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"Now my little hors d'oeuvre, it's time you had your appetizer – you know how I hate to be greedy. I want to make sure this an equal partnership. Hop up on the bed here and lay back... I'm hungry and you look delicious!"

She did just that, giggling and climbing up on the bed. As she climbed onto the bed, I saw that she had the butt plug I gave her the other day in place in her ass just as I told her. Such a good girl!

She moved to the middle and lay on her back, her legs spread wide. She knew what I wanted and where I wanted to be. God, she looked so fucking hot laying there, open and waiting for me, still wearing her sexy silver heels. 

"You really like eating my pussy don't you, baby?" she asked. Dumb question!

"Of course I do. You have such a delicious little pussy, why wouldn't I?"

"Well, some of my ex-boyfriends didn't. In fact, I've only gotten my pussy eaten twice before I met you," she said.

"Really?" I couldn't believe it. I looked at this beautiful caramel goddess and I looked at the bald glistening heaven between her legs. How could any normal, healthy, adult male turn something so sweet and so delicious away?

"Well, Jonathan, it's not like I've had a ton of dates or boyfriends. I've only had one boyfriend and I could count the number of dates I've had on one hand. A girl like me is not exactly prom queen you know."

"Then it's their loss. You may not be prom queen, but you are MY queen."

"Oh, Jonathan!" was all she could come up with for a reply. That was fine... no more words were needed.

I lowered myself down onto the mattress between her spread thighs. I parted her swollen pussy lips and was greeted by a blast of heat from deep within her. A warmth that was so inviting I wished I could crawl completely inside and shut her pussy up behind me.

The sweet perfume that came from inside her was equally tempting and my mouth began to water just from smelling her aroma. Peeking into that pink paradise I saw her walls dripping with sweetness. Winnie the Pooh was on the wrong track completely... THIS was the real honey pot!

I ran my finger teasingly around the rim of her entrance, and in the folds between her inner and outer lips. My thumb rubbed over clit and it was like I'd touched her with a hot poker!

"Oh God!" she cried out.

"If you like the way my fingers feel, Eve, wait until you feel my lips and tongue down there!" I said.

She giggled. I continued to finger her pussy, rubbing my thumb over her clit as I thrust my fingers deep inside her and explored the pink folds inside. 

"Please baby please eat my pussy now. Please I love it when your mouth is on me! Please!"

"Are you ready, Eve?" I asked her.

"Yes! Oh fuck yes!" she screamed.

"Are you sure?" I kissed very close to her pussy lips, tickling her bare thighs with the tip of my tongue.

"Yes! Please, Jonathan, eat me out NOW!" she begged.

As much as I wanted to tease her, I knew she needed it badly, so I gave Eve the first kiss right on her pussy. My lips met her pussy lips as if I was giving her a French kiss.

I made sure the oral sex was really wet and messy, getting saliva all over her lap. She clenched her legs around my head, wanting me to kiss her deeply between her legs. I decided it was time to plunge into it.

I fastened my mouth over that delicious hole and shoved my tongue as deep as I could get it into it. My tongue knew just what to do next. It began immediately squirming and wriggling around like a snake on a hot skillet, seeking every soft fold and wrinkle that might hide a drop of sweet juice.

Eve squealed happily, her noise quickly turning into moans as she began to hump up at my mouth. She too wanted me deep inside her.

I ate that woman's pussy like I was half-starved to death and she was a prime rib roast. I'm not sure who was moaning more, her or I. I heard moaning and couldn't tell who it was coming from half the time.

I looked up at Eve and she was clawing wildly at the headboard looking for something to hang on to. Her hips were bucking like a prized rodeo bull and it was all I could do to "stay in the saddle". But I was locked on her and I'll be damned if I was going to let go easily!

"OhmyGod! Oh, that feels so good!" she moaned, "Yes! Right there, baby! Oh please, please don't stop... don't stop..."

No worries there – I wasn't about to stop even if she had wanted me to! 

Eve's pussy was hot to my tongue; she was absolutely throbbing with pleasure. I could feel her pulse between her legs as the blood flowed from her arousal.

Her sticky juices were dribbling down my chin, and I knew she was enjoying what I was doing. Like a flower to the hummingbird, she was giving me the gift of her sweet nectar.

I licked and lapped at her hot hole for a minute or two and she was in complete rapturous delight, writhing and moaning in her delirium.

I paused for a moment and pulled back a bit giving her a chance to rest while I spread her swollen pussy lips wide open with my fingertips to get a really good view. It looked lovely; the brown of her skin in stark contrast to the bright pink inside.

Spreading her even wider, I savored the view: glistening pink folds dripping with a heady mixture of my saliva and her sweet juices, a perfectly erect clit popping out of its hood, and a deep wide open hole in the middle of her vagina, beckoning me to explore her innermost depths. I stuck a finger into her hole as deeply as I could, then I slowly closed my mouth around her folds again.

My tongue explored her clit for the first time, flicking up and down before starting a firm steady clockwise rotation. I began to fingerfuck her as I tongued her clit – a technique she'd never experienced before and one that drove her crazy.

Her hips pushed up into my face; I had to lift my nose to get some air. Her legs clamped around my head tightly; I took it as a good sign that she was so into the experience, so I let her do her thing.

I could hear her loud groans even though her thighs were partially covering my ears; she was making very intense moans of pleasure, along with very heavy panting.

I kept finger-fucking her as well, finding the fleshy little bump of her G-spot inside her cunt. I made a motion with my finger to stimulate her inside; this caused a wave of her juices to flow around my nose and lips.

I felt her excitement as Eve opened herself up for me, losing all her inhibitions, focused completely on the pleasures I was giving her. My tongue homed in on her clit, alternating between sucking and licking motions.

"Ohh!" she screamed. "Oh fuck, Jonathan!" 

Good, I thought. When a woman starts yelling "Oh Fuck!" it is a sign I am doing my job well. I made some noises myself to encourage her.

"Mmm...your pussy tastes fucking sweet! I love to eat hot pussy," I said as best I could while my mouth was between her legs. "Eating you out makes my next job all the easier. I want this pussy nice and wet when I slide into you!

I wanted to drive her completely crazy and so I started playing with the plug in her ass as I ate her. I pulled on the plug slowly as her ass expanded. Just before it reached the point where it would slip out, I pushed it back in. Pulling it back and forth like that made her ass open and close again, adding another level to the sensations flooding her brain.

"Ahh...Oh my God! Oh, baby...Uh...UH! Oh, oh, OH!" Eve was panting and moaning very intensely. Finally, she stopped speaking in verbal words and all I could hear were primitive grunts and heavy breathing.

"Uh... UMM! Ohh... UHHH!"

Her pussy began to quiver; my eyes looked down and I saw the lips of her pussy contracting and expanding rapidly. Her cunt tightly gripped around my finger, and her juices nearly drowned my mouth and nose as I eagerly dove in to get her off completely.

She let out one extremely loud guttural moan, and then all hell broke loose as she swore profusely and her orgasm ripped through her body. Her legs kept clamping around my ears, and her pussy orgasmed on my finger.

I sucked and sucked her clit, milking all the honey from her hot pussy. I lapped at her clit and pussy lips as she rocked her hips up and down. I didn't stop until she gently pushed my mouth away as her clit became too sensitive in its post-orgasmic state.

I moved my attention away from her pussy and lovingly kissed the soft flesh of her thighs as she came down to earth. Her pussy kept contracting involuntarily for a few moments.

"Oh my God, Jonathan! Oh, baby you... you were amazing!" she giggled. I had learned that Eve was the type of girl who giggled after a really hard, satisfying orgasm. So when she giggled, I knew it was really good for her.

I got up from my position on the bed between her legs and lay down next to her. She rolled onto her side and put her head on my chest, playing with the chest hair. I'm not real hairy, but there was enough there to keep her occupied. My hand went to the back of her head and I began stroking her hair. 

I wanted to ask her how she liked it, I wanted to make sure she enjoyed what I did, but instinct told me to be quiet and let her be before I talked to her. 

We lay there for several minutes before she raised her head turning to me. 

"I need you in me, now!" she said, almost begging.

Well, I didn't need any more prodding than that. I moved over top of her and immediately entered her slick bare pussy. It looked so hot, clean, and glistening with her juices, and it quivered as I worked. Since she had already given me that blow job, I knew I could last for a while, and I was loving every second.

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I pumped in and out of her furiously, as she grunted and moaned in pleasure. She came almost as soon as I fully entered her, she was so worked up. Her pussy clamped down on my hard cock, I felt her pussy contract trying to milk my cock even as her warm juices trickled out of her. I was in heaven, and she was shuddering from the orgasm that wracked her body.

I pulled out and let her work through her orgasm. I felt comfortable with leaving her alone long enough for me to step into the bathroom. The bathroom I used is an en suite meaning it is directly attached to the master bedroom. I used this one because it was closest to Eve so I could keep an eye on her.

But it turns out my concern was unwarranted because as I came out of the bathroom I saw Eve was on her knees on the bed with one hand between her legs playing with her pussy and the other hand on her ass fingering her asshole. Apparently, while I was gone she'd found the tube of K-Y that I had on the nightstand and pulled the butt plug out. 

Normally, I would be mad at her for removing her plug but since we were Jonathan and Eve right now, I let it slide. Besides who could be mad at such a delicious sight! 

Eve was busily applying the lube to her asshole, fingering herself, and getting her ass ready for me. She was playing in her pussy to get herself aroused again and it seemed to be working. I heard her moaning and pushing back and the finger in her ass as she got more and more turned on.

The sight caused me to stop at the doorway and I just stared at the beauty on my bed. I had a perfect view of her hand and ass right there in front of me in all its glory!

She slowly rubbed her slick, lubed finger enticingly in and out of her asshole, letting out a soft moan as she pushed in, and I saw her ass begin to loosen as she played with her pussy with the other hand.

She moaned again and it was all I could do to resist jumping in and taking her right then and there. She gently worked two fingers into her ass as she continued to fingerfuck her glorious pussy. I stopped breathing at that point and just watched, totally captivated by the sight in front of me.

I must have made some kind of noise in my mesmerized observation of her because she looked back over her shoulder and smiled.

"I'm ready for you. Come over here and fuck my hot, tight asshole!" she said seductively. 

I never realized just how big my bedroom was until that moment. Time seemed to stand still as I walked over to her. But I got to the bed and crawled up from the foot of it to her getting close behind her. She reached under her with her "pussy hand" and took hold of my cock, gently guiding me to her glistening, slickened hole.

She carefully rubbed the tip of my cock around her hole lubing me up a bit as well as getting her hotter and even more aroused.

"Now, baby, slide that big fat cock into my hungry asshole and fuck me like the dirty whore I am!" To emphasize her need, she started pushing back at me and I saw her tight puckered hole begin to accept me.

As my cock opened her asshole and the tip slipped inside, she laid her head back and closed her eyes, mouthing the word, "yes," silently. 

I felt some slight resistance, but then she let out a long, low moan and I was surprised to see her asshole loosen, then fully open up to me to suck me in. Suddenly, my cock was almost halfway inside her beautiful ass!

Eve was moaning from the feeling of having me inside her ass once again. It felt incredibly tight and warm, and I knew I needed to be gentle – at least at the start. She had already proved to me that she was no china doll... she could not only take the rough sex, but she liked it!

She moaned once more, and I saw her reach down between her legs again, softly fondle my balls, and then she started rubbing her clit.

"Oh fuck, baby! Oh my God, yes! Fuck my hot tight ass. Fuck it hard and deep just like I like it. Ohhh yesss..."

Eve's eyes were closed and she was lost in her own lustfog. She had both hands between her legs now, the fingers of one hand stuffed in her pussy and the other cupping and cradling my balls and I moved in and out of her. I pushed in slowly and carefully, not wanting to hurt her – I knew she was still new to the anal sex game.

With each push in, I went a little deeper as I felt she could tolerate it. It was an amazing feeling... her ass tightening and relaxing around my cock like a milking machine trying to pull out every drop of cum in my balls.

And the sight of my cock sliding in and then pulling back as her ass held on as tightly as it could, not wanting to let go of its new playmate, was equally amazing. Her moans and cries and whimpers only added to the total picture of absolute sexual excitement.

It took all the restraint and self-control I had to keep from fucking her into a coma, I was that turned on by this whole scene. I wanted to take it easy and enjoy the wonderful feeling of my cock enveloped in Eve's hot tight ass.

I wanted to enjoy the vision of her ass as my cock slipped slowly and surely in and out of her upturned ass. And I wanted to listen to the sounds of my Eve enjoying every inch of my insistent shaft plowing her forbidden place.

However, that was not Eve's agenda. "Fuck me harder! Fuck me harder, please. I want all of your cock. I want you deep in my ass! Please, Jonathan, fuck me hard! I won't break. I want you to fuck me like you want to hurt me... like you hate me!' she cried. And as if to demonstrate, she began pushing back against me hard, slamming her ass back and skewering herself on my cock.

I couldn't stand it anymore. I grabbed her tightly by the hips and I began thrusting into her hard, brutally hard. If she wanted a hard assfucking, she came to the right place. My lust overtook me then.

Ordinarily, I maintain strict control of myself – I have to, as a Master, set aside my lustful passions and keep an objective eye to ensure her safety and well-being. However, her desire for no-holds-barred, unbridled fucking was too much.

I rammed into her with all that I had, thrusting deeper than I had ever been before. Deeper than anyone had been before. My sudden aggression caused her to gasp first, then moan as I plunged deeper still. She continued to rub her pussy like she was erasing a bad mark on a paper.

"Oh fuck, I'm cumming! Oh, I'm cumming soo... OHHH, FUUUCK, YESSS!" she screamed. I felt a huge shudder run through her body and her ass clamped down on me like a tourniquet, strangling my cock. The tightness and her cry of orgasmic rapture sent me over the edge too and I blasted her rectum with my hot sticky cum.

I must have shot five or six hard eruptions into her, filling her ass so that my seed seeped out around my cock. I held myself as deep as I could get inside her while I dumped my load, groaning as I finally emptied myself completely. 

My balls drained now, I pulled back and out of her and it was Eve's turn to groan as my cock left her ass. I collapsed on my back panting for breath from my exertion, my whole body drenched in sweat. 

Eve immediately went into action turning around and wolfing down the cock that had just come out of her ass. She sucked out the last few drops of cum that hadn't quite made it into her ass and using her soft lips, she squeegeed my cock spotlessly clean. With me cleaned to her standards she lay down with her head next to my cock purring like a well-fed happy kitten.

We lay there on my bed, both more contented than we'd ever been before. It was incredible, I thought as I lay there, how far we'd come in such a short while. It was only a few short weeks ago since I knew this woman with her head now in my lap even existed.

I had gone to that BD/SM munch mostly out of sheer boredom... I had gotten an invitation and had nothing better to do that night. Who could possibly know that it would lead to something so remarkable as this woman – my woman – and me rediscovering feelings and emotions I thought had long been buried with my Karen.

Karen was an amazing woman and the best submissive I'd ever had. She and I meshed together perfectly and I knew there was nothing I could ask of her that she wouldn't do everything in her power to do for me.

She had no qualms about where she was either – if I told her to get on her knees in the middle of a crowded sidewalk and suck my cock she would have done it happily, without question or complaint.

And I'll admit, after she was gone, I judged all the girls that followed by her standards. But no one could hold a candle to Karen. That is, until now. Eve was a lot like her, with unquestioning loyalty and obedience. An eagerness to serve no matter what the task. And more than enough naughtiness to make things fun and exciting!

A smile came to my face then – what if Eve was a reincarnation of my Karen? I mused. Sure she was in a different form... Karen was white while Eve is biracial. Eve had told me that her mother was white while her father was black. And Karen might have been a little more voluptuous – she did fill out her dresses amazingly. But Eve did her dress justice... even though she was smaller-busted, she still looked smoking hot!

Written by Master_Jonathan
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