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Author's Notes

"D/s is a lifestyle that is open to anyone. I have written stories where the submissive is in a wheelchair, where she is overweight, and where she is an older woman. With this story, I show that even blindness cannot stop someone who is willing to try. The only "handicap" in BDSM is not trying."

It was a warm Saturday morning the day I met Eve... I remember because the night before I had attended a BDSM munch that I had received an invitation to.

It was a fairly small gathering that night–my area is not known as the Mecca for BDSM activities, but we do have a few that dabble in the Dark Side here. And I socialized with a few that I knew there and enjoyed myself–it was a good way to spend two or three hours talking about our favorite subject and catching up with old friends.

Anyway, I was just sitting around trying to figure out what I was going to do this weekend when there was a knock on the door. Not expecting anyone, I got up and answered it to find myself facing a rather attractive young woman.

Ordinarily, this would be a pleasant way to get the day going except this particular visitor carried with her a red and white cane. I had seen blind people with their canes before, so I knew instantly her situation.

"Yes, can I help you, miss?"

"Excuse me, but are you Jonathan Bidwell?" she asked.

"Yes, I am Jonathan Bidwell how can I help you?"

Then she leaned forward a bit. "Pardon me for being so blunt, but are you the one they call Master Jonathan?" she asked softly.

"Come in," I said, taking her by the arm and pulling her inside. I peeked out the door after she was inside to make sure no one else saw her enter the house, but it was all clear.

I shut the door and turned to my visitor. "Now then, who are you and how did you get my name?" I asked sternly.

"Please don't be angry, Sir. I was at the munch last night too and I was sitting at the next table from you. You probably didn't notice me because you were talking to others, but I overheard you.

"I heard how you talked about BDSM and the way you made it sound so wonderful. I have wanted to find someone who was so serious and dedicated to The Life but I haven't been able to. You sounded so knowledgeable and so smart... I just wanted to meet you.

"You see, I have tried to find a Dom I could serve... someone to take care of me and someone I could take care of in return. Someone who would show me how to serve them and train me to be a good submissive for them. And I thought I had a couple of times.

"One man I chatted with on the Internet sounded promising, but he turned out to be a player... just wanting a cyber partner. Another man I met in person, but when he found out I was blind... well, I could hear the door to the coffee shop slam closed!" she said. 

I could hear the sadness in her voice as she spoke.

"You said you cybered and chatted online?" I asked curiously.

"Yes, I have a program on my computer that reads text to me. I have read a lot of articles and stories about BDSM and listened to a lot of movie clips. I so want that for myself, Sir. But no one will give me a chance to prove that I can serve them."

"Well can you? I don't mean to sound sarcastic, but do you think you could serve a Master?" I asked.

"Sir, I have been blind since I was a child. I lost my sight because of an illness that gradually took my sight. I am used to it now. I can do anything a sighted person can do, I just have to do it a little differently.

"I live on my own, I have a job, and I have been entirely self-sufficient for years. I just want someone to give me a chance and let me show them I can be a good submissive," she said.

"And you thought by coming here and pleading your case that I would accept you?" I asked.

"Sir, after you left the munch last night, I asked about you. I was told you were not only one of the best Masters around, but you also were a fair and just man. And after what I overheard you talking to the others, I knew that you were the best chance I'd have to serve a real Master."

I thought about what she said for a few moments. I did want to think of myself as a fair and knowledgeable Master. I felt that I represented the heart and soul of BDSM and had a pretty good reputation as being honorable.

And I knew there were far too many wannabes and players out there that didn't take this Life seriously. I didn't want to see any submissive genuinely interested in learning to fall into their clutches. I'd already seen too many good submissives ruined that way.

But I have been a Master for many years and I have brought a few girls to The Life. Some stayed, finding their own Masters to serve, but more of them were just along for the novelty of it and soon tired of the serving thing and went back to their old life. I didn't have the time or the inclination for another wannabe.

"Eve, I will be honest with you. I have had several girls come to me over the years, and I would hazard a guess that 80% or more turned out to be just looking for something to spice up their love life... something exciting and different. I am not interested in being a new kink for anyone to try out for a time and then drop and move on," I said.

"Sir, I totally understand. There are 'players' on both sides of the slash. I have read of wannabe Doms and of girls just after a Master to say they have one to their girlfriends. But I am not one of those girls. I don't have a bunch of girlfriends to go showing you off to. And I don't believe you to be a wannabe Dom either.

"All I am asking for, Sir, is a chance to prove myself. That's it, just an opportunity to serve you. I am not sure if this will work out between us or not... no one knows if two people will make it until they do. But please, if you give me a chance, I promise I will do the best I can to make you happy and to be the best submissive I can."

She made a good argument and countered every objection I could think of. It was obvious that she was sincere in her entreaty.

"All right, Eve. I'll give you your chance. If you made the effort to track me down and risk coming to me with this, the least I can do is give you a shot. I'm always up for a challenge, so if you want to serve a Master, then here is your chance."

"Really, Sir? You will really take a chance on me?"

"Yes. But there are some things we need to go over before we can begin. First off, you said you have a job? Where do you work?" I asked.

"I am a disability advocate for the State. My job is to see that disabled people get what they need to live and work in today's society. I also am a blind trainer, helping people learn how to deal with their disability."

"Oh, I understand. That's very admirable. What is your work schedule like–what days do you work and what are your hours?"

"I work Monday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. I have Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off, Sir."

"Very good. That's a schedule I can work with easily enough. Now, these next questions might sound a bit odd or silly but I need to ask them. You know that BDSM has a sexual element to it. I assume that being a woman and coming to me as a Master means you are heterosexual?"

"Actually bisexual, Sir. I have been with women and men and enjoy both equally."

"That's good. That may come in handy some time. Do you currently have a boyfriend, girlfriend, fiance, or significant other that we need to work around?"

"No Sir, I don't have anyone and haven't for some time."

"Good, I don't like messy relationship problems."

"No messy relationships here, Sir."

"You told me that you have read and listened to BDSM movies–have you ever actually done anything BDSM-related?" I asked.

"No, Sir, I never had the chance."

"Well, you will have ample opportunity with me. I'm going to want to see you weekly at the start to get you started on your training. What do your weekends look like? Are you busy on the weekends?"

"No, Sir. On the weekends I usually just hang out at home or maybe I will occasionally go over to my girlfriend's house or something. But most of the time I'm home when I'm not at work."

"That's good, I don't want to mess up your schedule and I like to have time to play when we get together."

"I'm looking forward to 'playing' as well, Sir." I heard her words catch momentarily when she said that.

"Now Eve, in BDSM relationships there is a great deal of emphasis put on trust and the way to trust is to be completely open and honest with each other.

"I will tell you that there will be things I will ask you to do during your training that you may not find very appealing. I will need to know that you will do whatever you are told to do without argument or rebellion. I don't mind punishing a defiant submissive, but it's not good to start out being disobedient!"

"Sir, I can't imagine that there is anything you could ask me that I wouldn't do. I just want to serve and be of use to my Master."

"Well, we will discuss limits and expectations amongst other things next time. For now, though I want you to take off your glasses," I said.

"What? My glasses? But Sir, my eyes..."

"Yes, I assume you have two of them. So do I," I said.

"But Sir, my eyes... aren't right. They are... ugly, Sir."

"Eve, if you are going to be my submissive you are going to have to learn to trust me and follow orders. Now, do you want to be my submissive or not?" I said, getting impatient.

"Yes, Sir." She reached up slowly and pulled her glasses down just a bit at first.

"Hand them to me," I said.

She sighed and took them all the way off and handed them to me, keeping her face down. I put two fingers under her chin and lifted her face to mine.

"I don't know who's been telling you your eyes are ugly, but they've been telling you lies. You have beautiful soft brown eyes, Eve."

"They don't move right, Sir."

"Eve, that's hardly a reason to dismiss your service. I think those previous Masters were not Masters at all. They were collectors. They just wanted to be able to add you to their trophy case. And when they realized you weren't what they thought, they walked away.

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"Well, I don't have a trophy case and I'm no collector. And it's going to take a hell of a lot more than those eyes to make me walk away."

"Oh, Sir... thank you. Thank you for the chance to serve you," she said softly.

"You can thank me by following my orders and obeying my rules and being a good submissive. Now because of the nature of this relationship and what we will be doing, I will want you to go to your preferred doctor and get a thorough check-up to include testing for STDs. Then send it to me to look over.  I will do the same and send it to you and that way we will both be assured we can proceed safely. 

"We may not be able to have them both done by next week but we should by the following meeting. If we haven't both got our results by next week, we can just discuss things more in-depth. I don't want to get into anything sexual until we know we can do it safely," I said.

"Yes, Sir. I agree and thank you for keeping things safe," she said. I could tell she was feeling better about coming to me with this.

"Well, you are my submissive now and my property. I take care of my property. And because you are my property, you have responsibilities as well. I am a jealous Master and I do not share my property. So from this point on, I will be the only one permitted to play with you. You are not to date and you are not to have sex with anyone.

"And by the same token, you are not allowed to masturbate or play with yourself without my permission either. Your orgasms from now on are mine and I will give them to you as I see fit. Understand? If you masturbate without permission you will be punished, whether you cum or not. 

"Next week when you come over, I want you to wear something sexy... something you think I will find pleasing. As a submissive, you must always strive to be pleasing both in action and appearance. Do you have any playful lingerie at home?" I asked.

"No Sir, I don't really have anyone to wear it for."

"Well, we will have to take care of that, then. How about dresses? Do you have any sexy dresses at home?" I asked.

"I have one red dress that I wore last Christmas to a party I went to. It's a little stretch knit dress that everyone thought I looked pretty good in.

"Actually, Sir, I don't know if I look sexy or not. Since I can't see myself and I don't have anyone to dress up for, it's hard to know what's sexy," she said

"Well you have someone to dress up for now and I'm someone who you should dress up for. Don't worry, I will help you find your sexy, you can count on that!" 

I could see her cheeks pink up as she smiled at my comment.


That next week went by slower than I would have liked. Truth be told, it had been a while since I last had a playmate and I was looking forward to Eve's visit as much as she was.

I had gotten her home number before she left that first day and so, knowing she had no one at home, I left her suggestive little phone messages on her machine. I could just picture the expression on her face and the little gasp she made when hearing my voice on her machine and the things I said to her.

I had gotten in to see my doctor for my physical and just as I suspected, I got a clean bill of health. I knew I would, it had been about three months since my last sexual activity with a partner, so I was all but certain I wasn't going to have a problem. I was hoping that Eve's results were likewise problem-free and we could begin her training properly.

Originally, we had decided to meet on Saturday so we could spend the whole day together, but after a few of my teasing phone messages, Eve couldn't wait to see me. She told me she had her results back and her doctor said she was good to go as well.

So she called me up Thursday night asking if it would be okay to move our meeting to Friday. I looked at my calendar on my desk and saw that Friday was clear of anything really meaningful... no appointments, no meetings with clients, or anything. I agreed and received a very happy, very excited, thank you!

I told Eve to come over at noon, figuring that would give us both enough time to wake up, eat some breakfast, and get ourselves ready for a day of fun. I wasn't so much worried about myself–I'm an early riser and always have been. I wake up at 6:00 am, whether I have to go to work that day or not.

But I wasn't so sure about Eve. And I know that women have more on their "get ready" checklist than us men do, so I wanted to make sure she had time.

It turned out I didn't have to worry as right on time I heard a knock on my door. And for the second time, I was pleasantly surprised when I opened my door!

Eve looked amazing. Wearing a tight, red stretch-knit minidress held up by thin double-spaghetti straps, the dress was cut just high enough to be acceptable in public and featured a plunging neckline in front and a deeply scooped back. She wore strappy silver-metallic open-toe sandals with ankle straps and slim five-inch heels to set off her dress (not that it needed any accentuating!)

But as dazzling as her dress was, my attention was drawn up to her face. Eve had makeup on! Now, the first time I saw her she wasn't wearing any makeup, and that made sense. After all, she was blind, how can she put on makeup? But this time she had fully made up her face–eye shadow, lipstick, blush, the whole thing. And it was flawless too!

"Eve, your makeup!" I said, so stunned I couldn't even make logical sentences.

"Oh no! Did I smudge it? Dammit!" she said, turning her face away.

"No, no! I mean, how... you look amazing! How did you...?"

"Oh whew! My girlfriend helped me with my makeup. I wanted to look extra special for you today Sir," she said relieved.

"Well, you certainly did that. You look spectacular."

Her blush only made her more beautiful. "Thank you, Sir. I'm glad you like it."

After my initial surprise wore off a bit, I was able to regain control of myself again.

"Did you bring your test results with you?" I asked.

"Yes Sir," she said, handing me a manila envelope. 

We walked into the living room and sat down on the sofa to go over her results. "Everything looks fine. Good. Now if you want, I will tell you what mine says," I said.

"That's okay, Sir I trust you. I know that if there was a problem with your results, you would tell me," she said.

"That's true. But just so you know, the doctor gave me a clean bill of health and said I'm healthy as a horse. No medical issues and no unwanted STDs, which I knew I didn't have anyway."

"I'm glad to hear that, Sir."

"Now that we have both been cleared to continue, let's see what I have to work with. Stand up," I said. 

She stood up and I guided her around to stand in front of me. I placed her back a couple of steps so I could get a good overall view.

"That is a very lovely dress, Eve. Now take it off."

She smiled at me and began taking her dress off immediately. This was what she had been waiting for. As she slipped first one pair of shoulder straps off one shoulder and then the other she held up the front of her dress for a moment, teasing me a bit before letting it fall.

The dress slipped down her lovely form and puddled around her feet. I took her hand and helped her step out of it, a gesture she appreciated since there was nothing else around to steady herself with.

"Thank you, Sir."

She stood back up and waited for my next command. Her panties were all that she was left wearing save her shoes. The dress prohibited the wearing of a bra and she wore no stockings either. 

After a moment she asked, "Shall I remove my panties too, Sir?" 

"No, not yet. I have use for them first," I said.

She smiled again. "Yes Sir," she half breathed/half-moaned.

I sat there drinking in the mocha beauty before me. Eve was twenty-five years old, about 5'4" tall with black hair that fell loosely in soft waves to the bottom of her shoulder blades. She had beautiful brown eyes and soft full lips that begged to be kissed and often.

Her tits stood high and proud with hard, tasty buds atop them eagerly waiting to be licked and sucked on. Add to that a tight round ass that beckoned to be spanked then fucked hard, and legs you just want to be wrapped around you till you die, and you have my Eve. I licked my lips in anticipation of fully exploring this bounty and sampling all it had to offer!

"You are quite lovely my dear. I'm glad I decided to give you a chance to prove yourself," I said, trying to contain my own excitement.

"Thank you, Sir, I am glad too."

"I am also pleased to see you don't have any tattoos. I don't mind a tasteful tattoo like a heart or a butterfly or something but some women just don't know when to quit it seems. Tattooed biker chics have their place, but not as my submissive." 

"No Sir, no tattoos. I wouldn't be able to see them anyway, so there's no point in it," she said.

"That's true. So are you ready to begin your training then?" I asked.

"Oh yes Sir! I am very eager to get started!" she said. I could see the excitement on her face was genuine.

"Very well, step a bit closer." She took a step closer to me. "Good. Now kneel," I said. She obeyed without hesitation getting down on her knees.

"Okay, now sit back on your heels and spread your knees wide. Sit up straight and push your tits out. What size are your tits my dear?" I asked.

"34C, Sir."

"Well, they are quite admirable. Are your tits and nipples sensitive?" I asked.

"Oh yes, Sir. They loved to be played with and sucked on. My ex-boyfriend used to love to play with them and it always turned me on so!" she said, shivering in excitement now.



Written by Master_Jonathan
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