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Over 90 days ago
Female, 54
United States


I love the feel of him pulsating as he cumms in my pussy.
I also love holding him in. I'll wrap my legs around him and hold on. He gets even bigger the second time around.
It was a dare my hubby and I lost from the weekend party. We had to fuck in the front yard in broad daylight. Thank goodness there was no traffic.
We have once, it wasn't all that great. Now with another woman, OH YEA
It depends, some days its once maybe twice. Othertimes it maybe two or three days between jillin.
I have played with mine for hours, and It does get alil sensitive.
I'm like Sally, depends on my mood. If I'm extremely horny, cum in me. It intensifies my orgasm.
I love to be on top. I can control myself and him. Of course once I start cumming, I can't stop. I usually soak him and the bed.
There are two, one is lesbian and the other is watchin another woman jill.
I believe that, you can't have one without the other. I love both, giving and receiving.
My hubby loves white, white pushup, white stockings, white thong.
chat can be fun as long as its two way and continues both ways.
I have a pair of remote panties with the egg. I've worn them with my hubby and I 've been out with my girlffriends. Two of my g/f's have remotes and we re constantly teasing each other.
The slower the better, I too have multi-orgasms and hubby says I soak his face.
On occational. Hubby and I have watched together. I do enjoy watching a woman jill, it gets my juices flowing.
I have with my hubby quite often. He loves it, and so do I.

And I've chatted with a few of my g/f's while rubbin, but not with the cam on.
Thats a tough question, my hubby is wonderful in bed. But theres times when nothing is better than the touch of a woman
Oh yes, quite often I'll tease my hubby into masturbating just to watch him cumm onn himself
In the top of the statue of liberty, on our honeymoon. I was 23 and he was 25.
I'm like most mothers, when the chance presents it self. or when I'm able to arrange for the girls to be gone
nothing turns me on more than to watch a man or woman cum
I love feeling it get hard in my hands. and watchin him cum all over himself
Iprefer amatuer, its not staged or as fake, I also like voyeur.