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A Thorough Physical Examination - Second Part

"The second part of my fantasy sorry it is such a long story"

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Author's Notes

"The story continues."

“Now he has emptied his bladder you can remove the catheter. We did not use a balloon catheter, so this is straightforward. Is it going to be Emma or Jane doing the removal?”

I saw Jane shoot her arm up like an eager school kid.

Doctor Mason laughed, “You win Jane, just take a firm grip of his penis, but do not squeeze, then pull firmly on the tube and in one movement pull it out.”

“Weeeeeeeee,” Jane squealed, waving the tube.

I winced and jumped a little as it came quickly out.

“You shouldn’t have wanted to pee then,” said Emma, who was no longer the pleasant student from earlier.

“Down to business ladies, let's do some work on this sluts arse.”

"I am now just looking at the external area of your anus and there is some evidence of tearing. I know from your answers that you consider yourself bi-sexual so have you engaged in anal sex before, either with toys or a man?"

"Um, well, um yes I suppose so," I stuttered in reply.

"What sort of answer is that, is it toys or cock?" she asked sharply.

"Erm, um, well both."

"What sort of toy, a small vibrator or large dildo? These are not hard questions."

"Well, erm I use a prostate massager that vibrates on myself, and my ex-partner has used a strap-on on me. Not a huge one though."

"Right, and when you had sex with a man, was he well endowed, and did he use protection?"

"Yes, to both," I replied

Emma had now made her way down to the action end I could see them all looking at my hole.

"He's still surprisingly tight though, doctor, considering all of that," Emma chipped in while poking a finger at it, "we've seen ones you can drive through, haven't we."

They all laughed at that. "So, is it a regular thing for you?" That was Emma asking now.

"Oh no, well with the vibrator it is but I have only twice had anal sex, once with the strap-on and once with a guy."

"So, a large toy and a big cock?" she continued.

"No nothing really big." These questions were killing me and in normal circumstances that would be enough to subdue my hard-on, but no, it refused to go away.

"Well, we will soon see if you enjoy it."

"I'm going to start feeling inside now, so no resisting."

I felt the cold lube as it was smeared into my crack. She used a finger to pull some down and work it slowly inside me. It felt nice as the finger swirled around and then pulled out.

Emma then moved over and carried out her examination. Her touch was gentler and even erotic. She ran her finger down from my ball sac to my opening, dallied a little there then continued past it. Then back and with a slight push of her finger, she entered me.

I couldn't help but push down and her finger went in deeper than she wanted. She quickly removed her finger which exited with a loud plop. I heard Jane stifle a giggle at that.

"Oh dear, there is some fecal matter inside, the dirty man decided not to clean himself properly, so I think an enema is called for.”

“Jane, to save us getting up, be a dear, and in that cupboard, you will see a kit marked up for it." said the doctor.

Jane obliged and passed them the kit. The doctor handed her a bag of liquid like a drip bag and asked her to hang it on the hook above the table.

"Oooh, I feel just like a nurse now," she said.

"Emma, lube the end of the tube and the anus, now insert it, pushing it in until I tell you to stop."

The combined cold on my arse, the pressure of the tube, and the fact that I was exposed to these three was almost too much for me. I hadn't felt this aroused for such a long time.

"That enough, now Jane, can you open that little tap there, yes that's it."

I could feel the warmish liquid enter me. It was a pleasant feeling really until I felt full when it started to become a little uncomfortable.

"I think he is full now, but we will give him a bit more, a bit of discomfort will do him good.”

More went in, my belly was getting distended now.

“Jane be a love and give his belly a little push will you."

Jane jumped up and pushed gently on my belly. I felt a little liquid leak from my bum.

"Yes, he's full, plug please Jane, sorry that short bulbous thing there, that's it, thank you."

"Oooh," Jane said, "is that going to fit in there?"

"You would be surprised what an arse can take. Pull the tube out nice and slowly Emma, and I'll be ready with this."

I felt the tube gradually leaving me. “I need you to hold that liquid in until I can insert this."

I squeezed with all my might to hold it as the tube continued its exit. As it popped out, I felt more lube on my hole and something larger being pushed in. It was hard to hold and allow entry to what I could now see was a large butt plug, and I felt my hole stretching wider, but the doctor's persistence won, and my hole was suddenly blocked.

"You can relax now, you did well. We'll leave that in there while the liquid does its magic."

Still, with a rampart hard-on, all I could do was lay there while they had another cup of tea, talking softly and looking up at me now and then, often followed by giggling.

"Right, dirty boy," said Doctor Mason, "now it's time to release everything you have in there. I am going to get set up here and when I remove the plug, I need you to hold for a little longer."

"Emma is going to massage your belly to ensure we get everything both before, and as you eventually release."

I heard the moving of equipment as the doctor with the help of Jane, who now seems to be enjoying her role as a nurse, set things up between my legs. While that was happening, Emma was gently rubbing my belly, from my sternum to my groin in circular movements.

I could feel my belly gurgling away noisily and was aware of great pressure in my bowels with an urgent need to poo.

"See it's working," said Emma, "it will soon all be gone, and you'll feel much better."

" I am now removing the plug, so squeeze and hold as it comes out, I do not want to be covered in your waste!"

I felt her start to pull on the plug and clenched my arse as best I could. There was a plopping sound as the monstrous object was removed, I managed to hold all except a small dribble, which I felt running down my crack.

"Jane, that funnel-looking object there can you please hold that here for me."

I could feel her finger draw a line along my arse crack and over my anus. Then I felt a cold rubbery object being placed exactly there.

"Now you can relax and let it all just flow out, but don't strain or it will overflow, Emma please continue the massaging."

"This is just so much fun," Jane chirped, "you must let me get involved more often, Doctor Mason."

"Well, if we had more patients like him, you could. It's not very often we get one like him to come along.”

By now I had finished evacuating my bowels and felt empty and my erection had subsided a little as well.

"Your next job Jane is to clean the fat bitch up, making sure there is no residue anywhere around his bottom. We certainly don’t want any of it on us later."

While Emma took away the container with my bowel contents, Jane sat on the examination stool and started to clean my backside. She was very thorough wiping away from my hole in each direction while pulling on one cheek.

"You will need to clean inside too Jane”

"Oh OK, do I use the wipe just the same?"

"Yes, just wrap it over your finger or fingers if you prefer and work it around inside.”

She decided on two fingers I saw with very little lube but she was not interested in my discomfort now.

I looked over at the other two and saw them nodding toward me and whispering to each other.

Then the doctor said out loud, "You need to rehydrate, Richard. Emma, can you get him another glass of our water please."

She brought it over and raising my head as much as I could I drank it down.

They sat down together and were discussing something while glancing up at me from time to time.

By now my cock had regained the same rampant erection that I had before and as Jane again took the examination chair it began waving around.

"You will have to ignore that little thing waving around Jane, it is just trying to attract attention. So, are you looking forward to your first examination Jane?"

"Yes, I am just so excited, I must admit to listening at the door when you do your thing in here and have wished that I could do it. I used to fantasise about this type of thing at home, I'm afraid to say. I was so surprised when you said to come in with the tea, and I just couldn't take my eyes off the view from the couch."

"We knew he was not going to object and thought injecting you into the scenario would be fun and even more humiliating for our patient. He just loves to be controlled and humiliated, don't you?"

I uttered a meek, "Yes doctor."

"This part of the exam is not a necessity, but I thought it might be humiliating and he loves that."

This Jane is an anal dilator, it is like the one used for vaginal examinations, and it helps to view the anal canal. What you need to do is put a dollop of gel on two of your fingers and work them into his anus."

The coldness of the gel made me jump and I heard, "Sorry," from Jane.

"Jane, that laying there is someone who as I said likes to be controlled, humiliated, and so on. He will not appreciate you saying 'Sorry', he now knows what is happening, so we, or more properly, you, are in charge, so if you treat him as an object it will be better for all, especially for him."

"I think I understand now," Jane replied with a nod.

Then came the pressure from her fingers. I relaxed my bum to accept them as she pushed them in and swirled the gel around. Then she pulled them out, applied a little more gel and then pushed them back in, this time a little deeper. My arse reacted to that by asking for more. The finger quickly exited.

"He was getting greedy then," she said

"Gently present the dilator prongs to his anus, that's it, now with your finger and thumb pull his anus slightly open, now insert slowly until I tell you to stop."

"That's enough, now turn that little wheel clockwise and it will slowly open him up."

"I'm not hurting him, am I?" she whispered to the doctor.

"No, he is probably enjoying it, aren't you."

I gave a brief nod as I watched my hole stretch even further open.

"When you are happy that it is open enough then stop."

Jane stopped, and although I was well open there was no pain, just a feeling of being stretched.

"Using that pen light there you can have a look inside."

"I am looking inside a body, this is brilliant, just looks so pink in there."

"Now use your finger to feel inside for anything that seems abnormal, go in deep and move it around.”

“I can feel some little bobbles, like skin tags, in a couple of places.”

“You will see them soon, release the dilator and remove it.”

I was pleased to say that my arse resumed its normal look, I was afraid it was going to stay open.

Jane took great pleasure, it seemed, in wiping me clean again.

"This is just so more than I ever thought could happen to me," she said.

"I can tell you now that he enjoyed that, he loves his arse being filled, his little cock was waving around and his breathing increased.”

I knew that this type of talk was for my benefit, and I was enjoying it so much.

"You are now going to carefully do a real procedure, this is bending the rules a little but I know you can follow instructions. You are going to carry out a rigid sigmoidoscopy."

"I will get the equipment ready for you and then talk you through the procedure."

She took the seat a started to put various bits together on what looked like a long dildo. Once assembled she handed it to Jane and invited her to sit back down.

"Normally we would carry this out with him on his side and legs pulled up, but we can't give everyone a good view that way. Again, lube him up and work in and around well, quite forcefully."

I could see Jane lube two fingers and stick them into me, she was now not quite as gentle. She worked them around and around, spreading the gel thickly it seemed, and once again my arse became hungry for more, but she pulled them out.

"He has got a greedy bum, you know, I could feel him wanting more."

"Quite a little slut aren’t you," said Emma speaking for the first time in a while.

When I didn't answer she said, "Well are you a slut or what?

"Yes," I said with a tremble.

"You need to lube the end of the scope, that's it, now push it in up to the stop there. Good. Now withdraw the middle part just by pulling it out and insert the black tube. You are now going to pump a mixture of gases into his bowel to open it up."

"So, I squeeze this bladder here then?"

"That's it and when that little gauge reaches that red mark you can stop. There it is, withdraw the tube and put the scope in and push it all the way in."

I was amazed at how long it was and how it filled me up. I felt bloated from the gas as well.

"I've switched the view to the television so we can all see what's going on. Bring it out again and now slowly re-insert and look at the screen and tell me what you see."

"There is something just there at the top, and another there, what are they?"

They are haemorrhoids, and will need to be removed at some stage, carry on as far as you can."

Everything thing else was clear thankfully so that was a relief.

Jane asked, “Can I do that again, it is so fascinating?”

The doctor gave her the go-ahead and in it came again filling me up and feeling wonderful.

"Now it all has to be removed. Take out the scope, now remove the sleeve, he may have some wind from the gas."

As the sleeve was removed, I felt a spat of disappointment as I had begun to enjoy it being inside me. As it popped out, without warning and with no help from me, an enormous fart followed it.

"Oh, you dirty sod," Jane blurted and smacked down on my balls, "that's bloody disgusting." Realising what she had just said and done she said, "I am so sorry, it was just a reaction."

That was met with howls of laughter from Emma and the doctor. "Oh Jane, what are you like."

"Do you want to carry on with the examination Jane? asked the doctor.

"Yes please, as long as he doesn't mind."

"Don't you worry about what he wants, he is ours now, and he can stop it at any time, but I doubt if he will. That's the trouble with these pathetic types who just want to be little boys again, with mummy doing it all for them. Mind you he has the right size cock for that."

"Of course, you weren't here when we measured him did you know that soft, he only measures just 49mm, that just under two inches to you."

"That small a,” gauging the size with her thumb and index finger, "I can see it has grown a bit now though and so hard too, but I must admit I had a giggle at the photos you took of it."

"He’s getting and staying hard because of our water, that small amount of Viagra we crush into it works a treat. He would have got hard anyway but that maintains and improves his erection taking it out of his control."

So that was the reason for the eternal erection, I knew there had to be something, but I'm not complaining.

"Before you finish off down there would you like the opportunity to inspect his penis?"

"Oh yes please."

She rolled the stool closer, and the chair lowered a little to a position to allow perfect access to my cock. She gently took hold of me, then looked towards the other two for guidance, I think.

"Just do with it as you wish but be careful not to get him too excited."

She nodded, then pulled my foreskin down to its full extent, and then continued to apply pressure. I thrust upward slightly to relieve it, but she just continued to pull. She looked straight at me and said, "A bit of discomfort can be pleasurable you know."

The other two gasped in surprise at her action and attitude. "Go for it, girl," squealed Emma.

Jane, with her other hand, took hold of my balls and started to squeeze. It was just enough to be uncomfortable without being painful. "I always wanted to do this to my late husband, but he was strictly a missionary position man and nothing else, no foreplay either way."

"You poor thing," said the doctor.

The constant pressure had now become a pleasure just as she said it could be. Once again pre-cum started to emerge from the tip of my cock and dribble down the shaft.

"See just as I told you, bitch. I may be old, but I think I still have the touch." Turning to the other two, she said, “I am now going to do something I have never done before."

She suddenly bent down and licked at the oozing liquid with her tongue. "So salty.", he said wiping her lips.

Emma bounced over and gave her a huge hug, "Wow, that was great, did you enjoy it."

"I want to suck on one, but you said not to get him too excited. I'm 66 years old and have never done it."

"I promise you will get a chance, Jane," said the doctor gently.

"I want you now to check his prostate, and to gently milk it to produce some ejaculate. We will try first in the position he is in, but you may not be able to reach it. So, get comfortable, more gel on his arse, it's still open slightly from the dilator so work it well in, however, you want."

Jane used her initiative and this time there must have been three fingers inside of me. I couldn’t help but try and entice them in further.

She must have felt me doing that as she said "He has such a hungry bum you know. He's trying to get me in deeper."

"Don't oblige him just yet as you need to feel his prostate, so come back out. Now with your index finger re-enter and push it in as far as you can, you will have to push it in hard."

Her finger went in deep and hard, and it felt good. I could feel her moving it around in search of the gland and then she found it, she pressed on it quite firmly.

"You must be there Jane, so ease the pressure. Now feel gently around for any hardness, it should feel soft and pulpy."

"No hardness and feels just as you described."

"Good, now you are going to milk it to produce just a little bit of semen. You have to be careful not to overdo it or you will spoil what is to follow."

Jane followed the doctor's instructions exactly, gently pushing on the gland, coming a bit away and repeating it until they could see that I was nearing the edge.

"Jane this is important, Emma is going to catch some ejaculate, and as soon as it appears you must remove your finger. Now press on it gently again, and again, and once more, and remove now."

Emma had hold of my member as the hot liquid started to emerge and she expertly caught the first dribble that emerged and promptly squeezed my balls very hard and twisted them, so hard in fact that I forgot about the pleasure side entirely and my orgasm died.

"Always works with my boyfriend when they want to cum too quickly," Emma stated matter-of-factly.

"Jane now it's up to you what you want to do, shall we discuss it over there?"

I could hear the murmur of discussion from the three of them as they discussed the next steps.

They returned to the chair, and adjusted it until Jane said, "That's fine, just there."

"Jane is now taking over, Richard, the physical exam is over, but she wants to have her turn with you, I'm sure you have no objection to that do you?"

Of course, I would much rather it had been Emma, but I was so pumped up that I couldn't care less. "Yes, that's great. Do whatever you want.”

"Oh, we will, don't you worry about that, and for good measure, we are going to film it all."

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The other two sat down at different angles to me, I think to get the right angle for their glasses to catch everything, and looked on as Jane put some bits and pieces down by me and came to stand beside my prostrate body.

She stroked my hair, gently passing her hands over my ears and then feathering her fingers over my face.

To my surprise she bent down and planted a big kiss on my lips which soon developed into her tongue probing inside my mouth, I reciprocated of course. During this, her hand drifted down to my nipple, where she squeezed and teased it until it was standing proud.

She pulled away and said "You are going to be the first recipient of a fantasy that I have had for years, my husband would never experiment and I would not cheat on him. Then he passed away and I thought I was too old to ever achieve what I had desired."

"I have now been given a chance to act out at least part of that fantasy by these two wonderful ladies, oh, and you I suppose." She said this last bit with a sneer.

With that she picked up something from beside me and went back to my nipple, again she worked her magic on it and it was soon standing proud again. Then she put a clamp on it!

I jumped at the sudden pain.

"Oh, don't be a wimp," she said pushing me back down, and promptly did the same to the other one.

The pain, to begin with, was awful, but then weirdly I began to feel pleasurable pulses from both nipples and started to breathe harder.

She smiled as she pulled at both clamps, causing even more ripples of pleasure to pulsate.

"Who would have thought you had that in you, Jane," said Doctor Mason.

Her hands drifted over my midriff to reach my swaying cock. Like before she retracted the foreskin to its absolute limit and then used, what resembled a hose clamp, but wasn't of course, she placed that just above the top of the foreskin and tightened it thus preventing it to return to normal.

My eyes began watering, "Should I stop this? No, you know you like it. Take it and enjoy." These thoughts were rushing around in my head.

Again, the pain started to turn to pleasure, Now my balls were the next target.

Standing back between my legs, she pulled my ball sac, stretching it further and further until she could hold both just above the eggs. Then expertly she grabbed a length of thin bandage and tied it tight to my scrotum.

Then she placed more clamps to the flesh on my ball sac. Again, there was excruciating pain shortly followed by waves of pleasure. I certainly wouldn't get through a metal detector now.

She did all this with a word, just working away in her own world.

"I heard you say that your ex-girlfriend had you with a strap-on, is that right?"

I nodded in reply.

"Unfortunately, I do not have one otherwise I would do the same so you would know what it's like to lay there and be taken."

"Er, actually Jane, we do have one which we use for some of our female patients, do you want me to get it?" Emma piped up.

She looked at me, sneered, and said, "Yes, I think I do," and added, "the fat bitch will have to take it."

She was getting into this now.

Emma emerged from another room with a choice of three. Jane thankfully took the smaller of them and then innocently asked how to use it.

"You'll need to remove your skirt and slip first," Emma said.

"Now step into the harness and I'll pull it up and adjust it for you."

It was quite a sight to see this grey-haired lady standing there with this still quite big cock sticking out from under her blouse.

"Does that feel comfortable and secure, you need this one quite tight?" Emma asked pulling on the middle strap.

"Yes, I think that's fine," she said as she placed one hand on it and waved it up and down. "Feels good."

Emma and the doctor were now in fits of laughter as Jane approached me. She looked over and winked at them and mouthed, "Thank you for this."

"Turn your head toward me," she ordered me as she stood beside me, "now open your mouth wide and suck on this as if it were real. You probably know what to do."

She thrust it toward me, and I took it into my mouth and I worked my head back and forth.

"Good I can see you have had practice at that, now lick it,"

I licked along the entire shaft, it felt quite fleshlike and looked almost real.

"Before I take you, I am going to take you in my mouth just to see what it feels like."

I watched on the screen as she bent down and gradually swallowed my cock. Her warm mouth engulfed it all and it felt wonderful. Her tongue worked along the length of the shaft, up to the tip and lapped up some emerging pre-cum.

"That was nice," she said as she came away from it.

She pulled away and went to the end of the chair and took position between my legs. I felt the end of the dildo searching for my hole.

"Don't forget to lube, Jane," Emma shouted over.

I saw Emma nudge the doctor, pointing to Jane’s knickers, and giggling. I looked at the screen and saw an enormous wet patch around her crutch, she must be enjoying this as much as I was.

A big cold blob of gel smacked onto my arse followed by fingers working it into me. Another finger joined in stretching me further. I could see my cock twitching as the pleasure flowed through me and behind it was the sneering face of Jane.

"Here it comes boy, that is going to fill you up," Emma shouted out.

With that, she pushed the head of the dildo into me, waited for a second or two and then thrust it fully in with all her might.

I gasped out loud as it indeed did fill me up, I lifted a little to ease the initial discomfort, but then it started to feel good. As she pumped it in and out my arse took on a life of its own as it pushed against her and gyrated, making the most of the thing inside it.

Jane too looked like she was in a world of pure joy as she pounded away at my arse. She was breathing very heavily too.

My arse started to spasm as a pleasure wave flowed through my senses, I thrust upwards trying to take in more of the cock like strap-on and Jane reciprocated by thrusting in deep and hard.

I could feel the juices from my waving cock flow down the exposed shaft.

Still deep inside me she bent toward me and took hold of my cock. Keeping her full weight pressing into my arse she started to rub the exposed end, rubbing the pre-cum over its entire short length. Then she released the ring that was restraining my foreskin and it almost sprang back into place.

Now she worked hard on my cock, pulling the skin back and slowly easing it up, repeatedly. I could feel that I was going to cum and my cock started to throb. She must have felt it too as she squeezed on the shaft but continued those slow movements. I wanted her to speed up and gasped, "Do it faster!"

But she didn't, she just continued to massage it slowly, now gyrating the dildo as she did. I went to grab my cock as I needed desperately to finish, but I was stopped as my arms were still restrained by the straps.

Jane continued her rhythmic massage of my cock, every time I felt about to cum, she squeezed and slowed her movements, and it subsided again.

Then she again started to pound my arse with long strokes in and out, going faster and harder. Her hand then sped up on my cock, pulling it up and down.

I felt the orgasm starting in my arse as it was pounded and then suddenly my cock exploded like a volcano. Spunk went everywhere and just kept on coming. I could hear myself scream in pain and ecstasy. I was covered in my white sticky spunk and still, it was dripping from my cock refusing to stop.

Jane was still fucking me, oblivious of what she had caused, her eyes were rolling, and she was panting.

"Oh God, yes, you bastard take it all."

I realised that the other end of the strap-on must be rubbing her vagina and she was actually about to experience an orgasm perhaps for the first time in ages if ever.

"Yeeeesssssss, fuck, fuck, fuck, yeeeeesssss," she yelled out as she came.

The doctor quickly rushed to her as Janes's legs buckled from under her. As she dropped the dildo left me and stood upright on her prostrate body.

They both attended to her, lifting her head, and giving her a drink. Then she slowly stood red faced looking down at the dildo sticking out in front of her, then at me on the table with all the clamps still attached. If possible, she blushed even more.

"I do not believe that has just happened. I just got so carried away, I should never have done it. Oh dear, oh dear.,"

"Jane you are a woman and you deserve your fun, but I must say I was amazed at your sexual knowledge considering what you said about your marriage earlier," said the doctor.

"My secret passion, I love to read books on sex, both fact and fiction. I often fantasise but have never put my learnings into practice."

"Did you just have an orgasm then?" Emma asked.

"God yes, it was fantastic, never had one before if that's what they feel like."

She realised she still had the strap-on on and quickly pulled it down and stepped out of it. I looked at it as it was on the floor and saw the raised bobbles on the strap that was under her crutch. No wonder she got so excited.

I could see that her knickers were soaked and there were still rivulets of love juice running down her thighs.

"Oh, look at the poor little man, I forgot all about him," she said as she came alongside me. "I suppose I had better take these things off of you, but before I do can I take a picture of him with the clamps on."

Emma said, “Oh yes let’s do that, and we can get some with the dildo in him too, will that be all right Emily.”

The doctor, Emily, said, “Yes, he hasn’t said stop so go ahead.”

Emma took charge of the camera and took pictures of my body adorned with clamps albeit now with a limp tiny dick again. For good measure, a clamp was added to close up my foreskin enclosing my cock completely, all to their amusement.

Then suddenly the still lubed-up dildo, without the straps, was pushed into my still open bum hole by Jane.

“He nearly swallowed the whole thing then,” she said laughing.

My cock sprang to life as it entered me and they had to remove the clamp on my foreskin to free it.

“Come on girls, let's get some selfies, you never know slut, you might be all over Facebook later,” said Emma, “only joking about that by the way.”

They did get the selfies in though, hundreds of them it seemed, their attitudes had changed to almost being teenage girls again.

Then they were finished with their fun. The dildo came out and my cock died again.

First, the nipple ones came off and as she took them off she rubbed the nipple to encourage blood flow. Then the clamps on my balls and finally the tape around again my balls and again she massaged to encourage blood flow.

"I can see what you meant about his tiny willy, girls," she said as she eyed my now spent and flaccid cock. "It is just so cute."

"How does your bottom feel Richard, after that hard treatment I gave you?"

She went and stood between my still-raised legs and said, "It looks a little red, and is still open a bit," turning to the other two she asked, "It won't stay like that will it, I haven't ruined him, have I?"

"No, that will be back to normal soon, put a little of this soothing cream around and in while you are there." the doctor said.

Jane took the cream and using he fingers gently massaged it inside and out. It felt nice and cool and very sexy. Then she released my legs from the stirrups one at a time, so I am now lying flat with my legs dangling off the end of the table.

She squeezed some more cream into the palm of her hand and wrapped it around my penis.

"He must be sore too, poor little thing."

She worked the cream in by rubbing it up and down and it started to respond to the movement.

"Oh no, you are not getting any more fun today, my boy, you have had enough."

She released it and flicked the bell end with her fingers.

Emma and the doctor called Jane over and started whispering to you, she shook her head, more whispering and then a vigorous nod from Jane.

The two of them came over to the chair and removed the straps that were holding my arms.

"Stand there!" I was ordered.

Jane came over and sat in the chair, legs dangling over the side. She looked at me and sneered. "You really are overweight, you should be ashamed of yourself and have some pride, and as for that excuse for a cock, my grandson's winkle was bigger when he was eight."

"Fancy liking being taken up the arse by an old woman like me, there must be something wrong with you. Are you a pervert, little willy?"

Her tone demanded an answer, "No miss, I am not a pervert."

I could feel that I was hardening up again at this abuse.

"Come closer," I did so, "so why is that standing up again then, perv?"

She grabbed my cock hard. "I bet you lay at home and think of getting shagged by an old woman and wank yourself off, don't you, and don't say no, I know you now." She truly was into this now to the delight of the other two.

"I bet you want to make me come again, but this time with your tongue."

I said nothing not knowing how to respond.

"Well answer me then!"

"If that is what miss wants then yes, I would like to do that for her."

"So, you wouldn't enjoy doing it then, you would only do it to please me?"

Oh, she was good.

"I would love to perform oral sex on you miss, it would be my pleasure."

Whack! She slapped my cock to one side.

"What makes you think I would allow you anywhere near my vagina?"

"Sorry miss, I thought you wanted me to, I must be confused."

Emma and the doctor could hardly contain themselves at the desk, their giggling was quite loud.

"I am too old to be a miss you will address me as mistress Jane from now on."

"Yes miss," I replied.

"Are you that stupid, what did I say just two seconds ago?"

"To address you as Mistress Jane."

"And yet straight away you address me incorrectly. I will speak to the doctor to see if you can be referred for some corrective training."

She stood up and walked over to the other two where they engaged in a long conversation, once they finished, they came back to me where I was still standing naked, not knowing what to do.

Where has she suddenly got all this Mistress stuff from, she was, only a little while ago this seemingly demure lady.

"Well, wasn't that fun everyone," said the doctor, "do you two want to clean up in the shower?"

I was covered with my sticky cum and I guess Jane had some and also her juices had flowed freely too.

"Jane will show you the way upstairs."

I followed her upstairs to a large en-suite bathroom where there was a walk-in shower.

I offered to let her go first but she surprised me yet again by saying, "There is room for us both in there."

I, of course, was still naked but she needed to undress.

"You will help me get these off, I am too tired after fucking you."

I got back into the role in case this was a test, "Of course, Mistress Jane, it would be my pleasure."

I unbuttoned her blouse, opened it up, and slid it off of her shoulders. She was now standing there in a bra and knickers, neither of which could be described as sexy.

I reached behind her to unclasp her bra and then slowly pulled it away from her droopy breasts. She had wonderfully hard nipples which stood very proud.

Then I knelt in front of her and started to remove her soaking wet knickers, I could smell her sex as they came down past her thighs and eventually onto the floor.

“Smell my panties slut and then taste them.”

I put them to my nose and sniffed, her juices smelt surprisingly sweet and tasted the same.

“They are wonderful, Mistress Jane,” I grovelled.

She had wispy pubes that had been neatly trimmed and she had a very pronounced mons venus, which had very swollen lips.

"Please step into the shower, Mistress Jane, so that I may bathe you."

She had not spoken since asking me to smell her and she stepped into the shower. I turned the water on and then starting at her shoulders I began to soap her using a soft sponge. I stood behind her and lathered her back and her arms, and then down over her bum cheeks.

I then knelt to do the back of her legs, running the sponge softly down the back of them. As I moved the sponge upward on the inside she parted her legs. I took the sponge right up into her crack, then down, and then up inside the other leg. Her legs opened a little more and I took the opportunity to rub the sponge along he fanny lips and up into her arse crack.

As I did so she raised a little and let out a little moan.

I moved to stand in front of her and slowly started to soap her tits. I decided to do away with the sponge and started spreading suds with both hands instead over them and spending time on her nipples. She moaned softly as I squeezed her erect nipples.

Then I went back onto my knees and soaped up her belly and then swiftly down to between her still parted legs. As I soaped along her vulva I let my finger slightly enter her, teasing her sweet spot, before it found her anus. I toyed with the outside of it but was hesitant about going further.

Then she said, "Lay on your back under me now."

Puzzled, I did as bidden.

"Look up at my vagina and see it in all its glory."

As I looked up, she spread her lips and opened her old fanny to expose her pink clitoris.

"Do you like the view, my little bitch?" she demanded.

"Yes, Mistress Jane, it looks beautiful."

Suddenly she started to piss on me, directing the stream as best she could straight onto my face.

As she did it, she laughed and said. "Another first for me, right rinse me off and allow me to get dry while you clean up."

So, I did, once again I was left mystified about the sudden stop in proceedings.

When I got out of the shower Jane was downstairs, and I realised I still had no clothes up there and there was no towel for me, so I had to return downstairs wet and naked.

I did so and they were all out in the waiting room, sitting and chatting when I came out. My clothes were folded on a chair with a towel on top, and the doctor said, "You had best get dressed."

I did so with them watching me, smiling, and chatting as if it were an everyday thing.

"Have a seat," Doctor Mason said, "so we hope you enjoyed yourself and I have also got some recommendations for you which I will send in an email to you. Jane has made a suggestion which we will discuss with her later as well."

The session was over, and we said our farewells. Jane gave me the information that had been promised with an embarrassed smile.

When I got home, I went through the information and then came to the final sheet. It was a letter, and it was from Jane.

"Dear Richard, thank you so much for being a participant today, you do not know how much I enjoyed it. I wish it could have lasted longer and I could have tried more things."

"I have had fantasies since my husband died and have a whole host of scenarios going around in my head, which will never come real. That is unless you would like to meet again. I know it is probably wishful thinking but I am sure I could find ways to satisfy your preferences so we could both benefit."

"I have put my email address at the end of this missive and I will pray that I hear from you. If not, at least I asked."

"God bless you, my sweet little boy, and again thank you for my brief period of delight."

It was signed "Jane xx"

A week later I started typing in her email address on my computer…………..



Written by Jackdusty52
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