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Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace Part One - Chapters 1-4

Mac and Grace enjoy their wedding night and deal with a curve ball thrown their way.

Chapter One Grace Stewart felt her body trembling nervously as the man she was about to give herself to slowly unzipped her dress. She stepped out of it as he unhooked her bra and slid her blue panties down over her hips, letting everything fall to the floor. An erotic shiver ran down her spine when he kissed the back of her neck and said, “Mine.” Her eyes fluttered as she moaned softly in agreement, “Yours.” Strong hands...

Amazing Grace Part Two - Chapters 5-8

Mac and Grace head to Chicago.

Chapter Five “Wake up, darling. We’ve just landed in Amsterdam,” Grace said as she nudged Mac gently. Mac was surprised. Usually, he was not one to doze off on short flights. But he had to admit that he felt better than he had when they had boarded the plane for their 6:00 a.m. flight. “Did you manage to sleep at all?” he asked Grace. She shook her head, “No, but I think I’ll have some Chamomile tea before our next flight...

Amazing Grace Part Three - Chapters 9-12

Grace comforts Mac while dealing with his outrageous family.

Chapter Nine Marcus Stewart sat at the head of his dining room table. It had been eons since both of his children, McKinley and Aislyn, had been present at this table, and now, they were joined by his son’s new wife, Grace. He couldn’t help but be impressed that McKinley had chosen a woman who was not only gorgeous and intelligent but one who seemed to be able to hold her own even in this dysfunctional house. He was only...

Amazing Grace Part Four - Chapters 13-16

Mac discovers a family secret that throws him off balance.

Chapter Thirteen Grace woke up refreshed and happy. She was curled up against the man she loved, the one who had induced her coma-like sleep by treating her body to mind-blowing sex. It was a welcome treat after spending a few days with his despicable family. She thought wistfully about her own parents. Would they be proud of her if they were still alive? Would they love Mac because she did? Would they love her despite al...

Amazing Grace Part Five - Chapters 17-20

Grace wonders if the passion will last...

Chapter Seventeen Mac woke up to an empty bed and felt discombobulated for a moment. Then, he grabbed his phone and saw that it was only 5:30 a.m. “Grace?” When no reply came, he got out of bed and wandered into the living room. There she was with a cup of tea in her hands while staring intently at her laptop. “Babe? What are you doing up so early?” he asked. “Oh, sorry. I hope I didn’t wake you. I’m just rearranging the...

Amazing Grace Part Six - Chapters 21-24

Grace and Mac find a good balance between work and play while in Edinburgh

Chapter Twenty-One The next day required Mac and Grace to rise early. Grace had arranged for a car to take them to Loch Ness and Urquhart Castle on a private tour. The guide’s name was Andrew, and he’d agreed to pick them up from the hotel. “This is the best way to do this tour in one day,” Grace insisted. “Besides, Andrew says he has many stories about Scotland that he can share. So, the ride there won’t seem so intermin...

Amazing Grace Part Seven - Chapters 25-28

Mac and Grace enjoy some time as newlyweds at home in New York.

Chapter Twenty-Five Grace woke early and found herself alone in bed. She got up, put on her robe, and began searching for her husband. The logical place to look was in his office, of course. She just hoped she remembered which level it was on. Then she heard his voice coming from the terrace. She poked her head out and found it unseasonably warm. Mac was sitting at a little table, drinking tea and talking to someone on th...

Amazing Grace Part Eight - Chapters 29-32

How does Dominic handle the news that he is McKinley's true father?

Chapter Twenty-Nine Mac felt like he’d been punched in the stomach. He hadn’t intended to blurt out the news to Dominic that they were father and son. He wished Dom would say something, anything, but his only response had been to request a drink. Grace’s stomach was in knots. She wished she could wave a magic wand and fast forward past this awkwardness. She was sure that Dominic would be thrilled that Mac was his son once...

Amazing Grace Part Nine - Chapters 33-36

Grace and Mac are apart for the first time since the beginning of their relationship.

Chapter Thirty-Three Grace sat curled up in her favorite chair in the library with a cup of tea and her laptop. Dominic’s flight wasn’t until later in the evening, so he and Mac were in the theatre room watching more Three Stooges and laughing like hyenas. Grace could only handle watching Moe poke Curly in the eyes so many times, so she’d opted out of the father/son bonding activity. When Bentley came into the room, Grace...

Amazing Grace Part Ten - Chapters 37-40

Grace arranges for the house staff to come in late on Saturday...

Chapter Thirty-Seven Mac woke up alone. He glanced at the clock and saw it was nearly 9:00 a.m. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d slept so late. He wondered why Grace hadn’t woken him when she got up. He got up and threw on a T-shirt and boxers as he hadn’t bothered to put anything on after fucking his sexy wife in their incredibly comfortable new bed last night. He thought he’d find her in the library, but when he...

Amazing Grace Part Eleven - Chapters 41-44

Mac and Grace start and end their day with some yummy "dessert"

Chapter Forty-One “Mmm, good morning, my beautiful wife,” Mac moaned softly into Grace’s ear as he cupped her luscious breasts. Grace sighed, “Good morning, my gorgeous husband. What time is it?” “It’s early, only 6:00, but I woke up wanting you, sorry.” Grace laughed, “Don’t apologize for wanting me, silly. I can’t think of a better way to be roused from my slumber than to have the sexiest man alive touch me like this. A...

Amazing Grace Part Twelve - Chapters 45-48

Mac and Grace head to Ireland

Chapter Forty-Five Grace was feeling rather pleased with herself for hiring Avery Bailey to be the new administrative assistant for the New York home office. He was a quick study and eager to please. Plus, he was outgoing and friendly but not overbearing. Mac seemed equally impressed and suggested that they might be able to head to Ireland sooner than later. “I feel better knowing he is Bentley’s nephew. But even if he we...

Amazing Grace Part Thirteen Chapters 49-52

Mac and Grace find time to enjoy each other amidst their business in Ireland

Chapter Forty-Nine Grace and Mac woke up the next morning wrapped in each other’s arms. After having spent their first day in town enjoying many hours of hotel sex, they had worn each other out and slept quite soundly. “Good morning, stud,” Grace said playfully. “Good morning, gorgeous,” Mac said as he got out of bed to make them both some tea. “That was a delightful way to spend a day, but I am excited to get out and see...

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Amazing Grace Part Fourteen Chapters 53-56

Mac and Grace enjoy business and pleasure as they finish their time in Ireland

Chapter Fifty-Three Mac felt more content than he had at any point in his life. The day had been magical, and now his pretty red-haired wife cuddled up to him in the back seat of the car and slept peacefully. He watched Grace’s face, so relaxed in her slumber, and felt his heart bursting with love for her. “Go ahead and rest, my sweet wife,” Mac whispered. “You’ll need your strength for later.” He would, too, he realized,...

Amazing Grace Part Fifteen Chapters 57-60

Mac and Grace enjoy a daytime tryst in the office.

Chapter Fifty-Seven Two weeks after returning home from a successful trip in Ireland, McKinley Stewart felt pretty proud of himself. While his lovely wife, Grace, knew that Mac’s father, Dominic, was planning to be in town for her birthday, she was gloriously oblivious to the fact that a surprise party was in the works for her. With the help of Bentley, the house manager, Mac and Dominic managed to arrange a Halloween-the...

Score 56 56
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Amazing Grace Part Sixteen Chapters 61-64

Mac surprises Grace with a birthday party...and an afterglow...

Chapter Sixty-One When Randall arrived to pick up Mac and Grace, he indicated the need to stall a bit more while the guests for her surprise birthday party had time to get into their Halloween costumes after a delayed flight made them later than anticipated. Mac grinned. “Well, Randall, drive around a bit, and for both our sakes, please keep the privacy window closed.” Randall blushed. It was a little disconcerting that h...

Score 45 45
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Amazing Grace Part Seventeen Chapters 65-68

Grace and Mac travel to Krakow

Chapter Sixty-Five Grace’s surprise birthday party had been a smashing success and the weekend festivities with their out-of-town guests were equally memorable. But Mac had to admit, he was happy when it was time for everyone to go, and he had Grace all to himself again. He found Grace sitting in the library with her laptop, looking up flights to Amsterdam. “Are we going somewhere?” he asked as he rubbed her shoulders. “Y...

Score 44 44
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Amazing Grace Part Eighteen Chapters 69-72

Mac and Grace head back to Amsterdam.

Chapter Sixty-Nine Grace woke up to the soft teasing of Mac’s tongue on her nipples. “Mmm. Have I ever told you how much I enjoy that you’re insatiable?” she laughed. Mac grinned up at her like a horny college boy. “How can I be anything but insatiable with you?” Grace put her arms over her head seductively. “I’m all yours; use me for your pleasure, Sir.” He chuckled, “Oh, I think I’d rather start with your pleasure, my s...

Amazing Grace Part Nineteen Chapters 73-76

Mac and Grace enjoy the rest of their time in Amsterdam before coming home to get ready for Christmas.

Chapter Seventy-Three Jan Spoorman, a Dutch tour guide, opened the door to his passenger and back seats. "Someone can sit up front," he said, hoping the pretty redhead would choose to do so. Sadly, she declined. "Mac, you've got longer legs; you should sit up front." It wasn't a total loss, as he could sneak peeks at her in the rear-view mirror. She was lovely to look at and had an aura about her that assured him that thi...

Score 45 45
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Amazing Grace Part Twenty Chapters 77-80

Mac reacts to the news that he is going to be a father.

Chapter Seventy-Seven Mac looked at the plus sign on the stick that looked like a thermometer, and it dawned on him what this meant. He looked up at Grace and, with misty eyes, asked, "Are you pregnant?" "Yes, although I thought you'd be more excited. Merry Christmas, you're going to be a father." She turned away and tried hard to hide her disappointment, but tears spilled down her cheeks anyway. Mac picked Grace up and t...

Score 41 41
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Amazing Grace Part Twenty-One Chapters 81-84

Mac and Grace head out west for a mix of business and pleasure.

Chapter Eighty-One Grace came back from the airplane lavatory looking tired and pale. Mac was a little worried about her, but at least her skin didn't have a gray/green hue anymore. "Are you okay, baby?" he asked, trying not to sound too much like a mother hen. "Put it this way. Today would not be a good time to have a meeting of the Mile High Club, but I'm starting to feel a little more settled." Mac smiled. He felt bett...

Chapter Eighty-Five After a delicious dinner, Mac and Grace joined their hosts, Jeff and Elle Duncan, outside for some homemade apple pie. Mac had been right about how lovely this couple was, and Grace felt far more at ease than she’d anticipated. “You have a beautiful home,” Grace commented as she sipped the lemonade Elle had served with dessert. “I suppose it gets pretty hot in the summer, though.” “Oh, yeah, it gets sc...

Amazing Grace Part Twenty-Four Chapters 93-96

Mac and Grace take a little time for themselves after she deals with Ian.

Chapter Ninety-Three Miguel Castillo couldn’t remember a time in his life when he’d been truly and thoroughly embarrassed. But all that changed earlier that morning. He hadn’t meant to see what he’d seen, although that wasn’t the worst part. His reaction, or at least his body’s reaction to what he saw, had him feeling a little mortified. Traffic was not as bad as he’d anticipated, and he’d arrived quite early to pick up M...

Amazing Grace Part Twenty-Five Chapters 97-99

Mac and Grace reconnect in New York

Chapter Ninety-Seven The snow had mostly melted when Mac and Grace returned to New York after cutting their L.A. trip short. It made it a little easier to accept that they’d had to leave the west coast warmth sooner than planned because of a mild complication with Grace’s pregnancy. The spotting had stopped, and she was fine, but she and Mac had an appointment with her doctor right after lunch. Hopefully, that would help...

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Amazing Grace Part Twenty-Six Chapters 100-103

Mac and Grace sneak in an afternoon romp.

Chapter One Hundred After an interminably long winter, Spring had finally sprung in New York City, and Grace was thrilled that she could finally walk around outside without Mac’s constant worry that she would slip on the ice. After weeks of insisting that their driver, Randall, take her everywhere, it was lovely to be able to walk a couple of blocks to the park to enjoy the fresh air. Not to say that she minded all of Mac...

Amazing Grace Part Twenty-Seven Chapters 104-107

Grace gets what she wants and needs as her due date looms.

Chapter One Hundred Four Mac held firm to his promise to make time for Grace during the middle of the day whenever possible during the beginning of her third trimester. On a busy day, they would spend their lunch break in the pool or on the rooftop terrace. When they had more time, their favorite outing was a walk to Central Park for a picnic or to check out the zoo. On one particularly slow day, they took a one-hour ferr...