told me off for being too harsh with you and overdoing it."

"I think my frustrations were sadly taken out on you. These fantasies have been bottled up inside me for so long, they just erupted. That is, however, no excuse, and I will fully understand if you no longer wish to see me again."

"Once again I am so, so sorry. Jane."

"This was the original Jane writing that," I thought.

I replied straight away.

"Dear Mistress Jane, please never think that you have to apologise to me. It was unfortunate that I was marked as I was but I could always have told you to stop. I am being well looked after by Patrick and he assures me that all will be well within a week. "

"If I may, I will contact you when able to serve you again. Your obedient Richard."

"At least she cares about me," I was thinking as I prepared a salad for the evening.

I had been out for a long walk and a bit of jogging to make up for missing the gym, but I wasn't sure about showering with the cream still working. I made a mental note to ask Patrick about that.

Just gone six, the buzzer sounded.

"Come on up," I said into the speaker and latched back the door.

A small knock and a squeaky, "Hi, it's only me," announced his arrival.

I looked over and saw he was carrying a large bag from the chemist and more importantly a bottle of wine.

Passing the wine to me he said, "Here you are dear, get that open and let's have a glass. I've been up to my neck in cocks all day."

I burst out laughing he was just so camp. I don't know if he was putting it on, or if that was his natural self.

"Good to have a laugh," he said, "now where's that bloody wine," and flopped down into the armchair.

Wine in hand and already half gone, he said, "So how's that bum of yours, still sore?"

"Actually, yes, hardly sat down today, even went out for a little jog. That reminds me how long after the cream is on can I have a shower?"

"Couple of hours should be enough for the cream to do its stuff."

"Cheers, feel awful after sweating on a run and not showering, will have one later now."

"What's cooking then?" he asked

"Just some chicken, be about twenty minutes."

"Go and have one now, I'll keep an eye on the chicken, then this morning's cream will be off as well, and you know me I wouldn't like a sweaty arse," he giggled and continued, "Oh, and if you think you might want a poo, try to now as the Doc has prescribed something for the inside of your bum, don't want you pooping it out too soon."

I bet he didn't speak to his hospital patients like that, but it went a long way to keep it light-hearted.

So off I went, first for a poo and then a nice shower.

I was just drying off when he poked his head around the door and said, "I think it's ready, can you check?"

I wrapped the towel around my waist and went to the oven and checked.

"Yep, all ready," and took the tray out and put the chicken on a plate and onto the table with the salad.

"Help yourself, and I'll get another bottle out, then I'll get dressed."

"I wouldn't bother, love, got to whip your trousers off later anyway," he said in his cheeky way again.

So I sat down at the table and we ate. We chatted a lot, he was telling me how difficult he is to live with, which is why he has had so many relationships.

He asked me about mine and I was honest and said, "I think because I am so passive and somewhat, well very, submissive, girls don't really like that in a man, so nothing has ever worked long-term for me either."

I told him that I had a couple of sex-only meetings with guys but nothing like a relationship.

"Ever had anal with a man?" he asked.

"Once," I replied.

"Did you enjoy it?"

"I have to say, not at first, perhaps because I was scared, but in the end, I wanted more. The feelings I had in my bum were amazing, in some ways better than shooting your load."

He smiled, "Yes, I know, even though I don't take it in the arse a lot, I'm more of a top. So tell me what caused the tear in your bum yesterday, I won't tell them you told me, oh please, do tell."

I told him of the meeting with Jane, the dressing up, well everything including the two vibrator sessions on my arsehole. I also told him about the old git on the train. He laughed at that a lot.

"You should have pushed his hand up instead of away, he would have got the shock of his life," he said through tears.

We were now near finishing the second bottle of wine and I was feeling very relaxed and a little tipsy.

"Let me help you clean up," he said, " then I'll sort your botty out."

So I stood by the sink, washing up, as he dried and it was soon all clear.

"On the bed with you then and get that towel off ."

I dropped the towel and lay face down on the bed.

"I will do your cheeks first, then I have something different for your sweet little hole."

The cream was squeezed all over my cheeks and he started the same rhythmic circular massage again. It did feel so relaxing and coupled with the wine I was getting very drowsy.

"How that for you, enjoying it so far?"

"Mmmmmmm," was all I could manage in reply.

He moved behind me and pushed my legs apart as he knelt between them, and started using both hands to massage my cheeks each ending with a flowing move down between my legs and reaching my balls.

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"Does that feel nice too, my lovely?"

"Mmmmmm, so nice," I muttered.

His hands continued to work in circles and as they went down between my legs they reached under my balls, all still nice and slow, and back up to circle again.

"Still nice?"

"Yes," now my breathing was quicker.

This time as his hands went down and under he pulled my now hard cock backwards to face down and then continued his massage again. All this was done so, so slowly, almost as a tease.

"No need to ask if you like it now, I can see with my own eyes," he whispered in my ear.

He whispered right beside my ear, "Turn over and let me look at you, darling."

I did so and lay there looking up at him.

"Oh just look at your little willy now, he's grown up all of a sudden and doesn't he look magnificent standing there so proud."

"Would you like me to take care of that darling?"

"Yes please, oh yes please."

He put some of the cream on his hand and then smothered my cock in it. The cold feeling was lovely and then he started to slowly wank me. When I say slowly it was really slow, but regular strokes that stoked up the feelings coming from my cock. I could feel it throbbing in his hand and it felt hot now.

"He said you realise I will have to cream your bum again because you are rubbing all that off, but you like that don't you?"

"Yes," I said breathlessly.

"Feels like you are going to produce your own special cream soon," he said as he quickened his wanking motion.

Then he slowed again and then sped up and as he saw me arch upward he slowed right down and time almost stood still as my orgasm continued to build up and up and then exploded out in a huge spout.

"Wow," he said dodging backwards to avoid it," that's some power behind that."

He got off the bed and chucked a tea towel at me to wipe myself down.

"Feel better for that? he asked. "See you weren't embarrassed about showing what you had to a man then, were you?"

"No, I suppose I wasn't."

"It's all part of the process," he said, "Well not really, I just fancied doing it to you."

We both laughed.

"Now fuck off and have another shower and get rid of all that awful stuff."

I did and was comfortable enough now in his company to walk back to the bedroom afterwards to dry myself in front of him.

He sat there watching me closely.

"So does this," stroking down with one finger on my now small, limp again cock, "prefer men or women?"

"The doctor asked me that and like I said to her, as I am such a sub, men seem to understand that more than women. I find it virtually impossible to take the lead in sex and I have absolutely no imagination."

"How do you meet either, is it online, in bars or what."

"Girls I tend to meet socially and men online."

"Be careful online, there are some nasty people out there, you should come to a club with me one night, You might be surprised at what you find there. You could also come to the local gay sauna and they have a Naked Wednesday When you don't get a towel to cover up until you need to shower. That might help your confidence, we'll go next week, Oooh, great we're going on a date."

"Can I ask, do gay guys care about the size of someone's cock. I think that's why I do online as I can put a photo on there and my profile mentions a small cock, so if there is a meet they already know."

"Look being gay is no different to being straight. We all like different types, some like twinks, some bears or chubs and so on. If you he's a top the size of your cock is of no interest to him, if a versatile then maybe, and a bottom would normally like a big cock."

"If you are asking that if you were picked up by a top in the club and he saw your cock, would he laugh he might do but he is more interested in your arse and mouth."

"That's a great explanation, thanks."

"Talking of arses, let's get yours sorted so we can have another drink."

So here we go again with those sexy circles rubbing in the cream, still felt as good as the first time. No sexy straying to my balls this time, unfortunately.

"Okay now on your side, knees to your chest again."

"Same type of cream on the outside and just in but a little stronger formula, and then a suppository that has the same make-up but needs to go a bit deeper so they supply an applicator that works like a syringe."

He applied the cream in small circles and pushed some into my hole and worked it around.

"Not too sore is it?"

"No that's all right.," I said while wincing a little.

"Now the other thing, so knees right into your chest, relax and take a breath in."

As I did all that I felt the applicator slide tight in and then he pushed something which deposited a dose of cream deep inside me.

"All done," he said while wiping me clean.

He passed me the towel to cover myself and asked, "Where is the next bottle then?"

I pointed to the fridge and as he got it I grabbed the glasses. He sat as I stood leaning on the counter and we chatted again.

"So who and what was your first experience of man sex then, let's see if you can get me excited?"

"Other than boyhood fumbles, learning to masturbate I suppose it was when I was in training when I joined the navy. I was still very naive, very much a virgin and of course had the same, small cock. It was pretty awful for me, I was in a barracks with about thirty other guys, who were all much more worldly wise and more mature than me."

I went on to explain what had happened to me there in detail and at the end of it, I was crying.

He came over to me and hugged me and said, "You poor thing, those bastards need stringing up by their balls, oh, it must have been awful for you, but you did make it through."

He continued to hold me and then suddenly he kissed me.

I pulled back away from him.

"So sorry, Richard, I got carried away and misread you."

"No, honestly that's fine, I wasn't expecting it, I'm not saying it wasn't welcome."

I stood up and cuddled him and then planted a kiss on his lips. They parted and we stood and devoured each other's mouths with our tongues. I felt him release my towel from my waist and he reached down and grabbed hold of me.

"I've wanted to do this since I walked through the door the first time," he whispered as his lips left mine.

"Me too, since you first massaged my arse."

We walked to the bed and he pushed me onto it and then stood and removed his clothes. He stood above me naked with such a lovely big erection.

I sat on the side of the bed and leaned forward and took his lovely cock into my mouth. I cupped his balls and stroked his arse. His cock tasted wonderful, already I could taste his pre cum in my mouth, its salty taste spiking my senses.

He arched his back forcing his cock further into my mouth and touching my throat, I pulled back a little, then right back so I could lick along the shaft. My tongue went to the head where there was a stream of clear pre cum emerging, I lapped at it eagerly.

"Back in your mouth, please, back in your mouth," he urged.

So I swallowed his cock again and once more he thrust it in as far as he could. I gagged a little.

He said, "Relax, you can take it I promise."

I relaxed my shoulders, and my throat relaxed a little with them and his cock hit the back of it. I could now only breathe through my nose.

"Oh, fucking hell that is good," he moaned as he seemed to thrust even more into my mouth.

His pre cum was dripping straight down my throat and my tongue despite the mouthful could reach his balls. My finger pushed into his arse deeper and deeper. I was trying to find his prostate but couldn't, so I added another finger and pumped them in and out.

His cock was still deep in pumping into my mouth and I could feel he might soon be coming.

He confirmed by saying "Bloody hell, I'm going to fucking cum."

He started to pull out but I pulled my fingers from his arse and grabbed his cheeks with both hands and held him tight against me.

He tried to pull back and said, "No, you don't have to."

I just held him harder. Then he came and my throat was flooded with his cum. I started to choke and he pulled back and out, allowing me to swallow and clear my throat.

I got up and picked up a half-full glass of wine and drank it down.

I looked over at him and smiled, "Did you enjoy that?"

"I can see why the girls liked you, you are a right little slut aren't you. In the nicest possible way of course. Yes of course I fucking enjoyed it, especially as I didn't expect that ending."

"Me neither, just seemed the right thing to do."

"I would have loved to have fucked you but your arse isn't in any sort of condition to accept that."

"Let's have another drink and celebrate my first swallow."

He laughed so loud at that, "Bloody good idea."

Another bottle was opened and we sat together and chatted on and on, I think we completely forgot we were both naked.

I stood to go to the loo and he looked and laughed, "How on earth do you hold that when having a piss?"

I looked down and my cock had virtually disappeared into my groin.

I laughed drunkenly too and said, "I'll have to do it in the bath like I did yesterday."

He looked at me quizzically and I said "I'll tell you in a minute."

I went into the bathroom and got in the bath and laid down and started to doze.

I was woken by Patrick shaking me, "What on earth are you up to, I thought you were having a piss?"

"I am, look." With that, a fountain of pee emerged from my shrunken cock and landed on my chest.

I started to giggle and he said, "Well giggle about this then," and started peeing up and down my body and over my face.

Now we were laughing so much, and pee was going everywhere. I tried to get up but the bath was too slippery and my legs too wobbly, so I turned over and pretended to swim in the wee laying in the bath. He took the opportunity to direct his stream straight at my arse.

"Direct hit," he exclaimed.

Then we were finished and quiet, "Come on hold on to me and get out of there," he said.

We stood there looking at each other and started laughing yet again.

"Get in that shower and get cleaned up, I've got to do your arse yet again, are you doing this just for that, I wonder?"

"Of course I am, you are so good at it."

I got in the shower and he held the door and said let me do it for you. He shampooed my hair first, standing in the shower, close to me.

After he rinsed my hair he said, "Turn around, darling boy."

I did and as he reach round to soap my chest I felt his cock at my arse crack, His hands shifted to my belly and then down to my cock, soaping all the time. He pulled back my foreskin, cleaned under the bell end, and then down to my balls.

He stepped back a little and lathered up my back, then down to my bum and ran his hand into my crack and under all the way to be balls, he did this several times and then he knelt and did my legs.

He took the shower hose and rinsed my back,

"Turn around," he said.

I turned and yes, I was hard again, but he rinsed my chest, belly and cock as if it wasn't, then down to the legs.

"There you are all done. Get dried off while I clean up."

I went out and dried off and took the opportunity to make two strong black coffees. When he joined me I passed him a cup.

"Just what I need to sober up before I go home."

"First though I will need to do your bottom again."

So the procedure was repeated yet again but in a very professional manner this time.

"Why don't you stay here for the night, Patrick, it's so late now and you said you were coming in the morning anyway," I blurted that out without thinking.

"You sure, I'm okay to go home you know."

"I haven't had the opportunity to cuddle up to anyone overnight for years so it will be a welcome change," I put this forward as a reason.

"Right, fine I'll stay but I want the left side," he joked

As we lay there he asked if I thought what happened to be in the navy had made me even more submissive.

I replied, "I think it did at first, then later on I used some of the memories as wanking material, wishing that they would happen all over again. I know it sounds weird because at the time it nearly drove me to suicide but now I can use it as a stimulant."

"What is strange is that I remember every bit of what happened in the finest detail, but one of the ring leaders who is now a friend on Facebook does not remember it at all, and I believe him."

"I can't believe you would want to be even a Facebook friend of someone like that."

"Never talk to him now, just like to see what he gets up to, I wonder what his wife would say if she knew what he did, not that I would tell her."

"Oh, by the way, I got a lovely apology from Jane earlier today, apparently Emily told her off for being so harsh with the crop. Jane said she was so sorry, but she got carried away and didn't realise how hard she hit me."

"Bless her, I bet she feels rotten as she is such a lovely lady."

"I replied to her and said not to worry and that I would like to see her again when I have healed."

"Oh good, that will make her feel better and I must remember her clothes in the morning."

"Come on lay back and have a cuddle," I said to him.

Still laying on my front before he had moved, I pushed up on my arms and said, "Fucking hell, the brooch"

"Do what, brooch, what brooch?"

"Her brooch has a camera in it, I bet it's recorded loads of what we have done."

"Come on, let's have a look and see, do you know how?"

"Yep, sure do pardner," I said in my best Yankee accent.

I took out the card and checked the file times on the card. It started a new one every fifteen minutes.

"Yes, we are going to be on there," I confirmed.

"Look to where I mouth fucked you, it would have been about, let's see, ten-fifteen or thereabouts."

I clicked on a couple until I found the right one and hit play.

"Look at me go there, whoopee, your mouth is bulging and your eyes are popping. Hah, and your cock is standing up so hard, bless its little heart."

"Look I must be about to come, look at that face of mine, pure ecstasy, and here it comes, your greedy mouth is gobbling me up and I see you're pulling me in further. I'm going like a piston now and there she blows."

"We could make a fortune with that video. I wonder what Jane will make of it and the rest of what we did." I hoped he was joking about the selling bit.

I said, "Should we delete it do you think?"

"You can't really because she will wonder where the recordings went for today and from her record keeping I know she would spot that in an instant. No, let her enjoy the show I say."

I agreed and I returned the card and left it hanging as it was, looking at the bed.

"Just realised how warm it is in here so perhaps we should not cover up and leave the light on," he said naughtily and winked at me.

So now we lay close together on top of the covers and started to kiss each other passionately. With Patrick on his back, I continued to kiss him down his body, lingering at his nipples and once I had them both erect I ran my tongue down to his pubes.

His cock started to stir again, I repositioned myself so she would have a good view of me on his cock, but also a view of the arse she abused. My little bit of payback.

By now his cock was rock hard again so I licked along the long shaft from his balls to the tip. My tongue teased the hole at the top which encouraged some pre cum to emerge which was quickly scooped up. My hand was now working on the shaft, up and down, up and down, now and then I would also engulf it in my mouth.

I kept repeating this until I could feel him tense and his cock started to throb, then I lay it flat against his belly and laid on top of him.

I let him relax a while, then moved up and on top of him, positioning my cock on his.

Then I started moving as if I was fucking him. It caused our cocks to move together.

He grabbed my arse, I think forgetting I was sore, but the pain excited me more and I pumped faster.

He squeezed harder pulling me in tight and the friction on our cocks increased multiplying the pleasure.

Then we both came, the spunk squirting up onto our chests and spreading as we continued to move together.

Depleted I rolled off him and lay on my side looking at him. I rubbed the spunk on his chest and around his nipples, and now and then I licked some off my fingers.

"Twice in a night, I haven't managed that for a while," he said through heavy breaths.

"Me either," I continued in a low whisper, "perhaps because someone is watching."

"Can we shower in the morning, I'm just so fucking knackered I need to sleep?"

"Just what I was thinking too, but please, don't squeeze my bum again."

He opened his mouth wide and said, "I am so sorry, you got me going so much, I completely forgot. "

"No problem, I enjoyed the pain. Let's sleep."

So cuddling up off we went to our dreams and I was so happy and looking forward to my next bum massage in the morning.


Written by Jackdusty52
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