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Author's Notes

"Mac and Grace decide to put off their honeymoon yet again to travel to a few of their offices in the western US. <p> [ADVERT] </p>But these two know how to mix business with pleasure!"

Chapter Eighty-One

Grace came back from the airplane lavatory looking tired and pale. Mac was a little worried about her, but at least her skin didn't have a gray/green hue anymore.

"Are you okay, baby?" he asked, trying not to sound too much like a mother hen.

"Put it this way. Today would not be a good time to have a meeting of the Mile High Club, but I'm starting to feel a little more settled."

Mac smiled. He felt better knowing she could joke with him.

As morning sickness went, hers hadn't been too terribly rough. But every once in a while, nausea reared its ugly head.

He helped her get comfortable in her seat and draped a blanket over her. He was glad to be headed to a warmer climate. It would be sixty-eight degrees and sunny once they landed in Phoenix, and the forecast looked to be a little warmer each day. It wouldn't take long to get from the airport to their hotel in Scottsdale; then, she could have some tea and rest all she wanted.

Mac was glad Grace had convinced him to travel on a Friday. They would have the weekend to either relax or do some sightseeing depending on how she felt, and they wouldn't have to head into the office until Monday.

Grace made a happy, sighing sound, reveling in Mac's attentiveness. She was delighted that he seemed to have found just the right balance, not excessive or smothering in his attention, but definitely stepping up his caretaking role. She managed to drift off to sleep and napped for most of the remainder of the flight.

Mac nudged her gently when they landed at Sky Harbor Airport and helped her gather her carry-on items. They met their driver, Jason, down by baggage claim and were soon headed toward Fairmont Scottsdale Princess, where the Presidential Suite awaited them.

When they entered the room, Mac smiled. He had never stayed at this hotel, but he was pleasantly surprised at how perfect the room was.

"I have to admit, I wasn't sure about staying somewhere unfamiliar, but you chose very well, my love," Mac said as he brought their luggage into the spacious bedroom.

"I'd love to take credit for this, but I simply gave Avery some parameters and then gave the final okay on everything he chose," Grace admitted.

"Parameters?" Mac asked curiously.

"King bed, living area, kitchen, workspace with desk, and the ability to host small meetings if we should choose to do so," Grace replied. "Then I added my own desires. Patio, jacuzzi tub, large pool, and two bathrooms."

"Two bathrooms? I thought your morning sickness was getting better."

"It is. I wanted two bathrooms if we decided to conduct any business in our suite. I'd rather not have clients or colleagues using the same bathroom we do."

Mac's brows furrowed. "Since when did you become snooty?"

"Is it snooty to not want staff to stumble upon my cordless vibrating wand charging in the bathroom?"

"Ohh," Mac laughed, feeling stupid that he would even think Grace had become full of herself. "Well, yeah, that might be awkward. You're always thinking, Grace."

She smiled. "And who's being snooty? You weren't even sure this hotel was good enough by your standards."

"Touché, my dear. And I should have known better than to doubt you."

"Now, I'd like to get settled in, nap a little more, and then grab a quick shower. After that, we can have an early dinner and then explore Old Town. Sound good?"

"Sounds wonderful. Since I am assuming you really want to sleep a little, I will leave you alone and answer some emails while you rest."

"Perfect. Just don't let me sleep more than an hour, okay?"

Mac nodded and grinned. He knew just how he would wake her.

The room was perfectly set up for a week's worth of business and pleasure. The kitchen had already been stocked, and the desk had all the necessary supplies. Mac wondered if that was Grace's doing or Avery's. Probably a combination of both.

She'd done well hiring Avery. He could anticipate things quite well and would, no doubt, keep things running smoothly in New York while he and Grace were out west. Of course, it helped that he was Bentley’s nephew. It was easier to trust someone whose uncle had been his house manager for years.

Mac puttered around for the next hour, answering emails, looking at things to do in Phoenix and Scottsdale, and enjoying a glass of wine. When it was time to wake Grace, he stripped off his clothes and climbed on the bed, straddling her.

"Ms. Grace, it's time to wake up. Your naked masseuse is here to make every part of you feel good," he teased.

"Mmm, that sounds amazing. Good thing I'm naked under these covers; it will make it a lot easier for you to get at every part," she teased back.

He pulled the comforter back to reveal his lovely wife and marveled at her breasts. "Are they getting bigger? Or is it my imagination?"

Grace laughed. "It’s part of pregnancy, darling."

“Well, that’s fucking hot!” he said enthusiastically just before he guided one into his mouth.

“What happened to my massage?” Grace asked, pretending to pout.

“I’n nathaging your tiths with ny tongue,” he said, the words muffled as her left breast was still occupying his mouth.

“Mmm, well, that does feel fabulous. Carry on; I will lie here and revel in your technique,” Grace said playfully.

His hands and tongue continued to enjoy every inch of her body, eliciting moans of pleasure from her as his manhood grew stiff for her.

“If it pleases you, Ms. Grace, it’s time for your happy ending. Spread those gorgeous legs for me so I can fill you up.”

“Oh, it pleases me. Very much so!” Grace said as she opened her legs to accommodate him. Mac rubbed the tip of his cock along her drenched, pink folds, parting them as he pushed his rigid shaft into her slowly.

“Oh, God, Mac, you feel so fucking good in me!” Grace cried out.

“Yes, I do,” Mac agreed as he moved in slow, deliberate strokes, enjoying her silky, wet walls.

He watched her face as her eyes fluttered, and she bit her bottom lip gently. She continued to purr and moan as her glorious tits bounced in rhythm with his thrusts.

In time, he picked up his pace as he read her body language that practically screamed out for more. As he pumped into her juicy wetness, she cried out, “Yes! Yes! Yes!”

“Mm, fuck, Grace! Your pussy is so fucking amazing!” Mac shouted in return as he felt the familiar tightness in his sac. Within seconds, he felt her orgasm, followed by the release of his semen as he filled her.

“Oh, my God, Mac!” Grace screamed as yet another wave of pleasure washed over her. “Fuck, yessss!”


Chapter Eighty-Two

After they showered, Grace’s stomach started growling. She wondered if she should grab something little to hold her over until they got to the restaurant. However, Jason was waiting for them to whisk them off to Old Town.

“No worries, my love. Jason has been my driver on past visits to Scottsdale. I guarantee he will have something to munch on,” Mac reassured her as they walked to the car.

“It’s about a twenty-five-minute drive,” Jason informed them. “But there is some water and snacks in the back for you. Please help yourself.”

Grace opted for some pretzels to stave off the hunger she felt growing in her belly. In the early stages of her pregnancy, she lost weight due to nausea. Now, as she was in the second trimester, she knew she would have to be careful not to devour everything in sight, lest she end up weighing four hundred pounds.

Mac opened a bag of chips and scarfed them down. “I guess I was hungrier than I realized,” he said, crunching the last chip. He debated opening a second bag, but he didn’t want to spoil his dinner.

It made Grace feel better that it wasn’t just her that felt ravenous.

They settled on fajitas at Julio’s Too. Mac ordered a Coke, surprising Grace.

“Sweetie, you can order a cocktail or a beer, you know. It doesn’t bother me,” she said.

“I know, I just feel like a Coke,” he answered. Grace shrugged and ordered herself water to drink.

They enjoyed their casual dinner and spent a few hours walking around holding hands and window shopping. They popped into a few stores but ended up heading back to the hotel without any purchases.

“I’ll be arriving at 7:00 a.m. to pick you up tomorrow for your day trip to Sedona,” Jason commented as he looked at his passengers in the rearview mirror. “Dress for comfort, light clothing, and tennis shoes, and don’t forget the sunscreen.”

Mac laughed. “My wife already has everything ready for the excursion,” he said. “But thanks for the reminder.”

Jason’s eyes met Grace’s in the mirror. He’d been told Mr. Stewart would be bringing his wife this time, but he hadn’t been prepared for how beautiful she was. A hint of desire showed in his eyes before he looked away. He hadn’t meant to look at her like that. But he was a man, after all, and she was gorgeous.

Mac caught the silent interaction and frowned. Then he shook it off, realizing that a man would have to be blind not to look at Grace. Instead of being irritated, he found himself feeling oddly proud.

Back in their suite, Grace changed into a sheer pink nightgown and donned the burgundy robe that had been part of her wardrobe Mac purchased for her when she was his escort. Mac made them some tea and sat curled up on the couch together.

Mac kissed the top of Grace’s head and tucked her hair behind her ear. Grace sighed contentedly.

“I had fun today,” she said quietly. “I’m looking forward to seeing Sedona tomorrow.”

He’d seen Sedona dozens of times, but he was sure that seeing it through her eyes would make it seem all the more exciting. She had a way of making him feel like he was experiencing places for the first time when he was with her. It made him feel warm inside.

“I love you, Grace,” he said as he pulled her in closer for a loving embrace.

She looked up at him, her face devoid of the makeup she’d washed off a while ago, and said, “I love you too, Mac.”

He tilted her face to his and kissed her gently on the lips. He’d initially thought to take her here on the couch, but he was enjoying the tender moment far too much to rush things in that direction.

From the subtle kiss to tongues dancing, they enjoyed the romance and passion of being lovers and soulmates. It was Grace who became greedy, grabbing a handful of Mac’s nearly black hair and repositioning herself on his lap. His own hands wove their way into her long red curls before moving down to the swell of her breasts peeking out over the top of the robe.

Mac undid the sash and slipped the soft burgundy garment off her shoulders. He could see everything he desired through the sheer pink material, and it made his shaft grow even harder than it already was.

“God, you’re beautiful, Grace. You make me want you. Let me carry you to the bed and make love to you.”

“What’s wrong with right here on the couch?” she asked playfully.

“Uh-uh,” he said, shaking his head. “I want you on the bed where I can spread you open and take my time with you.”

Grace smirked. She didn’t mind moving to the bed one bit. It was far more comfortable, after all. She let him scoop her up and transport her to the bedroom, and when she landed gently on the bed, she lay back and opened her legs for him.

“Is this what you want?” she asked provocatively. “Because it's all yours. Yours to play with, nibble on, devour, and fuck.”

Mac stripped off his clothes quickly and joined her on the bed, tracing two fingers over her belly until he reached her bare mound. He wished he could explain why seeing the swell of her abdomen was so arousing. But it made him burn for her even more.

Not wanting to rush, he kissed a trail of soft, wet kisses up the insides of each thigh, landing on the same silky spot he had toyed with moments ago. He ran his tongue along her pink folds, then penetrated her with his fingers while he lapped at her juices. He had her climaxing within seconds and drank her sweet nectar.

He repeated this sensual act several times until she was breathless and begging.

“God, Mac! Please fuck me! I need you so badly. Please, I need your cock inside me!”

He thought about making her wait longer, but his own need prevented him from holding back any longer. Pushing her knees apart, he entered her slowly and watched as a look of sheer pleasure washed over her face.

“Mm, how can I refuse such a desperate request?”

Mac thrust into her slowly while he used his thumb to stimulate her sensitive clit. As their bodies moved in unison, they both inched closer to orgasm.

“Faster, harder, more!” Grace screamed as she writhed beneath him. He gave her what she begged for, and then some, and they came together in an intense climax that left them both shaking and panting.

“Holy fuck, Mac!” Grace laughed as she lay there, trying to catch her breath. “No one’s ever made me feel the way you do.”

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Mac felt joy overwhelm him. It was no secret that Grace had been with many different men in her past. So, her compliment made him feel especially pleased and proud. He loved knowing that he was to her everything she was to him. It felt incredible to have and belong to the love of his life.

After Grace moisturized her face and brushed her teeth, she climbed back into bed. Mac spooned her, basking in the afterglow of love and sex. He nipped playfully at her shoulder and followed it up with a kiss.

“Thank you,” he whispered hoarsely.

“Why on earth are you thanking me? I should be thanking you!” she laughed.

“Thank you for being my best friend, my lover, and my wife, not to mention a kickass partner. You’d think by now I’d be used to how amazing you are, Grace. But you never cease to make me wonder what I did to deserve you. I’m so lucky.”

“I didn’t hear you mention that I’m your slut anywhere in there,” Grace teased.

“Oh, sorry, of course, my little nympho. You’re my slut too!”

Grace wiggled her backside against Mac. “But you're wrong. I’m the lucky one.”

“I suppose we can agree that we both found luck and love the day you walked into my office.”

Grace nodded as her head hugged the pillow. “Mm-hm. Now, let’s get to sleep. Jason will be here to pick us up bright and early.”

Mac paused for a moment. “Hey, Grace, do you think Jason is attractive?”

He felt like an idiot for even asking. But the words were out there; no way to take them back now.

“Of course, he’s attractive. Sandy blond hair, blue eyes, and a wickedly handsome smile,” Grace admitted. “And not at all my type. I prefer dark hair and dark eyes. Besides, why would I want attractive when the man I’m sleeping with is gorgeous?”

“You’re sleeping with someone?” Mac asked as a twinge of panic rose in his stomach.

You, McKinley. I’m sleeping with you. Or at least I’m trying to sleep. Close your eyes and stop worrying. I’m madly in love with my husband and love the fact that he got me knocked up. I might notice a handsome face here or there, but I don’t want anyone but you.”


Chapter Eighty-Three

The following day, Grace tried hard to keep her eyes open as Jason talked about the sights along the way from Scottsdale to Sedona. But the warm sun shining in the window and the lack of a good night’s sleep had her dozing.

Once they arrived, she took a few sips of the ice water in her Yeti and hoped it would be enough to stop her from feeling so drowsy. She would have killed for a Coke or Pepsi at the moment, but she’d sworn off caffeine since she found out she was pregnant and was sorry she had mentioned it to Mac. She knew that research would agree she could have a twelve-ounce can of cola here and there and still be safe. But he gave her the evil eye when he saw her reaching for a Coke last week, so she decided it also wouldn’t hurt to try to kick caffeine altogether.

They’d already argued about whether taking a Pink Jeep Tour was safe, with Grace conceding to go on the Ancient Ruin Tour since it was listed as mild rather than bumpy or rugged. She tried hard not to be annoyed at his being so overprotective. After all, this was his baby too. Instead, she embraced that his being a doting, hands-on husband during the pregnancy would likely lead to him being a doting, hands-on dad. That part made her smile. And that was why she would keep her caffeine craving to herself and be satisfied with the ice water Mac had made sure to bring along for her.

Jason headed into the office to purchase the tickets for the tour while Mac read the tour details to Grace.

“This unique, archaeological tour offers an up-close look at Sedona cliff dwellings…”

He was interrupted by the buzz of his phone. He ignored it, but the text buzzing gave way to a phone call buzzing.

“Go ahead and answer it,” Grace said. “I read the brochure already. This is going to be a cool tour even if it isn’t bumpy,” she teased.

Mac nodded and answered. “McKinley Stewart, Stewart Enterprises,” he said, trying not to be annoyed by the interruption on his day off.

“Well, hello McKinley!” a woman’s voice chirped.

“Hi, Daniella, what can I do you for?” Mac answered, working hard to sound friendly rather than irritated.

“I’m just getting ready for your visit here in Los Angeles soon, and I wondered if you needed anything special set up for your stay,” Daniella replied. “You know, a massage, a haircut, or anything to make you feel more at home while you’re here.” There was mischief in her voice, and it made him uncomfortable.

“Why, isn’t that thoughtful?” Mac responded, hoping Grace couldn’t hear what Daniella had said on the other end. But one look at his very astute wife told him that she had surmised this call was not business.

“Daniella, I appreciate your thoughtfulness, but my wife handles all that kind of stuff for me now,” he said into the phone and winked at Grace. “She’s more than just my COO and my partner; she knows what I like and how I like it.”

“Oh, well, you know me, just trying to be helpful,” Daniella answered, feeling a tad surprised by this unfamiliar version of her boss. “Let me know if anything changes.”

Daniella hung up the phone, feeling perplexed. In all the years she had worked for McKinley, he never struck her as the type to settle down. Even when he was engaged to Louise, he still appreciated a massage by a busty blonde or a late-night drink with an aspiring model or wannabe actress. It was L.A., for fuck’s sake.

This redhead must be pretty fucking amazing for McKinley to turn down any of the typical creature comforts Daniella had been accustomed to setting up for her boss. Admittedly, she had thought Grace Remy Stewart was more or less a good business move. She hadn’t considered that McKinley actually loved his wife. Well, good for him! She looked forward to meeting this woman.

Suddenly, she hoped she hadn’t done anything to jeopardize her own position in the firm by suggesting she make arrangements for Mr. Stewart’s needs. She felt a moment of panic until a fabulous idea popped into her head.

She picked up her phone and shot off a text to McKinley.

Hey, if Grace needs anything, just let me know.

Mac smiled. He appreciated her attempt and decided just to let it go. Once they were in L.A., Daniella would see why he no longer needed her assistance in matters other than business. He had his amazing Grace.

Grace glanced at Mac with a suspicious eye. “Everything good?”

“Yeah, everything is fine. Daniella means well. She always wants to make sure everything is perfect when I’m in L.A. She’s a little thrown off since I don’t need anything. I have you!”

“You mean anyone?” Grace asked, raising her eyebrows.

“To be fair, she just texted and asked if you needed anything,” Mac laughed. “I really think you’ll both like each other once you meet.”

Grace nodded, but she’d reserve judgment for once they got to L.A.


Chapter Eighty-Four

Jason came back with the tickets and a couple of bottles of water for Mac and Grace and led them to the Pink Jeep, where their guide, Noah, waited for them. Noah was handsome in a rugged way and flashed a smile that Grace was sure had made some orthodontist rich.

“Just a little bit about the tour; we will be learning about the Sinagua people and seeing painted pictographs, carved petroglyphs, and ancient artifacts,” Noah explained. “We’ll also see seven-hundred-year-old cliff dwellings. I will tell you about their high desert farming techniques, far-reaching trade system, and theories about why they mysteriously vanished.”

“Is it just us?” Grace asked.

 “Yep, just us,” Noah smiled, fingering the extra Benjamins in his pocket that Mac had slipped him via Jason. He was only too happy to make it a private tour for Mr. and Mrs. Stewart and their driver with a generous tip like that.

Once they got rolling, Mac was amused to see both Jason and Noah trying to steal glances at Grace without being outwardly apparent. She seemed oblivious to their attention, and Mac realized it was harmless. It wasn’t as if these men were outwardly flirting with his wife. But he’d bet a year’s worth of bonuses that both of them were picturing her naked in their minds. Still, they remained professional and friendly. It actually made Mac rather proud to know that his stunning wife could stir up feelings of desire in others, even being four months pregnant.

As he watched her work to tame her red hair into a ponytail, he shifted in his seat so that his own desire wouldn’t be noticeable. It was funny how it didn’t take much to make him hard for her.

On the way to the Honanki Heritage Site, Noah pointed out landmarks and red rock formations. The history geek inside of Grace perked up and needed no caffeine to stay alert now. She was enjoying every moment of the tour.

But hours later, when the tour was over, and it was time to head back to Scottsdale, Grace fell fast asleep with her head on Mac’s shoulder. Jason glanced in his rearview mirror and felt a tinge of envy. But he supposed when a man looked like McKinley Stewart and had money coming out of his ears, having a beautiful, sexy wife came with the territory. Or maybe some guys were just luckier than others.

When they arrived back at the hotel, Mac nudged Grace and helped her out of the car.

“Text me when you are ready to go to dinner at the Duncan residence,” Jason said.

“I’m not sure we are going to go. I think Grace might want to stay in tonight.”

“Nonsense,” Grace replied. “I had a wonderful power nap in the car, and I am good to go.”

Jason nodded and smiled. “I will see you later then.”

As they stepped into the suite, Mac asked, “Are you sure you’re up to going out tonight?”

“I’m positive. I’d hate for Elle and Jeff to have gone to all that trouble to host us, only for us to cancel. Besides, it’s going to their house, not out on the town. I’ve had my nap; now all I need is some sex and a shower, and I’ll be all set.”

Mac raised an eyebrow and grinned. “I can help with the sex part.”

“Mmm, I was counting on that.”

“Now, what kind of sex does my gorgeous wife require?”

“Hmm, something that starts off as a slow burn and builds till it becomes a full-fledged five-alarm fire.”

“Strip of your clothes for me,” Mac demanded.

Grace removed each article of clothing one by one, with sultry provocative moves that had Mac hard almost instantly. When the last item fell, a red lacy bra, she flung herself on the bed and opened her legs.

Mac undressed quickly and joined her, planting soft, wet kisses on each of her inner thighs before landing on her smooth, bare mound. He licked tiny circles and figure-eights until her back arched, and she moaned with need. Then he devoured her.

He was relentless and had her panting and crying out, “Oh, my God, Mac! Yes! Yes! Yes!”

His face covered in her sweet nectar, he repositioned himself and rubbed the tip of his cock against her drenched sex. He teased her like this until his own need took over, and he slid into her soft, wet walls.

God, she was so tight! Her pussy gripped his shaft and nearly had him spilling his seed before a single thrust! He took a deep breath to steady himself, and when he felt he had control again, he moved in deliberate strokes, making her moan.

He looked at her face and saw intense pleasure. He picked up his pace just a little until she begged for more.

“Fuck me harder, deeper, faster!” Grace screamed.

“If you insist, my love,” Mac said, giving his sexy wife precisely what she needed and demanded. He fucked her with wild abandon, sending her over again and again until his balls tightened, and it was his turn to cry out, “Oh, fuck yeah!”

They collapsed together on the bed, hearts pounding and breath panting, both ridiculously sated and content. Mac pulled Grace into his arms and kissed the top on her head.

“You make me so damned happy, Gracie,” he said softly. “I’m the luckiest man in the world.”

“Ditto, except I’m the luckiest woman,” she replied.

When they could move, Grace headed to the shower. Mac had intended to let her be, but when he walked into the bathroom and saw her lathering her breasts with shower gel, his cock twitched.

Grace laughed and said, “Get in, stud.”

He replaced her hands with his own, smoothing the gel into her soft skin. Eventually, they landed on her ass, and she purred. He turned her around so her hands were on the tile wall and spread her legs apart so he could take her again in the shower. As he moved to enter her, she moaned.

He thrust into her slowly while he reached around and found her hard little nub just begging for attention. It didn’t take long for her to climax again and, while he could have held off longer, he allowed himself to join her as her next orgasm ripped through her body.

An hour later, they were both feeling spectacular as Jason drove them to the home of Jeff and Elle Duncan. Mac looked forward to a casual evening where Grace could get to know the couple in charge of the Scottsdale office. He was pleased that Elle had extended the invitation to dinner, but he wasn’t surprised. She and Jeff were good people and he was certain they would love Grace.

Written by techgoddess
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