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The sight of her multiple orgasms as well as my own lack of sexual partners lately brought me to my crest sooner than usual. I felt that familiar tingle in my scrotum and felt my balls draw up in preparation for launch.

"Okay slut, I'm about to cum," I warned her.

I make it a habit the first time I am with someone to let them know I am going to cum so they have the opportunity to choose where they want it.

Some women like the taste of cum and some don't. Some are terrified of getting pregnant and some want me to unload inside them. So I let them know and they can decide.

"Oh please Master, please cum inside me. I'm on the pill so it's okay. Please, I want to feel you cum inside me!" she insisted.

And so, since this was our first time, I pulled her down on me and held her tight to my chest. I shoved my cock hard and deep into her, holding it there until I let go with a huge load of hot, sticky cum.

I blasted her pussy walls with my white heat which caused her to go into another simultaneous orgasm. We came together and our fluids mixed, becoming a cum milkshake that leaked out around my cock and ran down my asscrack to the sheets below. But I didn't mind–my focus was on jewel who now lay sobbing on my chest.

I pushed her up to look at her. "Are you all right, jewel? I didn't hurt you did I?" I asked concerned.

"No, Master," she blubbered, "It's just... Oh, Master! Thank you... thank you, thank you, thank you," she said, repeatedly kissing me as she spoke. Then she buried her face back in my shoulder to continue crying. And these weren't little sobs either – she was really bawling!

I just held her and gently rocked her as I let her cry herself out. I thought about how hard it must have been for her – not only was she blind and had to deal with the world on those terms, but she also was a submissive and had no one to serve.

She had been turned down, cast aside, and shunned by every "Master" she had come upon. Until me. It must have been very difficult for her to even try again after so many failures.

A submissive woman lives to serve. That is who and what they are. They are not happy, not complete unless they can be of use to someone. Like a lock without a key, they serve no purpose.

A submissive without a Master to serve is empty, lonely, and lost. So is a Master without a submissive to watch over. Imagine a crossing guard without anyone wanting to cross his street. He just sits there... waiting. A Master completes a submissive just as a submissive completes her Master. Yin and Yang. You can't have light without the darkness.

Once she'd had a good cry and felt better, she sat back up. "I - I'm sorry Master, for crying like a silly baby."

"No, jewel, you have every right to cry. It must have been very hard for you and you were extremely brave to come to me to ask to serve me. It was very brave of you. But you needn't worry about any of that anymore, my treasure. You are mine now, and I am going to make all that happened before fade away," I said.

jewel leaned forward until her face was only inches away. "You already have, my sweet wonderful Master." Then she kissed me deeply, passionately, and with everything she had.

After her epic kiss, she began sliding slowly down my body, kissing me along the way, until she reached my cock still wet with our combined juices. She took me into her mouth and dutifully cleaned my cock spotlessly clean, kissing it afterward and laying her head down on my leg next to it.

We lay there together like that for a long time, enjoying just being together. Me, lying on my back, with my girl between my legs. jewel resting her head on my thigh, purring happily and stroking my cock with her fingertips. It was about as peaceful a scene as I could possibly imagine.

"Master, may I ask you a question?" jewel said.

"What is it, my treasure?" I asked.

"Well, it's kind of personal, Master – is that okay?"

"It's fine my dear. We need to be able to be personal and intimate with each other. I mean we DID just have sex!" 

"Yes, and it was amazing, Master. Okay, did you... love those other girls you told me and Tina about? You're other submissives?" she asked timidly.

"Some of them I did, yes. You can't help but develop strong feelings for each other in a D/s relationship if it's sincere and honest. What we do is oftentimes much more intimate and emotional than even an average marriage.

"Sure, at the start both husband and wife are all about pleasing each other. A new wife happily cooks and cleans and cares for her husband. And a new husband dotes on his wife and thinks she is his whole world. 

"But that giving it all to your partner thing doesn't usually last long before each begins to think about themselves and their needs. 'He is always working or going out with the guys. What about me?' she says. Or he complains, 'She is always tired and never has time for me anymore.' And before long they are in a plain, boring, dull relationship... two people just occupying the same building.

"A D/s relationship however is different. It is based on emptying yourself into the other person. When a D/s relationship really works, the submissive gives 100% of herself to her Master. She holds nothing back for herself and surrenders all.

"The Master also gives 100% of himself to her, holding nothing back. He is completely and totally devoted to his girl. When both give their all to each other, neither goes away feeling less than completely full.

"You empty yourself to me and I fill you back up with me. Like pouring two equal glasses of water back and forth, not spilling even a drop," I explained.

"Oh my God, Master, that's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard," she said.

"Most people don't have any clue how deep a D/s relationship can run. They only see the whips and paddles and ball gags... they have no clue what's behind all the hardware."

"I want to learn everything about D/s, Master. Not just the hardware, although that will be fun. But also the deeper meanings of this Life. I want what you said... the way you described it. That's what I am looking for. That's why I came to you, Master... you know about these things. You aren't just out for a good time or a new toy to play with."

"Well, you are right about that, jewel. If all I wanted was a quick poke and run, I could find that without even trying. But that's not what I'm after. And that not why I accepted you, jewel. You convinced me that you wanted more. You convinced me you were genuine and wanted to know the deeper side of this D/s world."

"I do, Master and I am so happy and grateful you saw that in me and accepted me," she said kissing my cock again.

We lay there for another minute or so, her stroking my cock and me running my fingers through her soft black hair.

"Master, can I ask another question?" she raised her head up to face me.

"What is it?"

"What's in the basement?"

I smiled. Yes, this was a curious one. That trait would serve me well.

"Let's go," I said and took her hand helping her to stand. I walked her down the hall to the door in question. "I keep this door locked because not all my guests need to know what's down here.

"I occasionally have business associates and other vanilla friends over and they don't need to know this side of me. They wouldn't understand anyway. Plus and especially for you, it's just safer if these stairs were secured," I said.

"Yes, Master. Thank you for looking out for me."

I reached up to the header of the door and found the key hidden there. I unlocked the door and took her hand. Flipping on the light switch, I helped her down the stairs to the basement. 

"Welcome to my dungeon, jewel. This is where we will be doing most of our BDSM games. It's a work in progress, but I have a few select pieces I think you will like." 

I started showing her around the basement. "First off, we have a small bench here. This is where you will wait until needed. I may have a second submissive I am working with or I may need to set something up for you. That's what this bench is for.

"Next, we have a spanking bench. It is for spanking an errant sub, but it also works very well for anal toy play and other things.

"This next piece I'm sure you will recognize. It's a St. Andrews Cross and is a staple in any good dungeon.

"Over here is a tall wardrobe that I have modified with extra shelves, hooks, and pegs. It holds all my whips, paddles, restraints, and all the tools I need down here. Next to it is a rolling service trolley like busboys at restaurants use that I can bring what I need around the dungeon without having to walk back and forth.

"Folded here in the corner is a tall stepladder, handy for securing a girl or two. Then we have this area where there is an overhead pulley and a hand winch on the wall. With this and the proper wrist restraints, I can hoist you clear off the floor if I want to.  

"Finally we have a doctor's exam table with foot stirrups–always a lot of fun."

She followed along beside me but she trailed her fingers over each piece exploring them with her touch. I could see she wanted to get to know them more than just a quick once-over.

"I'll tell you what, jewel, I need to go upstairs to check on something. Why don't you walk around and get used to the basement? You'll be spending a lot of time down here and you need to know where everything is at," I said.

"Yes, Master."

"I'll be back in a couple of minutes," I said.

But I didn't go anywhere I just went and sat a couple of steps up the stairs and watched as jewel went from piece to piece touching and exploring. I tried not to laugh when she placed herself on the St. Andrews Cross "test-fitting" it for size.

Then she went to the spanking bench and I heard her soft gasp as she knelt imagining herself getting spanked on the device. She put her ankles and wrists in the holes designed to hold her and thrust her ass out as if she was receiving a spanking.

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But it wasn't until she went over and got on the exam table that I really got interested. She lay down on it and put her feet in the stirrups imagining herself there with me working on her. 

As she lay there daydreaming of being used, I walked quietly over to her. She wasn't aware I was there until I put my hand over her dripping, steaming mound.

"Oh! Master, you startled me," she said, quickly trying to sit up, blushing beet red.

"Just lay there and relax, slut. I see you've got an interest in my exam table. I got this from a doctor friend who was remodeling his office. He was going to try to sell it, but I offered him a good price. Let me show you some of this table's features," I said.

I reached down and took one of the ankle straps and secured one ankle to the stirrup and then the other. Then I moved to her side and swung one of the pivoting arms out, locking it at a good angle.

I secured her wrist to it and then moved to do the same on the other side. Lastly, I laid a wide waist belt over her just above her hips and attached both ends to the table hooks on the sides.

"Now that you are nice and snug on my table, whatever will I do with you?" I said mockingly.   

I walked over to the wardrobe cabinet and got a few things I wanted to try on my new playtoy. I put them on the service trolley and pushed it over next to her.

"Now my little slut, we haven't discussed this, but we need to establish a 'safeword' for you. Are you familiar with what a safeword is?"

"Yes, Master."

"Well, just so we are clear, a safeword is a word that you can use whenever a scene or activity gets to be too much for you. It doesn't necessarily mean it hurts too much... it could be emotionally draining as well. Just whenever you don't feel comfortable or overwhelmed and want to stop, you call out your safeword and everything will stop immediately.

"Your safeword will be Eve – it's easy to remember and no one calls out their own name in the heat of passion! But because we have just started playing, I am going to use the traffic light system instead until we are more used to working together. 

"I will ask you from time to time how you are doing. If you are doing fine and want to continue, you say 'green' and I will know to keep going. If I ask you or you tell me 'yellow', I will know to slow things down a bit because things are getting intense.

"But if you call out 'red', then like your safeword, things will stop instantly and I will release you so we can talk about what happened and why. Understand?"

"Yes, Master. Thank you for keeping me safe."

"I will be introducing you slowly to various aspects of BDSM until I know how you handle things better. Normally, I love seeing my girls in ball gags and cock gags, but they are pretty effective in silencing you and preventing you from calling your safeword. So instead of a ball gag, I am going to use a pair of wadded-up panties as a gag.

"The fact that they are panties from another previous submissive will just serve to shame and humiliate you – having another woman's panties shoved in your mouth keeping you silent while I do what I want with you. But if you need to call out 'red' or your safeword, you can easily spit them out. Do not spit them out unless you are calling your safeword, however, or you will get punished.

"I also enjoy using nipple clamps and your nipples seem particularly suited for clamping. But to start off with, these are tweezer types and can be adjusted to whatever tightness I, and you, decide. Good for starting off with and if I see you can handle more intense clamping, I have other ones I can use later.                                                                                      

"And for my final little toy, I have a clit clip. This device doesn't really clamp, but instead it holds your little love button out and exposed so that I can tease and toy with it, making it deliciously torturous for you, my pretty.

"You see, your Master loves to tease and torment you, driving you out of your mind and reducing you to whimpering begging jello! As you will find out, hearing you beg, plead, and promise me the moon and stars is music to my ears.

"And then, when you feel your mind begin to crack and your world spin out of control, I will bring you back with an earth-shattering orgasm that will have you hoarse from screaming my name!" I said with an evil chuckle.

"Oh God..." she moaned squirming on the table as she tested her restraints.

"No need to test your bonds, my sweet, no one yet has been able to get free of my table once I secured them on it.

"Now we will be exploring your limits... I will take you to the edge of your limits and show you the other side. I will test you. I will bring you to the very edge and hold you there, teetering on the brink of your orgasm.

"We will also be expanding those limits and setting new ones. You will find you are much stronger than you ever imagined. And along the way, you will learn what it truly means to serve a Master."

"Oh Master, that sounds simply wonderful. I want that more than anything in the world." 

"Well then let's get started, shall we?" I picked up a small silver bullet vibrator off the table and turned it on. "The first thing we need to do is get those sensitive little nipples hard and erect again," I said. 

I began to trace small circles first around her left areola (since I was on her left side at the time) and slowly tightened the circle as I worked my way toward her nipple.

"Ohhh..." she moaned, thrusting her tits up toward the pleasurable device.

"So, you like this do you?" I asked with a grin.

"Oh, yes Master... it feels wonderful..."

"Well, we are just getting started, my pretty." Her nipple was firm and erect, but I knew it could do better. I gently pinched and plucked it, lifting it just a bit and letting it go to snap back. jewel gasped the first time I did that, then moaned after each additional time.

When her nipple was nice and hard and fully erect, I took the bullet vibe away. Picking up one of the tweezer clamps, I slid the adjustment ring all the way back opening the tips as wide as I could get them.

I put the tips on either side of her nipple and slid the ring up until she moaned and then just a bit further until she gasped. She didn't protest or complain, but I knew that was far enough for now.

I repeated the same procedure with her other nipple, teasing it with the vibrator and plucking it to get it hard, then attaching the tweezer clamp.

"There, you look amazing, my sweet... your lovely pink nipples clamped so deliciously. How does that feel?" I asked.

"It feels wonderful, Master. Does it really make my nipples look good?" she asked.

"Good enough to eat, beautiful," I said, and to show her, I lowered my mouth down to give her nipple a long slow lick.

"Ohhh God, Master! Oh, please..."

"Not yet my pretty... we have more work to do before we can enjoy ourselves." I moved around between her spread and raised legs. I love the way my exam table makes my girl so accessible and exposed. I know most women hate that damn exam table, but for me, it's pure genius!

jewel was already glistening with dampness and I had barely even begun with her. She would get a lot wetter and wilder as we progressed, I knew that.

I sat down on the small-wheeled stool like the OB/GYN doctor uses and moved up close to my work. With the fingers of my left hand, I spread her outer labia to get to her inner labia and clit hood. With my right-hand fingers, I spread the two arms of the slip-on clit clip.

It's basically a bobby pin sort of thing with two smooth arms and at the ends are dangling little beads, either round ones or square ones that reflect the light. I slid the open end of the clip in behind her clit hood and inner lips, pushing it down to securely hold her sensitive inner areas for my use.

"There how does that feel, my sweet?" I asked her, making sure I wasn't hurting her.

"It feels a little strange, but it's not painful or uncomfortable. Just strange," she said.

"Well, it will feel a lot better once we get started, trust me!" I hinted.

With that, I picked up the bullet vibe again and clicked it on. I touched the buzzing device to her protruding clit and the fireworks began.

"OHHH FUCK, MASTER! OH-MY-GOD," she screamed as the vibrations raced up her spine to her brain.

Instantly, she tried to buck and close her legs but of course, neither was possible. I pulled the vibe away after a moment and she started to relax. Another application of the vibrator sent her right back into orbit.

But instead of just a quick touch and pull away like the first one, this time I held the device in place against her clit and pussy lips longer. Torturously long. jewel bucked and twisted and squirmed trying to escape the hellish machine, but she was bound too tightly to be effective in that.

"Oh, God Master! Oh please, please. I... I can't... Oh, fuck! Ohh fuck, fuck, fuck!" she babbled as her pussy caught fire.

The application of the small, but powerful bullet vibe directly on her protruding clit was sheer hell for her. There was nothing to help absorb the vibrations. Everything was concentrated on one of the most sensitive spots in her whole body and there was nothing she could do to help relieve it.

I worked her swollen clit, moving the buzzing demon around to make sure I hit every part of her clit, then down along her slobbering slit and back up to torment her love button again. I kept building the pressure and raising her arousal until finally, she couldn't take it anymore.

"Oh, God Master! Please, please let me cum. Oh please, I need to cum so badly. Please Master..." she cried.

"Not yet, slut. Don't you cum yet," I said sternly. The groan of disappointment made me smile. I knew she would fight this battle for as long as she could. I also knew that ultimately she would lose.

Written by Master_Jonathan
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