I am an intelligent, cultured, shaven headed 40 something. I enjoy real women and real conversation.
I am not into anything or anybody that is crass or cheap, I need my intellect stimulated before anything else.
I am into sensuality rather than porn. I like it to simmer slowly before the heat is built.
Red Wine, Intelligence, The Ballet, Opera, Grace, Erotica and a good heart. Anything that does not involve rudeness, ego or ignorance.
Favorite Books
The Count of Monte Christo, Lord of the rings, Zen and the art of Motorcycle maintenance.
Favorite Authors
Henry Miller, Kipling, Dumas, Tolkien, Betjeman
Favorite Movies
Capras "Its a wonderful life", The Black Swan, What dreams may come, Brief Encounter, Twelve Angry men, Pi, Girl on a motorbike.
Favorite Music
Otis Redding, Tchaikovsky, Most sixties to eighties music, Classical, Rock and a whole lot of swing.
Alpha Magus
Straight Male