It feels odd when some Lush member that you like just disappears.
One that has not logged in for 3 months is abygaleturner69. I really enjoyed her stories and she always left great comments on mine. Her page is still there but who knows.
I am sure that this will happen every so often it just feels strange when it does. Maybe kind of a sad feeling.
At least she didn't delete her account, so maybe when real life eases up ... she'll log back on ... and you can catch up!
It's really sad, when friends delete their account and never return ... those bother me more. At least when they are MIA ... I just hope they are healthy and happy .....
Yes a friend of mine turned me onto this site because we both love to write stories. One day logged in and he had deleted his account. I get down about it because if I was to leave I would put a comment in. Just how I am....
honestly pisses me off so much!! more so hurts me especially if they were a person i talked to on a regular basis!
Some of my closest internet friends were founded on Lush, but have now moved on and away to maybe 'safer ground' away from the overtly sexual environment here. Good friends will stay in your life a long time , fickle friends - well who really cares anyway!
I have recently had this happen to me and I do feel a sense of loss. We communicated several times a day everyday then suddenly nothing. I do pray that my friend is safe and well. I am now being careful not to allow anyone on lush to become that much a part of my daily life because it hurts. I get that life happens and we all have our priorities. Still friends are not supposed to just disappear. Ok I am done belly aching.
Sex is not the answer. Sex is the question. "Yes" is the answer. ~Swami X
I remember being quite shocked when someone I chatted to regularly just disappeared from the top of my friends list.
Luckily, it was a temporary thing, and she was soon back, but it made me realise how much it meant, just knowing she was there for a chat when we were both on together.
one of the saddest things i've personally had to deal with--in a long time--was seeing that my oldest and best friend was gone. luckily we shared an e-mail about his departure, but there isn't a day that goes by that i don't miss seeing his stupid name and generic avatar at the top of my list.
Best thing to do... keep the contact outside Lush!
Usually the people I get to be close friends with have a certain way of leaving that wont be unnoticed.
I think I'm one of the ones who leave a note on the kitchentable, slip out the back door. Forget something very many times and my escape gets noticed. Then I escape quietly for a while come back without keys and press myself down the chimney like ST Nick and sit me down by the dinner table, assuming that my plate is still there.
I have been here a long time. Online life is more intensive than most friendships or flirtations. People leave because they get bored or their other half finds out or their online lives start taking over their real one. I don't mean to sound cynical but how much can you really know from someone's online persona? How much is real and how much is bullshit? You once fufilled a need and they don't need you anymore so they leave in the most painless way(for them). They don't then have to deal with the fall out that their cowardice created.
If you have a meaningful connection with someone, it should go beyond Lush.
For the more casual 'online friends', it's just the way life evolves... and not that different than real life in some ways. People's lives cross and uncross as life changes over time. It's natural.
It is a strange feeling that the people you connect with on Lush are no longer on the site. It does not feel right! I really do miss talking to CokeheadBarbie and Contessa…
I know I connect with my Lushie friends and they definitely pick me up when I'm down, but when I'm dating someone seriously I don't generally use the site, I feel sort of guilty about it. If they're into it too, then that's cool, but a lot of times it just makes people uncomfortable or jealous and the emotional connection with my real life love life is more important to me so I try to avoid drama or hurt feelings. Plus it just makes ME uncomfortable. If I'm in love with someone and they are filling all my needs, I feel no need to use the site other than to just monitor my page/stories. To me,, when people disappear I always think they have something going right in their real life, and I try to be happy for them.
Right there. Oh yeah baby. Right there.
I had a few friends who i talked to everytime they were on here, the first one ended up randomly deleting his account one day and I was kind of sad. then this guy i had talked to on both Lush and , he deleted his account and never signed on anymore, but then not too long ago, he showed up again on Lush.
Most recently, one of my friends who i was talking to everyday (and with him, I NEVER talked dirty, I had actual conversations with him and found out a lot about him) sadly I came on to find his account was deleted....however, his roommate sent messages to his friends, sadly he had been killed. I cried a bit, he was a really cool and interesting person to talk to.
Just logged on tonight and realized one of my top friends is gone. Deleted with no goodbye message and no reason. Leaves me shaking my head that she would be gone with out even saying goodbye.
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
What it comes down to is that some people come to be apart of the community for the long run, and others just pass through. Sure some connections may be made and some take them more seriously than others. I also agree with Jezziebelle...sometimes "real life" gets in the way. However, does that make what happens online unreal? I suppose the answer for some is "yes" which is why people disappear...
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