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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 42
0 miles · Quebec City


Just any R.E.M. song... it was my best friend's favorite band.
I always thought masturbating was a solution to a problem, not a problem itself. If you figure you masturbate too much, maybe try getting more hobbies. And a life partner.
Quote by castlequeen
Several Sharks and Canucks players after games, but I envy any girl who got to meet Ray Bourque!

I'm a man, so maybe I'm missing something, but why? I met Ray Bourque and he didn't make me wish I was gay.
Oh... many people like singer/harpist Loreena McKennitt. I met her when I was with a friend, in a small coffee shop in a middle-of-nowhere village in Tuscany, where she currently lives. We chatted for a bit, and were probably the only two canadians within a 50 km radius.
How can we compete with Doll now...

I've mostly met hockey players, while working on a golf course. Yep, hall of famers call me "Mister" and apologize when they get in my way. For canadians here who would care, the hall of famers were Patrick Roy and Raymond Bourque. But I've frequently come across regular NHLers like Simon Gagné, Alex Tanguay, Philippe Boucher and Donald Brashear.

And I've met golfers Padraig Harrington, Geoff Ogilvy, Mike Weir, Ian Poulter, Sergio Garcia and Fred Couples.
Quote by Buz
I think I must be the only American left alive that knows that if the Americans had won the Battle of Quebec against the British in 1775 that Canada would now be part of the USA. Had we won that would be about 35 million more people who can't answer geographical, geopolitical or historical questions to our already burgeoning number. haha

That's the most hilarious battle of all time. Americans get here, get beaten mostly by a thing called winter.

Just to be fair, canadians aren't all that smarter. Go ask most kids and plenty of them will actually think Canada IS part of the US.

And finally: Canadian Bacon is the only Michael Moore movie I absolutely love! I loved Dan Aykroyd's part.
Please change your course, eh.

If it had been a quebecer light house, there would have been swears every two words by the end.
I don't think it's something you exactly know (how you would react) until you've been in the situation. But the past indicates I would do a whole lot. I have a friend who wasn't even in a danger of death, last year, but merely broke, in a new city (on another continent, too... hong kong), crappy apartment, very little food, right before the holidays, and my reflex was to transfer a few hundred dollars to her bank account, just so she could have a christmas, and some relief. And it's not like she was my best friend either. I just felt that if I had been in her situation, I would have been infinitely grateful if someone had helped me. Maybe it was vanity... I wanted to be a hero for someone, I wanted to be adored, if only for a moment.

Taking a bullet, or taking a beating at the hands of intruders, or jumping between a loved one and a bear... I don't know. First concern would be the safety of my loved ones. But that doesn't necessarily means jumping in. But if someone gave me the inevitable choice of them or me, I would take it upon myself. I just know I could live with whatever harm that would come to me, if I were to survive. And if I were to die, then.. meh.. I don't believe in after-life, so I'm good too. silly
Quote by sprite
shovel snow

Aww, come on! I work up quite a sweat shovelling snow. I need to take a few layers off. You just don't understand.
The only way I could be happy with the outcome of this game is if both team lost. I guess I won't have a choice, and I'll gamble the hell out of this game just to get an interest in a team or another.
Quote by Aletheia

Your friend is hilarious, Rudy ;)

She's alright. silly
If you still want her, your best shot is probably by not pursuing her anyway. If you want to make sure nothing ever grows out of it, tell her, so you can move on. Otherwise, just go after someone else, you never know. Option A: the next target will be even better than this girl. Option B: with some time and the continued friendship, current girl sees how great a person you are and grows deeper feelings for you. Option C: everybody moves on independently and this isn't even an afterthought in the future. Option D: you dwell on this and regret a past you can't change and a future you can't have.

Keep your head up and look ahead.
Quote by AliceD
Nope, I just t it done.

have you ever been caught masturbating?

Not that I officially know of, but it wouldn't shock me if someone caught me and never mentioned it.

Do you procrasti... ah... I'll finish later... ?
Quote by Dancing_Doll

Better to go out with a bang than a simple and reasonable, "I need time off Lush" message, right?

Coming and going with a bang is Lush's motto.
Quote by nicola
I've heard this site is good for non-erotic stories, if you're interested in getting them published online.

It's run by a really lovely woman too:

On storiesspace, Lush is referred to as "the other site". True story.

I write almost exclusively non-erotica. I've only written erotica as a challenge.
Quote by rudyP34
I'm enjoying the game so far. ;)

Wasn't that one of the greatest games of all time? Holy shit, what a win. When my niners win,, I love everyone. So, I love you all, guys.
Quote by Nikki703

I have been reading you guys go back and forth, It is great to see passionate fans support their teams, LOL!

But here is a dumb girl's opinion,

Saints 30- Forty-Niners 17

Ravens 24 - Texans 20

Patriots 38 - Broncos 24

Giants 34 - Packers 31 (OK maybe Im dreaming, LOL)

So for those of you who gamble (although I doubt any of you good citizens would ever do that), good chance if you take the Costanzian aproach and go opposite, you can make some money!!

Go Giants!!!

Wouldnt a Saints - Broncos Super Bowl be interesting? Who would God root for? LOL

There's nothing dumb in your picks. Everything can happen! For the saints-niners game (the only one I've really focused on, because Tebowmania comes with the compulsory gag reflex), I can see it finishing 45-10 for the saints, as much as I can see it finishing 35-17 for the 9ers. So anything in between is possible. What I don't see, though, is a 9-6 game, or a 55-52 game.

And God will be pissed again this year. He's up there, on his cloud, watching, but the game is in a dome... He usually only has the freakin' blimp to curse about.
Quote by sprite

oh, honey, you've been taking to the wrong girls. size is the ONLY thing that matters.

I will vouch for this. Rachel is all about size. She constantly criticizes the size of my feet, the size of my car, the size of my wallet, the size of my earlobes... I'm never good enough.
Quote by Magical_felix

Did you remember to accurately lie about your penis size? I never go below 12 inches or so. Like normal cock is frowned upon here.

Who said I pretended to have a penis?
Once, a girl deleted her account while I was chatting with her... I thought it was rude.
It depends how charitable you are. I think someone who tries to re-connect with an old flame from the past isn't necessarily someone who never ceased to have these feelings for you. That could be troubling and creepy. I wouldn't be surprised if that person just recently went through a break-up or a loss, feels generally lonely and is rather hopeless for the future, so instead turn towards the past. As I said, if you're charitable, maybe strike a conversation, because that person probably needs someone to talk to. If you don't have the time, patience or general personality to take on what could become a burden, then don't do it. Just ignore the message and move on. If you have the time and character, proceed with care, setting clear boundaries.
Quote by lafayettemister

I'm a firm believer in the jinx. So I won't say what the Saints will or won't do. However, N.O. has the best O-line in football. And the Saints have been runnning the ball really well lately. They run violently. Willis is a stud, no doubt about that. Three players than can cover Jimmy Graham? I'll believe it when I see it. It could happen. But the dude is good! The Saints use the screen play really well. They want the defense to come up and stop it. It will leave the flat and the long ball open. Brees does take too many chances, I agree with that. I'm looking forward to a good game.

I think that game may end up being more interesting than the superbowl (football-wise). This is a real clash. Everybody knew that in a shootout between the saints and the lions, the saints would win. Now, this will be an entirely different kind of game. This one will hit hard.
Quote by yuuum
Manchester united, a proper football team not the American stuff ;)
Red devils heart

American football started off with the feet, hence its name. Only, it evolved into the game we see today. On the other hand, SOCCER DEvolved into a penis biting sport...

Quote by lafayettemister

Saints defense has improved. Held the Lions to half what the Packers allowed to them. Being that it's an outdoor game will hurt the Saints. And the Niners don't have Megatron, that dude is phenomenal. I hope for a good game. Much better show than my LSU Tigers put on last night. That was humiliating.

The reason I have any kind of confidence going into this game is the game we played against the eagles, in week 4. We gave up over 500 yards of offense, including over 400 yards to Vick alone, his best game as a QB. Yet, the eagles only scored 23 points, and none in the second half. We scored 21 unanswered points and won 24-23. We will give up yards to the Saints, and plenty of it. And the saints are much better finishers than the eagles, in my opinion. But you'll see on saturday how hard it is to do anything against us in the redzone. The only reason why we didn't finish 1st in most categories on defense is because we rested up the likes of Justin Smith and Ray Mcdonald, and Patrick Willis missed 3 games. We have three players who can cover Jimmy Graham on our base defense. We have LBs who anticipate what RBs do out of the backfield (Pat Willis is the best LB in the NFL at sniffing out screen plays, your bread and butter). And you simply won't run on that defense. We'll give up yards, stuff you in the redzone, give up field goals, put pressure on Brees and we won't drop the easy interceptions the Lions left on the field last week.
Quote by lafayettemister

I'm not one to talk shit for my team. Saints should win by 14+ versus Niners. But, that's why they play the games. Anything could happen.

We'll see about that. The saints sure are the favorite. I was simply taunting a little. But I think it will be a much closer game than people expect. The saints haven't faced a defense like the niners', this year. Brees will get his yardage and the saints will seem explosive yet again. But once they get in the redzone, it will be much tougher, and prepare to settle for field goals more than once. So instead of scoring 35 points, the saints will probably score around 20-24 points. And they don't have a defense to scare anybody. They can be run on, passed on, and if by any chance they lose the lead, they might end up chasing their own tails, wondering how that happened.

My biased fan prediction: 24-21, San Francisco. After the game, you will know the name "Aldon Smith" very well.
Quote by sprite

Yeah, they needed God on their side to win cause the Raiders are kick ass!

More like, when you can't get at least decent quarterbacking, you can only throw a prayer here and there. It's just that Tebow's prayers weigh more heavily than, say, mine...

But still, the raiders failed.