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Chapter Twenty-One

The next day required Mac and Grace to rise early. Grace had arranged for a car to take them to Loch Ness and Urquhart Castle on a private tour. The guide’s name was Andrew, and he’d agreed to pick them up from the hotel.

“This is the best way to do this tour in one day,” Grace insisted. “Besides, Andrew says he has many stories about Scotland that he can share. So, the ride there won’t seem so interminably long.”

Mac wasn’t thrilled about a three-hour car ride to see what he considered an imaginary creature. But Grace’s eyes had lit up like a Christmas tree when she spoke about the Loch Ness tour.

“You like castles, right? Well, then this is the perfect tour because we will get to spend two hours at Urquhart Castle.”

“If it means that much to you to go, I’m in,” he said. Grace asked for very little. He could undoubtedly accommodate her wish to see something fanciful. “Just as long as you don’t pout when we don’t see Nessie.”

Grace grinned. “Whether we see her or not isn’t the point. I just can’t be this close to Loch Ness and not see it! When will I ever have this opportunity again?”

Mac looked at her for a moment, realizing that she hadn’t quite grasped the concept that this wouldn’t be her last trip to Scotland. Now that she was his wife and Chief Operating Officer, she’d find herself in Edinburgh again. But he let that go for now.

Andrew hadn’t oversold himself. He was, indeed, a wealth of knowledge and had many stories to tell. The ride was entertaining with tales of unicorns prancing in the Isle of Skye and the dark and dangerous nature of kelpies, which were shapeshifting, horse-like water spirits said to have the strength of one hundred horses. And, of course, accounts of Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster that remained elusive, despite several allegedly confirmed sightings.

But the thing Mac enjoyed most was watching Grace as Andrew shared stories of these mythical creatures, as well as legends about faeries and selkies. Her face lit up with childlike wonder, and it touched his heart.

“Are they like mermaids then?” Mac found himself asking Andrew about the selkies.

“Nah! Selkies are mythical beings that change from seals to human forms when they are on dry land,” Andrew explained. “You’d be more likely to catch sight of them around the islands of Orkney and Shetland. But you’d best beware, as they are said to be devastatingly beautiful and can charm you into falling hopelessly in love with them.”

“Then they’d be like my Gracie,” Mac mused.

Andrew chuckled. It was nice to see a man so enamored with his wife that he would indulge in this type of fanciful day trip.

“If we don’t dally too much at Loch Ness, we’d have time to stop at Tomatin Distillery if you’re interested in Scotch. Their Tomatin-12 is classically smooth, but they’ve many others as well,” Andrew suggested.

Mac smiled, “Let’s see if time permits. I don’t want Grace to feel rushed.”

As it turned out, they’d likely not have seen Nessie even if she had risen out of the water and waved. However, the mist over the water was magical, and Grace was not disappointed despite the lack of an appearance by one of the most well-known mythical creatures.

At Urquhart Castle, they were able to climb the Giant Tower that overlooked Loch Ness. Andrew had stories about the castle as well. “Take a peek in this miserable prison cell,” he instructed. “It’s believed that this cell held the legendary Gaelic bard Domhnall Donn. He was a son of Conall Crandomna and the king of Dál Riata, although he died without mention of a title.”

Mac found himself less interested in the story and, once again, more fascinated by how intrigued Grace seemed to be with all of this lore. He suddenly wished they were alone so he could kiss her and make love to her. He wished he could move things along, but he didn’t want to be rude. Andrew was sharing a pretty detailed account of the Domhnalls.

“…and in 1452, John Domhnall, whose grandfather, Domhnall of Islay, had previously occupied the castle, returned, and successfully recaptured it, claiming the Lordship of Urquhart.”

“Can you imagine what it must have been like to live during medieval times? To live in a castle such as this?” Grace asked excitedly.

“It would be a bit drafty,” Mac teased.

Grace smiled. Mac had been so incredibly patient, humoring her desire to have a fanciful day filled with myths, legends, and Scottish lore. She had an idea of how to reward him for being such an indulgent husband.

They did stop at Tomatin, where Mac did a little shopping for his own bar and for gifts for the men who had helped to make his recent wedding to Grace so special. But Grace had something else in mind to show her gratitude.

Grace feigned being sleepy on the ride back to Edinburgh, so Andrew put on some classical music and didn’t talk so that his lovely passenger could rest. “There are blankets in the back if you’d like. Feel free to get comfortable,” Andrew suggested.

Grace opened up the blankets and covered herself and Mac while she rested her head in his lap. She waited a bit so it would seem to their driver that she was sleeping. Then she looked at Mac with mischief in her eyes. She placed her finger on her lips to indicate that Mac should be silent. Then she managed to discretely unzip his jeans and release his flaccid cock into her mouth.

Mac’s eyes flew open wide, and he gave Grace a look of warning. She looked up at him with those seductively blue eyes and ignored his silent plea for mercy.

He didn’t stay soft for long as her lips and tongue did magical things with his cock. Christ! How was he going to be able to keep quiet with Grace under the blanket making love to his shaft with her fabulous mouth? He couldn’t have stopped her if he wanted to; his dick had a mind of its own. Right now, it was enjoying Grace’s seduction way too much to think about the fact that this was extremely indecent.

He found himself silently thrusting while biting his tongue so he wouldn’t give away the fact that his wife was giving him an amazing blow job in the back of the driver’s vehicle. This was, by far, one of the most decadent acts he had ever engaged in. It was one thing to fuck a woman in the back of his limo and know that the driver may or may not be enjoying the view. It was quite another to be in the back seat of a hired car being treated to fellatio at its finest.

Grace took a deep breath and swallowed Mac’s cock, making it nearly impossible for him to keep silent. So, he feigned a cough, which caused a brief moment of eye contact between Andrew and himself in the rear-view mirror.

“Would you like some water, sir?” Andrew asked politely.

“No, um, I’m fine. Just a tickle in my throat,” Mac replied. He was secretly amused at the fact that it was Grace’s throat being tickled.

His eyes closed, and he allowed himself to be carried away in a fantasy in which Grace was the selkie who had seduced and charmed him. She was a delightful creature whose knowledge of how to please his cock knew no bounds. Fuck! She apparently had no gag reflex either as her nose was against his belly, and his shaft was completely engulfed.

He felt his balls tighten, and he grabbed Grace’s head. He held her there with his cock lodged in her throat and silently convulsed while he emptied himself. When she had him completely drained, he released her and felt her inhale sharply to refill her lungs with the air he had cut off momentarily. She looked up and him and smiled decadently.

They both drifted off for the remainder of the trip back. Andrew woke them by announcing that they were back at their hotel; Grace sat up and stretched. Then she whispered in Mac’s ear, “Don’t forget to zip yourself back up.”

Mac grinned. Was it any wonder that he was crazy about her?


Chapter Twenty-Two

“You were very naughty on the ride home, Mrs. Stewart,” Mac said as he finished his flatbread pizza from @Pizza Charlotte Lane.

“Oh, well, you could spank me, I suppose,” Grace teased.

“Oh, I plan to spank you, taste you, and fuck you, you wicked little minx,” Mac growled playfully.

“It’s pretty late, and tomorrow is a workday. So, I’m okay with a rain check if you want to wait,” Grace said, trying to be considerate but hoping Mac wouldn’t be.

“Not a chance,” Mac said. “Get those jeans off and hop on the table. I’m still hungry!”

“Well, you’re the boss.”

“Indeed, I am. So, open those legs for me, my sweet little redhead, and let me taste you.”

Grace expected him to dive right in and feast away. But she was delighted that he teased her first, planting wet kisses around her mound and inner thighs.

“God, Mac, I need you!” Grace pleaded when her arousal level spiked to intense need.

Mac looked up at her with a wicked grin and said, “You’re so greedy. Just be patient, my love. I promise you that I will have you writhing with pleasure soon enough.”

Grace’s hips rocked as she whimpered while Mac’s tongue was busy tracing circles around her labia. Finally, when she could wait no longer, she grabbed his head and pushed her needy little pussy into his mouth.

He toyed with pulling away and chastising her for being so naughty. But the scent and taste of her were too erotic to deny her the release that she needed.

Mac’s tongue and teeth did magical things to her luscious pink folds, exposing her clit from its hooded hiding spot and devouring it.

“Shh,” Mac warned as she panted. “You made me cum in silence, and now it’s your turn to experience a soundless orgasm. Can you do it, Gracie? Can you cum without screaming out my name?”

Grace’s gaze lowered as she nodded like an obedient, submissive slut. He feasted on her now with his fingers probing the places between her legs that belonged to him. Within seconds, she flooded his mouth with her nectar as she bit her bottom lip.

It was brutal, but she managed to cum just as silently as he had, and she was pretty proud of herself.

Mac scooped Grace up and carried her into the bedroom. “Get on your hands and knees and offer me your ass for the spanking you’ve been promised.”

Grace obeyed immediately, and Mac felt his shaft aching to be released from his jeans. But he would deny himself that pleasure until he spanked his sassy little wife until her cheeks were rosy. Only then would he unzip his pants and take her from behind.

“Are you ready to be punished for being such a little slut in the back of Andrew’s car?” Mac asked.

“Yes, Sir,” Grace moaned.

“That’s my good girl. When your ass is nice and red, I’ll let you feel my cock inside you. But you have to earn it.”

“Yes, Sir,” she repeated.

It made him so fucking hard and hot for her when she fell into this submissive role. Maybe it was because he knew she was a force to be reckoned with in the business world that made it so titillating when she submitted to him like this. Whatever the reason, he felt his cock grow harder with each swat of her creamy ass.

Only it didn’t stay creamy for long.

Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank!

“You love the sting of my hand on your ass, don’t you, Grace?”

“Yes! God, yes! More, please, Sir,” she cried out.

Mac continued to spank her until his balls felt ready to burst. Then, he unzipped his fly and let his throbbing shaft out to play. He took juices from her pussy and rubbed them all over his dick before entering her.

“Oh, fuck! You feel so fucking good, my little slut. How do you want it, baby? Slow and sweet? Or fast and hard?”

“Fast and hard, please, Sir! I need you to fuck me so badly!”

Like a cat in heat, Grace wiggled her ass and slammed herself back onto Mac’s rigid pole. Mac grabbed her hips and pumped into her with deep, hard thrusts. Soon, he was moving at jackhammer speed as he felt her pussy squeeze his cock with waves of spasming orgasms. She came over and over, screaming while she did until Mac’s balls felt like they were being gripped in a vise and then exploded as he filled her with his hot seed.

They collapsed, panting hard, hearts beating wildly.

Later, as they were getting ready for bed, Mac rubbed Grace’s ass. “I hope I wasn’t too harsh.”

“You definitely spanked me harder than you ever have, and it’s not something I want all the time,” Grace admitted. “But it made me so fucking hot and wet!”

Mac grinned as he lifted her nightgown. “Your ass is still pretty pink.”

“Well, that will teach me to give my husband a blow job in the back of a tour guide’s car,” she mused.

“I can’t say that I minded it,” Mac admitted. “It was certainly an unexpected pleasure. I don’t see how you could ever worry that sex will get stale between us.”

“It won’t if you continue to go down on me as you did at the table out there. That was incredible.”

“Just want to keep my wife happy!”


Chapter Twenty-Three

The work week went by quickly. Callum and his staff seemed on board with the acquisition and ready to be part of Stewart Enterprises. Callum even managed to behave, although the man could make you feel naked the way he looked at you, Grace thought. Mac agreed. It was disconcerting but flattering to have another man look at him like that. Although he had gay friends, he had never understood what men saw in other men. He still didn’t ever see himself wanting to go to bed with another man. But it no longer felt like such a mystery to him why some guys preferred other guys.

Although, with Callum, it didn’t seem to matter. Harris had a girlfriend, Sadie, who was open to inviting Callum into their bed. Callum and Harris were filling out relationship disclosure forms by the time the acquisition was in full swing. It looked like Grace had been a successful matchmaker once again.

“I finally heard back from Uncle Dominic,” Mac told Grace at dinner on their last night in Edinburgh. “So, I’d like to put Dublin on hold and head back to New York, if that’s okay with you.”

“Of course,” Grace said as she laid her hand on Mac’s. “Will Dominic be staying at your house?”

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Our house, Grace. You need to get used to the fact that it’s our house. But, yes, he will be staying with us. He offered to stay in a hotel, but I told him that was silly because my house is more than large enough to have him as our guest.”

Our house,” Grace corrected with amusement in her eyes.

Our house. I guess we both need to get used to that,” Mac said, lifting her hand to kiss it. Then he laid it against his cheek and sighed.

“What’s going on in that sexy brain of yours?” Grace asked.

“I had contemplated asking you to go to Dublin to feel out the firm that I am interested in there. But honestly, I can’t confront Dominic with the news that he is my father without you by my side.”

Grace beamed. “First of all, thanks for having enough faith in your business associate to feel I would be ready to go to Dublin for you. Second, thanks for having enough faith in your wife to know that I’d never let you handle that on your own. I love you, McKinley Stewart, and I will be there for you, always.”

“It’s funny. All my life, I insisted on being called McKinley because it sounded sophisticated and powerful. Then you came along and told me that the nickname, Mac, was strong and sexy. Then it bothered me when you wouldn’t call me Mac when we were acting all formal and pissy with each other.”

“I’ve never acted all formal and pissy in my life, McKinley,” Grace feigned being offended, but her smile gave her away.

Mac looked at his wife as love for her washed over him. “You stole my heart, Grace Remy. You made it impossible for me not to want you and need you and then to make you Grace Stewart.”

“I love you, Mac. I’ve never loved anyone before you. I thought I did, but not like this.”

“I know what you mean. I thought I loved Louise. But what I felt for her pales in comparison to what I feel for you. Every day I wake up loving you more than I did the day before. I used to think that was trite. But it's my reality, Grace. I rise every morning being more in love with you than ever before.”

Grace felt her eyes mist up. “Stop, you’re gonna make me cry.”

“Why, baby? What’s the matter?”

“Nothing is the matter. Not one thing. My emotions just overwhelm me at times.”

Mac took Grace into his arms and kissed her, softly at first and then with deep, unbridled passion.

When he broke off the kiss, he looked into her eyes and said, “I can’t wait to make love to you in our bed, in our home.”

“When do we leave?”

“I managed to get us booked on the 10:55 a.m. flight tomorrow morning. There’s a four-and-a-half-hour layover in Amsterdam, but the flight that had only a two-hour layover would leave at 6:00 a.m., and I was pretty sure you’d protest.”

“See how well you know your wife?”

“I’m getting there,” Mac said, smiling. “Hey, I want your honest opinion. Do you think Callum is the right guy to head up the Edinburgh office?”

“Yes, I do,” Grace answered. “Callum’s a little unconventional. But I think the staff respects him and he runs things efficiently. Plus, he’s incredibly honest. So, I think he will do well. I will make sure to communicate with him regularly for the first few months to make sure the transition goes smoothly.”

“Thanks, I value your opinion so much,” Mac responded.

“I know you do, and that means the world to me. It’s been a long time since anyone valued my opinion about something that matters. The level of trust you have in me as far as business is concerned has been a big boost to my self-esteem.”

“I meant what I said about the reason I promoted you, Grace. I know you were a kick-ass assistant…”

“Acquisitions Liaison,” Grace interrupted.

Mac grinned, “Yes, Acquisitions Liaison. But it would be a waste of your intelligence and business savvy to keep you in that role.”

“I hope that doesn’t mean you’re planning to hire someone else to take over my acquisitions role.”

“If that’s code for escort, no,” Mac said firmly. “You were my last escort, darling. But as far as what your role has become, I’d say I hit the jackpot on finally finding someone who understands what my vision is and how to help me take that concept and turn it into reality.”

Grace got a little misty-eyed. “I admire your vision, and I love being part of it.”

Mac brushed his lips softly against hers. “Let’s pack quickly so we can enjoy a bedtime snack.”

That made Grace smile. “Sounds like a plan.”


Chapter Twenty-Four

Having stayed up later than they planned, Grace and Mac were happy to be able to get some sleep on the way from Edinburgh to Amsterdam. They ate a meal, and both caught up on work emails in the Sky Lounge during their layover.

On the flight from Amsterdam to New York, they encountered the flight attendants, Marie and Damian, who were delighted to see the Stewarts.

“Mrs. Stewart, it is lovely to have you onboard again!” Damian greeted Grace cheerfully. “And, Mr. Stewart, that shirt is a great color for you! I must say, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in a polo shirt before.”

Mac grinned, causing Damian’s stomach to flutter a little. “Thanks! Grace picked it out for me. She convinced me to travel a bit more casually since we are heading home.”

Damian smiled, “Well, she’s right.”

Damian took their drink orders and headed up to the first-class galley where Marie was also preparing another passenger’s order.

“Oh, damn! Did you see McKinley Stewart’s arms?” Damian asked Marie as he reached into the cabinet for a bottle of Woodford Reserve. “He’s just as muscular as I imagined.”

“You know, if you’re not careful, you’ll end up with a hard-on and embarrass yourself,” Marie teased.

“Mmm, honey, don’t you know it!”

Halfway through the flight, Grace got up to use the lavatory. Damian took it upon himself to speak with Mac.

“I’m sure I am about to speak out of turn, so I hope you will forgive me in advance, Mr. Stewart.”

Mac shrugged. “Damian, I’ve traveled on your flights numerous times. So, I assure you that you won’t offend me.”

“Well,” Damian hesitated. “It just seems to me that you’ve inducted several of your previous escorts into the Mile High Club. I wondered if, perhaps, you’d like to do the same for your gorgeous wife. I’d be happy to create a bit of a diversion if you’d like to slip into the lavatory with Ms. Remy, I mean Mrs. Stewart. It’s certainly not my place to say so, but I think she is far more deserving of membership than those who came before her.”

Mac chuckled. “Perhaps I’ve neglected to do so because she is my wife. And, as such, far superior to anyone else I’ve ever brought aboard. She is, after all, more sophisticated as she has yet to ask me to induct her, while the others begged for such status.”

“No doubt, your wife is head and shoulders above her predecessors, but she strikes me as a woman who wouldn’t decline membership if it was offered to her properly.”

Mac raised an eyebrow. “Damian, are you suggesting that I sneak into that lavatory, lift my wife’s dress, unzip my trousers, and have my way with her?”

“I think she’d gladly lower her panties for you, sir.”

“You’d be wrong.”

Damian frowned, but Mac quickly continued. “She’s not wearing any panties.”

It was Damian’s turn to chuckle. “All the more reason that she would make an excellent new member.”

“Perhaps you’re right,” Mac agreed. “Go ahead and create that diversion.”

Grace had washed her hands and was just about to exit the tiny lavatory when Mac slipped inside, pulled her dress up to waist level, and said, Hold your dress up for me, darling. I’d like to share an experience with you that I think you’ll enjoy.”

Grace smiled decadently. “We’ve been traveling together for months, Mr. Stewart. I’ve been waiting for a long time for you to take me in the air.”

“Well, Mrs. Stewart, I was worried that you might view it as beneath you. You are, after all, my wife, not just an escort or a whore for me to fuck.”

“I think we’ve established that I can be both quite effectively. So, quit talking and slide inside me, Mr. Stewart.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Grace tucked the skirt of her navy cotton dress in her bra and placed both hands on the wall above the commode. Then she spread her legs apart a bit and said, “Take what’s yours, Mac.”

He unzipped his pants and freed his hard cock from its confinement. Grace was drenched as he rubbed his shaft along her slit, lubricating himself before easing into her. Their bodies moved together in an erotic dance as a bit of air turbulence jostled them a bit.

Mac picked up his pace, realizing that the captain could illuminate the fasten seatbelt sign any moment. He reached around and found her clit, swollen and needy.

“Oh, fuck, yes!” Grace cried out, forgetting to be quiet. But, fortunately, the noise from the engines drowned out her indiscretion to everyone. Everyone except Damian, who was trying to imagine what it looked and felt like to be nailed by McKinley Stewart in an airplane lav. Or anywhere else, for that matter.

“Quit trying to eavesdrop, Damian,” Marie chastised.

“Hey, if I can’t have that scrumptious man, at least I can try to hear an ooh or an ahh,” Damian laughed.

Meanwhile, Grace was cumming for the third time while Mac was filling her with his spunk.

“Now we’re even,” he growled playfully in her ear.


“You sucked my cock in the backseat of Andrew’s car, and now I’ve fucked you in an airplane lavatory.”

“Ah, so I guess that means it’s my turn to come up with the next decadent place to have sex,” Grace teased as she grabbed a handful of tissues to clean up the semen running out of her. “I guess I should have worn panties.”


When it was time to deplane, Grace touched Damian’s arm on the way to the exit and said, “Thanks for everything.”

“Oh, honey, you have no idea! You’re so welcome! We hope to see you soon.”

Mac followed suit and relayed his gratitude. Damian was mortified when the touch of Mr. Stewart’s hand on his arm caused a bit of a twitch between his legs. He nodded and hoped his burgeoning bulge wasn’t noticeable.

Their driver, Randall, was waiting for Mac and Grace at JFK Airport to help them collect their luggage and take them home.

“Welcome home, Mr. Stewart,” Randall said. “And Mrs. Stewart, of course.”

McKinley sensed a bit of something he couldn’t put his finger on in Randall’s voice. So, he raised an eyebrow at Randall and saw immediate remorse on the man’s face.

Grace noticed, too. But, as usual, she was gracious. “Randall, you are a sight for sore eyes. I’m so thankful that you are here to help us with everything and take us home.”

Randall tilted his head and smiled. “It’s my pleasure, Mrs. Stewart.”

When they entered the house, Mac scooped up Grace and carried her across the threshold of his front door.

“Put me down, silly. I don’t want you pulling a muscle in your back!”

Mac put her down and said, “Okay, Mrs. Stewart, would you like a tour of your home?”

Grace smiled, “Sure, but shouldn’t we get the bags inside?”

“Randall has that handled. He will bring them in, and Suzanna, the new housekeeper, will unpack them for us.”

Grace frowned. “I guess having Randall bringing the bags in seems normal enough. But why on Earth would we need someone to unpack for us?”

Mac blinked. It was how he’d always done things. But the way she said it made him feel foolish for delegating that particular chore to someone else. It made him acutely aware of the difference in their upbringings.

“I’m a busy guy, so I’ve always just let the housekeeper help out with stuff like that.”

Grace said nothing. She didn’t know what to say. Would she always feel this awkward and uncomfortable about things like this?

Mac looked at his wife and said, “Gracie, somehow you managed to get used to my money while we were traveling. You got used to first-class seats on the airplane and five-star hotel accommodations. You ate meals in fancy restaurants and paid extra to go on private tours. You’ll get used to paying people to do things like clean your bathrooms, cook your food, and yes, even unpack your suitcase.”

She nodded. She hoped he was right.

However, after she toured the house, she felt more overwhelmed, not less. But she had to admit that she loved the bathroom.

After Grace showered and brushed her teeth, she put on a pale pink nightgown. Mac sensed she was hesitant about getting into bed.

“Grace, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing. Everything is so wonderful here. It’ll take some getting used to, but it’s a fabulous house.”

“Something’s wrong. You have folded and refolded that blanket several times.”

“It’s just…”

She stopped. How could she tell Mac that she didn’t want to get in the bed where he’d made love to Louise?

And suddenly, miraculously, Mac knew what the problem was. “Hey, would you mind very much if we slept in one of the guest rooms?” he asked. “This mattress gives me backaches. I’ve meant to get a new one for this bed, but I’ve been procrastinating. I’m glad I did, now, because we can pick out a new mattress together.”

Grace smiled. “Of course, I don’t mind. I wonder if the uncomfortable mattress was part of what led to your compressed nerves?”

“Just another good reason to get a new one. Thanks for understanding, baby,” Mac said as he took Grace into his arms.

Grace kissed him softly and asked, “Does any of your house staff live onsite?”

“Yes, but no one comes to his level of the house after 10:00 p.m. unless there is an emergency. Why?”

“I just wondered. You know that I can be, um, loud at times.”

Mac laughed. “Don’t worry. You can scream as loud as you want when I make you cum tonight.”

“Tonight?” Had she known he wanted to make love tonight, she would have chosen a sexier nightgown. She had figured the restroom romp at 35,000 feet was enough to satisfy Mac. But she didn’t mind that he wanted more.

“It’s our honeymoon. You can’t expect me not to want to make love to my gorgeous wife,” Mac said. “So, pick a bedroom and prepare to have your first mind-blowing orgasm in our home.”

It didn’t surprise him that she’d chosen the smallest room. But it still had a king bed, as did all of the bedrooms in the house, so the room's size didn’t matter.

Just as he was about to join his bride on the bed, his cellphone rang.

“It’s Dominic,” Grace said as she looked at the display. “Don’t you want to answer it?”

“Dominic can wait. I need to fuck my wife.”

“Well, when you put it that way…”


Written by techgoddess
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