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Sophia, wearing a large brimmed hat to protect her fair skin from the sun, shorts, a tank, and waterproof boots was weeding her garden and keeping an eye on the three dogs she was currently boarding. Celtic pub songs blasted from the hidden speakers on the fence, and she wiggled her hips in time to the music. This morning before leaving for work, Micah and she had made love with a passion that had been missing from their lives for several months. Now, she felt pleasantly sore between her legs as well as on her bottom. Never would she have believed that a spanking could be so settling. She was no dreamer, however, and knew that not every session would end so delightfully. Nonetheless, she hoped that even punishments would give her a sense of completeness and freedom from feelings of self-loathing and guilt.

Going in for lunch, Sophia grabbed a pad of paper, a pencil, and the folder labeled Options. Micah had asked her to look over the list of possible punishments and other activities that he considered intriguing. She was to place a checkmark next to those she agreed with, highlight those that she was unsure of, and cross off any that she absolutely hated. She was also to add anything she wanted to the list.

Stabbing a forkful of the spinach and strawberry salad, she read Micah’s list of activities. On one hand, she felt like some kind of weirdo for even considering what kinds of punishment she could accept. On the other hand, she couldn’t deny getting the tingles in all the right places just thinking about it.

“Holy crap,” she muttered to herself, intrigued. “Micah’s a hell of a lot kinkier than I gave him credit for!”

Her salad forgotten, she delved into Micah’s wish list.

 Anal. This shouldn’t surprise you. I’ve always wanted to do anal. I know you’re hesitant, but I’ve been reading up on it and I promise, we’ll go slowly. I’m sure it will be uncomfortable for you at first, but as wild as you are (and that’s a GOOD thing!) I think you could grow to love it. We’d start with some anal training to get that ass ready for a real punishment. Eventually, I’d like to include an anal aspect to weekly maintenance. To start, though, the Training can be part of our play or a session. We’ll start small for a short period of time and then move up from what you can tolerate. Eventually, this could be used for both fun and punishment depending on the type of device and length of time inserted in addition to having anal sex.

Clubs. We’ve discussed this before but never done it. I want to go to some BDSM clubs with you. I’ve checked out a few in various cities over the last year, and so ,whenever you have time off from your job, you could come with me when I travel and we could hit up a few. 

Sophia paused. He’d gone to clubs without her? Who did he go with? For a moment she felt her temper rising. She took several deep breaths and decided that she’d ask him about them before jumping to conclusions. Just because he went to a club didn’t mean he’d cheated on her. After all, Blaine, his best friend and co-worker was definitely into this type of stuff. Maybe they’d gone together. Besides, wasn’t it better that at least one of them knew a little bit about such places before they jumped in blind? She placed a checkmark next to 1 and 2.

3.  Nudity. I’d like more of this. Your body is incredible and I want to see it more - hence the house rule that I will see your body whenever I choose. Also, most of your lingerie needs to go. It’s functional, but not sexy. The same can be said for mine. Let’s plan a shopping trip soon.

Giggling, Sophia had to agree with this one. Check.

4.  Hiking.  We have some gorgeous woodland. Let’s make more use of it. Plus, just think of all the possibilities on a warm summer day deep in the woods.

5.  Going out.  I know you’re a homebody, but let’s start going out more often. Dinner out once a week to start with. When we do, I will choose at least your underclothing, but possibly all of your clothing. 

Some women would be horrified by this, but Sophia was relieved. Her fashion sense went to earth tones and sensible shoes. Check and Check.

6.  Staying in with friends. Not big parties, but I want to invite people over more often. People with like-minded lifestyles such as my sister and her husband or Blaine and whoever he’s dating at the moment. I’m not talking about an orgy fest - yet:) - but people we can be open with and speak plainly to.

Sophia scribbled down a few notes and questions on her pad of paper but didn’t feel the need to cross anything off. She thought a minute then, shrugging her shoulders, added some ideas of her own.

7.  Bondage. This can include blindfolds and gags. We’ve played around a bit with this in the past, but I’d like to do more. We can ease into some of the rope stuff.

8.  Role Playing. If I’m not me, but me playing a role, I may be able to loosen up and try new things with more of an open mind. Maybe we can incorporate this with going out, especially if we’re traveling where no one really knows us.

9.  Candles. I love candles. Let’s use them for lights sometimes instead of electricity. I’d also be willing to delve into wax play.

That was enough to start with, she thought. Sipping her iced tea, she realized that she’d become quite excited reading Micah’s list. She leaned back in her chair and reached down into her shorts. Sure enough, her fingers encountered wetness and a hard clit. Using her other hand, she flipped the page in Micah’s file to the one titled “Possible Punishments”. As she began to read, she rolled her clit slowly between her index finger and thumb. By the time she finished, she was panting. Pushing the papers back, she focused on herself, pinching a bit harder before pressing her index and middle fingers into her slick tunnel. She curved her fingers and, within moments, came for the third time that day.

Now better able to focus, she washed her hands and re-read Micah’s list.

All Punishments will be given at a severity dependent upon the misdeed. The safeword of SHRIMP will immediately end, possibly temporarily, all activities. Once that word is said, activities will halt, we will have a discussion, and then together decide to continue, adjust, or end the session.

 Spanking.  This is basic and should be expected for every misdeed or maintenance. Implements may include my hand or anything in the closet. Other implements may certainly be added or used. Spankings can also be used during sessions or play.

Forced nudity/grounding for an extended (24-72 hours)

Orgasm denial

Anal discipline - eventually


Corner Time

Vocal restrictions

Nipple play - clamps, suction, etc.

Sophia considered the list carefully. She absolutely hated the idea of an enema and wasn’t quite sure what he meant by “anal discipline” so she highlighted those two. A punishment, after all, shouldn’t be something she enjoyed, so she didn’t want to cross them off completely. Nor did she particularly want to add anything to the list, but if she were going to jump into this lifestyle, she was going to do it 100%. Taking up her pencil, she began to write.

While I hate the idea of being punished (which seems humiliating in and of itself) I’m going to add a few ideas for consideration, not because I WANT these, but because I’d be willing to accept them. At least I think I would accept them. Knowing the safeword is always an option, though, helps me be braver.

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Humiliation. NOT public, at least not yet, but since this is something I KNOW I don’t want, I think this, if done privately or semi-privately, would be an effective deterrent. Then again, getting an enema would be humiliating! Still, I'm sure you could think of a few more things as well.

Cold. I HATE being cold, so a cold shower or even a cold insertable

Heat. Not ACTUAL heat which could hurt, but having read up on a few blogs, chemical heat is uncomfortable but not harmful on my skin or even possible in my pussy or ass. Things like capsaicin, ginger, or peppermint.

There. That should be a good enough list, she thought. Quickly, she finished her lunch and then placed the pad of paper and the folder on Micah’s desk. Looking at them on the polished mahogany, she grabbed the list again and went up the carpeted stairs. Using her key, she unlocked the MP room and placed the papers on the dresser.

“How was your day?” Micah asked after giving Sophia a deep, hard kiss. He patted her bottom and continued, “Not too sore?”

She giggled and said, “No, not at all. Actually, it’s a nice little reminder of our time together. Do you want to eat inside or out?”

“How about out? It’s a beautiful evening. What do you need me to carry out?”

“Nothing. I’ve got it. Why don’t you go change into something more comfortable and I’ll set up the patio table.”

With more care than usual, Sophia folded pretty red napkins and set the cutlery atop of them. Next, she plated the baked lemon chicken, green beans, and rice pilaf, set them on a tray along with a bottle of white and two glasses. She was just about to pick it up when Micah came down the stairs.

“Here, that looks heavy. Let me carry it and you get the door,” he offered.

“Thanks,” Sophia answered. She could have carried the tray but loved that he always offered to help. Micah really was a gentleman at heart.

Once they began eating, Micah asked if she had gone over his lists. She blushed and said she had. After dinner, they could go to the MP room and discuss it.

“Why there?” Micah questioned, a frown marring his handsome face.

“I just thought that since that’s THE room for such activities, it would be appropriate to talk about it there.”

Micah set down his fork and looked at her. “You do understand that it isn’t just in that room, right? You agreed to live this lifestyle 24/7. That means that no matter where we are, we still live by the agreed-upon rules and consequences.”

“‘Consequences.’ I like that term,” she said. “And yes, I do understand that. I just thought that important discussions such as settling on terms might better be conducted in that room. It will help me get into the right mindset, at least for now.”

“I see,” Micah stated, then gave her a half grin before picking up his fork again. “That makes sense. By the way, this chicken is amazing!”

Sophia smiled, pleased by his praise. She’d always been a mediocre cook but lately had been putting more effort into creating healthful, tasty meals. She was no chef, but she could certainly become a decent cook.

“This all looks great. I'll neaten it all up, print out a copy for our bedroom and another for in here," Micah said, his pleasure evident in his voice. “I think now, though, it’s time for your first actual punishment.”

“What? For what?” Sophia asked, surprised and confused.

Micah raised his eyebrows and looked her over.

“Oh,” she answered her own question. “Because I’m in this room but still fully dressed.”

“Exactly. What do you think would be a fitting punishment?”

“Um, wouldn’t that be up to you?”

“Yes, but I’m asking what you think. I want your input before I decide,” he explained.

Sophia closed her eyes, a habit of hers when she was concentrating. When she opened them, she looked directly into his. “I suppose the punishment ought to fit the crime, so probably forced nudity for, um, a day?”

Micah nodded his approval. “I think that’s appropriate as well. But I also think, to reinforce your rule, that a spanking is warranted. Now, strip out of those clothes and come here. I would like you to remove my clothing as well and then, my love, I plan on ravishing you after your spanking.”

“Why, Milord, your wish is my command!”

“Good. Now, no more talking except for your safeword,” Micah instructed, his voice going deep and serious. “Kneel down in front of the footboard and lean over the bed. If you break position, I will tie you in place. This is punishment, not maintenance, so it’s going to hurt more.”

Sophia nodded and felt herself soften and warm as she did as ordered. She heard the closet door open and blanched, catching a glimpse of a heavy wooden paddle in Micah’s strong hand.


Wham! “One!”

Wham! “Two!”

Wham! “Ohmygodthree”

Wham! “Four”

By the final count of ten, Sophia’s ass was on fire, tears covered her face, and she was dripping wet. 

“Well done. Now, thank me.”

Sophia slid to the floor, sniffed, and wiped her nose with the back of her hand. 

“Thank you, Milord. I’m positive I’ll never come into this room while wearing clothing again.”

She opened her mouth and took his engorged cock deep into her throat. She tried to keep her eyes pointed upward and open. Micah placed a hand gently on her head and praised her for accepting her punishment, the warmth of her mouth, keeping her position, and accepting his authority. She desperately wanted him to come, but he had other plans. Long before she was ready to relinquish her prize, Micah pushed her head back gently and stood.

“On the bed,” he instructed. “Hands and knees. Actually, head down on the bed, ass in the air.”

She scampered to obey. How the hell had she become so subservient so quickly? In all honesty, though, she couldn’t deny the pure erotic pull of Micah’s, no, Milord’s confidence and dominance. 

Feeling his hands on her hips, Sophia should have been prepared, but wasn’t. Usually, Micah eased himself into her. Milord, however, slammed, balls deep, into her eager pussy with one powerful thrust. She cried out and fell head-first into an explosive orgasm. 

Leaving gentleness outside the door, Milord pounded into her, primal and raw. This was need and desire and feral. Sophia loved it. She came over and over again until she begged him to come.

“Please, PLEASE, Milord. Please come. Please fill me. Please. Please!” she begged.

Milord only grunted before wrapping a fist around her hair. He bend down and murmured into her ear, "I love hearing you beg, my slut. Makes me so hard. I'll come when I want to, not when you demand it, though."

Sophia whimpered, but answered, "Yes, Milord."

In and out he thrust, pounding her bones into nothing more than melted oblivion. She knew, somewhere deep in her mind, that her ass and pussy would be tender as hell tomorrow, but she didn't care. She wanted this, craved this, needed this more than she could have ever imagined.

She felt the slight change in his rhythm, a quickening. his breathing now harsh.

"You love this, don't you my slut? You love being made to obey?"

"Yes, Milord!"

His voice was raspy. His cock rammed deep inside of her body.

"You are my slut, aren't you? You're going to take everything I choose to give you."

"Yes, Milord!"

He exploded into her, pumping his cum into her welcoming body, moaning his own joyful explosion.

He collapsed beside her and then pulled her into his arms.

“Milord?” she whispered.


“Thank you.”

Written by Anarie
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