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"I can totally see that in you, Master. If I had been in school with you, I would have followed you too... like a little puppy!" she said.

"jewel, my dear, had we met in school we may not be together now at all. It took what we went through to make us appreciate what we have now. Had I not had the pitfalls and stumbles and mistakes I made, I wouldn't know just what a treasure you are. You don't how good it is to be full unless you've been hungry a time or two."

"Well, I am sorry that you had to go through all you did to get here, but I am so glad you arrived. And now that you have, Master, I am going to do my very best to make sure the trip was worth it. I want to be all you want and all you need. I want to be your perfect submissive and your perfect fuckslut." 

That seemed to me to be a perfect exit, so I waved the waitress down and asked for the check. While we waited, we finished our wine and when the check came, I walked with jewel up to the cashier's station and paid for our meal.

We left the restaurant and I helped her into the car, seating her and then walking around and getting into my seat. We started off towards my house, but it was still a little early.

"jewel, do you need to get home right away? It's still early and I was thinking of grabbing some dessert," I said.

"No, I don't have to get home at any particular time. I don't have to work tomorrow and I love being with you, Master. Dessert sounds wonderful!"

"Good," I said and headed to where I was planning on going. A few minutes later, I turned off the road onto a dirt road. 

"Where are we going, Master? I don't remember any dirt road," she said, feeling the road get bumpier.

"We are going to get dessert. Just relax, we're almost there," I answered. A couple of minutes later, we pulled into the parking area next to this pretty little lake that I knew of.

"Where are we, Master?" jewel asked.

"This is Cordero Lake. I like coming here It's peaceful and not very crowded. In fact, we are all alone here as far as I can see."

"But I thought you wanted dessert?" she said.

"Oh but I do, dear, and from what I see, it's going to be delicious!" I said, bringing her hand up to my lips and kissing it.

"Oh Master, you are incorrigible!" she giggled.

I didn't answer her, I just got out of the car and came around to her side. I opened the door and helped her stand up. Then I walked her around to the back of the car. When I turned her to face the back of the car and started to bend her over the trunk lid, she stopped me.

"W-what are you doing, Master? What if someone sees us?" she said, uneasy.

"jewel, I already told you that we were alone here. There's no one here but the two of us. I wouldn't be doing this if there were others around.

"Do you remember me telling you that I would never endanger your job? And that my number one job is to protect you? Well, that protection includes protecting your reputation, jewel. I would not attempt anything sexual or immoral if we were in plain view of others," I said.

"Yes, Master. I am sorry I questioned you. I should know that you would not try anything if there were others that could see us. I'm sorry I didn't trust your judgment," she said.

"It is all right, my treasure. Trust is something that is built up over time and we haven't been together all that long. You will learn to trust me, my dear, in time. The more we are together in different situations you will learn that I will do everything I can to protect you in all ways."

"Yes, Master. I will try to learn to trust you. I am sorry I doubted you."

"Don't worry about it, jewel. It's only natural for you to want to protect yourself. But you don't have to – that's my job and my responsibility. Your job is just to please me. You let me worry about your reputation and protecting it."

"Yes, Master. Master... can we have 'dessert' now?" she asked. 

I smiled. Such a good girl. I turned her back around to face the back of the car again and bent her over the trunk lid. This time she stayed where I put her and I tapped the insides of her legs. 

"Spread those legs for me, slut."

She spread her legs wider than her shoulders and I pushed her dress up over her hips, baring her ass. 

"Ohhh..." she moaned as she felt the cool breeze blowing over her naked ass.

"Don't worry, my dirty little slut, you will forget all about the cool air on your ass in a few moments!" I said.

I rubbed her ass cheeks to warm them up a little. I swatted them a couple of times each, not hard, just enough to warm them a bit more. Then my hand slipped down and I began rubbing her pussy lips. I didn't go into her yet, I wanted to toy with her a bit first. 

Her response was not long in coming. "Ohhh God, Master... oh, I love your hands on me..." she moaned. I felt her pussy gush almost as soon as I touched her and the wetness became apparent right away.

"You must love it, slut, look you are already sopping wet. Were you expecting this, or are you just naturally a dripping, drooling slut?" I asked as my hand kept rubbing over her slick, soaked pussy.

"Ohhh...Masssterrr..." she moaned as her hips starting to rotate and grind on my hand. 

My hand rubbed hard over her drooling pussy and she rode my hand for all it was worth. I looked up to see her long fingernails scratching and clawing at my trunk lid as she tried to find a purchase to hold on to something. 

Suddenly, I shoved two fingers deep into that warm wet hole and they slid in so slickly she didn't respond for a second while her mind was trying to figure out what was different. Then she realized what had happened.

"Oh fuck, Master! Oh, yes... yes... fuck my dirty pussy with your fingers! Ohhh, fuuuck!" she moaned. 

She raised up on her tiptoes as if that would help me get my fingers deeper in her. I furiously pumped in and out of her pussy as she moaned long and loud, not caring anymore if anyone heard her or not. She was lost in her own lust and nothing mattered anymore except what was happening between her legs. 

I watched as my girl got more and more aroused and heated. Her legs had begun to shake from the strain of trying to hold her up; she had rocked back down flat-footed again, her legs unable to hold her up on her tiptoes any longer. Pussy juices ran down the insides of her legs in tiny rivulets leaving shiny trails on her terra-cotta skin.

Just when I thought she might be getting close to cumming I stopped and pulled my fingers out of her. She lay there on the trunk of my car, panting, with barely enough strength to hold herself up.

I stood up behind her and gave her only a couple of seconds to catch a breath or two. Then I started the second phase of "dessert!"


SMACK! Two quick sharp slaps to her upturned ass cheeks to start with.









"Open!" I said, smacking her ass cheek with every word, alternating sides so both would feel my hand.

jewel screeched as the blows landed on her upturned ass and her hands flew back to her ass. She pulled her asscheek wide apart just as I directed. I saw my target and aimed my cock at the wet pink hole.

I lunged forward burying my entire length into her in one swift, slick motion and my hips slammed into her ass pushing her forward a couple of inches and pinning her tight against the back of the car.

Once I was inside her, I scooped up both her wrists and, bending them behind her back, held both wrists firmly in place with one hand. With the other, I reached forward and grabbed a huge handful of her jet black hair and, twirling it around my hand, hauled her head back. 

jewel hardly had time to take more than a breath or two before I was balls deep in her pussy, her hands pinned behind her and her head pulled back. 

"Aaah... Master!" she cried as I began pounding in and out of her. 

I fucked her hard and deep and fast as if I was trying to drill a hole through her. Fortunately, the back of my car was pretty flat and smooth with no hard angles so my powerful thrusting wouldn't hurt her. 

My cock pistoned in and out of her like a deranged oil rig drilling for crude. She writhed and squirmed as much as should could which wasn't much since I had her pinned to the car with my legs and hips, my hand held her wrists behind her back, and her head was still pulled back as I fucked her. 

Although you may think that sounds uncomfortable as hell, jewel was loving my domination. She moaned and grunted as my piledriver cock split her like kindling, her pussy slobbering as my cock slid in and out.

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I fucked her like this for several minutes, giving it to her as hard and as fast as I could recycle. I was a machine and she took everything I could give her, moaning and whimpering and begging for more. For a young woman with such limited sexual experience, she was a real pro!

Sweat was dripping off me like it was raining out and both of us were drenched. I could tell she was getting close and I could feel my own impending orgasm building in my nuts. I gave her a few more hard thrusts then pulled her to her feet. I took my hand from her hair and wrapped it around her pretty throat.

"All right, slut, I'm getting close to cumming. I'm going to fill that dirty little pussy of yours with my cum. But I want to feel you cum with me. I want us to cum together... can you do that for me? Can you cum for your Master?"

"Oh yes, Master! Oh please, please, make me cum with you! Please, make me cum for you. I want to cum on your fat, beautiful cock! Please Master, please make me cum for you..." she cried loudly. I felt her shudder... jewel really wanted us to cum together!

"Okay, slut, I will make you cum. But you have to wait as I count it down. Do not cum until I tell you to or you will be punished understand?" I said.

"Yes, Master."

With that, I reached around her and began playing with her clit teasing and rubbing the sensitive nub to get her even closer to the brink. I felt her knees go weak and she slipped a bit but caught herself and stood back up with my help.

However, this told me that my efforts were achieving the desired effect and that her lust was powerful. She would be ready to cum when I told her to... if not before.

"Ten..." I said. I heard her groan, knowing how far away relief was. With my cock incessantly piledriving into her and my fingers strumming her poor clit to distraction, jewel laid her head on the trunk lid of the car trying desperately to put her torment out of her mind. She knew she needed to last until I gave her permission, but she wasn't at all sure she could.

"Nine..." I said. Her fingers balled into fists behind her back and she stomped a foot in frustration. I smiled, seeing her fight... she was a wilful creature, I had to hand it to her!

"Eight... I'm getting close, slut, are you ready?" I said, teasing her. Actually, I was only partially teasing her – I really was getting close to my limit. But I wanted her to get there first so I could edge her a bit first!

"Ohhh, Master, please... I can't hold out much longer! Please hurry, Master... Ohhh, God..."

"Seven..." I said. She just moaned something unintelligible and shifted her weight trying to find some way of diverting her attention from what I was doing to her. It didn't work, though.

"Six..." I counted. A powerful shudder went through her and for a second I thought she had given in to her need. But when I felt no contraction and no new flood of her juices, I knew she was still fighting. This woman was amazing in her resolve!

The next five, however, would prove to be infinitely harder for her to hold out on. Because I wanted her to get to her end before me and have to hold out and wait, I had to up the ante.

"Five..." I said. And at this point, I pulled my hand from her pussy temporarily and gave her ass a hard swat. This surprised her and I heard her squeal in shock. But then my hand went right back to working her tormented clit.

"Oh, Master, please! Oh, I can't take it any more! Please I'm trying so hard..." she cried out. And she was trying. She was a real trouper. But I was Master.

"Four..." Another swat, this time on the other cheek, and she stomped her foot again a couple of times to try to absorb the sting of my handprint on her caramel ass.

"Three... I'm so close, slut, feel my cock swelling... I'm getting ready to fill that slutty pussy with my cream!" I said.

"Master please, please... I can't do this! Please make me cum, Master please!" jewel was openly sobbing now. She had reached her end and she had no more fight left in her. But I knew she did.

"Don't you dare cum slut! Don't you dare!" I said sternly.

"Two..." I said. jewel's legs began to shake as she tried to keep it in a moment or two more. Her fists were opening and closing and she was rolling her head from side to side. This was a supreme effort on her part and I knew she was only seconds away from losing this fight.

"One... I said. jewel held her breath, her body tearing itself apart trying to hold out but also wanting so much to let go If I didn't end this soon she would.

"NOW slut, cum for me NOW!" I yelled. The primal animal scream that came from somewhere deep inside her was so loud and so piercing that I expected the cops to show up wondering who got killed! 

To say she let go would be a resounding understatement – jewel poured everything she had out in one tidal wave of emotion and orgasmic torrent. She spewed her juices out along with her very soul. I still to this day wonder how she didn't turn completely inside out with the force of that orgasm!

But it did sap every ounce of strength from her – so much so that she went limp and had it not been for my body pressing her up against the car and my hand under her, she would have collapsed in a heap on the ground. But I held her up long enough to pull out of her and pick her up to carry her over to a nearby picnic table and lay her down on it. 

I sat there with her holding her to keep her from falling off the table until she returned from wherever a woman goes at a time like this. And it took her a good ten minutes to make the trip back too... she must have gone a long way!

I monitored her breathing and did all the things my first aid training had taught me as I sat there. Eventually, her breathing slowed and her eyelids fluttered. She moaned softly and I knew she was back, albeit weak and probably disorientated.

"Welcome back, jewel!" I said.

"Huh? Where did I go?" she said, still not altogether here.

"I dunno, but you were definitely AWOL for a bit there!"

"Oh, sorry, Master. But wow! I've never cum so hard that I passed out! I hope I didn't say or do anything..." she said suddenly very self-conscious.

"No dear, you just went bye-bye for a bit. I picked you up and brought you over to this table to lay down on while you rested and came back."

She tried to sit up but she was still too woozy and I pushed her back down on the table. "Easy there... don't rush things. We have plenty of time–you just rest a bit and get your senses back in full."

"Master, we were supposed to cum together. Did you...?" she asked.

"Yes, slut. About a second after you let go. Your pussy walls clamped down on me and when you came, it set me off as well. I dumped into you and then you blew it back at me with your own orgasm!"

"Oh no! I made a mess on you! I'm so sorry Master! I'll wash them for you don't worry!" she said, terribly concerned. 

"It's okay, slut. No harm done. They will wash out and be good as new. I'm more worried about you. How are you feeling?" I asked.

"I am all right, Master. Thank you for looking out for me."

"No need to thank me, that's what Masters do. We take care of our girls and watch out for them. You are my jewel... and just like your namesake, you are precious to me. I wouldn't NOT take care of you."

"And I like that you think of me as your jewel, Master." 

I helped her down off the table, holding onto her until I was assured she was steady on her own feet. While I was holding her I kissed her enjoying the taste of her kiss and the softness of her full ripe lips. 

When she was ready we got back in the car and I drove her home, walking her to her apartment door as I always did before going home myself.

Over the next week, I made plans and preparations for our next visit. I planned on a big weekend and wanted her to stay over so we could have more time together. I called her at home about mid-week to see if she had plans for the weekend. 

She said she did not and that's when I told her about spending the night. To say she was thrilled with the idea would be putting it very mildly. I could have heard her scream of joy even without the phone!

Once she had calmed down again, I told her what I wanted her to bring as far as clothes. "What will we be doing this weekend, Master?" she asked excitedly.

"I don't want to ruin the surprise, but we will be spending a good part of it in the basement!" I hinted. The gasp told me all I needed to know about her reaction.

She said goodbye in a shaky, excited voice and hung up the phone. Yes, I was definitely looking forward to this weekend's fun!

Written by Master_Jonathan
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