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A Thorough Physical Examination - First Part

"Entirely fiction but how I wish it were not and a reason to read the small print carefully, or maybe not."

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I had been worrying about my health for some time, just little things, and wanted to have a thorough check-up. My normal GP insisted it was not necessary but I wanted peace of mind so I looked elsewhere.

As most of us do I first searched for remedies that did not involve a doctor, lots of the sites were full of sexual services to help with erection problems so I gave up on that route.

Then amongst these, I came across an advert promoting, 'Full medical assessments', with referrals for quick access to specialists. I emailed them for further details and received an almost immediate reply, a summary of services was included and a link to their website.

I clicked through and was taken to a very professional-looking site. It had a comprehensive information sheet that explained that they offer a head-to-toe check-up and that they had routes to specialists not open to normal GPs.

It was not cheap, but I was at the age when things start to go wrong, so I decided to request an appointment, I filled in the required information, ticked the box confirming I had read the small print and sent it off.

I received an email with an appointment date for the following week and directions to their premises.

On the day of the appointment, I set off early and was somewhat surprised when I arrived at the address as it was a detached house and I had been expecting a clinic.

I rang the video doorbell and a pleasant voice answered I introduced myself.

"I'll be with you shortly," she replied.

She opened the door, and I was met with a smartly dressed matronly lady. "Do come in Mister Hume," she said, "I'll show you to the waiting area."

I was led to a room with comfortable chairs and the normal magazines you find in these places.

"I have to give you this to fill in and just read this to you."

"'This questionnaire is designed to elicit as much information about you as possible. Its purpose is so that the examination is tailored to your specific needs. So please be honest with your answers and ensure you tick all boxes relevant to you. Please add any additional information in the box provided.'"

She then gave me a questionnaire to complete, which was very comprehensive and even delved into sexual preferences and habits. She came back after about fifteen minutes to collect the paperwork and gave me a gown.

"If you can pop into that little cubicle there, undress and put the gown on please, leaving your underpants on, and then just wait back out here and someone will come for you," she said.

I did as requested and then sat self-consciously in the chair with this short gown up around my thighs. I saw that she was going through my paperwork and wondered what she was thinking of me due to some of my answers.

She looked up at me from time to time and smiled at me.

"Hello Mister Hume, my name is Emma," announced this tall young lady, even the heavy framed glasses did not distract from her beauty, as she breezed into the room, "and I am a pre-med student, who, if you have no objections, will be with Doctor Mason throughout your examination."

"No, that's fine by me. We all have to learn don't we."

"If you can follow me, I have to take some initial readings ready for the doctor to start, while the doctor goes through your paperwork."

So we went into the examination room, where all the normal equipment was in view.

"First blood pressure, so please sit on the chair and relax," she said, "there that's done, now I just need to take a couple of blood samples for liver function and kidneys."

Height and weight followed. "Now an ECG, so if I can just slip your gown down to access your chest that would be lovely."

Down the gown came and various leads were attached. "Lay very still while the machine does its bit please, Mister Hume."

"Good that's done, now temperature and we are done. If you could lay on your side and pull your knees up, please," she said.

"I thought you said you were taking my temperature," I said to her.

"Oh yes, the doctor has a preference for rectal readings as she believes them more accurate."

With that, she pulled the gown up and my pants down to my thighs. "Just feel a little cold now," she said as she opened up my cheek and placed some gel onto my anus with a gloved finger. "Now just a little pressure."

I felt the thermometer going in, she twirled it, and then said, "While that's there I forgot to ask you when your last bowel movement was?"

"This morning," I replied.

"Thank you." She pulled the thermometer out slowly, took the reading, and then wiped away the remaining gel. "All done!" she chirped brightly, handed me a tissue, and pressed a buzzer while I made myself decent.

In came the doctor, a tall female in her forties or more, with a very husky and sexy voice, who was also wearing the same type of glasses. "Good morning, Mister Hume, or may I call you Richard?"

"Richard is fine," I replied.

"Good, good," she said in that distracted manner doctors use. "Right let us get started. I've looked through your questionnaire thoroughly and I see that you were very honest in your answers, which is good so this can now be tailored for you."

"Right, now stand up and Emma will take your measurements. Sorry, I should have checked with you. I'm sure Emma has explained already, but she is a student, and it would be helpful for her to assist me during your examination. This may mean that some things are repeated to give her hands-on experience. Now, is that OK with you?"

"Yes, of course, it is, no problem at all."

Emma asked me to remove my gown and started to take measurements, of the neck, chest, both upper arms and wrists, waist, hips, then upper thigh, and so on. Then the length of both arms and outside leg and inside leg. For the inside measurement, the back of her hand was pushing up on my balls which resulted in a bit of movement of my cock. I saw her look at the result of her actions and I'm sure there was a smile.

The doctor then said, "Richard, may I ask you a favour?

“Of course, as long as it’s legal,” I joked.

“I would like, with your permission, to take some photographs of your body. I do this as I may invite you back in about six months to check to see if the recommendations I make to you at the end of this consultation have had any effect."

She continued, "It is also part of a training program I am running with some students, like Emma, and they will not be used outside of this practice. So will that be all right with you?"

I didn't see any harm in this unusual request so I answered "Yes that's all right with me."

“We also would like to take some more during the examination if we think it may be beneficial, and we do record the examination via these glasses we are wearing. Again, purely to help with training. So bearing all that in mind are you still happy to go ahead?”

“Well, yes I’m sure that will be all right,” my passiveness and need to please prevented me from saying anything else.

"Thank you, that is so good of you. Please then, remove your pants and, if you would stand facing me in front of that screen."

"Oh, I didn't realise I had to do that, is that necessary?"

"Yes, it is helpful for my learning program, but if you don't want to do it that's fine."

I just thought what the hell, I am conscious of my small cock, but they will probably be seeing it later anyway, so I nodded and walked to the screen, and dropped my pants.

I stood self-consciously with my hands joined in front of my groin facing her.

"If you could stand with your feet about six inches apart and arms straight down your sides, please, relax and don’t try to hold anything in, and look at that eye chart behind me."

I did so, then there were a series of flashes and clicks as the camera took some pictures.

"Now turn to your right and stand upright, keeping your arms by your sides again and relaxing your stomach."

After more flashes and clicks, she said, "Last ones, turn away and again stand as straight as you can and no tensing of that bottom."

Flashes and clicks again, then, "Thank you, Richard. Emma, please take the card from the camera and ask Jane to print two copies of each picture and put some digital copies onto his notes."

Off Emma went, and I suddenly thought of this matronly lady looking at my naked body.

"Hop up on the table please and lie on your back, and when Emma returns, we will continue."

As I lay back, the doctor covered my private area with a small square towel.

Emma returned and immediately said, " I just need to take some more measurements, Richard."

She took measurements around my upper and lower arms, then my calves and upper thighs, calling out the figures to the doctor.

"Now these are the last two for now."

She whipped off the tiny covering from my groin and with the tape in her hand said, "Just try and relax, Richard, while I do this."

Suddenly I was embarrassed, even though I had already been exposed now I had to reveal my tiny cock to her and her tape measure.

She laid my little man down flat and measured from base to tip. "49 millimetres," she said.

"Is that all, and girth?" the doctor responded.

The tape was wrapped around the shaft. "Well there you go 55, no sorry 58 millimetres, it seems to be growing as I measure."

I muttered something like, "Well it has been cold just lately."

The doctor came back to the couch and said, "Your penis is quite small, but that is not important. What is important is if all is in order in that area." Then she covered me again.

While Emma was doing this the doctor had been reading through my answers. "You describe yourself as bi-sexual, Richard, do you have a preference for men or women?"

"Well, erm, that is a difficult question. I enjoy both as long as they take the lead. I am very passive and like not to be the one in control. I find that men are more suited to the top role. Does that make sense to you?"

"Yes, I had surmised from your answers that you seem to have the desire to be controlled, that's helpful, but I think you'll find that we females can also be quite dominant especially professional ones like us."

"Richard, sit up and face me and let's have a look at you."

So up I go and sit facing her. The doctor loomed over me, stethoscope in hand. "Just going to listen to your chest," she said. "Mmmm, mmmm, yes, yes," she continued to mutter as the instrument found its way around my upper body.

Emma did the same with the doctor explaining what to listen for.

"Lie back and relax please," the doctor said as she repositioned the towel again.

"Emma, a quick test for you. Please compare his pulse from five different pulse points."

Emma thought for a moment and then said, "Yes I know them."

Starting at my neck, she pressed and waited, then my wrist, my foot and back up to my groin under the towel, where she had to push hard to locate a pulse.

She stopped to think the doctor chipped in, "Think of joints."

"That's it, I remember," and felt the inside of my elbow.

"Well done, and did they all feel the same?"

Emma nodded.

"Let us continue with the examination," said the doctor

She then felt all around my head, checking my jaw, and my neck, always asking if there was any pain or discomfort as she felt and explaining what she was feeling.

Then down onto my chest area, she stood on one side and Emma on the other. "Just mirror my movements, Emma," she said.

I could feel them both feeling around my nipple area and when I suddenly winced as she squeezed one nipple. "Is that sore, Richard?" the doctor asked, "it really shouldn't be, Emma, please do the same to the other one"

As she pulled on the other I winced again. "Mmmm, very strange, do you indulge in nipple play with your partners at all?"

I stammered, "Well, um, well, I suppose sometimes."

"Richard, just answer the questions truthfully, we are not here to make judgments."

"Anyway," carried on the doctor, "let us continue. You do have relatively large breasts, Richard. While that isn't unusual in a man, in conjunction with your sore nipples it could indicate a problem."

"Really?" I blurted out. "Can it be serious?"

"We are going to check them over well, so don't you worry."

With that, following the doctor's instructions Emma made a boob out of my right chest flab with my nipple in the middle. The doctor then felt all around the area, pushing firmly and finally back to my nipple where once again she squeezed it. I winced again, but this time she pulled at it and then released it. The nipple stayed out further than I had ever seen it.

"Emma will now do the same to your other side."

Which she did, asking for guidance as she continued.

Then strangely they both took a nipple between two fingers and rolled them. "What on earth," I thought, "is this what doctors do?"

"Does this stimulate you at all, Richard?" said the doctor. "It should do as that is a normal reaction to nipple play both in men and women."

"Well, I must admit it feels quite nice actually."

She looked toward my groin where the little towel had raised just a touch.

“Yes, it must have.”

"I couldn't feel any issues around your breast area but you would be wise to see if you can lose those boobs, even if they are fun to play with," she said with a cheeky smile on her face.

"Now your stomach," she said and her hand went down to my flabby belly. She pulled the towel covering me down a little further so the top of my pubic hair was just visible.

"You need to lose some of this too," she said, grabbing a handful of flab in her hand.

Emma chipped in with, "These love handles are not good either," as she too grabbed the flesh.

Further probing of my stomach followed, pushing quite hard into my midriff. "All feels fine so far, although we have taken some blood tests for the liver, kidneys, and so on, just to be sure."

She felt all around the area and her hand slid under the towel slightly. Then Emma repeated the same examination.

"Right, Emma, could you please examine Richards's groin, penis and testicles."

Emma lifted the towel away from me and to my embarrassment, my cock suddenly sprang upwards and stayed there! It must have been the touching and closeness of the two women.

"Oh dear," the doctor said, "he is an eager little thing isn't he Richard?"

"So sorry, doctor, I am so sorry."

"Happens all the time, we get quite flattered you know. Anyway, it may happen again as we progress."

"It will?" I thought.

"Emma proceed as I have taught you."

"Richard, hop off the table and stand in front of me, please."

Emma sitting on a stool placed her hands just above my pubes. She ran her fingertips through my sparse pubes and then she took a small comb-like instrument from the table and ran that through them, and then tapped it out onto a sheet of paper. "Just checking for what you would call crabs," she said to me.

My erection started to soften and as I relaxed it reverted to a semi-hard state.

She then asked me to separate my legs slightly, so she was able to run her finger along my perineum, with a little pressure, from my anus up to my balls. This of course caused some twitching of the said penis.

"Just some pressure on your groin now as I check for a hernia," she said, "now please cough,"

She repeated that on both sides, my little boy bobbing with each cough and starting to harden at the exposure it was getting.

"That all feels good, now I need to check your penis," turning to the doctor she continued, "will that be all right to do it now?"

"Yes, lots of men start to get an erection at this stage anyway, so best to battle on."

With no delay, Emma took hold of my cock between her two fingers and rolled it. First, she laid it up toward my belly, then left, right, and finally pointing toward my feet.

Then she pulled back the foreskin to its full extent, exposing the purple end of my pride and joy. Her face was so close to it as she checked under the ridge of my bell end, and she ran her finger over the exposed skin.

I could feel myself hardening up again, I started thinking of everything that I could that would dampen my excitement. It wasn't working.

"Don't worry, Richard," Emma said as she looked and felt at what was happening.

"Look at this, doctor," Emma said.

The doctor bent down and peeked at something on my penis. She too ran her finger over the exposed skin.

"Looks angry," Emma said, "is it best to get a scraping?"

"Yes please, along with the normal ones we take and we will get a photo of that too. Do you masturbate a lot, Richard?"

I stammered, " I, I, well not a lot."

"So you say, but it looks very sore on the shaft" she replied.

Emma released my foreskin and allowed it to come back up, although as I was now so rampantly hard it did not cover too much.

Emma then started to examine my testicles. Pulling, pushing, squeezing them, and rolling them in her fingers. One in each hand as she compared them.

She finished them with yet another "Mmmmmm."

"Doctor, can you please re-examine his testicles and tell me what you think."

The doctor then took my balls in her hands and repeated the same exam as before.

"I see what you mean but I think I agree with you that it isn't a lump."

"Yes, I think it's just a malformation."

Emma said, "Just try and relax, Richard, and pop back on the table for me."

She placed her various bits on the table and took hold of my penis. Once again the foreskin was pulled right down, almost painfully so.

Then she ran something up and down the length of the exposed skin and the doctor had the lens of the camera focused on my hard cock.

"Oh God, please stop," I thought as it felt so bloody good, and I could feel some pre-cum emerging from the tip of my cock. My hands came up and covered my eyes I suppose to cover my embarrassment.

"There that's that bit done," said Emma, "so now for the next couple."

Again, she took hold of me and ran an earbud-like instrument around the circumference of under my bell end.

I could feel even more precum emerging and by now it must be dripping down.

Back she came and this time took a wet wipe from the box and cleaned the end of my penis and down the shaft.

Now she took hold once again and squeezed the end opening up the urethra. She inserted something into the end and swirled it around. Once removed she returned with another wipe and cleaned the end and ran it down the shaft. She turned and looked directly at me and she pulled the wipe back up and down twice with a huge smile on her face.

"There that wasn't so bad was it, Richard," she said

I shook my head, almost unable to speak by now. It was getting worse.

"Well done Emma, that was very professional, and Richards's reaction was as you would expect with that intimate touching."

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With that complete, the doctor covered my cock with the tiny towel which now resembled a bell tent.

She laughed, "Oh I am so sorry it just looks so funny." A small cough and then, "sorry that was unprofessional of me."

"We must get on."

Now standing at the bottom of the couch, she went over the right foot, carefully examining the toe, sole, and heel. Then she manipulated the ankle joint, chatting away to let me know what she was doing and asking about discomfort. Emma then repeated the process on the other foot.

"There are some areas of hard skin and a possible corn, so I would advise you to see a chiropodist to sort that out, the receptionist will give you contact details."

Upwards the examination progressed, with Emma working in unison with her, now feeling the shins and calves and then to the knees. As she squeezed on the joint I reacted with an "Ouch!"

"Mmmm, do you kneel a lot?" she asked.

"Yes, always on my knees with my work," I replied.

"Just where a man should be," chipped in Emma, which caused them both to laugh.

The doctor then began to manipulate my knee, lifting the leg and rotating the lower part. The other knee went through the same procedure as Emma, with the same pain from the joint.

"I will give you a form for some X-rays, but I think it is more likely to be a ligament issue."

My erection had now subsided again and my cock was back to its normal self.

Now stand up for a minute and stand in front of that long mirror there."

I did and was now looking at this flabby body staring back at me, with this pathetic little cock barely visible.

They stood on either side of me and the doctor said, "You can see for yourself that you need to work on your weight and body shape, I don't need to lecture you on that."

She nodded to Emma, who stepped behind me, reached around and lifted my drooping belly.

"You see, just by losing your belly fat and adding some tone your penis will appear to be larger. I know from your answers in the questionnaire that your penis size is an issue for you. I appreciate that although size is not important to health it can be psychologically damaging. You do have a penis that is smaller than average which we can see from our measurements it is one of the smallest to come into my hands so to speak." She finished this speech with a big smile.

"Now back up on the table and lay on your back please."

I suddenly realised that my little covering had disappeared, so I had to lay there as I was.

"Let's get back on track," the doctor said, " now hips. Oh, before we do that, I'm going to need a urine sample later, have you had anything to drink," I shook my head, "Emma, bring over the 'V' water, please."

"This is our special water, Richard, it's quite invigorating," Emma said with a grin and a wink toward the doctor.

The examination continued with the doctor, as she bent over me and felt my hips with both hands on each side. I was conscious of the fact that she was leaning so close to my cock I could feel her breath on it. Then she took my right leg and lifted it as far as it would go, then pulled it outward. As she carried this out, she asked about my reaction to the movements. Emma was doing the same with the other leg.

I was conscious of the fact that these movements were exposing everything I had, and because of that I started to harden yet again. This time it became very hard indeed.

"Richard, now I need you to stand up so I can examine your back and posture," the doctor said.

My cock was still hard with no sign of going down I stood up, wondering why will it not go down.

"Please turn away from me, I don't want to get speared," joked the doctor. I gave a stupid laugh and felt myself blush.

She came up behind me and felt down my spine, then asked me to bend to the left and to the right reaching down as far as I could.

"Now raise both arms above your head, that's it, now staying like that raise up onto tiptoe and try and maintain your balance."

Emma had stepped up in front of me, I guess just in case I started to topple over. I was so aware of my cock still standing proud with no sign of softening and here was this pretty young lady standing just inches away.

"Well done, now please bend over and see if you can touch your toes."

I did as bid, well as far as I could go.

"Just try a little harder to touch those toes, Richard. Emma, can you assist him a little please?"

She came alongside me and placed one hand on the back of my neck and the other on my bum.

"Now try again and Emma will assist."

Down I went again, this time with the nurse gently pushing down my neck while resting her other hand on my bum cheek.

"That's so much better, now stay there while I feel along your spine now."

She stood behind me and I could feel her groin pushing against my backside as she leaned to feel my spine. Her hand worked its way down my back to the top of my arse crack.

"Good, good, now up again and part your legs and try again."

I parted my legs a little and started to bend but she said quite sharply, "No, legs apart! Nothing is going to fall out you know."

With that, she pushed my legs out by the knees until I was nearly losing my balance.

"Better," she said, "now bend over and touch the floor with your palms."

Emma assisted in this torture as I bent as far as I could and then further. Her hand on my cheek had now drifted to my bum crack and her fingers were in the crease.

"If you could please, Emma," said the doctor.

With that, Emma's other hand left my neck and found its way to my other bum cheek, and then both hands pulled my cheeks apart.

"This is just a quick visual check of your anus, Richard, I'll do a more thorough one later."

I felt a faint brushing around my hole and heard, "Huh, huh" from her standing behind me. "Emma, come here and look at this."

She released my cheeks and went back behind me. Then I felt my cheeks spread again.

"Look just there," something touched my hole, "you see that marking it is indicative of slight tearing, probably from penetration."

Whatever it was moving to various points around my hole. "These are the remnants of slight bruising," she was saying, "although the anus is still nicely puckered and reacts to touch as you can see."

"Is that a reflex movement then?" Emma asked.

"Yes, look as soon as the probe touches, there is that slight tensing."

The probe touched again, and I guess I puckered as Emma said, "There, I see it now."

“We will need a picture of that area for reference later.”

One of them got the camera while the other continued to spread my cheeks. It seemed they were taking a lot of pictures and I asked, “Is everything all right.”

“Yes, yes but it is a good thing to be able to show my students what to look for.”

"Right, stand up straight, legs slightly apart." Her manner had become quite abrupt I thought. Was it because of my everlasting erection I thought, as it was still showing no sign of disappearing?

"Doc," I said, "I'm so sorry about my well you know, it just won't go down."

"Oh, don't worry about that, I expect it to stay like that for a while."

She did? Why was that?

Anyway, now she is standing close in front of me. "Arms straight up, that's it. I am going to push and pull them, and I want you to resist as much as you can. Is that clear?"

I nodded, and she first pushed, and I resisted, then she pulled, and again I managed to resist. She was now body-to-body with me, and I could feel my cock poking her.

"Well done, Richard, now hands behind your back and do the same again and resist as much as possible."

I obliged, and she reached around and grabbed my wrist and started pulling, it became like a tug of war, but because she was almost cuddling me, as we pushed and pulled, my cock was rubbing against her.

"Emma, you saw all that, now I want you to do the same."

It had been bad enough with the doctor but now I had this gorgeous young woman so close to my naked body, I thought I might explode.

Emma did the same tests, when she had her arm around me, she swayed slightly as she pulled my arms, causing my cock to go from side to side, I wanted to thrust toward her but resisted the urge.

Exercise over she stepped back and looked down at my waving penis which was now dripping with pre-cum and then at her white coat which now had a wet stain on it.

"Well, your little man certainly looks as if he is enjoying himself, doesn't he Richard, and just look at what he has done to my coat."

She looked over to the doctor with a huge grin on her face.

Emma was now busy in the corner of the room, the doctor said, "I require a urine sample from you now," and passed me a sample jar.

I looked around for the bathroom, and realising this, she said, "I have to witness you doing it, so here is as good as anywhere."

Bearing in mind I still had this erection and was being watched by at least one female I was having trouble peeing.

"It will come, just take your time," she said sitting in a chair, laid back, legs crossed, watching me.

Eventually, the pee started. as it did, she said "Stop! Give me that container and continue in this one as that will have some ejaculate in it as you got yourself so excited, and I don't want it contaminated."

Sample complete she passed me a wipe to clean my penis and hands.

"Right, change of equipment now, so hop up onto that chair." She had now become quite stern in her manner.

When I turned, I saw that Emma had removed a screen to reveal a chair with stirrup-like things in which to place your legs, like the ones they use for ladies' gyno exams.

Emma steered me towards the chair and had me sit between the two leg supports. "Now, Richard lay back and relax your legs. We, ladies, are used to this but I guess you have never been in one of these. Let me do it all for you and it will be much easier."

So back I lay with my legs dangling over the end of the chair with my still rampant cock standing upright. Emma took one leg and lifted it into the cradle and followed with the other one. Then once they were in place, she secured them down with velcro straps.

"Don't want your legs dropping down on us, do we now? Just shift your bottom toward me until it's right on the edge, there that is perfect, now hold tight."

The chair back started to go down and my back was now horizontal with the floor, the legs raised upwards and outward, all with the whirring sound of the motor.

Now she returned and placed some more straps over my wrists. "There, all nice and secure."

Now all I could see was a blank television screen above me, but I knew I must be completely exposed and helpless, if only they knew how much I enjoyed that feeling, I thought.

"Richard, I need you to relax now as we are going to examine the area around your anus and your prostate gland and then we will gather some more samples. So lay back, relax and try not to resist."

“Before we start I want to get a few pictures of the area as it may become red after the examination.”

The camera clicked and flashed away from various angles.

“I will just get these printed and saved to your notes then I will be back, so just relax for a little while, we will be back.”

Five minutes later they both came back into the room and sat at the desk talking.

Just then there was a knock on the door, "I've made some tea for you, and I have those pictures you wanted me to print." said the receptionist from behind the door.

"Come on in, Jane," the doctor said. The door opened and in came the receptionist carrying a tea tray.

"Oh sorry, I didn't realise that erm, well, sorry I'll go out," she said.

"Oh don't you worry about Richard, he won't mind, come on in," said the doctor.

She walked to the desk and laid down the tea tray and the photos. All the time she had her eyes on the view I was presenting to the world. My arse and rampant cock are in full view.

"Looks like someone is having a good time here," she said as she poured out the tea. "Does Mister Hume want a cup of tea, doctor?"

"No, he's not really in a position to drink it at the moment," she replied laughing. "Come, sit down and join us, Jane."

Emma walked over to the chair and raised the back a little, "You'll be more comfortable like that while we have a drink."

To my amazement all three sat down to drink their tea, sitting at the desk facing me. It was made worse for me as I could that they were talking about me.

"I've always wondered what sort of view the doctor had when I had an examination down there'" said Jane, "now I know. He looks so excited though is that normal?"

"He's had some V water," Emma explained.

"Oh, does that make a difference then?" said Jane.

Emma whispered something in her ear. "Oh, I see, how wonderful."

I couldn't believe that they were discussing me this way but thought better than saying anything, as I was secretly enjoying the whole situation anyway. They carried on talking in whispers as I lay there, helpless.

The volume increased as the doctor asked, "Did you look at the pictures, Jane?"

"I have to admit that I did, his winkle looks bigger now than in the pictures," she lowered her voice, but I still caught, "hasn't he got a small one though, it looked so sweet in those photos."

"Yes, his penis is very small and pathetic, Jane," said the doctor loudly in a condescending way.

"Wow, did she call it pathetic, what the heck is going on." I thought to myself.

"Well, we must get on, I suppose."

Jane went to leave and the doctor said, "No, please stay for a moment, Jane."

"Richard," said Doctor Mason, "you have probably realised by now that this is not a normal physical exam. I don't think you read the small print in the paperwork did you"?

I shook my head in reply.

"Well, I am a practising doctor, Emma is a pre-med and Jane is my secretary, and I run a small private practice here, but alongside that, we offer something we believe is unique. Our goal is to provide realistic role-play for men and women who enjoy medical scenarios. It seems you came across our site by accident."

She continued, "As we are about to get a bit more invasive, I could no longer continue without you being aware. So, I do apologise if you were under the impression this was a real examination. However, I will still give you any required referrals and an advice sheet for those that do not require one. The question is, do you want to continue?"

"I did wonder when Jane came in, but still stupidly thought it was real. Yes, I would like to continue as I am really into it now."

"We have been having a chat and Jane is quite excited about the whole thing. She has never even been in the room before during one of our role plays, but I knew from your answers that you enjoy humiliation, and I thought this an ideal time to introduce her to this one."

She continued, "I am going to get her involved further in the exam as I know that will make it even more interesting and exciting for you. I would like to allow her, under my instruction, to carry out some more procedures. Would you have any objection to that?"

“Of course I would,” I thought.

I had been hoping that Emma would continue to touch and examine me, but I guess my natural submissiveness prevented me from asking for that.

“No, it’s up to you,” I said meekly.

The doctor's attitude had suddenly changed, she had now become, well, masterful and determined.

"The rule is now that you will do as you are instructed without question, if at any time you wish to stop the examination you simply have to say 'Stop'. Is that clear?"

I nodded.

“We will still endeavour to make it as realistic as possible, but also pamper to your pathetic need to be humiliated and thoroughly used."

She finished with. “We are going to leave you for a while and discuss our next steps, so you just lay back and worry about what is to come.

It must have been a good ten to fifteen minutes later when the three of them returned, all three now sporting white coats and glasses. They stood at the bottom of the chair just looking at me.

“We are going to resume now, have you any questions or concerns before we start?”

“Erm no, but erm, well I need to pee.”

“Should make you pee yourself, but you would probably enjoy it. Emma, can you fetch one of those disposable catheters and a bag please.”

She skipped over to a cupboard and retrieved the equipment and went to hand it to the doctor.

“Have you ever put one of these in, Emma?”

“No, not even seen the procedure.”

“I can talk you through it, it is very easy with these self-catheterisation kits. If men can do it to themselves, you certainly can.”

“We must remember we will be going inside an important organ in the body, the bladder, so everything must be sterile.”

“Jane will you please clean his penis using the antiseptic gel and cotton balls in the kit. Wipe away from the urethral meatus, which is the hole at the top.”

Looking at me she said, “You can view the procedure by looking up."

The screen above me came to life and there was this view of my arse, cock, and balls in hi-definition on the screen. The pictures were of their view and were caught via their glasses.

“Yes, I can do that, lovely hands-on at last.”

Jane stood between my legs and placed a disposable sheet on my belly and laid out the bits she needed. She squeezed some gel onto the sheet, following the doctor's instructions, and dabbed the cotton ball into it.

I heard her take a deep breath and then saw her take hold of my still-hard cock in the palm of her hand. I could feel her hand shaking as she held it and I could sense how nervous she was.

Then she put the wipe to my hole and wiped away from it, she did this several times with different wipes in a different direction each time.

“Good job, Jane, now one final wipe under the head to ensure that is clean as well.”

“That’s it, so how do you feel now you have had hands-on experience?”

“Oh, that was great, I just want to do more now.”

“Emma, I see you are all set up, so squeeze just a little from that bottle down his urethra, good, now a small amount of the antiseptic gel on the end of the catheter.”

“As you stand in front of him, hold his penis so it is pointing at your belly button area. That now gives a good angle for the tube to pass through to the bladder.”

“Squeeze the end of his penis to open the hole, good, now insert the tube, that’s it, now gently continue to push it in, he may be uncomfortable but that’s his problem. As soon as liquid comes through push in another inch."

Emma said, "Done, urine going into the bag. That was fun."

"You two ladies did well, now we can get on with his examination."



Written by Jackdusty52
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